Us Against The World

By Uniquelywritten86

98.8K 4.7K 4.8K

With all the madness surrounding the couple they finally agree to focus on bettering their relationship. Whic... More

This Is Our Relationship
Blue Light 2.0
No More Disrespect!
Therapy Saved Us
Creating Memories I Never Had
The Truth Will Reveal Itself
Checkmate Bitch!
So Called Friends
Almost To The Finish Line
Therapy Won't Fix This
Things Ain't What It Seems
The Day Has Come
A Weight Has Been Lifted
We All Have Choices
No New Friends
New Beginnings
It Could Have Been Worse
It's Always Something
No More Talking
One Step At A Time
We All Have A Past
Eviction Day Came Early
Everyone Can't Be Trusted
You Gone Learn Today
Growing and Glowing
Let Me Cater To You
Our Family Is Crazy
Doing Better Than Ever
People Stay Testing Us
New Neighbors New Problems
Fatima's Big Heart
It's Not Easy Letting Go
I'm Gone Protect Mines!
Old Run Ins & New Relationships
Mending Bridges
Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️
There's Always Some Truth
They Stay Fucking With Me
Now Run And Tell That
Close Call
Who Are You
Our New Home
One Step At A Time
House Party
Caught Cheating
It's Time
Zaya Marie Taylor 💜
Our Family Is Complete
A Big Help
Stepping Out on Faith
Us Against The World Still....
A Lot Has Happened
Daddy's Home
2nd Run In
Pay Attention To The Signs
New Distractions
Someone From Our Past
Nasty Ass
Time Is Up
Playing Nice
Bitches Playing Dirty
It Must Be Done
Bye Bitches
You Got The Right One
Double Dose Of Stalking
Who Are These Bitches
You've Met Your Match
Game Plan

She's Gone

1.1K 58 31
By Uniquelywritten86

Babe I am about to head out for work shouldn't you be getting up yourself.


Zac jumped up and looked at the clock 

Zac: This all your fault 

Fatima: How is it my fault?

Zac: Because you had me up all night, now I'm exhausted 

Fatima: Didn't no one tell you to go three rounds like your were the energizer bunny. You can't keep up with Roxy, she on a whole other level

Zac: I see, you look good how are my babies doing?

Fatima: Thank you we are doing great couldn't sleep all that much I think the three rounds had the baby up bouncing and moving all night.

Zac: See we on the same page if I can't get no sleep neither can you

Fatima: Whatever I  will call you later 

Zac: Alright love you 

Fatima: Love you too

Giving Zac a kiss

I seen Eboni had texted me to see if I wanted to do lunch today, I texted her back and said sure.

I headed into the office I thought I was doing good getting out the house early but this Atlanta traffic is beyond horrible.

I turned on my favorite podcast KIPS( Keep It Positive Sweetie) When I say every episode Crystal be all in my business parked right in my driveway. She be dropping gems, she's such a genuine person how can you not love her.  

I hit up Bryce to let him know I was running late and I would be there shortly. Fatima really be putting it on my ass she be having me knocked out every time. I be thinking I be putting in all the work but naw she got me beat and I don't know if it's because she's pregnant but it just felt even better.

Got me hard thinking about 

Pointing at my dick calm down nigga she ain't even here, I know you can't resist her me either.

I showered and dressed then headed to work.

When I got to the office I had 2 meetings back to back. We were finally getting things started with the Hotel property we purchased.

Bryce: Hey man long night?

Zac: Yeah, had a long day. Thanks for holding down the fort 

Bryce: Of course I got here early since Angela was in one of her moods I didn't have time to be going back and forth with her.

Zac: Trouble in paradise 

Bryce: Just small petty stuff she complaining about every damn thing

Zac: I know you Bryce are you still out there having your sex adventures 

Bryce: Not really because she been tripping. I been staying home rubbing feet and stuff

Zac: Well take her on a nice little get away or something she probably need some alone time 

Bryce: Yeah maybe that will work if not then I don't know what I am going to do

Zac: I got faith in you man 

Bryce: At least someone does 

Zac: I am going to head out on my lunch so I can go check on my mom she's still in the hospital 

Bryce: Is she getting any better?

Zac: No she's been in a coma and doesn't seem like she's going to make it

Bryce: I'm sorry man I really am I know this is hard for you. Let me know if you need anything 

Zac: Thanks man I appreciate it

I went through a couple emails and made some calls before I headed out.

I made it to the hospital and walked back to my moms room hopefully Jeremiah wasn't there I didn't have time to go back and forth with him.

When I got to her room it was empty I started looking around maybe she woke up so they moved her to another room.

I went to the nurses station

Hello my mother was in room 124 and it's empty now 

Nurse: And what is your relation to the patient?

Zac: She's my mother 

Nurse: Just one moment let me call the doctor 

Zac: Is everything okay 

Nurse: The doctor will give you all the information 

My heart started beating fast something just didn't feel right

The doctor came around the corner 

Doctor: Hello Mr. Taylor. I'm sorry but your brother said he was going to call you. Your mother passed away late last night. 

What, no one called me 

Enraged and angry all he could do was cry

Doctor: I am so sorry your brother said he was point of contact and that he would let you know.

Zac: Where is the body, can I see her?

Doctor: He signed the documents last night to have her cremated 

Zac: Are you serious this can't be happening right now.

Doctor: I am sorry for your loss Mr.Taylor 

I felt like I was about to have a panic attack, I couldn't catch my breath 

Nurse: Sir are you okay here have a seat and I will get you a glass of water 

The nurse brought me back some water, it took me a minute to calm down 

I called Fatima

Fatima: Hey babe what's up

Zac didn't say anything 

Fatima: Hey can you hear me 

Zac started crying 

She's gone, she's not here anymore

Fatima: Your mom is gone?

Zac: Yes she died late last night.

Fatima: Why didn't they call you?

Zac: Jeremiah told them he would call me but never did. I didn't even get to say goodbye he cremated her

Fatima: What the hell

Zac: I'm going to kill him when I find him I am going to kill him

Fatima: I know doesn't help but try to calm down babe

Zac: Fuck that he crossed the line, I'll call you later 

Fatima: Zac , Zac 

Fatima heard the dial tone 

Fatima: Did he just hang up on me, let me go find him before he do something stupid

Fatima: Hey Andi I have to go Zac's mom passed and I need to go be with him right now and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid

Andi: Okay no problem let me know if you need anything. Be careful and tell Zac I am sorry for his loss

Fatima: I will tell him thank you 

I tried to call Zac but his phone kept going to voicemail. Lucky I had his location 

Lord please just keep him calm I can't afford to lose him. I know that if Zac got ahold of Jeremiah  he was going to fuck him up.

Zac may have not have a great relationship with his mom but Jeremiah didn't have the right to cremate their mother without him being aware.

I just hope Zac get through this without knocking him steps backwards.

The Projects

I seen Jeremiah's beat up truck sitting in the parking lot so I knew he was up there. All I seen was red. 

His stupid ass had the door wide open just filthy and funky his ass was laying the bed with some woman that was under the covers.

Zac picked up a belt and hit Jeremiah so hard he woke up out of his sleep screaming Momma

Naw nigga it's a ghost wake your ass up 

Jeremiah: Nigga get the fuck outta here

Zac slapped him again with the belt this time it went across his face

You think I'm fucking playing with you. Yo fucking grimy ass didn't tell me our mother passed and then you got her cremated without me even saying goodbye

Jeremiah: What the hell do you care 

Zac grabbed Jeremiah out the bed by his legs causing him to hit his head on the floor. Zac kept giving him punch after punch all the built up anger he had he was taking it all out on Jeremiah.

Woman: What the hell is going on , Zac 

Zac taking his focus off of Jeremiah and turned when he heard a familiar voice. He looked over and it was Connie

Zac: So now you two are fucking, ya'll dusty crackheads are made for each other

While Zac's attention was on Connie Jeremiah gave Zac a cheap shot to the face.

That made Zac even madder 

Zac had his hands around Jeremiah's neck 

Connie: Let him go you're going to kill him 

Fatima made it just in time before Zac killed Jeremiah 

Fatima: Babe, babe snap out of it you're going to kill him.

Zac finally snapped out of it when Fatima laid her hand on Zac's shoulder 

Jeremiah cried like a baby 

Jeremiah: I'm sorry 

Zac: Fuck you, you're dead to me 

Fatima: Come on lets go 

Connie just sat there looking stupid 

When they got out in the hallway Zac let it all out he couldn't hold it in anymore he broke down in tears

Fatima took Zac into her arms and held him tight. She stayed there until Zac was ready to move. 

We finally made it back home 

Zac: I'm sorry all I seen was red, I wasn't thinking about the consequences and how it would affect you and our baby

Fatima: No need to say sorry I would have done the same thing. I'm just glad I got there in time 

He wrapped his arms around Fatima holding her belly, you two are all I need

Zac: I'm about to go take a shower 

Fatima: Okay do you want me to make you something to eat?

Zac: No I can't really eat anything right now

Fatima: Okay if you change your mind let me know

I know Zac has made his peace with his mom but I can tell this was really hurting him. I wish I could take all his pain away. I know in due time he will get through this and come out even stronger. 

 The doorbell rung I looked at the camera and seen it was Tony 

Fatima: Hey Tony 

Tony: Hey Fatima, how is he doing?

Fatima: He's handling it well but he's hurting too 

Tony: That's really fucked up what Jeremiah did I'm glad Zac beat his ass

Fatima: Tell me about it he stooped to low this time

Tony: That's what he always does

Fatima: He should be getting out of the shower I'll tell him you're here. Help yourself to a beer if you like 

Fatima: Hey babe Tony is here

Zac: Okay I'll be down in a minute

Tony: Hey man I am so sorry about your mom 

Zac: Thanks man 

Tony: How are you really holding up 

Zac: I'm good I made my peace it hurts a little but glad she's no longer hurting herself

Tony: Yeah she can finally rest, I seen Jeremiah 

Zac: Fuck Jeremiah that nigga is dead to me especially after what he did 

Tony: Yeah that was foul 

Zac: I just want peace in my life I have a family to take care of I don't want to keep going back and forth over petty shit. But I also won't continue to let people who are not adding value to my life. 

Tony: I feel you man, I am here for you if you need anything and I mean anything.

Zac: Thank you man I appreciate it

Tony: Of course, I am going t get out of here just wanted to check on you and make sure you're good.

I went upstairs Fatima was already in the bed sleep, now that she is pregnant she falls asleep quick. I cuddled up next to her and just held her. 

Thank you Lord for keeping me yet another day continue to direct my path and cover me and my family. Please watch over my mother and tell her I always loved her .

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