Arranged Marriage (Lloyd X Re...

By Purp1eFrost

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"Who know that this would've happened because of an arranged marriage." "I still hate that she did that." "At... More

The News
The Wedding
The Jade Princess
Snuck Out
Attack On the Palace
The Oni and Dragon
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Dread on Arrival
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Incorrect Quotes #1

True Potential

978 15 5
By Purp1eFrost

(Y/n's POV)

I looked at the handcuffs in front of me. Ashley had dropped by before with Lloyd and said she just needed the money to bail me out.

See also told me I owe her money from the bet we made a few years ago.

Lloyd wanted answers.

And he got them.


"Is it true?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Is what true?"

"That you're pregnant?" He asked and I felt my face heat up.


I saw him freeze and I looked at him in worry. I waved my hand in front of his face and taped the window. He snapped out of it and I laughed. "This is good news! I'm gonna become a father!" He said and I smiled at him.
"How long?" He asked

"Eight weeks. I visited the doctor yesterday when I told the police about it and she told me what I needed to know.

'Don't over work yourself. Try not to use your powers too much like today you're lucky the baby is in good condition.'

I told Ashley about it and I have a feeling she's hiding something from me. So just talk to her for me when you see her." I said and he nodded.

"Do you -" I cut him off and grabbed the pictures that I had. I handed them to him and saw how his face light up.

"Wow." He said and looked at me and smiled.

"But I do have something to tell you. Be careful. I'm not sure if you guys stopped the ceremony on time." I said and bit my lip. I shuddered a bit when I remembered the dream I had last night.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel.. a presence... A dark one.. and it's not comforting. Be careful Lloyd." I looked at him and he nodded.

"You keep the pictures. Show the team that they're gonna be aunts and uncles. Oh, and let them process it for a moment when you tell them." I said and he chuckled and nodded.

"I'll be back with Ash when we come to bail you out. Bye Y/n." He said and I waved goodbye.

(End of flashback)

I heard an explosion and I froze.

"Garmadon is here."

I looked around and felt his presence coming towards my room. I closed my eyes and opened them and looked at the handcuffs to make sure they were purple.

They shot the door and I saw Garmadon with Harumi next to him.

"Get her out of those cuffs." She said and he blasted them. I took my wrist and rubbed them.

"About time." I said and smirked at her.

"Hm. I feel a strong power coming from you." Garmadon said and looked at me.

"Maybe because I'm Oni." I said and he looked down at my stomach.

"And you're pregnant." He said and I stared at him in shook. "They're going to be powerful." He muttered and I stepped back a bit.

"Really? Not surprising since their father is the Green Ninja." I said and he looked shocked.

"Lloyd is their father?" He asked and I nodded. Harumi placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at her.

"We should go." Harumi said and I nodded. I pulled her back a bit and whispered in her ear.

"I don't know who you think you are but the Ninja will beat you and whatever you have planned." I hissed and she looked at me shocked.

Garmadon attacked the officers and we left. I had tried to stop some of their attacks without them noticing.

They were in front of me and I took a left turn. I hid in an alleyway and waited for the Ninja.

I knew they were going to come to the police station. I just hoped that Harumi nor Garmadon would find me here when they realize I'm not with them.

I saw them running into the station and I ran behind them. "Guys!"

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Lloyd asked and I  nodded. He grabbed me by my arms and looked over me for a minute. We walked in and the Ninja explained the situation with me and they agreed that they would not arrest me.

And that I was in the clear.

"And you are sure it was Garmadon?" Zane asked the Commissioner.

"Yes but It was not the man that I remember. This is someone else. Like they brought back all the worst parts. Plenty of my officers tried to stop them but they couldn't. I tried to reason with him it.. it was like there was nothing left inside to reason with." The commissioner answered.

"But you saw where they were going? He didn't just break Harumi and Y/n out and disappeared. They must've left a clue." Nya said

"All they left us with are broken glass, painful backsides and a healthy dose of humility. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. And thank you Princess for trying to protect us.  I understand you really couldn't do anything because they would've suspected you." The commissioner said and I nodded.

"You did what you could. Besides this is my fight to bear." Lloyd said

"You sure your up for this son?"

"We all are." Kai said

"And look on the bright side. It's just your father and Harumi. At least the rest of the Sons of Garmadon are locked up in Kryptarium." Cole said and my eyes widened.

"They're at Kryptarium." I said and they all looked at me.

"What?" Lloyd asked

"Harumi mentioned about going to Kryptarium to break in. They're going to be there." I said and looked at Lloyd.

"At least we know where Harumi and Lord Garmadon are." Zane said and I nodded. We left and went to the Bounty.

"Also. Congrats Y/n." Kai said and I smiled at him.

"Yeah, congrats. But you have to be careful now. We don't want you to be getting hurt." Cole said and I nodded.

"I know. I got lucky the first time. I'm not so sure for the second." I said and we walked to the bridge.

"This is not good. This is really not good." Cole said and I walked next to Lloyd who was looking at a picture of him and his father.

"We barely beat them last time." Pixal said and I put my hand in Lloyd's back.

"And that was when we had the help of the entire police force." Zane added

"And now they have Lord Garmadon on their side." Nya said and I looked at her.

"Yeah. But did Ashley go super scary mode? And did you guys have me? I can also go super scary mode." I said and Ashley looked at me with a disappointing look.

"Never mind she's always scary."

"I only do that when it's necessary. And you can't do it because you're pregnant." She said and I sighed in defeat.

"We go to Kryptarium Prison." Lloyd said and walked to the front.

"Okay. We take on Garmadon, Harumi, and their entire gang. Not the best idea." Jay said and looked at Lloyd. "Does anyone have anything else?" We looked at each other.

"One at a time please. One at a time." Jay said and I stepped forward.

"I can try to send him back to the Departed Realm-"

"NO." They all yelled at me and I flinched and put my arms up in surrender. "Okay okay. Jeez."

"I have to face him. I turned him once. I can turn him again." Lloyd said and Ashley walked over to him.

"And how did that end up for us? People got killed. I got sent to the hospital." Ashley looked at me and I nodded. "Y/n lost her family." She looked down and I saw something in her eyes but didn't know what it was.

I looked at her questioningly.

"Yeah and it sounds like a really bad idea." Kai said and placed a hand on her shoulder. "And Kai knows about bad ideas he's full of them!" Cole said and Kai looked at him with an offended look.

"I agree. It's too dangerous. That's exactly what they want you to do." Zane said

"And Lloyd, you heard what the commissioner said about your father. It's not him anymore." Nya said and I nodded.

"Take it from me Lloyd. I met Garmadon when he was good. This is not that Garmadon. This is someone else. But he was nice to me though." I said but muttered the last part. I saw Lloyd glance at me.

"We don't know that." Lloyd said and I scoffed at his stupidity.

"Pendejo." I whispered

"I have to try." Lloyd said and I walked over to him.

"I believe in this instance. Your past is clouding your judgement Lloyd." Zane said and I placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

"Yeah. You're going to have to trust us. We're going to stay as far away from that place as possible." Jay said and I nodded.

"Listen to the Lord of the Jig." Jay scoffed at what Cole said. "He's right on this one." Cole added and I looked at Lloyd.

"Okay. Then what do we do?" He asked and turned around to look at us.

"First. Not let Y/n run off and try to use her powers to an extent." Ashley said and looked at me. "We don't need you getting hurt."

"But can I still use my powers?"

"Yes and no. Don't go too overboard. You can use the shadows but don't use them for travel unless you're with me and I do it. Don't turn into an Oni." Ashley said and I sighed.

"Yes mom." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Actually, when we were at the Oni temple Y/n turned into-" I put my hand over Lloyd's mouth, glared at him and looked over at Ashley and smiled at her, innocently. 

"Actually pause. You still need to explain to us about the whole fiasco that went down at the palace. Also you're an Oni?!" Jay asked and I nodded.

"Okay. I guess right now is an okay time to tell you guys." I said and took a breath.

"My mother was one of the Masters of Shadow. She's Ashley's cousin and you guys know Shade who's also a master of Shadow. He's my mom's brother which makes him my uncle and Ashley's.

The only reason Ashley has her powers is because my mom had to give some to her aunt in order for her to survive a disease. The powers that my aunt had were not permanent and they left when she gave birth to Ashley. And now Ashley has them.

We all have different abilities. My mom being the oldest had more control over the shadow. Ashley can travel and manipulate them. There's still more things I can do since my mother passed. Right now Ash can summon a staff- which helps her open portals.

Not to other realms though. That's something that I can only do. I can also summon a staff but only when I reach my 'full potential'." I said

"Which is when Ashley got her staff." Kai said and I nodded.

"Right. My uncle, being the second oldest, can turn into a shadow and other things which I can't remember right now. He can't summon a staff since that's for some family members not all. I can do all they can do since I'm my mother's child. She's the first one that got elemental powers.

My father was an Oni and my mother was a dragon and she could turn into a human if you're wondering how I.. came to be. Which makes me oni and dragon. Right now I can turn into half Oni but if I keep on practicing I can turn into a full Oni. I can also turn into a dragon but that takes up more of my energy so I don't do that, only when it's a emergency." I said and took a breath. "The family tree is so confusing when trying to explain the powers."

"Wait wait wait. In the tournament of elements, there were three people that could use shadow. Shade and Ashley." Jay said and I nodded. "Who was the third one?"

"Yeah, it was me. I got a letter delivered to me asking me to participate in the tournament." I said

"But they called themselves Lilith." Lloyd said and I nodded. "That is my mother's second name. I told them to call me that instead of Princess or Y/n. That's why I never took down my hood or mask. I didn't want nobody to know who I was."

"I knew. And so did Uncle Shade." Ashley said. "Yes because you knew the moment they said 'Master of Shadow.' And uncle caught me moving through the shadows and he knew that my mother had a child." I told her.

"Why are you Master of Shadow and Ashley Master of Darkness?" Nya asked

"Because my mom was a Master of Shadow so, I'm the Master of Shadow now. Ashley isn't a master of shadow because that's not just her power. Since she's.. his daughter and she has dark powers it makes her Master of Darkness." I explained and they nodded.

"Y/n, Lloyd, and I are basically the definition of, where there is light there is shadow, and in shadow, there is darkness." Ashley said and I nodded. "But one of us, me and Ashley, have more darkness in us but we don't know who it is."

"So is there a chance the kid might be a full Oni?" Cole asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know that."

"They won't be a full oni since Lloyd is only a third oni and Y/n is only half oni, same with dragon. They might be able to turn into an oni or dragon just like Y/n if they try." Zane said and I nodded. "Makes sense. He's part Oni, Dragon and human. While I'm half dragon and half oni. The kid will only be half Oni."

"I have a question, how did your parents die?" Jay asked and I froze. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"It's fine. They died when the Overlord attacked Ninjago City. My mother's powers weren't working correctly and she got stabbed when trying to protect me. My father was helping you guys." I said and someone hugged me.

"At least he helped defeat the Overlord." Kai said and I hugged him back. Someone pulled me away from him and I smiled when I saw green. Lloyd hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Yeah." I saw Ashley look away and the Smith's walked over to her. Nya whispered something to her and Jay nodded along with Kai.

"It's not your fault."

I hate the fact I have sensitive ears and can hear everything. 

"Say, anyone got my bag- thank you." I said when Ashley threw it at me. I pulled out the bag Mystake gave me and walked to the kitchen. I heard the others following me and I made tea.


"What do you need tea for?" Jay asked

"Before I left Mystake's shop, she gave me this in case I had to open the vertex." I said and drank it.

"Oh lord that tastes like shit." I said and spit it out.

"Drink it. It's going to help you get your power back." Ashley said and I sighed and drank it.

"The faces she makes." Kai said and laughed. I saw him recording and I glared at him.

"Fuck you." I said and flipped him off.

(Time skip)

"Hey Y/n." I heard Lloyd say and I turned to look at him. "Hey Beans."

"Ashley has a plan." Lloyd said and grabbed my hand. "Come on." I let him lead me and we went down to their room.

"Hey Y/n. What's the plan?" Kai asked and I looked at the confused. "Plan? Lloyd told me that Ashley -" I turned around when I heard the door close and lock.

"I'm sorry. I have to confront him. I have to face him." Lloyd said and we walked to he door.

"No! You can't!"

"Come on Lloyd."

"It could be a trap."

"Yeah we can talk it over."

"We'll figure something out."

"I'm sorry guys. It's something I have to do. Alone." Lloyd said and he left.



"Don't do this! Come back."


The Ninja put on their hoods and started talking to him.

"Lloyd you don't have to do this."

"What would Wu do?"

"This isn't you."

"He turned it off. Damnit." Kai said and I looked at them and smirked.

"Don't get in the way." I said and they turned to look at me.

"Fuck. Harumi is controlling her." Ashley said and I jumped at them and pushed them off the door.

"Y/n! Control it! Come on I know you can do it!" Ashley said and I kicked her away from me.

"Sorry Y/n." I heard Nya say and I got sprayed with water. "But you're not in the right state of mind right now."

"Zane, scan her and see where she might have a chip or something." Ashley said and someone grabbed me from behind. I started to move around, trying to get out of their hold.

"Fuck you Cole!" I said and stepped on his foot. He screamed and his grip fell. I got out of it and got electrocuted.

"Sorry Y/n." Jay said and I screamed. Ashley tied me up and I trashed around. "Untie me!"

"Stand back guys." Cole said and broke the door. He then grabbed me and I tried to get away but couldn't.

They ran to the bridge and tracked Lloyd. "He's in his car. And he's headed to Kryptarium Prison." Cole said and I laughed.

"You cannot stop him. He's already made up his mind." I said

"I can't change his course. He's locked in navigation." Nya said

"Zane. Find a way to override it." Kai told Zane and Nya moved out of the way and let Zane do his thing.

Ashley walked back and had a syringe in her hand. My eyes widened and I tried to move away from her.

"Don't do this." Nya said and Ashley looked at them and walked towards them.

"I'm not in the mood to talk. This ends now." Lloyd said and I laughed seeing them trying to convince him to not go.

"Lloyd. Listen to me. Y/n is being controlled by Harumi and I need you to come back. This time Y/n can't get control." Ashley said and we saw Lloyd's eyes widened.

"Emperor Garmadon gave her more power to take control. The only way to stop this is for him to lose his power or Dragon blood to be injected in me. I suggest you go face Garmadon." I said and laughed.

"Lloyd come on. Come back we can't deal with Y/n being like this. She can hurt the baby." Jay said

"I'm going to face my father. You can't stop me." Lloyd said and punched the screen. Ashley walked towards me and tried to place tape on my mouth.

"You can't get rid of us that's easily." Kai said

"Lloyd! Please come back! Don't do this!" I said and Ashley stopped. We heard Lloyd punch the board.

"It's already too late." I said and Ashley placed tape on my mouth. "Sorry Y/n." She said and helped the others.

I looked at them in boredom and when they turned away my eyes widened. I tried to speak but couldn't.

"Hey what's with Lloyd on the TV?" Cole asked and Kai's eyes widened m

"Harumi. She wants us to watch." Kai answered and I trashed around. I knew what could happen if Garmadon got more power.

I could die since he gave me some of his power when he broke me and Harumi our of jail.

I tried to take the duck tape away.

I had no choice but to let Y/n take control. It will still hurt her but not enough to kill her or the baby.

"Guys!" I said when I took the duck tape out. They turned to look at me and Ashley rushed to me.

"Untie me. Now!" I said and she nodded. I grabbed my wrists and walked to the front.

"It was foolish to come here!"

"Show yourself father!" Lloyd said and I turned to the side and tried to make a portal. Ashley saw this and smacked my hand.

"No! You can't go!" She said and I pushed her away and made one. I ran through it and it immediately closed when I stepped foot on the prison.

I ran inside and got away from the S.O.G members. I ran into the main floor.

"My father is somewhere in there. I saved you once. And I'll save you again." I heard Lloyd say

"There is nothing left to save!" Garmadon said and I ran to where they were.

"I have to get there before it's too late." I said and screamed.


It felt as if a brick was thrown into me.


And another one.




It felt like it was two bricks.

"And now grandfather?"

One brick.

"But only one, was summoned back."

I screamed in pain.


I stood up and ran. I got in and saw Lloyd and Garmadon fighting.

"It's the fight that fuels him. The same way it works with me." I whispered when I saw them. Every time Lloyd got hit it felt like someone punched me, lightly.

"Lloyd!" I yelled

They didn't hear me.

"Listen to me. You don't have to do this. Harumi is using you as a pawn!" Lloyd said and I stood back.

"You are the pawn. A pawn. To your own foolish hopes." Garmadon said and threw Lloyd to a wall. I screamed in pain and fell to my knees.

"Y/n?" I heard Garmadon say.

"Please. Don't hurt him anymore." I whispered and looked at him. His eyes softened for a moment when he saw my state.

His gaze hardened and walked towards Lloyd. "N- no!" I said and he walked through the hole on the wall that was made.

I saw a energy ball hit the pillar and my eyes widened. Lloyd got thrown back and I screamed.

"Lloyd! Please! Stop." I said and he turned to look at me. His eyes widened and I saw something click in his eyes.

He finally remembered.

"I'm sorry Y/n. But I have to do this."  He said and I gasped when he started using his power.

His eyes started glowing green.

"Lloyd don't do that! You're going to kill yourself!" I yelled and they both ran at each other.

Garmadon laughed. "You keep fighting even though you know you'll be hurting your wife and kid?"

I only saw green and purple.

But I knew that Lloyd was so close to passing out.

Garmadon was reaching his full potential.

I saw the green starting to fade and Lloyd was thrown away from Garmadon. I ran towards him but was stopped. I screamed in pain and fell to my knees.

Harumi was trying to take control.

"No! I won't let you!" I said and my eyes glowed purple. I screamed again when Lloyd got hit with a rock.

"Why me? Why? Why? Why?" I whispered and looked at them. "What about the baby?"

Garmadon grabbed Lloyd by his collar. "You wouldn't hurt me. Your son." Lloyd said and my eyes widened. I ran towards them.

"I have no son." Garmadon said and threw Lloyd. I screamed with tears running down my face and ran after Lloyd. I tried to open a portal but couldn't.

"Lloyd!" I said and jumped down towards him. I looked back and saw Harumi with Garmadon along with other S.O.G. members.

I shot a ball at them and they flew back. I turned to look at Lloyd and saw a picture fly past me. I immediately grabbed it and looked at it.

It was Lloyd and Garmadon when he turned good. I put it in my pocket and crawled towards Lloyd. I sat him up and hugged him.

"Y/n. I'm sorry." I heard him say and I shushed him. "Save your strength. The one you have left." I said and he shook his head no and groaned.

"No. I'm sorry. I put y-you in danger. And we don't even know if the baby is even a-alive." Lloyd said and I placed my head in his shoulder and grabbed his hand.

I placed it on my stomach and squeezed his hand. "They are still alive.." I said and I heard him sigh.

"But I'm still sorry." I heard him say and he closed his eyes. I cradled him and waited to the Bounty to show up.


4060 words

Two updates in one day? Lucky you.

Next chapter is the last episode of season 8 woo.

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