The New World... (Gwain saga...

By MrPurpleHingston

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Not much happened during his time of Prince of Ermine kingdom, With the newfound way to teleport to another D... More

Purple H. Tyrian (Updated + Prologue.)
Purple H. Tyrian Character Information (Updated)
Prologue (Before the New world + Updated)
Ermine Defender, Captain Henry (1.1)
001: The New World
002: Gwain
003: Agni and Deva
004.5: Pay to Kill

004: Marlow

78 2 3
By MrPurpleHingston


A door was barged opened and it revealed the green haired girl.

Her sudden appearance had started Mizu in fright. (im not repeating it again as he already mentioned as the nerd kid.)

???: You were there at that moment...

She then brought up a photo of Purple who facing the opposite direction talking to Ami and the others, but his face was circled.

???: Do you know anything about that kid?

Mizu shakes his head nervously, still very intimidated by her.

Seeing this, the girl groans and walks away, passing by a few guys using the urinal, revealing that she was in the boy's restroom all along! (Also why, Why the guys are using the urinal are soooo close to each other :c)

She brought out of the picture again, but with some of Purple buds are shown, it's only Yellow and White taken pictured a far.

???: Hmm...


A Few weeks has already passed since Purple and alongside with his Specialties Occupier (If you wanted to count that) had arrived in this new world.

Since then, adapting in the new world, and accepting Queen Gwain's terms, Finding newfound friends along the way!

Although, those following days, Purple and his Friends has been going on hectic adventures throughout the Gwain Kingdom, battling monsters around but mostly robots sent by luna, but wait... there's a new type of enemy that Purple and his friends has to face Mercenaries and Bandits outside or inside of Gwain's Kingdom.

Ami and her friend decide to help out Purple and his friend battle, stopping every menace in their way.

Thanks to this, all of them had grown stronger together as well their friendship! (note: Purple Friends clothing are different through 003 and 004 which is like an upgrade.)

Gwain also helps out in Training with purple as both always spars with each other.

She wouldn't admit it but she grew to like hmm... tolerate Purple, although she always gets pissed off from Purple teasing which always gets under her skin (Purple, you done it well that you made a girl flustered not once, not twice, not thrice but 5 girls that you made flustered.)

The nerves of him for sure!

And there's also the other one...


Her background is still mysterious to the group as she keeps sending out her robots to fight them, but who hired the mercs? is not Luna since she made a lot of robots, the contractor is still unknown, although Purple and his friends are enjoying crushing them all, and yes, the others are annoyed to deal with them.

Luna Can't lie either, she enjoying it well~

Words of Purple and his friends spread around the kingdom or in fact even beyond from his heroism.

Many had come to know of his existence, some were in awe while others were wary of him. can't you blame them?

Their existence is a mystery enough as they appeared out of nowhere, being the personal bodyguard of Princess Ami and not to mention, his hair is white is very suspicious enough to certain people.


???: That kid is a menace for this school!

People like her.

The girl was now facing the principal of Gwain College about the matter with Purple.

???: I can't believe he's too relaxed enough to play tetris on his phone!

Purple likes to play tetris when he has nothing to do.

The principal sigh at this as this has been going on for awhile now.

Principal: Marlow... Look, calm. You've been getting too tense with all this matter.

Well surprised, Surprised, the green haired girl who grew suspiciously about Purple and his friends and her name is Marlow.

Principal: Look, you've been focusing way too much on Miss Le'Viand's Personal Bodyguard for quite a while, I mean he's not a student, he just doing his duty given by the Queen, Regardless of the supposes trouble you're trying to say.

Marlow: But-

Principal: Now I would appreciate it if you dropped this already, just... go to the library, read a book or something, in fact you're not even on duty today.

This made Marlow get more tense and annoyed as she turns around and starts stomping her way out much to the principal's dismay.

Principal: But! Don't crack the floors!

Marlow soon left as he sighs.

Principal: Ugh... when did she get more aggressive? I mean... I get it she has crush but does she have to be like this? Females are so confusing and troublesome also...

As Marlow had storm out of the principal's office, Grumbling to herself, She bump into someone as she fell to her behind.

Purple: Whoa, Sorry there.

He reach out his hand out offering to her as she grabs it and pull herself up.

Marlow: No , no it's my fault, I wasn't looking where i was going, my bad I-!?

She suddenly stared in complete shock seeing hand- (Okay we're already that now) I mean seeing the person who is which is our Charming boy Purple.

Purple: Hey? you're alright?

He looks at her in concern and Marlow snaps out of it and quickly dashes back to the Principal's officer door knocking on it.

Marlow: Principal, Principal! Open up, That Troublemaker is here!!

Purple Looks at her confusion as then two workers come in carrying a shelf full of many type of books, hiding him behind it, And Mizu walks in looking at the books

the door is open showing the Principal.

Principal: Now what, Marlow?

Marlow then points to Purple but wasn't there, only Mizu, which he was startled.

Mizu: I wasn't going to take anything I swear!

Marlow: ..... :3 ..... Alright, I'm leaving

The principal sighs again and looks to Mizu.

Principal: Mizu... go to class, okay?

He nodded as the worker looks to him.

Worker: Where should we put this Principal?

Purple voice was heard from behind the shelf.

Purple: Hmmm... these books look interesting to read. too bad i can't read their language yet... I might learn it myself or By Ami...


meanwhile In Gwain's castle.

After Gwain talking to one her guard B-Top discussing about possible recruit... she sat down on her throne and started to look at her phone.

Showing a few pictures of Ami and herself, especially with one Ami's being a little girl. (how old is her phone?)

Gwain: Hm...

She looks at more of them as she was smiling at it seeing Ami's pictures but then she stumbled upon of Purple and Her Fighting, seeing this she was a bit surprised.

Gwain: How did these get there?

She swipes and swipes seeing more and more of it, including Purple and his friend in the picture with Ami, posing rather coolly and goofy alongside with Ami and her pet Noobe.

Gwain: *sighs* Ami must have been using my phone again...

She then swipes another picture and this one makes her blushed all of sudden.

Gwain: What Th-?!

it showed her being hold on the waist and hand By Purple with his smirk on his face, posing as if they were on a dance. this was mentioned in the last chapter.

Gwain: That girl...!

As she was about to delete it... but... decided not to...

Gwain: Honestly...

She has a slight blush on as she continues to look more photos.


Meanwhile back with Purple

He was now on his personal room in the castle or in the watchtower.

The room was a tad bit empty but it wasn't that long when Deva and Ami comes walking in along with a few people carrying stuff over his room.

Deva: Alright, Guys, Put that over there, and those couches on that side.

He turned around to see Deva.

Purple: Whoa... What's all these?

Purple was surprised by their sudden appearance as Deva smirks at him

Deva: Oh just some stuff you would like in your new room!

She exclaims excitedly.

Purple: Uh...

Deva: Relax, Ami's paying for everything, she said you this as your home, Isn't that right?

Both looks over to Ami who was pointing a Worker to set up a computer on Purple new desk.

She then looks at them and nods as she pinches Purple cheeks, which Purple find it adorable.

Deva looks over to the workers which all is revealed to be a one man only with his clones similar to purple cloning but different.

Worker: All right, all set, we just need the recipient's signature.

Deva: Ha easy, all this goes on Queen Gwain's tab.

Worker: Well I don't get paid for thinking, so i'll just assume this all right.

He left as Agni shows himself up, struggling to carry a box.

Agni: Why is this Heavy!?

Deva: You're so weak, that's just his backpack.

Agni: What!? this can't be that Heavy!

Deva: Don't Overreact and leave it over there.

Ami suddenly felt something or someone looking at them as she went over the window but sees nothing and Purple notices her.

Purple: Ami? something wrong?

Deva And Agni were still bickering with each other in the background as Ami turns to him shaking her head.

Purple: Alrighty then Ami.

Unknown to them all, In the top of the tower as Marlow spying on them.


After some times.

They were all now outside, heading into town as Deva Pushing Purple in front and Purple bringing Red, White and Yellow since their clothing are outdated. (If you wondering where's violet and blue? both of them are busy making their own bed on Purple Watchtower alongside with their own stuffs)

Deva: Ok, now it's time for a makeover! first we go get some haircuts then next we gotta change that grim reaper like outfit of yours which is why... Ami, Lanney moves quickly.

Ami and Lanney walks to their side as Agni follow behind, And White is using his skateboarder to go ahead of them, Red and Yellow rolled their eye as they chuckled, Unknown to them, Marlow was following behind hiding in the tall grass.


Now all of them were in the barbershop while White and Red and Yellow are talking outside since they don't plan to trim their hairs.

Lanney was shown getting a haircut normally along with Ami.

Deva is shown having her hair turn ice being scuplted.

Purple has his trimmed a bit with a shear, since the scissors broke upon contact as his hair was a bit dense in this world.

And Lastly Agni was blasted with a fire hydrant, pretty ironic huh? as his element is fire and his hair resemble one.

Ami once again felt someone is watching at them as she looks to see only for Marlow who hid herself quickly in the standing hairdryer.

Ami didn't see her but grew suspicious.


Sometimes later, they were now in clothing store, with the girls having fun in choosing his clothes while purple waits in the dressing room. alongside with Red, Yellow and White are dressing up in the dressing room.

Deva: Don't forget you owe me that ice-cream.

Purple: Yeah, yeah... I heard ya.

She then gives him set of clothes but accidently saw him inside, being shirtless, but only on his pants.


Deva Fainted and surprised, surprised! even the girls were surprised but also blushed by the sudden appearance of Purple without his Shirts. (As Mentioned in 002 as Purple slept shirtless and Ami is the first one to see it. Lucky :P )

Agni: Whoa bro! I didn't know you were that ripped!

Purple: hehe, hitting the gym for quite a while but... are they gonna be okay though?

He looks at the girls who were blushing madly with swirls for eyes...

Purple (Mind): How many girls did I flustered or Blushed???!!?

Now after some time getting their bearing better.

Purple finally chose clothes that suit his style. (Purple tend to wear some Classy or fancy something in the past.)

Purple: Now this is my style.

(I sorry if you guys got cringed out by the roblox image, Like what choice do i have left? and the visor is a tad bit different since there is existing visor that resemble the visor as shown in the animation)

And top it of all up purple pull out his fedora.

(Well, what do you think of Purple Taste on his style?)

and Red, White and Yellow, Came out of the dressing with the same style as Purple but different colors. which I'll show it in the end of the chapter.

As for Deva... She couldn't help but drool a bit with hearts for eye, Ami was the same as Deva and Lanney was hiding her face, blushing madly. Talk about some "charming guy"!

Yellow: Welp guess we have the same style huh? but with different accessories and colors.

White: Yup but hey its fits on our name.

Red: Mhm. *thumps up*

Agni: Whoa! nice! you're gonna get tons of girls looking at you now Purple! I know just the good place to go.

Yellow: I think you made the girls glared at you...

He pointed at the girls who is glaring at Agni.

Agni: .....Or maybe not hehe....


Later, as they were now in the theaters. With Purple and his friends

they were watching a movie of a group of fighters from many Nintendo Franchises, standing in a stage but one side of the stage fell off making them all plummet downwards.

Many of the Teorans laugh at this, Including Ami and the others except For Purple, Red, Yellow and White they just watched...confused.

Shortly after now, they were now having an ice cream together at the table.

and For White And yellow they just straight up eating the ice cream. and Red just eating the ice cream normally.

Deva: Y'know... it's weird, that psycho lady hasn't attacked us for a couple of days already, I even miss those metal things she keeps sending us to try and kill us.

Purple: hmm you know Kill is a strong word but you're not wrong, Heh even I am started to miss her company~

Yellow: Couldn't Agree more right there Purple.

Ami Pouted and pinched his cheeks which for purple chucked off.

Deva: well, whatever, let's just enjoy our day off.

but then, she notices Ami was looking around.

Deva: Eh? What's wrong Ami?

Ami senses something is off, and uses perception to check for her surroundings.

She saw a silhouette inside of the tree foliage's, and quickly brought out her bow and shot it with a stun arrow.

the others looks to where she's looking as not long, Marlow quickly falls and Landed perfectly on the ground, looking seemingly fine.

She then starts to walk away but after a few steps, the stun effect took in

Purple: uhhh.... that was something..


Some moment later, Marlow woke up from the stun effect as Deva confronts her.

Deva: Okay, what the hell are you doing spying on us?

Marlow: L-Leave me be... you don't know what you're doing.

She tries to move but she was still in stun effects.

Lanney: Isn't she the President of the Student's board?

Deva: Why does a girl this popular spy on the school's misfits?

Marlow: You don't get it, I'm not here for you... Im here for that Monster.

Deva then looks at Agni.

Deva: What the hell did you do now?

Agni: Nothing... I haven't done anything bad for days

Marlow: No not him!.... HIM!

She looks at Purple who points a finger at himself.

Purple: Eh me?

Marlow: That's right!

White: Purple what hell did you do last time?

Purple: Nothing i was just chilling.

Purple: Geez... I've been only here for a couple of weeks, and I've already got a stalker in my tail.

Agni: Whoa you work fast huh? Already have someone crushing hard on ya~

He elbows him grinning as Marlow grew Flustered.

Marlow: W-What?! No not that!! What i meant is I know your secret! I know what you are!

Ami: ???

Agni/Lanney/Deva: ???

Purple: Eh?

White: Who the hell snitch on Purple?

Ami was shocked, the others were confused and as for Purple, well his has no reaction to it :/

Marlow: You're no teoran, you're a threat.

Marlow then stood up as the effect of is going away.

Marlow: And I have enough evidence to prove it, I just needed to follow you for a while to make sure of something, but now that I did, I'll let everyone know your real identity.

She then brought out a book.

Marlow: Do you know this?

Lanney: Isn't that the Mythological Creature Bestiary?

Marlow: Exactly...


Meanwhile back in the castle, Gwain opens the door to Purple new room.

There she looks around the place seeing new stuff had been added there.

Gwain: Hmm...

She then walks over to the closet as there she sees purple old clothe or I say his old suit hanging.

She goes over to inspect it and just as she thinking to what to do about it.

She slowly grabs it and wore it on herself.

It was a tad bit kinda comfy and a bit big due to their size difference but then the suit slowly shrank down to her size, surprising her.

(Note: Purple Clothes is Special it can change size depending on the Wearer sizes, Thanks to his sister Charlotte.)

Gwain: Well, that's.... convenient...

She looks at herself to the mirror as she saw that the suit had hug her figure really especially her well... endowed chest and hips, it made her look more attractive.

She wonders what he would think if he saw her like this, she couldn't help but blush as she shakes those thoughts away.

Gwain: I mustn't think of this, intruding his privacy is already bad enough.

She took off the Suit hanging it back and then starts to leave but... she sees the bill on the table, But mostly Noobe cutely staring at her. it even made a cute noise too!

Gwain: ... You saw nothing of this....


Back with the gang.

Marlow had just threatened Purple to reveal his identity using the book.

Marlow: In this book, we have all kinds of monsters... if you want it... come and get it...

She taunts.

Deva: Ugh, So annoying. Agni, please put her in her place.

He nods and walks over her. he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Agni: To the kitchen.

He looks at her menacingly but that was it last for a sec as Marlow kicks him away hard as he went crashing to a wall, unable to battle.

Marlow: Alright, if you come for me then that means you really do have to hide.

She then starts running away fast like a wind.

Deva: Heh, what would Purple have something to hide?

Purple: Eh... I really don't have something to hide But, I just wanna see what she got, Curiosity peaks over me. I'll see you guys later and also white.

White: Yeah?

Purple: You and I chase that Marlow girl.

White: Let's see who's the real Speedster in this town.

They then went after her, leaving them bewildered.

Marlow: So i was right, you really are hiding something. you took the bait, now I'll just have to take you away from here.

She then went faster, and Purple and White follows after her.

Lanney: What was that about Ami? Any ideas?

This made Ami nervous.


Marlow (Mind): Damn, They really fast. I have to keep him from getting closer, If he catches me, Im doomed.

Marlow was now running too fast as she quickly crosses a river without stopping.

She then jumps over some trees, doing some parkouring to move more faster as then she ended running upwards into the mountains.

As Purple and White Continue to Chase Marlow. White Stop and slide down as the blue beams Shotted right over them.

White: Great... Its them again. Ughhh.. Purple, you go chase her and I deal with this bastard.

A Spider-Like with A Railgun top of it it's a mechanical type and companied by 4 Shooter and 2 Melee as White Jump over them.

And Purple Continue to chase her, Marlow notices the blue beam almost shot and it her shock by it.

Marlow (Mind): What the hell? what the hell are those things? Whatever... Keep Continue to Run, this monster is almost close to me.

Purple drops drown from the sky, and continue to chase her...

Purple: Sooo.... Out of curiosity... what did you really find out about me?

Marlow: Hmph why would I tell you about that?

She then leaves him in the dust but Purple smirks and continues the cat and mouse game.

Marlow: Forget it Monster! Once the Principal Knows what you are. The Queen will learn about everything!


Both then jumps off into a large hole in the mountains as then Marlow starts Kicking Purple Surprising him.

She slams him into the wall and did more a few kicks onto him but only Purple to grabs her and slams her as well then both clashes with each other before they stick into the wall to slowing their fall.

Soon they fall into a giant chasm as there, they started running again.

But on the way, a few stalactites fall on them which Marlow took it as an advantage to lose Purple off her trail, but he only quickly dodges and some of it destroys them on the way.

Marlow: Tch! You really want to me make it easy for you, Demons like you should be buried!

She then spins dash forward as there she bounces around and made more stalactites fall off to slow him down.

Purple, noticing it jump around, flipping and destroying anything in his path as then part of the chasm collapse on him as dust clouds gathered.

Once the dust cleared away, she was gob smacked as Purple was revealed to be alright, standing there with a menacingly with purpled eye's glowing right at her.

Purple: You really try to bury me alive? think again.

This made Marlow shivers in fear as she start running away again with Purple in Pursuit.

Both of them jumps over and passes a few a bats along the way. as well as some sort of...Kind of dinosaur...ish? and both drops down into the another hole.

Uh oh... it made a *Beep-Beep!!*

Suddenly beeping was heard in the rocks, A large robot belonging to moon Tech appeared and attacks them.

Marlow: What is that thing!?

Purple: Heh... is one of Luna's Robots...

The robot then starts grinding the rocks away, and slowly pursuing them.

Marlow: It doesn't seem to stop!

Both of them stops the chasing for now as they try to escape that thing.

Could you blame Purple? he doesn't want to fight a cave like this, risking to cave in.

Marlow kept on running while Purple tries to find a way to stop the Robot but then he notices that it was charging something and seeing this he brought his portable shield that violet made for him incase when she's busy or out of combat, The Shield appeared infront of Purple.

Marlow suddenly ends up in dead end.

Marlow: Oh no... we're in trouble.

And there is a sound that made a *BZZZ!*

A blast set Purple hurdling towards her but he has the shield intact now. shielding themselves.

Purple Ugh...

The robot was now getting closer to them and was charging up another laser beam and Purple went infront of Marlow but before it could Really, Really, kill them.

A large serpent creature thing came dropping down from above, taking the robot down and saving the two.

Purple: Huh... Talk about lucky?

Marlow just dumbly nods but...

However, the Sand Serpent came back, not just targeting the robot before but now them as the ground below them. making them free fall now.

As they free falling, the Serpent was seen in the background. seemingly flying in the air it then picks them up, taking them to the mountains, Terra incognita.

Both were now hanging onto it as the Serpent kept flying around in the sky making them dizzy.

Marlow: Ugh.... make it stop! my arms are hurting and im so dizzy...

Purple Nods as he wind up his arm and


The serpent stops moving around when it felt a light punch as it look at them.

Marlow: .... Don't do that again...

Purple ignores her as he lightly punches it again.

This made the Serpent roar at them, Seemingly Annoyed.

Marlow: ...I'm blaming you all for this...

Purple: Eh!? I was having fun!


Back with the others..

They were now in a train that leads to them to Purple and Marlow Locations.

Deva: Yeah I wouldn't look at your face either.

Agni: Easy, Deva, It's not that big of deal.

White: Your Cousin is right there, Gee just calm down already.

Deva: How can you say it's not!? she hid something very important from us, I thought we were friends!

Red: Hey, Hey come on now Deva, He had his own reason that is pretty Sensitive to him..

Lanney: Y-yeah... P-Please calm down...

White notice it and it made him concerned about her. and he headpat her.

White: No need to be nervous Lanney, I sure we could talk this out... Look We respect purple Boundaries for a long time now, we don't even bother to disturb it.


Back with the Two.

Marlow: Besides, If you hadn't been hiding from me all this time, I would've turned you in Already.

Purple: EXCUSE ME!? What do you mean by that?! I wasn't hiding from you! in fact I didn't even know you!!

Marlow: Oh, quit Lying! You're sneaky one ain't ya, taking the role of a bodyguard, fooling us all, in fact if you hadn't been laying low with those kids, We wouldn't be in this mess.

Purple: Hey! Don't you go blaming this on me! it's clearly your Fault here Little missy! You're the one who went running in the mountains! I just followed you out of curiosity!

Both of them continue bickering with each other as they didn't even noticing an attack charging up from what they're standing on until it was too late...

Both of them were sent flying in the air as the Sand Serpent roars again and charges up another blast attack from its mouth and it's headed straight toward Marlow.

She grew wide eyed and closes her eyes waiting for the pain, but it didn't come.

Blue: Not on My watch.

He flies over to both of them shielding them from his wings from the attack.

She looks to see Purple had grabbed her and got shielded by Blue, as he was holding her in a bridal style.

Both Purple and Blue glared at the monster, as they bring out their signature weapons as for Blue using his wing as his weapon. slowly charging up.

The Serpent Roars at them and charges at them with it's Jaw but Purple And Blue didn't move excluding his wings.

Marlow: Um what are you doing.

Slowly it was drawing closer making Marlow more nervous.

Marlow: H-Hey! It's getting closer! Do something please!

When the Serpent was about to clobber them and both Purple and Blue was about to attack.

Gwain: Hey I've been looking for you.

Gwain Suddenly appeared holding the Serpent back.

Purple: What the?! Gwain!?

Blue: Oh hi again :D

Gwain: You missed training, that's why I'm here to pick you up and-

The Serpent Roared At them which annoyed two.


Both of them sends it flying away with Gwain punching it and Blue Smacking it hard with His wings which might cracked the Serpent's skull upon impact.

Gwain then notices Marlow clinging onto Purple, and she couldn't help but grew annoyed.

Gwain: Erm.... Who's She?

Both Purple and Marlow looks to each other as Marlow blushes and pushes him away.

All of them landed back safely with others there as well.

Gwain: Alright Somebody explain to me what's going on here?

Ami then tries to explain her what really happened, but Gwain was having trouble processing what her Mute Daughter is trying to say.

Gwain: Ok. Ami, Relax. I got it. Don't give me so much detail.

She then turns to Marlow and after a few minutes, she got gist of it.

Gwain: So... you're the one who Revealed Purple secret is that right?

Marlow: Uh... Well... I... that's right, Queen Gwain. I... Unveiled his Identity.

Both Blue, Purple and Gwain look to each other in doubt.

Gwain: Tell me what you found about him.... huh?

Marlow: Well, actually .... I saw it in this bestiary and according to my investigation, I concluded he's a...

Gwain: A Vampire.

This made everyone looks in shock except Purple Friends and Purple looks at Gwain confused which she signals him to play along.

Marlow: Huh... Exactly... A Vampire.

She looks at her showing the Vampires.

Marlow: That's right, A Vampire. With White hair. Pale skin, Strong, Stamina and unmatching speed. just like in the stories.

She then realizes something.

Marlow: Wait... Something is not adding up here.

This Made Gwain looked in Surprised.

Marlow: That's right... Not all specs match. for instance... all this time, he hasn't show any magic skill.

Gwain: he has amnesia.

This made her a Glare at purple as his expression of "Excuse me what the fu-"

Marlow: He was no fang.

Gwain: We filed them down so he won't bite.

Marlow: His eyes are not red and hypnotizing.

Gwain: That's because of the Visor.

Marlow: ...

Gwain: ...

Purple: ...

Gwain: Any other question?

Marlow was having trouble but then Deva comes in.

Deva: Yeah, why can he be under the sun

Gwain: There are vampires who glitter under the sun.

Deva: You're kidding right? that's the stupidest thing I've heard.

Purple: Ughh?! Enough already Gwain!

This caused everyone to look at him As Gwain and Ami were shocked.

Gwain (Mind): What are you doing!?

Purple: Gwain they already have their doubts now, Might as well come clean already.

Ami tries to stop him, Purple but he stops her.

Purple: Alright Marlow if that your name... I'm not Teoran like you say... im a.

Before he could finish his sentence an Wizz came right pass by him.

Purple: what the hell?

Red: uh... Purple, I think we got a company.

Yellow: Looks like someone Hired them to kill you off Purple.

Purple sense something as he looks around.

Seeing this the other were but not until something appeared, Surrounding them all.

Agni: Huh what the?!

Lanney: Who are those People?!

Blue: Looks like someone is aware... Heh...

Deva: they look like us but... I've seen them before!

Marlow: What's going on?

Gwain war shocked seeing this People that popped out of nowhere, surrounding them. it's not from Luna. but someone has hired them.

All of them surrounding them.

Purple: Looks like we gonna get messy here.

All of Are Mercs that white fought before some are Androids and some are different.


To be continued

Word count: 5100+


There an Update

Wow, only like a day's week along from the last chapter!

So this is a Fight in the next chapter but is gonna 005.5: We've got company.

All the Mercs were using Moontech but an Replica of it. The Contractor are Unkown but they pay them An hefty price tag on Purple

And Also hope you guys enjoyed this!

The Ending might be difficult as the 009 is not done yet so might we wait for it!

As well The long time to making this is hard because Irl stuff.

Might made a New Story about it. Don't know if is related to this Story or new Story.

Hope you guys Enjoyed it and Have A good day!

This is your Author MrSergey in And out, Goodbye!

Here's the Clothes that Yellow,White and Red wears

^^^ Yellow clothes

^^^ White Clothes

^^^^ Red Clothes Red is a girl sorry. ( If you said bad about it just don't see it, It's not my problem it's my only choice what their look like except the body but only for accessories and Clothes)

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In another land and universe, much like your own, there is a world called Skyé. Much like your world it has rulers, kings, tyrants, fighters, friends...
4.7K 434 29
The Goregek goblin king is dead and Enna's life is starting to settle into a comfortable rhythm. The Foxes are content and thriving and the goblins s...
67.3K 1.5K 36
Y/N is a 17 year old high school student, who unfortunately met his hilarious yet awful death, but is given a second chance at life by a beautiful g...
4.4K 34 8
In another dimension four worlds came together. Two of the world's wanted peace with others, some couldn't trust the other world's and the last one w...