A Secret I Have

By Lillian_Rose454

439 19 1

Giulia Kingsley felt her heart pounding as she stepped forward to be sorted into her Hogwarts house. "Slythe... More

Authers Notes
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six (Part One)
Chapter Six (Part Two)
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Two

45 4 1
By Lillian_Rose454

Sebastian's footsteps reverberated throughout the stone hallway, permeating the silence that enveloped them. Despite his discomfort with the quiet, he realized that disturbing the moment he shared with Guilia was out of the question. He cherished the closeness they had and didn't want to jeopardize it.

Sebastian approached the entrance with a sense of trepidation, knowing that he would have to utter the password in Latten god in order to gain entry. 

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy towards those who seemed to get the easier passwords, while he always seemed to be stuck with the more complicated ones. With a resigned sigh, he uttered the password and pushed open the door, stepping inside the entrance to their common room.

The sound of water falling met his ears, emanating from somewhere down the spiral staircase to his left. Despite the surroundings, he found the sound to be oddly calming and peaceful. With Guilia nestled in his arms, Sebastian descended the spiral staircase, feeling her weight sink into him with each step.

Sebastian was extremely cautious as he aided Guilia onto the soft and luxurious couch in the common room. He made sure that she was settled in comfortably before stepping back and flashing her a playful grin. His tone was light and teasing as he asked her if she remembered the instructions that Nurse Blaney had given her. Guilia furrowed her forehead for a moment, trying to recollect what he was referring to, before nodding her head in comprehension. She remembered that Nurse Blaney had advised her to avoid putting excessive weight on her foot so that it could heal properly.

"There is no need to worry, Sebastian. I assure you that it is only a minor scratch, and I am perfectly fine. Please do not fret, as everything is completely under control."

Guilia explained to Sebastian that it was just a minor burn caused by her own clumsiness and that there was nothing to worry about. She spoke matter-of-factly, with a hint of a wry smile playing on her lips.

Sebastian felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized that Guilia had taken Nurse Blaney's advice seriously and was on her way to recovery. 

he had been worried about her safety ever since the incident occurred, but seeing her now, he knew that she was in good hands. Guilia conceded that she had underestimated the strength of the potion they had been experimenting with, but promised Sebastian that they would work together to improve their skills and avoid any future accidents.

As they settled in for a relaxing afternoon, Ominis arrived with Guilia's forgotten bag. When he appeared

"Ah, Ominis, it's a pleasure to see you again," Sebastian greeted with a warm smile.

"I do apologize for the delay, as I was attending to some matters in potions class. However, I couldn't help but notice that Guilia had left her belongings behind, so I took the liberty of retrieving them and bringing them here."

As Ominis took his seat his head wondered onto Guilias leg. He couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue since he remembered it being injured the last time they spoke. "May I ask how your leg is doing my dear? Ominis asked without hesitation and genuine concern evident in his voice then the rest.

"It's doing alright, thank you for asking," she replied with a chuckle. Sebastian couldn't help but wonder if the journal contained any useful potions or spells, his eyes darting toward it curiously.

"May I ask if that book of yours has any spells or potions that could be useful?" Sebastian asked, his tone still polite and respectful. 

However, Guilia's expression changed slightly, and she clutched the journal tightly to her chest. Ominis, sensing her discomfort, immediately picked up on it. 

"Sebastian... don't..." Ominis said sternly as Sebastian's eyes darted between Ominis and then back to Guilia, realizing.

"I apologize if I overstepped, Guilia. I didn't mean to pry. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to assist you," he said, his voice reassuring and kind.

Guilia's face turned a shade of red, but she appreciated Sebastian's thoughtful response.

"It's private, Sebastian. I'd rather you not look any further," she said, her tone firm but polite. Ominis nodded understandingly, respecting her wishes and vowing never to cross that boundary again.

in the midst of the overwhelming anxiety and concern that seemed to consume them, there was a moment of solace that briefly lifted their spirits. 

Despite the pain and discomfort, they were experiencing, her friends and she found a moment of levity and shared a laugh. It was a reminder that, no matter what they were going through, they were still themselves and had each other's backs.

The group gathered together, engaging in friendly conversation and catching up on each other's news. As they chatted and laughed, the underlying tension that had been present slowly dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and togetherness. 

They were reminded that, even in the most difficult of circumstances, there was always a way to find happiness and joy. And for that moment, they were able to let go of their worries and enjoy each other's company.

As the golden rays of the sun started to fade, signaling the onset of early evening, the group's relaxed banter was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of other students from their house.

 Guilia, who had been enjoying the company of the boys, promptly gathered her belongings and bade them farewell. She mentioned that she needed some quiet time in her dorm. With a warm smile, she left the room and gracefully ascended the stairs to the girls' section of the common area.

Ominis, who had been observing the situation closely, turned his attention to Sebastian with a more serious expression on his face. Sebastian, who had been trying to play it cool, was unable to conceal the fact that there was something more going on between him and Guilia. He realized that Ominis had picked up on his anxious demeanor and eventually relented, requesting a private conversation to discuss the matter further.

Without hesitation, Ominis agreed, understanding that the situation needed to be addressed in a sensitive and respectful manner. As the two boys made their way to a secluded area, the air was filled with a sense of anticipation and apprehension. 

It was clear that they needed to have an honest and open conversation, but the outcome of their discussion was uncertain.

Both boys stood up from the couch and made their way to their dorm. Once inside, they closed the door, creating a sense of privacy. Ominis took a seat on his neatly made bed while Sebastian remained standing in front of him. 

It was clear that Sebastian had something important on his mind. "So, what's bothering you?" Ominis asked, sensing his friend's unease. Sebastian hesitated for a moment before confessing, "I have feelings for her." Ominis couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's admission. "Well, who doesn't?" he replied, trying to lighten the mood. However, Sebastian didn't seem amused. "I know, but it's not helping," he sighed. 

Ominis realized that this was a serious matter for his friend, and he quickly apologized for his insensitivity. 

"I can't believe you're only telling me this now, Sebastian. It's been three years," Ominis said with a mixture of curiosity and hurt in his voice. He couldn't help feeling a little betrayed that his friend had kept this from him for so long.

Sebastian shifted nervously, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. "I don't know when or how it started," he admitted. "It just...happened. And I don't think she feels the same way. She's been distant since last year, after the summer when we returned. But she's still close...I don't know how to explain it. She seems like she normally is, but there's something off about her. Like she's hiding something, and I don't know what it is."

Ominis nodded thoughtfully, trying to read between the lines. "It does sound a bit strange," he agreed. "But we all have our secrets, don't we? Maybe there's something going on that she doesn't feel comfortable sharing yet."

Sebastian looked relieved at the suggestion. "Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe this year will be different. Maybe things will get better."

Ominis smiled encouragingly. "Only time will tell, my friend.

meanwhile in Guilia's dorm

 Guilia settled back into her dorm room, she sat at her desk, eagerly grabbing her journal and quill to reflect on the day's events. The day had been jam-packed with classes, meetings, and catching up with her friends. Yet, she felt a calm wash over her as she began to write.

Writing in her journal has always been a helpful way for Guilia to process her thoughts and feelings. It's a way for her to unwind and reflect at the end of a busy day. Guilia finds that putting her thoughts down on paper helps her organize her mind and prepare for what's to come.

As Guilia wrote, she took the time to reflect on all the things she had accomplished thus far and the things she still needed to do. Guilia realized that it was shaping up to be a productive week, and she couldn't wait to see what else was in store. Overall, her time spent journaling was a calming and effective way to end a long day.


Journal Entry no. 25:

Today's classes went as usual, except for a rather peculiar incident during herbology. Apparently, Leander was taking care of his plants when he was suddenly attacked by a group of chomping cabbages! Can you believe it? What's even more concerning is that Sebastian was seen in the background with a smirk and laughing. This led me to believe that he may have been responsible for this prank.

While it may have been amusing for some, it's important to remember that such behavior can be harmful and disrespectful. It's important to treat each other with kindness and avoid engaging in juvenile pranks like this. I hope Leander is okay and that this incident serves as a lesson for Sebastian and others who may consider engaging in similar behavior.

Despite the unexpected turn of events, it was rather amusing, to say the least, some entertainment in the situation. It's not every day that something interesting happens in herbology class; however, let's remember to prioritize respect and safety in all conditions.

During my potions class, I was thoroughly engrossed in reviewing the experimental potions that I had jotted down in my notebook. However, much to my dismay, I got too distracted, and as a result, my cauldron boiled over, causing me to earn a stern scolding from our professor, Sharp. To make matters worse, I also got injured in the process, which meant I had to immediately tend to the burn that had formed above my right ankle and change my clothes. But amidst this chaos, there was a silver lining - Sebastian. He came to my rescue right when I needed it the most.

My experimental potion had created a massive hole in the floor, almost leading to me falling through it. But thankfully, Sebastian quickly reacted and managed to pull me away from the danger zone and to safety. However, the injury was quite severe, and I could not stand or walk properly. This is where Sebastian's chivalry shone through. He lifted me up in his arms and carried me all the way to the hospital wing. After I had received the necessary medical attention, he then brought me back to the comfort of our common room in the house dormitory.

Although I wasn't too thrilled about the injury, I must admit that I secretly enjoyed the feeling of being carried by Sebastian. It was such a sweet gesture that I couldn't help but feel touched by it. As I rested my head on his chest, I took in his scent and how his arms cradled me. It was almost as if I could hear his heartbeat, which only made me feel more at ease.

However, despite all this, Sebastian seemed too interested in my journal. I am someone who values my privacy and doesn't like the idea of people going through my things. The thought of him reading my deepest and darkest thoughts and feelings in that journal made me feel uneasy. But at the same time, I couldn't deny the fact that I was starting to develop feelings for him. It was quite unexpected, especially since he was the last person, I would have imagined myself falling for.


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