F1 imagines

By love4norris

170K 979 94

Imagines with your favourite drivers! requests closed More

|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| R E Q U E S T S ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| O S C A R P I A S T R I ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S||
|| Q U E S T I O N ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| O S C A R P I A S T R I ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| C A R L O S S A I N Z ||

|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||

7.8K 60 8
By love4norris

first part is the ending on the other one.

warnings: this is a bit all over the place but it was a last minute idea so I just went with the flow. 

Summary: if I put anything I will spoil it

angst maybe idk what to call it????


(you have to read part 1 to understand)


The air was immediately knocked out of my lungs, my body constricting around them and any carbon dioxide to becoming trapped leaving a burning as it tried it's hardest to escape the jail they had found themselves in. Tears flooded my eyes but refused to leave, blurring my vision and making me unable to see the messages I had found myself reading. I leaned my head back on the sofa, my jaw tensing as I stared at the wall, the plainless of it allowing my thoughts to fix themselves.

How about we meet up?

the first message said.

Without y/n though if you know what I mean. 😉

this is Maria by the way xxx

"I have never entertained this or anything like this, I came to you as soon as I got the text. I promise." Lando rambled, my eyes trailing over the text constantly begging that this was a dream, that this was not real, that my best friend did not just say that to my boyfriend.

"I know." I turned the phone off, breaking my eyes free from the hell just so I could look him in the eye. His reaction was quick to wrap his hands around me, burying my head in his chest. I was expecting to sob, to cry like I never had before but I felt nothing. To some extent, I was expecting this, ever since the day she came round and told me, I had a feeling. A feeling that I was the friend. A feeling Lando was the boyfriend. She only cemented this feeling when she was saying how grateful she is for me and all that bullshit she filled me with. Then the phone call. For a couple seconds I thought the guy in the background was Lando but luckily, he came in through the door not seconds later. 

"What do you want to do?" He asked, pulling us apart so he could put his hands on my shoulder and look me straight in the eye. 

"Text her back." 

"What?" Lando was looking at me like I was crazy and to be completely honest, I felt it but my plan had already figured itself out. 

"Text her back." I repeated lunging for the phone but he was an F1 driver, his reactions were sonic. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean we are going to text her back and fake that you would like too." I stated matter of factually. Lando's eyes widened in response. He didn't say anything but I could tell that his mind was working, trying to figure out if I had gone crazy or not.

"What?" He repeated, breaking us apart completely to take a step back and pace.

"We text her back, I act like nothing happened, you act like nothing happened and then boom. I confront her, that way I deceive her the same way she deceived me."

"No. Completely different things. Y/N this is not a good idea. Ok? I don't want to meet up with her or do anything with her." Lando reasoned with me, his hands lead out flat in the air, the phone still in his right one.

"Then you don't have too. I'll be the one texting her." I shrugged, laying my hand out expectantly. His jaw tensed, his eyes moving to stare at a wall as his tongue rolled over his cheek just before he broke and placed it in my hand. I was quick to unlock it and send her a text back.


That's a bit quick


I like to keep things straightforward 


I can tell



what do you say?


I say that we just stick to texting

but I agree that Y/N can't know



Her responses were quick. The feeling as though that someone tore into my body and is snatching onto my heart like it's their only way to live consumed me. I took a single deep breath and placed the phone back into Lando's hand, his eyes trailing my my movements.

"So, what are we watching?"


A loud knock on the door echoed throughout the house, my body immediately tensed and the knowledge on who was there caused me to rethink everything.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as soon as I opened the door, the smile on my face as fake as hers. Maria wrapped me in a hug before pulling away and entering the house, immediately going to the lounge like it was her own.

"It's gone!" She said with jazz hands.

"What's gone?"

"My crush! Just poof, gone!" Maria leant forward as she said, anticipating a reaction. My fake smile was replaced with a fake jaw drop and wide eyes, shock was a very easy emotion to fake.

"That's amazing!"

"Anyways, what's going on in your life?" She flopped down onto the sofa, her shoes still on. I put my fake smile back on.

Like you care. "It's pretty empty at the moment, work is just eh you know?" My voice was plain as I attempted to bore her with my continuing rant about work. Her head was constantly nodding but her eyes trailed off over to the door of Lando's study. The one he was sat in right now.

"Want a drink?" I said mid rant causing her eyes to snap over to mine. Tilting my head, I awaited her answer, her words unable to form a sentence obviously thinking she had gotten caught.

"I-um yeah. Lemonade would be cool." Maria said with a shrug, I got up without an answer and made my way over to the fridge, grabbing her the drink and myself a water. 

"What's going on with you?" I asked through the kitchen as I filled up my cup. She went on a rant about her life in general allowing me to zone out her annoying voice. I had once liked it but now it just felt like chalk down a chalkboard. Placing the cups down, I sat down in front of her allowing her to talk to me like I was her therapist. Just like a good friend should. 

"Are you going to next weekend's race or are you free?" Maria asked, looking me straight in the eye.

"I'm thinking about going, I haven't been yet this year and Miami seems cool." I said with a shrug and a smile, glancing towards the direction of the door, her eyes followed mine, a longing escaping it's way into her pupils but was quickly dragged back.

"You should come, it would be so cool to spend some time with you like that!" I exclaimed, my face bright and arms wide like I had just come up with the best idea ever instead of the worst.

"I wouldn't want to get in the way." Her gaze was slow to be dragged away from the door, practically ripping the door off of it's hinges in an attempt to stay. 

"No, it's fine! You are my best friend." I remined her, the malicious reasoning behind my words being overtaken by the fake joy I was filled with. Maria had always wanted to go to Miami, getting her hopes up just to get them destroyed within a couple days. Just as I said that, as if on cue, Lando walked out of his office, his head locking in place whilst he went into the kitchen grabbing an array of things from the fridge. 

"I'm going to go live for a bit." He told me with a smile, his eyes momentarily going to Maria before snapping back into place. I nodded with a smile just as the door closed once again.

"So what is the weather like there?" 


"So I'm thinking a pair of shorts and my favourite top." Maria said through the phone. I looked in the mirror, holding a dress up to my figure in one hand and my phone in the other. Maria had been non-stop texting Lando across the one week span that,  we hadn't been together, constantly making fun of me and how oblivious of me and offering explicit pictures of herself, obviously I denied those advances, I wasn't that bad, yet here she was, packing with me.

"Which one's that?" I asked, placing the dress into my suitcase and bringing my phone away from my ear so I could look at the text she had sent me, it had the shape of a cropped vest top but was covered in large slits.

"Oh my god! Yes that will look so amazing on you." I said through the phone when in real life I was grimacing.

"I was thinking about black leather trousers but I feel like it's too hot." She complained as if I could control the weather. I rolled my eyes.

"Personally, I think it's a bit too hot, shorts, skirts and dresses for me." I replied to her and heard her sigh. There was a knock on her door and she paused.

"I've got to go. See you Tomorrow?" Her question was more of a statement since she hung up. I chucked my phone onto the bed, my hands crawling up to my face and dragged down them, the tension that I have been constantly feeling beginning to get to me. 

"This isn't good for you, she isn't good for you. I have tried to see what you are doing but it's not okay y/n. You need to stop." Lando stated leaning on the door frame, the sudden sound of his voice made me snap his head in his direction, his lips were set in a straight line and his hands were in his pockets.

"I am. We are seeing each other tomorrow and I am putting a stop to it." I replied, the speech already being written in my head.



I was already at the door by the time she was knocking, swinging the door open and plastering on that fake smile I had gotten a little bit too used too. 

"God, I am so excited for tomorrow!" She said, walking through the door once again acting like it was hers. Her eyes trailed around the room she had been in so many times, already redecorating. Maria didn't bother to take her shoes off as she collapsed onto the sofa, putting her feet up. I tried my best to ignore this action, sitting down across from her and starting a conversation, our last civil conversation.

"It's crazy to think how far I have come since a couple weeks ago, I think it was really good to just get it off my chest." She explained to me, her arms moving in all directions but her eyes firmly staying put, looking straight into my eyes like she was trying to gain control. Maria knew I hated eye contact except from with a few people. 

"Yeah, I am so proud of you." 

"I am proud of myself, proud that I managed to do it." She nodded her head as she spoke, her eyes momentarily looking towards the door. 

"Proud that you managed to text my boyfriend behind my back or proud that you lied to me about it all?" I questioned sincerely, that smile still mockingly on my face. The smile dropped in her face, her words sputtering around like how a broken car would. 

"Are you okay? I have no idea what you are talking about." She tried, her hand attempting to be placed on my knee but I was quick to move it and stand up.

"You know exactly what I am talking about so don't try that with me." I answered calmly, my feet being drilled into the ground and my eyes staying on hers.

"Y/N, I am your best friend, I would never." She really could get a hint.

"I thought you would never but you did." I took a pause, taking a false deep breath to make sure my words were seeping through her pores and into her bloodstream, guilt taking over every part of her body, paralysing it.

"You haven't been texting Lando, you have been texting me. So in your next excuse don't lie to me. I want the truth." If her face could drop anymore it would.

"I loved him. I loved him long before you did. But you just had to take him, didn't you? Couldn't stand it being all nice for me." Her body switched into defence mode, regaining movement.

"You didn't know him before I introduced you two." I stated, not backing down. "You are in my house so don't get to confident."

She moved her jaw, and stared at the wall ahead. "I can't believe you. You do this to your best friend. I have been there for you through everything! This is just a dark patch!" Her voice got louder with every enunciated word that left her mouth, allowing themselves to hit the air and be carried into my ears so I could process them.

"Get out. Don't text me again, don't talk to my family again. Stay away from me." My barriers began to fall down and into the ocean of emotions below, allowing them to flood my system and completely take over. My knees began to weaken underneath all the weight I have been carrying, my shoulders drooping and my eyes heavy. Maria looked at me and then at the front door and then back at me and then at Lando's office. She simply nodded, her legs carrying her to the door.

She took one look back at me and then back at the office door before slamming the door.

And just like that, a lifelong friendship down the drain.

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