Devil's Darling ~ miguel o'ha...

By vensophii_

1.6K 76 12

You are a young successful model, but your career wasn't quite as stressful as it looked next to being a spid... More



191 9 1
By vensophii_


"You're going to look amazing out
there, Y/n"

"You really think so?"

Y/n sat in front of the mirror, her hair falling in loose waves around her face. Her eyes were closed as her makeup artist carefully applied a shimmering layer of eyeshadow to her eyelids, a light touch of foundation to her flawless complexion, and a pinkish-red lipstick to her lips.

The soft, natural beauty, one that highlighted her best features without appearing overly done. The makeup added depth and dimension to her features, making her eyes seem even more sparkly. Grinning at her reflection.

Her manager and aunt Marjana Parker, stood nearby, checking off items on a clipboard. The room was filled with a sense of nervous excitement.

"Totally! Just remember, be confident, but not cocky. You got this!" Marjana said with a smile.

Y/n nodded, she had been preparing for this moment for months, working with coaches and trainers to perfect her walk and her moves. She knew that the eyes of the fashion world would be on her, and she was determined to make a good impression.

As her makeup artist worked on her eyes, y/n felt a surge of adrenaline through her veins. She took a deep breath, trying to quiet her nerves.

"How old are you, y/n? You seem to be quite young" her artist said, sounding curious about y/n's age after noticing how she appeared to be.

Y/n smiled and replied, "I'm 15, it this too young?"

The artist shook her head and replied, "Not at all! In fact, it's quite impressive that you are about to start doing runway shows at such a young age. You must be really talented." She proceeded to apply the makeup and continued to prepare y/n for the show.

Y/n felt a sense of pride and confidence at hearing the artist's words. After all, her looks, talent and of course her Aunt being a known ex-supermodel did the magic.

Marjana put a hand on Y/n's shoulder and said as both of them looked at their reflection in the mirror. "You look just like your mother."

Y/n felt her heart sink as she heard those words. Her mother had passed away two years ago, to hear those words from her aunt, a sense of detachment and dispassion settling over her like a blanket. She had trained herself to keep a detached demeanor, never letting her emotions get the better of her, but the mention of her mother still had the power to rattle her.

Y/n's aunt seemed to sense the change in mood and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, honey.. I just wanted to let you know how proud your mother would be of you."

Y/n nodded, unable to speak, as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. She didn't want to show weakness, didn't want anyone to see her as vulnerable.

Y/n's aunt seemed to understand and quickly changed the subject, asking about her plans for the rest of the day. Y/n nodded along, the conversation nothing but a blur as her mind raced with thoughts.

"I will be right back honey" Marjana said breaking the silence before walking away.

As soon as Marjana left to contact the owners, the dressing room was bustling with activity as other models ran around, talking in hushed tones, and adjusting their costumes. Y/n's nerves were on edge as she heard the sounds of the event's organizers outside, calling out directions and making final preparations for the show.

Putting on the last touch of her makeup, she felt someone staring at her. She looked up and locked eyes with a woman who was sitting nearby, also applying her makeup. The woman was stunningly beautiful, a ginger one with flawless skin and piercing eyes that glittered with envy. She was dressed in a stunning evening gown, with her hair styled in a sleek up do.

Y/n couldn't help but smile at her, admiring this beauty. But the girl's gaze was intense, and she seemed to be judging y/n's every move, as if she was measuring her up against herself

Y/n tried to ignore the woman and continue with her makeup, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort knowing that someone was watching her every move.

That's when the artist who applied y/n's makeup suddenly spoke up, noticing the tension between these two.

"That is Annabelle.." she said, looking at the other model from the corner of her eyes, voice soft and reassuring "Don't let her get to you, just focus on what you need to do and you'll be fine"

The young model took a deep breath, trying to ignore the other model's mocking smile and intense gaze and focus on herself, the artist was right, she thought. She couldn't let jealousy or petty drama dictate her first experience.

But oh god, that Annabelle. She looked like she was ready to walk on the runway and toss her clothes on people, while Y/n felt like she was about to throw up from nerves.

"I guess this is my initiation into the fashion industry" Y/n thought rolling her eyes, "being judged relentlessly by beautiful models who make me feel like a guppy in a shark tank."

Y/n got up from her chair, her eyes swirling around the place, searching for her aunt as she was passing between the other models.

That's when she felt someone's hand grabbing her by the arm, Y/n flinched and turned around to see Annabelle's figure, her eyes were cold and calculating.

"Hey, what's your name? I've never seen you here before, you must be new" the model said, her voice calm, full of fake sweetness.

Y/n felt a lump form in her throat, but she spoke up anyway "Y/n" She said, showing a smile. "And yeah, this is my first fashion show."

"Oh.. I see.."

Y/n felt the model's hand on her hair, and she tensed up instinctively. Annabelle was running her fingers through y/n's hair, almost like she was appraising her appearance. Y/n tried not to let the model's attitude get to her, but she couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious.

"You are pretty.. With such beautiful hair" Annabelle said, her voice almost syrupy, but Y/n knew she was being condescending. "It's so long. And that color, it's just... unique."

Y/n forced a smile, trying her best to be polite. "Thank you.." she said, feeling like she was being inspected like a toy in a store display.

The model's cold, calculating gaze never left Y/n's face as she finished touching her hair. Then she backed away slightly, her eyes never leaving the young model.

"Don't let any of this get to your head kid.. You wish" Annabelle said her tone changing and her lips curling into a sneer, with that she turned away, walking off and leaving Y/n feeling small and uncertain.

"God.. Was that necessary?" Y/n murmured to herself.

Feeling still shaken up from her interaction with the Annabelle, Y/n turned to walk back towards the dressing room when suddenly, Marjana appeared beside her.

"Y/n, you're up next. Are you ready?" The manager asked, a note of urgency in her voice.

Y/n took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. "Yes, I'm ready" she said, trying to sound more confident than she felt. She knew she couldn't let that Annabelle's words affect her performance on the runway.

The manager nodded and led Y/n towards the stage, where the lights were glaringly bright and the noise of the crowd was deafening. Y/n tried to stay calm and focus on her breathing as she stepped onto the runway, feeling all eyes on her.

"Oh baby" she whispered to herself, wishing her nerves and excitement won't get the better of her.

"You go bitch, walk like you own the show" at least she tried to motivate herself.


Y/n's heart skipped a beat when she saw Annabelle standing at the edge of the runway, with all the grace and elegence she could muster, she was striking a pose.

Y/n could still feel the sting of the earlier comment, but she refused to let this affect her. She stepped up to the runway and took a deep breath, trying to focus on her task and not Annabelle's mean glare.

They locked eyes, each looking for any sign of weakness or distraction that they could use to their advantage. But Y/n was determined to prove the model wrong and show the world that she belonged on that runway. She took a deep breath, put her chin up high, and began her stroll down the runway.

Annabelle, on the other hand, walked with a smug smirk on her face. She knew she was the star of the show, and was ready to outdo anyone who stood in her way. Strolling down the runway with a sense of confidence and superiority, her every move calculated to show off her beauty and grace.

Y/n could feel the model's eyes on her as they began to walk towards each other. The tension was palpable, and they both knew that whoever broke their stride or lost their focus would be the loser. They both kept walking, their eyes locked on each other, neither willing to back down.

The crowd was on the edge of their seats, watching the two models walk towards each other. They could feel the excitement and anticipation in the air, as each of the models put their best foot forward..

Searching for the right moment to strike. At the edge of the runway, y/n paused for a moment and centered herself.

Turning around with her hands on her hips, her head tilted back and her eyes locked on the audience, she stood with her shoulders back and her chest out, giving a mischievous wink to the crowd, looking every inch the supermodel she had been striving to be.

Turning back around and striding down the runway with a sense of purpose.

Marjana Parker in the back feeling a sense of joy and pride, and Y/n felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was in her element, and she was determined to rock that show.

Passing the last turn on the runway, she thought she had it in the bag. The audience's applause was deafening, and she felt like Queen of the World. But just as she was basking in the glow of joy, she felt a sharp pain on her leg.

Y/n stumbled and nearly fell, but managed to regain her composure. And that's when she saw it - a spider crawling up her leg, sinking its fangs into her flesh.

"Oh fuck"

Fear and panic set in, but Y/n refused to let it dampen the moment. She gritted her teeth, summoned all her resolve, and walked to the end of the runway. The audience was in uproar, cheering her on with every step.

The pain was intense, and she was tempted to scream or run off the runway. But she gathered her courage and kept going, walking to the end of the runway like nothing happened.

And do you know what?

The audience didn't even notice! She was feeling pretty proud of herself, to be honest, and the rest of the show went on without a hitch.

Marjana entered an excited state of being when she saw how the audience was cheering for Y/n and how they loved her. She was proud of what Y/n had accomplished on the runway and couldn't wait to tell her. But as she made her way to the dressing room, she noticed something wasn't quite right with her.

But she didn't let it worry her too much, she was focused on Y/n's amazing performance and the fact that she had given it her all. When her niece reached the end of the runway, she was there to meet her, arms open wide, with a smile on her face.

"Y/n, my dear! You were absolutely phenomenal out there! The audience loved you, and I couldn't be prouder.. I know you're going to have an incredible career ahead of you," Marjana said with a wide smile as she hugged the model.

But as they embraced, y/n felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. She tried to push it aside and keep up with her aunt praise, but she could feel the effects of the spider bite taking over. It was getting harder to stand, and she feared she might faint.

Still, she pushed on, listening to her aunt's kind words and soaking in the excitement of the moment.


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