
By 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One
Chapter 16: Noctis
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 24: Into the Inferno
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New
Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Chapter 27: The Golden Crown

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By 129cdmuller

Following Xyaxon's defeat, Selena and Thor were imbued in a flash of light, and the pair were teleported before the lonely glass castle in Niflheim. Azrael—in his human form and Doragon as a Sunbeam Shieldtail dragon beside him—and Ulrich appeared before the pair. "You two did it—you defeated Xyaxon," Azrael cheered, and he and Ulrich bowed before them.

Focusing on channeling her Aether, Selena resumed her elven form. She was relieved to see the return of her Aether hand, still wearing Silver's promise that Thor immediately began eyeing with interest. The dazzling moissanite stones reflected rainbow flecks, matching the colorful smoldering ember ropes clinging to his horns.

Contrarily, Thor maintained his current guise, and she assumed that this was a Divinity Dragon's proper form. After extinguishing the orb burning above his head and the flames writhing around his horns, and his wings reverting to their parchment-textured membranes, Ulrich snaked his head around to examine Thor's new physiology and confirmed their suspicions. "Much like how you reverted the Well's mistakes, Young One, Thor cleansed the Lich's corruption that wrought havoc upon his form and mind. Now, you two are pure once more, though this is the first time I've seen a fully realized Divinity Dragon. All the others before you two never unleashed their full power."

Thor tore his gaze away from her wedding ring, stood tall, and unfurled his spectral wings; wisps plumed from his edges, and Selena knew he was proud. Chittering in delight, Doragon—his head now only reaching Thor's chest—inquisitively observed his former rival's brilliant hide and spectral wings. The golden dragon's smooth, metallic scales couldn't compare to Thor's dazzling diamonds, and he bowed in acknowledgment.

Azrael bit his lip and crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head in curiosity at their new appearance. "Who taught you this?" Selena's answer, "I learned how to control my Aether," was enough to make him smirk.

Thor snaked his head back down again and nudged his nose against the meteorite diamond, and Selena had to explain its purpose. I want him to use my saved gold bullions and craft me some jewelry. You must tell me of your feats during our separation, but I'm happy for you and Silver.

I'm sure he would oblige and thank you for the sentiments, but I wished you were there.

Azrael eyed the ring and clicked his tongue against his teeth. "For you two, that vow will be eternal. I wish you luck, but I can barely stand the bastard after five minutes."

They shared a hearty laugh, but their smiles faded when Ulrich explained how she and Thor ended Xyaxon's cycle of rebirth and destruction, and his attack vanished from their world. The Divine Emerald Dragon lowered his head in shame and despair. "Xyaxon believed that this allowed life to continue and flourish, where everything was balanced. Until now, we followed without choice. We loved our brother, but he lost his way."

A terrible pain throbbed in Selena's chest; Xyaxon was doing what he thought was best, but in the end, it destroyed him. "Life can continue and thrive; we change and grow."

Xyaxon could have seen that for himself, but it may have been too late.

Azrael reached over and patted Doragon's neck. "Despite what we went through with Xyaxon, it hurts us more than you two can imagine that it had to end this way. We thank you two for lifting Ulrich's curse and my banishment, but we lost a friend and a brother."

Our condolences for your loss.

"Thank you, but he died long ago when he lost his way," Azrael sighed, "There was no bringing him back."

But he did mention something interesting in his final moments. Thor repeated Xyaxon's last words to the two remaining Divines. When he finished, Azrael and Ulrich exchanged confused glances. What did he mean?

A furrow creased Azrael's brow; Ulrich hung his head as if he needed the moment to ponder. "Perhaps he meant for you to take his place. I don't know what the future holds, but that will be entirely up to you."

Selena declined. "We only want to live life as it comes."

I don't think we could be gods.

Azrael shrugged and bit his bottom lip. "Who knows? Maybe you'll grow to your positions. Maybe you won't, but that's all up to you two."

A pit grew in her stomach when she asked about Aydin's fate, yet Azrael's expression remained faithful to his indifferent disposition. However, like how he reassured her that Tiamat rested easy, he eventually gave her a small smile that soothed her conscience but suddenly grew tight-lipped as he pointed at her directly. "There is something else I do need to tell you. Do you remember when you went through the initiation by drinking demon's blood to join the Force?"

The vile memory almost made her want to vomit, but she nodded. "How could I not?"

"That was supposed to kill you because of your Divine nature, but it didn't. You somehow fought it off. When Doragon and I ran into you afterwards, we were afraid and intimidated by you because we both knew that you could do anything. I challenged you to that duel to test your abilities, and I don't scare easily, but to say I was terrified of your prowess was an understatement." The chittering Doragon dipped his head, clicking his nails against the icy stone platform.

"I see," was all she could say. "Did that truly make you stronger against demons, or was that a false belief with no basis?"

Azrael rolled his eyes. "You should know by now that it was all rubbish. It's poison; it's meant to kill you. We sacrificed a good number of soldiers for the Council."

Selena regaled the Divines with Xyaxon's dark intention to eradicate her existence and prevent her involvement from disrupting his cycle until realizing her usefulness when she met her end in Snowhaven.

Meanwhile, Azrael's eye twitched. "That's why your lifespan continued resetting, and there were no repercussions against my actions." Doragon groaned and rubbed his nose against his back to correct his mistake. "Well, aside from running into Venexus and almost bringing about the world's end." His hollow laugh nearly failed his witticism, but Selena couldn't help but smirk.

But Xyaxon didn't account for the power of our friends. All of our hopes and dreams were his ultimate downfall.

He thought he knew everything, but he had no idea what his creations wanted. He never lived among mortals to know what was best.

"But we have." Ulrich stepped forward and bowed his head, tail thumping from side to side in anticipation. "We will do whatever it takes to protect life as it flourishes and finds its way."

Death's grin was surprisingly bright; Doragon lowered his head and nudged his arm, chittering and chirping. "We will all grieve on our own time for Xyaxon, but now, we should celebrate. Our friends are waiting for us back in Alfheim."

Thor lowered his head and laid it on Selena's shoulder. One of the only places we've ever truly called home. We'll be hard at work rebuilding the city.

Selena reached up and patted his nose. And the Empire.

With Azrael's, Doragon's, and Ulrich's magic, the Divines joined Selena and Thor as they returned to Alfheim's covert. Yet, Selena and Thor were struck dumb as they gandered at the world: the Fire Kingdom capital had been rebuilt as if the war had never happened. She expected an unsightly welcome of debris and piles of rotting corpses, but Alfheim reveled in ivory glory—even the Pyre was back. She never thought she would be so happy to see the giant, grim clock tower again.

Thor spun around and saw that the dragons' new quarters—now an open garden with marked paved grey stones weaving in a winding path—had not stables but pavilions built of similar design to his own from Heaven's Tear for dragons of all shapes and sizes. Upon seeing the royal accommodations that dragons rightly deserved, his eyes sparkled in delight, chittering in glee.

Though Alfheim was rebuilt, the Hinterlands still suffered from the Nidhoggr's smoldering downpour, flames flickering among the blackened, scarred ground stretching for leagues over the horizon. Yet, the extramural damage avoided the dragon gardens and the city, but the once lush ancient grove was now trapped in an infinitely-burning prison.

"How is this even possible?" Ulrich asked.

"I think you should ask them." Azrael pointed over at Silver and Kain, racing each other down the stone pathway to greet them; all Selena could see was their trail of dust clouds. Ulrich held his head high and stretched out his wings as he chirped in amusement. "Ah, the demigod."

As Kain and Silver reached them, they immediately bowed. Silver's grin stretched across his face. "How do you like the new city?"

Kain scratched the back of his head. "The admiral and I worked alongside the Dreygur and Nidhoggr all night to rebuild everything while you two were fighting the Lich. When you killed him, they immediately stopped fighting us and were dazed and confused, unable to remember anything that happened."

As Silver beckoned them to walk with him through the new open garden, he couldn't contain his excitement as he explained all the modifications made to the repaired elven city. Alfheim's massive fort had been restored and remodeled for more comfortable accommodations for new and returning soldiers: refurbished beds and recreational room, a better meal plan, the courtyard thrice its original size for dragons of any weight to land comfortably. Because of how cold it usually was, he built a hidden heated spring underneath the ground that pulled water from the North Sea, allowing steam to vent to the surface that the pavilions captured for the dragons' comfort—similarly designed from Thor's gazebo at Heaven's Tear.

The only reason for the fire's safe distance away was thanks to Silver's enchantment, but he had been unsuccessful in dousing the dark flames. "Every time I believed I extinguished the fire, the smoldering embers would flicker to life again moments later. I'm not sure what else I can do, but for now, the blazes aren't a threat to us at present."

Aside from the new pavilions and alterations to the dragons' quarters, the streets were now wide enough for dragons and Nidhoggr to walk through undeterred among the populace. Silver wanted to establish citizenship for all of dragonkind by allowing business, trade, and the ability to purchase and work for goods. "It's a start in making amends for past ill-treatment," he said during their stroll, "and we need to remind ourselves that dragons are reincarnations of the Divines themselves and should be treated better than kings, as they serve none."

Pleased with Silver's compliment and the restitutions, Thor leaned back on his haunches and released a torrent of his Divine rainbow fire towards the heavens. Silver's eyes sparkled in admiration, matching the grin lighting every corner of his face. "I never imagined seeing a Divinity Dragon in full grandeur. All I've observed from the others before you were normal dragons who never fully realized their power. You astound me, Thor. It's good to see you again."

Thor lowered his muzzle, meeting Silver's open palm. It's lovely to see you again, Silver.

Selena was about to reiterate his words, but judging from Silver's growing smile, she knew Thor had just openly shared a mental link with him. Disregarding her original notion that dragons only spoke with their handlers, she realized it was their choice to communicate with whomever they deemed worthy; seeing Thor accepting Silver made her heart soar.

I also wish to offer my congratulations on your marriage, he added, If only I could have been there.

"Hmm...." Silver fished through his pocket, pulled out the black timepiece he used before to see Aydin's memory, and explained its use as Thor inched closer in great curiosity, his tail flickering with eagerness. "When we have time, my Divine friend, I will be more than happy to show you."

Yes, please. I would appreciate that very much. Thor whipped around and poked his nose at Selena's ring. And, after you share those memories with me, I would like to ask for some jewelry, but I have something particular in mind.

"Of course. Dragonstone Estate remained safe during the Red Rains of Alfheim, and your treasure hoard is still secure within my house vault. I would be more than happy to oblige." Silver immediately pulled out a folded parchment from his inside pocket and began writing down Thor's commission order. Thor spoke so fast that Selena couldn't keep up, and he intentionally blocked her thoughts, preventing her from hearing his gift ideas for her.

After Silver finished writing Thor's list, sharing in their happiness, Kain changed the subject, wishing to know more about their fight against the necromancer. "We thought the world was going to end for a moment."

Gratifying his curiosity, Selena did her best to share the tale—even as she recalled their story, the events began slipping away like a dream. Occasionally, Thor gave his side to Silver whenever she stumbled on a few details, hesitant at revisiting their darkest hour. Kain's and Silver's jaws dropped when the pair finished, but the two were trapped in a few moments of silence as their words failed them. "So, Xyaxon was the one truly behind this," Silver finally said, his face gleaming in awe and wonder, "Your people will be telling your story for eons to come."

Selena felt her throat squeeze. "But we're not gods."

"You two may as well be now. I suspect that the dwarves and elves will be painting and crafting murals that will forever share your tale, marking your new Empire's age." Silver grabbed and adjusted the hem of his jacket collar. "I'll see that the Fire Temple will be properly decorated to celebrate your victory. We shall call it, 'The Dance of Dragons.'"

Doragon lowered his head close to the ground to respect Thor's new status and might; Thor uncurled his neck, twittering in delight as plumes of rainbow Aether wisps writhed around his maw. Selena wished to object, but he swung his neck and nudged her shoulder with his snout in assurance. She was surprised by his cool touch; she ran her fingers across his hide and found that his scales were cut to absolute perfection—not even the best jeweler in the world could match their craft to Thor's diamonds.

Shadows flew across the ground, and Selena saw Aracania and Ysyra leading the Nidhoggr flight, including Lord Godfrey and Obsidian—the vampire lord donned in his protective cloak to keep him out of direct sunlight as much as possible. Trailing behind were Vulcan and Skyfyre with their handlers peering below, waving as they passed while General Araneus and Colonel Cyres saluted.

The formation landed at their assigned pavilions. The dragons and Nidhoggr curled up like mounds of treasure gleaming between the gold-streaked marble columns while their handlers removed their harnesses and began maintenance care by cleaning and oiling their scales. Obsidian couldn't help but chitter in delight from the royal treatment, and puffs of smoke plumed from his nostrils as Godfrey wiped him down.

Meanwhile, when Skyfyre landed and immediately fell asleep before Volt could dismount, Gromm continued muttering as Vulcan lazily laid down in the pavilion beside the Wraithclaw's and roared, refusing to move for Gromm to clean him properly; Beck stood to the side and laughed. After having her scales polished, Ysyra wrapped Cyres within her coils, and he tearfully returned her affections. The pain of losing Onyxria was still fresh, but the colonel slowly opened up to and accepted his companion.

With all of Silver's and Kain's accomplishments achieved on such short notice, they completed their repairs once the evening ended. Selena had no concept of time during her absence, but Azrael explained, "Time moves differently in Niflheim—a few minutes in the spirit realm could be hours here." Her first meeting with Xyaxon after succumbing to unconsciousness in the dwarven ruin cost almost half the day in the mortal world, so she understood completely.

Silver bit his bottom lip. "We may have rebuilt the city, but the pain still lingers. It's going to take some time to grieve over the dead."

"And we will never forget them. I, too, need to rebuild my city," Ulrich declared as he stretched out his wings. "Rhumbek will be free. It's time to see what my dwarves can do with their gift from me."

"We look forward to seeing their inventions shape the Empire, but what of the dragon eggs? Please, tell me they're safe," Selena pleaded.

Silver chuckled and patted down the back of his head. "Not to worry, my dear. Your father and I found the eggs hidden in Vidar's old office, and we brought them to the new Fire Temple to protect them. Upon careful examination, it looks like the whelplings are well, and they should be hatching soon. By my calculations from their already hardened shells, that could be days from now."

Thor snorted and flickered his tail. They're very impatient, and I would be surprised if they go another week.

I'm grateful they've lasted this long after what had happened.

Silver and the group strolled around the gardens and past the gold-streaked pavilions. Upon Selena's inquiry about the others' whereabouts, Fafnir and Noctis appeared from the city's confines and circled overhead; Niamh and Rahim waved from Fafnir's back, but Prince Damien astride Noctis bowed in respect, followed by a toothy grin showcasing his fangs. The Prince of Shadows, like his father, donned a thick cloak to keep the sunlight off his skin, but he still fidgeted uncomfortably within the harness; Noctis remained aloft as he and Damien approached their group, hovering in place. "It's good to see you alive and well, Your Majesty."

She returned his gesture, and Noctis landed near Thor before immediately bowing to the recognized Divine aura radiating like the new sun. Fafnir was grounded but kept his distance from the feral leader when Noctis growled and unfolded his bladed wings; Selena feared he would attack Fafnir, but Damien soothed his companion with gentle words, and Noctis turned away.

As Niamh and Rahim dismounted, Selena noticed that Rahim's behavior was odd, for they were celebrating their victory. She gave Azrael a questioning glare when she considered the worst possibility, but he offered no inclination other than his head hanging low; he and Doragon hid within Ulrich's shadow.

Their new arrivals paused amidst Thor's new glory and bent the knee to the fully realized Divinity Dragon. Silver offered his explanation in Selena's place—including her recent transformation, as Niamh and Thor were the last of her friends to see. Thor snaked his head around to examine her new appearance during Silver's tale and hummed in approval. It suits you, my dear one. You embody the beauty of an elf and dragon, which is only perfect for the Queen of Dragons.

"Your hair is lovely." Niamh reached out to touch her snow-white turquoise gradient hair but withdrew her hand almost immediately and blushed. Selena couldn't help but wonder if Niamh still considered herself foolish for developing feelings for her while hiding under the old alias Andric, but the two shared a laugh.

When Silver finished, the sky suddenly screamed, and Kayda flew to a nearby smaller pavilion designated to her with all her passengers accounted for; the younglings circled above her head, with Sethak and Rhasydra squabbling. Volterion was the one who intervened on Kayda's behalf, scolding through snarls and growls, and the twins zipped towards the gazebo. A pair of gleaming gold bracelets and a ruby chain dangled from Kayda's claws that Thor eyed possessively. Selena couldn't help but smile when she saw Chaliss dismount Kayda and rush over; Rahim turned around, and his face lit up like a new star. "Mum!"


Chaliss rushed from behind Silver and Kain, hurrying over to hug Rahim and Selena. "When the eclipse ended, and the sky cleared, Her Former Imperial Majesty assured us it was safe to return. I'm so happy to see all of you alive and well. I couldn't be more proud of either of you two." She then rummaged through a pocket and pulled out Thor's obsidian dragon totem left behind with his treasures. "Your mother told me to give this to you."

She accepted it when Thor snaked his head around. Could you tie that around my talon, like how Doragon wears his? He looked at the golden dragon looking down at his charm still fastened around his claw, and Selena fulfilled his request.

Kayda's other passengers, Selena's mother included, remained seated within the harness. Yet, before Selena could signal the others to join the group, Aryl gestured to Rune Citadel, and Kayda dropped off Thor's jewelry, leaving as quickly as she came as the hatchlings remained to rest. Within a blink, Kayda was already at the ivory mountain castle. Selena understood how this smaller weighted feral arrived promptly from Heaven's Tear; due to her daintier and more agile build, Kayda must have been the fastest flier among Noctis' flight.

Thor at once flew over to her pavilion and snatched his trinkets in fear that the ferals would steal them, but they didn't pay any mind; the wearied younglings fell asleep upon landing. Thank you for saving them for me, my dear one. I want Silver to alter these, too.

Of course, I would save them, but why? Your bracelets now match your scales.

Thor lowered his head, and Selena fastened his gold and ruby chain around his neck. You will see.

However, the group's happy reunion became dreary as—after Niamh and Fafnir pleaded—Rahim addressed the reason for his melancholy behavior. Upon recounting the difficult decision to end Arawn struck Selena across the face; her legs almost gave out from grief's weight, but she shuffled over to his side, commending him for accomplishing what Rahim feared to be inevitable. Thor and Doragon reared their heads back and let out a roar, their mournful cries echoing across the heavens.

"I had no other choice," Rahim continued; Arawn had no recollection of being human, and he would have struck them down with no remorse. Selena couldn't even begin to imagine how this made him feel; each word from his mouth made it seem like an eternity had passed. The world spiraled through the void, no longer the same.

"Our condolences for your loss, Young One." Ulrich touched his snout against Rahim's head, and Azrael and Doragon bowed in respect.

Silver stepped forward, biting his bottom lip as he offered Rahim a gentle pat, to which he gratefully accepted. "I'm so sorry, my friend. I pray not to add fuel to the fire, but the Dreygur don't remember anything before turning. Even if... if we were able to save your father, he wouldn't know who you or Chaliss were, and quite frankly, I'm not sure which would be worse." As Rahim and Chaliss dealt with their freshly opened wounds, Silver crossed his arms over his chest, and he bit down hard on his cheeks as he contemplated what to do with the rest of the Lich's old forces. "It will be hard to integrate the others back into society if they don't remember their past humanity, but we must have a plan."

Kain crossed his arms. "Then what in Oblivion are we going to do?"

"If I could make a suggestion," Silver examined the looks upon their faces before continuing, "Azrael should send the demons back to Oblivion. However, I'm unsure what to do with the Dreygur, as they don't have a home and were raised from their graves—it's not like we can reverse that."

Azrael rolled his eyes and looked up at Doragon. "I beg to differ."

Selena was appalled by his apathy, and her reaction made him take a step back. "I will not treat them with injustice when there is a chance they can live among us in peace."

His nostrils flared in anger, but he kept his temper in check. "They're unnatural abominations with no memory from when they were among the living."

"You were willing to condemn the Nidhoggr without giving them a chance, and those freed from the Lich's servitude joined and defended us. We won't turn our backs on them, nor will we do that to the Dreygur." Azrael turned away and paced around Doragon, caught within his rage; his dragon, however, was more concerned with subduing his partner's wrath.

Silver and Kain remained conflicted, and she immediately decided to allocate time for properly discussing these critical matters. "I wish for everyone's involvement. To rebuild Armageddon, we must be on the same side." She ended her affirmations, and for the moment, they were satisfied with a chance at a future debate.

The group held their breath when Fafnir slowly approached Noctis; Prince Damien kept his hand on his partner's neck, but Noctis growled through closed fangs and dug his claws into the grass, pulling clumps with every stride. Yet, Fafnir made amends with Noctis by offering his apology, "I'm sorry for everything," and "can you forgive me?"

Low snarls vibrated from Noctis' throat as his fangs remained clamped, but the feral leader began purring, to everyone's relief. "I... f-forgive." Fafnir lowered his head in respect, tail swishing happily like a playful cat.

Niamh's grin brightened her face, and regardless of Selena's reassurances, she began apologizing profusely for her past mistakes. "Fafnir and I still wanted to remain partners. As—"

"I understand." Selena smiled. "You have no reason to apologize; I was never angry with you or Fafnir." Rahim grumbled a "speak for yourself" but withdrew his remark when she struck him with a sharp glare. "We are so relieved that you're all right, and you and Fafnir eventually found each other. Through the madness, you two chose each other as partners. They're dragons too."

Fafnir and Noctis fluttered in place. "We're... d-dragons too." Despite the low jealous rumbles vibrating from Thor's throat, Noctis nudged Selena's arm with his nose, wanting her affections. She returned his fondness but gently reassured Thor that Noctis already has a handler. I hope so because I will not see you riding another dragon.

After Noctis pulled away to face his flight with Fafnir, Thor put out a possessive claw to bring her closer and gave a low warning snarl at the feral leader, which Noctis ignored. Once she was plastered against the royal blue sapphire from his harness, Selena begged him to release her from his talon prison. With pupiled-slits still fixated on Noctis as if he were prey, it took much coercion on Selena's and Silver's part before Thor finally obliged.

You accepted Silver, but why do you now see Noctis as a threat?

He's no threat. I'm a Divine, and Noctis cannot hope to compare himself to me. Still, Thor's eyes kept flitting between her and the feral leader, and no amount of convincing would make her dragon see otherwise. However, upon seeing Noctis and Prince Damien working together, she knew they had made an excellent pair deserving each other's companionship, and Thor relaxed his shoulders.

Selena caught Rahim looking at the newly formed pair with a glistening gaze, and she squinted at him with a crease in her brow. Disregarding her judging stare, he spun around to avoid all eyes and whispered a small prayer for Eshara's gift of protecting him. Upon hearing him, Azrael strutted over and silently clamped a hand over his shoulder, nodding in acknowledgment when Rahim met his gaze.

The party paused and looked at Selena for further guidance and direction, as she had yet to accept the throne formally. In between their fired questions regarding if she still wanted to be queen, Thor's tail swept across the ground through contented chittering. The people of Armageddon will expect their Queen of Dragons to take the throne, but only if you want it, my dear. Nobody will force you to accept the responsibility.

Yet, they will expect it.

It is your birthright, but is it what you want?

Her crowd awaiting a proper declaration, she held her head high and marched to the city. Her friends followed, fluttering with great anticipation as she silently agreed to begin her Divine reign. Thor extended his ethereal wings, unleashed a thundering roar, and exhaled a torrent of rainbow flames at the heavens. Noctis and his flight—Fafnir included—stood upon their haunches and showed their support in the same manner, their black Aether fire hailing the Dragon Queen as she swept by, her long white and azure gradient hair flowing behind with each graceful step she took. Trapped in awe and adoration of their new queen, her group unquestionably followed in collectively shared cheers over their victory.

After rushing to join her side, Rahim wore a huge grin and swung an arm over Selena's shoulder. "I prefer the sound of Queen of Dragons, One of Divine Birth, better." He laughed but flinched when he expected her to slug him like before. To his surprise, she smiled, and he added, "It's better than 'Empress' in my opinion, anyway. It sounded too plain for someone like you." Selena gave up on arguing with Rahim, as she knew he would find every opportunity to remind her. "Hmm. Maybe we should add 'God-Slayer' to your list of titles."

"Don't overdo it, Rahim."

Kain yawned as if the entire conversation bore him and nodded to Prince Damien. "Now, if you lot don't mind, and before I decide to blow my bloody brains out because of this fucking death glare, I need shade and a nap." After sharing a few laughs, he excused himself and trudged back to join Maria at the cemetery, muttering and swearing how much he hated the sun and wished he could douse its blaze.

Niamh wrapped her arms around Fafnir's neck before leaving with Rahim, and Fafnir dashed for the sky to pick out an empty pavilion to call his own. Selena bade her remaining company farewell before Chaliss followed Rahim and Niamh, who walked hand in hand; she couldn't help but think of the possibility they could have saved Arawn, but Rahim and Chaliss accepted his death.

After Prince Damien dismounted from Noctis and removed his harness, the feral leader made his way to an empty tower beside Obsidian's and fell into a deep slumber. After Godfrey finished Obsidian's care, he joined his son's company, and Obsidian became ensconced within his coils. The vampire nobles made their way inside the city gates to meet with Selena's parents for one final discussion about the succession of power as she accepted the throne, leaving Selena, Thor, and Silver behind.

Thor, however, remained protective over Selena as more ferals flew over him towards their new pavilions to rest while she and Silver busied themselves in removing his harness. His tail occasionally wrapped itself around the two in a protective coil, shielding them from view. It was nice to see you make new allies while I was away. I hope you and Noctis hadn't bonded too much.

You know me better than that. Besides, I think he and Damien formed their union.

Good. I was hoping that I didn't have to start a fight.

You wouldn't.

I would. The two laughed, breaking the tense and distressing atmosphere. I'll ensure that the Nidhoggr make themselves at home.

Thank you, and they will greatly appreciate that.

Free of the saddle, Selena clasped his diamond bracelets over his wrists after adjusting them to the correct sizes. Chittering with absolute glee, Thor nuzzled his snout against her head before snatching the leather straps, carrying the harness to his gilt-painted pavilion, his dazzling diamond scales and gems casting flecks of rainbow flair across the ground.

Ulrich, silently watching the others disperse, tilted his head at the city gates when howls echoed in the air like a harmonic melody; to Selena's delight, the Aynu finally joined their party, although relatively late. Kiba, in her wolf form, was the first to arrive. However, Selena's copper-tanned hue became almost pearlescent white when Kiba abruptly halted, digging dirt between her claws as she skidded, snarling at the Emerald Dragon. When Selena ordered her to stand down, all she got in response was, I will kill him. She growled and dashed head-on at Ulrich; the indifferent Divine stood like solid stone, completely unmovable.

He swished his tail as Kiba pounced and struck her down hard into the ground through a sharp gleam in his eye. Not a moment later, Maru and the rest of the Aynu pack flooded out of the city to meet with the She-Wolf, but the terrible scene made them pause. Before Maru could organize the group to circle Ulrich for striking his mate, the Emerald Dragon roared, swirling clouds of green fire mixed with ropes of lightning building in the back of his throat. The whimpering wolves recoiled, rethinking their tactical approach. Maru, however, cautiously inched to his mate's side with one eye fixed on Ulrich, snarling through clamped fangs. The She-Wolf jumped back to all fours, but Ulrich's wavering thick tail held her at bay.

Before Selena could address their hostilities, Ulrich's growls shattered the oppressive atmosphere: "I rightly deserve your anger, Followers of Artio, and since I'm no longer afflicted with my curse of madness, I will right my wrongs by you and my sister." He promptly explained the Divines' relationship with Artio when he noticed their confused stares and offered to find their treasure left behind from the Dreygur attack to extinguish the black flames and regrow the forest. Amidst Ulrich's proposition, Silver made several confusing gestures through his silenced mouthed questions—as not to offend the Aynu—but Selena quietly reassured him of the golden egg's power to repair what seemed an impossible feat.

After considering and deliberating Ulrich's suggested restitutions, Kiba gave him a firm, jerky nod in approval, but her pack snorted and snarled before turning their backs to the Divine. "We want the artifact back once you finish, dragon."

"As you wish." Disregarding Kiba's sneering comment, Ulrich spun, wings wholly unfurled, and launched himself skyward with his tail slithering off the ground behind him. His glimmering emerald hide scaled down to a dot's size before diving through the sea of infinitely-burning trees.

It was Selena's turn to uphold her promise when Maru confronted her in his human form and firmly added, "We still want our land back."

"As promised, Alfheim will welcome the Aynu, and we will live together in peace," her expression grew somber, "but murder is prohibited, as that's frowned upon in civilized society." Although Silver laughed at her witty sarcasm, she still felt it needed to be addressed; unamused, Kiba and Maru agreed. "You will have to swear it. The Aynu have been living among Artio's good graces for many years, and you've had to do what you could to survive."

"We swear it."

Silver held his chin while looking at the alphas but kept his distance, remembering when Kiba lashed out at him at the Templar keep. "If you and your pack wish, I can look into seeing about developing housing to accommodate your needs." Kiba declined and expressed their desires to be treated as ordinary citizens, to which Silver replied with, "Fair enough." Following the declaration, Kiba took off in her wolf form with Maru and their pack towards Rune Citadel for the first time as Alfheim's citizens; the She-Wolf turned and snarled upon seeing Ulrich twirl above the burning Hinterlands before withdrawing to the city.

The trek back to the ivory walls seemed like a dream, and Silver couldn't contain himself any longer as he spouted out, "I wish I could have seen your fight against Xyaxon. You were amazing in your battle with the Lich, but killing a god—magnificent."

She nodded to his pocket that hid the memory timepiece. "You could always see the fight yourself."

"Aye, that's true, but I would rather experience it with you, and you two were the ones who brought him the battle and defeated him. I can only imagine your epic fight. Before viewing the memory, I want you to tell me all about it in detail."

"I promise I will share this tale with you later tonight."

"Very good." He chuckled, and his eyes drifted over his shoulder and at Thor's pavilion. "I didn't want to ruin it for him, but Ebony also helped us rebuild the city." He sighed, but he gave her a faint smile. "You were right, my dear. She answered your letter, and she helped us fight. I'm surprised she came through."

Selena said, "They can use the time. Thor deserves to be happy, and it's been a while since the two were together."

"I've missed you." The two leaned in for a kiss, but he sternly remarked when they broke away. "Don't ever leave me again before an important battle." She gave him a half-crooked grin before falling into his embrace once more.

The pair peered at the Hinterlands when they pulled away. Selena's eyes shimmered when Ulrich fulfilled his promise to the Aynu; the black Aether flames died, and the guardian trees suddenly grew with the new opulent lushness fresh from a forest fire. The emerald sward swept away the charred ground, and as Ulrich dashed south over the dead scar, the Hinterlands awoke its sparkling green ballad of life.

"Well, I'll be damned," Silver grinned, "the magic of the Divines never ceases to amaze me."

Upon their return to the city, Selena couldn't help but be awestruck as Alfheim stood as a testament to Silver's work for accommodating the dragons. The cobblestone streets were wide enough for two dragons of Thor's size to walk alongside, with separate pathways built for civilian use. Yet, the Aynu dashed across the roads in glee, examining every nook and cranny.

Rune Citadel welcomed them in full grandeur upon its mountain home, spires of gold-streaked ivory stone reaching for the heavens. The Former Imperial Majesties stood with Lord Godfrey and Prince Damien on the marble steps, greatly anticipating their arrival, and bowed when Selena approached. Aryl and Vulduin ran over and coddled their daughter without a single word, and for once, she welcomed the affections.

Yet, making herself at home and walking through Rune Citadel's pearly-white walls was like a memory of a dream. While awake and alert, Silver barraged her with questions about the battle as she recouped, and Selena did her best to retell hers and Thor's victory story over the Fallen Divine. He was as excited as a child receiving a toy to hear how it all happened, but her mind still had yet to process their feat of killing a Divine.

Silver took his leave after the two shared an intimate evening and freshened up to make her usual drink of choice; Selena worked on some notes she wanted to discuss with her friends. After her coronation tomorrow, she wanted to meet with everyone to explain her first steps to restore the Empire. Yet, she was worried about what the others would think of her ideas but knew that eventually, her friends would understand and support her decisions.

When finished, she found Loki and asked him to bring her notes to the meeting room in the Fire Temple, where she could promptly begin. Satisfied with his delivery, Selena then poked at Thor's consciousness. Do you think they sound okay?

It took him a moment to reply. I believe so, and if I think of anything else, I'll add it to your list.

I'm not interrupting you and Ebony, am I?

Never. She's sleeping right now, anyways. Selena rolled her eyes, but she couldn't blame him for wanting their privacy; she was not in a position to criticize. Did you miss me?

Of course, I did. You wouldn't believe all that happened while you were away.

Please, enlighten me. Yes, I overheard bits and pieces, and Silver promised to show me, but I want to know everything directly from you. As she recalled her tale, she couldn't help but miss Thor again. From mastering her dragon state to her and Silver getting married, Selena wanted him there for every moment. Now, Venexus could never drive a wedge between them again. I've missed you so much, and I'm sorry I couldn't have been there for you when you needed me most.

In return, Thor recounted his painful adventure in fighting off the Dark Master's control, and Selena's heart shattered when she realized that he was there all along, but she missed him or couldn't sense his presence from the pirate fleet or Blackheart. Unable to find the right words to express her sentiments about his agonizing tale, Thor added: I want you and Silver to come outside and join us.

We will be in a short while.

When Silver returned with their beverages, the two discussed her drafted notes. He made a few minor suggestions, but he loved her ideas, except for the fate of the Dreygur. Yet, Silver finally agreed with her opinions after debating the plans to help both parties.

The two shared their tea before joining Thor within his pavilion, his eyes sparkling in pleasure to see the two in their dragon forms flying overhead. The sleeping Ebony curled beside his stomach, their tails wrapped around within their protective coils; the two gleaming like piled treasure from a distance.

After morphing back to their usual guises, Thor extended out a sheltering wing, herding the two as Silver and Selena collapsed on top of his foreleg. Making good on his promise, Silver pulled out the black pocket watch again and wound the dials to the exact moment after Thor conceded to the Dark Master's calling.

The painful memories replayed Selena's journey, from the pirates capturing her, to joining forces with the Nidhoggr, to the fight against the Lich, and for Silver's sake, the final battle against Xyaxon. During their viewing, Ebony yawned and opened one eye to see their feats in full detail, and she snuggled closer to Thor.

Silver couldn't help but praise the pair for their glorious victory and held Selena close. However, she and Thor grew weary and did their best to stay awake and answer any questions he had. Thank you, Silver. I'm glad you were able to share those memories with me. He nuzzled Selena's back and purred. My dearest one, I will never part from you again.

Wrapping his protective arms around and pulling the two near his chest, Thor and Selena fell into a deep slumber while Silver busied himself by sketching out Thor's jewelry ideas. For the first time in so long, Selena slept soundly that evening.

The early mornings of Moonstar would usually be draped in darkness during the winter, but the new day was so bright that the sunlight glistened like gemstones. Selena returned to her room as the sun rose to prepare for the upcoming celebrations, while Silver helped with the outside events and fulfilled Thor's commission orders for jewelry.

After setting down her wolf necklace on her bedside table, she stared from her wide window to see the Dreygur, Nidhoggr, and the Aynu beginning to live in peace and harmony within the newly built city; the demons had already returned to Oblivion, courtesy of Azrael. The Dreygur, to her relief, no longer acted like the mindless abominations that once attacked her allies. Even their forms slightly differed where they now looked alive—their flesh no longer rotted off the bone, but a slight discoloration upon their skin gave away their nature. From afar, they looked like ordinary citizens, preparing for Selena's coronation that was to happen when the new Pyre struck seven. Which reminded her—

She was already dressed for the occasion: a long white gown with gold trimmings, augmenting her sun-kissed copper-toned cheeks, matching her white heels embroidered with gold and mother-of-pearl. Selena fastened the front with a sapphire gem button while standing in front of a full-body mirror, tying her long ombre hair back in a neat, loose bun decorated with pearls catching the snow and azure hues. All she needed to complete her ensemble were her ivory silk gloves; she stared down at her Aether hand before slipping them on.

As confident as she was in her abilities to mend a new one of flesh and blood, Selena smirked at the ghostly and wispy look; she embraced the idea of being different. After losing the mark that defined her for so long, Selena now had a new characteristic that she wanted to carry proudly since the destruction of her mechanical hand. However, she never wanted to forget what she went through and would always be grateful for Silver's ingenuity for her to strive for normalcy as much as possible.

She slipped her gloves on one by one before wearing her ring and strapping Dragonheart to her dress belt. After maneuvering around Rune Citadel, Selena eventually found herself in the throne room where her parents ruled. The last time she strolled through the keep was her hearing, but she stood in awe before the royal diamond seat donned in soft furs. The throne served as a reminder that she and Thor would always protect their people and the world.

Mounted above was a dragon skull twice the size of Thor's massive head, where the diameter of one eye socket was the length of two fully grown adult humans. Two colossal bony wings—one the size of Thor head-to-tail alone—unfolded from behind the throne, held by invisible twine threaded from unicorn hair: stronger than a diamond, like their horns.

Her parents stood before the enormous front doors, catching her looking in admiration, and Vulduin gestured to the dragon skull. "This was Yggdrasil. She was the one who helped us make peace with the dragons many years ago and the Divinity Dragon who birthed you and Thor." She recalled the stories of Epoch—the first Divinity Dragon—when she and Thor journeyed to Snowhaven; Yggdrasil was a behemoth Crimson Deathwing. "Yggdrasil lived longer than any dragon in recorded history. After passing her blessing to you and Thor, she left to die in peace. Months later, Silver found her remains in Shadowgreen Grove, where he claims Yggdrasil first hatched, as dragons always return to the place of their birth before passing away. We brought her back here and mounted her skull above the throne to testament her gifts." He paused and smiled as his eyes landed upon Dragonheart. "I used some of her bones to meld with steel for your sword."

Stricken with awe that she carried Yggdrasil's essence, her hand instinctively reached down, and her fingers traced along with the jeweled pommel. "You truly are a master blacksmith. It has served me well, and Dragonheart is a fine sword. The blade never dulls, no matter how many times I've used it, and it cuts through anything."

"Always keep it with you. It suits the new Dragon Queen."

Her mother smiled. "You look very becoming."

Selena bowed, but Vulduin stopped her. "You will never have to do that again. We will all bend the knee to you." Before she could object, both her parents bowed before her.

Aryl's voice was cracking as if she would break. "After all you've done and gone through, you deserve so much more. The last time we were all here in Rune Citadel together was when it all began for us."

Vulduin still looked stricken with grief. "We could never make amends for what we put you through. You've struggled and suffered from our mistakes, and all we want is for you to be happy."

Selena held her head high. "And now, everything is finally over. It's all so different." Her eyes glossed over like a frozen lake in winter as she found the courage to say, "I forgive you."

The two Former Imperial Majesties relished their reconciliation, but the three were interrupted when the Pyre began chiming. This time, however, the clock's rings sounded different, as before, they used to be so grim, but now—

"They sound beautiful." Selena's words echoed from her breath.

"It's time." Vulduin opened the door to the coronation platform above the massive castle courtyard. Selena walked out first, followed by Aryl, then Vulduin himself.

A large crowd waited for them: a mixture of locals and undead stood in front of the Nidhoggr—among them Noctis, Obsidian, Vyrilion, Fafnir, Ysyra, and Kayda—lined themselves in the very back, decorated in golden chains set with different colored gemstones that magnified the hue of their slick, black hides.

Zipping overhead were Sethak, Rhasydra, and Volterion among their tiny flutter of metallic-looking wings, dressed in small, gold chains holding glistening pearls displayed on their chests. Vyrilion snorted at the younglings in place of Kayda, and the three settled in between their mother's paws.

The Aynu pack lined up beside Lord Godfrey, Prince Damien, Lord Vanguard, Lady Maria, and the Shadow Templars—concealed in cloaks—with She-Wolf Kiba and Alpha Male Maru amongst the facade. A golden oval-shaped trinket gleamed from Kiba's arms as she cradled their treasure like a newborn child: Ulrich made good on his promise to restore the Hinterlands and return their paragon. Standing right beneath the platform were what remained of the denizens from Alfheim and the other kingdoms before the Lich's onslaught, including Chaliss, Rahim, and Niamh.

Like a statue to the platform's right, Thor donned a solid gold torque set with deep royal blue mixed with light green sapphires around the base of his neck and gold talon-sheaths tipped with the identical unique sapphires on his foreleg nails—yet, his totem remained wrapped around his left bare thumb claw. Thor explained that he displayed the gold and ruby chain gifted from Aracania upon a dragon-shaped mannequin in his trophy room Silver had granted him within his estate.

I swear he spoils you to remain on agreeable terms with me, Selena teased, but she was happy to see Thor lavishing in his treasures. His elegant jewelry glistened against his diamond scales. His newly altered golden bracelets forged from the old shop, Dragonfire and Steel, faceted the identical gemstones to complete his dazzling set—courtesy of Silver.

When Thor commissioned Silver for the new treasures and the possibility of a differently colored stone to better match the tint of Selena's scales, Silver produced a unique deep blue-green-hued sapphire that had never been discovered. Thor remained adamant that this new gem of choice would commemorate Selena's scale colors.

To his left were General Araneus and Aracania, dressed in their best attire for this momentous occasion. Aracania wore a golden torque set with deep royal topazes awarded by her rider for her bravery, loyalty, and skill from the Battle of Armageddon, glittering against her slick black scales. Matching his companion, General Araneus displayed his new heroic golden badge set against his black suit with gilded trimmings, donning his best breeches and polished hessian boots. Cyres stood proudly beside him, adorned with similarly rewarded trinkets, including his newly promoted title: Admiral Theron Cyres. He and Silver now shared the same rank directly below Araneus.

Newly promoted Captains Gromm and Beck Steelmane stood beside them, dressed in formal attire, heads high in pride as they were presented as war heroes to the cheering public. Lastly, from the lineup, Volt White, now Lieutenant, remained beside Skyfyre, displaying a platinum chain with a mother-of-pearl pendant sparking upon his chest.

Vulcan's large shadow dashed overhead as he landed as gracefully as he could with one hind leg extended, and the crowd backed away to give him space to sit back on his haunches. The red dragon puffed out his chest to also showcase his new treasure, a gold chain set with a large yellow diamond that he anxiously polished every so often.

Ebony circled overhead before landing upon the stone gate protecting the perimeter, decorated in a platinum torque set with sapphires around her neck, matching her talon-sheathes tipped with the deep blue gems—an addition to Thor's commission order.

Doragon, with Azrael astride his back, perched on top of a castle tower nearby as Ulrich spiraled above. The Emerald Dragon eventually settled not far from the two on the side of the mountain castle, as there was no more room to accommodate his size. The two Divines were the only dragons not dressed in expensive treasures, as they had no desire to relish in adorning mortal trinkets.

Silver—donned in the same attire he wore for their wedding, including the gold chain set with a dragon head pin—waited with his hands clasped behind his back while the Oracles, Neith, and Loki stood behind him, sharing huge smiles. As soon as Selena walked out, they bowed in respect, and the crowd began to cheer. She and Thor found each other among the adoring gathering, and their eyes sparkled upon contact.

May our mother Yggdrasil watch over us.

She would be so happy and proud.

When the noise settled and the Pyre rang its last chime, Selena cleared her throat and spoke. "Today, this war is officially over, marking the beginning of the Second Empire and the Age of Dragons. The Lich may be gone, but the path to restoration will be challenging. I promise we will all walk together hand in hand towards a better and brighter future as we rebuild the world better than it was before."

As Selena knelt, Neith made her way with the golden crown designed by Thor: a solid gold spiked halo headdress tipped with the unique blue-green sapphires. An intricate piece connecting to the diadem held a flawless oval white diamond—for Thor's new scale color—surrounded by pearls decorated Selena's forehead as Neith placed the royal headpiece. "All hail your Dragon Queen, Selena Liongod."

The crowd cheered once more as Selena stood, and the Oracles grinned. "May your Divine fire forever reign." Thor thundered and released a long torrent of rainbow fire, shooting like a fallen star across the sky. Noctis joined in his roar of victory as he, his flight, and the surviving dragons stood on their haunches—including the younglings—and spewed their combined fire skyward, wings unfurled. Selena walked closer to the edge with Silver by her side to see the new Dragon Empire screaming their love and devotion for their new queen. 

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