Tough Ice

By cocoloversss

3.6K 97 51

The basis idea for this story is from @.3.talo on tik tok, I give full credit to them. This book is about a f... More

Tough Ice - Introduction
Tough Ice: Chapter 1 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 2 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 3 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 4 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 5 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 6 - Theodore
Tough Ice: Chapter 7 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 8 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 9 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 10 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 11 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 12 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 13 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 14 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 15 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 16 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 17 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 18 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 19 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 20 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 21 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 22 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chaper 24 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 25 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 26 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 27 - Katerina/Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 28 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 29 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 30 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 31 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 32 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 33 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 34 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 35 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 36 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 37 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 38 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 39 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 40 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 41 - Katerina/Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 42 - Valery *🌶️
Tough Ice: Chapter 43 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 44 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 45 - Valery/Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 46 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 47 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 48 - Katerina

Tough Ice: Chapter 23 - Valery

46 0 0
By cocoloversss

"What do you reckon they're talking about?" I shift my position and look at my best friend.
"Nat's been talking about this girl in her and Kat's class that they don't like, so, probably that."
"Or, they're talking about us?" I look at Katerina's and my bedroom door, then back at Ares.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I'm pretty sure girls tell each other everything that happens with their boyfriends. Every single detail."
"Every detail? Even-"
"Oh." I nod and look down at the couch. "So I'm uh, planning to propose to Nat." My head whips up and my eyebrows fly up.
"Yeah, we've been dating for just over a year now. I would've done it on our one year anniversary, but I overheard her telling Kat that she'd never want a guy proposing to her on an anniversary."
"Huh, well I wish you good luck man."
"Thanks bro."
"Did Katerina, you know, agree with her?" Better safe than sorry.
"You're not-"
"Oh god no, we've been dating for like 5 months, just for, future reference."
"Okay good, and yeah she did, thinks it's 'bad taste', Bullshit if you ask me, it's the perfect time, but as long as they're happy." I snort, but then Katerina and Natasha walk out of my room, qhorrified looks on both their faces.
"We heard- uh." I look at Ares, my eyes wide. He's in deep shit.
"How much did you hear?" Kat and Nat exchange a look, and Kat croaks,
"Just the last little bit." She makes eye contact with me. "You wan't to marry me?"
"I- uh." I scratch the back of my neck and look down, then back up at her. "Yes, of course I want to marry you." A red colour flushes to her cheeks while Natasha starts giggling, then she whispers something to Kat, making her go even more red.
"NATASHA! You can't say that!" Kat says in a whisper-shout. Natasha starts laughing even more, and I shoot Ares' a confused look.
"Love what'd she say?"
"I don't want to say it in front of my brother."
"Whisper it to me princess." She moves over to me and whispers,
"She said: 'He's just excited for the after-wedding sex', so yeah, I couldn't exactly say it out aloud." My eyes widen and I look at Natasha.
"Natasha, a word please?" I kiss Katerina's cheek, and then I stand up and walk into the hallway, Natasha following behind me.
"What's wrong Valery?"
"Please don't say stuff like that about me, I want to marry her because I love her more than anything, not because I'm 'excited' for the after-wedding sex. I get that it was a joke, but please don't say something like that about me again, I love your best friend so much, and I'm astonished that she loves me too. I want to make it known that I would never use her for sex, that's fucking disgusting and messed up."
"I'm sorry, you're right, I know you love her, I see how you look at her." I smile at Nat.
"I've had other girlfriends before, but I've been in love with her since I was 16." She smiles back at me. "Alright, let's go back." I walk back into my lounge room and sit between my best friend and my girlfriend.
"What did you talk to her about."
"I'll tell you later darling."
"Okay." She wraps her arm around the top of mine and grabs the remote from beside her. "Do you guys want to watch The Office?" I chuckle and kiss her temple. She's been obsessed with that show ever since we moved to the US.
"Again Kat?"
"It's a good show!"
"How about Brooklyn 99? It's another sitcom."
"Fine, I'll turn it on." She turns on Brooklyn 99, and she stares at the TV, but I stare at her instead.

"Baby watch the show." I smirk and rest my head on my fist.
"Why watch the show when I can watch you?"
"Not right now."
"Yes ma'am." She shuffles slightly as her cheeks turn red.
"I hate you."
"You know you love me princess." I know she loves when I act like this, so I'm just gifting her.
"We better get going, Nat has a class tomorrow, see you guys in two days for Valery's birthday, bye." Kat gets up and hugs Ares and Nat, then they leave, and she looks down at my rock-hard dick, then up at my face. She smirks and sits on my lap, and rolls her hips, making a deep groan escape my throat. She starts making out with me, so I pick her up and carry her into the bedroom, but when I start to kiss her again, she says,
"I think I'm going to go to bed." She walks into our cupboard and grabs some pjs, then shoots me a small grin as she walks into the bathroom.

I sit on the bed, my jaw clenched while my back muscles flex against the headboard. She walks out, sporting an innocent look on her face.
"Are you going to shower Valery?" I eye her, and stand up, my jaw still clenched while I grab a pair of grey sweatpants, her weakness, and a white tank top.

"Hi princess." She looks up at me from her book slowly.
"Hi baby..." Trailing of slightly, she goes red. Taste of your own medicine my love.
"What are you reading?" I flop down next to her and lay my head on her lap.
"It's this series called shatter me, it's really good."  I prop my head up on my hands and adore her while she starts rambling on about the series she's reading.
"The main character- why are you looking at me like that?" I bite my lip and stare into her beautiful chocolate eyes. "Valery?" I smile at her and she puts the book down. "Why are you looking at me like that baby?"
"I absolutely adore you darling." She flushes red and ruffles my hair.
"You turn 21 in two days, you can finally drink here."
"It's been weird, I could drink from 18 in Russia, not that I didn't drink before then because what Russian kid didn't? I don't even know if I miss it though." She giggles and I roll over so I'm lying down next to her. "Hey Alexa? Turn the lights off." The lights switch off and Katerina groans.
"I was reading."
"You have a book light on your nightstand princess."
"I don't own a book light."
"That's because I got you one, it's in your nightstand right now."
"Валерий Орлов! Больше никаких подарков!"
"О нет, русский, у меня большие неприятности."
(Katerina: 'Valery Orlov! No more gifts!' Valery: 'Oh no Russian, I'm in trouble.' Katerina: 'Yeah') I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I'm sorry princess, forgive me?"
"Only because I love you, but no more gifts!"
"Then who am I supposed to spend all this money on?"
"Yourself my love." I flush heavily. She's never called me that before. "Valery are you... blushing?" I hide my face from her, but she removes my hands and stares deep into my eyes.
"You have beautiful eyes Valery, you know that?"
"Thanks princess." Thank god it's dark because my cheeks are definitely a deep shade of red.
"I'm going to go to sleep now baby, good night."
"Good night sweetheart."
"I love you Valery."
"I love you so much more darling." She smiles and turns around so I'm spooning her, and I don't protest. Some people say they hate being the big soon, but I love it, means I can protect this sweet girl at all costs.

I get a text from Katerina during one of my business classes, and my spirits are lifted. I open my phone and read the text.
'Hey babe, what time are we meeting for lunch today?'
'Hi princess, I didn't realise we were meeting for lunch, whenever works for you.'
'Whoops wrong number.' Wrong number? The hell it is.
'Who was it meant for love?'
'It doesn't matter.' I raise my hand and the professor calls on me.
"I need to leave sir, family emergency." He walks up to me and the rest of the lecture hall starts chatting.
"What is it?"
"My fiancée's, I probably shouldn't say it."
"Aren't you a little young to be engaged?"
"You can't stop love." He chuckles lightly.
"You may go Mr...?"
"Orlov sir, and thank you." I pack my stuff up quickly and walk to where find my said Katerina is on campus.

I walk around the courtyard trying to find her, then I see a glimpse of dark brown hair, and what I think is the same outfit that she was wearing earlier.
"Katerina." She turns around and smiles at me.
"Hi baby!"
"Who the fuck was that text meant for?" She frowns and I can feel my face darkening.
"I was just trying to text Nat." Oh.
"You were?"
"Yeah, we made lunch plans. But you were jealous mister." She pokes my chest and giggles while I sigh.
"You know I left class for this, and by the way my business professor now thinks I'm engaged, so hope you like faking engagement."
"Valery what did you tell him?"
"I just told him it was a family emergency, that my fiancée, and then I didn't say the next part to make it sound more dramatic." She rolls her eyes, but I can see the smirk growing oh her face. "And of course I'm jealous, I'm always going to be jealous, and any man who lays a finger on you is dead."
"What about my brother, and my other guy friends, and my father and other male family members."
"Hugging from those people is fine, but any more than that and I'll kill them. No one touches you. You're mine."
"You wouldn't actually kill them right? I mean I love you but being a killer is a major turn off for me."
"Of course I wouldn't actually kill them, but I'd fuck them up." She laughs softly and I pull her in for a tight embrace. "I love you so much princess, you know that?"
"I love you so much too Valery."
"Do you want me to stay here? I can't exactly go back to class, and that was my last lecture of the day anyway." She nods, tiredness lacing her eyes. I sit down on a nearby bench and beckon her over, and she immediately does. "Come here my love." She moves into my arms and I wrap them tightly around her. "Tired princess?" She nods and rests her head on my shoulder, and I look out at this part of UCLA, it's so quiet right now.
"Nat should be meeting me here soon, we said we'd meet here right after her class finishes. 12:45."
"Aw, I'm enjoying these cuddles."
"Little baby." I frown and Kat starts giggling at my face, so I kiss her to shut her up.


jealous jealous jealous boy

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