
By 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One
Chapter 16: Noctis
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 24: Into the Inferno
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 27: The Golden Crown
Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New

Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

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By 129cdmuller

Selena's heart raced as she and her group shot up and surrounded the quivering pedestals. With Silver's, Cyres', and the general's assistance, she picked up a corner of the velvet pillow, and the three laid it down on the ground as the four dragon eggs forcefully wobbled in place.

They're hatching.

Thor hummed in delight. How exciting! They were highly impatient.

Cracks spiderwebbed across their shells, and altogether without warning, the pieces flung apart, and all four slimy dragon hatchlings took their first, gentle steps out into the new world.

The fire whelpling was slightly larger than the others; its underbelly like hardened lava, a smoldering fire blazing beneath the crust and the tip of its tail while its eyes burned like the tiny embers blasting from its nostrils after a sneeze. The two horns on its head were shaped like Thor's, a red orb of energy suspended above its triangular-shaped head—each new hatchling had a matching sphere corresponding with their element: the water had blue, the earth had green, and the air had yellow. Its ruby scales looked like gem-encrusted jewelry, surrounding an emblazoned golden imperial topaz upon its chest, sparkling like the sun while unfurling its flaming wings.

Contrarily, the water hatchling pushed away from the pieces of its shell while walking towards the group, sniffing the air as it unfolded its wings like a lady's fan; its ice-blue eyes were like massive jewels plucked from a pendant. The dragonet was slippery and smooth, its turquoise hide and parchment-textured wing membranes gleaming with the colors like the ocean's surface. Its mermaid-like tail trailed behind as it walked in a zigzag motion; jagged spikes covered its chest, and spiked fins lined in dazzling deep royal blue sapphires trailed down its spine and tail.

The dragon of earth looked to be made of stone, and as small as it was, the baby must weigh as much as a giant boulder. Its calm, amber eyes darted between its siblings as it flickered its thick tail strong enough to bend metal—the tip resembled Kain's morning star, and it appeared just as deadly. Glowing underneath its crusty hide were perfectly cut deep green emeralds jutting as spikes along its chest. Moss, plants, flowers, and other vegetation grew in between its rock scales and the membrane of its wings, and when they extended, bits of dust and rock crumbled from expanding its muscles.

Last but not least, the strikingly white air dragon slithered its neck like a snake as it unfurled its feathered wings—inside tips decorated with rich, intense yellow diamonds—stretching at least three times its lean body length. Its five ivory claws on each foot clicked against the stone floor with every step it took. Two long tendrils appended to each side of its snout flowed and graced the floor, the small ruff along its jawline flaring and trembling slightly. Lightning pulsated around its pupiled-slits and shimmering emerald eyes and mouth, sparking like flames as it writhed around its smooth and glossy hide, bouncing between its electrical conductor spikes.

Selena looked over to Silver, and the two smiled, but they needed to start finding others who wouldn't mind the possibility of becoming a handler. She wasn't sure how this would work or how the whelplings would choose their riders; it was different for her and Thor, as they were already linked in more ways than one.

Before she could propose the plan to gather everyone back in the courtyard, the fire dragonet made its way to Rahim without a second thought. As he was unsure what to do, Rahim looked to his friends and backed away while holding his hands up, but the whelpling chirped at him and ran. Yet, he stopped when Selena asked him to; as the hatchling finally reached him, it bobbed its head up and down and rubbed up against his leg like a cat. "Good dragon," he said, though it sounded like a question.

Selena couldn't stop herself from grinning, and Silver clapped his hands together as he stepped forward to examine the hatchling's behavior. "It looks like we'll have to start training you to be a dragon rider immediately."

Rahim's eyes widened as much as his mouth did; he exercised great caution as he bent down to pet the new dragon as it forced its head into his palm. "Am I? D-did it...?"

"It chose you." Selena finished for him, her smile brightening up the room.

The fire dragon looked up at him and nuzzled its head into Rahim's hand. He couldn't stop beaming as he scooped up the hatchling in his arms, the blazing embers from its chest and wings only tickling against his skin. "I-I can't believe it—a dragon chose me."

General Araneus plopped a hand on his shoulder, watching with enthusiasm as the whelpling squirmed and chittered within Rahim's arms. "Now, you have your very own dragon. There are no more excuses for why you can't join the Force as my General Officer." Aracania bobbed her head up and down and gave a series of clicks and chirps in approval.

Everyone laughed but stopped when the water dragonet made its way towards Kain and Maria, its curved talons clicking against the stone floor. The group waited in anticipation as it smelled Kain, and then the baby stood on its haunches, thumping its tail against the floor with its large eyes fixated on the vampire lord. Kain stepped back; the dragon followed his movements and mimicked him when he tilted his head before chirping and climbing up his leg and chest to be held.

Unsure of the hatchling's decision, Kain stretched his arm, allowing the whelpling to attach itself, scrambling to his shoulder before establishing eye contact. "Oh, for fuck's sake. I don't believe I'm the best choice." It stared at him with its chilling eyes without blinking. At that moment, Kain closed his and nodded before bursting out laughing. "I can't believe this. Me? A dragon rider, and for the Mythic Flight, no doubt. You know what?" His eyes snapped open, and he lowered his face down to meet the hatchling's as it inched its nose closer. "Why in Oblivion not?" The dragon ruffled in place as it completely unfurled its wings, chattering and purring. Selena was pleasantly surprised to see how much Kain could smile, and his bliss was contagious; Maria shared his joy, and the two came for an embrace with the whelpling trapped in the middle. "I don't know what Vyrilion will think."

"I'll take care of Vyrilion. I'm sure he would understand." Maria laughed, reaching out to stroke the new hatchling as it twittered from her touch.

However, the group was interrupted when they heard Kiba's sudden growls and snarls—even Maru was surprised. The She-Wolf had her eyes fixed upon the earth dragon that approached and sniffed her with no introduction. Apparently, Kiba took it offensively, yet, the hatchling remained unfazed by her hostility but rather curious about her nature. The whelpling sat down upon satisfying its curiosity, flickering its weapon tail and scraping it across the floor.

Selena was unsure if Kiba fully understood the situation and her new position; the She-Wolf crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head as she squinted at the gleeful creature. "It's a curious little dragon, isn't it?" She bit her lip, bent over, and placed a hand on the hatchling's head as it perked up and sniffed her fingers; it pushed its muzzle further into her palm and extended its six-spined wings, billowing dust and pebbles from every motion made. "I like you. An earth dragon? I've never seen one like you before, but I'll show you a thing or two about the earth." The whelpling ignored Maru—silent as usual while stepping forward to sniff the creature—and rushed over to head-butt Kiba in the leg. Despite its massive weight, the She-Wolf stood her ground, bellowing with laughter as she took the blow. "I think we're going to be best friends."

While the group was distracted, the air dragon vanished in a bolt of lightning, followed by a burning smell that always followed an extinguished candle. Among their frantic search for the hatchling, when Silver spun on his toes, the whelpling reappeared on his right shoulder, wings completely unfolded as it balanced itself by latching its talons to his jacket, wisps of lightning sparks tickling his skin. "Very interesting. Never in my years have I imagined...." He reached up to pet the dragon as it chirped and rubbed its head against his cheek. "I've never sought out a dragon's companionship, as I could change into one whenever I desired."

Selena couldn't hold back her joy as her broad grin stretched across her face. "But it's different when chosen to serve one. It's not just about needing each other, but rather the lifelong bond and friendship."

"You're right, my dear."

Kain snickered and held up his dragon next to Silver's. "It looks like we're both riders now. I can never get away from you, you old bastard."

As the remaining audience burst into a cheer for this glorious occasion, Selena, General Araneus, and Admiral Cyres stood beside Aracania's head, asking the new handlers to line up with the fresh hatchlings. Rahim couldn't help but admire while stroking the smoldering dragon, firing off many questions at once regarding its care, when training would begin, and so on; Silver and Kain only interrupted their attention to laugh at Rahim's absurdity. Oblivious to the three, Kiba was deep in conversation with her hatchling about how she originally dueled Selena to test her tenacity. To Selena's amusement, Kiba showed the dragon how a handshake worked; similar to the alpha's initial reaction, the whelpling bounced in its spot, chittering in delight.

"As your queen, I am thrilled to announce you four as the next generation of riders for the Mythic Flight. You will follow General Araneus' and Aracania's training, and the dragons will guide you. Trust in your companions, but you do not rule them, for they serve no one. They are incarnations of power and magic itself and live by their will alone. You are theirs to command."

The general, grinning ear to ear and unable to contain his excitement, stepped forward with his hands clasped behind his back. Aracania snaked her head across the floor, joyfully chirping as her tongue slithered forth from her clamped fangs. "We will begin training in three days. You five," he nodded to Niamh, "will report to Admirals Cyres and Altessa for duty by the gardens. Aracania, Thor, and Ysyra will work with the dragons. In the meantime, the new hatchlings must be brought over to our recently built hatchling care unit so our scholars can examine them to ensure they're healthy. There, they can suitably feed and rest to promote proper growth." General Araneus raised his right closed fist above his head. "Long live the Empire!"

Niamh and the four new handlers of the Mythic Flight copied his gesture and returned with, "Long live the Empire!"

After Selena adjourned their meeting and the group followed General Araneus and Aracania towards the dragon grounds, Vulduin and Aryl reconvened to express their satisfaction at handling the Empire's affairs. "Being the queen suits you, and we trust that Armageddon will prosper under your rule." Vulduin's stoic face brightened the world with his smile, taking both Selena and Aryl by surprise. She was proud to receive her parents' approval of her competence as she grew to her station.

Aracania ordered the new handlers to carry their hatchlings over to the recently built dragon care unit—courtesy of Silver and Kain after reconstructing Alfheim. It was a single stone tower as tall and wide as Silver's library at the far end of the garden next to a fenced area filled with livestock, mixed with cows, pigs, and sheep, set apart explicitly for the hatchlings. The next few weeks would be crucial for the whelplings, as the caretakers needed to ensure they ate enough to oblige their early rapid growth. Silver explained they ought to prepare for the Mythic hatchlings to reach a more suitable and formidable size by three months.

Rahim was hesitant to leave his dragon behind, even for a day, but Selena reassured him it was for their proper care, and he could visit the hatchling later. "I can't wait to show mum—she'll be so proud."

The others showed reluctance in parting with their companions; Kain didn't care if they saw his tender side, as he was very endearing to the whelpling during his farewells. Kiba and her dragon shared a cute headbutt while Silver talked to his hatchling as if speaking with another intellectual. Yet, just as the butchers slaughtered the first cow, the whelps flapped their wings—only strong enough to glide from their handlers' arms to the ground—rushed over and immediately dug right into their meat feast.

The ravenous carnivores didn't take long, as they devoured the cow right down to the hooves within minutes, bones and all. The hatchlings wobbled inside the tower and fell asleep within their coils after finishing; the dragons lay sprawled over each other like a gleaming pile of treasure. Selena swore the newborns already looked bigger than when they first emerged from the shell, and at this rate, she was confident they would be Thor's size within a year, maybe less.

Thor and Ebony circled above and landed gracefully near the nursery, watching the slumbering hatchlings with delight. The rainbow flames writhing around his horns illuminated the hallow entrance, and the whelplings' gems glimmered from his light. They were growing anxious when you mentioned how it could take a long time to find suitable handlers, as they already knew who they wanted.

I didn't mean to bore them, but I wanted to emphasize the importance of choice.

They understood, but you should understand that we know better for ourselves, and we will do as we please.

How could I ever forget?

Selena smiled and stood in admiration of the two dragons, but she froze upon observing how Ebony's eyes sparkled as she rubbed her head against Thor's neck. She had this odd feeling that there was a certain glow about her, and her midsection looked swollen. That was when she realized—

Are you and Ebony...?

Chirping and chuckling in amusement, Thor whipped his head around to meet her dumbfounded expression, and Selena grinned ear to ear. I can't hide anything from you, now can I?

Congratulations! I'm happy for you two, but when did this happen?

She realized it before we started training with Ulrich a few weeks ago.

When will she lay her clutch?

Her time is coming soon, perhaps in a week or two.

Selena wanted to jump for joy, as she couldn't help but be ecstatic—Thor would be a father. Though dragons would lay their clutch within weeks after the act, hatchlings could remain in the shell for months or years, as they could sustain themselves indefinitely by drawing in the surrounding Aether; it was ultimately up to the dragon when the time was right to hatch.

Divinity Dragons could only produce one egg at a time, thus allowing them to pass on the Divine's blessing to their hatchling. However, she felt a stone drop in her stomach as the dreadful thought took root. Will you pass on the Divine's gift to your new hatchling?

His ethereal golden wings unfurled, Thor stepped closer and snaked his head around, fixating his amber pupil-slited eyes upon her. The snow-white mist gracing his triangular face felt like a misty fog kissing her cheek. I'm not going anywhere. I promised I would never leave you.

Relief washed over her like the soothing ocean waves. She couldn't bear to lose Thor again, not then. As crucial as it would be to bring about the next generation of Divinity Dragons, Selena wasn't ready to say goodbye. Yet, she wondered how it would affect her if Thor did pass on his blessing—would she be the one to say goodbye, or would she join him in the next life? If Xyaxon meant for the pair to take his place as the next Divine, perhaps she and Thor could change that.

He lifted his massive jewel-tipped talons to wrap and pull her into an embrace, and she looped her arms around the base of his neck, touching the cold golden torque emblazoned upon his chest. Thor's thumping heartbeat was like sweet music to her ears, and she never wanted to be parted from him again. I love you, my dear one.

I love you, too.

After she finally released him, Thor stepped back and bound skyward in one leap, with Ebony following. Rahim, Kain, and Maria waved to the dragons' faint drifting silhouettes before leaving the gardens, but Silver remained behind, his stymied gaze not daring to pry away from the hatchlings; Selena feared for his unusual silence and probable melancholy character. "How does it feel to be a dragon rider?"

It took him a moment to turn around and give her a smile that melted her worries away. "Strange, but I'm also intrigued and honored to help rebuild the Mythic Flight." After assuring the hatchlings were well, the two walked down the winding grey stone pathway towards the city. Silver's grin grew as he looked over the horizon to see the glorious mid-afternoon sun. "Of course, I don't want you to think that this would interfere with our marriage, my dear. I love you and always will."

Her face sparkled, and she relaxed. "I love you, too, and there's no doubt in my mind. I've already asked so much of you today, and I wanted to ensure you weren't overwhelmed."

"Not at all! My dear, I'm like a one-person army. Besides, as an admiral, I can now set a good example to recruits to be seen with a dragon."

Selena shared his enthusiasm and wondered if he could understand hers and Thor's connection; he was never bothered by their bond, but she believed this would be good for him. He finally had companionship for the first time in over sixteen thousand years, aside from hers.

Silver kept his promise and guaranteed the new House of the Undead was fully operational before the celebration began upon returning to the city. He immediately went to work on constructing the temple; when they heard the announcement for receiving assistance, the Dreygur were more than willing to accept help and take advantage of the resources that would readily be available. Because of the recent development to widen the streets, the city's center—the length of five giant weighted dragons standing head to tail—was the perfect spot as it provided enough space to support its structure.

Upon hearing its completion, Thor made his hasty return for a walk-through with Selena. Silver's new sanctuary immediately introduced the trio to a lovely marble fountain with crystal-clear water surrounding the base of a pedestal holding the sacred golden egg Kiba herself placed. The sunlight gleamed upon its smooth surface through the atrium. Ensconced sections to the right were barracks, providing sleeping arrangements for the Dreygur in need. In contrast, the cellar below was stocked with food, clothing, and other necessary supplies to support rehabilitation.

Thor examined every nook and cranny of the magnificent temple and gave his final approval directly to Silver. It's a beautiful step forward in the right direction, and we will continuously improve the plans to better their quality of life.

Silver's face gleamed in delight while Selena approached the golden egg, admiring its gilded gleam sparkling across the azure water-filled marble dish. "This is lovely, Silver. Thank you." Awestruck by his construction skills, Selena pitched the idea of utilizing his abilities to help rebuild Helshire Village, but with a better layout. "Perhaps we can make it more like a fortress, with castle towers and a line of shop buildings instead of stalls."

He agreed without hesitation. "We can do the same for the Grand Exchange and Blackheart. My dear, I will begin work in no later than a week."

Selena caught a glimpse of her unrecognizable reflection as she did when the pair first served in the Force; she still couldn't grasp the recent changes and their effects on their world. Unsure of what urged her to do so, she knelt before the egg to pray, offering a blessing upon the new temple. Tail swishing side to side, Thor joined her as he bowed, nose touching the marble.

However, as the two finished, a sudden gale rushed from the opened ceiling and writhed around the golden paragon like the rainbow fire burning around Thor's horns, and the ground began to quiver; the egg trembled, and much to their shock and dismay, its solid shell cracked open. Bemused and confused, a sapling sprouted from the cracks and exponentially grew to the size of a fully-grown white ash tree within seconds.

The porcelain trunk and branches began stretching beyond the confines of the temple; Thor dashed outside faster than a bolt of lightning, and Selena snatched the hem of Silver's robes, dragging him out while he was in mid-protest of the tree's rapid growth rendering to destroy the new House of the Undead.

It outgrew Silver's new building, leaving a pile of stone rubble amidst a massive ash tree, its snow-white branches and leaves reaching for the clouds, almost touching the heavens. Its trunk jutting from the enlarged marble pool alone was the width of two dragons the size of Thor. Yet, the tree destroyed only the temple from its sudden, massive growth, and the only sign of the tree's roots skidded near its base before sinking and stretching deep underground. Much to Thor's and Selena's relief, the tree neither harmed denizens nor other structures, but that didn't stop the civilians from panicking. After realizing the earthquake had stopped, the entire city rushed over to the new tree, including the Shadow Templars and Aynu.

After Silver finished his rant over losing his building, he, at last, stopped to admire the glistening ivory ash tree with a colossal fountain serving its new size; Kain and Maria arrived moments later and joined him in his awe. Selena's parents parted through the crowd to find her and Thor to ask what had happened, to which they denied their involvement, for they were at a loss, but the tree whispered from the wind rustling through its white sward.

Kiba rushed over, sodden and breathless, eyes as large in wonder as theirs. "W-what is this?" Silver's throat constricted as he mouthed his speculation that Artio had gifted the Aynu with a magical tree seed. She, however, settled apathetically to the possibility, and both she and Maru stood in awe of the extraordinary phenomenon.

As the leaves fell, they sparkled like stars; the Dreygur walking towards the massive tree paused to look up, and when the glittering petals touched their skin, they grew imbued by a soft blue light like the twinkling diamonds adorning the cosmos. The glimmer dimmed away, along with the melting discoloration from their new and revitalized skin—now full of life and color—and Death's glaze vanished from their eyes.

The crowd held its breath in fear of interrupting the miracle. While the reborn praised the tree for their transformation, Aryl stepped forth, regardless of Vulduin's apprehension and warnings; she reached out with opened hands as a glistening petal descended upon her. Vulduin watched as she was kissed by blue starlight, and she fell to her knees when it faded; her sickly-looking face now blossomed with color, and she laughed through tears while holding her sides. Vulduin rushed and pulled her to her feet, and her arms immediately locked around his neck as she buried her face into his shoulder.

Before Selena could ask about her wellbeing, Aryl spun around and greeted her with a tight hold. "H-how did you two...?" She pulled back and smiled through her shimmering eyes, and Selena was left to wonder at what had befallen her mother. "You two healed me. I've been sick for so long, and not even Silver...." Aryl's voice vanished from her trembling lips, and she embraced her daughter again. "Thank you." Still dazed and confused, Selena met her father's same perplexed expression, and he sprinted over to join his family, reveling in jubilation.

The three pulled away when Thor stood on his haunches as he raised his celestial wings and extended his neck to inspect the ash tree he and Selena were responsible for; one leaf drifted and graced the tip of his nose, and a glimmer ran across his scales. I wonder.

Wonder what?

He arched his neck around while remaining on his hind legs. I believe this tree is infused with our power to cure diseases and lift curses.

Suddenly before Selena could ask what he meant, an idea came to him: her parents stood back as Thor scooped her with his jeweled claws and swept himself off the ground, tail snaking behind him, his ethereal wings shimmering like his adorned treasures in the sunlight.

She watched the world pass by like a blur between his talons, the only protective barrier between her and the earth. Though she could have quickly joined him in the sky herself, it never stopped her from enjoying their flight; Thor hummed and chittered in deep content to share this skyborne moment, even for the brief distance to the dragon gardens.

The tree's branches stretched beyond Alfheim's limits and reached the pavilions, the wind carrying its leaves and drifting towards the curious Nidhoggr. Noctis was the first to step forth down the steps of his gazebo, drawn to the familiar Divine energy that drove him forward, and a fleeting, sparkling leaf slowly made its descent. Selena held her breath as Thor coasted closer, and as soon as the petal kissed Noctis' snout, a blue light shining like a newborn star consumed him whole; as the gleam began to fade, standing in Noctis' place was a brilliant black and red dragon: a Blackland Steelwing.

Thor descended gracefully but floated above the pavilion by beating his wings forward and backward. Selena anxiously peered through his claws to see Noctis' jagged shiny onyx scales—like perfectly cut volcanic glass contrasting the brilliant gold chain holding a blood diamond pendant draped around his thick neck. His crimson wings with edges dabbed in minor cuts and nicks unfolded beyond the length of his large pavilion, and he took his first steps among the living, his tail slithering behind him like a venomous black snake. Yet, he still retained the bone mask covering his face, but instead of the smoldering glow, his eyes were now like Thor's: narrow slits against the fiery colors burning within.

When he looked up at the pair, Noctis released a roar—not in anger or intimidation, but in celebrating and praising his new transformation—and he flapped his new wings and joined Thor in the air as a living dragon. His mouth twisted, and his lips curled through snarls and grunts, but his speech was more intelligible than before. His voice no longer sounded like the guttural series of shrieks but rather a low husky tone more gentle on the ears. "Thank... you. Your Divine b-beacon... c-chased... away... the darkness t-that... consumed me."

Selena reached out to pet his obsidian snout through Thor's talon cage, and Noctis purred as he nudged her palm. The sparkling leaves continued their gentle dance downward, and upon seeing Noctis' transformation, the rest of the Nidhoggr hurriedly made their way out in the open. One by one, a simple touch of the miracle petal triggered their transformation, welcoming the flight back among the living through a new flutter of dazzling colorful scales.

Selena's heart soared higher than the sun and beyond; Vyrilion—the Regal Flamescale—a red and orange dragon with specs of emerald green speckled across his hide and the edges of his topaz wings, spun around in absolute ecstasy, chittering and chirping as he stomped the ground.

Obsidian, a Royal Tidalwalker with ocean blue scales and massive frilled wings matching those from his tail like fins from a fish, joined in his happy dance. Nearly dwarfing the other dragons, his flat face was decorated in a crown of spikes, with numerous more covering his back and tail. Obsidian's brilliant, smooth azure hide caught the light like a sword's glimmer, casting blue and purple specks across the ground.

Among their new rainbow, a Malachite Diamondwing, Fafnir's jade-colored hide speckled with orange, yellow, and red along his spine and tail contrasted the emerald green hue of his diamond-shaped wings. His narrow snout and smooth jawline were devoid of any adornments except the two horns curving from his head top.

It didn't take long for Kayda, an Imperial Pearlscale, to join, and her ghostly white scales gleamed as she zipped overhead. Her beautiful albino hide lacked all color—wings and underbelly alike—but her pink eyes radiated joy as her new pupiled-slits spun around to catch her flight in celebration. Despite the absence of hue, Kayda's five-spined wings sparkled like a fairy's crystal-cut pair, casting rainbow flecks like Selena's wedding ring and headdress as she descended. Spikes neatly decorated her jawline, increasing size as they reached her crown.

Sethak and Rhasydra chased the glittering petals but paused once their snouts caught the leaves, and the twins became imbued by the miraculous blue light. The brother suddenly dashed forth from his heavenly orb, emerging as a Regal Flamescale hatchling, his emerald eyes sparkling in glee. Green and yellow flecks speckled down his spine and trailed the edges of his five-spined citrine wings.

Rhasydra, now matching her mother's strikingly white hue, flashed her sapphire eyes; she and her brother had a similar horn and wing design to their mother's, an undeniable resemblance. Volterion—a reborn Regal Flamescale like his father—circled the twins. The three younglings raced back to Kayda, landing among the blissful, colorful party.

Ysyra, a resurrected Crimson Deathwing, soared happily under the sun, her blood-red scales catching the sun's blazing rays. Her obsidian six-spined wings' bottom edges were dappled with oval markings in purple and grey. She joined Obsidian, Vyrilion, and Fafnir, galloping around Kayda as her long, slender tail flickered across the ground, wafting billows of dust from every sweep. The hatchlings joined the cheerful assembly while Kayda hid behind her unimpressed disguise; Noctis gave her a series of deep-throated growls and clicks, and she finally gave in to her excitement like the others.

Selena couldn't help but shed happy tears to see them soar in circles, enjoying the fresh air filling their new lungs. The rest of the reborn dragons dashed across the gardens, stretching their strong fleshy legs and wings again; among them were Skyfyre and Vulcan as they contributed to their merriment while Volt, Gromm, and Beck watched beside their pavilions.

Thor spun in mid-hover as he saw an emerald blur dash from the tree's massive canopy to meet them; Ulrich only paused his hasty venture to witness the dragons' rebirth. Zipping overhead was Ebony as she launched herself towards the ivory branches, wings tucked into her sides as she fired off like a bullet. She perched on one of the bottom branches with her wings half-furled to her sides, observing the group with eager curiosity; her tail twitched like she was ready to pounce. Thor met her slitted gaze and responded with a few low groans and clicks in what Selena assumed was his way of reassuring Ebony of the situation. The black dragon remained an iridescent flicker, her sparkling platinum jewelry set contrasting the porcelain white ash tree.

The leaves fell like twinkling stars, even when the curse lifted from every last Nidhoggr and Dreygur. The Emerald Divine landed after Noctis and Thor descended gracefully, and at last, Selena was released from Thor's protective hold. The newly awakened dragons immediately dashed over to the group and reveled in Noctis' new form; the leader stood on his haunches and released a roar and a long stream of fire blazing in red, orange, and yellow. His flight replied with their elemental breaths: ice, lightning, fire, wind, poison, a rainbow display of their restored magical abilities conjoined with flair.

The impressed Ulrich said, "Only when I believe you two could accomplish no more, I'm proven wrong again. You and Thor never cease to amaze me." He stretched out his neck to further assess the dancing petals. "I had a hunch that my sister gave the Aynu the Great Seed to bring about the World Tree as a gift for mortals when I used it to restore the Hinterlands. You temporarily imbued this World Tree with your powers, and, as I suspected, all the inflicted have returned to their previous altered state. However, I trust that the tree's abilities will fade by nightfall."

Her chest tightened when Selena saw Rahim and Niamh dashing across the garden hills with their allies. It wasn't fair to save the Dreygur and Nidhoggr when it was too late for his father; yet, she recalled the Divinity Dragon's resurrection ability, and the weight from her heart briefly lifted when she considered the possibility of rectifying this injustice. "Could we bring someone back from the dead?"

I believe we can do that with or without the tree, my dear.

Yes, but after seeing the reborn Dreygur and Nidhoggr, it wouldn't be fair for Rahim to suffer. I forgot we could do this.

"You are correct, Divine Thor. The gift of resurrection can be for yourself only moments before or after death or on someone else regardless of the time frame of their passing, but you can only use this gift once. Choose wisely."

"Even if two Divinity Dragons exist at present?"

Ulrich's eyes flickered to a brief shade of grey. "You two are connected, and therefore your abilities come as one, including this offering."

I wonder why Yggdrasil didn't use her gift to help me. Realizing that sounded selfish, Selena profusely apologized.

No need for apologies, my dear. Our mother may have already used her one blessing.

"Thor is right. Your Dragon Mother Yggdrasil saved her mate's life many years before laying your eggs, Divine Ones, but she still helped in any way she could to preserve you." Ulrich's gigantic emerald eye fixated upon Selena. "She loved you as if you were from her clutch, and she was willing to save you, no matter the cost."

Touched by the saving grace of a mother's love, she wiped her tears away, but Thor nudged her back before bowing in agreement to the exciting possibility of what would be the greatest gift of all. Are you sure about this?

Of course. It would be the right thing to do, and I know he will never forget it.

After confirming from Ulrich that only praying was needed, Selena reached out her Aether hand to gently catch the fallen star leaf sparkling within her wispy palm. Thor joined her side as soon as Rahim and the others arrived, sodden and breathless. Before he or Silver could make their inquiry, Ulrich immediately silenced them by snapping his large fangs shut, urging the group to wait and watch.

Lord Godfrey and Prince Damien stood behind Rahim with the Shadow Templar horde, anxiously waiting to see what their new queen would do next after marveling at Obsidian's and Noctis' transformation. Kain and Maria joined Vyrilion's side upon witnessing the World Tree's miracle, looking at the pair in awe and admiration. They were slightly fearful that, like Death, Selena always kept her promises.

Fafnir inched his way closer under Ulrich's heated and guarding gaze as he crawled towards Niamh so she could silently marvel at his rebirth, and she collapsed against his chest while waiting to see the final act. Aracania zipped overhead with Araneus but paused to hover as Admiral Cyres slowly approached the chittering Ysyra; the blissful pair united after celebrating Ysyra's resurrection, for she reminded him of Onyxria.

Selena peered over her shoulder and still saw the vampirism in the Templars' eyes, but she realized the World Tree only lifted the Lich's curse upon the Dreygur and Nidhoggr; the vampires didn't carry the evil darkness that shrouded the others. Ignoring the growing crowd watching in anticipation, Selena spun around to face Thor with the leaf exposed. The two bowed their heads in prayer, whispering over the shimmering petal. Unsure of how to word the plea, the pair kept it simple:

"Please, bring Arawn back—"

The man he was before the Lich took him.

Their whispers beckoned the crowd forward, but Ulrich warned them by flicking his tail; Noctis and his flight took a step back when they realized what Selena and Thor had attempted to achieve, and the dragons impatiently lingered for the next miracle.

Immediately following their blessing, the leaf flared to a glittering ball of blue light and shot upwards to the glowing twilight sky, and the heavens wept twinkling stardust barely grazing the earth. A strong gale picked up and carried a collection of leaves swirling and twirling overhead before breaking ground, forming a vortex with their Divine wind. The leaf bearing Selena's and Thor's wish dropped from the heavens and struck the middle of the tiny gale storm, and within a snapping flash lasting only seconds, a man appeared.

Chaliss was one of the last to arrive, only to witness Rahim, unable to keep his face from shimmering, stepping forward; he looked like he had been struck by lightning while shuffling his feet to the man he once remembered from an old photograph. Almost like walking through a dream, Chaliss had to be escorted by Silver, and when the restored Arawn looked between her and Rahim, his eyes widened as he finally made the distinction.

There was no mistaking his and Rahim's relation: the matching shaggy sandy-brown hair with freckles dotting the nose and face gave it away. Dazed and confused, and before he could brace himself, Arawn was nearly tackled down by Rahim. All he could say was, "Dad...."

Arawn lifted a trembling hand to Rahim's head before seeking confirmation from Chaliss' tearful gaze. Arawn lost his speech to a series of confusing grunts as he tried to find the right questions to ask but instead lifted a free hand for her to take, and the three fell into a deep embrace. The once lost man finally sputtered, "I-I thought we lost each other for a moment." He looked down at Rahim with amazement. "A-are you really...? H-how long was I asleep?"

Rahim forced out a chuckle in between sobs. "About sixteen years, dad."

Arawn's pale face drained of any remaining color as he looked over at Chaliss' sparkling wet face as she forced out a laugh. "The last thing I remember was deciding what to name our son."

Her lips trembled over Rahim's name. "It was the one you chose, remember?"

"Rahim." Arawn allowed the syllables to slip over his tongue before bringing his wife and son into another tight huddle.

Selena smiled at their happy reunion, but as she was about to turn away, Rahim dashed over, grabbed her arm, and urged her to follow him. Meanwhile, Arawn looked around in wonder at the city and the dragons but flinched when he saw the vast crowd watching in astonishment. Few from the group voiced praises as their queen walked by, and everyone dropped to their knees while whispering, "Glory to the Dragon Queen" and "World Tree Giver."

Arawn paused as Rahim brought her over and quickly fell to his knees upon seeing her unmatched beauty and the halo crown that gave away her status. "Dad, this is my sister." When Arawn almost fell over in shock, Rahim had to rapidly explain their relationship wasn't by blood and proceeded to regale his father of who she was and of their adventures. Selena laughed when he exaggerated some parts or the added titles he kept tacking beside her name.

Thor couldn't help but join in on the teasing. Selena Liongod, Queen of Dragons, One of Divine Birth, God-Slayer, World Tree Giver.

Are you finished? He only stuck out his tongue, and she sighed. Why can't I just be Liongod? It was much shorter and easier to remember.

I would be proud of those earned titles.

After Rahim finished his story, Arawn suddenly grew weary and dizzy. "I-I need some time to ponder all this, my son." His face suddenly lit up with a huge grin. "My son."

The cheering crowd cleared when Chaliss helped Arawn walk back into Alfheim, but Rahim stayed behind. His eyes glossy like glass, he hugged Selena tightly as he was close to breaking. Rahim's mouth kept opening and closing while stammering, "I-I can't... I could... could never—"

"I promised we would find a way to help him, didn't I? A queen is always true to her word."

Rahim laughed, but he squeezed until she almost couldn't breathe. He only released his grip when Thor gave him a slight nudge, and he latched on to Thor's muzzle. "Thank you... thank you! You are the Almighty Thor, King of Dragons—"

"Perhaps that's enough titles." She gave him a half-crooked smile through the furrow of her brow as her eyes nervously darted among the wide-eyed faces that inched closer to hear every word of Rahim's sincere devotion. Thor, however, was amused and glowed from the praise; Selena could swear she saw his diamond scales shimmer rainbows from delight. It's all right; allow him to continue.

Rahim resumed offering heartfelt praise through his glistening gaze while dashing away to join his mother and father. Before the crowd could push their way to her, Ulrich stepped forward and deterred the others away through intimidating roars and snarls. Eventually, when they realized Selena and Thor wouldn't grant them an audience, the horde slowly faded out while still fixated on the World Tree and praising its miracles.

When Silver marched over, Kain shoved him out the way to confront Selena about her recent actions, but instead of words, he reached out and gave her a firm handshake, followed by Maria drifting over and offering a hug. Selena felt guilty for not extending the gift to her mother, who passed away before Snowhaven's botched mission, but Maria showed no malice or scorn for her decision. "You did the right thing, and we both know Rahim will never forget this." More than what she expected, Kain and Maria were relieved at the new solution for the Lich's undead, and the rest of Alfheim would have an easier time welcoming their new citizens.

After Ulrich permitted them to come forward, Noctis and his flight surrounded her as they twittered and chirped, but Vyrilion stopped and rushed over to the vampire lord and lady to flaunt his new appearance. Godfrey and Damien were next to reunite with their companions; Noctis and Obsidian wrapped the two nobles within their coils and fell into deep content over the affection from their handlers and the World Tree's gift. Upon seeing how the dragons expressed their love and adoration for their riders, Fafnir extended a protective claw around Niamh and herded her close.

Godfrey patted Obsidian's thick arm while muttering, "You great oaf, you're nothing but a softy." The happy dragon blew out a slight chilling breeze from his nostrils before squeezing Godfrey closer.

Through a flurry of new wings, Sethak and Rhasydra circled Selena and Thor with cheerful chittering, and the twins took turns in rubbing their snouts against their faces. Rhasydra and Volterion helped me escape the Blood Diamond. I'm glad for the chance to thank them. Thor returned their affections and dipped his head, showing gratitude to the now purring Rhasydra.

With caution, Kayda took a few steps and snaked her pearly-white muzzle over Selena's head, calling her hatchlings through clicks and chirps before paying her respects to the Divine dragons. Volterion trailed behind but grew distracted by his flared ruff coating the end of his tail, and he began chasing it like a playful puppy. Soon, the other dragons joined and coddled together as one heap of differently colored jewels after releasing their handlers.

Silver reunited with Selena and Thor at long last, fully embracing his wife; Ebony dashed overhead at record speed. Sharing a heart-warming farewell, Thor parted from Selena and joined his mate in the sky with his promise to unite at the celebrations later.

When satisfied with the events, Ulrich excused himself before snapping another glance at the great ash tree. True to his assumption, the starfall glitter vanished as the sun crossed the line where the earth met the sky and the last of the dancing leaves drifted to the ground.

"Your gift is a beacon of hope for the dawn of this new world. As long as the World Tree stands, darkness will never again consume Armageddon. Farewell, Divine Ones. Until we meet again." Ulrich bowed before the two as he unfurled his colossal wings; Silver and Selena watched the Divine make one massive leap skyward, heading towards Rhumbek's ruins to fulfill his promise of rebuilding the fallen dwarven city.

She watched the glittering Emerald Dragon vanish beyond the horizon, his dazzling scales melding with the diamond stars adorning the evening curtain, suspecting this being their final meeting. But Selena caught a glimmer of a figure hiding beyond the pavilions; Azrael observed the entire affair, and she wondered if he took any issue of their deed.

However, he only shrugged and smirked after Silver accused him of eavesdropping and strutted forward with his hands thrust into his pockets. "How am I supposed to keep my promise if you won't attend your celebration? I think your adoring crowd is working at Divine speed in putting it together."

Unsure on whether to be amused or annoyed, Selena bit her tongue. "Do you have nothing else to say, such as the foolishness of the tree existing or for breaking the unspoken laws over life and death?"

"Am I supposed to?" Azrael raised a brow in genuine confusion. "Your gift to Rahim doesn't concern me. Before my banishment, I seem to recall that I decided to grant Divinity Dragons the ability under the condition that you can only use it once. That was my blessing after Ulrich and Xyaxon created Divinity Dragons." He peered up at the christened tree. "As my brother said, the World Tree's temporary powers have faded as soon as daylight ended, so I'm not worried about you two disrupting the balance of life and death. This new beginning is a chance to give everyone a fresh start after our supposed doomsday." He laughed, but his face turned serious, and his smirk disappeared. "Consider your act as a way of saying you owe me a soul."

Flaring in anger, Silver quickly called him out on his bluff, but Selena already knew Azrael's sense of humor by now and laughed. His grin once again stretching across his face, Death vanished within the shadows in a plume of smoke.

As the two made the trek back to Alfheim, Selena said, "I'm sorry about destroying your new temple, Silver."

He shrugged, but he looked more impressed than annoyed, judging by him continuously looking back at the World Tree with a sunny grin. "This turned out better than I could have hoped, my dear. You dragons never cease to amaze me."

Selena paused, gaze frozen upon the great blessing. She and Thor still possessed their abilities to cure diseases, and her face brightened when an idea came to her. "The tree's magic may have waned, but what if Thor and I assisted with your work?" As she proposed using their powers to help Silver's alchemy, creating potions and vaccines to cure and eradicate deadly diseases, Silver couldn't help but exclaim that "this would be a massive and advancing step in developing modern medicine."

Upon returning to the city limits after deciding to begin this feat in the morning, Silver and Selena were ecstatic that the reborn Dreygur slowly regained their lost memories. However, like Arawn, no one recalled falling under the Lich's curse. As Kain and Maria predicted, Alfheim welcomed the former undead back among the living.

Selena made it a point to help the formerly inflicted with housing and employment resources; they lost their livelihood before the Battle of Armageddon, but the old residents retained their skills and talents. After their celebration, Selena planned to assign them jobs they were best suited for or return to previous surviving employers, depending on their choice. In the meantime, a reasonable sum of gold would be divided among them for a fresh start.

As Silver and Kain already took it upon themselves to build multi-floor duplexes during the city's reconstruction to provide housing for the homeless, Selena ensured the former Dreygur that all would be provided for until they received employment and permanent living accommodations. However, she made it conditional that the resources would only be available for a time frame of no more than three weeks to help deter those who would take advantage of the system. As all the shops and suppliers were in high demand of laborers, finding work would be no issue.

"Is there a plan for those who can't find a job or another place to live?"

Selena bit her bottom lip to Silver's question as she thought more of it. "If it comes to it, we can sit down with those unsuccessful and figure out why, but I can't have them living on free handouts forever." The two walked by the newly refurbished duplex within the Sky District, ready to be used now. Already, the former undead moved inside and made themselves at home, eager to begin their new lives. "Three weeks from tomorrow, we can renovate the building to be an inn or perhaps a massive blacksmith shop, opening new employment opportunities offering fair wages. If the worst happens, I could assign them a job they would be best suited for based on their current skill level. I will not have them groveling on the streets like beggars after freeing them from the Lich."

Much to her delight, some reborn immediately found proper employment as cooks to help prepare for the evening's event. Others honed their skills in crafting jewelry, using the gemstones Silver created to sell to the populace. General Araneus and Aracania wasted no time granting opportunities for the new residents to join the Force as soldiers; those who accepted the offer would transfer to their different living quarters in the morning.

Silver suggested establishing a construction crew to rebuild Helshire, the Grand Exchange, and Blackheart, and Selena couldn't agree more. Many formerly inflicted happily consented to join and begin work that same week. Selena was pleased to see that more than half of the new citizens found employment within hours, and she was confident the others would follow suit before the three-week time frame.

True to Azrael's word, the city was busy preparing the celebratory feast and ball in Selena's honor. Special pigs and boars were butchered and cooked by the finest chefs around the Empire, spending hours arranging gourmet dishes fit for the Queen of Dragons herself. Many elaborate decorations and tables adorned in the finest cutlery and silk dinner cloth were set up around the city's center near the base of the World Tree.

Brightly lit jeweled lanterns sat within gemstone platters, serving as centerpieces at each table as more lamps strung along the edges of the buildings circling the tree. Different stalls carried various foods and tiny treasures, such as toy windmills and masks for children. Lights threaded around its lower branches through large jeweled chains. The World Tree illuminated from the rainbow flair of fairies that began making themselves at home; their tiny extravagant houses made of wood and woven leaf and limb hung like ornaments. Specks of magic dust fluttered from their rapidly beating wings and kissed all they touched.

The musicians took their place before the fountain and the great tree and began gracing the bustling city with twinkling light tunes. The decorated General Araneus saddled upon Aracania donned in her treasures and led their long parade with Ysyra and the embellished Admiral Cyres. Behind them were Skyfyre and Volt, clad in his best dress suited for his promotion, and Vulcan with the two regally dressed brothers astride his back.

The remaining flight marched through the streets; wings unfurled and displayed. Behind them were Noctis and Fafnir. Vyrilion, Kayda, Volterion, the twins, and Obsidian followed their pageant, all dragons flashing their polished gems and chains. They had no issues walking through the improved streets amidst the blitz, and, even without the sidewalks, the citizens had more than enough room to carry on in normalcy without disturbance. They stopped and stared in awe and wonder, shouting praises at the newborn dragons strutting by.

Next, Thor and Ebony landed gracefully behind them, and the city bowed to their grandeur splendor. The two royally adorned dragons flaunted their jewels, gold, and draconic beauty; Thor appreciated the vastly different treatment than before the Lich's defeat. Yet, to his and Ebony's surprise, a few audience members fell to their knees in prayer.

As if to save their glorious tableaux for last, Silver and Selena descended and followed the parade in dragon forms—after Silver adjusted his size to match hers—donned in matching illustrious treasures, save for the queen wearing her august headdress. The two wore heavy golden torques set with deep blue-green sapphires, jeweled chains dangling from the pieces and loosely wrapping around their necks. Solid gold talon-sheathes tipped with the unique sapphires over their foreclaws clicked against the cobblestone pavement. Golden tail bands faceted with the sapphires and with hanging strings of jewels lightly decorated the base of their tails. As the royal couple marched by, the citizens lined the streets and shouted out in adoration, "World Tree Giver," "Dragon Queen," "God-Slayer," along with their many praises.

Before the events unfolded, as Selena wanted to make her grand entrance with flair, Silver suggested wearing similar jewelry as Thor and Ebony and quickly crafted new pieces for himself and her. As beautiful as the trinkets were, Selena believed the display was too much, but he disagreed. "Dragons love treasure, as you well know. The new flight deserved their rewards, but the Queen of Dragons is supposed to flaunt magnificent jewels, and no other should ever come close to her beauty."

The dragons lined up around the Fire Temple, where their allies watched and waited: Aryl and Vulduin stood among Loki, the Oracles, Neith, Lord Godfrey, Prince Damien, and the Shadow Templars, with Kiba, Maru, and the Aynu pack; the dragons exercised caution when stepping around the wolves, as some were still young pups learning how to behave and sit still. Much to Selena's delight, Azrael and Doragon kept their promise; the two stood within the shadows, observing the formal event unfold, and they smiled and bowed as they made eye contact.

The Former Imperial Majesties bent the knee when Selena took her spot beside them. "You and Thor gave us our lives back, and the Empire will finally know peace." Aryl stood up, and Selena's muzzle met her open palm. "We pray that your Divine fire never extinguishes as it chases away the darkness." Likewise, Vulduin offered his praise to Thor during their communion.

The flight fidgeted in place, impatient to begin their feast: whole roasted seasoned spitted cows and pigs strung like a delicacy chain of jewels waited just for them, while the rest portioned out on the tables for the civilians. If it weren't for Thor, Ebony, and Aracania watching the ferals, they would have run amok. Skyfyre and Vulcan were of no help, yet, after fighting off his impulses, Noctis assisted in maintaining order.

Even as Selena altered her form as the elven Dragon Queen, the crafted jewelry modified to her transformation; the smaller pieces decorated her neck, wrist, and fingers but never lost their luster. Only upon her word did the gala officially begin, and the party poured across the streets; the dragons immediately dove after their meals, tearing and ripping meat and bone through chittering pleasure while the civilians indulged in celebration, resplendent with dance, song, food, and wine.

The dragons only paused mid-bite when the Mythic Flight hatchlings fluttered overhead, drawn in from the appetizing series of smells wafting across Alfheim. The ferals snarled when the dragonets inched over for a taste. The air hatchling vanished and reappeared to steal a mouthful of Fafnir's meal and disappeared in a plume of smoke before Fafnir could swat it away; he wrapped a protective arm around his pig. Thor and Ebony, however, were more generous and openly shared their banquet with the hungry whelplings. Seeing their more sophisticated example, Noctis growled but ruefully moved his claws away, allowing the new fire guardian to swoop in for a few bites.

Silver's grin brightened his face from the spectacle, and the air dragonet raced over and perched on his shoulder. Its frills flared when Selena extended her Aether hand, and it chirped as it shoved its head into her open palm. Silver said, "Etherius likes you. He was drawn to your aura and kept asking me questions about the Divine Dragon Queen."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Etherius."

The whelpling locked his large emerald eyes with hers and bowed. Divine One.

His gentle voice resonated similarly to Silver's; Etherius fluttered and vanished and joined his squabbling siblings playing tug-of-war with Sethak and Rhasydra over scraps. Yet, Silver draped an arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. "He has your eyes," he said, smiling, and she laughed.

Soon, Rahim, his parents, and Niamh rushed over when they saw the baby dragons swarming over another spitted cow like flies drawn to honey. As the little fire guardian looked up, it rushed over and nearly tackled Rahim in sheer excitement. Niamh laughed before taking her spot upon Fafnir's foreleg as he tore through his third stuffed pig, purring and twittering when his handler arrived.

Arawn, no longer dazed, smiled upon seeing his son's recent accomplishments. Rahim held up his hatchling for him and Chaliss to see, the hatchling's ruby scales gleaming like Vulcan's under the jeweled lamps; the massive grin on Rahim's face made Selena's heart soar. "Mum and dad, meet Cyndrexia."

The little fire guardian hovered over his hands and chirped as if introducing itself. Face beaming, Chaliss asked, "Cyndrexia is lovely. Did you come up with that name, or did it... he...?"

"She," Rahim corrected, "and no, I didn't. Cyndrexia told me she picked out the name herself while waiting to hatch." His parents watched the dragonet zip out of Rahim's hands and circle the three as they burst out laughing; Selena grinned, assuming Cyndrexia's siblings were equally impatient, and decided to name themselves as Thor did upon hatching.

Meanwhile, Kain and Maria joined Vyrilion, and the water hatchling rushed over between them. Kain extended his arm for the dragonet to perch, and it rubbed its body against his face like a cat showing affection. "I hope you're staying out of trouble, Nytheria." The whelpling flickered her fish-like tail and purred. When Kain approached, Vyrilion lowered his snout to the hatchling's and sniffed as Nytheria loomed in, tiny wings rapidly beating to keep her aloft from Kain's shoulder, and their noses touched. When satisfied to meet the dragonet's acquaintance, Vyrilion offered to share some of his meal, and Nytheria ravenously accepted his token of friendship.

Kiba's voice boomed over the fast music, and she, with Maru and a few from her pack, strutted from the crowd, tearing through a giant turkey leg with the earth dragonet hovering above; it swooped in to steal a bite but ended up robbing the entire drumstick. Realizing the size of its prize, the dragon dashed away to enjoy it in private as Kiba pursued a chase. "Hey! Get back here with my food, Exidrion."

Exidrion rushed by Silver and Selena, fangs sunk deep into the meat and eventually vanished into the dark shadows as a faint emerald glimmer from his chest spikes and glowing orb. Kiba transformed into a wolf and gained speed after the disappearing whelpling, but Selena swore she heard Exidrion snicker in the back of her mind.

She couldn't help but laugh, but Thor snaked his head over and nudged her arm. I don't quite recall behaving that way when I hatched.

Only when it came to your insatiable hunger.

Bah. Thor finished gulping down the last of his cow and licked his chops.

Her friends and family urged her and Silver to join them for the feast inside the Fire Temple while the dragons gorged themselves on the remaining outside dishes. The banquet tables were lined with delectable delicacies that made her mouth water: cheese wheels served with loaves of bread, whole roasted deer and pigs displayed on golden platters, decorated with different herb garnishes and smoked vegetables, strung down the tables as crown jewels of the feast, glazed in a butter sauce—courtesy to the Shadow Templars, no one used garlic. Large platters of stuffed game hens with various spices and herbs were presented with fruits and nuts. Decorating the center of the enormous table was a perfectly cooked boar laying on its back on top of a golden platter, all drizzled in a special honey sauce.

The temple echoed with stories of their previous epic adventures. As Loki dashed between their feet, looking for a plate the cooks set aside for him, Lord Godfrey regaled everyone on the tale of how Emperor Enyalius Xyrrion bested him in combat. Maru shared how Selena and her friends allied with the Aynu by saving Kiba and their treasured Great Seed. Per Aryl's and Vulduin's request, Captains Gromm and Beck offered their story of how they infiltrated Mount Blackrock to rescue her and Thor and their first meeting with the Shadow Emperor himself.

General Araneus and Admiral Cyres were especially interested in their heroic feats, as they most likely hadn't received all the details because of the old Council. In the meantime, as Volt sat between his commanding officers, his face burned, but he turned away when Selena caught his stare; he mumbled what she could assume, but Silver's icy glare was enough to make Volt flinch.

Selena enjoyed their peaceful time and only spoke when the others asked her questions, but soon she wasn't given a choice when everyone asked her to tell the tale of the battle against Xyaxon. As she enlightened everyone of the details, Ulrich's words twinkled across her mind: As long as the World Tree stands, darkness will never again consume Armageddon.

After the punch settled in, everyone took the pleasure of dancing in front of the great ash tree—including Azrael. Selena was happy to see him return for the evening gala and enjoy the festivities. The flickering jeweled lamps shimmered across Doragon's golden metal-plated scales; yet, he wasn't amused to see his companion concede to his drunken stupor. He extended an arm to herd him close as the music ended, only to begin again for the next group of dancers.

Silver asked her to join him as the others lined up; like the affair before the venture to Snowhaven, a few bystanders giggled and gawked at the two, but it wasn't just the women ogling over him this time. Selena did her best to ignore the onlooking men and ladies failing at their beguiling attempts to woo and seduce her; instead, she was bemused and charmed by both parties. "Don't worry about them; it's just you and me right now." Silver grinned and winked, twirling her around and kissing her in mid-dip; their audience clapped and cheered.

The dragons watching the merriment roared to the skies and clicked their nails against the pavement in approval. All of the dragon hatchlings—Volterion included—swirled overhead and chittered, but Exidrion was still busy avoiding Kiba; he finished eating her turkey leg, but he zipped over to Thor as the She-Wolf rounded the corner. Thor lowered his head and snorted as the hatchling almost collided with him and immediately recoiled back, giving Kiba a chance for capture. "Gotcha! You big oaf, you owe me another drumstick." Exidrion floated above her head after escaping and belched loudly, and everyone laughed.

However, Selena's heart dropped faster than a boulder sinking to the ocean floor when she saw Azrael escape from the distraction. Doragon followed his example by launching himself skyward; after the two were far enough away from the party, Doragon snatched Azrael in his talons and made haste towards the garden pavilions undetected by the others.

After explaining Azrael's sudden departure, she excused herself from Thor's and Silver's company as she transformed in mid-leap and flew after them in pursuit; the moonlight caught her newly emblazoned diamond gleaming rainbow streaks from her chest. Upon spotting the two landing within the dragon gardens, she made her descent.

Doragon nudged Azrael to turn around, but he sighed as he knew it was her who followed. "Why aren't you enjoying the party?" She glared at him and flickered her tail, waiting for a better explanation, though she knew what would happen. He sighed when she wouldn't back down. "I didn't want to make a big fuss about leaving."

Despite her growing anticipation and preparation, the news still struck a blow; she morphed back to her usual guise and crossed her arms, staring at the two in disbelief. "Oblivion awaits, I suppose."

Azrael gestured between himself and Doragon. "We have to. The demons have already returned, and now it's time for us." He looked to the World Tree and smirked. "It had been many years since we held Oblivion's throne, and we're looking forward to that moment."

"Don't you wish to say goodbye to everyone?"

Azrael shook his head, but he turned away. "I hate goodbyes, and I've already done enough damage to this realm. Besides, I won't be gone forever." Before he could brace himself, Selena hugged him; he was not one to accept affection, but to her surprise, he squeezed her back and laughed. "I can't believe I used to hate you, but now—"

"But now, we're friends."

The two pulled away, and Azrael's grin brightened the evening. "Friends."

Doragon looked up as two shadows coasted across the ground; Thor and Ebony landed on their haunches near the three, wings still unfurled, the moonlight twinkling upon their exquisite jewelry. Thor's tail swept across the ground in agitation for being left behind, brushing dust clouds with every pass. Do we not deserve the same courtesy of saying goodbye?

Chittering, Ebony nodded; she gave Doragon a series of chirps and clicks, and he responded likewise. Thor took his turn by giving the two a bow in respect.

Azrael clapped his hands when they finished their final exchange, and Doragon flapped his wings, hovering aloft. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a realm to reclaim."

"Will you return soon?"

"I'm Death. You may see me again soon, or you may not. You know I can't tell you that."

Selena scoffed but smiled. "The Divines have a sense of humor. Take care of yourselves."

Thor and Ebony roared in unison as Azrael stepped back, and Doragon swooped overhead, scooping him with his claws; the trio watched as the Divines soared, flying directly into a black hole swirling against the night sky. Dark hands radiating with purple and red magic thrashed forth from the gateway and reached for the pair, but Azrael waved at Silver's slithering dragon form approaching the gardens. The shadows pulled Azrael and Doragon through the portal, returning to Oblivion's realm.

Selena sucked in her cheeks before meeting Thor's disappointed gaze. I'm sorry, my dear, but I thought you two would follow me.

Of course, we would, but you still should have mentioned it.

Thor snaked his head around to see Silver strutting towards them with his hands deep in his formal jacket pockets. Ebony flapped her wings in preparation for take-off, but she bowed first before launching herself for the stars at incredible speed. Silver gave his sister a jerky nod as he approached and reached out to rub Thor's muzzle, and Thor pulled him close. "I wish you two many happy years together. Take care of her—"

And never let her go, Selena heard the two of them say simultaneously, finishing each other's sentences. Before joining his mate, Thor drew her into a hug as well. We'll always be together.

Now and forever.

She kissed his nose, and Thor made one massive leap with one wing beat, his ethereal wings melting into the starry night's velvet curtain, and the two dragons swirled together overhead in an eternal dance.

Silver turned around to look at the great World Tree, a standing testament to their new beginning. "There's no telling what the future holds—there are endless possibilities."

"The best part is, we'll figure that out together." As the two spun around and faced each other, he drew her into a tight embrace before kissing her, and Selena deepened it.

Thor and Ebony hovered above them with the blue ore moon glistening upon the world; the dragons stared at each other lovingly before flying away into the night.

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Sixteen-year-old Selena Liongod has no memories of her past. She's never been in aerial combat. She doesn't know any magic and has never ridden a dra...
84.2K 7K 48
Four years ago, Morgan was found half-dead near the dragon village of Thorsbury Upon Wick. Morgan cannot remember what happened to her, but the villa...
725 48 38
"Everyone loves a good fantasy, but my life was turned upside down by one." What would you do if you had the ability to control the air? How about if...