Diego Hargreeves daughter

By Mason_Thames_Wife123

20K 398 120

When Diego returns to his original timeline. He is greeted by Lila and his daughter he never knew he had, doe... More



1.2K 23 2
By Mason_Thames_Wife123

Y/n's POV:

The next morning, I woke up and left the hotel. To my dismay, Diego was out there standing like he was wonder woman or something.

I walked up to him. "What are you doing?" I asked. Diego jumped "what are you doing?" He remarked. "I'm going for a walk". I looked up at him. "Okay good, I need you to stay away from the hotel for a little while. It's not safe."

He gave me some money "go buy some donuts or something" "I'm allergic to donuts" I responded. Diego looked at me in shock. "What do you mean your allergic to donuts?...you also hate fun?".

I crossed my arms "it's the gluten, asshat." "Hey!watch your mouth" Diego scolds. "Stop trying to get rid of me. Everyone tries to do that" I complained.

He leaned down to my level "Maybe just try to be less annoying" I scoffed "oh my God, your bad at this." "Just go somewhere for a few hours okay?. It's a big city! Go have fun" Diego ordered.

"Mom would never let me walk around a strange city all alone. She doesn't trust me" I threw my arms up dramatically. "That's because she's a terrible person...and I'm amazing. Remember that" Diego told me.

I counted the money he handed me "Eight dollars" I sighed. "That's a month's salary for a kid. Get outta here" he slightly pushes me away. "I'm so good at this" He mumbled thinking I didn't hear him.

It's amazing to know that my dad, who I've been wanting to know for 12 years, doesn't want anything to do with me. It's awesome.

I turned the corner and waited for Diego to go back inside the hotel obsidian. Once he did. I quietly walked to the doors and entered. As if I'm doing anything he says.

I looked around incase Diego was around. I smiled to myself once I saw that he wasn't in sight. I heard my uncle Luther singing, and trust me. It's worst than bad.

I turned the corner and I saw Luther and Diego staring at each other. I quickly hid behind the giant pillar, hoping they didn't see me. They continued to stare at each other before Luther broke the silence "what's with the bottles?". "Molotov cocktails" Diego answered before asking Luther a question. "What's with the music?". "None of your biz" he replies and my face scrunched with cringe.

Diego then picked up a tape and read it out loud "Phil Collins. Neil Diamond. Are you making a mixtape?" He got louder each sentence which kind of annoyed me.

Luther was silent for a few seconds with wide eyes. because he was thinking of something to say "shouldn't you be watching your kid?" He interrogated.

Diego chuckled "dude, I got that parenting thing down." "So what is she doing over there?" Luther pointed to me. Shit! How did Luther see me?!.

Diego rolled his eyes once they met mine. "This kid I swear" He walked towards me and grabbed my shoulders. "What are you doing here?!" He yelled. "You think I would listen to you?" I scoffed at him.

Before he could say anything, Luther walked up to us. "Also, Vanya and Allison took care of the sparrow problem". "It's Viktor" Diego replied. "What?" Luther asked confused. "Vanya's Viktor now". I smiled when he said that.

"What else did I miss when I was kidnapped?!" Luther exaggerated. "Jeez, Luther. Relax not everything is about you. Alright? So?." Diego said.

Luther sighed "The Sparrows are coming here, alright?". Diego perked up "For what? Tea?" He continued "No. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No!...No!" He repeated as if we didn't hear him the first time.

He held his index finger in front of Luther's face. "It's time for you and me to show 'em who's boss" "and me!" I joined in. "Not you" Diego didn't take his eyes off Luther while he spoke to me. "Awh" I sighed in disappointment.

"Like the old days, huh? You know, bustin' heads" Diego nudged Luther. His smile quickly faded as he read out a name on the tape. "Oh, Jeez, Luther. Lionel Rich- are you kidding me?" He complained.

"What? Lionel Richie's still cool." Luther defended. "No." Diego dragged. "Look, I met Someone, okay?..and I thought you know, maybe she'd like some curated songs that just so happen to express what's in my heart."

Luther put his headphones back on but Diego took them off "when did you have time to meet someone?" He asked. "I mean we've been here for two days and the only time you-".

"Is it Sloane Hargreeves by any chance?" I asked Luther with a smirk on my face. His eyes widened in shock and so did Diego's. "How did you know that?!" Luther yelled. "I have my ways" I smirked once more and Luther then looked at Diego's and the look on his face said it all.

He held the tape up "this is a mixtape for the enemy?" He looked at Luther with betrayal on his face. To be honest, Diego is being way to dramatic about the sparrows. Especially Sloane, I heard she was the nice one.

"Hey. Sloane is not the enemy. They are not the enemy. This is all one big misunderstanding. And if our family could just behave ourselves for once, then we could all work together. And then Sloane and I can fall in love, get married, buy a dog, grow old on a porch" Luther smiled to himself just thinking about it.

I gagged down his ear loudly on purpose causing him to glare at me and Diego let out an amused chuckle.

"Is...is Sloane the gravity one?" he asked. Luther nodded and Diego smirked. "Oh shit. You guys gravity banged" he snickered like a child.

"Ew gross! TMI! TMI!" I shouted and covered my ears. "Come on, you know I can't talk about that. Your daughter is standing right there" Luther pointed to me and I desperately nodded agreeing with him.

"Whatever, she's in her own little world right now" I wish I was "Luther, I'm your brother. We got no secrets."

He looked around before turning to Diego. "Okay, well, uh, you might say we were uh, 'dancing on the ceiling'" him and Diego smiled at each other.

"Oh! That one's going in!" Luther yelled and went back to the mixtapes. Diego stood up and grabbed a bottle of beer (I think). He placed it In a box filled with more cocktails, picked it up and walked past.

"You. Come with Me" he pointed at me. I followed him. "What's a Molotov Cocktail?" I asked. Diego ignored me and continued walking "is it a drink?" "No" he replied "can I try one" "No!" He said louder.
"You know I've had beer before right?" I said.

"It's a homemade bomb, okay" Diego's says as we both walked up the stairs. "Ooh!, can I help?" I ask. "Ever made a pipe bomb? 'Cause me and Stanley have. We've blown up tons of mailboxes back in Berlin. There are secrets in the mix."

Diego gave me a weird look and I shut up, realising that I've said too much. "So what's my job here, and how much you paying?"I ask, Diego presses the call button on the elevator and waited for it to open.

"Your job is to study the inside of this elevator, alright?" He made sure I was in and pressed all floor buttons so it would stop on every floor. "Seriously?" I said. "Until I get back" he finishes and the door started closing.

"Wait, where are you going? Come back!" I shouted but the door closed and Diego walked away. I groaned in annoyance. I really hate this guy, he is obviously just trying to get rid of me.

Once we stopped on the floor, I jammed the doors open with my mind and stepped out of the elevator. I walked down the stairs and into the lobby. I saw Diego with uncles Luther and Viktor and aunt Allison.

I stormed up to him and he looked shocked to see me. "Y/n-" I cut him off. "You left me in the elevator!" I said loud enough for only the four of them to hear me.

"You pressed it on all the floors and then left me!" I exaggerated. Viktor and Allison looked at Diego in Shame. "You know, if you don't want me. You could just say so! You don't need to do everything to get me out of your way!" I yelled and walked off.

Diego got up and followed me. "Hey! Where are you going?" I looked behind him and saw his siblings looking and listening to us but I didn't care. "I'm looking for mom, and then I'm going back to Berlin" I said and stormed off.

'Ugh! He is such a jerk!' I thought as I walked around the corridors looking for mom. "Mom?!" I shouted. But I didn't get anything in return.

I leaned down and wiped my tears. I shouldn't be crying over this. I was about to go looking again but I saw a glass bottle that had some left over beer in it. I smirked and pulled a lighter out my pocket.

A few minutes later. I was running around the corridors with basically a bottle of fire in my hands. I screamed and laughed. That was until the bottle had set a curtain on fire, causing it to burn to ashes, "oh shit!" I shouted.

I saw Chet from down the corridor walking up to me. "Oh shit!" I shouted again and ran away with the bottle of fire still in my hands and with chet chasing me.

I turned a corner and saw mom and Five come out of a room, Five looked kind of sad but I couldn't really pay attention to that since I was literally being chased. "Hi mom!" I yelled catching her and fives attention, "y/n! What are you doing?!" She stopped me.

"Isn't it obvious?" I rolled my eyes. "Where your dad?" She asked. "Getting his ass kicked by the sparrows" I laughed. "Yep, she's definitely your daughter" Five muttered.

Chet then ran up to us clearly out of breath, he harshly grabbed my arm "is this your daughter madam?" He said to Lila. "Yes" she confirmed. "Well, she has burnt down our curtain and you will need to pay for this" he spat angrily.

"Uhmm, yeah. Talk to her dad about it" she smiled politely. I then kicked chet in the shin and ran off again. "Don't be too rough y/n!" Mom shouted. "Bye mom!" I laughed.

I finally got back to the lobby with Chet behind me and saw the sparrows, but that didn't stop me, but it sure stopped Chet because he turned back instantly once they caught his eye.

"Molotov this, bitches!" I shouted and they all looked at me. "Y/n! Not now!" Diego turned and scolded. I dropped the bottle, it smashed and a flag caught fire causing the smoke alarm to go off.

"Oh Shit" I looked at the fire. Most of the guests saw what was happening and quickly evacuated the building.

"Power up!" Ben said. Mom told me that he was also an umbrella but he died and now he's a sparrow who has no clue who the umbrellas are.

"Go! Quickly go up to your room!" Diego grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the scene. I ran off and hid behind the bar table, hoping Diego didn't see me.

"Now Chris!" Ben shouted. A red laser suddenly attached itself to my families heads. Including Diego's. They all sunk to the ground while holding their heads in pain.

"I heard...I heard a rumour..." Allison groaned. "That your about to die?." Ben smirked. I stood up and looked around in terror. I saw Chris about to go for me but Ben quickly stopped him "don't. She's just a kid!" he yelled.

I locked eyes with my dad. He didn't look angry or disappointed. He looked Terrified, not for himself...but for me. "Run!...run!" He managed to get out.

I shook my head 'no' and a single tear slipped out of my eye. A few sparrows started walking up to my family but before I could use my powers to push them away somebody else did it for me.

An elderly man walked up to them and let a burst of power out of his chest. Ben and Fei Fell over from impact. Luther ran up to Sloane and he pushed them both out of the way. Unfortunately for Jayme and alphonso, it looks like they've been killed.

I actually felt kind of sorry for them. They only wanted their brother back. And I don't even know what happened to the cube thingy.

"Jayme!" Fei yelled and reached her hand out for her siblings who were on the ground not responding "Alphonso!" She cried. "Pull back!" Ben shouted and got up while fei grieved.

Luther had tried to Sloane up, But I knew she wasn't dead, she was just unconscious. The remaining sparrows left the hotel and Diego walked up to me.

Before he could say anything. I hugged him as tight as I could. "I was so scared" I cried into his chest. I'm not normally an emotional person but the tears kept falling and I couldn't stop them. "I'm sorry" I cried. "I'm sorry dad" I whispered. Diego patted me on the back awkwardly. "It's okay kid, I'm just glad your safe".

Viktor then got up and looked at the man in shock. "Oh my—Harlan?" He asked out of breathe. "Is that you?" He questioned.

Suddenly Chet walked up to me and my dad. I gave him a glare, and he gave one back. I wiped my eyes and ran off before he could say anything to dad.

Wait—did I just call Diego dad?

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