resident evil oneshots ! ☆

By yourlocalcostco

15.6K 145 61

where i write delusional scenarios regarding my favorite resident evil characters... if you like my writing, ... More

☻☹︎ [l.k.] a reminder.
☻☹︎ [c.o.] nightmare.
[HC]: cuddles. ☻
☻ [nm.] stuck.
☻✴︎ [l.k.] an aphrodisiac.*
[HC]: first meeting. ☻
☻✴︎ [cs.r.] i : professor?
✴︎ [cl.r.] the club.
☹︎ [o.s.] heavenly.
✴︎ [cs.r.] ii : professor?
☹︎☻ [j.v.] first snow.
☹︎✴︎ [c.r.] iii : professor?
✴︎✴︎ [c.r.] iv : professor?

[HC]: love language. ☻

759 8 2
By yourlocalcostco

HEADCANON // ada, carlos, chris, claire, ethan, jill, leon, luis, wesker||any reader||tw: none. capitalization of their name is the main form of love language they aspire to have, their name in lowercase is their secondary form.


carlos - physical touch is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, releasing oxytocin, which fosters a sense of attraction and intimacy between partners. this hormone is a necessity, a drug, to carlos. he has a strong desire for the feeling of being held by/to hold someone. having grown up in a washed-up neighborhood, caught up doing washed-up things, and having to deal with some washed-up consequences after-the-fact, he never really got to experience much of this type of love growing up. at least, not real love. finally experiencing that sort of love brought him out of the constant reminder of those memories of the experiences from before he met you, like seeing his brothers be killed due to gang-related violence, participating in a street gang to commit robberies by the time he was in primary school, getting imprisoned just to be set free, make friends, and find out those same friends had been taken away from him by some highly-advanced, mutated zombie experiment. he was finally able to escape from that constant spiral and be brought back down to earth, to focus on only you and him.

LEON - for individuals like carlos who prefer physical touch, it provides them with a sense of safety and security. for leon, it helps him feel connected, comforted, and reassured in his relationship. for someone who struggles with verbalizing his feelings, physical touch allows him to express his emotions and affection more readily. like: again, as i shared from an earlier headcanon, leon would feel like he has to constantly have some part of his body touching yours at all times. an image that comes to mind is him, having his legs tangled in with yours whenever you're cuddling, with his fingers brushing through your hair. and he loves when you get all clingy! although, he'd also never admit it... this just helps him bond with his partner on a more deeper level. some people find it easier to communicate their love and care through physical touch rather than words... and leon's one of those people (but, i mean, he is unintentionally good at it anyway - using his words. them regrettably coming more off as jokes than an attempt at a flirt, though).

LUIS - individuals who grew up in affectionate and touch-oriented environments may develop a preference for physical touch as it's familiar and comforting, providing a safe space for vulnerability and empathy. despite never having a parent present in his life growing up, he still had his grandpa who took care of him as one. though touch as a form of love language wasn't an often occurrence seen between two male family members at the time (and still to this day), it was always being fed, as well as 'quality time', to luis. his grandfather was a kind and compassionate man, understanding that his grandson only had himself in his life, so he gifted him the love that he could only wish would replace one of a mother's. knowing the sacrifices his grandfather made for him - and the times spent his grandfather read books for him, cradled in his arms - he wants to one day pass on that sort of love to you... and, perhaps, one day to a child of his own?



ADA - those who value quality time appreciate the focused attention from their partner. it makes them feel cherished and valued. i personally placed ada here because of her reaction in re4 remake, after inviting leon to fly away with her on the helicopter just for him to shut her down... she was disappointed, but quickly brushed it off, knowing the façade she had to uphold as a vigilante. she wanted to spend more time with him, also alluding back to her conversation when she first rekindled with leon earlier in the game... though, don't get it twisted: she does like her space, but on a rare occasion, she will seek out your comfort.

chris - quality time spent with one another allows for the creation of lasting memories to be made, which in turn, can strengthen the bond between partners. trauma can make the heart grow fonder, right? it makes sense as to why chris and jill have been platonic (😉) partners for so long... you're the ground that he needs to humble himself and someone he can come to when he needs a little guidance. he spends all his time and effort trying to keep others safe, but he doesn't know how it truly feels to be safe... not unless he's with you.

ethan - spending valuable time together with someone tends to communicate that they each have become a priority in their partner's life. this, obviously, should then make the person feel valued and cherished. in this case, the person in question is ethan. as you can probably guess, with mia having been gone for so long, ethan was unattended to regarding his needs in a relationship. not seeing her for so long drove him insane - literally into a depression. if you two were to ever get into a fight and you were to give him the silent treatment, it'd probably break him, to be honest... he values the time he has with you greatly, constantly reminded of yours and his own mortality so he can really appreciate it. is it truly that bad, that greedy, that he just wants to take his time with you for as long as he can?

JILL - spending quality time together fosters a deeper emotional connection. as a result of her work, she always keeps her feelings bottled up, so she tends to feel understood and appreciated when her partner actively engages in similar activities to hers. especially, when she's rarely seen outside of those said "activities"... she isn't able to put much thought into setting up time together, and quite frankly, she doesn't like to either; but, you already are aware of this before getting into a relationship with her. you could be eating out at either of your shared favorite restaurants or you could be eating in whilst watching a movie, as long as the two of you are together, then all is well.



claire - everyone loves compliments, but kind words that are directed towards claire, herself, and the actions she does make her certainly feel loved and appreciated. after what happened with terrasave, facing slander over a framing job done to the company, she has been faced with a lot of harsh criticism and hate for quite a long time. going home after a long day at work, hearing a simple: "wow, my girlfriend... looking as beautiful as ever - and as always! how has the day treated you, babe?" does wonders to her. also, in general, she's just a pretty girl who doesn't have to do much to catch the eyes of others; she's heard compliments all her life, and she enjoys the attention. that's it.

ETHAN - positive affirmations can boost a partner's self-esteem and can make them feel more confident in the relationship... when things were "good" between him and mia, at least in ethan's unknowing eyes, this wasn't a problem at all. it was only when mia's lies came afloat that ethan began to question the very grounds of his 10+ year relationship with her. as a result of countless traumas being sustained (in the course of his 6-year battle to get mia, and then rose, back), he wanted nothing more than a frequent reminder that his love is true and actually reciprocated. therefore, communication and honesty are both the most important to ethan.

jill - individuals like jill, who prefer words of affirmation, seek emotional validation and reassurance from their partner. even when it doesn't seem like she does, knowing full-well the tank that she is, it still doesn't hurt to hear it from someone else... specifically when it comes from the person she loves. sometimes chris indirectly undermines her, telling her to settle down for her health and her mental, but it would be a lie to say those comments don't get to her a lot of the time. she often takes those well-meaning comments to heart, thinking he's calling her weak, so hearing you admit the exact opposite helps build back up her sense of security in herself. knowing you love and care about every facet of her is enough for her to try... to try and stay alive, for your partnership.

luis - in luis's opinion, verbalizing affection and appreciation is such a powerful way for anyone to express their love and care. and he is the master of it! it's not a shock to anyone that the 'flirting' stage is luis's favorite part of dating, so even though you gave him quite a chase when he first met you, he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. that was ideal for him. you love to tease and push away, and he loves to pull you back with loving words and actions that you can't help but fall for... he knows he has you wrapped around his finger anyway, just as much as you with him. and once you've felt completely and utterly comfortable with his presence, you make sure to tell him this all too.



CARLOS - acts of service demonstrate thoughtfulness and consideration for your partner's needs and well-being. they interpret love and affection, primarily through various careful actions. carlos loves to and would love someone who takes care of their partner. he would do absolutely anything and everything to make things easier for you throughout your day. honestly, carlos is like your own personal diary - and let's face it, you are his too. you both know all about each other's interests and disinterests. his favorite thing to do for you is to cook some of his favorite cuisines that originated from his home country, and overall just share his culture with you. and carlos, being the overgrown manchild that he is, loves to be tended to. so, you enjoy babying him every once in a while; like, sitting him down to brush the specific area at the back of his head because you know how he struggles to reach it, or if he needs help shaving, you'd have no problem assisting him in doing it.

chris - in order to make him feel loved and valued, it is a law in all of chris's relationships that they should strive to go out of each of their ways to help or support each other and the same principle applies to you too. and, in the end, you'd do anything for each other - no matter how big or small. during the winter months, chris would get up bright and early to start your car for you before you even wake up for work. he'd make sure that the heater has turned on so you wouldn't be stuck sitting out in the cold and scraping the snow off your windshields. he'd also shovel as much of the driveway/walkway as he can, so you wouldn't have to... and, for you, if you happen to notice a specific habit/quirk chris had picked up on, you'd try to learn it in order to pleasantly surprise him and return all of the favors he's ever done for you - even if it's something as farfetched as the number of ice cubes he likes in his glass of water, or slicing off the crust of his sandwiches: you'd do it with the utmost love and affection.

leon - when leon first returns home, he just wants to relax. he isn't too mindful of how much space he's taking, thus he becomes very messy for at least the first few days. the acts of service that leon enjoys are the ones that can reduce stress and burden, allowing you and him to feel more relaxed and loved in the relationship. so, when you end up seeing his mess, knowing he's been stressed as of late, and decided to clean it up in his rugged sleep, he'd wake up, and be reminded to be eternally thankful to you and for your mere existence in his lonely life. you'd make him meals to heal his soul and rid him away from all the trauma he endured along the way, even if only temporarily. and once he bounces back mentally and physically, as a form of repayment, he'd make you breakfast and coffee/tea in bed. he'd take you to the bathroom for a shared bath, telling you how he's sorry about being away for so long and how much of a bum he has been since being back, then confess to you about just how much he has missed you - whether it is a sensual break or simply a time of care is completely up to you. and then, his plan would end with a blissful massage from head-to-toe and a loving cuddle, watching a show/movie of your choice.

WESKER - for some people, actions speak louder than words, because it demonstrates a commitment to their livelihood and overall happiness. and, in a weird [or, i guess, not weird in an albert sort of] way, this is how wesker shows his love and would like to have his love reciprocated... it's through actions. like, genuinely: he'd end the world for you. and, to be honest, he'd quite simply expect the same. he's always been a man of action, and no one really sees that changing any time soon. because of that, the weight of his 'acts of service' carries heavily into his love for 'gift giving'.



ada - receiving gifts makes them feel remembered and cared for, even when physically apart. and this might be a bit of a stretch, but i feel like both parties of the relationship would spoil each other with so many gifts. knowing each other's likes and dislikes, you'd probably take ada on her off-day to whatever is her favorite store(s), and honestly, buy out the whole place if either of you wanted to. ada's not necessarily the most outwardly sentimental type, so gift-giving would be an easier way for her to express her love to you; most likely by yoinking it along her mission from the place of interest, but it'd have to be something she thought was breathtakingly worth gifting to you (thus it being a rare occurrence for her to actually get something for you).

CLAIRE - gifts are seen as thoughtful gestures that demonstrate a partner's understanding of their preferences and desires, and for claire, her gifts seem to never run out. sometimes you even wonder how she is able to find all these things with what money the two of you share... but still, you try to cherish everything she has ever bought you - even the pair of socks with cheesy, cliche quotes on them. they're seemingly so constant, as opposed to ada, but seem to hold some sort of sentiment between you two. some gifts include little pastries she saw you eyeing from a nearby pastry, a random bouquet of flowers, a replacement set of earphones from when she heard you broke your previous ones, and/or anything she finds that reminds her of you. and, over the time you guys have spent together, you accumulated a little treasure trove of favored trinkets and gifts that can always make you smile when you see/use them!

wesker - gifts are seen as symbolic representations of love and thoughtfulness. those who value gift-giving appreciate the effort put into selecting something meaningful. and, as are the cases for the other people listed here, he isn't the most open about his feelings. but what he does have? is money. and he loves things! so, therefore, i think the next logical leap would be that he would love to spoil his favorite little plaything - with the same reasoning as his 'acts of service' love language: 'you scratch his back, he'll scratch yours' type of deal. he will make sure to get you a random gift pretty much every day; some will be bigger, and some will be smaller... he just makes sure you have something. but, he will also get upset if you don't wear/utilize the things he bought you. he probably won't show it at first - to protect his ego - but with time, he will try his very best to do undercover work to figure out why you possibly do not do so. this will come up in the near future though... most likely through an argument, to be honest.


it's essential to note that each person is unique, and their preference for a particular love language may vary based on their own experiences and emotional needs. understanding and communicating with one another in the language that resonates most with each partner will eventually lead to a more fulfilling and connected relationship!


( notes: honestly, i have no idea how accurate this is lol- this was even harder than the nemesis os i wrote SHDJDJDK-- especially trying to place jill on here, like she's really a wild card to me (both young and old jill). i have zero leads on what her type is, in terms of love language. also leon and claire, and a bit of ada and wesker... idk lol, please give me critiques 😭💀 this took waayyyy... too long to write. )


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