The Chronicles of The Unsung...

By talontails

47 1 0

For eons, this world known as "Werza" has been locked in this constant cycle of conflict that would become kn... More

Fires of War Rise Again
Shadows of the Phantoms
The Dying Flame
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Umbral Answers and Lux Warden
World of Fire

Consignment to Eternal Damnation

18 1 0
By talontails

It was an event that had started what now seems to have been eons ago. Back to what we call the First Age, the time right before the Daybreak War that would start what would become known as The Eternity War. A primordial world of sorts, still yet so fresh and mysterious. People scattered across distant, unknown lands. It wasn't until the people of a nomadic tribe, who travel these vast unknown lands, would give birth to three souls whose fate has already been consigned to this eternal conflict.

A woman in her late years, her eyes as clear colored as sparkling emeralds, black long rugged hair, wrinkly ivory white colored skin, whose height is quite short. She was wearing these animal hides as a coat to help keep warm in the freezing weather, that a group of hunters had gathered before they had entered the northern frigid wastelands. With there temporary camp set up, the older woman stares over the blanketed horizon, thick with snow as far as the eyes can see. A man wearing a bow across his chest, black hair and brown eyes, similar ivory white skin, wearing animal hides as a coat as well, walks up behind the old woman staring endlessly into the frozen horizon. "Shaman Omniscient, I bear some news." The man said bowing his head. He continues to speak "we also wish for the Ceremony of the Przyszlosc." The old woman closes her eyes as if to ponder the request she had just heard. "We have three newborns. The three have a strange energy to them of sorts" the man finished relaying the news to her. She opens her eyes and turns around to face the man and nods yes to his request. "Be sure to bring the newborns to the ceremonial room" Shaman Omniscient stated to the man before he bowed his head in respect and left to set everything up for the ceremony. The shaman turns to face the horizon once more to continue staring into the frozen horizon for a little while longer before turning back to face their camp, made of several pitched-up tents, and starts making her way back. As she makes her way back to the camp, she can hear the three newborns making contented noises in one of the tents. The shaman stops to face the tent; she heard the babies making their contented noises and starts to slowly walk up to the tent. She puts her hand up to move the entrance of the tent, grabs the side of the flappy, fabric made entrance and moves it to the side as she enters. A woman standing to the side, holding a headpiece with jagged horns attached, wearing a long skirt, and a shirt with long sleeves, pale snow colored skin, green eyes, long shiny black hair, walks up to her and lifts the headpiece up to offer to the shaman as she bows her head to Shaman Omniscient in respect. Shaman Omniscient grabs the jagged horned headpiece and slowly places it atop her head and then grabs a jagged wand with an appearance of an old branch with a nicely carved handle with her right hand.  Shaman Omniscient looks over at the three newborns who were carefully placed in three small beds with crimson red fabrics and blankets used as bedding and wrapped around the babies to keep them from freezing to death. "The three newborns lay here, two boys and one girl" the same lady standing to the side, told Shaman Omniscient. She nods in response to her statement, and raises her right hand, holding the jagged wand up high, and starts swaying her right hand, moving the wand in what seems like random movements. She starts to hum with the movement, making the wand glow. Everyone inside the tent starts hearing a sharp, ear-piercing sounds. "Shaman! Careful!" The woman yelled out, putting her hand out quickly. The ear-piercing sounds stopped followed by a shockwave that knocks everybody standing up, down to the cold ground, as the babies remain unaffected. A red smoky hooded skull appears above the three newborns followed by what sounds like sinister laughing. Both the red smoky hooded skull and the laughter fade away as everyone gets up. Shaman Omniscient looks shocked beyond words, her mouth dropped, unable to utter a single word. "W-what was that? What did that mean?" The woman asked Shaman Omniscient out of fear. "I-it... cannot be! The red hooded skull... Soul's Agony. They have a very grim fate planned by a god who must be hiding somewhere deep in the shadows where none can see." Shaman Omniscient stated with fear clear in her voice. Fearing what kind of fate that not only the three newborns must face, but what kind of atrocities the world will be forced to experience, the horrors people will have to face in order to see the light of the next day. 

And so, this would mark the start of their journey. As the three grew, they would learn how to fight, hunt, and survive in grueling situations, until the start of the ancient First Age war would begin, known as the Daybreak War, as it would start at the dawn of a new day. The three consigned souls would fight in this war, bearing witness to horrors and atrocities committed by people during times of great distrust and conflict. There deaths would mark the end of the Daybreak War only for an evil lying dormant deep underground to be awakened and start ravaging the world. The three souls would be born once again, but keeping their memories from their previous life, they would grow up and join the fight against this evil that had started the new age until they would strike down this evil but lose their lives in the process, marking the end of this age. Similar situations would arise, creating this constant, eternal cycle of war and despair, with these three souls being reborn, growing up only to fight in each new age of conflict only to lose their lives at the end. This would continue for eons with no end in sight, people having gotten use to war, fighting, despair, with short times of peace in between each age, waiting only for the new war to begin.

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