Diego Hargreeves daughter

By Mason_Thames_Wife123

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When Diego returns to his original timeline. He is greeted by Lila and his daughter he never knew he had, doe... More



2K 39 1
By Mason_Thames_Wife123

Y/N's POV:

I walked over to a table not too far away from Diego's so I could still hear what they were talking about.

I already knew who everybody was since mom had told me everything that I needed to know. There were seven of them, my uncle five went missing and came back after seventeen years but for him it was 45. She told me that my uncle Ben had sadly died on a mission. Mom also told me about how her and dad met and she told me things about the handler and the backstory of the Hargreeves and such.

I sat down and started eating my bagel and heard my uncle klaus say "that little delinquent Is your daughter?" "Allegedly my daughter" Diego said annoyed. Klaus laughed "That's so funny".

My uncle Five walked over to klaus and Diego "Wait who's-who's the mother?". "Lila" Diego answered, I'm not really ready to call him dad yet.

"Excuse me?" Klaus gasped and Five said "Woah, Lila's here?". "Was" Diego replied, "she dropped that child in my lap last night then bolted".

"I don't much care for that one" klaus said slowly. "Don't-" Diego got cut off by five "technically she's family" "She was literally trying to murdered us like..yesterday" Klaus exclaimed.

"Like I Said, Family" five continued "Diego, is she coming back?" Diego then turns to me "well she Goddamn better be because we have more important things to be dealing with right now". I looked up in confusion.

"Calm down. shh." Klaus put his hand on his shoulder. My aunt Vanya then walked up to them "Hey do you know where Luther is?" She asked. "Who cares? he's probably out for a..run" Diego said.

Klaus butts in "Love the haircut", Vanya smiles but turns serious "So uh, I talked to Marcus last night".
Diego sat up "wait,what? You talked with the enemy? By yourself?. Vanya leaned closer to them "somebody had to do something." "Who elected you, Vanya?".

"It's uh, Viktor." I got up and walked over. "Who's Viktor?" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "I am...it's who I've always been". "Congratulations Viktor" I Said and he smiled at me and turned back to the rest "Uh, is that an issue for anyone?" Klaus chuckled.

"Nah, I'm good with it" Diego says and klaus agrees "yeah me too, cool." "Truly happy for you Viktor" Five spoke. I smiled because mom told me that five was like the sibling that would say anything horrible and wouldn't feel bad about it. "But last time I checked. You don't speak for this family." There it is.

Viktor leans over again "it's fine, okay? Marcus totally gets it. He doesn't want a war anymore than we do." He reassures. "What are you talking about? He tried to homicide us!." My alleged father shouted.

"So did Lila and you had a kid with her" uncle Klaus teased while pointing at me. "That's not the point" He yelled and klaus made a face at him.

Viktor started "We made a deal...He's gonna give back Fives briefcase then we're gonna get out of this timeline. We're gonna meet later today for the uh, the handover."

Diego shook his head "that's a rookie move. Dude is playing you." "Oh really?" Viktor said sarcastically. "Yeah but maybe we can use this. And we turn it back on them. We wipe them the hell out." "Diego, stop, please." Viktor pleaded "your not gonna, like,do anything today." "Except bond with your spawn" klaus excitedly said.

Diego looked at me "alleged spawn." He said causing me to flip him off. "I will get the briefcase. And then we will all go back and fix the timeline". He said. Five interrupted "hey, we're not going anywhere! This is a perfectly acceptable timeline.".

Viktor raised his voice "Yeah, why don't you tell that to Allison who's upstairs grieving her daughter, who doesn't even exist here!" Diego then joined in "not to mention, we've been replaced by a bunch of blobs and cubes and birds and shit!".

"News flash, geniuses!. It's not about us! Take a look around. If you hadn't noticed, there's no doomsday. There's no apocalypse, the sun is shining, birds are doing whatever the hell birds do. That's all that matters. We're done messing with time. And I'm officially retired." Five got up and walked away after saying that big ass speech, "Is he wearing aftershave?...I'm concerned" klaus confusingly asked.

I then felt another wave but this time all the lights turned off. When they turned back on I walked off but chet had grabbed onto my arm "let go, you weirdo!" I shouted. "No! I saw what you did!" He replied. "Your just making excuses freak!" I yelled again trying to get out of his grip.

"Hey!, hey!, hey!, what the hell is going on here?" Diego asked while running up to us. Chet let go and turned to him. "Your daughter switched the lights off and stole food from the buffet".

"No I didn't!" I shouted and he gave me a glare which caused me to give him one as well. "Come on let's go" Diego grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.

"Let go! I didn't steal anything!" I tried to get out of his grasp, He let go, turned around and looked at me "look, I know you didn't but it's time to set some ground rules".

"How about no physical assault that's a-" I got cut off "shut up and listen!" Diego then sat down by me on the stairs. It's an awkward moment, I can hear a phone ringing and a siren coming from somewhere outside.

"My father was a hall of fame asshole, and when I was just a little pissant like you, I made a promise
to myself that I would never act like him to any kid
of... mine." His voice went quiet at the last part but I still heard him.

"Yeah, stop I'm gonna cry" I sarcastically said, but Diego carried on with his little pep talk. "But I'm a busy man, with a lot on my shoulders, okay? So I'm not gonna let you slow me down either, all right?" He says.

"Yeah, sure whatever" I focused on my nails as I have gained a habit of picking or biting them. Diego closer his eyes on frustration. "Your staying with us until your mom returns, okay?, so stop doing dumb shit or else you and I are gonna have a serious problem, ¿Me entiendes?".

"I'm not doing 'dumb shit, and I don't speak Spanish" I replied, "Let's keep it that way" he says.

I stand up and head for the door, "where do you think you're going?" Diego stood up after me. "To the store" I replied "alone" I finished. "Not without me your not" He insisted.

I groaned "I thought I was in your way?" "You are, but I can't just leave you out here alone. What kind of dad would I be?" Diego responded. "A shit one" I mumbled but he still heard me. "What?!" He turns his head "nothing" I smirked.

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