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Scott's Perspective-

My relationship with Jimmy continued for a couple of years, and one day, he proposed to me.

I said yes, of course.

I was extremely nervous about our wedding, but it was fantastic.

I don't think there was a time in my life when I was happier.

Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that Jimmy could love a man like me.

But he tells me he'd love me no matter what, and I know that's true.

Some days are harder than others, but we'll stick together.

I know we will.

Because I love him.

And that, my friends, is the end of our wonderful tale.

This just shows that you can love who you want, and not have anyone tell you what to do.

Don't let anyone make you doubt yourself.

Because only you know what your heart wants.

Just like Scott and Jimmy.

And they lived Happily Ever After.

I love you.

So yea.

Short fanfic.

I really hope you enjoyed it, despite it being so short. I actually liked writing it!! (It took me like 2 days to write it. Actually probably only around 7 hours lol).

Keep being amazing and kicking ass


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