you belong with me ; minsung

By minhlvr

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❝ have you ever thought just maybe, you belong with me? ❞ More

she doesn't get your humour like i do
it's a typical tuesday night
i wear t-shirts
dreaming about the day
so, why can't you see?
walk in the streets with you
laughing on a park bench
you say you're fine
she wears high heels
what you're looking for
standing by
i remember you
i know your favorite songs
have you ever thought
you belong with me?
you belong with me.
author's note <3

and you've got a smile

234 14 6
By minhlvr

that can light up this whole town.

i haven't seen it in a while,

since she brought you down. ❞

the rainstorm had been relentless, pounding the city for two days straight. the streets were flooded, and the constant downpour had left everyone seeking refuge indoors. the university had no choice but to close for the safety of its students and staff.

during those two days, jisung and minho had been confined to their homes, unable to go out or enjoy their usual activities, the rain seemed never-ending.

but then, as the two days came to an end, the rain finally stopped, leaving behind a sense of calm and freshness in the air.

the clouds parted, allowing glimpses of the setting sun, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink.

after two days of heavy rainfall, jisung and minho were relieved to see the rain finally stop. however, their excitement was short-lived when they realized that the power was cut off for an hour due to the aftermath of the storm.

so they decided to make the most of the situation and took this unexpected opportunity to take a leisurely walk in their neighborhood.

as they stepped outside, they found the air crisp and refreshing, the aftermath of the rain leaving a sense of renewal in the surroundings. the streets glistened with raindrops, and the sound of dripping water created a soothing melody.

the streets were still wet and puddles dotted the sidewalks. the world seemed to have been cleansed by the rain, and everything looked vibrant and rejuvenated.

jisung took a deep breath, "i love the smell of fresh rain, it's so calming,"
minho replied nodding, "i agree. everything looks so vibrant after the rain."

they continued to explore their neighborhood, their conversation ebbing and flowing effortlessly. they talked about everything and nothing, savoring the simplicity of each other's company.

"i needed a walk to clear my mind" minho sighed deeply, "you know, lately, i've been feeling a bit... neglected, i guess. it seems like hae-ri is always busy with other people and doesn't have much time for me."

of course you're sad about her, why can't you ever see that i'd never make you unhappy, you dumbfuck!

jisung could see the sadness in minho's eyes and wanted to do something to lift his spirits. so, he decided to lighten the mood with a joke, even if it was a really bad one.

"hey do you know why some couples don't go to the gym?" jisung asked with a grin.

"no sung please not another one" minho begged him not to continue since jisung would always crack humor less jokes.

"because some relationships don't work out!" jisung burst into laughter while minho didn't seem to find the joke funny at all.

"you know you're not funny" minho jokingly rolled his eyes. he did find the joke funny, he just didn't want to accept it. a small smile made it's way to minho's face while seeing jisung laugh his ass off.

as minho too erupted into laughter at jisung's bad joke, the city's power was restored, and the streets lit up with a warm glow. the sudden illumination seemed almost magical, as if minho's laughter had sparked the city's lights back to life.

even though jisung had cracked a real bad joke, he was happy to see minho smile and so they continued strolling in the now illuminated streets. their laughter blending with the gentle hum of the city, it felt like a perfect moment.

jisung and minho then made plans to watch movies at minho's house, they looked forward to spending quality time together, laughing at cheesy jokes, and simply enjoying each other's company.

however, their anticipation was interrupted when they arrived at minho's house, only to find his girlfriend waiting for him in her car.

"hey babe! i was wondering if you wanted to join me for a party" hae-ri closed her car-door as she walked closer to the two. rolling her eyes at jisung, she locked hers and minho's arms together giving him the puppy eyes in attempts to convince him.

"hey. i didn't know you were coming over" minho pecked her lips as a smile broke out on his face.

"yeah sorry, it was an on the spot plan" she replied while eyeing jisung up and down.

"no worries. it's just that me and sungie had plans to watch movies at my place" minho replied back with a frown.

"oh that's fine, you two could just reschedule?" hae-ri pouted, "right sungie?" she added, purposely pulling the last syllable.

"yeah, sure min. it's fine" jisung rolled his eyes, purposely putting importance on min while replying making hae-ri scoff at his action.

though jisung tried to be understanding, he couldn't help but feel disappointed and annoyed that their plans had been disrupted.

"i promise i'll make it up to you. let's hang out tomorrow instead, okay?" minho gave jisung a big smile while opening the car door for his girlfriend.

"sure, tomorrow works." jisung waved him a goodbye while trying to be gracious.

while the two drove off in hae-ri's car, jisung tried not to let his feelings of annoyance linger but he couldn't help it.

as jisung retreated to his room, a wave of sadness washed over him, and he couldn't help but shed tears.

he felt overwhelmed by the various emotions he had been experiencing lately-the disappointment of his interrupted plans, the frustration with his best friend's girlfriend, and perhaps even his own feelings of loneliness and longing.

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