Beneath our Disguises (Mature)

Por FetchingAilurophile

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This is my one-shots but further explained/ third parts/ extra short story pieces to them just for fun and a... Más

Leather Spun Bindings (Dragon x Reader)-Part 1
Leather Spun Bindings (Dragon x Reader) - Part 2
Leather Spun Bindings (Dragon x Reader)- Part 3
Salty Waters (Siren x Reader)- Part 1
Bloody Promotion (Vampire x Reader)- Part 1
Bloody Promotion (Vampire x Reader)- Part 2
Bloody Promotion (Vampire x Reader) - Part 3
Party Animal (Werewolf x Reader)- Part 1
Party Animal (Werewolf x Reader) - Part 2
Party Animal (Werewolf x Reader)- Part 3
Conquered Kingdoms (Warlock x Reader) - Part 1
Conquered Kingdoms (Warlock x Reader) - Part 2
Man's Worst Friend (Shapeshifter x Reader)- Part 1
Man's Worst Friend (Shapeshifter x Reader) - Part 2
Man's Worst Friend (Shapeshifter x Reader)- Part 3
Enstoned Love (Gargoyle x Reader)- Part 1
Enstoned Hearts (Gargoyle x Reader)- Part 2
Beating Hearts (Wendigo x Reader) - Part 1
Beating Hearts (Wendigo x Reader) - Part 2
Deadly Expeditions (Naga x Reader)- Part 1
Deadly Expeditions (Naga x Reader)- Part 2

Salty Waters (Siren x Reader)- Part 2

748 33 17
Por FetchingAilurophile

(Siren x Reader)

You knew how messed up your makeup was just from the glances you were getting from your brides maids, but frankly you didn't care. The smile that had been plastered on your face for the past hour was easily enough to convince everyone that they were happy tears. Happy, happy . . . happy. 

You resisted the urge to wipe off the lipstick, you could still feel his lips mashed to yours, giving a "show" for the audience and photographer as he bent you back and forced his mouth on yours. You had smiled through the pictures, the congratulations, all of it. Thankfully you didn't have to sit through a party or dancing, no cake cutting or anything, at least not until you got back.

You have to escape though, just for a bit before the send-off. You slip off, excusing yourself to the toilet where you lock yourself in. But seeing yourself in that mirror, God that photographer would have some major touching up to do. You almost laugh at your reflection, the mascara had clumped a little and the powder beneath your eyes had crusted into something that resembled the crumbles you get after sleep. 

Using a damp paper towel you get rid of the worst of it and keep your eyelashes from making you look like a raccoon. Rather missing makeup than bad makeup in your opinion, and with the paper towel in hand you can't help but rub it against your lips, wiping away any remnants of his kiss. You couldn't leave it there, you couldn't pretend that you were happy about marrying this Jackass, not when he. .  You couldn't think about him. You were a lot of things, but you weren't a cheater, just desperate to save what your idiot father had worked so hard for.

Muffled giggles and gasps are on the other side of the door and you gasp, hurriedly sliding into a stall and greatful you went for anything but a ballgown as you silently shut the door and hold your breath while you hear the door open. 

"We aren't supposed to be in here." The giggle, bright and cheerful was your maid of honor. You would recognize her voice anywhere. But the answering voice. . . it couldn't be.

"I know, but you just look so damned sexy in that dress I couldn't help it. Not when I won't see you for a week." Jack. . . Your fucking husband, the fucking Mr. to your Mrs., the supposed love of your life and the man you had just sworn fidelity to in front of everyone.

Your heart convulsed in your chest, this couldn't be happening. It was less than an hour, and in less than another hour you two were getting on a boat together to go on your honey moon. The week that he was talking about missing your maid of honor. . .

You can't see anything but the touch of their shadows under the pale blue painted door. Should you bust out and confront them? Stay and listen? Make a noise so they know someone is there and just leave? But it was like your body wasn't even under your control anymore, the darkness wavering at the edge of your vision as you listen to what happens next.

"Ugh, I know, I can't believe you have to go away with her, please tell me you are at least going to use protection, I can't even think about it if I know you are going to be using that thick. . ." You nearly throw up, his dick was tiny, and definitely not a convincing reason to marry him, not even a perk.

"Don't worry baby, I'm saving it all bare just for you, you know I just married her for my friend's memory, I couldn't see that company go under. You have me through and through." His voice was sickly sweet and had you feeling disgusted. 

It was like syrup, sticky and he used so much that it just tasted fake, he was fake. Jack had never loved anyone a day in his life except maybe his money, and even then he just loved seeing the number in his account. Bitch was so cheap he didn't even pay for the cake. You lay your head on the cool tile of the wall, listening to their groans on the other side of the thin bathroom door.

You didn't even care that he was cheating, it really didn't matter because like he said the only reason you had gotten married in the first place was for your father. But. . . if he could do this, if he had been doing this, probably for years, then could you. . . Even if you could and didn't feel totally guilty about it, he was gone. You wouldn't even see him again if you wanted to.

A banging on the door shakes you from your thoughts in just a moment as you can hear the unfaithful bastards on the other side of the door righting themselves, making themselves presentable before the fucktards let themselves out.

It takes you a few moments of realizing they are gone before you step out of the stall and find yourself in the mirror. You shouldn't even be surprised, you think, staring at your own eyes and tilting your head a little curiously. You lost a little something, a little bit of yourself in just 5 minutes, you lost the ability to give a flying fuck about these people. This entire wedding was for everyone else, everyone but you, and you know what, right after this honeymoon and spending HIS money, you were getting a goddamn divorce. He could have the company, you never cared about that stupid fishing boat, maybe you'd even sink it for him, a belated fucking wedding present.

You felt numb, you couldn't smile, well you didn't want to smile as he waved to your friends and blood sucking leeches that were considered family. You flinched anytime he touched you trying to get you to play the part on the dock as they cheered and wished wedded bliss to the newly weds until he grabbed your hand and loaded the two of you onto the boat that would take you away down the coast to wherever the hell he had planned the "surprise honeymoon".

The only thing you could do as you pulled out of the dock was stare down your maid of honor, her betrayal didn't even touch that numb feeling that settled over you with the result of a decision made. He wasn't going to touch you on this trip, but hell, you would take the free week of vacation, after all this bull shit you fucking deserved it.

"Alright, what the hell is the problem (y/n)?" Good, he was over the pretty boy sugar coating in front of the family and friends. Wasn't very like the Jack you knew.

"I don't have one Jack, just been a long day." You respond, settling yourself against the railing to stare at the water. 

"That's some bullshit, I know when it's just a long day, and I know when something is up, spill." Oh, so pretty boy was pissed.

"Well someone is pissy today, what did getting married not fulfill all your dreams?" You ask, mentally adding, or do you still have blue balls from the bathroom.

"Like today was a dream for either of us, sweetheart." He snapped back, you could feel him roll his eyes as he adjusted the heading of the boat slightly.

"My apologies then, I did my best." You respond, reaching over the side to feel the spray on your hand, it was such a beautiful day, too bad the events had ruined it.

"Like hell you did, you looked like you were going to start crying at any moment and then right after you go cold shoulder. I swear you're such a temperamental bitch sometimes. " So that was it, you hadn't behaved as well as he hoped for the photos and people, he wanted more of the lovey dovey show that he was putting on out of you.

"I thought the water works were pretty authentic, everyone seemed to believe the bride's happy tears. Probably would have been a better performance if you didn't look about ready to fall asleep during the "I dos"" Your eyes catch the shimmer of something massive near the edge of the boat and pull back your hand quickly, in these waters, it could be anything down there. After all, sea monsters were real.

"And what about your cold shoulder? What was that shit about? Made everything else completely unbelievable." He snapped, letting the boat slow down to a coast, guess he really wanted this conversation you thought, rolling your eyes as he turns to face you.

"You know what's unbelievable?" You finally snap back, "Trying to fuck my maid of honor in the bathroom not an hour after you promise to be faithful." You felt smug really, discovering this asshole's infidelity. You felt smug until you saw how much he didn't care.

"Seriously? That's why? Because news flash sweetheart, I've been fucking her behind your back since before we were even engaged." It hit you like a brick. How had you never even suspected?

"Well then why the hell did you even propose!?" You exploded, how could he even do this, he had to be one of the biggest assholes on the planet.

"Why do you think! I want your daddy's boat, that thing and the company that you think are practically sinking, are worth millions." Of course it was about the money, it always had been.

"You could have just bought it instead of coming up with this elaborate scheme, act like a half-decent business man instead of the hoax you are." You growl back, this was it. This was the end to all of this, the reasons for your misery were going to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

"Ha! Sweetheart, I'm the one who's really broke, that supposed deal your daddy set me up with went under and took everything I had with it. So believe it or not, you owe me, just like your daddy. You were supposed to be how he settled it, so guess what sweetheart, you fucking owe me." 

"Like hell I do." You snap back, grasping the stupid golden band and wiggling it back and forth on your finger until its off. "This is what I think of your guy's deal." And you chuck it into the depths as hard and far as you can. "Write a new one on his grave, better yet, join him." You seethe. It was everything you had wanted to say to him for over a year, ever since he had slithered in like the poisonous snake he was while the earth was still fresh on your father's grave.

But, you realized, as the boat shuddered when he tried to take menacing steps towards you, this probably wasn't the best place to be having a conversation likes this. He opened his mouth, ready to rage at you when the boat shook dramatically, listing to one side and you have to grab the railing.

"The fuck was that?" He grunted, a trickle of fear sliding into his voice and down the grey pant leg that you had recommended he not wear.

"Who knows out here." You breathe, trying to peer over the railing without exposing yourself to falling over the railing.

You can see a flash of something scaly, a little bit of white and black, but its impossible to see anything clearly in water like this. Only a few feet down and everything becomes murky.

"We can settle this on land." He hurries back to the wheel and you cling tightly to the railing, except. . . a massive thud and the boat tilts perilously, listing so hard your nose nearly touches the waves. Your reflection stares back, with pale skin, luminous eyes, and a merciless smile that reveals shark like teeth.

You don't know if you should be relieved or absolutely terrified as you realize exactly what creature was rocking the boat. "We need to get out of here, now." You tell him, swallowing hard as you scramble back from the railing. You were in his water, and he was a cunning predator. You didn't know what he would do if you stayed much longer, not after you left him like that.

"I'm trying, but whatever that was it knocked out the propell. ." He trailed off as the propeller, clearly torn off was tossed like carnage onto the boat.

You swallow, he was toying with you. He was playing with your fear.

"Do we have paddles? A way to call for help?" You squeak, glancing at Jack, you may hate his guts, but you definitely didn't want to die before you got to actually divorce his ass. No way your tombstone was reading Mrs. Jack Smith.

"No paddles, but the radio."

"Don't bother darling, if you make a call on that radio I will kill whoever shows up without a second thought." The hiss came from the flat edge, the deck of the boat where you could sunbathe or dive into the water. Calmly, so calm yet dangerous, Locke rested his forearms and head there, looking up at you and Jack. 

"You. . . I thought I was fucking crazy that I remembered pulling you up in my net, but I still had those scales. I'll fucking gut you like the fish you are." Jack snarled, making a lunge for Locke.

With barely a movement from the siren, the boat tipped dangerously, forcing him back as he stumbled and slammed into the controls, groaning but uninjured.

"Careful there Jackie-poo, I wouldn't test my patience when it comes to you. You aren't exactly my favorite human." Locke snarled, baring his teeth like a feral cat in warning.

"L-Locke. . . what are you. . ." You swallow, so Jack was the one. . . it made sense, fit everything else that he was horribly capable of. It wasn't the part you thought about often from that night, Locke had stuck out so much more.

"Darling. . . you didn't honestly think that I was going to leave things at that did you? Like I would allow you to choose this pathetic human over me without a proper challenge?" Locke flexed his arms, pushing down the end of the boat before letting go, it rocked dangerously int he waters as you stare at him.

"Locke I didn't want to, I would have chosen you but. . ." You glance at Jack as he looked between you two in disgust, like he was going to wretch over the idea of you and this siren.

"You were going to chose this monster over me!? And I'm the despicable one for being unfaithful!? If I had ever let you get a choice, you would have chosen a literal monster, God you are disgusting." 

"I would highly recommend keeping your mouth shut you land walking pig, before I decide that you don't get the pleasure of breathing." The growled threat honestly made you a little weak in the knees. 

"Oh please, you're just an overgrown fish! What are you going to do!" He yelled back, and before either of you could blink Locke was gone.

"Ha! Scared him away, monster will get what's coming soon as I find a damn harpoon, I'll flay him up and fry him for. . "

The boat flipped, there was a moment where you felt it, the weight of boat beneath you before you were suspended in air and then the concrete of the water as your body hit it, breath escaping you before arms are wrapped tightly around your waist and you are pulled deeper. You can feel the water rushing past you, the weight of your waterlogged dress, but you can see nothing but bubbles and the edge of a grey finned tail.

Your lungs burned, begging for air, for the oxygen that kept you alive and then. You gasp, blinking, brushing the hair from your face as you crawl onto the stone coughing frantically to try and compensate your lungs.

"Breathe darling, breathe." Cool fingers run over your back in circular motions, soothing you as you try to wipe water out of your eyes to see your surroundings.

"Locke. . where. .  where am I?" You splutter, it looked so much like the caves you met in, but it couldn't be because this one had no way out except a tiny hole what looked like miles over head.

"My home. . well, our home. It took me a while to find one that you could habitate as well, but. . . I was going to show it to you soon, ask you to be my bride but then you married that. . . that human." He was trying so hard to control his anger, but he knew that thing wasn't dead yet, he had to finish the job.

"Wait. Our? Locke, I can't . . . how do you expect me to. . . " You look around frantically, there was nothing but cave and pools down here, there was no bigger tunnels to the surface or any other way to escape that you could see. "You can't keep me here Locke!" You snap at him, stepping back so you are out of his reach from the pool of water he occupies.

"Really? It seems like I can Darling. The swim to the surface is through a tunnel, and without me. . well, you wouldn't make it to the surface in time." Locke slowly began to haul his body out of the water, his scales scraping on the stone as he pulled every inch of his tail out of the water while you frantically backed away.

He couldn't. . slowly, very slowly, his tail separated into a pair of human legs, covered in black pants that looked to be made of black dried seaweed, the same color as his scales. One foot after another he placed them beneath him and stood, glaring down at you as you trip over the edge of your wedding dress and land on the stone as he towers over you.

"You said that you just couldn't say no to him, well darling, now you can't say no to me." Locke smirked, showing those sharp predatory teeth as you shudder. You never thought that he might actually hurt you, not until now.

You were a fish and you had slipped right into his net, wrapped yourself up, and when you tried to swim away thinking you were free, he pulled you up and placed you in the bowl. His personal aquarium, at his pleasure to view with no escape. 

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