
By 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One
Chapter 16: Noctis
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 24: Into the Inferno
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 27: The Golden Crown
Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New

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By 129cdmuller

Promptly following the ceremony, the rest of the crowd dispersed, and the Nidhoggr scattered back to their pavilions like a murder of crows; Selena met with her allies and the leaders with the request to have an official meeting at the newly rebuilt Fire Temple. Her parents agreed to sit in on the assembly, and although they wouldn't be in charge, she wanted them there for their support.

Everyone who passed by congratulated her for being crowned the new queen. Kiba and Maru, with their golden paragon, came in next to Lord Godfrey and Prince Damien; behind them were Kain and Maria; when the two locked gazes, Maria gave her a smile and a curtsy while Kain gave her a nod and a salute. After bending before her assembly, Gromm, Beck, and Volt excused themselves to tend to Vulcan's and Skyfyre's needs; General Araneus ordered their prompt arrival for the celebration later that evening—the five were required to attend, to which they happily agreed.

To Selena's dismay, the two Divines took their leave, but Azrael promised to return for the celebration dinner. "The demons have returned to Oblivion, but I suppose we can stay for a bit longer. Doragon and I wouldn't miss it." He winked, and he and Doragon departed. Selena thought they would have wanted to stay and talk for a while, and she feared their swift return to Oblivion—she dreaded that coming day.

Ulrich apologized, however, as there would be no guarantee that he could attend; Selena understood he had his repairs to make, starting with Rhumbek. Instead, the Divine bowed with his promise to remain for as long as he could and launched heavenward, unfolding his wings midair as the dust billowed from every flap he made.

Thor snaked his head around Selena and nudged his snout against her arm, fixating his twinkling eyes upon her royal headdress, admiring the gems and gold in extreme delight. Silver, meanwhile, examined the dragon in complete gratification with his alchemy work that produced the royal jewelry. "Are you satisfied with your order, Thor?"

Yes, indeed. My new gemstones will serve as my shimmering testament for the world to see my bond with the Dragon Queen.

Silver smiled and bowed. "It is a lovely tribute, and I'm glad to have been of service."

Before excusing himself to join Ebony in the sky, Thor addressed Selena directly, I will be listening in on your meeting if you need me, my dear one, and the two climbed the heavens and circled before flying away.

However, Silver's eyes scanned through the crowd. Selena was confused but understood why when she saw Loki running across everyone's feet. He made haste to be by her side, and when the fox met up with her, he bowed like everyone else. "It's so great to address you as Your Majesty. As you know, I've served Her Imperial Majesty for many years, and now, I serve you."

"Thank you, Loki."

When the fox looked up to see Silver, his orange fur turned pale, and he growled. Silver was about to snatch Loki off the ground, but Selena got in the way and intervened. "Leave him alone."

"But I want to eat him."

Loki hissed, and his fur stood up on end. Selena thought that the two resolved their differences from Godfrey's fortress, but she had been wrong before. "That's enough. We're stopping this feud since Loki now serves me."

Silver bit his lip but agreed and winked. "As you wish, Your Majesty." Still wholly unsatisfied, Loki snorted before dashing ahead and up the stairs. Although Selena helped diffuse the situation, the fox still didn't trust him. She couldn't blame Loki, but for the time being, it was enough.

Right before they made it inside the temple, the group was interrupted by Rahim, who parted his way through the crowd with Niamh following close. "Pardon us, everyone: best friend and brother coming through, thank you. Everyone can gawk at the Queen of Dragons from over here, but as for Niamh and I, we get to stand right there. Thank you very much. I think we've earned that right." The others laughed at him. "But seriously, how does it feel to be Armageddon's new queen?"

"I haven't fully realized it yet."

"While sitting on that diamond throne, don't forget about us." Rahim smiled and winked.

"Don't be daft, as we couldn't have done any of this without you. Your ideas and plans helped us win this war—you're the real hero." Rahim's face gleamed at her recognizing his accomplishments.

The general made his way as Aracania slithered around the crowd, her nails clicking against the pavement: she may be daintier than Thor, but she was still large enough to fill the temple as she squeezed through like a snake. Selena was about to salute, but Araneus knelt before her as he did back at Dark Blood Hold. Admiral Cyres approached from the pell-mell crowd and followed the general's example.

"Your Grace, it is an honor to serve you. Aracania and I pledge our allegiance to you and the Empire until our dying breath," said Araneus.

"Sir, you and Aracania don't need to address me so formally. I'm still Liongod."

"We serve the imperial family. You and Thor command us, Your Majesty." Chittering, Aracania approached Selena and knelt in turn.

The temple was almost how Selena remembered it, but now a tapestry hung from the back wall, showing Selena and Thor as dragons, with Azrael on one side and Ulrich on the other. The different murals cascading on the right side told a new story: instead of showing all three of the Divines ruling in peace, they were of Selena's and Thor's fight against Xyaxon battling in the eternal cosmos. The canvases narrated the tale of how the two killed a god in a beautiful tableau.

They have already finished the paintings celebrating our feat.

Thor hummed in delight. They were quick, even working through the evening.

Silver caught up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Thor is right, my dear. No, My Dragon Queen." She bit her tongue when he laughed at his mistake, but she still smiled. "Our great artists worked all night to have this gift ready for your coronation. We call your greatest feat 'The Dance of Dragons.'"

Selena allowed the words to roll over her tongue; although honored that everyone would remember her and Thor forever for saving their world, she cringed that she and Thor were already being worshiped as gods. "Can you hear Thor freely now?"

Silver grinned. "Yes, but only whenever he includes me in your conversation."

A massive war room large enough for a dragon of Thor's size waited for them behind the drapes, and the group took their seats around a large, rectangular oak table. Aryl and Vulduin were already present, but instead of sitting down, they stood behind Selena's seat in the corner of the room.

Lord Godfrey and Prince Damien took their spots at the very end with two Templar guards standing post behind the nobles. Kiba and Maru sat beside them, with their artifact nestled between them. Silver ensured his seat next to his wife while Rahim took her other side; although Silver's seating arrangement was expected, Rahim couldn't help but make faces at him, but he quickly stopped when Selena glared at him.

Aracania sat outside the room while she kept her head in the doorway, as she couldn't fit her body through the entrance; her tail flickered side to side as she watched the party settle, ready for deliberations. Araneus took a seat closest to her, and Admiral Cyres settled on his right. Loki was already within, laying down Selena's scribbled parchments: on top was a map of Armageddon and her notes for the upcoming discussion.

Pedestals stood behind them with the Mythic Flight dragon eggs caressed in their velvet cases. As everyone situated themselves, they looked over at the eggs and made eye contact with Selena, half-expecting the treasured trove as part of today's debate. Their new queen smiled and gave a firm nod in confirmation; the eggs would need new riders soon, by Silver's calculations. Their hatching moment would be her chance at re-establishing the Mythic Flight.

"Thank you, all, for meeting me here right after my coronation," Selena began, "as I've said before, the road to fix Armageddon is long and harsh, but I know that we will get the Empire back on the right path and bring everyone together. The future is for all of us to decide.

"First and foremost, I want to establish giving citizenship to the Aynu, the Dreygur, and the Nidhoggr." She made eye contact with Kain, as he was still indecisive on the matter; Silver made his sentiments known the night before and, after much discussion and persuasion on Selena's part, eventually agreed that it was the right decision. "As much as the demons want peace, Azrael mentioned that they had already returned to Oblivion, where they belong. The Dreygur, from what I've seen this morning alone, can function and contribute to civilized society. Yet, they fail to remember being among the living, but they're willing to try."

Only Kain remained slightly reluctant while everyone else agreed. "I won't turn a blind eye to see their integration, but I'm worried about this change being an act or suddenly reverting to their old ways. Is this a risk you're willing to take?"

"I'm not considering it a risk, as Silver and I thought of a plan to prevent the worst from coming to pass."

Silver stood up when it was his turn to speak and pulled out a long schematic of a building, explaining that he was currently constructing a new temple that would provide housing and the resources necessary to help the Dreygur learn how to function in society. "I should have the House of the Undead finished before the celebration this evening." He finished with a smug grin, as he had a knack for building a full-sized structure within minutes.

Kain stood up and looked over Silver's drawn diagrams with interest, but he asked, "And what if they don't want to participate in this rehabilitation? You can't force them to do this if they don't want to, and if force is involved, then—"

"Then that will create an issue of racism, and it could lead to rebellion," Selena grimly interrupted, "that's why it won't be required, but it will be their choice. Those who don't want to participate don't have to, but if they break our laws, they will be punished accordingly, just like everyone else." When Kain remained slightly on the fence, Selena pointed out their change in appearance. "Surely you've seen their transformation from this morning alone. I'm beginning to wonder if they are slowly reverting their altered state."

"Aye, I have seen them, but I doubt that. Once you're among the walking dead, there's no reversing it. Believe me, I know." Kain made unblinking direct eye contact with her. "Just because they look alive doesn't mean they'll function as the living."

"Why are you so severe on your own kind?"

"Dammit, the Dreygur are not my kind." Kain eased his tone through deep breaths to keep himself from getting worked up. "With all due respect, Your Grace, I'm not as forgiving as you are. You should be holding these grudges out of everyone here, not me."

"I don't condemn those not responsible for their actions," Selena sternly retorted, "the Dreygur were controlled and used, just like the Nidhoggr, like Vyrilion." Kain hung his head. "Would you condemn Vyrilion?"

The room fell eerily quiet while Selena waited for an answer, and everyone jumped when Kain finally broke the silence. "Your Grace, you will have to make sure they are clear on these conditions because I don't want to bust in any heads if I don't have to."

"Fair enough, Lord Vanguard."

"Will the Nidhoggr have to go through the same as the Dreygur?" Kain still couldn't bring himself to look up as he remained deep in thought about his and Maria's dear companion, heavily considering Selena's argument.

"That will be our next topic, but for now, do we all agree on these conditions for the Dreygur?" Everyone released a sigh of relief as the tension between Selena and Kain made the party fidget in their seats, and one by one, they agreed with the plan.

Once everyone settled, Kiba and Maru nodded before placing their unique treasure on the table. "We want to gift your new temple with Artio's artifact as a sign of rebirth."

The room suddenly grew quiet; all eyes focused on the solid gold oval-shaped trinket, as everyone had witnessed its power over the Hinterlands' miraculous regrowth. Selena's hands shook as she held herself up over the table. "That is extremely generous of you, but are you sure?"

"Of course. We won't be needing it anymore, now that you've allowed us to return," and, when Kiba finished, Maru added, "Consider this as our token of gratitude."

"We are honored for your contribution to the House of the Undead, and we greatly thank you for it." Both parties satisfied, Selena leaned a little over the table and whispered to Kain, "I promise we will make it work."

"I can't trust on promises alone, Your Majesty."

"Like Death, I keep my promises."

Kain couldn't help but give her a half-crooked smirk at her boldness and sat back down, looking at Silver and pointing to her. "She's a pistol, my friend. I hope you can handle her."

Silver laughed; as a demigod, he feared no one but Selena knew that she was, perhaps, the one who frightened him the most. "That leads to my next focus: I want to rebuild the Imperial Air Force." Aracania clicked her tongue and snaked her head around to face her handler. The general, however, held his tongue as his face turned pale, possibly still blaming himself for their initial downfall. "Much like the rehabilitation plan for the Dreygur, the Nidhoggr may join and serve the Empire if they wish; otherwise, they will share the same rights and liberties as dragons, which should be above our own. It would be foolish to turn them away when they stood by our side and helped us achieve victory. Silver already began making modifications to Alfheim, such as expanding the streets and building pavilions for housing instead of stables. They've already bonded with new riders, like Noctis," Selena faced Damien and Godfrey, "and Obsidian."

"Eshara," Rahim whispered.

"Eshara, Fafnir, Ysyra, Vyrilion," Selena looked back at Kain, who slowly nodded. "After working with them at Dark Blood Hold, they still want to help, and they will be valuable assets to the new Air Force should they desire to serve."

A smile creased the general's face. "I see. Yes, you're right, My Queen. They will be valuable indeed. Very well, I shall have those who wish to join start training immediately." Aracania made chirping noises in agreement.

"Thank you, sir. On that note, I want to reverse how women are treated in this Empire built by men and, therefore, will have the same rights as men. That will include the privilege of serving in the Force and becoming a handler. On the same merit, every dragon will have the freedom of choice, not be forced like before. I don't grovel to anyone, and I refuse to see the others coerced as if bound by chains. Unless by choice, dragons and Nidhoggr serve neither man nor king and should live and die by their own will. Vidar and the old Council tried controlling dragons and using them as tools of war, but we will not make their mistakes. I want us to make amends for our betrayal, abuse, and defilement." Everyone within the war room agreed without hesitation; Thor hummed in delight upon hearing her heartfelt speech.

When it grew quiet, Selena continued: "However, any new riders and handlers must be trained to care for their companions properly if the dragon doesn't teach them first." The room filled with laughter at her witticism. "I have one other condition if we are to re-establish the Force: we will no longer host the initiation, as the tradition is barbaric and rubbish and has cost us many soldiers for, what I could imagine, the Council's amusement. Sir, do you and Aracania agree?"

The general's head spun around to the sound of Aracania's chirps and nail clicks. Admiral Cyres hung his head in defeat and said, "I always suspected the initiation was part of the Council's propaganda, and for what reason they imposed it upon us, I will never know."

"Perhaps some cruel, sick joke on their part." Araneus slapped his hand against the table. "Of course, we will abolish that practice right away, Your Majesty."

"Excellent." She looked over at Niamh, who was glowing in her spot; when she asked if her and Fafnir were interested in becoming recruits, Selena smiled. "Of course. If you two desire, you will report to General Araneus and Aracania as soon as they are ready. Your Highness," Selena nodded to Damien, "what about you and Noctis? Would you two like to join? You two fought spectacularly in the battle, and it would be an honor."

"Your Grace, I am honored, and I know Noctis will agree. Let me speak with my companion first, but I'm personally interested." Damien directed his gaze at General Araneus and Admiral Cyres. "Sir, Noctis and I will give you our final decision by today's end. Is this agreeable to you?"

The general looked to Niamh, who at first gave him a thumbs up, but he laughed when she corrected herself and gave him a salute instead. When Aracania dipped her head in approval, he and Cyres gave the prince a firm nod and grinned. "We can't very well say no to either of you two, now can we? Aracania and I will be anxiously waiting for your final answer, Your Highness."

Admiral Cyres' smile brightened his swollen, aged face. "And you will still have your officers, General. Ysyra and I will serve you." He and Silver exchanged lightened glances, and Silver confirmed his current status, to which Araneus wholeheartedly accepted.

Thor interrupted her thoughts. I want to help, too.

Are you sure?

Yes. I can assist Aracania and Ysyra train those who wish to join. See if General Araneus and Aracania will accept it.

There should be no reason for them to refuse you, my dear.

When she reiterated Thor's offer, Araneus and Cyres almost choked; Aracania chittered in delight. "Y-yes, of course. It could work—no, that will work. Aracania can work with him and Ysyra and share her wisdom." Everyone clapped to the good news, and her eyes scanned over her notes, but she looked up when the general called for her attention. "Your Majesty, if I may." Selena inclined her head forward, permitting General Araneus to continue. "I also want your brother, Rahim Branwen, to join."

Rahim's eyes widened at the offer. "What? Me? I'm not that good, and I'm not a handler."

"Of course, I mean you. Oh, take care, my boy, and maybe one day, a dragon will choose you as their handler, but you are a genius. Because of you, we won this war. Without your plan, we would have lost and been destroyed. The Force needs someone like you. I want you to be my battle strategist as a General Officer, where you will work directly under me with my officers, and I will not accept no for an answer."

Rahim's face lit up bright like the sun from the general's compliment of his abilities, and he shot up from his seat without wasting another second and gave Araneus a firm salute. "Sir, I accept."

"Very good. When we get everything situated and ready, we will discuss your job requirements and salary."

The table burst into applause. Selena shared a massive smile with Rahim before he took his seat. However, she knew that the next item on her list would be a considerable debate, but it needed to be addressed. She almost choked on her saliva as she spoke. "My next topic may sound a little unorthodox. Ironically, I want to maintain having a Council." She stopped when she heard gasps and protests around the room.

"That's a big load," Kiba shouted.

Kain snorted. "Oh, to Oblivion, we won't. Those damned rats caused enough damage, and you'll set us up for failure."

Damien placed an open palm on the table. "Your Grace, if I may. The Council has been nothing but trouble. We can't afford to see another political struggle."

Niamh shook her fists. "I object too. They used Fafnir and me to destroy Alfheim."

Maria chimed in for the first time during the entire discussion: "Think of what Vidar did to the Empire and my family." Selena didn't need reminding of the misfortunes that had tormented the Gundisalvus line, yet her face drained of all color when she recalled the horrors they endured. She nodded over at the general, who kept opening his mouth to speak but couldn't find the words. Aracania snaked over to him and rubbed her snout against his leg.

Rahim locked gazes with Selena, and his eyes looked like glass. "How do you still want to keep the Council alive, even after all Vidar put you and your family through? My family? Not to mention the rest of the Empire."

Selena's friends spoke against the idea, cluttering the room with their disapproving words. She felt her stomach tear open from the discussion, as this growing debacle was the last possible outcome that she wanted to happen. Then again, she couldn't expect everyone just suddenly to agree. However, her parents remained silent during the ordeal; they kept their opinions to themselves, but Vulduin's smoldering eyes glared at each of their reddened faces, and Selena assumed he was ready to jump up and strike them down.

Silver's lips trembled as he stood up and banged his fists against the table to gather the room's attention. "Hold your tongues, or I will. Listen to my wife: she has her reasons, and it would be best to hear what she has to say."

The room immediately turned quiet from his outburst. Selena believed they were more appalled by his extreme and sudden rudeness, but no one argued with him. "Thank you, Silver. Please, hear what I have to say first before further objections, as I wish to explain my reasoning and how I want to accomplish this.

"Vidar and the rest of the ex-Council members are gone and have fled Alfheim, and I doubt we will ever deal with them again. I like the original idea to help keep the peace and represent the public, but I want to make some changes: to have a new Council of solid and trustworthy leaders. Instead of appointing someone else to be in charge, I will be the head of the government to prevent another unjust political system like before." Her allies' whispers and murmurs resonated across the table. "I also want anyone here who is willing to serve to join my new Council, so we can unite and work together for what's best."

"Wait, why should you be head of the Council? Why not one of us?" Kiba asked.

"As I've said before, this will keep everything just and fair. We can't have another political struggle. As much as I trust each of you, I don't want a repeat of what happened before."

Kain's eyes darted all around the room to look at everyone's expressions, and Selena knew they were still not convinced. "My Queen, I think I speak for everyone here. We understand that you're doing what you think is right, but I want to know this: how can we be sure you won't turn out like Vidar? What can we do if it ever comes to that?"

"I will never turn into that foul, loathsome, vile creature that isn't worthy to lick the dirt off my shoes. Like we're doing now, I will host a meeting once a week here to debate the Empire's affairs and decide upon the best route to handle future issues. I will give each of you the power to have your voice heard by granting a voting system to prevent any injustice. This way, you will all have a say in what goes. I will depend on all of you to make this work."

Niamh held her chin. "So, does that mean if you want to enforce a new law, your new Council will have to discuss it and vote?"

"Yes, any decisions, laws, anything regarding the Empire, all of you who join will be involved and will have a say so. Vidar made all the decisions within the old Council, regardless of the other members' opinions. They didn't have a choice, but you will. I can't run Armageddon alone. That's why I want to include all of you in this process."

The table fell into a deep discussion, whispering and sighing as everyone worked at coming to an agreeable conclusion. Selena kept her hands firmly on the table, knowing she had to make this work, but that wouldn't happen if her friends didn't concur.

Kain cleared his throat, breaking the silence, and scratched his neck. "How many did you want to be part of the new Council?"

"I'm not sure yet, as it will depend on who wants to step up."

"I may consider, but who do you have in mind?" Godfrey asked.

Selena smiled. "For one, I was thinking of you, my Lord. You can represent the Shadow Templars and keep their best interests in mind." Lord Godfrey didn't argue with that; instead, he and his son grinned. "Kain, after what you've done to help the Empire and me, I believe you deserve a seat in the Council. The offer is extended to Maria, too." The two vampire nobles looked at each other before nodding in agreement. "Kiba and Maru, since you two and the Aynu are now citizens of Alfheim, I was also hoping you two would join so that the Aynu are involved and have representation."

The paired alphas looked at each other. Maru gave a gruff, and Kiba agreed. "We accept, but if that power ever goes to your head, I will take you down myself."

"I have no doubts that you will if it ever came to that." Although Selena was strong enough to kill a Divine, she still feared Kiba. "Admiral Altessa, I know that your duties are to help rebuild the new Force, but I was also considering you to join."

Before Silver could answer, Rahim interrupted. "But wait, he will have so much to do. He has the Force, the Council, and the Divines know what else. Wouldn't he be the new king since you two are married?"

Everyone's gazes immediately set on Silver, who squirmed in his spot. "Er... no. I will not be the king." Upon further questioning for declining the royal position, Silver continued: "I've been at this for a long time—too long, in fact. I've witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. I'm the one who invented magic after learning from the dragons; I've discovered every dragon species known to man, dwarf, and elf kind. I've found the cures and vaccines to many of the deadly diseases that have since died out," he nodded at Selena, "I'm the only one who has ever found a way to bring back the dead that's not necromancy. But I can't be a king—I'm not one to lead. I don't care for it, and I don't want it." He bit his bottom lip. "This is all yours, my dear. I will be here to support and help you with anything you need, but I will not be a king. The right to rule is yours, and yours alone."

She was sure as Oblivion to not argue with him on that. "Very well, and yes, I will still need your help. Will you at least consider the position as part of the new Council? I only ask this of you because you know how to do this better than anyone."

"Of course, I accept. I will help in any way I can."

Rahim stood up and pointed at himself. "Hey, what about me? Can I join as well?"

"Yes. I can't do this without you. You too, Niamh." Selena put her index finger on the table. "This will be our new Council. Everyone here. We've all been through so much together, and we know what is best for Armageddon." Her eyes immediately turned towards the dragon eggs when she thought she heard a sound, but they remained undisturbed within the shell.

Rahim swiveled in his seat when he noticed Selena's sudden attention change and scoped the room. "What's going to happen to the eggs?"

The chamber filled with murmurs and whispers about their fate, but everyone lowered their voices when Selena cleared her throat. "They are close to hatching, and we must find new handlers. Many of you know of the original dragon riders from the Mythic Flight, correct?" Selena gathered the consensus as yes. "Good. If no one knew of their importance, these eggs were laid by those from the Mythic Flight and are to be the next guardian specific to their element. Besides Divinity Dragons, these new guardians will be the most powerful creatures ever to walk this earth, which is why we must begin immediately at introducing potential riders to their eggs."

Niamh raised her hand halfway like a child asking permission to speak and asked, when Selena called out her name, "Did you have anyone specific in mind lined up as possible riders?"

Selena recalled when Thor chose her as his partner and gave the best answer she could to reinforce the importance of choice. "Ultimately, it's up to the hatchling on choosing their handler. All Armageddon's citizens may line up, and the new dragons could deny every one of them. We must be patient and—"

The group was interrupted when the eggs behind them began violently shaking.

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