Dreams and fantasies

By bratty_bbygrl

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This book will be filled with mini parts of things that I think of including: -gxg things -random things I t... More

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By bratty_bbygrl

(A/n: This part is a very long part, one where I wish that dreams could become real. Make sure to follow me everyone)


Y/n: your name

Y/gf/n: your girlfriends name

Y/m/n: your mothers name

Y/f/n: your fathers name


Reader POV:

Today was the day that my girlfriend was coming to visit me. She hasn't been able to because of her being so busy with work. She finally was able to take time off from work. She hadn't told me about it but she had mentioned that if she were able to get time off from work then she would come and see me. I was asleep when I got a phone call. I didn't read who was calling before I picked up the phone "hello..." I say sleepily. "Good morning baby" she says over the phone. I rub my eyes trying to wake up "morning" I say softly. She smiles "guess what my love" she says to me. "What?" I ask. "I am able to take time off work and I was hoping to come and see you" she says. I shot up in shock "Y-you want to come and see me......really?" I ask. "Yes baby unless you don't want me to" she says with a hint of sadness. I shake my head realizing that she can't see me "I didn't say that I just didn't expect you to want to. When will you be coming? How are you getting here? How long will you be staying?" I start to ask her a bunch of questions, not being able to keep my excitement to myself. She laughs lightly "babe calm down...I was hoping I could leave soon and be there by tonight. I will be driving to you and I'm not sure maybe I will stay until my holidays are done. I want to spend as much time with you as I can" she says. "I-umm tonight? You'll be driving? Are you going to be safe? You want to stay here for the whole time?" I ask. "Yes baby tonight. I always promise to be safe. Yes I told you I want to spend as much time with you as I can" she says smiling. "Then that's perfectly fine with me. You'll just have to let me know when you're close by so I can have the front door unlocked and I can make sure to have something ready for you to eat" I say as I put my phone on speaker and stretch not realizing a small sound escaped my lips. "Baby keep making those sounds and I might just have to eat you for dinner" she says with a smirk. I feel my cheeks heat up "I-I'm sorry I didn't know I did that" I say nervously. "Don't worry baby I like those sounds. How about you do what you need to do before I'm there because when I get to you I'm not letting you go. You're mine until I have to go back" she says. "I thought I was always yours" I say to her as I bite my lip. "You're always mine. Stop biting your lip babe that's my job" she says. 'how did she know I was biting my lip?' I ask myself. "I'll go and do what I need to" I say trying to avoid what she said. "Okay i won't forget to message you. I love you see you soon baby girl" she says smirking. "I-I love you...daddy" I say smiling before quickly ending the call. I get up off my bed and go pick out some cute clothes for the day. I realize that I forgot to tell my girlfriend that i was having my parents over for a couple days. I quickly send her a text.

Me: hey baby I forgot to mention that my parents are coming down for a couple days. They will be here tomorrow afternoon...Is that okay?

My love❤️: yes that's perfectly fine my love. I haven't seen them in a while. It would be nice to see them and catch up with them.

Me: okay please drive carefully

My love❤️: I will baby

I put my phone on the bed and continue to look for clothes. I put them on the bed for when I am done with my shower. I grab my phone and go into the bathroom, starting up the shower and setting it to the right temperature. I start to undress until I am left in my bra and panties. I smirk and take a cute but sexy mirror selfie and send it to my girlfriend 'can't wait to see you daddy'. I take my undergarments off as I get a text and a picture of her hand on her leg. I blush and read the text.

My love❤️: sending that now are we? I can't wait to see you either baby. I also think your clothes would look better on the floor beside the bed with you under me

Me: I-umm babe

My love❤️: what's wrong baby?

Me: n-nothing

My love❤️: don't lie to me. Tell me what you were going to say.

Me: I was going to say that I am trying to not get wet...

My love❤️: good girl for telling daddy. Go ahead get wet all you want I'll be tasting you soon

I blush not knowing how to react to what she said.

Me: okay now shower time

I sent the text and put my phone down. I try to control my breathing before I step into the shower and start to get clean. After about 15 minutes I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in my towel and played music on my phone. I walk into my room and dry myself off before getting dressed. I make sure to put on a cute bra and pantie set. I go to my vanity in the corner of my room and sir down on my stool as I start to brush my hair. I decided that putting on light make-up would be good because I will be busy but it also will go best with my outfit. I get up off the stool and walk to my stand up mirror in the other corner of my room and admire my outfit trying to see what vibes it gives off. I smile and grab my phone heading down the stairs into the kitchen making sure to clean up a bit before my girlfriend gets here. I realize that I have to run to the grocery store to get a few things for dinners when my parents and girlfriend are over. I put my shoes on and grab my keys going out to the garage where my car is parked. I open the garage, get in my car and start it up. After I am buckled I back up out of the driveway making sure to close it. I then start my adventure to the grocery store.

~Time Skip Back Home~

I made my way home safely and brought in all of the groceries inside and put them away. I walk into the living room and make sure everything is tidy. I look at the time and see that I have a text from my girlfriend.

My love❤️: hi baby. I wanted to let you know that i am definitely not speeding to get to you

Me: babe you saying that you're not means that you are

My love❤️: yeah you know me so well

I smile.

Me: how close are you then if you're 'not' speeding?

My love❤️: like maybe 10 minutes away...

Me: baaaby I thought I told you to be safe and to let me know when you were close.

My love❤️: I am being safe and oh I'm like 9 minutes away now

Me: smart ass 🙄

My Love❤️: take that eye roll back or I'll give you a reason for you to roll your eyes

I blush and don't message her back. I get up to go and unlock the front door and I grab my phone and go into the kitchen as I hear my phone go off.

My love❤️: baby girl I said take it back now

I wait a few minutes before texting her again

Me: no daddy

I see that she reads my text but doesn't reply. I start to get confused but after about 4 minutes I hear the front door open and I look at the time then look back into the doorway of the kitchen with a shocked look on my face. I see my girlfriend walking into the house looking for me. I shot down behind the island before she could see me. I hear her pull her phone out and text someone. I hear my phone go off "shit'' I say in my head as I hear her footsteps near me. I keep my head down with my eyes shut wondering if she will find me or not. I open my eyes to see 2 feet in front of me as I slowly look up and smile before I get up and try to run away. She catches my waist with both of her arms and lifts me up to place me on the island trapping me between her arms. "Now are you going to be my good girl and take back your eye roll?" she asks. "h-hello to you too baby and I don't think I will" I say smirking. "Fine by me" she says as I look at her confused. She then moves one of her hands to my thigh before she slowly moves her hand up my skirt. I feel my breath hitch as I move my hand to stop hers. She moves my hand out of the way and continues. "B-baby what are you doing?" I ask her. She looks at me "I told you to take back the eye roll or I was going to give you a reason to make you roll them" she says smirking before her hand reaches my panties. I blush and look away. With her free hand she moves me to face her and pulls me down to kiss her. I smile and kiss her back not noticing her move my panties to the side. I feel her smirk as she pulls away slightly "Someone was eager for me to get here. My baby girl is very wet" she says, feeling me slightly as I blush trying to close my legs. She forced them back open again and I whined quietly. "Do you want me to stop?" she asked me. I shake my head "no daddy please don't stop" I say quietly. "Good girl. Now tell me what you want" she says already knowing what I want. "You babe I want you please" I said to her. She pulls me to kiss her a little harder this time feeling her fingers. She slowly enters one finger and starts to move it. I whine and move my arms around her neck making sure that one hand is pulling on her hair slightly. She then enters in another finger and starts to move faster. I hear her moan when I pull her hair as I smirk and do it again. She moves her fingers quicker and I pull away from the kiss "f-fuck daddy don't stop" I moan. "I wasn't planning on it baby" she says, picking up the pace and curling her fingers slightly. "oh god right there fuck I'm close" I whine. "Go ahead baby cum for me. Show me how good you are. Make a mess" she says, kissing my neck. I feel myself release onto her fingers with a loud moan as I try to control my breathing. She moves from my neck as she pulls her fingers out and brings them up to her mouth, licking them clean. After she is done I see her smirk at me then her head disappears. I look down confused before I start to feel pleasure again. "Shit babe...ah...what are you...mmm...doing" I moan and pull at her hair again. She doesn't reply but she continues to eat me out. I'm sensitive so it doesn't take me long before I'm cumming again. She licks all of my juices up before coming back up and kissing me, making me taste myself. She pulls away "fuck I missed you" she says smiling as she rests her for head onto mine. I smile "I missed you more" I say. "Now what do you say we do something before dinner" she says helping me off the island and holding my waist. "Like what? I don't know what you want to do" I say to her. "How about we go on a walk? Or we can just go on a drive" she says. "I don't care as long as I'm with you" I say moving up to kiss her cheek before turning around and starting to walk away. I feel her eyes on me "if you like looking at my ass that much I can go change?" I ask her. She smirks "no I love that outfit on you. Don't change it. If people stare at what's mine they will have me to deal with" she says as she follows me to the front door. I make sure to grab my keys" I ask her. "Mine. I don't want you to drive when I'm here" she says making sure that she has her car keys. We walk out of the house and I lock it up. She grabs my hand and we walk to her car. She opens the door for me and I thank her and get in as I put my seat belt on and wait for her. She gets in and puts her seat belt on and starts her car. She looks over at me "are you ready?" she asks, putting her hand out to hold mine. "Yes I am" I say before waiting for her to start driving then I put my hand in hers and smile. She starts talking to me about how she wants to move to my city so she can be closer to me. "what if you just move in with me?" I ask her quietly as I stare down at our hands. She looks over to me with a shocked expression. I look up at her "what? Did I say something wrong?" I ask nervously, wanting to move my hand away. She holds my hand tighter and smiles before focusing back onto the road "I would love to move in with you but are you sure you're ready for that?" she asked me. "Yes I'm sure. I love you and we have been together for a while. I want you to move in with me. We can start our future" I say. She lifts my hand to her lips and kisses the back of it gently "then I would be more than happy to move in with you babe" she says. "Yay so when can we go and get some things of yours? Can we go grab some stuff like clothes now?" I ask in a rush. "Calm down sweetheart. We have lots of time to get things. Right now I just want to spend my time with you" she says as we pull up to a local park. She gets out of the vehicle and comes to my side before I could open my door. She opens it for me and holds out her hand "my lady" she says. "Well thank you" I say smiling and get out of the vehicle. Her and I started our journey on a walk in the park. Her and I continue to talk and catch up. I see a bench that's further into the park secluded near a bunch of trees and bushes making it look private and pretty. I smile and look around to see if anyone is watching before I quickly drag my girlfriend with me. "Woah where are we going?" she asks. I ignore her as I get to the bench and pull her to sit down before I sit down on her lap with my arms draped over her shoulders. Her hands find their way to my hips holding me in place. I lean down and get close to her lips before quickly moving to kiss her neck. "Y-you ignored me. Bad g-girls don't get rewards" she stutters. I put one of my hands over her mouth and continued kissing her neck starting to leave hickeys. She tries hard to hold her moans in but I bite her and I hear her make a noise. I remove my hand from her mouth letting her make noises as I continue. "Baby girl, what are you doing?" she asks. I ignore her again and move up to kiss her lips passionately as I move my hips on her gently. I feel her hands go under my skirt and grip my ass. I pull away from the kiss and look at her with lust in my eyes. "Couldn't wait until we got home could you" she says smirking. "Nope either you risk getting caught right here right now or we go back to your car, your choice" I say whispering into her ear before biting it and continuing to kiss her neck. Sleep leans her head back and I feel her grab something from her jeans pocket. I then notice her move my panties to the side and I feel her fingers and something cold. I move to her lips again and kiss her hard. Without warning she enters a finger inside of me and I whine. I feel the cold thing go where her finger was before she pulls her finger out and fixes my panties. I pull away from the kiss again looking at her confused. She pulls out her phone "stand up and look at me" she says. "Why?" I ask. "Baby girl what did I say?" she asks. I roll my eyes and get up off her lap before gasping slightly "w-what was that?" I ask. She looks at her phone for a moment before I notice her smirk. I then feel light vibrations being sent through my body. My knees go weak and I stumble keeping a moan in. "Babe what was that?" I ask again. "I told you. Bad girls don't get rewards" she says turning the setting up as she gets up walking to me quickly holding me. "Shit" I whisper. She smirks "lets see how long you can last" she says before we walk back to her car. We get to her car and she opens the passenger door for me. I look at her and sigh lightly before hesitating to sit down. I get in the car biting my lip as she closes the door and I notice the vibrations start to calm down. 'She must have turned it down' I think to myself. She gets in the driver's seat making sure to smirk at me "where to babe?" she asked me. "Well I was thinking of going home to make dinner considering it's your first night here but I d-don't have the energy right now to make dinner..." I stutter slightly. "How about I take you out for dinner then?" she asked me. "I would definitely be okay with that" I say to her but I start to wonder what will happen at dinner. She picks out a restaurant to go to and starts to drive to it. Once we get to the restaurant we park and get out, making our way into it. I notice my girlfriend asks one of the hostesses a question and she looks at her shocked but nods and tells us to follow her. My girlfriend comes to me and holds my hand as we follow the hostess. I see that we are near the back of the restaurant where there aren't many people. I sit down across from my girlfriend and look at the menu trying to decide on what to eat and drink. I bite my lip still feeling the small vibrations in my panties. My girlfriend notices and moves her hand up to my lips, making me look at her as she stops me from biting my lip. "Stop doing that. It's my job to bite your lips" she says to me. "I- sorry daddy" I said quietly. I noticed a waitress come to our table to take our drink and food order. She looks at me and I order my food, then she looks at my girlfriend as she orders her food. I can't help but notice the waitress trying to subtly flirt with my girlfriend. I start to get annoyed and look away crossing my arms. The waitress takes the menus and leaves. My girlfriend looks over at me "Baby what's wrong?" she asked me. "Nothing..." I mumble. "I can tell there's something wrong so tell me" she says. I look at her annoyed "did you not notice that fucking bitch flirt with you... " I say. She looks at me "she was flirting with me? I didn't even notice because I have an amazing girl right in front of me" she says. "I don't care if I am being rude or not but if she tries her shit again I will get her fired" I say trying but failing at getting angry. She smirks at me "what?" I ask huffing. "Your jealousy is sexy. I love it so much" she says. I feel my cheeks heat up as I put my hands down trying to relax myself. "Would you want me to make it known that I am here with someone special?" she asked me. I look at her confused "what do you mean?" I ask. She smiles and pulls out her phone just as the waitress comes back with our drinks. I reach to grab my drink from the waitress's hand and almost drop it when I suddenly feel the vibrations get stronger. I bite my lip to hold a moan in. The waitress smiles and goes to give my girlfriend her drink. I notice my girlfriend looks at her before she signals her to bend down so she can say something in her ear. I was able to pick up on what she said "you see this wonderful looking woman sitting in front of me......that's my girlfriend and you see I am going to try and make her cum before we leave. I can have you fired for flirting with one of your customers when they are clearly on a date, but we don't want that now do we..." she says as the waitress stands up suddenly. She had a shocked look on her face "I-I'm so sorry, my apologies I'll bring your dinner out soon. Have a nice...time" she says and runs off. I look at my girlfriend shocked "y-you're going to make me c-cum before we leave?" I ask her. "Yes baby girl I want you to cum for me before we leave and you will listen to what I say" she says. I nod my head at her feeling myself getting wetter by the second. "You're going to have to keep quiet baby. You don't want us getting kicked out now do you?" she asks. "N-no" I say quietly. "Good girl" she says, smirking. I moan quietly "how close are you baby?" she asks. "C-close daddy" I say with flushed cheeks. She smiles looking around before getting up, taking my hand and making me follow her to the washroom. She makes sure that there is no one in the washroom before she closes the door and locks it, pushing me up against it. She starts to kiss me, lifting one of my legs to hook around her waist. She pulls my body closer to her with her other hand. I pull away from the kiss "fuck, daddy I'm going to cum" I moan when she starts to make hickeys on my neck. "Go ahead baby cum for me" she says continuing to suck and bite my neck. When she says that I cum and she pulls out her phone making sure to wait a few seconds before turning the vibrator off. She smiles and kisses her way back to my lips. I kiss her back smiling as well before she pulls away "I think I want dessert before I have dinner" she says as I look at her confused. She immediately goes onto her knees lifting my skirt and my panties away. I then feel her tongue as I gasp "b-babe what are you doing?" I ask her. She fixes my panties and my skirt before standing up "cleaning you up and having dessert before dinner" she says smirking. She takes my hand and unlocks the washroom door as we make our way back to our table just in time for our food to be served. I look at my girlfriend and smile and she smiles back at me. After about 30 minutes of talking and laughing with my girlfriend we walked up to the front to pay for our food. We make our way to the car, get in and go back to my house to relax for the night.

~Time Skip Next Day~

I wake up feeling warm, being cuddled up to my girlfriend. Having this feeling is something that I could get used to. I sigh contently before gently turning over to face my girlfriend. I stare at her lovingly before kissing her cheek, then her forehead, then her other cheek before kissing her lips softly. She smiles into the kiss and places her hand to caress my cheek. "Mmm I could get used to this" she says in a sleepy voice. I giggle "good morning my love" I say to her. She keeps her eyes closed "what time is it?" she asks. I look over to the clock on my bedside table "it's almost 10:30 am we need to have lunch and get ready for the day. My parents are coming over for a couple days, remember" I say to her. She opens her eyes and stretches "Well what should we do first? Eat or shower?" she asked me. I think to myself "You go and shower and I'll make lunch" I say. She looks over at me "but I wanted you to shower with me" she says with a sad face. I roll my eyes "fine but no funny business" I say getting off the bed to go and choose some clothes for the day. I picked out a pair of blue skinny jeans, a crop top and a cute jean jacket to match. I close my closet and look over to see my girlfriend sitting on the edge of the bed watching me. I smile and walk over to her, leaning down to kiss her softly. I hold her face in my hands "are you going to stare at me all day or are we going to shower?" I ask her. She hums "Is staring at you all day an option?" she asks. I giggle lightly "no baby we have to get things done before my parents get here" I say and stand up holding my hand out. She takes my hand in hers and gets up off the bed. I walk with her to the bathroom connected to my room and start the shower setting it to the right temperature before turning around and starting to take my clothes off. She keeps her eyes on me until I am finished and then looks me up and down before smirking "I have such an amazing girlfriend" she says taking a step towards me. I take a step back holding out my hand to stop her "I said no funny business. Take off your clothes if you want to join me for a shower" I say to her as I walk into the shower. I close my eyes and start to soak my body and my hair. I hear the curtain open and close and then I feel hands on my waist as I smirk "baby..." I warn her, opening my eyes to look at her smiling softly. "Yes?" she asks. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask her. "Admiring my girlfriend is that a problem?" she asked me. "Well no it's not but-" I say but she interrupts me with a kiss. I smile and kiss her back. She pulls back and laughs lightly "what?" I ask. "I thought you said no funny business" she says. I huff and turn around making my back face her. I still feel her hands on my waist as well as her leaving light kisses on my neck "don't be upset" she says. "I'm not" I mumble as I finish washing my body and get out of the shower wrapping my towel around my body. I walk into my room to get dressed. After I'm done I put my hair up into a messy bun and walk downstairs as I hear the shower turn off. I start to take things out of the fridge to make lunch. I hear my girlfriend walk downstairs and come into the kitchen. I continue making food as my girlfriend comes over to me and back hugs me. I smile "How was your shower?" I ask her. "It was...wet" she says, smirking. I look at her out of the side of my eye before I roll my eyes. She moves away from me and smacks my ass "why do you have to be like that and roll your eyes all the time" she says getting annoyed. "Because I know that it gets to you" I say shrugging. I finish making lunch and serve it on two plates. I hand one plate to my girlfriend and sit down and start to eat my food. "Thank you baby" she says and starts to eat as well. After her first bite she looked at me shocked. "What?" I ask. "It's delicious" she says. "Good I'm glad you like it" I say and continue to eat my food. We make small conversation and finish our food. I get up to wash the dishes and put them away. I grab my phone and text my dad to see when they will be on their way.

Me: Hey dad. I was just wondering when you guys were going to be coming down?

Dad: hi sweetie I was thinking that we would leave soon if you're still okay with us staying over.

Me: definitely. I am okay with that. The front door is unlocked.

Dad: okay see you soon.

I lock my phone back up and put it in my pocket. I look over at my girlfriend "well my parents are on their way and they are roughly about 15 minutes away so we have some time by ourselves for a bit" I say smiling at her. "Well what do you want to do while we wait? We can go to the living room and cuddle on the couch if you want?" she says. "Yes please. I haven't been able to cuddle you much" I say as I make my way to the living room. She follows me and sits down on the couch. I sit down beside her and cuddle up to her. I inhale her scent and I sigh contently. After a while I heard a knock on the door. I get up to go and answer it and see that it is my parents. I welcome them in with hugs and they look passed me a little shocked. Then they smile "oh my y/gf/n it's been so long since we have seen you. How have you been?" They ask my girlfriend and give her hugs. "Yeah it has been a while. I've been good, I was able to take time off work so I could come and see my amazing girlfriend" my girlfriend says as she looks over and smiles at me. "Babe, can you go and grab my phone for me? I think It's upstairs in the bedroom" she says. "Yeah, I can go and grab it" I say as I walk upstairs to the bedroom and look for her phone. I was able to find it, then I made my way back downstairs to realize that my girlfriend and parents were not in the living room. I looked in the kitchen and didn't see them there either. I thought the only other place that they could be was outside in the backyard. I make my way to the doors that lead outside and see them talking. I make my way out the door and my girlfriend comes up to me kissing my cheek with a big smile on her face. "What were you guys talking about?" I ask her and my parents. "Oh nothing..." my parents say. "Okay???" I question "what would you guys like to do before I make dinner?" I ask. My parents look at each other and smile "how about you go shopping with your mother and I'll spend time with your girlfriend. You haven't had a mother daughter outing in a while. It would be good for you to do" my dad says to me. I look over at my girlfriend "are you okay with that baby?" I ask her. I don't want to just ditch her and my dad. "I'll have you to myself in a few days so yes go spend time with your mother. It will be nice to catch up with your dad. I have to talk to him about a few things anyways" she says, shrugging off the last part.

"Oh okay...then shall we go mom?" I ask her. "Yes honey" she says, making sure she has her car keys before she goes and kisses my dad on the cheek before waiting for me. I walk over to my girlfriend and kiss her cheek softly "if my dad gets to be too much you let me know okay" I say quietly to her. "Yes baby I promise now go and have fun" she says. I kiss her cheek again before leaving with my mom. I get into the car with my mom and her and I start talking. She asks me how my life has been and I tell her that it's been good. I also mentioned to her that my girlfriend is going to move in with me. She looks at me and smiles "that's awesome sweetie. I'm happy for you. You've found the love of your life, she's moving in with you and spending as much time with you as possible. It's really sweet, pretty soon you'll be engaged and having to plan a wedding and then grandkids" she says, getting excited. "Mom...mom calm down. Right now we are taking it one step at a time. She is moving in because she and I feel like we both have waited long enough for this. The next step would hopefully be engagement but that's 'if' she wants to marry me" I say with a hint of sadness. "Oh trust me, I've seen the way that she looks at you. She definitely wants to marry you" she says. I smile as my mom and I make our way to the mall.

*girlfriend's pov*

I sat at y/n's house with her dad. Her dad looks over at me "so you had said that you wanted to talk to me about something?" he asks. "Oh right, yes I wanted to talk to you about getting your blessing for your daughter's hand in marriage. She makes me feel like I am a different person and she is the love of my life. She is the one person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. She is the person that eventually I would love to raise kids with. I want to grow old and laugh at silly jokes with her'' I say letting words from my heart come out. "That's really sweet. You have my blessing. All I ever want is for my daughter to be happy and I can tell that she is happy with you" he says. "How did you propose to your wife if you don't mind me asking?" I look over at her dad. "Well first I had to find the perfect ring. Then I had to plan when to do it. Are you wanting to take her out on a date and then ask her or just doing it here? Do you have a ring in mind yet?" he asks me a few questions. "No I don't have a ring yet and I was hoping that you would help me out with that. I know what your daughter likes but there are certain things that I don't know about her style" I say to him. "I would love to help you look. What's your budget on ring prices?" he asks, standing up. I stood up with him grabbing my car keys "I have money in savings that I was planning on using for a ring so budget isn't really an issue" I say and offer him my keys. He smiles "okay so we can go to the closest jewelry store and I know just the one" he says as we make our way out to my car. I get in with him and drive to the store.

*Time skip back at the house*

I make sure to have the ring picked out and hidden from my girlfriend. I am happy that her dad gave me his blessing. Now I just need to decide when I'm going to do it. I want it to be special for her, I don't want her to think that it's just another day or that i'm not serious about hers and my relationship. Maybe I'll take her out to dinner then the movies then out to the park for a late night walk. I just need to plan this out and make it look cute without her knowing or getting suspicious of what I'm doing.

*Y/n POV*

I walk into the house as I hear my girlfriend and my dad laughing at something that was said. I smile at them "awe look at you two bonding" I say to them before looking at y/gf/n signaling her to follow me up to my room. She waits a few minutes before excusing herself for a minute. She comes upstairs into my room and closes my door looking confused. "Sit please" I say to her as she listens. I go over to my door opening it lightly hearing my mother and dad talk. I smile, closing the door and locking it before walking back over to the bags "I bought a few things and I want you to see them" I say to her. "Oh? Okay baby start when you're ready" she says. "Close your eyes and open them when I say...okay" I say to her. "Okay" she says, closing her eyes. I take my clothes off and take out a skirt and crop top. "Open your eyes" I say to her as she does so. She looks me up and down "turn around" she says and I listen, spinning slowly. She smiles "I like this outfit" she says. "Yay okay next one...Close your eyes" I say and she does. I try on the next few outfits as she gives me her feedback. I forgot that I had a bag within my big bag to hide what was in it from my mom and my girlfriend. I smirk before putting that one on before going and kneeling in front of her. I put my hands on her knees "o-open your eyes" I say to her. She does and I hear her gasp lightly before she bites her lip as she looks at me. "What? Does it look bad?" I asked her. "No...fuck no you look...sexy" she says as I smile. "Really?" I say. "Yes baby girl. How about I prove it to you" she says before she leans down to kiss me. I kiss her back as she pulls me up off my knees and onto her lap so that I am straddling her. I feel her hands make their way to my ass before she grabs my cheeks hard. I whine into the kiss but let her. She lets her hands roam every inch of my body before I gently push her down onto the bed. I pull away from the kiss, making my way to her neck, sucking and biting leaving marks behind. She moans lightly "b-baby your parents are downstairs" she says. I bite her neck harder and go to her ear "fine I'll stop...but you better fuck me when they are gone" i whisper in her ear getting up off of her. She lays on the bed shocked before sitting up. I bend down making my ass visible to her and grab the outfit I had on when i started the day while I smirk to myself. I stood up and turned around only to see that she had gotten up off the bed and she is now in front of me, knowing what I did got to her. She grabs my clothes from me, throwing them on my vanity before she picks me up and tosses me on the bed. She then crawls over me and kisses me passionately. I try to resist but I'm not able to, she makes me weak in so many ways. She pulls away from the kiss "you're going to have to be quiet if you don't want to get punished...do you understand?" she asked me. "Yes daddy I understand. I'll try to stay quiet" I say. "Good girl" she says and starts to kiss my neck, marking me with hickeys. I whine quietly as she makes her way down to my breasts. She takes one into her mouth, sucking on my nipple making it hard before she does the same to the other one. I bite my lip trying not to moan or get wet. She then kisses her way down my body making her way to my thighs. She kisses and bites my inner thighs before settling on my pussy. She looks up at me before she does anything else. I nod at her "please" I say. She listens as she moves my panties to the side and licks, tasting me "you taste so good baby girl" she says before she starts to eat me out. I whine "y-yes daddy o-only for you" I moan lightly. I move one of my hands to grip her hair and pull, making her groan and grab my hands, she pins my hands down to the bed beside my hips as she continues. I try to grind myself down and that makes her have an idea. She pulls away and smirks before she lays down beside me "get on my face and show me how much you want to cum" she says. I look at her shocked "what?" I ask her. "You heard me. Be my good girl and do as I say" she says. I blush and make my way over her face using my headboard to help me keep balance. I hover myself not sure if I should do as she said. "Do I need to show you how to sit properly?" she asks before pulling my hips down, making me gasp. "Shit" I say quietly. She moves her tongue a certain way and I give in. I bite my lip trying to hold my moans in as I start to grind down. She keeps a firm grip on my hips, making me ride her face harder. I feel myself getting close as I continue to ride "I-I'm close" I moan quietly as she and I both don't stop. I keep riding until I release, trying to keep as quiet as I can. I feel my girlfriend clean be up, moving down to straddle her waist so I can kiss her. I taste myself on her lips as I smile into the kiss. She moves back pulling away "we should really go downstairs. Your parents are probably wondering where we went" she says. I think to myself "you're right" I say as I get up off the bed, walking over to my vanity and start to put my clothes back on. She sits up on the edge of the bed again and looks over at me. I finish putting my clothes on and walk over to her holding my hand out. She takes my hand as we make our way downstairs. I see my parents talking amongst themselves. "Sorry we took so long I wanted to show her the outfits I bought and I needed to talk to her" I say. "Oh no worries, I was just telling your mother what y/gf/n and I were talking about earlier" my dad says. I look over at her confused before shrugging it off. "I should start to make dinner. Does anyone want to help?" I ask them. Y/gf/n looks over at me and smiles "I'd love to help you" she says. I smile at her and look over at my parents "okay well if you guys want to keep us company in the kitchen then you're more than welcome to" I say to them. I start to make my way into the kitchen, seeing my parents and y/gf/n making small conversation as they walk into the kitchen. I smile happily knowing that they can talk to my girlfriend easily. I pull out what I need to before I start to cook. y/gf/n notices me starting on the food as she has an idea of what I am making. She grabs a knife still talking to my parents and starts to help me chop up ingredients. I listen to their conversation while also minding my business. I don't really pay attention too much until they go silent and look over at me. I look over at them "what?" I ask slightly confused. They just smile at me "oh nothing. We are just proud of you and happy with who you chose to spend the rest of your life with" my mother says. "Why are you guys saying this now? I'm very confused right now" I say to them. "Oh hush, don't worry about it sweetie. Your mother is just saying what's been on her mind for a while now'' my father says to me. "Oh okay well what else do you guys have planned when you go back home?" I asked my parents. "Well we were thinking of taking you and your girlfriend out to dinner before we leave. Is that okay?" my mother asks my girlfriend and I. I look over at y/gf/n and she nods "yeah that's perfectly fine with us" I say to them.

*time skip after dinner*

I clean up the kitchen and walk into the living room to where my parents and girlfriend are. I sat beside my girlfriend reaching to hold her hand. She smiles and takes my hand in hers. I listen to the conversation but try not to interrupt. I realize it's getting late so I kiss my girlfriend on the cheek and tell her that I am going to lay down upstairs. She says okay and tells me that she will be up there soon. I look over at my parents "everything should be ready for you guys in the guest room. I love you all, I am going to lay down "I tell everyone. "Okay sweetheart. Thank you again. We love you too. Have a good sleep and we will see you in the morning" my mother says. I get up from the couch and make my way upstairs changing into my pajamas and getting under the covers. Before I know it I am slowly falling asleep.

*girlfriend's pov*

I watch as y/n makes her way upstairs and I wait a few minutes before I start to talk to her parents about tomorrow. I looked over at y/m/n "Okay so I was talking to your husband about this earlier and i was hoping it would be okay if i would be able to get your guys help planning and setting up my proposal to her? I want it to be special and if she knows that you both helped out it would mean the world to her "I say to them. "I find it sweet how you want to include us and I am honored but I don't know what you'd like us to do" y/m/n says to me. "Well hun i can take y/n out for the day and you can help y/gf/n set up. I don't mind. You took her out today, let me do it tomorrow. Plus you're a lot better at helping decorate and plan things like this out" y/n's father says to his wife. I see her nod before looking over at me "when are you planning on proposing?" she asked me. "I was wanting to have you both there when I do so I was hoping I could while we are all at dinner tomorrow night. If that is too much to ask please let me know'' i say to them. "No no no that would be perfect. If you would like, I can help you make her breakfast and make the reservation at the nicest restaurant" she says. I smile at her eagerness "yeah that is perfect i would love all the help" i look over at y/f/n "thank you for helping me choose the ring I probably would have chosen a bad one" i say to him. "No problem. Now if you don't mind tomorrow is a big and busy day for us all. I will make sure that my wife is awake early to help you with breakfast before I take our daughter out for the majority of the day" he says before grabbing his wife's hand and leading them upstairs. I get up with a smile on my face and start to make sure that the doors and windows are locked as well as all the lights are off before I make my way upstairs, closing the bedroom door behind me and changing into my pajamas and getting into the bed next to my girlfriend. I feel her move closer to me and lay her head on my chest. I hold her close to me "i can't wait for tomorrow my love. This time tomorrow you will be my fiance "I whisper quietly before kissing her head and falling asleep.

*Time skip next day*

*y/n pov*

I move around a bit keeping my eyes closed as I start to feel around my bed, noticing that y/gf/n isn't there. I open my eyes and smell something coming from downstairs. I put on my robe and walk downstairs rubbing my eyes, almost falling down the stairs but y/gf/n was there to catch me. "Woah baby are you okay?" she asked me. "yeah i'm okay i just shouldn't have been rubbing my eyes" I look up at her smiling softly. She smiles and kisses my cheek "did you sleep well?" she asks, holding my hand and walking with me to the kitchen. "Yeah it was okay. I woke up looking for you though "I say to her. "I'm sorry baby i was about to come and wake you up" she says pulling out a chair waiting for me to sit down. I sit down and look around, seeing my dad at the table as well as my mother before I look back at y/gf/n "what's this for?" I ask. She sits down beside me "i wanted to make my amazing girlfriend something to eat because you're going to have a very busy day today love. Your dad will be taking you out for the day to spend some time with you before they have to leave tonight" she says to me. I look over at my father, "where are we going to go?" I asked him. "Anywhere you want. Today is about you" he says. I look at y/gf/n confused as she starts eating looking innocent. I start to eat and make small talk with my parents when I feel my girlfriend's hand on my thigh. I gasp quietly and move one of my hands down subtly to hers as I keep talking with them. She squeezes my thigh and then holds my hand. I smile and finish my breakfast. I start to get up to clear the table and y/gf/n stops me "no please babe i've got this. You go and get ready to spend the day with your dad okay" she says kissing my cheek again. "Oh okay i will thank you for breakfast babe" i say to her before making my way upstairs to get dressed. After a few minutes I hear a knock on the door "who is it?" I ask. "It's me baby" I heard my girlfriend say. I go and open the door, careful not to show myself outside of the door. She makes her way in as I close the door and lock it. I turned around but before I could look at her she had me pushed up against the door kissing me. I gasp into the kiss not expecting it. She pulls away and leans her forehead on mine "i love you so much" she says smiling. I giggle "is that the only reason why you came up here?" I asked her. " no...I need to get dressed. Your mother and I have some things to do today while you're out with your father" she says. "Like what?" I ask curiously, standing there in just my bra and panties. She looks me up and down "I'll tell you but please put some clothes on before you end up on that bed under me naked" she says inching closer to me. I smirk, not moving. She keeps coming closer and closer. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the bed and pushes me onto it, not wasting any time getting on top of me. I move my hands to her chest to stop her but she just pins my arms down. She ignores me as she starts to take my bra off before proceeding to hold both of my wrists in one hand, reaching to her back pocket of her jeans and pulls out handcuffs. She cuffs me to the bed. "Baby what are you doing?" I asked her. "I told you to get dressed otherwise you would end up under me naked on the bed. You didn't wanna move to do as i said so now you have me to deal with" she says before moving to take my panties off. I bite my lip when she does. She looks up seeing me bite my lip and she growls quietly, making her way back up quickly "what have i told you about biting your lip?" she asks stopping me "that's your job" i say to her. "Oh wow someone has actually been listening to what i say. Good girl" she says smirking. I blush as I try to close my thighs together. She notices and pushes my legs open before moving to put one of her legs in between my legs. She then moves one of her hands to rest beside me holding herself up as the other one goes in between my legs. She slips a finger inside me as I whine loving how she makes me feel. She moves her hand up to her mouth and licks her fingers seductively. I bite my lip again not realizing that I did. She notices yet again and she moves her hand back down not giving me any time to process. She quickly pushes two fingers inside me and moves them. I start to moan trying to keep quiet. She moves the hand that was holding her up to my mouth covering it to stop me from moaning. I roll my eyes back feeling her fingers curl inside me. "I will remove my hand but you have to stay quiet, your parents are downstairs baby girl" she says to me. I nod my head "good girl" she says, removing her hand in front of my mouth and placing it back to hold herself up as she doesnt stop her fingers inside me. She keeps her eyes on me "come on baby i know you can do it. Be my good girl and cum for me" she says, almost having me moan yet again but i stop myself. Before I know it I am cumming on her hand. She smirks "good job baby" she says, removing her fingers slowly. She gets up and cleans her hand and goes to get a wet towel to help clean me off. She then gets the key to the handcuffs and uncuffs me. "Now can you please listen and get dressed baby?" she asks. I sit up on the edge of the bed as she stands in front of me. I nod and get up to get dressed. She notices that I am quiet "baby are you okay?" she asked me. I ignore her and grab my clothes and go into the bathroom and close the door locking it. "Fuck" i hear her say. I finish getting dressed and open the bathroom door. I see that my girlfriend was sitting on the edge of the bed facing the bathroom with her head in her hands. I hear her sniffle a bit and I feel bad for ignoring her. I put my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper before I go and kneel in front of her, moving her hands away from her face gently "are you okay?" I ask her as she shakes her head. "What's wrong my love?" I ask. " I thought I hurt you. I thought I did something bad to you. I'm sorry I didn't mean to be aggressive with you" she says. I can hear how sorry she was "babe you don't have to be sorry, I should have listened. You didn't hurt me, you weren't aggressive with me either"' I say. "Then why did you ignore me and stay quiet?" she asked me. "To be honest I wasn't expecting you to do what you did. I was trying to process what happened and I didn't hear you so i am sorry love" i say to her. I move one of my hands to the side of her face and caress it. I move to kiss her lips gently and she kisses me back. I pull away "please don't ever be sorry for making me feel like that. Don't ever apologize for getting aggressive either okay?" I ask. "Okay I won't. I love you" she says before she pulls me up to hug her. "I love you" I said to her before moving to stand up. I hold out my hand "come on lets go back down stairs okay" i say to her. She grabs my hand and stands up as we walk downstairs. My parents notice us walking down "are you ready to go y/n?" my father asks. I nod and kiss my gf before saying bye to my mother. I head out to the vehicle with my father. He gets in and asks me where I want to go. "Ooh how about ice cream... i haven't had that in a while" i suggest. "Ice cream it is" he says as he starts to drive.

*girlfriend's pov*

I watch y/n and her father leave before I sit down on the couch. Y/m/n sees me sit down on the couch "whats wrong?" she asks me. "I'm just feeling super nervous. What if she says no? What if she thinks its a joke? What if..." i start to say before she stops me. "Y/gf/n you have nothing to worry about. She loves you so much and i know that she wants to spend the rest of her life with you. You should have heard her all day yesterday. She wouldn't stop talking about you at all. So trust me when i say that you have nothing to worry about" she says wich made me calm down completely.

*time skip back at the house before dinner*

I see that y/n and her father come back to the house. They walk in and I can't help but notice that they are talking. It makes me happy that they have such a great bond. I wait for them to finish their conversation before I signal y/n over to me. I move away from her parents so they don't hear us. She makes her way over to me looking confused "hi baby. How was time with your father?'' I ask her. "It was good, I had fun" she says. "Good now, remember how your parents had wanted to go out for dinner tonight? Well we have reservations made. We have about an hour before we have to be there. Now the place where we are going is fancy so i want you to wear that outfit you got yesterday and a very nice dress please" i say to her. She nods "o-okay baby i'll do that" she says before turning to walk away. I stop her "babe wait '' I say grabbing her arm gently pulling her back to me and kissing her softly "i love you" i say to her smiling and moving her hair behind her ear. I notice her blush "i love you baby" she says to me. She turns around again and as she does I smack her ass and smile. She keeps walking, making her way upstairs. I make my way into the living room where her parents are. They acknowledge my presence "is she going to get ready?" y/f/n asks. "Yes she is. I have my clothes in the guest room. Would you guys be okay if I go and put them on and then you guys can get ready?" I ask them. "Yes we are okay with that, just let us know when we can come up" y/m/n says as i turn around and go and get dressed. I have a women's suit picked out and it is a bit revealing in the chest area. I look in the mirror making sure to grab the box with the ring in it and walk into the hallway heading downstairs. Her parents saw me and were about to head upstairs but I stopped y/m/n. She looks at me "thank you for keeping this from y/n. I'm also glad that you guys will be there when I propose" I say to them. "Oh it's no problem sweetie. You're like a daughter to us too" y/m/n says to me. They go upstairs and get ready. After a few minutes they walk down and I start to get nervous wondering where y/n is. I then notice her standing at the top of the stairs. I smile at how pretty she looks before going to the bottom of the stairs holding out my hand " come here gorgeous" i say to her. She smiles and comes down the stairs and holds my hand. I look at her parents and they are both smiling.

*time skip at the restaurant*

*y/n pov*

We get to the restaurant and I get out of the vehicle looking at how fancy it was. Y/gf/n walks next to me holding out her hand "shall we?" she asks. I nod as we all walk into the lobby. My mother goes up to the counter and tells them that we have a reservation. They check their books and tell us to follow them. They lead us to a table and give us menus. We sit down and get something to drink. My girlfriend is sitting beside me while my parents are across from us. We order our food before starting to make small conversation. Our food comes back and we start to eat. "It's delicious," I said to my girlfriend. I notice my parents looking at my girlfriend. The next thing i know is that my girlfriend is holding my hand "y/n, baby, i wanted to bring you here for a reason. Today is about you. I am so happy that you've come into my life and I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. You're my world and I don't ever want to let you go. I want to have a family with you and start the rest of our future. I love you so much and that will never change. Will you make me the happiest woman on earth and become my wife? Will you marry me?" she asks, getting one knee and pulling out a box with a ring. At this time I have tears streaming down my face with my hands covering my face. I am shocked but I nod "yes" a million times yes. I will marry you" I say as I pull her close to kiss me. I hear people in the restaurant clapping and saying congratulations to us. I pull away and y/gf/n puts the ring on my finger. I look over to my parents and they are both smiling. My mother is wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Did you guys know?" I ask them. "Yes we did. Your mother helped plan this out. I helped pick out the ring and y/gf/n asked for my blessing" my father says. I look over at my now fiance. "Thank you for including them" I say to her and kiss her softly again.


(10,893 words)

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