lovely | thirteen reasons why

By CamSmileyFries

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Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone Libby Clarke is pretty used to being alone... More

(1) confronting the problem
(2) the beginning of the end
(3) clay has the tapes
(4) tyler's tape
(5) love is in the air
(6) the final warning
(7) libby's tape
(8) in memory of jeff atkins
(9) end of the beginning
(10) november
(11) december
(12) january
(13) february
(14) march
(15) tyler's testimony
(16) only love can hurt like this
(17) break, not breakup
(18) libby gets jealous
(20) tyler faces the music
(21) libby's testimony
(22) it all boils over
(23) spring fling
(24) bringing back tyler
(25) meeting ani
(26) libby joins politics
(27) goodbye, junior year

(19) the tapes get leaked

13 0 0
By CamSmileyFries

Libby walked into school like a woman on a mission. Today was Clay's day to testify, she had to find a way to fix Mortimer's stupid mistake before Giles found out and punished him, and it was Alex's birthday. All the reason to keep herself busy. And she loved it that way.

She arrived to school early with Zach to put up the banner as Jess led Alex through the long way. All of them worked together to make this surprise happen, and it made Libby so happy. They were being kids in high school. Normalcy, what she always wanted.

She stood on the ladder as Zach held it steady. "Remind me why you're doing this?"

She rolled her eyes. "Because I called dibs. Also it's easier to run away if Bryce sees you hanging up a banner that says Happy Birthday, Alex on it."

His face hardened. "You've been talking to Clay too much. He makes an enemy out of everyone."

Libby shook her head. "I don't think he's being entirely unreasonable with the fact you are still friends with someone you know raped two people. One of which being your summer hookup."

He swatted his head around. "Would you keep your voice down! Look, I play baseball with him, I can't just avoid that! What do you want me to do, quit the team?"

She shook her head. "You don't have to be friends with them to be a team player. Jeff was the best team player you had and he was friends with none of you. He didn't like how you treated nerds like Clay. Or women. I don't think you do either."

Zach found it hard to argue with that, but thankfully didn't have to as his girlfriend came at the best moment.

"I brought confetti poppers! Sharp noises aren't bad for him, right?" Val asked in concern.

Zach laughed as he wrapped his arms around her, nearly hiding the girl. "You are so cute."

Val pouted. "I feel bad I haven't talked to Alex that much. He seems way nicer than the other guys. No offense to your friends."

Libby snorted. "Full offense. Why do you think I stopped hanging out with that crowd. Trust me, Val, you're better off staying away."

Val sighed. "I don't wanna be mean to Chloe by disrespecting her boyfriend, and Monty is my best friend's brother. I can handle them. For my Zachy." Libby fake gagged at the two as she continued hanging the banner.

The signal was alerted as Clay jogged up ahead, so Libby quickly got rid of the ladder as Alex and Jess rounded the corner. "Surprise!" Val popped the confetti and started spreading it around the hall.

What surprised Alex more was getting a hug from Val. "Happy birthday, Alex! 18 is a big one and you deserve all the fun for it!"

Alex put on a smile. "Oh, thanks, Val. I guess."

Her smile faltered. "I did too much again."

Alex's awkwardness faded instantly. "Not at all. I love your energy, it's contagious." Her smile returned and everybody rejoiced.

But that joy was ruined as the idiot brigade came barreling into the hall. "Nice banner, Alex. Is your mommy bringing in cupcakes for the whole class?" Bryce wrapped his arm around Alex as Libby stalked forward.

She crossed her arms. "Don't get envious cause your friends wouldn't do this for you, Brycey."

Bryce smirked. "Aw, wittle baby Awex needs big strong Wibby to change his diaper?"

Monty laughed. "He already needs help crossing the street. Needs his friends to hold his hand."

Scott laughed. "Maybe his mommy will get him a new cane." She stared at him in shock. Well, that was unlike him.

As the group started walking off, Libby saw the breaking point a second before it happened. Alex was furious. "Fuck you! You fucking rapist!

The three turned around with wide eyes at his outburst, but Bryce just let it go and walked away. Causing the others to do the same.

Zach shook his head. "Dude, what the hell?"

Alex rolled his eyes. "Oh, please! Stop defending Bryce just because you play sports with him. It needed to be said, and it felt good too. Either you're with us or against us." But as soon as he saw Jess' face, that mood changed.

Her voice was so hopeless as she asked. "Why would you do that?" She wasn't angry, she was just hurt.

Alex's face changed to remorse. "Jess, I'm sorry."

She shook her head and walked away. Needing some time alone.

Libby sighed. "While I appreciate the sentiment, Alex, learn your battles."

Val stared up at Zach, confused by the whole affair. "Why did Alex call Bryce a.....Is this about the rumor from November? I knew something was sketchy about Bryce's story."

Zach pulled her into his arms. "Don't worry about it, babe."

Val nodded but internally she was deep in thought. Was Bryce really a rapist? And did the rest of these guys know something she didn't? If yes, why was her boyfriend still spending time with him? It made no sense.

Libby wanted to stay and look after Alex, but as soon as she saw Tony she bolted. "Padilla! I need to talk to you."

He rolled his eyes. "Save it, Libby. My papa already filled me in."

She looked down in guilt. "Look, I feel awful for asking that of your family, but I'm quite literally out of options and you are the best chance we have."

Tony shook his head in disbelief. "We are never getting involved with that shit ever again. We follow the law, nobody gets hurt. Those are our rules now. You are asking us to break them for the sake of a man you don't even care that much about. I get it, you're a good person who can't stand someone in distress no matter how badly they hurt you. But you are not dragging my family into a Clarke scheme. You'll have to find your own way."

Libby sighed. How was she supposed to get the car back without any connections? She was screwed. Her mind raced with possible candidates to help her out of this situation. In fact, she was so deep in thought, she didn't even realize she was in the wrong bathroom.

That was until she saw the urinals.

She tried to escape, but before she could someone else walked inside. Not just anyone, of course it had to be Scott Reed. "Ah ha! Now what's the great and powerful Libby Clarke doing in the boys' bathroom?"

She tried to play it off. "I just got a bit lost. But I was just leaving-"

He shielded the door with his body as he smirked. "Oh, no no no. You don't get away from this that easily."

She groaned. "Scotty, it was a mistake. Like you coming out of your mom's vagina."

He laughed. "Seriously? Your mom jokes? Come on, Libs! You're better than that. What's going through your head today?"

Libby sighed. "Maybe I'm shocked at the way you acted with Alex. I've never seen you join in on that kind of humor. Guess Bryce and Monty are rubbing off on you."

Scott looked away in guilt. "I didn't mean for it to be so hurtful and cruel. Everyone was jesting at Alex! I didn't know he'd take it personally and call Bryce a rapist. Like who the fuck does that?"

She sighed. "Maybe he's tired of Bryce getting away with everything. I know I am."

Scott hesitated before asking his next question. "Libby, why did you stop hanging out with us?"

Libby tensed up. "I've got to go." And pushed Scott aside like it was nothing. But as she pulled on the door, she found it was stuck. "What the fuck?" She pulled again. "Come on! No! This is literally my worst nightmare!"

Scott smirked. "Guess you're stuck with me. Gotta answer my question eventually."

She turned to him. "Scott, do you not realize what is happening?"

He nodded. "Yeah! We get a free excuse to skip first period! Talk about a win!" She screamed in frustration and he sighed. "Look, you're not gonna do it any favors by messing with the door. Just sit down and let's wait for someone to come and open it from outside. Okay? You don't need to control everything."

She pouted. "But I'm so good at it.

He smiled. "I know you are. Sometimes I wish you could control me."

She snorted. "Sometimes."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, all times. But you can't fault a man for trying."

She scoffed. "What is it about me you like so much?"

He smiled genuinely. "Your eyes, you smile, your beautifully perfect skin, your athleticism, the way you don't take shit from anybody. They don't make girls like you everyday, Libby. There's a reason everybody loves you." He leaned in closer as he finished.

She smiled and could help the blush. "They don't make any girl the same. I'm lightning in a bottle." She could feel his breath hit her face, but she didn't pull away.

He sighed. "Why did you stop hanging out with us?"

She stared into his eyes conflicted. Does she tell him the truth? Why does she suddenly want to so bad? Well, Scotty, because Bryce raped Hannah Baker and one other girl that remains unnamed for her privacy. And that's just who she knows of. Recent events have led her to believe there's more. And Monty is an irredeemable bastard who treats everyone like shit. The only reason she was friends with him was for Justin and Bryce's sake, but she's done living her life for the amusement of others. "Because I got sick and tired of pretending how they treated people didn't bother me."

He smirks. "Is that why you kept your relationship with Tyler a secret? Because you were scared of them giving you shit?"

She shook her head. "Because my family is part of a mafia and would kill him for sport."

Scott gulped. "Maybe I should stay away then."

Libby hummed. "Is that so, Scotty?"

He nodded. "I see it now. You look inviting and so perfect to the eye, but it's all a trick to snap me in half. You're a Venus fly trap."

She laughed. "Does that mean you will stop with the flirting?"

He teased. "Do you want me to stop?"

She scoffed at his question. "I have a boyfriend."

"Who you're not with at the moment." He reminded her. He leaned closer so that their noses were touching. Again, Libby didn't pull away.

She gulped. "I love him more than anything. More than life itself and certainly more than myself."

He smirked. "And yet you are captivated by the boy you love to torment."

She shook her head. "I'm not captivated by you."

He shook his head. "You know, I think this is the longest you've been around me where you haven't insulted me."

She smirked. "Want me to make up for lost time?"

"I'm more interested in what you want." Her heart dropped and her face turned red at his words. "I think you want to kiss me. Just once. You want to see how it feels, how I taste. You want it. You want me."

She felt like she was in a cloud, so much fog she couldn't hear herself thinking. She couldn't let logic in. Just one kiss won't hurt. One little peck. His lips looked so plump, and his blonde hair so soft. She was breathing into his mouth and vice versa as she almost closed the gap. Until she felt Scott's hand on her thigh and like lightning, everything shocked back through her at once.

Much like that day with Monty in the clubhouse, images of Tyler flashed across her vision. His smile, his laugh, the way he said he loved her, the way he looked after he made love to her. He was hers. And she was supposed to be his.

Her body shot back as she tried to calm her breathing. She just did that. She didn't go all the way, but she almost kissed another guy. A jock. She almost kissed Scott Reed. There was no excuse. She almost cheated on her Tyler. And still did something very bad. "No. No. No. I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." She started to sob as she realized what just happened. He said he would wait for her and she couldn't do the same. She was disgusted with herself. Feeling like the whore everyone likes to claim she is. This would destroy him. She suddenly couldn't breathe. She was having a panic attack.

"Shit!" Scott sprung into action. "Libby, it's okay. You didn't cheat on Tyler. It was my fault. It was me. I pushed you into this. You didn't cheat on Tyler. You would never do that. You are a good person and a good girlfriend and you are so loyal to him. I promise this was all on me."

She shook her head. "It wasn't. It wasn't."

He tried to grab her arms, but that only made it worse. Scott felt helpless, but felt even worse when the door finally opened and he was met with the face of the guy he just tried to get in between. Tyler looked at him confused. "Why was the door jammed?" But he instantly dropped to his knees when he saw Libby having a panic attack. He pulled her into his arms and she dug her face in his neck. "What happened?" He was asking Scott.

Libby was holding him tight, as if he would disappear. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, baby. I love you so much."

Tyler was confused as he looked between her and Scott in the empty boys' bathroom. His eyes widened as dread filled him. "What were you two-"

"It was me!" Scott shouted out. "I jammed the door so I could have extra time with Libby so I could make a move on her. I heard from Alex Standall that you two broke up and I thought it was my chance to swoop in and steal her. But then she freaked out and called for you. I misunderstood the situation. I'm sorry, man."

Tyler clutched Libby closer to his body as he glared daggers at the jock. "She's not an object to be stolen. We're not together, but we're on a break of sorts. But this is only temporary. I suggest you find someone else to pursue. This one is taken."

Scott nodded as he ran as fast as he could out of the bathroom. Tyler pulled Libby's head up to face him once she had calmed down immensely. "Is what he said true?"

She bit her lip. "He tried to kiss me and I almost let him. But I couldn't do it. Because you are all I see. You are all I need. No one could ever compare to you. I'm so sorry that I thought for even a second that wasn't the case."

Tyler sighed. "He is more attractive than me. And he plays sports."

Libby shook her head. "You think I give a shit about sports? All I care about is sitting right in front of me." And taking advantage of the privacy, she dove her lips onto his. He happily returned the kiss.

He leaned his forehead on hers. "Thank you for being honest with me."

She nodded. "Always, baby. You are my soulmate. I don't ever want you to think I would keep something from you."

They sat together for as long as they could get away with before Libby remembered she was still in the boys' bathroom. She blew Tyler one last kiss before running to next period.

Keeping her baby in her mind.


With all the commotion Libby has had to deal with recently she almost fucking forgot about the assembly. She wished she had completely. She quickly got into her uniform as she came to the gymnasium. Her mind was still stuck in the bathroom. Even though she told Tyler everything, she still felt guilty about what happened. And almost happened.

She didn't like Scott. Maybe a part of her found him endearing and cute to mess with. And maybe in that moment she thought he was more. She thought he was so fucking hot. And forbidden. And that made the part of her that likes bad decisions go nuts. But she was still able to stop herself. She brought back control. Because as much as she was beginning to realize she liked Scotty, it could never hold a candle to how much she loved Tyler. And she would chose him every time.

The assembly was as boring as ever. But Libby played her part as she danced behind Chloe. Followed her every move, and tried to ignore what she saw out of the corner of her eye. But she couldn't. Because she could have sworn for just a moment, she could see a yellow bruise on her upper arm. But she tried to play off her concern, her fear for someone she didn't even like. She wanted to ask, but was worried about the result that could bring. So she bit her lip and played the part. Wishing something interesting would happen to make her forget about this.

And she would come to regret that too.

Chloe announced for Marcus to come up to accept the honor of the cheer squads favor or whatever the fuck he was winning. But when Marcus stepped out in the gym, he was decked out from head to toe in a full cheerleading uniform. What the fuck? She tried to keep her face neutral as Marcus started waving the pom-poms in his hand.

"Hello, Liberty. Thought I would come out in style today!" He was nervous, but playing it off very well. He really was a little politician in the making. It really did impress her.

And to the shock of her and Marcus, the crowd loved it. She didn't know why he did it, but he was getting the support of the people. Not surprising, it's 2018, no one gives a shit anymore. In fact, it's celebrated in most cases. Especially in California. Marcus soaked in the positive attention he got from his bold fashion choice as Val turned to Libby.

She was grinning. "I didn't know Marcus could be this cool!"

Libby rolled her eyes. "Trust me, Val. It's a shock to us all." She locked eyes with Marcus, and his eyes stayed on hers for several seconds before growing wide as he looked to have some kind of realization.

Once the assembly was over, he beset her as she was bagging her cheer stuff. "Pretty impressive how I turned that around, huh?"

Libby rolled her eyes. "Not really. I knew you were smart and calculated before, Marcus. Nothing has changed for me." She turned to face him. "What do you want?"

He laughed. "Why do I need to want something?"

She shook her head. "You haven't spoken a single word to me since that day at Monet's. I don't think we've ever talked about something that wasn't related to the tapes. And you've already had your testimony where you basically erased any blame and took no responsibility for what you did to Hannah. As far as I'm concerned, that makes us done."

Marcus put his hands up. "Hey! Don't be so hasty. Truthfully, I was hoping to never have to hear your voice again and live the rest of my senior year in peace. But I need you, Clarke. I need your help."

She snorted. "And why in the fucking world would I ever help a self-entitled piece of shit?"

"Ouch." He commented. "Because I'm a good friend to have. Especially with enemies on all sides. Plus I know the secret you are trying desperately to hide from your folks."

Her eyes widened. "How do you know-"

He cut her off. "The Walkers might own the town, but I've got eyes and ears everywhere. My dad too. Giles Clarke doesn't roll into town and I not catch wind of it. He's a scary man, I understand why you'd wanna hide Tyler. But my silence is gonna cost you."

She sighed. "You really have connections, don't you?" He smirked and nodded as Libby thought for a moment. Then it hit her. "No. No! You're gonna do something else for me. Do you understand?"

He was confused. "What do you need help with?"

She sighed. "I need you to pull some string and get a car that was recently impounded out of the lot before it gets checked. And you need to do this quick. So tell me what you need help with, so I can get on it asap."

He smirked at her acceptance. "Alright. You got yourself a deal." In an instant, he pulled out his phone and held it to her face. It was a video of Marcus sitting on a floor while a supposed stripper was grinding on him. Though she had better moves than this woman, and she was a teenager. She could also hear the sounds of Bryce and his friends egging this on. "Someone sent me this earlier today. Told me to dress in a cheerleading uniform or it would get sent out. I did so much to keep what happened with Hannah out of the public ear only for this shit to come crashing in. If my dad saw this, if my college deans saw this. I would be ruined. Whoever this fucker is will keep coming at me. I need to know who it is. And you are known to be good at finding people."

Libby rolled her eyes. "It seems whoever's doing this is giving you a taste of your own medicine. Fear, panic, struggle. Like the goo bomb the other day. I applaud this person for finally putting you in your place. Who am I to stop it?"

Marcus shook his head. "Because this could affect my entire life! And unlike me, you are a good person who won't let that happen. Look, the goo was one thing. Funny prank. But this is different. Like the burning of my dad's campaign poster in my front yard the night before my hearing. This should count as fucking harassment."

"Wait a minute." She stopped him. "Someone threatened you the night before your testimony?"

He nodded. "Yes. Whoever's doing this shit and the goo-"

She shook her head. "No, this isn't the same person. If it was before your hearing, it had to be the same person who has been going down the line fucking with everyone. You're not the only one who got harassed. You're just the only one who caved to the threat. Tyler, Jess, Alex, Zach. They all got shit. But the goo was not the same person. I know that for a fact. Like I know whoever is blackmailing you is someone who knows how to get dirt on people. Who's filming this?"

Marcus growled. "Dempsey. I'll fucking kill him-"

She stopped him once again. "Wait a minute. Think, Zach is keeper of the peace. So it wasn't him. But somebody got this video from him or from his phone. Which makes Zach the first one to talk to."

"Can you ask him?" He asked. "Zach actually likes you."

She sighed. "First, you gotta shake on fulfilling your end of the bargain."

Marcus nodded. "Yes, I will get that car out of the impound before it gets checked. But you have to come with me so I get the right car."

Libby nodded. "Deal. I'll bring my brother and I this evening. But not too late. I'm going to Alex's party later." She extended her hand.

He smiled and shook it. "We got a deal." He paused. "Wait, your brother?"

She nodded. "Yeah, he was supposed to deliver the car full of secret stuff to some guys outside town and lost the car because he's a fucking idiot. And then he forced me into this, so I need this done just as much as he does."

Marcus nodded. "So when were you gonna tell me I'm getting involved in criminal activity?"

Libby laughed. "I thought you knew my family. And after so many months of throwing my friend under the bus, it's fun to mess with you."

She called Mortimer as he barked. "This better be good news."

She rolled her eyes. "I found someone who can get the car."

His reaction was instant. "Sweet! You finally got to the Padilla's."

She shook her head. "Not the Padilla's. I'm enlisting the help of a guy named Marcus Cole."

"Is he your friend?" He asked.

She laughed. "No. Actually, he's a massive asshole. But he'll help because I'm helping him with something in exchange."

He hummed. "And this Cole fellow is trustworthy?"

She shrugged. "Trust him more than most of you."

He sighed. "Fair enough. What does he need?"

"Just for us to meet him outside the impound later today. I'll drive you myself."

He nodded. "Gotcha. And Libby?" She hummed. "Thank you for this. You really saved me."

She nodded. "I look out for people. That's what I do."

Scott was right. She was too good for her own good. She wanted to leave Marcus floating after everything he's done. But besides the fact that she needed him for the car, she wasn't angry enough at him to want to ruin his entire life. Especially not at the hands of blackmail. Libby was above that. So she knew she was gonna ask Zach later about the video. She was actually gonna follow up her end and save him from this masked attacker. It was a diversion from the other person who was messing with everyone. From the person who just recently put a note in Clay's locker this morning as he so recently informed her. She wondered what this person was gonna try with her. Probably something stupid. But she was curious if she would even get one.

She had looked at the schedule of her hearing. It was next week. She was still nervous with her family watching her constantly. But she had to just find a way to get through it.

She felt her phone buzz and paused when she saw it was Alden. 'What are your plans for today. Mortimer just said you were having a night out.'

She gulped. 'Just for a little bit. And then I'm going to Alex's birthday party.'

His response was immediate. 'Good to know. Inform me of the time and destination for my escorting as well.' His words were final and she wanted to punch something.

Great! So not only was she spending her afternoon with Mortimer she was now spending the night with Alden! Her life was an entire fucking circus not even counting all the shit she had to do for her friends.

She hadn't heard much about Justin from Clay, but what little she got she could understand that Justin was beginning to feel at home with Matt and Laine waiting on him hand and foot. She knew this would happen. If there's one thing they love, it's parenting wayward orphan children in need of attention and affection. Libby knew the moment they met Justin it would be over. And she hope Justin was soaking in the experience of having adults looking out for him. After everything he had been through he deserved it.

So now Libby had to learn from Clay how the trial went. She tried to avoid the blog until she could hear it from his mouth, but it was hard as people were talking about the latest gossip of Hannah getting high at a party.

Fucking teenagers.


Libby wished she could have skipped school to go see Clay at the courthouse. She wished she hadn't been so consumed in everything everyone else needed from her and she could have just been with her brother in his time of need. Because as she saw the look on his face, she knew it didn't go well.

"You missed the assembly." She broke the tension.

He shrugged. "Did I? What's there to miss?"

She rolled her eyes. "Marcus Cole is getting blackmailed and came out in full cheerleading attire."

That finally made Clay laugh. "Okay, the one time I miss a pep rally and something interesting happens. Who's blackmailing him."

She shook her head. "No idea, and now I have to find whoever did it instead of letting them be. Because I'm too nice of a person to tell people no."

He sighed. "We're both creatures of habit I guess. Why do you have to find them?"

Libby squinted at him. "Is it you? Did you steal Zach's phone and find that video. But no! You have no time on your hands for something like this."

He shook his head. "I wish I had the time to blackmail Marcus."

She laughed in disbelief. "When did our lives become this? Stealing cars from impound to evade the cops and uncovering mysteries about a massive assault scandal occurring in a school campus? Sifting through Polaroids given by an unknown figure? Being witnesses to a bullying case for a friend who kill herself? Protecting our friend who was raped by someone I once considered family? I thought my life would be easier once I left the Clarke house. It was normal for so long, I forgot what this chaos was like."

He laughed with her. "You forgot to mention getting a box of cassette tapes about why our friend killed herself and discovering how we are also responsible for her death. Oh, also housing a homeless drug addict who spent the first half of the year tormenting us because he was too scared to admit to what he did."

Libby couldn't help but laugh. She had to! Everything about this was fucking ridiculous. How do her and Clay just keep jumping into danger without a care in the world. Accepting the truth that they're the only ones who will be there to cover up the scars of the world. Tony too! It felt like sometimes they only existed for other people. Though Clay was a bit different than them. Clay was a mixture of both. Because he did throw himself into other people's messes, but the reason for it has always been selfish. A need to be needed. Or a desire to consume himself so greatly with the problems of others that he doesn't have to look at his own messes. It was smart, but Libby has always been able to read her brother. And she knew he was an avoider.

So she asked him a question he was dreading. "How was the trial?"

Clay sighed. "Can we not talk about it?"

"No." She answered simply. "I haven't read the blog yet out of respect to you, but that means I wanna hear it from you and not someone else. It went bad, right?"

He nods. "Yes."

She continued. "Stahl pulled up shit you haven't even thought about in a year to put you on the defense protecting yourself from being incriminated as the real culprit of Hannah's suicide?"

Once again, he nods. "Yup."

She finishes. "And in typical Clay fashion, you are internalizing this to the point of obsession as you realize that Hannah was not as perfect as you thought and how innocent you really were despite the fact that she did love you? Maybe that wasn't enough."

He shook his head. "Why do I even need to tell you? It seems like you already know everything."

Libby rolls her eyes. "What is not clicking for you, dumb-dumb? I want you to tell me how it went. Because I want to know if you are okay. I love you, idiot."

Clay rolled his eyes. "I can feel it."

She carefully rubbed up and down his arms. "What happened?"

He sighed and clutched her hand tight. "Do you remember Jeff's party before last summer?"

Libby shook her head. "I didn't go. Didn't know anyone that I was comfortable being around except you. Why? Was Hannah there?"

Clay nodded. "We got high and she told me stuff about being empty. Stuff I forgot about until now. Does that make it my fault? That I didn't pick up on the signs? How am I any better than the school in that regard?"

She stopped him immediately. "Because you are a child, Clay. A teenager who does not have the experience or knowledge to pick up on when a peer is suicidal. That's the job of the school, not us. And someone should really remind the jury of that fact."

Clay nodded. "Maybe you should during your testimony."

Libby nodded along. "Maybe I will." The two stopped talking as they looked on at the framed Jersey of the one and only Jeff Atkins. "He's looking down on us. One part wondering what the hell we're doing with our lives and the other cheering us in anyway."

Clay smiled. "That was our Jeff." It was nice. One of the few things this school got right about honoring the dead. If only they showed this much courtesy to Hannah.

It was later in the afternoon, dusk to be precise and Libby was waiting patiently outside the car impounded for Marcus to arrive. When he finally did, Libby had to hold back laughter as she saw him.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, dark jeans, and a black beanie. She was so used to the polo shirts and khakis it was strange. "Are we doing a school shooting?" She couldn't help but ask.

He shushed her. "I'm being practical! And sorry I've never broken the law before. You could take some notes. What the fuck is that?"

She looked down at her jean jacket and shorts. "What? It's finally getting warm again. I'm taking advantage of it."

Marcus sighed in frustration. "I don't think you are getting that what I've done is not legal. And where's your brother?"

She rolled her eyes. "He got held up with our father. But I can handle this. So what did you do exactly?"

"I called in a few favors from some sponsors of my dad who work at the shop. They told me they would leave the gate unlocked for us to swoop in and get the car. So where is your brother?"

She was about to answer when a voice behind her spoke up. "I'm right here. Don't get your panties in a twist." He jogged up to them and laughed when he saw Marcus. "Are you planning to rob a bank?"

He rolled his eyes. "You're wearing sweats, so I don't wanna hear it."

Mortimer looked up and down at himself. "This is my normal clothes."

Marcus snorted. "And you're the guy who steals cars, so......"

He turned to Libby and smiled. "You were right, this guy is a prick."

Marcus rolled his eyes. "And you're as bitchy as your sister. Let's just get this over with."

Mortimer rolled his eyes. "Hard to believe someone would want to blackmail you, man."

He shushed them again. "Now!"

Her brother laughed. "Okay, little politician. We're moving."

The process of getting the car was easy from there, but the two boys were treating it like an action movie. Once the gate opened they were ducking and weaving under almost every car in the lot while Libby was searching for the license plate Mortimer gave her. They were all so worried about getting caught on the camera's, despite Marcus telling them that the cameras were off. Also a favor. When Libby located the car, she could have screamed, and without hesitation she jumped in the front. "I'm driving. Give me the keys."

Mortimer laughed. "I don't think so, sister. Both of us are older than you, we should drive."

Libby stopped them immediately. "I wanna get this done. I don't trust either of you to be fast with this shit. So get in the car, give me the fucking keys, and let's drop the car off so I can get back to my already busy and shitty life."

He rolled his eyes. But complied anyway. Handing her the keys as she drove out of the lot. Mortimer started searching under the backseat and squealed as he found a tan envelope. He giggled as he looked through it. "Everything is still here."

Marcus looked back with wide eyes. "What is in that? I thought this was a stealing cars thing. Is there more? Are you smuggling something?" He looked at Libby pleadingly.

She sighed. "It's best if you don't know."

He laughed. "Okay! It's cool! Totally cool! Just another Tuesday."

Mortimer rolled his eyes. "I think this one should stay in the car while we talk to the guys."

"What guys?" Both Marcus and Libby shouted at him.

Her brother laughed. "I'm just playing with you. We're meeting some family friends. It won't be that tense." That's what he said. It wouldn't be tense. And then as they approached the meetup point with Giles waving at the three with a smile, all the color drained from his children's faces.

"Greetings, ingrates. I see you have finally completed the task I gave you. Proving to me once and for all if I want something done right, call Alden. Oh, look who's here?" Another car drove up as Alden got out and look among us. "Hello, my number one. Your siblings have finally brought the car."

Alden looked around confused. "I'm just here to pick up Libby to go to her friend's birthday party."

Mortimer snorted. "What are you, six?"

Libby rolled her eyes. "Okay, so we're late. But first of all, I never wanted to be involved in this, and second, we succeeded in the mission without anyone finding your stuff. So it might not be on the time you like, but he got it done. And that should be acknowledged.

Giles rolled his eyes. "I suppose you've done better than Viktor is recent years. But that says less about you and more about him. And you weren't caught? How is that possible? What help did you get?"

Libby stood aside to show Marcus sitting in the passenger seat waving. "We had help."

Giles nodded. "And who is this boy?"

Mortimer answered. "Marcus Cole, senior, student body president."

Their father smirked. "Come out, boy!" Marcus hesitantly moved out of his protection. "I'm afraid I do not have enough time right now to talk, but would you be interested in accompanying my family for dinner tonight. We can discuss things then." He didn't know what to say, so he just nodded. "Excellent! Now everybody go!"

Alden picked up Mortimer and Marcus to drop off at their houses before they went to Alex's party. Libby asked him. "Would it be alright if we picked up a person?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

Libby cheered as she got in the backseat as they stopped at Zach's. He was confused. "Why did you want to pick me up? And why are you sitting in the back with me?"

Libby sighed. "I need to borrow your cell phone. I'm returning the favor for someone."

That confused him. "What do you need?"

"I have a very strong suspicion your phone or data was hacked and I want to find the source." She answered.

He shook his head. "What? How do you know?"

Libby sighed in frustration. "I just do. Now give me your phone." Zach didn't fight it. "Now let's trace back your history and we'll find the leak." She scrolled through settings and worked her way to the data wall. Looking for some indication of another source. Sure enough, she found it. But the name is what shocked her. She knew this name. It was Cyrus. Cyrus had hacked Zach's iCloud and copied a video of Marcus getting a lap dance to fuck with him.

Why didn't she see it? Him and Tyler were responsible for fucking with him before. Was Tyler involved with this? Why is she upset? The only reason she's putting a stop to this is because she owes the asshole. Otherwise she'd let it be. L

What is Tyler gonna say when she ruins his fun? She hopes to not be too harsh. Or worse he takes it the wrong way.

But Libby doesn't have to worry about that now.

Tonight is all about Alex.


Libby had never been to a birthday party that wasn't Clay's before. And she's never been to the fucking arcade. Especially as a teenager. But this is what Alex wanted.

It was awkward bringing someone nobody knew, but Alden kept his distance as her, Zach, Clay, Jess, and Alex all stood with his family. Being his parents and brother who was away at college. She tried to make small talk with them, but found it difficult. Especially when it seemed like Alex was making things equally as awkward.

He stammered. "Um-thanks for coming, guys. And for the gifts."

Zach smiled. "Yeah, man. And the second one is from Val. She wishes you well."

Alex laughed. "She's a keeper, Zach. She's so sweet."

Jess snorted. "Sweeter than you deserve."

Zach gave her a tight lip smile. "Thanks for the bode of confidence, Jess. Yeah, she's really great. I really like her."

Alex coughed. "So-so you and Libby came together? Why was that?"

"Libby said someone hacked my phone." Zach answer before turning to her. "Did you find out who it was."

She nodded. "Don't worry about it."

Zach paused. "This person hacked my phone and you're telling me not to worry about it? They could have taken shit!"

She shook her head. "Nah, they just wanted blackmail material for Marcus. Nothing to worry about."

Clay spoke up. "Since when are you helping Marcus?"

Libby sighed. "He scratched my back so I had to. Don't worry about it."

Alex rolled his eyes. "You know, the more you tell us not to worry, the more worried we will be."

She groaned. "Why do you all need to know everything about everything? This has nothing to do with the Polaroids or whoever's fucking with us, so chill the hell out."

Jess and Alex looked at them confused. "Polaroids?"

Clay instantly shouted. "Nothing!" But Libby noticed how Zach did not show any confusion at what she said. "Libs, we are a team. All of us. Except Zach. And so when you have your own missions we wanna know what you're doing. To support you."

"You mean, to spy on me." She deadpanned.

"Fuck you, Clay." Zach said suddenly. "Are you still on about the trial? Because from what I heard you didn't fair that well either."

"I think it's time we cut the cake!" Bless Jessica Davis.

Alex nods. "Seriously? Can you two not make something about yourselves for one fucking minute?"

"He started it." Zach pointed out.

"So finish it." Alex snapped, causing everyone at the table to freeze. "Be a fucking man and not some child. This is my birthday and we have somehow cycled it back to Hannah Baker."

Zach stopped when he got a call. "Hey, mom! Oh yeah, I'm just out with the guys. I'll be home soon. Love you, bye." He looked at the rest of their faces in confusion. "What?"

Libby scoffed. "Out with the guys? Are you fucking kidding me?"

He got defensive. "What? You know what I meant!"

Clay rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we know exactly what you meant."

Alex was getting heated. "Why did you lie about where you were to your mom?"

"I didn't lie!" Zach shouted.

Alex shook his head. "But you didn't tell the truth. She thinks you're with Bryce and Montgomery. Why would she care if you were at a party with us?"

Zach sighed. "Well first of all, she doesn't trust you." Pointing at Libby.

She was offended. "What the hell did I do?"

"You are being tailed by your brother in the mafia." He pointed out. This caused the group to look over at Alden who was staring directly at Libby while standing in the corner. Half his face was covered in shadow. "You also are known for being violent and starting fights with people."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't start fights, I finish them."

Zach shook his head. "You are really hard for parents to trust. You act like an adult criminal with no morals and you scare the shit out of my mom."

Libby scoffed. "So your mom hates me and loves Bryce? I think she needs to reevaluate her choices, and I'm good."

Zach rolled his eyes. "You're not listening to me! She just wants what's in my best interest."

"And Bryce and the Walker money gives you all the protection you need, and she just doesn't care who he is." Libby finishes. "Is that really worth more to you than your conscience?"

He shook his head. "It's more complicated than that." It wasn't.

"Or maybe you're just a fucking pussy." Alex snapped.

Everyone grew silent. Libby spoke up. "Alex, are you okay?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm fine."

Lobby sighed. "Okay, but the last time you said that....." She sighed to herself as she realized what she just said.

The table looked between the two as Alex growled. "Go on, Libby. Fucking say it!"

Thankfully Carolyn Standall came out with the cake. "Do you still sing the song or is that too baby?"

After the cake everyone dispersed as Alex and Jess started playing on all the arcade games. It made Libby smile to see how cute they were being. Meanwhile she noticed Clay grilling Zach on nothing. "Why did you even come?"

Zach rolled his eyes at Clay's bullshit. "I'm here because Alex is my friend. And I'm the friend who helps with his physical therapy every week, so maybe relax on the judgment cause what the fuck have you done for him? Other than stress everyone out with your paranoia and accusations."

Libby walked away as she went up to Alden. "You know, you don't have to watch me every second?"

He nodded. "Makes me feel better. That was quite the show in there. You really know how to pick the most fucked up friends."

She shrugged. "I like friends I can relate to."

That made him laugh. "You aren't like them though. You aren't."

Libby laughed. "No, I'm worse."

He smirked. "In your own way. Everyone struggles with something. We cannot compare the hardships they go through to the lifestyle of our family. That boy is lucky he failed. And everyday he'll think back to that moment and be grateful he did. That girl will recover with time. And the boy you claim to be your brother will do well after heavy amount of therapy." He laughed. "Are you embarrassed of me?"

"Yes." She answered immediately. "Who babysits their fully grown sister?"

He smirked. "Clarke's. That's who. Get used to it. Especially during your testimony. Have you even thought about what you are going to say?"

She cringed. "I'm more of a go with the flow kind of bitch. Also thinking about the trial worries me for the amount of people I know who've had their words twisted in court. I don't wanna fuck Hannah up more than she already has been."

Alden shook his head. "You won't. She was your friend. A friendship that ended badly, but still a friendship. All you have to do is tell them about your time together and everything else is history. Just promise me you will not do anything to purposefully humiliate the family."

She sighed. "I promise, Alden. I don't have a death wish."

But she couldn't focus on Alden's words anymore when she heard the soft but firm voice of her beloved from across the arcade. She could pick it up anywhere. She closed her eyes to take it in. Her peace. "Alex told me to come."

"Tyler, he was just being nice." But Jess' words broke her daydream as she looked over to see Jess and Zach standing offensively as Tyler slightly cowered.

Her body was screaming at her to move, but as she turned back to Alden she knew she needed a better reason to ditch their conversation.

Her baby kept his composure. "Can I just see him? I brought him a present."

Zach leaned in with a sneer. "Walk away."

Libby turned to Alden. "Sorry to cut this late, but I need to stop my friends from being assholes."

Alden laughed. "That kid look like he could use a beating. He'll get eaten alive, Libby. Don't waste your energy." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Why do you care?"

She shook her head. "I don't." She lied.

He raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you still looking?" Fear coursed through her and she reluctantly turned around.

Tyler matched Zach's look of disgust. "Fuck you. You're not the boss of me."

Jess rolled her eyes. She wanted to be nice, but she also didn't want him around. Not without Libby there to work as a buffer. No matter how sweet he is with her, it doesn't erase the creep factor around everyone else. "Tyler, no one wants you here. After what you did to Hannah-"

Zach finished. "You're a fucking freak that sucks the energy out of a room." He leaned in closer to whisper. "Even Libby is done dealing with you."

His face ran hot with anger at his words. How dare he? "You don't know what you're fucking talking about. Or are you still jealous she would never fuck you. Even the thought disgusts her."

In a fit of rage, Zach tightly grasped Tyler's collar and lifted him off the ground. "Fuck you, freak!" Tyler gulped as he looked at his surroundings. In the corner of his eyes, he saw someone flinch, but looking at who it was made his heart break. It was Libby. His Libby. Standing with a tall man who must have been her brother, forcing herself to look away. Zach chuckled. "She isn't gonna save you. So I suggest you get the fuck out before I have you picking your teeth off the floor." He roughly dropped Tyler as he staggered back. Looking one last time at his beloved. He fought back tears as he ran away. He was shaking with anger, but also betrayal. Her look of helplessness replaying in his head.

Libby excused herself to go to the bathroom as she hoped to catch Tyler before he left the arcade. She wanted to cry. He looked at her with so much need and she had to turn him away. She just wanted to hold him. Her body aches for it.

She found her Tyler curled into a ball next to the bathroom doors as he covered his face. She could faintly see angry tears. She slowly approached him. "Baby?" His eyes snapped up and locked with hers.

His eyes hardened as he looked away. "I don't need your pity."

She lowered her body so she was eye level. "It's not pity, it's concern."

He shook his head as he violently wiped at his face. "Not enough concern to get Zach to stop."

She sighed helplessly as she cupped his face. "Baby, you know I wanted to. You know that. My brother was there, and Alden is the worst of the asskissers. I will punish Zach for this when he's not watching."

He scoffed. "Don't bother. I'll take care of it."

"Like you took care of Marcus? At the assembly?" She pointed out.

His eyes widen. "How did you-what do you know about-"

Libby rolled her eyes. "I followed Zach's data to track the leak. Marcus asked for a favor-"

"So you're helping Marcus? Why would you do that?" He shouted.

"Baby, calm down!" She rubbed his face and he couldn't help but lean into her touch. "I needed his connections to get my family out of a bind. Now they owe me and I owe Marcus. He wanted me to find who was blackmailing him."

He sighed. "Are you going to turn me in?"

She shook her head. "I can't. I mean, I could throw Cyrus under the bus, but I don't think you'd like that."

He scoffed. "Why don't you like Cyrus? He's one of the first people to want to be friends with me."

Libby sighed in frustration. "I think he's a terrible influence on you. Or am I not allowed to say that?"

He shook his head. "Unbelievable! I can make my own decisions. My own smart decisions. Cyrus is nice to me. He likes me. How many people can I say that about?" She looked away. "I'm not gonna end my friendship because you don't like him. You're friends with Clay."

"Tyler-" She heard footsteps coming into the hall and instantly jumped back. She ignored the flash of hurt across his face. "Just be careful. That's all I ask."  And she walked back into the arcade.

Tyler fought back more tears. He was helpless and she didn't care. Zach attacked him and she didn't care. Not more than her precious family. At least she's gonna protect him from Marcus. If she will actually do what she says. He's having a harder time than ever having faith in her.

His mind went back to Mackenzie. Sweet and inoffensive Mackenzie. Who so openly talked about liking him. Who was unashamed to flirt with him. She asked if he ever wanted to see a movie sometime and he was having a hard time finding reasons not to anymore. A date with a girl who openly was affectionate with him. Was he bad for thinking that? But then he remembered what happened earlier that day. She almost kissed Scott Reed. A fucking jock. And he was supposed to ignore that? She told him she pulled away and he believed her because of the panic attack. But she still considered it. So why can't he?

Libby came back to chaos. Alex was holding a plastic gun to his head while his mother was crying. His father and brother were also staring in concern and Jess looked furious. "Fuck you, Alex!"

Zach tried to intervene. "Jess-"

He was ignored. "How could you do that to me? To Zach? To your parents? You tried to leave us! Tried to abandon us and then you act like we wouldn't miss you! How far are you up your own ass not to see how much we fucking care about you. Who would care if I was gone? Are you kidding? Everyone in this room would be devastated. Like we were when you got hospitalized. So don't be a fucking asshole and say we don't care about you. Never say that again."

Alex put the gun down as guilt crossed his face. "Jess, I'm sorry."

The room was silent until Alden Clarke of all people spoke up. "Alex, is it? Perhaps the reason you feel like this world is always against you has less to do about the world and more to do with you getting in your own way?"

Alex turned to her brother. "Who are you?"

He smirked. "Doesn't matter. The point is you need to stop because the only person who appears to hate you is yourself. And I think everyone here is tired of telling you the same thing. So either stop saying it or stop believing it. Whatever works."

Libby rolled her eyes. "A bit harsher than I would've put it. But he has a point. Alex, you are loved. You are loved by so many people around you. Fucking remember it this time."

Alex laughed for the first time that night. "Poetic as ever, Libs."

She smiled. "I think that's the first time you've ever used my nickname. Don't be scared to."

He nodded at her smile. Yes, these were her friends. Her people. They were certainly fucked in the head in every shape or form there is. Broken in many different places.

And she was just like them in every way.


Now that the party was over the real fun could begin. Marcus had changed out of the Jets cosplay in favor of a plain suit and tie. He looked like a real senator now.

Giles was pleased to see him. "Marcus Cole, correct? Apologies for not introducing myself sooner. I had business to attend to regarding one of my sons. But I took the time to do a little digging on who you were." Marcus tensed up from next to her. "First thing I noticed was that you dad appears to be running for mayor. Doing a fine job in the polls, but I think he could be doing a lot better. I have no problem fixing this up for you. Second of course being your college applications. I noticed you were gunning for Harvard. You have some big dreams. I don't think Libby has been looking at college yet and she is almost done with junior year."

Libby sighed. "Actually, I've been looking into Juliard and other art...."

Giles continued. "So what do you hope to study?"

Marcus took a deep breath. "Law, along with political science."

He nodded. "You wanna be a politician? Like your father?" He nodded. "It's so refreshing to see a child trying to take after their father." He stared poignantly at his daughter, who just rolled her eyes. She was not taking him seriously. "I have some old friends at Harvard. They can raise you up the list."

Marcus' eyes widened. "Sir, you don't have to do that."

Giles chuckled. "Nonsense! You are now a friend to the family. And I help all my friends. What you have done for this family will not be forgotten. We are happy to assist your father and you as you enter the world. Welcome to the world of the Clarke's."

He straightened up. "I am honored, sir. Truly honored that you would consider me so."

It was after dinner and Libby led Marcus to her room to talk. "We need to discuss the deal."

He smirked. "So this is the famous room of Libby Clarke that everyone knows about."

She rolled her eyes. "How many people talk about my bedroom?"

He smirked. "Is that a serious question?"

She cringed. "Gross! Look, I tried to find whoever is blackmailing you. I looked through Zach's phone for any trace of hacking and I couldn't pinpoint a specific computer. But I did track it to the computer lab. So whoever it is goes to our school." She was lying through her teeth.

He rolled his eyes. "I already knew that. Fuck! What am I gonna do? What if this psycho decides to send this to Harvard. I'm fucked!"

Libby shook her head. "Well, you have our family behind you now. Take that as you will."

"It's not enough. It won't be enough." He said over and over. "What am I going to do?"

She sighed. "I don't know, and I don't care. After what you did to Hannah. My debts are paid."

He was fuming. "After what I did for your family-"

She smirked. "Which puts you in their debt. If anything, that should be the favor. Revel in the power it holds. With my father's protection, you don't need to stand behind Bryce anymore. You can be free."

He shook his head. "What makes you think I'm trapped by Bryce?"

She gave him a look. "Tell me honestly, did you even try to go to Bryce about being blackmailed?"

He lowered his head. "Yes."

She smirked. "And what did he tell you?"

"That with the trial he needed to keep his head lowered. Stay off the radar. And basically told me to go fuck myself." He answered.

Libby nodded. "And this is the guy you want to protect? Or do you just want the safety he provides? The safety my father provides?" He didn't answer. "Join the good guys, Marcus. Even if it's not for the right reasons. Even if you are still being a self-serving prick. You can do the right thing and keep yourself safe. Plus you get to say goodbye to Bryce for good. Why not take this?"

Marcus didn't respond to any more of her words. Instead, he went home to think about his choices. Was he really considering turning his back on all his hard work? What would that make him? A traitor. Or would that negate protecting the rapist? It's a tossup. But Libby was right, with the Clarke family behind him he didn't need Bryce anymore.

With her day basically over, Libby had decided to finally look at the blog updates she wanted to see how much Clay left out from his story. Which he pretty much did not tell her anything about. However, the article proved to be underwhelming. Except knowing that Clay lost his shit at Stahl. She should've seen that coming.

She kept scrolling, but she wished she hadn't. Because what she saw in the comments was a list of audio files. It confused her at first. And curiosity took over as she clicked the first one.

"Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. Don't adjust your....whatever device you're hearing this from. It's me. Live and in stereo-"

She shut her laptop. Mouth wide open as she felt bile rising in her stomach. She was hyperventilating. This had to be a mistake. There was no way that happened. There was no way she just heard Hannah Baker's tapes on the fucking blog for the trial.

There was no way the tapes were out.

Because if it was, she was done for.

She might as well dig her grave now.


Another one episode chapter! I didn't think it would be possible to do for episode seven but I underestimated how much of my own stuff I could shove in.

I debated colliding this with episode eight but decided it would be better to end the chapter on Clay leaking the tapes. Leaves a good ending.

I am conflicted with Scott and Libby, but also not really. I'm Tyby all the way, but I still like writing their dynamic.

And her bond with Alex is sweet.

I also am really starting to love Val. She's too cute I don't create enough characters like that.

Written: 07/26/23

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