The Man Behind the Screen

By NaLu911

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Midoriya thought the feelings would go away. He thought he could live out his life happily with his wife. How... More

Realized... No, Accepted
Manly Advice
Promises Made, Not Broken
Dog Days, and Shit Friends
Kicks and Giggles
Card Games and Phone Apps
Temporary Home
Thoughts and Images
Unexpected Emergency
Kacchan's Little Helper
Some Form of Hello
A Threat, What's it Worth?
Friends, New and Old
A Place to Call Home
Happy Looks Good on You
Play the Game
Trouble in Paradise
Unkeepable Promise
Déjà vu
Hangouts and Compromises
Secrets Uncovered
Thank the Universe
Over Thinking
Careless Words, Careless Mistakes
When it Rains, it Pours
Secrets Untold
Not What I Wanted to Hear
Arcades and Attorneys
Best Friend Ever
Friends Versus Enemies
Spoken From the Heart
Here's the Deal...Goodnight
What's Mine
Beginning of the End
Love is Love
Hero Interrupted
Best Friend Busted
Welcome Home
This is War
Date, Fate, or Fated Date
Exactly What We Had
Talks of the Heart
Good Luck...Hanging Out
More Than I Hoped For
Have I Ever Told You...
Moms can be Scary
Was There Really a Winner?
From A to Z
In Their Own Words
Cold Breakfast
Floating Fire
Getting to Know Them
The End of the Battle
No More Hiding
Bonus Chapter

Getting to Know You

374 35 67
By NaLu911


"Mommy, I done," Daiki said happily while pushing his plate away from him. "Cake?"

"Finish your vegetables," Itsuka pushed his plate back to him. He pushed his lower lip out and pouted.

He turned to me. "Daddy, cake."

"You heard Mom. Finish your vegetables." A tear slipped down his face. He started sobbing loudly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the people at the table behind me sighed heavily at the sound of Daiki getting ready to throw a fit. "Hey bud, remember what we were saying about your feelings? You're allowed to feel whatever you're feeling, but you don't need to make everyone else feel them too. If you want to cry because you have to finish your food before you get cake, then you do that. But you will do it quietly without making everyone else feel what you're feeling."

Tears continued falling down his face, but he was silently munching on the remainder of his carrots. Itsuka raised an eyebrow at me. "When you said you wanted to gentle parent him, I never thought it would work."

"Explaining emotions and thought processes to kids helps them grow and understand their feelings when they get older. It also shows them how they need to be treated." There are a lot of benefits to gentle parenting. I did a lot of research when Itsuka was pregnant and wanted to give it a try. At the age of three, Daiki already understands a lot more than other toddlers. He's crushing the terrible threes. He doesn't throw fits too often, but we can usually talk him down when he does.

Itsuka and I continued our conversation while he ate his vegetables. "What time are we getting together Saturday?" she asked.

"I can pick you up around seven. My mom said she could keep Daiki overnight." The last thing I want to do is go to the hero appreciation party with her, but she keeps insisting. That and she keeps blackmailing me with the custody of Daiki. "What are you wearing?" If we didn't match like we usually do, or everyone else, we're practically telling the world we didn't get ready together.

Our server appeared next to me before she could reply. "Can I get you guys any dessert?"

I glanced down at Daiki's plate. This time, it was empty. "Do you want cake, a brownie, or ice cream?"

"Cake," he said with a wide smile.

I turned to the waiter with a smile. "Can I get a slice of chocolate cake, a chocolate fudge sundae, and a strawberry fudge sundae?"

"Certainly. I'll have that out for you as soon as possible." He quickly walked away.

"I'm going shopping for a new dress for the event. I'll pick you up a matching tie. Just plan on wearing your black suit."

"Who I go home with?" Daiki asked quietly. We never officially told him it was a hush-hush subject, but he's good at picking up context clues.

"You're coming home with Daddy," I smiled. I finally got the rest of the furniture and decorations in for his room, and I can't wait to show him. "I figured we could build a fort in the living room and watch movies."

He smiled widely before bouncing in the booster seat. "I missed you, bud."

"I miss Daddy too," he frowned. Itsuka was supposed to keep him for one week, but it had been almost a week and a half.

"Daddy will be sure to remember the feeling of missing you," she seethed. "Just in case he decides to pull something funny."

I looked at her with wide eyes. Did she keep him from me so I knew she was serious about threatening to sue me for full custody? She wanted me to know what never seeing my son would feel like.

We ate our dessert in silence before I loaded Daiki into his car seat.

The entire drive home, my son talked about what he did with his mom over the last week and a half while I wiped the stray tears falling down my face.


In minutes, he wore himself out. We built a blanket fort and played with his hero action figures. He was Red Riot, and Kacchan, while I got to be Todoroki and myself. I chuckled at the thought; then we watched a movie. He fell asleep halfway in, but I wasn't ready to move him. I just got him back after a week and a half. Realizing his mom kept him from me to show me not to take her lightly really hit me hard. I feel like I got to really know her for the first time tonight.

I was in no hurry to move. I sat there and ran my hand through his hair as the movie continued to play. My phone lit up, and I grabbed it from the side table. I smiled as I looked at the screen.

Nitro1991- Hey, you still up?

My fingers couldn't move fast enough across my phone's screen as I typed my reply.

Camopsing1- Yes, I am still up.

Nitro1991- Like always, how was your day?

I decided to lie a little. I didn't want to talk about Itsuka and what I realized at dinner or that she was forcing me to appear with her publicly. Besides, I would probably just start crying again. I will focus on the good part. I got to have my son with me, which made the rest worth it.

Camposing1- My day has been pretty good.😁 What about yours?

His reply came quickly.

Nitro1991- I can't complain. It hasn't been too bad. Work was actually fun today. That hasn't happened in a long time.

Camposing1- That's great. I'm glad to hear it. 😊

I don't know cause he has never said, but I hope he doesn't mind the emojis.

Nitro1991- So, we have talked a few times but don't know much about each other.

For whatever reason, I got a little nervous. I hope he doesn't ask me about my job. I don't know what I would say.

Camposing1- What do you want to know?

I was a bundle of nerves as I waited with anticipation.

Nitro1991- You know, like the little stuff. What is your favorite color? Mine is green and black. You can never go wrong with black.

I breathed a sigh of relief. He wants to get to know me, not try to uncover my identity. I closed my eyes and thought about my favorite color. I used to always say green because it reminded me so much of Daiki. However, that's not the color that fills my mind anymore. When I think of my favorite color now, I only see ruby eyes staring back at me—the most beautiful shade of red in existence.

Camposing1- Nice, I like those too, but my favorite color is red.

I like this change of pace in our chat. I need it to get my mind off things for a while.

Nitro1991- Favorite food? Do you cook?

Camposing1- You are asking the tough questions.. lol. No, really, my favorite food is Katsudon. It's the best🥳 I would love to learn how to make it. No, I can't cook to save my life unless you count stuff in the microwave. You know, popcorn, pastries, things like that. Can you cook?

I wonder if he can cook. I get the feeling he can do anything and do it perfectly.

Nitro1991- Well, you sound like a mess in the kitchen, lol. My favorite food is anything spicy. Curry is one of the best, though. Yes, I can cook almost anything. Katsudon, that's not hard. Maybe I can teach you one day.

Camposing1- I think I would like that. Are you a neat freak or a little messy? 🤔

Nitro1991- Oh, we're getting personal, huh? I would definitely say a neat freak. Everything must have a place. What about you?

I chuckled as I read his response, I am not a neat freak, but I like to be tidy. I am not crazy about messes. Sometimes, it's hard not to lose my mind when a three-year-old is like a mini tornado.

Camposing1- I am pretty neat. How would your friends describe you?

Nitro1991- That means you're a little messy. My friends would say I am loud and abrasive. Yup, loud and abrasive, that is exactly what they would say. What about you? What would your friends say?

I couldn't help the laugh that slipped past my lips.

Camposing1- Yeah, just a little messy sometimes, but mostly neat. Loud and abrasive, I know someone like that, but don't we all? My friends would say I am kind and self-sacrificing. Even though I don't see that last part.

I want to keep this up all night, but I know we can't. I was having a good time chatting with him.

Nitro1991- Back to food, what is your favorite foreign food?

Camopsing1- Are you trying to make me hungry? My favorite foreign food, I would have to say Pizza. I love a good pizza.

Nitro1991- Pizza, nice, but I would have to disagree, tacos. I love some good tacos. What kitchen appliance do you use every day? I use most of them every day, but I would say I use the stove the most.

I can't believe I forgot about tacos.

Camposing1- Tacos are good, but I still say pizza. I hardly ever use the stove. I have to say I use the coffee maker the most, then the microwave. What three things do you think most of each day?

I hope he doesn't say sex. That would make things awkward.

Nitro1991- Wow, that's a little deep. Well, there are no surprises here. Work, my dog, and chatting with you.

Camposing1- Sorry, was that too much? Anyway, mine is my son, my mom, and my friends, including you. 😊

Nitro1991- No, it was perfect. I think I have learned a lot about you tonight, and I like what I'm learning.

I couldn't help the smile as I looked at Daiki sleeping on me still. I thought about putting him to bed a few times.

Camposing1- Me too.

Nitro1991- I hate to say it, but I need to go to bed. I have work early tomorrow.

Camposing1- I understand. I need to get to sleep as well. It was nice talking to you. I really enjoy it. 😁

Nitro1991- Me too, good night.

Camposing1- Good night

I put my phone down and looked at my son. If I had to play pretend with his mother and keep her happy so I could have time like this with him, then so be it. He needs to be put to bed, but I can't bring myself to move him yet. I just want to cuddle with him. Kids grow so fast. He won't stay this little forever. After not having him for a week and a half, I can't imagine going any longer without him. This was the moment I realized I would do whatever she wanted. We stayed cuddled up on the couch for another hour before I got up and took him to my bed, just for the night. I just can't bring myself to let go right now.

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