Chapter 01 - The Journey Begins

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Even before entering the Wizarding World, Samuel felt magical. He had just crossed the border between the Muggle realm and that of magic, arriving at Diagon Alley. Finally, there was nothing that could hold him back now. "Yes," thought Samuel, "It's my moment. The beginning of my journey..." He grinned. Just the thought had delighted him. "Yep, look out Hogwarts, because here comes Samuel Sulliva-"

A strong gust of wind interrupted him, blowing his short side-parted black hair across his aquamarine eyes and into Samuel's mouth. "Puh! Pah!" He choked, sputtering. Attempting to fix the problem, Samuel trips on his own black robes, falling to the ground. So much for a grand introduction.

Suddenly, a taller figure approached him. Somebody almost identical to Samuel himself, minus the black circular glasses and hairstyle (his was curled). "Need help?" asked the person, extending his arm.

Samuel quickly grabbed it and pulled himself up. "Thank you, but I could have helped myself..." they announced, with a slight sense of annoyance. Another boy, one paralleling the other, simply with wavy shoulder-length hair approached Samuel, laughing at resting his arm on him. "Sure you could," he chuckled, "You're just mad you had a pathetic introduction." Samuel scowled.

Following that, a girl confronted the laughing boy, unamused. "Quit it, Samwise. He doesn't like it." The student of the name Samwise glares at the girl, before scoffing. "Whatever. You're no fun." The girl is just about to respond, when the taller boy abruptly wrapped his arms around the other three. "Guys, don't bicker. We're finally preparing for our First Year at Hogwarts and you're still fighting? What would Mum and Dad say?"

Yes, those kids were indeed Samuel's siblings. Even worse, they were quadruplets, and Samuel was the eldest. Then followed Samson, the taller boy, Samantha, the girl, and of course, Samwise. (You heard that right. Although their parents were wonderful people, the name sharing was a bit too far). And sure, it may sound fun to be a quadruplet, but Samuel was annoyed by the sharing and the living in one anothers shadows. Samson was the popular kid, Samantha was the social butterfly, and even Samwise - the immature little brother named after a book character - was more liked than Samuel.

Who would like a nerdy kid like himself anyways?

"-so why don't we go there first?" asked Samson. Samuel blinked in confusion. He had been drifting off again. "Wow," Samwise exclaimed, "Even I was listening. This is a new low for you." Samuel snarls. "Shut up." Samwise smiles, obviously pleased with this. Samuel was of course intelligent in the ways that mattered to him, but one thing that he lacked was emotion intelligence. "Don't let him get to you," comforted Samantha, "He just wants a reaction."

Samantha stared at him in concern whilst Samson scolded Samwise. It was meant with good intention, but it didn't sit right with Samuel. He felt like he was lesser, that he had to be taken care of, and that he was some kind of freak. Samuel wished for an adventure to prove all of his doubts wrong, but he knew that he was just hopeless.

"Whatever," he croaked, walking away. "Sam, wait-" Samantha cried out, although Samuel didn't listen. She begins to run after him, but Samson quickly holds her back. "He'll be fine. He needs some time alone, and since we have his luggage I know we won't lose him..." Samwise snickered, "Aww man!"

Samuel walked along the rows of stores filled with people, looking down with shame and sulking. This was pathetic, he was pathetic. "You're nothing," thought Samuel, "You can't handle anything..." He had wished for some sort of positive trait like his siblings - bravery, friendliness, cunning - he was fine with anything as long as it meant he wasn't himself.

"I need to look out for myself..." muttered Samuel, reading his Hogwarts invitation letter again. He could very much get his equipment himself, without the help of his stupid siblings. It read,

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