Would You Care To Dance?

By Seth189

1.8K 166 176

Prince James Darity. Fiona Major. Two people who live completely different lives come together for a dance. F... More

Love At First Sight
Fiona = Scott
Trust No One
Marry The Rich
The Ballroom Dance
Together, You & Me

I Can Love Who I Want

139 17 11
By Seth189

Jimmy's Perspective-

Jimmy gasped and sat up as his father walked in.

"I can't believe you, James. I can't believe you would date that- that piece of filth."

"He's not filth! He is a human being just like you and me!"

"You are supposed to marry a woman."

"So what?! Why does that matter?!" Jimmy shouted, "I can love who I want, and you cannot stop me. I love Scott, and you can do nothing to change that."

"But- "

"But WHAT?"

His father sighed.

"I want to make sure you're going to be safe. Those people are known for double crossing."

"Dad, people are known for double crossing. It's not the gays especially."

"But- "

"You don't get it dad. I trust Scott. And besides," Jimmy took a deep breath, "I'm bi."

He then ran past his father and down into the village.

He saw Scott's cyan hair and practically tackled him into a hug.

"Gah!" Scott gasped.

"Scott! I'm so sorry!" Jimmy said, tears forming in his eyes.

"W-what? But I thought- "

"I don't care what my dad says, I love you." Jimmy said, hugging tightly onto Scott.

"Jim, I can't breathe." Scott said in a small voice.

"Oh, sorry." Jimmy said, loosening his grip.

Scott giggled and kissed Jimmy's forehead, "I'm alright."

"So is your dad okay...?"

Jimmy scoffed, "Of course he isn't. He hates you, he probably most definitely hates me now that I came out to him."

Scott's eyes widened as he looked behind Jimmy.

Jimmy turned around and saw his father running up to them.

Jimmy sighed and stood up, folding his arms.

"What." Jimmy demanded.

His father sighed, "James, son, why didn't you tell me you were bi?"

"Because I was sure you were going to kick me out." Jimmy muttered, looking down at his feet.

"I- after you ran off...I thought about how your mother would react if this had happened."

Jimmy looked up from the ground, surprised.

"And I realized that she would've loved you no matter what. And I will, too."

Jimmy smiled.

"I don't really understand all of this trans stuff, but...if it makes you happy."

Jimmy hugged his father.

"Thanks dad."

His father hugged back.

"So when are you going to propose to Scott?" He then asked.

"DAD!" Jimmy shouted, embarrassed.

Scott giggled, his face about as red as Jimmy's.

I think I will propose to him, but not for a couple of years.

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