
By 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 16: Noctis
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 24: Into the Inferno
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 27: The Golden Crown
Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New
Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One

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By 129cdmuller

Blackheart Village stood against the unforgiving wind and torrential rain. Despite its small size, the village was a fortress. The whipping wind pushed and shoved the residents as they moved food barrels and other supplies. However, as their thick-furred dogs whimpered, everyone turned to the source of the shrieking noise shattering the tense atmosphere.

When rumors first spread about the dead coming back, the residents built a massive wall surrounding the town, only opening the gates to allow their shipments through. The smell of rotten flesh laden the air, and the ear-shattering screeches grew close. Fearing that the Dreygur would overrun their hamlet, a group of men charged over, placing large, thick planks to hold shut the door. There was a loud crash against the other side of the gate without warning, and based on their lookouts' expressions, the Dreygur arrived and attempted to break in.

Yet, another undead creature attempted to climb underneath the gate, clawing and digging through the dirt. While a warrior lopped off its hands, another stepped forth and peered through the cracks in the wall, and instantly, a rotting hand busted through the gap, thrashing wildly. It scratched the man in the face, but he pulled back and chopped the arm off.

The guardsmen keeping watch nocked their arrows and fired; their barrage of attacks rained over the vast horde of the undead swarming towards their settlement, trying to get through their wall. However, their efforts were futile as more Dreygur crawled even further under the gate while others began clawing holes into their wooden fence.

All the warriors rushed forward to fight off the impending doom surrounding Blackheart. However, the holes grew by the second and were soon big enough for the Dreygur to break through. Flying overhead was a Nidhoggr and its rider, Arawn Branwen—when he used to walk among the living—commanding the oncoming wave of undead ransacking the settlement. It didn't take long for the Dreygur to tear the residents apart: men, women, and children alike.

After Medusa's defeat in Snowhaven, Arawn was ordered to take her role in assembling the Lich's army among the mortal realm. He had been moving from one place to the next, gathering more undead forces to prepare for the eclipse, bringing some back to Alfheim while others roamed freely across Armageddon. Once Arawn carried out Blackheart's cleansing, a group of robed zealots from the Obsidian Order emerged from the shadows, as the village was now theirs. The rider shrieked, and with the dark gift given to him from the Lich, Arawn raised his hand to reanimate the fallen corpses. Their bodies twitched, and their eyes opened, glossed over by a faint blue film. The recently deceased stood up, walked with Arawn's Dreygur army away from Blackheart, and marched for Alfheim.

Meanwhile, watching them from a distance was a group of fifty rogue Nidhoggr witnessing the entire scene. The largest weighted masked dragon hissed and growled at its saddled kin, but instead of attacking, the flight took off towards the northwest, hunting down the ones who stole one of their newly hatched whelplings.


Eyes fluttering open, Selena found herself locked up in the dark, damp, lonely prison cell aboard Captain Battleraven's ship. Barren of any furniture or cot, only a chamber pot and a pile of hay scrunched in the corners of her dilapidated quarters. Her sharp breaths stabbed through her lungs; Selena had hoped that she would never find herself locked up again, but here she was. And all for what? The captain never did say, but he was after the 'Queen of Dragons' for some reason. However, she immediately assumed Vidar was responsible for her capture, and her face burned with rage. That conniving rat is behind this. Maybe they want to collect a reward on my head.

Selena hissed and spat on her dirty floor, kicking her empty chamber pot and screaming through her teeth as she reached over and rattled her metal bars. Growing sodden, she stopped, resting her head, and slipped to her knees. I lost Thor, now Rahim and Silver. Her eyes shimmered, and her chest tightened when she recalled how she lashed out at them. It wasn't their fault, and Selena knew that. Now, she may never get the chance to apologize for her irrational behavior.

She stood up and continued pacing towards her cell door, only to realize that the pirates may have rummaged through her clothes for treasures as they did to Silver and Rahim. She traced her neckline, now devoid of her obsidian wolf necklace; her hand sunk into her pocket, and her face drained of all color when she couldn't feel Revelation. She fished through her other side and patted herself down as best as she could with one hand, but her pocket watch was missing. Selena cursed and swore, only stopping to look down the dark and damp corridors and note a shadow of a whelpling dashing across the rickety floors.

Upon noticing the small dragon's different mask as it moved closer, Selena asked herself, Why is a baby Nidhoggr onboard a pirate ship? Is he smuggling the whelplings?

It looked up at her and paused. The youngling sniffed the air, and without thinking about it, Selena reached out from her cell to pet the curious creature. Her hand almost made contact with its snout before it opened its mouth with dark Aether boiling within its tiny maw. She stepped back as the hatchling exhaled its blast over the metal bars but abruptly stopped and fled the way it came.

The bars slightly bent to her touch when she inspected the creature's handiwork, and Selena understood the whelpling was assisting in her rescue. However, heavy footsteps shaking the floorboards interrupted its mission, and from the end of the corridor emerged Captain Battleraven. Selena moved back from her cell bars, but she was not intimidated by the commander's towering shadow. Instead, her eyes remained fixed upon the massive mercenary like a dragon ready to strike.

Keeping his hands clasped behind his back, Battleraven sneered when he reached her prison. "Well, well. It is such an honor for you to grace us with your presence aboard my ship, Your Majesty."

"I'm assuming Vidar set you up to this. Where are you taking the smuggled Nidhoggr and me? What's in this for you?"

"As they are no longer under Vidar's command, we capture ferals to compete in my arena fights, as those beasts make worthwhile entertainment. However, I have different plans for you. Everything comes at a price, and believe me, I intend to collect the rest of my promised reward. No hard feelings, and nothing personal—it's just business."

"What about taking me to my family? I'm sure they would offer you more than Vidar is paying you; even Lord Godfrey of the Shadow Templars will make you a deal."

"With what gold? Your family no longer holds the throne." Captain Battleraven spat on the floor. "I don't do business with vampires. There's quite a large bounty on that lord's head that will soon belong to me. My crew and I will be set for life between you."

Selena furrowed her eyebrows, and her chest swelled. "My offer meant your life. That sounds more valuable than gold to me."

The pirate captain laughed and mocked her. "You're funny. I like that." He leaned down until his crooked nose touched the metal. "Maybe before we make port in Alfheim, my crew and I could use a little fun. Perhaps we'll all share you."

"Then I will show you Death's mercy by making sure you die first."

"That's the spirit. If you'll excuse me, I have a tournament to host. It would be rude of me to keep my guests waiting any longer. Oh boy, do they love the bloodshed." The captain spun around and made his way back down the corridor as he continued with his bellowed laughter.

Selena bit her lip until she tasted blood, unable to withstand his thirst for animal brutality and his threats of rape; she made a silent vow not to allow Battleraven to survive, no matter the cost. The world would be much better off without him and his band of brutish mercenaries.

When she was sure the pirate leader was out of sight, she reached out to the metal bars again, and her hand burst into flames—hot as dragon fire but only tickling against her skin—her magic sizzled against the steel. Her cage bent to her will as she pried it open, but a familiar voice called her before she slipped out. "I suppose you don't need us rescuing you, my dear."

Selena whipped around, her hand extinguishing the flames. "Silver!" He had his arms crossed while leaning against the cell wall, but he rushed to meet her embrace. "Thank the Divines you're here. I'm so sorry. I...." She lost her voice as she dug her face into his jacket.

If Silver was angry with her, he didn't show it. Instead, he returned her hug. "I was never angry with you."

"How did you sneak in here?"

Silver raised a brow. "Shapeshifter, remember? I turned into a beetle and hid in your cell until the time was right. You didn't think that Rahim and I wouldn't follow these barbarians, did you?"

Selena's head spun when she heard a stick rattling against the metal bars, and a wave of relief washed over her. Rahim paced back and forth outside her bent cell door and laughed when he saw her reaction. "We chased you down after the pirates left, but getting on board was rocky. Too bad for that unpleasant conversation, but it's time to go. We can deal with that oaf later."

Selena shook her head. "Not yet. Have you two seen a Nidhoggr whelpling running around the ship? It ran by here before the captain arrived."

Silver met Rahim's confused gaze. "We didn't see anything. Why would Captain Battleraven have Nidhoggr whelps?"

"To fight for the pirates' amusement."

"But that would mean its parents would try to find the imprisoned hatchlings," Rahim bit down on his nail, "I don't know about you, but I don't want to be around when those goop dragons appear."

Selena declared, "I'm not leaving here just yet. I have unfinished business to attend to."

Silver sighed as he met Rahim's terrified gaze. "My dear, Rahim is right. If they act anything like real dragons, they are very protective of their hatchlings."

"Then we will leave the sky pirates to them, but I must find our trinkets. They took Revelation." Silver's face turned pale, but Rahim was confused. "Rahim, I don't have time to explain—"

"It's in a pocket watch form." Silver winked at him. "There, now you don't need to explain any further, my dear. Damn, it feels so good to talk about it and not have that blasted curse get in the way."

Selena could still tell that he didn't fully understand, judging from Rahim's expression, but he nodded. "After what I've seen, I believe it. Escape now, explain later."

Silver and Selena slipped through the bent bars, and the three rushed down the hallway past the other countless empty prison cells. Captain Battleraven's muffled voice echoed throughout the ship, but his words were drowned out by the cheers from the fighting arena above deck. Selena's stomach stirred at the thought that another match was about to begin. Her eyes shifted from one door to the next in hopes that she would find the baby Nidhoggr, but it was nowhere to be found.

However, the trio paused their pursuit when the ceiling rumbled, and the corridor became shrouded in dust. True to Rahim's fears, the group heard a roar thundering from above the deck, and the frigate shuddered. Rahim coughed. "W-what's happening?"

Another shriek bellowed throughout the ship, and the boat began rocking back and forth. The roars sounded like dragons, but the trio suspected otherwise. The ceiling caved near where they once stood, and a torrent of black Aether blasted a hole through the heavy frigate. Silver grabbed Selena's and Rahim's arms, pulling them away from falling debris, but she yanked herself free and rushed ahead as soon as it was clear and safe.

From the opening, she saw a flight of Nidhoggr attacking the Blood Diamond, their black flames of energy scorching the ship and consuming all its path; the vessel slowly descended to the ground from the irreparable damage. Cannons fired relentlessly in retaliation, but the undead dragons were too quick and avoided the meteor volley.

Silver shoved Rahim further down the corridor and yelled for Selena to follow him, but she remained transfixed on the Nidhoggr raid. "We need to get off the ship, now."

She ignored him and hurried further down the hall with Silver and Rahim swearing and following her. Her ears stung with the cries and screams of the mercenaries above, but they could rot in Oblivion for all she cared. Silver and Rahim caught up, but she interrupted their objections and repeated her wishes to retrieve their trinkets and settle matters with the captain. "Take Rahim out of here, and I'll join you later."

The shadows shrouded Silver's look of defeat when Selena wouldn't yield. "How? You'll be stuck on the burning boat."

"You must trust me. Please." Before he could muster another protest, she continued down the corridor. The pell-mell pirates overlooked her as they rushed to the flying lifeboats tethered to the Blood Diamond; yet, the captain was nowhere to be seen.

She shot around a corner and ran into two armed pirates with swords and pistols at the ready. The vessel rattled from the ongoing attacks, and the mercenaries almost lost their footing. Selena collected her bearings and demanded, "Where did Captain Battleraven take my sword and my friends' trinkets?"

When the pirates only grunted and charged forward after regaining their balance, Selena inhaled deeply and breathed a chilling frost freezing the floorboards beneath their feet. She ran up and around the buccaneers along the walls and ceiling, reaching the other side using air magic. Ill-prepared, the two felons slipped and fell as Selena fled and vanished around a corner.

As more time passed from exploring the ship, she eventually found herself in a colossal treasure horde down on the lower deck. Her eyes shimmered over piles of gold and gems pouring from chests stacked against the walls, but her heart stopped when she saw Thor's diamond bracelets and ruby chain tossed into the assortment of jewels. Next to his jewelry were Dragonheart, Revelation, Rahim's revolver, and Silver's pocket watch thrown on top.

She snatched the firearm and Dragonheart and tied them to her belt as best as she could one-handed. After a few seconds of searching, she plucked and donned the Aynu necklaces hiding underneath the gold coins and the two timepieces to hide in her pockets. However, she couldn't help but tear up when touching Thor's jewelry; the bracelets and necklace reminded her of him so much that her chest nearly exploded.

When she heard footsteps approaching from behind, Selena linked the gold together and lanced her arm through so she could carry them out; then, she wrapped them within his gold and ruby chain. Before becoming too emotional, she caught a glimpse of the familiar and dreaded figure in the brimmed hat.

Captain Battleraven's deep-throated chuckle made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. "It's astounding how much of a nuisance you were. It was a clever trick to bring the Nidhoggr with you and attack my fleet."

"I didn't bring them, but I wish I did."

"You crazy bitch. It doesn't matter, as the only way you will leave here will be as my prisoner. I will still collect the bounty over your head after my crew and I take turns with you. Whatever is left of your body will be given to Vidar."

"I never said I was going anywhere. You and your crew will go down with your vessel."

Captain Battleraven launched for her with his pistol at the ready, but she avoided every attack he lashed out. In between his next volley of bullets, Selena shut her eyes and drew the surrounding energy. Time froze, and she again found herself standing on the aurora stage in the Divine cosmos. The spectral Divinity Dragon appeared before her, eyes glowing as it reared its head back with a thundering roar and lunged forward. However, instead of fleeing, Selena stood her ground.

All I have to do is to let go of Thor and Silver. It should be simple, right?

The celestial dragon continued with its rampage, claws and fangs ready to tear her to pieces, but she wasn't intimidated. Ulrich's words echoed through her mind, but Selena pushed his lesson away with fleeting memories of her childhood that always brought her back to Silver. All she saw was him and how he made her happy, and Selena knew she loved him from the moment he proclaimed his affections. Whenever thinking about Silver and how Ulrich wanted her to say goodbye, her love grew so strong that she couldn't contain it.

As for Thor, he stood by her side since he hatched, choosing her as his life partner. Their Aether energies had always connected them, and no Divine force could ever pry them apart; Thor was her other half, making her complete and whole. Her love for him would never leave this world, no matter what the Lich may do.

Her dragon form was almost upon her. It lifted its claws to strike her down, but Selena didn't cower. Instead, she held up her only hand. But how can I? There's absolutely no way that I can ever let them go. Every time I think about it, my heart wants to burst.

The ethereal dragon stopped its attack and landed on all fours, snarling and snaking its head down, and it sniffed her open palm.

Thor, I couldn't take it to watch your wrath and rage consume you. That's why I will never let you go. I swear I will do whatever it takes to save you and never allow the Lich ever again to hurt or threaten anyone else: this, I promise.

As the dragon's snout brushed against her hand, her eyes were like the stars swirling around them. Both she and the dragon imbued themselves in a massive amount of blue Aether magic as the infinite void surrounding the two entities vanished in their light.

Time resumed, and Captain Battleraven stood in awe and dismay at the sudden maelstrom that rapidly appeared before him, drawing in the freshly fired bullets from his pistol. The growing storm formed a sphere of light, its energy turning into a shockwave of concentric circles expanding in all directions. A single white-blue beam shot up from the orb and through the ship's ceiling, blasting skyward.

The whirling vortex diminished, and Selena stood in the burned crater that her Aether created—as a fully-realized Divinity Dragon slightly smaller than Thor with eyes sparkling brighter than the summoned light energy. Her form no longer resembled the former spectral apparition; the tips of her celestial wings brushed against the tall ceiling. In fear and panic, the captain gazed upon her ethereal wings and her turquoise gem-like scales gleaming against the sunlight, then at the deep ruby emblazoned upon her chest. With her left paw restored, Thor's diamond bracelets were upon her wrists, and his gold and ruby chain draped around her neck; wisps of blue Aether graced her spine, pluming and wafting from her body like Divine fire.

Captain Battleraven stepped back as his jaw fell to the floor. In a state of panic and alarm, he fired one shot after another. The bullets disintegrated to dust once they touched Selena's celestial shield encasing her body, protecting her from most—if not all—melee attacks. She unleashed a roar that made heaven and earth cower; Battleraven fell and recoiled from her thunder. Tilting her head back, clouds of blue Aether swirled from within her maw. As she opened her mouth, Selena released a blazing hot torrent, her Divine jet wholly incinerating the pirate leader within seconds. When her fangs snapped shut and interrupted her azure stream, she saw all that remained of Battleraven were the scorch marks of his footprints beneath a pile of ash.

Instead of escaping the burning boat, Silver and Rahim caught up to the Aether dragon and flinched, hesitant in approaching the Divine entity. When Selena and Silver locked gazes, she began speaking in their newly shared mental bond. I'm so sorry. I've been going through such a horrible time. All I want to do is to protect everyone I know and love. Ulrich kept telling me that I needed to let go of Thor and you, but instead, all his training did was remind me of how much I love you both.

She swung around and blasted another torrent of Aether, shattering the wide window behind, and emerged as her wings swept through the heavens with aurora ribbons following every flap. Selena soared high above and set forth an eruption of blue Aether, destroying one of the vessels closest to face her wrath. Nearby were the saddle-less Nidhoggr encircling what remained of the captain's fleet like a murder of crows, randomly striking down lifeboats eagerly escaping from their boiling fury.

The pirates' incompetence in dealing with the dragonkin attack led to their easy downfall. Before the brutes could prepare the surviving cannons and ballistas capable of bringing down a dragon, Selena made her pass as she held her Aether breath, and the frigates made their fiery descent as they were caught within her deadly torrent. She flew past the Nidhoggr with inhuman speed, obliterating another ship before arcing over with a second blast. Each vessel fell from the sky and met the ground with blazing destruction.

Silver changed into a dragon and carried Rahim off the Blood Diamond as the ship sank further until Selena swept by with a steady torrent, incinerating what remained of Battleraven's prized heavy frigate; the vessel, unable to withstand her fury, exploded upon contact with the ground.

Fidgeting upon his back, Rahim objected that the two needed to intervene, but Silver only shook his head. The two settled that she neither wanted nor needed assistance taking down the entire fleet—the largest pirate armada in recorded history of thirty-six ships. Yet, in alarmed amazement, they watched Selena wipe out another handful of vessels with one belch while strafing another row. The Nidhoggr were drawn to her like flies to honey, following all that she did, and soon, the flight worked on coordinated attacks; their black and blue Aether magic streams conjoined in perfect harmony and deadly display.

Yet, while they were busy distracted by the pirate slaughter, nobody paid attention to the disappearing silhouette of a dragon speeding away. Selena couldn't feel its presence beyond the dark veil donning the desperate creature.

With their onslaught finished, all that remained of the sky pirate ships burned on the ground. Selena kept aloft by the beat of her wings and eyed the Nidhoggr surrounding her as if they awaited her following command. The whelpling she saw earlier on the ship zipped by her head and made chirping noises before joining its brethren; an identical hatchling pushed its way through the row of heavy-weighted ferals to meet with its twin. They circled each other, and the undead dragons roared through their teeth, celebrating their reunion, but before leaving, the largest weighted creature locked its massive, glowing red eyes upon hers. Through a series of low growls and clicks, the Nidhoggr flight spun around and fled south, ignoring Silver and Rahim as they zoomed by.

Selena joined Silver's side and met his admiring gaze. Nothing is more powerful in this world than a Divinity Dragon. Where are they going?

I don't know. Her head swiveled outward to watch their disappearing shapes descend over the horizon, and Selena smiled when a brilliant idea came to her.

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