
By 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One
Chapter 16: Noctis
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 27: The Golden Crown
Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New
Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Chapter 24: Into the Inferno

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By 129cdmuller

While Lord Godfrey and General Araneus resumed their offensive and stopped the enemy's rain of fire, and Selena and Thor took their fight to the Lich, Rahim pursued Niamh. She and Fafnir were upon the allies; when Fafnir belched forth his dark Aether destruction over parts of the general's army, Rahim spurred Eshara and held on tight as the two sped after the pair. The wind howled, and the crimson clouds swirled overhead as Fafnir moved with haste and purpose towards the city. Eshara flew through when he and Niamh vanished behind the veil. However, suddenly Fafnir appeared before Eshara, and the two dragons were set on a collision course.

"Niamh," Rahim called as the two masked dragons banked to avoid one another, Niamh grunting as her companion thrashed and bucked. Rahim checked to ensure that she was still safe as Fafnir and Eshara broke apart, struggling against the turbulence, and both Niamh and Rahim were tested by the jerky flight. Yet, Eshara remained steady and flew by Fafnir's side. "Niamh—it's me, Rahim."

She didn't answer but focused on the black fire consuming the world below as the newly risen undead army surged forward. His eyes froze like a pond in winter when she turned a deaf ear to his pleas. However, her head swiveled back to face him, and his lips trembled when he saw her eyes weren't hers; they glowed purple like Thor's after he gave in to darkness. "Niamh... No." Rahim's voice cracked.

When he saw that she readied her sword, Rahim and Eshara flew away to avoid direct combat. During their escape, the same ominous tone rang in his ears from when he first confronted his father. His head cranked to the side as he heard the slow flaps of a great dragon; his heart nearly burst from his chest upon seeing Arawn and his companion approaching through steady wing beats. Arawn's masked dragon shrieked, and Rahim prompted Eshara to avoid it. She roared with plumes of black flame erupting from her clenched fangs, but she dodged as the enemy dragon struck at her and swept herself across the burning sky to flee. However, Arawn hovered aloft, not giving chase.

Fafnir roared and made a terrifying sound that Rahim surmised was laughter; Fafnir's voice made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He and Niamh soared through the billowing clouds after the fleeing Rahim and Eshara; the two zipped past Arawn and his companion, who only watched the scene with a smirk.

The storm impeded Niamh's pursuit; Rahim and Eshara broke through the clouds to find the eclipse's illumination. They hovered, searching for any signs of their enemies, but an eruption of black fire burst through the crimson spires from below. Eshara veered away as Niamh and Fafnir flew upwards, and Fafnir belched another dark Aether at Rahim and Eshara as they escaped.

When Rahim thought they put more distance between them and Niamh, Fafnir intercepted the pair and clutched Eshara in his hind claws while snapping his fangs at Rahim. Eshara roared, slashing her tail against Fafnir's head while clawing at his exposed neck, black venom boiling within her maw. She released her breath attack, yet Fafnir only winced as he snaked his head around to strike at Rahim. Instead of fighting back, he squirmed away to avoid Fafnir's fangs. His hand grasped his revolver, but he didn't dare to use it against Niamh. "Please."

When it was clear she still wouldn't answer, Rahim gritted his teeth, but he withdrew his hand from his weapon and struggled to grasp Eshara's reins. His eyes caught the gleam of Niamh's sword as she unsheathed it and pointed it at him, and Rahim couldn't hold back any longer. "I love you."

Niamh stopped, her face twisted, and threw her sword overboard without warning. She snatched Fafnir's reins before placing her fists against her ears, screaming while their dragons tail-spun and spiraled towards the ground. Fafnir ignored Niamh's cry as he sank his claws deeper into Eshara's hide, but with one last effort before crashing down, Eshara twirled her body around and exhaled a torrent of black fire, scorching Fafnir's hind legs. He finally released his grip and recoiled while Niamh thrashed about, and Rahim got to hear her voice for the first time since Snowhaven, though disgruntled. "Ugh...."

His heart soared when he realized that Niamh was beginning to break free from the Lich's control. Fafnir's eyes widened; he roared and pushed himself away as the pair screamed and shrieked. Eshara strained against the fall, wing muscles burning like the fire that now devoured nearly half of Armageddon. To Rahim's dismay, it wouldn't be long before the entire continent burned in black flames and spread to Mirrorhold and Runefell.

Eshara finally caught herself before the speed grew too great, and she reached the ground. Fafnir roared above them as he swooped down and landed nearby, still swaying and fighting against the necromancer's control as he stood on all fours, tail swishing with his wings unfurled. Rahim looked up to see Niamh riding assuredly astride Fafnir; her big, teal blue eyes that he admired were back to normal, brightened under her sandy hair. His heart fluttered out of his chest, and his smile widened when she smiled.

She shamefully looked down to see her fully clad in black and red military attire, but Fafnir's faint guttural voice could only muster, "My dear Niamh." When his roars ceased, he lowered his head and laid down on his belly as she dismounted. Though Eshara snarled through her fixated gaze, prepared for another assault from Fafnir as black blood oozed from her fresh wounds, Rahim assured her they were well. He dismounted and rushed over to embrace Niamh without another word, ignoring the world's cataclysm.

Yet, their touching reunion was only short-lived when Rahim saw the shimmer of metal wings emerge from the smoke, and Arawn approached them through the smoldering grounds with a readied sword. Rahim pushed Niamh away as he pulled out his revolver, and both Fafnir and Eshara launched themselves at Arawn and his masked dragon.

Arawn, alerted by the dragons' pursuit of him from the crunching sound of their heavy steps, swung his dragon bone steel sword at Rahim's companion, the blade leaving a clean, deep wound through her neck. Rahim wasn't sure what kind of enchantments Arawn used on his sword, but they were enough to bring down a Nidhoggr quickly. Usually, their weapons wouldn't harm the undead dragons save by attacking their masks, yet Arawn brought Eshara down with one clean slice.

Out of retaliation for his fallen new comrade, Fafnir came from the side and slashed at him with long sword-like claws. Arawn lost his weapon arm, but he didn't recoil or flinch from the attack. Watching Fafnir hacking off Arawn's limbs disgusted Rahim, but he couldn't hold back his stinging tears when Eshara slowly succumbed to the fatal wound, her boiling black blood pouring over the ground like a waterfall. He rushed over and placed a hand on her snout, whispering words of comfort until she slipped into Oblivion.

To protect its rider, Arawn's dragon thrashed from the darkness and threw itself on top of Fafnir before he could make another strike. The two snarling undead creatures rolled around, biting and clawing at each other, and eventually, Fafnir reared his head back and sank his fangs deep into its grisly hide. He tightened his jaw to keep Arawn's companion from breaking free, and soon, it grew limp after one last sickening crunch, and Fafnir tore its neck and mask open, black blood splattering everywhere.

Niamh drew her sword and took Rahim's side, her hand trembling; Rahim gnashed his teeth as he had to watch Eshara pass away, and to his dismay and distraught, Arawn showed no remorse for the death of his friend but instead just cocked his head slightly. His father wouldn't react or show any human emotion, and Rahim finally accepted the loss of his father.

"Dad." Rahim's voice cracked and shattered like glass. Arawn grabbed his fallen sword with his still intact arm, striding for the two. He wheeled around and swung his blade at Niamh first; she dodged, but just barely. The sword's tip cut through her military garb and left a gash against her skin. Rahim roared and lunged forward as he whipped out his gun, using the butt of his revolver to bash in Arawn's head. His skull caved in like the Dreygur's weak rotting flesh, but Arawn's next uninterrupted swing aimed for Rahim's neck.

Niamh raised her sword and lopped Arawn's other hand off before he could make his blow. Rahim backed away, the revolver still ready, but watched as Fafnir snaked across the ground and spewed out a torrent of black Aether that consumed Arawn—his expressionless face as his blazes burned neither stirred nor faltered.

Rahim remained transfixed as the lifeless husk belonging to the walking dead was reduced to a pile of rubble and ash. He pulled Niamh into a hug before closing his eyes; Fafnir wobbled over and extended a protective arm, bringing the two close to his chest while groaning in despair.


In the meantime, after saving General Araneus and Aracania from Ashur and Jade, Silver and Vulduin continued their course for Rune Citadel. Vulduin hadn't uttered a word since they began their invasion, but the closer they got to Vidar, the edgier he became.

As they approached the wide window leading into Vidar's big office, Silver reared his head back and spewed out a torrent of azure fire, shattering the glass and setting the furniture inside ablaze. Vulduin transformed into a massive red dire wolf in mid-leap before Silver entered, his sleek and shiny pelt shining in the eclipse's dark light. His claws clicked against the broken glass, crimson fur bristling along his spine and tail.

The Red Wolf sniffed and searched for any trace of the Council leader, but to Vulduin's dismay, Vidar wasn't there. Silver resumed his usual guise upon landing, but he stood by the destroyed window while Vulduin took it upon himself to search. His efforts weren't all for naught, as the two found a trunk sitting by the wall; Silver's flames wouldn't touch it. When Vulduin rushed over to open the chest with his snout, his eyes lit up when he saw the four dragon eggs from the Mythic Flight.

Vulduin peered at Silver from over his shoulder and nodded to the precious cargo. I want you to take these eggs and bring them someplace safe.

"Of course. I hope these little ones weren't affected by the Lich's dark magic." Silver came over to observe their shells, but Vulduin shut the lid before he had the chance and bolted away. Silver huffed as he grabbed the chest and moved it by the window. "What exactly do you think this will accomplish?" Vulduin shook his head. "I understand how you feel. I felt the same way after what happened to Alfheim and Snowhaven."

Vulduin paused when he finally caught Vidar's scent, and he immediately changed back; his head whipped around, but he ignored what Silver said. "Are you sure that your enchantments on my equipment will break through Vidar's wards?"

Silver sighed. "Yes, but I hope you will choose forgiveness. Otherwise, you'll only hurt yourself while watching your enemy fall." Vulduin only grunted and turned away, dashing through the fire and out the door, and Silver remained behind, hanging his head. "Please do the right thing, my friend."

Vulduin rushed through the dark tunnel before reaching the main floor with the glass dome covering overhead. The sound of the crystal-clear running water from the mermaid fountain splashed in Vulduin's ears, and the looming eclipse painted the marble floors red. Vidar emerged from behind the spring with a huge smirk. "I see you're still alive."

Vulduin's mouth curved into a sneer when his eyes landed upon the wretched half-elf. "It's time to settle this once and for all. After we take our home back, I want you and your associates to leave and never return."

"You want Rune Citadel back? Fine. Come and take it from me. It's just you and me."

Vulduin wasted no time; he flicked his wrists and summoned his magic chains from his jacket's sleeves. The metallic gleam sparkled in Vidar's eyes, but his expression changed when he realized the chains were upon him, wrapping around the plump official like a snake coiling around its prey. Vulduin turned his hands into fists and dug his nails into his palms until they bled, his links tightening to an inescapable death grip.

Instead of begging him to stop, Vidar embraced the attack and sneered. His arm quivered, and Vulduin's eyes widened when his chains shattered like glass, and Vidar was free once more. "How clever of you to figure out how to break my wards. Was it Silver's doing? However...." Vidar's voice trailed off as he looked up at the ceiling. Shadow figures—eleven in total—dropped below and landed before him. "The Council still has other secrets."

Vidar's posse kept themselves consumed by a dark veil. When the shadows rushed at him, Vulduin spun around and ran. A black beam erupted beneath his feet, but he dodged it by jumping away and flipping forward. Two of Vidar's followers flung a couple of dark Aether blasts at him, but his lightning-fast reflexes countered by using his chains and deflecting their homing attacks. Gritting his teeth and his face burning, Vulduin summoned another set of metallic tendrils targeting each member, but the figures vanished in a puff of smoke and reappeared on the other side of the room.

Yet, their battle abruptly paused when the mountain trembled from a dragon's thunder. Silver busted through the glass dome in his dragon form, landing between Vidar's associates, and spewed forth his deadly blue conflagration, catching the shadow figures within his sapphire inferno and turning to dust.

Vulduin evaded the raining diamond shards and made a u-turn at the end of the room; sidestepping the snake-like dragon, he lunged straight for Vidar, unleashing another volley of chains. The metal cut and slashed at the vile creature in different areas of his body, bloody when he was bound. Vulduin clenched his teeth as he focused every ounce of energy on squeezing out what remained of Vidar's pitiful life. Before his surviving subordinates could help, Silver stood in their way and created a wall of blue flames, separating them from their leader; two drew too close to his fire and incinerated upon contact.

To Vulduin's surprise, Vidar let out a whimpering noise, and the chains paused their mortal coil; Silver flickered his tail, keeping his gaze fixed upon Vulduin, anticipating what his friend would do next. Vidar spat out blood. "I did so many bad things, and you deserve revenge. Do it. Do it, now!"

Vulduin tightened his grip again but stopped. "As much as I hate you... I just can't." With quivering hands, he released his chains, and Vidar, now a bloody and broken man, fell to the ground. The half-elf cowered, but he scrambled to his feet and limped to the other side of the room, escaping from the castle as fast as he could.

Convinced they no longer posed a threat, Silver released his fire prison, and the rest of the Council followed their wounded leader as he and Vulduin watched them like a hawk. Once the Council fled, Vulduin finally snapped at Silver. "Where are the eggs?"

Silver changed back to normal and readjusted his spectacles, ensuring they remained in place. "They're still safe in the office." He reached over to put a comforting hand on Vulduin's shoulder. "I'm proud of you."

Clinching his fists to his sides, the Shadow Emperor remained tranced by Vidar's escape, perhaps contemplating his mercy as a weak mistake, but he shook his head and returned to the office with Silver and retrieved the chest.


Meanwhile, Thor and Selena flew above Alfheim, chasing the necromancer into the inferno. Gripping Revelation, Selena peered at the blood-red clouds swirling into a devastating maelstrom swallowing the three. The eclipse vanished behind the black sky, a ferocious gale enveloping the pair, and the Lich disappeared.

Selena lost her bearings and struggled to remain aloft as the two fought through the tremendous ensuing storm. Yet Thor remained in control of his flight; he arched his neck around and shuddered when he saw the peril that he and Selena escaped. She could no longer see the battlefield but did her best to guide Thor through the churning clouds. Thor relied on his instincts when she couldn't, keeping himself level amidst the tempest sky.

Lightning erupted, and the two saw a silhouette of the Lich flash through the ensuing darkness, his smoldering pupiled eyes burning against empty sockets. The necromancer soared higher than his pursuers and summoned his solid black reaper scythe. He spun, creating circular waves of dark Aether that grew to massive proportions, expanding outward in shockwaves, parting the squall. Thor dove to dodge, and Selena held up her Aether hand, creating an azure shield protecting her and Thor, absorbing another black Aether blast shooting through the crimson clouds. Thor spewed forth a torrent of flame when the Lich's shadow neared them, but the necromancer followed up his attack with concentric rings of black fire erupting from swinging his scythe.

The attacks grew more prominent by the second, and Thor brought his wings together, protecting himself and Selena from being hit directly, and the force pushed the pair back. He then unleashed a blast of light at the Lich as he straightened himself in the air, aiming his pulsating beam at the necromancer and sweeping it through the atmosphere. Ignoring the howling winds cutting through her face, Selena whirled her right hand and summoned streaks of light encircling her, flowing through the air in serene grace. When she slashed her hand down, the specs of Aether energy turned to rapid bullets firing directly at the Lich, the diamond-like shards parting and piercing the swirling plumed spires.

Instead of attacking back, the Dark Master encircled himself in a black sphere absorbing their magic and launched after the pair, his blades aimed directly at Selena. As Thor dodged again, Selena jumped off the saddle, resuming her dragon state to avoid the Lich's blades; her Divine light shattered the darkened storm as she arched her head back and exhaled a stream of blue Aether that bounced off the necromancer's dark shield.

Thor didn't have time to admire her new power, but he floated by her side, his eyes catching the gleam of her turquoise scales. How will you get Revelation close to him?

I don't know.

The pair were interrupted when the Lich screeched and imbued himself in a black aura. The darkness expanded and consumed all in its path, and when it vanished, Venexus changed into a different form: a massive skeleton cloaked in black wisps, the dark Aether dripping from his bones like oil. The monster's raven wings expanded three-fold and swept through the brewing storm. Coils of poison mist writhed around him like smoke and fog while fire erupted from his skull sockets and mouth. Selena's breath quickened, sweat dripping down her neck, and her jaw dropped in a silent scream.

His eerie voice rang like the tolls of Death's bell: "My reign has just begun."

Venexus swiped his newfound claws at Thor, who evaded quickly. He then aimed for Selena, who leapt at the necromancer instead of dodging, casting a beam of Aether at his striking hand from her maw. Their attacks collided in a fiery explosion, and the shock pushed the three back, but before Selena and Thor could collect themselves, Venexus suddenly reached for the pair.

Watch out!

Selena and Thor flew out of harm's way just in time; the two hovered above the Lich and countered with streams of Aether erupting from their jaws. Venexus held up his arms to block their attacks and followed it by shooting bursts of black fire with a wave of his hand. Selena and Thor flew in opposite directions to avoid his magic, and she exhaled another beam, aiming the blast at the necromancer. Thor cloaked himself in Aether flames and directly charged at the Lich's backside, but he grabbed them both with inhuman speed as they were upon him, his claws squeezing the two in hopes of crushing them to death.

Don't let him—


The two broke free from his grasp with all their strength, spun around midair, and concentrated one last conjoined Aether blast to the Lich's chest, an eruption of blue energy shooting through and parting the crimson storm. Selena and Thor veered away as the necromancer made his downward spiral from the azure conflagration, vanishing through the squall. The two dragons dove through the clouds to look for signs of the Lich, and what they hoped was his defeat.

The speed was too incredible; the necromancer's crash left a crater at the site of impact, the earth rippling like the surface over water, and a shockwave of dust and destruction expanded outward—the buildings left standing crumbled and fell. When Selena landed and morphed to her elven guise, to hers and Thor's dismay, the Lich, now sodden and breathless, only reverted to his weakened state. "You cannot defeat me. I'm immortal and eternal—the death of all things."

Thor circled overhead, preparing for another attack, as Venexus showed no signs of giving up, although Selena knew he was growing weary. The eclipse peaked through the dark clouds, but she noticed how close it touched the horizon line; the Day of Eternal Darkness would soon end.

The Lich growled when he noticed it, too. His Dreygur army had dwindled, but hundreds of millions more still waited in Oblivion. However, the portal behind them began to shake violently, growing more unsteady with every passing moment. The mass amount of magic used to sustain it couldn't be contained and held for much longer; the earth would soon cave in and destroy the battlefield. Selena's friends were in immediate danger, but they were distracted and busy fighting off the released Dreygur to notice their impending doom.

The undead still waiting within Oblivion stopped rushing in when the earth quivered beneath their rotting feet. Cracks spiderwebbed across the ground, and the land caved in; the massive earthquake spreading across Oblivion swallowed the remaining Dreygur waiting to storm their world. Selena suddenly sprouted an idea, but she knew that Thor would detest it.

She threw Dragonheart down and did her best to keep Revelation steady. As much as she loved her sword, Revelation was her only chance at stopping the Lich, and she had to concentrate her efforts on maintaining Death's weapon.

Get out of there, now. Thor dove down like a falcon going after its prey. He stretched out his claws to snatch her away, but she rolled out of his reach. She grew imbued by Divine's light and took on her Aether dragon form, ignoring Thor's snarls as she flew after the tired Lich. What are you doing?

This war needs to end once and for all.

More cracks appeared underneath the portal. Before the Lich could react, Selena snatched his frailed body in a single scoop with her talons, trapping him in between her clawed prison. Grimacing at the thought of crushing and squeezing him like the dangerous insect he was, the Lich kept himself protected from any melee damage by shrouding himself in his dark Aether bubble. His magical pressure slowly pushed apart her paws, which eventually would force her to release her grip; before Thor could protest further, Selena dashed through the gateway.

Oblivion was desolate and endless. Rings of vaporous mist reflecting orange and green circled above in the abyssal sky, pouring into the empty spaces between the giant red rock towers scattering the lifeless realm. Selena was unnerved by the sepulchral silence compared to moments ago. The portal stood its ground, the chasm splitting in an eternal line across the domain.

Thor's growls turned as violent as the storm brewing around the gate, ready to explode at any given moment. An idea came to her upon noticing the mirrored placement of the black crystals tethered within Oblivion and their world. What if I...? Hesitant at first, but she saw no other way. Perhaps I can—

What are you playing at?

Selena deflected his boiling questions and dropped Venexus over the abyssal crack as the pressure grew too much. Before the necromancer could retaliate, she dashed towards the portal, snarling and turning a blind eye as Venexus soared from the cataclysmic void and pursued her. Break the crystals from your side. We need to close the portal before it explodes and kills everyone.

No, absolutely not. I will not help trap you in there. I'll find Silver, and we'll figure out what to do. Selena didn't ease her speed, and Thor's head frantically whipped around to find another solution that she had missed.

Lightning flashed from the tornado of clouds surrounding the portal, and the gate began to crack and crumble. Thor roared and dug his claws into the dirt before throwing himself at the gateway, preparing to make his way through until Selena said, There's no time—leave me. I promise I will find my way back as soon as I can.


I'm not giving you a choice. Save Azrael; find and save the eggs after you destroy the crystals.

No! I've lost you once. I'm not going to lose you again.

The Lich was almost upon her, and she needed to make her decision. Even if she could defeat Venexus within Oblivion, she had no way of returning; Oblivion would serve as her eternal prison. Selena reared her head back with azure Aether erupting from her maw, and the Lich's shrill shattered her ears. "Stop—no!"

Before Venexus could impede her self-sacrificing act, Selena unleashed her torrent, shattering both gems on her side completely. I'm sorry, my dear one.

The gateway began crumbling from the sudden loss of energy. Selena's last image of Thor was his huge pupils dilating into slits and his lips raised over his sword-length ivory teeth. He roared to the bleeding sky in a beautiful and horrifying tableau upon unleashing his rage; nearly yielding to his despair, Thor destroyed the crystals on his end with a torrential beam of flame.

The gate's foundation exploded within Oblivion once it closed from their realm, and the portal vanished. Waves of dark energy blasted in every direction in concentric circles; she dropped down to avoid the aftermath, but the Lich was caught in the shockwave of destruction and flew backwards. The clouds above dissipated, and the lightning ceased.

Did I save them? Selena's heart crushed upon believing the worst, but she shuddered when the Lich laughed, a deafening screech slashing through her ears. Her eyes swelled when she could no longer hear Thor; he just returned to her and was lost again—the barrier between realms was enough to silence the two forever.

Selena gritted her teeth and forced herself to communicate with the dreaded necromancer, pushing through the ensuing darkness threatening to render her in pieces. I'm not afraid of you anymore. You can't endanger or hurt anyone else again.

The demon cracked his neck and looked at her over his shoulder, his everlasting frayed grin making her bristle. "You're trapped here. The Day of Eternal Darkness may be over, but I will find a way back. I always find a way, and I will get my dragon back. But first, I will enjoy tearing you limb from limb!"

Torrents of black and purple fire erupted from his mouth and hands. Selena flexed her claws and bared her fangs, battle-ready, as Venexus spun around, building circular waves of dark Aether flames expanding outwards. He then propelled himself after her, his raven wings sweeping across Oblivion.

Selena unleashed her azure blast upon widening her maw, and the Lich punched forward, shooting a fireball. Their two attacks collided into a fiery explosion, and the force of impact blasted the two away. She caught herself and landed on a stone pillar but raced upwards when Venexus returned with another black Aether blast, deflecting the attack by summoning a spherical barrier of celestial energy.

Selena dashed towards the necromancer; he dodged, but she spun and brought her wings in, gathering the Aether around her and unleashing it in circular waves upon unfolding her wings. Her attack slammed the Lich against the stone towers, and in fear and dismay, Venexus rocketed away. However, she launched at him, and her surrounding energy caught and carried him across the Oblivion wasteland.

As she flew with the necromancer caught within her energy like a fly in a spider's web, the two crashed through several rock spires before Venexus broke from her force. He flew to the top of a nearby tower, and before he could recover, Selena bounced off her paws and leapt from one side of the pillar to the next. With an ear-shattering roar, she summoned Revelation in a plume of smoke, swinging through her mental control and will. She almost made her death blow with Azrael's scythe, but the Lich's trembling fear made her buckle. Instead, the blade struck the rock beside him, and Revelation vanished; Venexus looked up, surprised by her sudden mercy.

Selena hovered beside him with her spectral wings still fanned out. I will not end it this way, Aydin. I know you're still there.

As if she anticipated his actions, the Lich reached out to cast another magical attack, but she maintained her position; with inhuman speed, she sliced his skeletal hand clean off with her ethereal claws. He cried in agonizing pain while cradling his severed arm. "How could—?"

Swallowing her fear, Selena reverted to her elven guise, hoisting Revelation over her shoulder while hovering over Oblivion's abyss; each step she took lit up with blue energy that kept her levitating midair. She found the courage to look straight into his smoldering eyes as she joined him on his rocky platform. "I should be asking you: how could you? All the horrible things you've done, all the people you've hurt and killed—Aydin, I know you're still there, and it's not you who's doing this."

Venexus laughed at her, his arm pinned to his chest. "You're weak, just like he is. Aydin is dead; I killed him hundreds of years ago."

"I don't believe that. You're not a demon, and you're still alive, Aydin. Come back."

The Lich reached up to backhand her away, but she waved her Aether hand within a single blink and summoned her energy sword; with one swift strike from the ethereal blade, his last intact arm suffered the same fate. "Curse you, little bitch! I will... I will not die so easily."

Selena ignored him and held her head high, knowing that the battle was over and that the Lich couldn't hurt her anymore. "Aydin, my mother forgives you," she continued, still flouting the Lich's taunts, "she is sorry to have caused you so much pain. My mother may not have loved you as you loved her, but you were still her best friend. She cared about you. Please, come back. It's time for you to wake up."

The Lich screeched once more and heaved over. What happened next took her by surprise: he was crying. "No, please. No more...." His trailing, hoarse voice no longer carried the grave's shrill; now, it sounded human.

Transfixed, she watched what remained of the necromancer collapse before her in his weakened state. His voluminous cloak vanished, leaving a broken man—arms now intact—in tattered rags for clothes trembling before her. Standing over a precipice and giving her once feared nemesis pity, her chest tightened; when he looked up at her, his dragon horns and skull evaporated in a plume of smoke. She saw the Lich's frayed and tired self for the first time. Now human, his greasy, long black hair flowed over his chiseled dirty face, dangling over his swollen, amber-colored eyes; his fragile voice trembled as he crawled across the rock, begging for her mercy. "No more. Please, just kill me."

Selena extinguished her Aether sword and tightened her fingers around Revelation, her eyes glistening with tears. "Aydin...."

"Yes, but not for long. Please, put me out of my misery. I-I can't... I don't have much longer before that thing comes back."

Her heart squeezed as she couldn't bring herself to do it. There must be another way. "This isn't right. I'm trying to save you." She dissented the choice. "No, I won't do it."

Aydin pushed himself up and dragged his feet to reach her; she stepped back as he threw his hands upon her shoulders to keep himself upright. "Do it before that monster comes back. Please, I beg of you. Kill me. Revelation will trap and eat that foul demon's soul. Let me finally rest in peace."

Even as Xyaxon's words chimed within her mind, Selena still couldn't be his executioner. He deserved a chance for salvation, but as she used Revelation to block him from approaching further, he reached up and gripped the blade until drawing blood upon his palm. "I want to help you."

Aydin smiled faintly. "You're just like her. Selena, was it? I kept hearing your name and your voice pulled me from the darkness, if only briefly—I thank you. I'll be fine. Please...."

Her look of trepidation betrayed her as her face glistened, and she pulled Revelation back after Aydin released his hold. Her head whipped around as she desperately wanted to escape Oblivion with Aydin and find Silver for a solution. She couldn't; she wouldn't. "You didn't deserve this."

"Who are we to decide on what we deserve? I've been waiting to greet Death like an old friend after so many years of torment and pain."

Death is the solace Aydin seeks. Her lips quivered as her cheeks grew drenched from tears, but she sputtered, "May you find peace."

A serene smile chased the darkness imprisoning his hopeless face; Aydin stood back and tilted his head up with both arms spread open, inviting Revelation's final strike.

I wish there were another way. Her trembling hands nearly released the scythe as she mentally prepared herself, but she tightened her grasp. She brought Death's weapon up to a full swing. Finally defeating her hesitation, she sliced the blade through Aydin, like a heated knife cutting through butter. Goodbye, Aydin.

The scythe glowed sky-blue upon the strike, and Aydin said with his last breath, "Thank you, Selena. I'm coming, Death, my old friend." The broken man faded to dust and ash as he fell, carried away by Oblivion's sepulchral gale across the desolate wasteland.

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