BLOODLINE The Last Sanctuary...

By WendyyWolfe

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-Complete- A zombie apocalypse with a twist of Native American Lore. It all began from a sequence of events... More

BloodLine | The Last Sanctuary | Cover Art
Nineteen Seventy Eight
[1] What You've Been Missing
[2] Three For A Dollar
[3] We All Fall Down
[4] The Sign Of The Heron
[5] Down To The End Of The Sidewalk
[6] You Only Live Once
[7] Between The Dream
[8] Not Your Mother's Fairy Tale
[9] Everything About You
[10] Plenty Of Warning Given
[11] A Stones Throw Away
[12] A Family Standard
[13] Moab Is For Lovers
[14] Two 50 Caliber Reasons
[15] Full Speed Combat Mode
[16] Worth A Thousand Words
[17] When You Do What You Do
[19] Hit Or Miss
[20] No Help Forth-Coming
[21] Back To What You Came Here For
[22] Until I Find You
[23] There Comes A Time
[24] Gather The Lillies
[25] Ruins
[26] Ten Reasons
[27] The Hopeless Distance
[28] Small Talk
[29] No Good Beginning
[30] Apart From Death
[31] The Silence Of Joy
[32] The Next Three Days
[33] Hear The Drums Echo
[34] Nothing Else Matters
[35] Over The Horizon
[36] Where Ever It Is
[37] The First Shall Be The Last
Message and Research

[18] You Have Asked Well

9 4 0
By WendyyWolfe

You Have Asked Well

"In 1974 a coalition of rebel insurgents in North Africa began a mission and all-out war, to overthrow the Marxist government. At some point a rebel group, the Ndidi, began work with rogue terrorist organizations to create a bioweapon.
A deadly virus. They wanted to arm guerrilla war fighters to use it against their opposers. In 1992 that weapon, and the operation, became known to the U.S., as Heron Siege." Lara began hesitantly.

Len drew in a sharp breath and Nate, standing next to him, heard it.

"What is it Len?" he asked pensively.

"But they could not stop the Heron from killing them as well," Len whispered as if in a trance.

"How could you know this?" Lara asked skeptically.

Nate gently held up his hand to Lara, and she nodded as Len went on.

"I truly don't mean to barge into the conversation," he articulated in a hushed timbre that seemed to catch everyone's attention.

"But, there is great mystery in why man kills. For that reason, when the Heron spoke to me, I could not answer. Why does man kill, but desire to save his own life?" He seemed to ask someone only he could see.

Seth, Haven, and Bretta looked at each other a little confused, and Deag was looking entranced himself, but nobody said a word. Lara watched mutely, having no experience in things that science could not explain.

The others gathered there knew Len, knew of his deep spiritual ties to his Native American roots and they knew he saw things on a different plane.


Len had never tried to hide his sacred jaunts or spontaneous dialect with the ancients of his tribe, even now as he transcended into the vision before him, he felt the freedom of enlightenment filling his soul.

Before him, splashed by a brightly shining sun, were the Elders.

Old Leather Face nodded. "You have asked well, Cloud-Song. Speak this to the people before you."  Len opened his mouth and spoke.

"The man who kills is not living, but death lives in him, and therein is both his desire, and his fear. Fear that he will die by his own hand drives him to kill. It has been thus from the beginning," Len trailed off to silence as Old Leather Face casually smoked his peyote pipe. He blew a great plume of smoke into the air and within it Len saw destruction, famine, starvation, the cataclysms of the day.

The Old Leather Face spoke again."Speak this to the one among you who is with child. Tell her these words Cloud-Song." 

Len stepped over to face Haven. She seemed to shrink from his piercing gaze, but he was not deterred.

His voice was gentle and melodic as he spoke.

"The child you carry will walk with the voice of the Medicine Woman to the coming generation. The mystery of death will not live in her. Nor will she desire to kill, for fear will not hold her hand. The Heron's rage will end with her, and she shall speak great truths because the Medicine Woman will be her teacher."

Len nodded and went silent, his visions ending.


Haven sought refuge in Seth's arms.

Len patted her head as if she were a child and looked at Lara whose eyes were like big blue saucers. "Trust me," he said, "I understand."

Lara gave him a cautious smile and looked at Nate for recommendation. Nathan took over the room, speaking as if what had just happened was an everyday occurrence. "So, for the few of you who don't know Len very well, I wouldn't be too worried by his speech, it should just give us all something to think about. Right now, I want us all to get on the same page about the situation we're facing because conditions are only going to deteriorate. It is going to be difficult from here on to get information and we really are going to have to stick together if we want to survive. While I was with Lara, I learned that MCHVc, is a bio-toxin. The virus is just the delivery system for the toxin. Victims fall ill from the virus but it is after the death of its victim where it gets complicated. This unknown toxin linked into the virus seems to take over the brain causing zombie-like behavior and the desire to rage kill and even eat those who they attack. That's the best way I can describe it.

The death rate of this engineered  compound is one hundred percent. The only thing not known is how it started or where it really came from, but from here on out you have to keep your head on a swivel. These wandering sick can be anywhere at any time. These are the facts."

Mark stood up then. "Also, from what we saw at the airport, if you are bitten, you 100 percent become one of these sick bastards. This shit is designed to spread."

Nathan nodded. "That's why tomorrow, I want to go over a protocol for protecting ourselves from these monsters. In the basement, I have medical supplies and enough food to last about three weeks.  Every night, we always need two people on watch, so tonight Lara and I will start while everyone else gets some sleep. We've been lucky, so let's try to keep it that way." Nathan ended with a wave and Donelle started ushering people off to find where they wanted to bed down.

Nathan went and sat down at the table with Lara. Deag hustled Rois off to Donelle's room where they would sleep, and with an already sleeping Neala on his shoulder told Nathan to come get him when he was ready to switch off, that he and Len would take the next watch.

"Thanks Bro," Nathan said, and he stood up to hug his brother. "I'm so sorry about Miranda, Deag. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me."

Deag shook his head. "It wasn't your fault," he whispered roughly and unable to say more he headed back to get Rois and Neala situated.

Nate sat back down, and Lara was fighting back her emotions. He placed his hand over her trembling one. "Don't go there. I don't want to sound harsh, but it wasn't your fault. You had no idea. Miranda was headstrong and immature and Deag was well aware of that. None of us could have done anything even if we had been there, short of tying her up," Nate confided to her.

"Still," she went on unable to let it rest.

"Still, nothing, Lara," he stopped her. "There was no way of knowing what was about to happen," he urged her staunchly.

"No, I knew what was happening, Nathan," she quietly reminded him.

He shook his adamantly.

"But you didn't know Miranda. Now that's enough. We have to focus here and see if there is anything in all this crap that can help us and then get us to the right people to fix it."

Lara frowned but did as he said, and as they began to pour over the files by the light of a single LED lantern, Deag reappeared and joined them.

Nate searched his brother's face for signs of distress.

Deag answered Nathan's questioning gaze. "I'm ok, Nate. I just wanted to hear about some of this myself. I don't want to be in the dark anymore. I promised myself I wouldn't be," Deag asserted. "My kids have to depend on me now."

"That's right Deag," Nate agreed, but refrained from making any other comments.

Deag went on, unaffected by his brother's reticent demeanor. "I never in a million years thought I'd be so glad to see someone like Len on my doorstep but when I saw him, I'm telling you something in me snapped to reality."

"Did someone mention my name," Len asked walking up and joining them at the table with a slight smile.

Donelle was right behind him. "I don't want to be ignorant either," she resounded lightly. "I can do more than just cook and clean."

Lara smiled and Nathan got up to offer his mother a chair. "Sit down Mom."

Lara took a deep breath and steeled herself to concentrate.

Nathan looked at her and nodded. "Go on Lara."

"So, this syllabus Nathan had was critical beginning information, and all through it I keep seeing the name of this one woman, Claira Lottridge. She must have been working with Mr. O'Connor but for what reason? I don't know," Lara shook her head, fiddling with the corners of the paperwork nervously. "He was doing investigative journalism at the time. Unless he was interviewing her, but her knowledge about this is profound, almost like she had been working on it for quite some time."

"He was having an affair with her, Lara." Donelle confessed.

Both Deag and Nathan were looking at Donelle like she had lost her mind. Not because it wasn't true but because she blatantly spoke it out as if it were someone else, and not her own husband that she was talking about.

"Oh yes, Lara is right," Donelle went on.
"It's true, and she had known about it for some time. She told me she had been researching it for years and was incensed that Nathan had so easily happened upon information she had been trying to obtain for a long, long, time. She swore to me that she convinced him not to take the story public, but I think she just wanted the notoriety for herself. She admitted to keeping his work and told me it was afterward, that Nathan disappeared." Donelle sighed. "Claira Lottridge was an influence Nathan couldn't resist. I don't know if she was a doctor or a scientist or a spy, but she was outright bold. Or maybe guilt ridden. Either way she said she blamed herself for the turn of events. I think she was just trying to find out what ever came of him, but if she thought I was going to offer up any news she was sadly mistaken. Hell, I was looking for answers myself. You can understand my shock to find out someone had been in contact with him, after all this time."

Donelle glanced at Deag because she could feel him staring at her like she was someone he just met. "Well Son, have I grown two heads or something?" she asked satirically.

Deag slowly stood up.

"Mom. That woman at the quarantine unit. The doctor. She introduced herself as Claira Lottridge. She wanted me to leave my kids there. She knew! She knew exactly who they were! And she wanted me to leave them there. This is unbelievable."

Deag suddenly began pacing back and forth now, his ire was rising, and Nate got up to join him in his pacing.

"Are you sure brother?" Nate nearly begged. "Deag, are you positive?"

"Oh, I am one hundred percent positive. That bitch knew all along who she was dealing with and never said a word just coming on so high and mighty. I should have punched her in her smug face." Deag railed before turning to his mom. "Just how did you know all this, Mom. Really?" he wanted to know.

"I met with the woman, Deag." She said with a sniff of disdain.

Deag looked at Nate and he remembered the conversation the two of them had years ago, when Nate first confided in him and showed him the envelope of things left behind by their dad. Even though it had been shocking for him to find out, he remembered that as the time his life had changed for the better.

Donelle was through with pride. It hadn't done much for her in life and it sure hadn't saved her marriage. Her sons had been so traumatized over losing their dad, but they had all been duped by his lies, and Donelle wasn't going to let this sudden dump of information block her better judgement.

She moved over and took Nathan's seat near Lara. "How can this woman help us Lara? Do you really think she is a doctor?"

"She is certainly qualified in some way. The only way to know for sure is to talk to her."

"Send me," Deag spouted off cockily. "I'd love to have another meeting with her, knowing what I know now."

"Not a chance," Nate replied gruffly. "If any one takes this trip it will be Lara and I."

"It is unbelievable that she is here and so close. Where did you meet her, Donelle?" Lara was clearly intrigued by the developments.

"In Italy. That was where she lived, and where my husband lived with her and worked with her. It was only after Nathan was declared dead, that she came forward to me. Called me on the phone. Paid for my trip. Made her confessions to me, without apology, gave me a package and a suitcase of personal belongings and that was it."

"Yeah, that is the same woman who told me about Miranda. Not the least bit sympathetic about it. Except she highly advised me to leave my children with her as if I would do that. I just can't get over her audacity. What could she have to gain? What was her motive?" Deag wondered out loud.

"I'm not sure, Deaglan," Lara admitted. "It's hard to know considering the situation. But this I know, I have to get to that quarantine center and talk with her and the sooner the better."

"Well make sure you wear your mask," Deag added sarcastically. "She won't even look at you if you show up there without it."

Donelle took a deep breath. "Well, you two better get some rest then. I don't want you travelling tired and trying to deal with any sudden mishaps along the way."

Len and Deag agreed with her, telling Nate they would take over the watch.

Donelle got up. "Well I'm heading to bed too, Deag are the kids in my room?"

"Yeah, I put them in your bed and I set up a cot there for me."

"Okay, Son we'll see you in the morning," she yawned and rustled into the hall and to her room which was across from the garden room where Len had set up the Ham Station. After she was gone, Nate asked Deag about the location of the quarantine center.

"It's the Community College in Moab. Its equipped. Just go to the front and there is a buzzer. Make sure you take ID," Deag warned him.

"Right. Show me on the map where it is. There's a map in the radio room."

He and Deag left and went to plan out the route and Len and Lara remained at the table. She felt slightly uncomfortable, but Len was cool as ever.

"So how long have you and Nate known each other," she asked casually.

"Long time," he answered noncommittally.

"Hm. I see." She searched her mind for something less personal and ended up asking him if he had family in Colorado.

He smiled an infuriating grin. "Yeah. Hollis and Verbena, matter of fact."

"Oh wow, that's good," she paused uneasily not at all sure why he seemed so over-whelming to her.

He had a black-onyx stare that seemed to look deep into the soul. Maybe it was just his native personality that she wasn't familiar with.

A sigh escaped her lips and he picked that moment to add to her discomfort, a feeling she wasn't at all used to.

"There is no shame in letting your heart guide you. Nathan is my true brother and he is not a hard man. With him kindness always rules over all deeds." Len informed her easily.

Lara nodded, unsure of what he was getting at, but she had no desire to indulge his very keen instincts.

He nodded and got up.

"Think I'll take a look around outside." He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his top pocket, and headed for the garden room door.

When Nate and Deag returned they looked around and Nate asked where Len went.

"Outside," Lara commented as she gathered her paper work together and put it back in the suitcase. "He must have walked out right behind you. You didn't notice?"

"Nope. Len has that sneaky ability."

When she finished she looked up and Nate was watching her with a simmering green-eyed absorption.

"Where do you want to sleep, Halburg?" He asked.

"You'll have to show me where," she responded obscurely, refusing to acknowledge his ardent gaze.

Deag got a big-eyed look and announced he was going out to find Len. He grabbed his bottled water from the table and left not looking back.

Nate came over and placed a hand on her cheek pulling her face up and looked into her blue eyes that could be so icy and mysterious. "I'll put you in your own room."

"Are there so many rooms?" she asked almost reluctantly.

"Why, are you afraid to be alone, Halburg," he teased.

"Not at all, O'Connor," she rebuffed.

"Come on," he confided.

She followed him to the other side of the great room through an arched doorway and down the hall to the left, where he showed her a little room at the end of the hall. "This should be perfect for you." She stood there, waiting for him to leave and when he did he merely stepped across the hall to a room opposite.

"I'll be right over here. Get some sleep. We're leaving early." He went in and shut the door behind him.

Lara released her breath, stepped inside and shut the door behind her. Her heart was beating like a drum. He was a cad, she thought furiously, remembering that heated kiss on the patio earlier.

Lara dumped her suitcase of paperwork to the floor, took off her boots and crawled into the twin bed, pulled the coverlet over her head and closed her eyes. She really was tired and before long she had drifted into a fitful sleep.

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