š„šŖš®ššš­š¢šØš§: š® + š¢

By authorariashah

174K 6.5K 1.1K

š’šØš©š”š¢šš š‚š„ššš«š¤ is smart, quiet, shy and beautiful. She joined crystal high sophomore year and soon... More

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3.8K 122 17
By authorariashah


I wanted my first to go well but so far, it’s not going as well as I expected.

Jameson is my seatmate.

Ms Tessa is concerned because I don’t have ‘friends’

She thinks Jameson is interested in being my friend.

And I don’t understand why a knot tied in my stomach when I saw Jameson with Nessa.

Last I heard they broke up last year. The news roamed around the school for a month. Apparently, Jameson was the one who dumped Nessa which fucked with her ego. No guy has ever dumped Nessa, she’s the spoiled queen of Crystal High, the daughter of the owner of Crystal High.

Since her dad owns the school, she has teachers wrapped around her fingers, she can get away with anything. Literally anything.

If he had dumped Nessa, why was she sitting with him?

More importantly, why do I care?

Jameson and I aren’t even friends. Why do I care if he’s back with her or not?

It’s currently lunch time. Everyone is in the cafeteria having lunch while I’m having lunch at the library. I always had since I joined this school. It’s better to have lunch in the quiet library than to sit at an empty table in the cafeteria and bear the stare and whispers of students.

Why is everyone so nosy about other people’s lives? So what if I was sitting alone at the table? So what if I don’t have friends in this school? I don’t have a problem with your life and your decisions, why do you seem so interested in mine?

My phone vibrates on the table. I pick it up and open the new chat box.

How’s your first day going?

I type out a reply in an instance.

Kill me.

If I kill you, who will spoil my kids?

The corner of my mouth lifts up.

I might not have friends in this school but I made a great friend when I was in middle school and she’s been my best friend since then.

Liv and I have been friends since 6th grade. Somehow she saw me as a sweet girl while other kids stayed away from me because I always had an irritated facial expression. Liv sat with me at lunch one day and ranted about random things. I usually get annoyed when people rant about stupid things but with Liv, it was fun.

She’s fun, sweet and very caring.

She’s the best friend I could ask for.

My phone vibrates with another text.

Tell me your day in short.

The devil is my seatmate in mathematics class *annoyed emoji*

Is he already dead or are you waiting for an audience (aka me)

A chuckle leaves my lips as I type out an answer.

I don’t want ‘murder’ to go in my record.
I’ll give him mercy

Of course, you will

The corner of my lips lift up again. There are very few people in my life who make my day better- Liv being one of them.

Enough about me giving the devil mercy. How’s your day going?

Good so far. I’m having lunch with some friends right now.

Put down your phone and continue

Nah, they’re busy gossiping (some girl got cheated on)

Hope the bastard breaks a part of his body

Are you at the library?

Having lunch.

Me and Liv continue to chat through text- barely eating our food- then when the bell rings indicating the lunch break is over. I text Liv ‘goodbye’ then gather my things to head to my next class.

I have history meaning I have to see Jameson. Great.

I take a deep breath as I reach the class, I walk in along with other students and pause.

Jameson isn’t here.

Maybe he didn’t have history this year.

I can’t help but let the disappointment sink in.

Why am I disappointed? I hate sharing classes with him.

Maybe I got used to it, that's why I’m shocked.

Yeah. I’m shocked, not disappointed.

I shake my head slightly and head towards my seat in the front row.

I put down my bag and take out my books. Even though I shouldn’t care, still I can’t help but look up every time when someone walks in and let the disappointment sink in again.

I drop my head between my shoulder with an exhausted sigh.

Since when do I miss the presence of Jameson Gray.

Since today.

“Bad day?”

I look up at the voice of the devil. He’s towering over my desk, one strap of his bag is over his right shoulder and he’s holding onto it with his right hand. His other hand is shoved in his pants’ pocket. His uniform's tie is loosened and we’re staring at each other.

None of us moves- neither of us blinks- we stay frozen in our position, staring into each other’s eyes.

This is the first time I'm noticing his eye color.

And they're beautiful.

His eyes are the color of a clear ocean, anyone could drown into it.

Reality hits me like a bullet to the chest.

I blink.

“What?” he blinks.

“Nothing.” I tear my gaze away from him and look down at my notebook, opening it, “you came in late,” I pick up my pencil to keep my hands busy.

I was staring in Jameson Gray’s eyes.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“Did you miss me, genius?”

I look up at him again. He has his stupid grin plastered on his face again.

I stare at him, making sure not to show any emotion.

Did you miss me, genius?


“No.” the answer comes out automatically, his lips form a pout. “I would've been relieved,” I say as my pencil hovers on the empty page.

Was I supposed to write something?

“That’s disappointing.” I roll my eyes at his comment.

From the corner of my eye, I see his hands rest on the corner of my desk. I lift up my head and take in a sharp breath.

Our faces are only an inch away from each other- if I lean in even an inch, our lips will touch. Seeing the effect his gesture gave me, the corner of his lips lifted to form a little smirk.

“It’s okay to admit that you missed me, genius.” he says, “i’d be more than happy to know you miss my presence.”

My cheeks warm up, his smile widens.

He pushes away from my desk as one of our classmates announces the teacher is coming.

I stare ahead as he walks past me towards his desk.

Something takes off in my stomach.

What the fuck is happening with me?

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