The Beginning

By awfullygastly

59.5K 2.2K 287

This is my first Deanlena Fanfic. You can also find it on Where i'm hoping i'll be add... More

The Beginning
Guardian Angel


3.7K 125 20
By awfullygastly

A/N: Okay, guys. So this is it. This is the final chapter for The Beginning. Now keep in mind, this doesn't mean this is the end for Elena and Dean this is just The Beginning... (hehe see what I did there). Anyway, this chapter is just the end of this "book". I will eventually write a book 2 continuing their story ;), but I do have other things I want to write so this will be put on a small pause. Feel free to message me, or comment me something you'd like to see happen in book 2! I hope you guys enjoy this part as much as I did writing it! :D
*UPDATE BOOK 2 RELEASED : It's called The End. Once you're done with this, go on over to The End to continue this story :)*


When my eyes flew open, the first thing I saw was a bare chest. I can feel myself begin to smile at the images that begin to flash through my mind, from the previous night. Dean and I ended up falling asleep in the back seat of the Impala. Sure it was a little cramped, but being in his arms trumped all. The warmth of his body on my own, was pure bliss.

I knew Dean, was awake, because his fingers traced circles on my back. I could only assume he thought I was still asleep, and didn't want to wake me up. I lift up my head to look up at him. He had his eyes closed, but a smile creeped up on his face when he felt me move.

"Good-morning." He says. The way his chest vibrated against my cheek made me smile. I scooted up slightly, to place a small kiss on his jaw. He opened one eye and looked down at me.

"Good-morning." I respond settling back into my spot in his arms.


"Mhm?" I close my eyes as I press myself more on his chest to feel the vibrations from his voice as he spoke.

"You know, I'm all for sex in the back seat, but this is actually very uncomfortable." He says.

I can't help but let out a quiet laugh. "I know," I say. "Just a few more minutes?" I plead, now looking up meeting his gorgeous green eyes. His eyes seemed different this morning. They had a certain light in them that I couldn't figure out why I hadn't noticed before.

He nods his head slightly, and tightens his arms around me. "Of course." He says. I let myself relax into his arms, knowing today would be full of stresses. The moment we stepped out of this car, would bring us back into the real world. The world where we still needed to find a way to get Cas to return those souls to Purgatory. The world where I was once again a vampire, and I'm beginning to fear that I'm losing my control, my humanity. The world where, that little light I found in Dean's eyes, does not exist. I wanted to stay in our little safe bubble for as long as we could.

The bubble didn't last as long as I hoped, because not 5 minutes after I asked Dean, a knock on the window startled us. I immediately hid my face into, Dean's chest. I hear the front door open.

"What the hell, Sam?" Dean says, trying to cover me up.

"I'm sorry guys, but Cas is here. He needs our help, Dean. He's in bad shape. Really bad shape."

"Alright, give us a minute then will you?" Dean responds.

"Yeah. Okay," I can hear the car door slam shut for a moment, before opening up again. "Sorry again, Elena!"

"DUDE!" Dean shouts at him. Sam shuts the door once again, and I wait for Dean to give me some type of indication that he's gone this time. "Elena, he's gone. We gotta get dressed and go in." He says. I let out a sigh and nod as I am released from Dean's embrace. We both collect whatever clothing items we were not yet wearing and quickly begin to put them back on. The moment my foot touched the ground, I knew my night with Dean was over. The reality all came crashing down. I'm not sure what this meant for me and Dean. What was going to happen after this? What was this? Dean told me he loved me, not only that... I said it back. I doubt Dean would say that to anyone unless he meant it, right?

I can feel Dean watching me, as I was lost in my thoughts. I look over to meet his gaze. He finished putting his belt on, before he walked over to me. He gently places his hand on my cheek, before leaning in and pressing his lips slightly on mine. They were only there for a moment before he stands up straight again and gives me a half-hearted smile. He uses the thumb from the hand that's on my cheek and caresses my bottom lip slightly.

"I meant what I said last night, Elena. Don't question it. I can see it on your face, you're questioning everything now. I don't have any answers because... I honestly don't know where to go from here..." He then drops his hand from my cheek and reaches down for mine. He grabs both of my hands and brings up them up. "I just know, for the first time, I've found something that makes me feel.... alive. I'm not going to let this go, Elena. We'll figure it all out, but right now... we to deal with Cas. We need him to return those things, back into Purgatory. We need him to return the cure to you." I don't say a word, I simply nod. He plants one more kiss on my head, and grabs my hand as he leads us towards the house.

Once we're inside, we find Bobby, and Sam helping Cas up from the ground. Cas had blood splattered almost everywhere on him. The smell hit me like a ton of bricks, causing me to stop in my tracks. Dean stops walking too, and looks back at me in concern.

"Elena... what?" He looks over at Cas and then back at me. I see as he puts two and two together.

I take in a deep breath and answer the silent question in Dean's eyes. "I'm fine." I say to him, and I begin towards Sam and Bobby, who were now sitting Cas on the couch. "How can I help?" I ask them.

"Guess you can help us load Cas in the car, kid." Bobby answers. I nod and look down at Cas. He looked back at me. For the first time, I saw a difference in Cas' eyes. He didn't look so empty. He looked full of regret, and sadness. That was all I needed to see to know that this was it. Cas was going to return the souls without a fight, but now what scared me was the question... is he going to survive this?


After we loaded Cas into Baby, we drove to the Lab where we had all the stuff set up to open up Purgatory once again, and return those souls. I asked Elena if she wouldn't mind going in Bobby's car, since Cas took up the whole back seat. The son of a bitch couldn't sit up straight, he kept nodding off and tipping over.

"Cas, how ya doin' back there, buddy?" I say. He's been quiet for a while.

"I'm as okay, as I can be, Dean." He responds. The tightness in my stomach released its self with his answer.

Sam looked at the back seat for a moment, then back at me and gave me a small nod, letting me know Cas was fine. After a few minutes Cas speaks again. "Dean."

"Yeah... What's up?" I ask.

"You and Elena had sexual intercourse didn't you?" He says. Sam clears his throat next to me, and I can feel him get tense at the question. I roll my eyes, but let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, Cas. We did. Now why don't you rest up a little before we get there." He mumbles something in response, before I'm sure he drifts off to sleep.


Despite my beginning opposition to Elena and Dean's relationship, I'm glad to see that Dean went against my wishes. The moment I saw them walk into Bobby's home, hand in hand, I saw the difference in both of their souls. They were connected, they had been made whole. I especially saw the light in Dean's soul.

Dean's soul was dimmer than most, it was almost as if it was losing a battle. He is a strong man, he fights to the very end, and always puts on the strong face to everyone around him. He doesn't know that I can see through him. I can see how empty he was inside. The only thing keeping his soul lit was his brother.

When I saw them walk in, I saw the light in Dean's. He had another reason to keep fighting, to keep his soul alive, intact. Him and Elena had connected souls, completely given themselves to one another most likely without even knowing what they had done. The act of sexual intercourse used to be a very intimate, sacred act among humans. Of course, now they do it whenever they please, however they please, with whomever they please.

Human's often do these marriage ceremonies, to promise their love to one another for life. The reason why, it was made tradition for humans to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage was because this was the act that united your souls, made you one. This was often true for couples who were shot by cupids. Not so much, with mismatched couples.

United souls were bonded for life. If one of the souls was to pass away before the other, a part of their soul would still be within the living partner's soul. Once they both passed, they both shared a heaven, which is quite rare.

I watch as Elena helps Dean set up the blood sigil to do ritual. I can see the way she's struggling to hide the fact that the blood was calling out to her. It probably burned her throat every time she breathed in some air. I had done this to Elena. I had turned her back into the monster she didn't want to become. I let her become the monster in the first place. Not only did I abandon my job as her Guardian angel, but I also went and caused her harm, instead of protecting her. I needed to make it through this, so I could turn her back to the human she was once again. But I knew it was hopeless, there was no way I could make this out alive.

"Alright, looks like it's time." Bobby says. Sam and Dean come to me and help me up onto my feet. They place me in front of the sigil that Elena and Dean had drawn. I turn back to face the 4 of them and then focus my attention onto Dean. I had hurt a lot of people, but I hurt Dean the most. I betrayed him, I had lied to him, I had taken the humanity of the one other person Dean could truly say he loved.

"Dean," I begin.

"Yeah? What? You need something else?"

"No, I feel regret, about you, and what I did to Elena."

"Yeah, well you should." He says.

"If there was time, If I was strong enough I'd fix her now... I just wanted to make amends, before I die," He nods, and I take a moment before speaking again. "Is it working?" I ask.

He sighs. "Does it make you feel better?"

"No... You?" I question.

"Not a bit." He responds, and then Bobby begins to recite the spell.


As Bobby finishes up the spell the spot where Elena and I had drawn the sigil begins to open up. Not a few seconds after, does a bright beam of light begin to extract from Cas' body. It keeps going until, finally the hole closes up and Cas falls down to the ground.

"Cas!" I run to his lifeless body. Bobby checks him for a pulse.

"There's no pulse... he's cold."

"Is he breathing?" I ask as I let my hand slightly hover over his mouth. I felt nothing. "Maybe angels don't need to breathe?" I ask hopeful. I then feel a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"I don't hear a heartbeat, Dean. He's gone." Elena says. I stand up but don't remove my eyes from Cas' lifeless body. "Dammit. Cas, you child. Why didn't you listen to me?" Elena then wraps her arms around me, and I wrap mine around her. We all stay silent for a moment, to grieve the loss of yet another friend, that is until, Elena pushes off of me.

"Dean...I hear a heartbeat!" She says as she looks down at Cas. I then follow where her eyes were looking and notice that Cas' face is beginning to regain its color. The wounds that had developed around his face heal themselves as his eyes fly open.

"CAS!?" I immediately kneel down beside him. He sits up and lets out a grunt.

"Well, that was unpleasant." He says as she shakes his head. Bobby and I both grab him by his arms and pull him up to his feet. "I'm alive." He says astonishment in his voice.

"Looks like." Bobby says with a smile.

Cas hangs his head low slightly. "I'm ashamed. I really overreached."

"You think?" I retort.

"I'm going to find the way to redeem myself to you, Dean"

"Alright, well one thing at a time. Come on, there's something you have to fix." I say now gesturing to Elena. Cas nods and takes a few steps towards her, before reaching her he comes to a sudden stop. He grabs a hold onto a table that's beside him, and begins to tremble.

"Cas?" Elena looks at us questioningly, then down at Cas. She finishes walking over to him and he quickly lifts up his head.

"You need to run now!" He shouts.

"Elena, don't get any closer! Cas what's going on?" I question

His voice begins to strain as he speaks. "I can't hold them back!"

"Hold who back?" I ask

"They held on inside me!" Cas strains more as he speaks. "Dean, they're so strong." He says, as his face begins to turn red, from the strength he is using to keep in whatever he was holding back.

"What held on?" Elena asks.

"Leviathan." He says in almost a growl. His body then begins to tremble more. "I can't fight them! Run!" He yells out.

"Go! Run!" I say grabbing, Elena's hand and follow Sam and Bobby who are already beginning to head out.

Suddenly I'm yanked back. Cas grabs me by shirt and turns me around to face him."Too late." He says with a sing-song voice.

"Cas?!" I question.

"Cas is uh.. hmm, gone. Dead." He shrugs. "We run the show now." He says as he throws me against the wall.

"Dean!" I hear, Elena shout after me. "You asshole!" I can hear Elena's voice furthering away from me. I grunt as I begin to sit up from the ground. I look up and see her walking over towards a smirking Cas.

"Elena, don't!" I shout. She stops to face me for a moment; Cas takes advantage of her distraction, to get a hold of her from behind. He uses one arm and wraps it around her neck and with the other he twists her head, producing a horrible cracking sound. He then lets her body fall limply to the ground.

"NO!" I shout out as I finally get up onto my feet. I try to lunge at him but Sam and Bobby hold me back, as Cas just tilts his head slightly to the side. A strange black vein begins to protrude from the side of his neck up to his face.

"Now this is gonna be so much fun." He chuckles the amusement clear in his eyes, as he begins walking towards us.

I narrow my eyes at him, trying to distract myself from what just happened, knowing that lunging at him like this would be pointless. "How many of you ass-clowns are in there?" I ask. "Hundred? More?" He stops walking towards us and doesn't reply. I begin to hear a dripping noise and I see a black liquid beginning to come out of him from various places. "Your vessel's weak isn't it? It's gonna explode." I say

He then narrows his eyes at me. "We'll be back, for you." He says, as he begins to walk away from us, stumbling after every step. Once he's gone, I run over to Elena's body. I immediately sit beside her and I pull her limp body into my lap.

She can't be dead. She's told me what kills her; she never said something like this would kill her. She has to wake up.

"Son..." Bobby begins.

" You guys go ahead and follow, Cas. I'll sit here and wait for her to wake up." I say.

"Dean..." Sam now begins.

"Dammit, Sam!"

"No, Dean. Just leave her we need to stop Cas! Those things can't be let out." He says. After a moment of staring each other down, I finally cave and let out a groan.

"Fine. Let's go." I say as I gently lay Elena's head on the ground and I get up onto my feet. We begin to run in the direction Cas had gone. We follow the trail of black liquid until we reach a public water supply reserve. Cas is walking into the water, until he's completely submerged. The spot where Cas had gone under, begins to form into a whirlpool. It spins and spins until it comes to a stop, and a huge black spot in the water forms. The black spot then turns into a hundreds of smaller black, snake like figures. They go into different directions and eventually just disappear. The reserve is once again peaceful, nothing seems disturbed. I spot Cas' trench coat as it washes up onto land. I bend down and pick it up.

"Crap." I say. Cas was definitely gone this time. There was no doubt about it now.

"Crap is right. If those things are in the pipes, they pretty much got a gateway into anywhere." Bobby says.

"What do we do now?" Sam asks. We both look at Bobby.

"The hell if I know! Guess we just gotta keep an eye out for these things. Do some research, find out if and how we can kill 'em."

"We might have some stuff in the bunker." I suggest. They both nod in agreement.

"Okay, then you two idjits go on ahead. I'll keep an eye out and give you a ring if I hear anything." Bobby says. He gives us both a pat on our backs and heads for his car. I begin to walk back to the lab, Sam following behind.

Once we're back into the Lab, I immediately walk over to where Elena's body was supposed to be. To my surprise, she's not there. I turn to Sam who was walking in only a few paces behind me.

I lift my hands up questioning. "What the hell?"

"Don't look at me." Sam replies. I then see a figure over his shoulder. There standing by the entrance was Elena. Except she didn't look like herself. Her eyes were blood-shot, there were veins protruding under her eyes, she had her teeth bared and she trembled as she stared at Sam. Sam then turns around and notices Elena as well. From the corner of my eye I can see him stiffen up. I gesture him with my hand to keep still. I begin to take a few slow steps towards her.

I raise my hands slightly as I walk. "Elena..." I begin. Her eyes now focus on me, but they remain the same blood-shot eyes. I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat, before continuing. "Elena... it's me. It's Dean." I say as I continue walking towards her. Once I reach her, I reach out for her hand, my touch seeming to snap her back. The veins begin to disappear and so do the blood-shot eyes. She blinks a few times and then looks up at me.

"Dean?" I nod at her. She then removes her hand out of mine and puts it up to her mouth in disbelief. "Oh my god. Dean, I'm so sorry. I almost," She begins to say frantically. "I don't know what happened. I didn't... I could have..." She stops and begins to sob. I quickly pull her into my arms. She digs her face into my chest and sobs. Sam and I exchange looks. Something is going on with Elena. She's losing control and becoming a danger, now that Cas is gone... I'm not sure what we're going to do.

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