
By 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One
Chapter 16: Noctis
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 24: Into the Inferno
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 27: The Golden Crown
Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New
Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale

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By 129cdmuller

While Silver and Rahim discussed when the group should meet with Ulrich, Selena separated herself. She followed the weaving mountain's pathway, slithering through deep opulence, leaving Thor behind at his pavilion. Growing angry for leaving him so suddenly, Thor dashed from the marble archway to chase her down, his thoughts stinging at her like a thorn throbbing from her side. Where are you going?


Please tell me that you are coming back soon.


He didn't like her one-word answers. Growing uncomfortable, he took flight above the sea of pines to hunt her down, ignoring her careless and reckless behavior as she sought solace to mend her shattered heart; yet, her parents' abandonment reopened the wounds.

She disappeared through the thick pine lush, her steps crunching the old snow that had arrived the evening before. A shadow of a dragon shot through the heavens, and Selena guessed that Silver's sister was returning to meet with Thor; as much as she didn't want to admit it, the stinging pain of jealousy returned.

Selena hated that Thor could read her mind when she wanted solitude; he continued pestering her. Ebony and I are coming to find you.

I don't care.

Yes, you do, and besides, you owe her a duel.

Selena huffed as she leaned against a tree and looked at the sun-filled sky. This daylight may be the last time they would see the clear heavens for a while, as the gesturing winter storms would continue to worsen in the days to come. She chuckled at the fact that she couldn't be happy when the world seemed to be.

Her vision grew blurry, and pain erupted across her back once more, but it returned worse than before. Selena convulsed as she fell to her knees and vomited tremendously over the open ground before her, leaving an acrid stinking mess.

What happened?

I'm fine. Selena wiped the bile from her trembling lips, and the urge to retch made her hurl stomach acid. After a few dry heaves, she finally caught her breath, leaving her throat burning and sore.

No, you're not—you're ill. I'm coming for you now.

Please, I'll be okay. Selena forced herself to her feet, but she stumbled backwards and sat against the tree while careful not to touch her disgusting puddle of body waste. The pain eased, only to flare up again after a few seconds.

Yet, holding in her stomach contents, she stood up as she saw two dragons circling above her, the gale from their wings bending the trees. Thor dove and touched down beside her, ground quivering from his landing, with Dragonheart dangling from his claws. Through her still blurred vision, she looked upon him in admiration of his massive size and the rainbows shimmering from his ruby scales, contrasting the deep hue from his harness sapphire. His strength wasn't exaggerated, as his mass was comparable to a twenty-gun first-rate ship.

Ebony followed his example and landed beside him, her smooth onyx hide glimmering in the sunlight. She transformed to her black-suited guise after Selena retrieved Dragonheart from Thor, pulled out a vial hiding in an inside pocket, and handed it to Selena in the mid strut. Selena watched the azure liquid swish within the glass as she held it to her face; she was used to Silver's many elixirs he had offered to her, but she was ashamed not to trust his sister. "What is this?" she asked Ebony.

"I believe you're familiar with this sort of brew, though its coloration may not be the same: it's a potion of stamina restoration. Though I'm not as proficient as my brother, I've been practicing my alchemy, and I pulled this from my private selection when Thor told me you were ill. It will help you feel better."

Selena felt hopeful that the concoction could heal her completely. "Will this cure my wounds, too?"

To her dismay, Ebony shattered her expectations. "I can't do that, but I believe only Ulrich can help you. This potion will temporarily allow you to regain your strength, and I've been waiting for you to fulfill your promise." Her eyes sparkled in delight and eagerness for their upcoming battle.

Selena bit her bottom lip after giving her sword a few new swings with her mechanical hand, as she was somewhat reluctant to take the potion. Her fingers tightly wrapped around the glass. "We had a prior engagement at Mortemholdt."

"I know. Are you free now?"

"I suppose I am."

"Good. Please, drink that."

Selena spun around and faced Thor, who only dipped his head in agreement. As soon as she brought the bottle to her lips, the sweet nectar immediately soothed and calmed her convulsing muscles. Within seconds, she felt the strength of ten dragons return to her.

Unheralded, Ebony drew her curved blade and dashed forward. Selena barely had time to respond, but she held up Dragonheart and parried her attack. "I'm not sure if Silver told you, but I've traveled across the world and learned different fighting techniques. Now, I wish to learn yours."

While the two sword masters were engaged in a clash of metal, Thor remained to the side and watched them with keen interest. Selena couldn't help but notice her dragon was paying a little more attention to his mate than to her, but she kept her mind on the duel. Ebony only used one sword, but she was quick and dangerous. She was an armed wasp who showed no mercy, with a temper to match. Selena was forced to take more defensive measures; she kept dodging Ebony's flurry of blows while looking for the first opening to strike back.

Show her what you can do.

I'm trying.

I don't think you are.

Having enough of playing the defensive side, Selena found her chance. She remembered when she and Silver last dueled together after crafting Dragonheart, and without realizing it, she teleported and reappeared behind Ebony. The black dragon spun around to block her blade, but Selena grew faster, and soon, Ebony was forced to take the defensive. Yet, she was amused and couldn't help but dote on Selena's skill. "So you are a user of Aether, then."

"I'm not skilled enough to practice the art."

Ebony paused her attacks. "You just vanished. The only way you can do that is by using Aether."

"If I did, I can't freely control it yet...." Her voice grew faint as she recalled her previous experiences, such as her last duel with Silver and how she fought the guards in Mortemholdt. She had no justification for how it came to her. "I can't explain it."

"No need. That's why my brother and Ulrich will help you two." Ebony nodded to both her and Thor. "Let's continue."

Silver and Rahim eventually found the three after following the sound of clashing swords, but they didn't interrupt. Instead, they joined Thor on the sidelines and watched as the two dueling dragons remained locked in their contest for the next few hours. It felt good for Selena to channel her anger and frustrations through her sword, taking it as a nice distraction and therapy session that she needed.

Thor took note of her behavior change and chittered in approval. Are you feeling better?


When Ebony was satisfied, she withdrew her blade and stepped back. "That was insightful. Thank you for sharing this duel with me."Selena nodded. Her breaths were quick and heavy, but she didn't want to show Ebony that the clash winded her. However, she could tell that Silver's sister was also sodden, but Ebony was too prideful to admit it. Ebony slowly sheathed her weapon, the blade's thirst for battle now satiated. "My brother was true to his word. I've battled sword masters throughout history, and every one of them fell to my blade, but you're different. You and I could have an ageless battle, and neither would waver. You are, without a doubt, my greatest adversary."

Twittering in delight, Thor made his way over and dropped his head over Selena's shoulder. And that is still with your handicap.

I don't have a handicap. Selena lifted her mechanical hand to show Thor.

That's not your usual hand.

Understanding their conversation through Selena's gestures, Ebony looked at the two and nodded. "That was you at a real disadvantage, too. Take pride, and keep honing your skills. The world will need them." She turned around to face Silver and Rahim. "Thank you for your hospitality, but it's time for me to leave before my presence becomes too much of a hindrance." Tight-lipped, Silver didn't offer any response; Selena and Rahim shared an awkward glance as the two felt the tension rise between the siblings. "Take care of her, brother. When all of you reach Dark Blood Hold, I will make sure to send a falcon."

Expressionless, Silver nodded. "We will look forward to it." Despite the silent unchecked hostilities, Silver and Ebony continued to remain civil.

As Ebony resumed her dragon form, she made her way to Thor, and the two dragons nuzzled each other before she took to the skies. Thor, however, remained looking heavenward with a loving gaze. Dismissing the pit of jealousy that brewed within her, Selena reached over and stroked his neck. She will come back to you.

I know. Still, Thor wouldn't tear his stare away.

I thought dragons took on many mates.

We do, but

You love her.

I think I do.

Silver's demeanor brightened once his sister vanished beyond the horizon, and he clapped for Selena's performance. "You were amazing, as always." He looked back at Rahim, who gave Selena a thumb's up in approval. "And she was supposed to be the best sword's master the world had ever seen, but you were on par to her sixteen-thousand-years of skill."

"I couldn't imagine," Rahim began, "but she stands no chance in defeating a Divinity Dragon."

Selena laughed, but her chest and back hurt too much. If time weren't of the essence, she would allow herself to collapse right then and there to sleep for days on end. However, she held her stance, and when Silver noticed her discomfort, he said, "As promised, I will lead you three to Ulrich. Are you ready to meet the mad god who tried to kill you?"

After the trio removed their guard disguises and donned their usual attire, they rode with Thor to the very top of the mountain in wariness of the thickening and violent plumes of clouds protecting the summit. Selena and Silver manipulated the air around them, creating a bubble shielding Thor, allowing them to fly through the vehement weather safely. Her back pain slowly returned during their journey, and Selena did her best to endure it. It wasn't easy, but she remained focused on the task and what awaited them within Ulrich's fortress.

That potion Ebony gave you seems to be wearing off. Will you be all right?

I have to be.

That's not what I'm asking. We don't have to do this right now if you aren't.

Selena caught herself too trusting of Ulrich, now doubting if she genuinely was ready to face what was needed to help her overcome her pain. Yet, Thor's unstable power was what she feared the most. As Ulrich's lair grew closer, her concern for Thor's uncertain future weighed upon her like a crushing boulder, but she didn't dare share her fears with her dragon. Upsetting him was what Selena hoped to avoid.

The clouds dispersed as soon as the group reached the mountain peak. Silver and Selena halted their casting as Thor balanced himself upon the icy fortress. His claws clicked against the slippery slope, but he dug his nails deep into snow and stone and pulled himself forward.

Ulrich's lair was a harsh winter tundra; his crystallized cave was large enough to house ten dragons the size of Thor—his eyes dazzled in a gleam from seeing the treasured cave. The Divine's fortress was made of turquoise ice formations glimmering in the light. Upon further admiration, Selena noticed how the diamond christened glaze was caused by the waterfalls that froze unevenly across the surface. From what Silver explained, Ulrich used magic to force the blocks to be pushed up onto the surface of the frozen falls, thus creating his gem-like lair.

As Selena and her group dismounted from Thor's saddle, Rahim took a peep inside but withdrew himself and shivered. "You three go first." Thor went ahead of the others. Despite Silver's assurance, she and Rahim remained on high alert. After all, they were going to meet one of the Divines.

Selena's eyes were drawn to the countless scrolls and books stacked upon the stone shelves gracing the walls as they entered. "I see where you draw inspiration from, Silver."

"I think it's the other way around. Ulrich borrowed some of my books." Silver took it upon himself to dig through Ulrich's collection and began pulling out titles he recognized as his.

"Well, yes, but only a few books, Silver." Selena and Rahim looked at each other as neither one of them spoke. Silver didn't seem bothered by the unfamiliar voice, and instead, he waved his hand to dismiss that earlier comment.

The great Emerald Dragon himself came from the other side of the cave, the gems from his fortress making his scales sparkle and gleam. Ulrich kept his wings half furled against his sides with every heavy step he made; the leaf-green leather-textured membrane chipped along the edges due to age and battle were dabbed in specs of yellow, orange, and blue. The dazzling crystals reflected upon his wings, making them look like stained glass. Selena couldn't help but admire the resemblance between him and Thor: their crown-shaped horns, but she shared Ulrich's emerald eyes. The now-sane Divine approached the four and bowed his head in greeting.

Selena and her friends returned the gesture, unsure how to address the mad god. "Ulrich, it's good to meet you under better circumstances."

Unlike Thor and how other dragons communicated, Ulrich verbally spoke. He had a calm and deep voice that was very easy on the ears, like auditory honey. "Yes, it is I, Liongod. After my mind cleared, I've been waiting here for you and Thor."

Thor lowered his head. It's an honor to meet you, Divine One.

Rahim emerged from the shadows and attempted to conquer his fear. "I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long after you, well, you know, destroyed Rhumbek."

Ulrich sat down and flickered his massive tail. "I cannot help that. Every era, I lose my mind and control over my powers. I try to fight it, and each time, I fail. There is no stopping Rhumbek's dark fate."

"How can we still remember when the rest of the world doesn't?" Selena asked.

The great dragon's emerald eyes shimmered as he blinked. "Because I allowed it so. When I saw you and Thor there, I had a brief moment of clarity, and I willed it for you and your friends to remember in hopes that it would help end my curse. However, I couldn't fight it off for long, and I became insane again after my short interval of sanity."

"I couldn't imagine such a fate." Selena spun around and placed a hand on Thor's shoulder. What do you think? Are you ready for this?

I've been ready.

Ulrich read their thoughts. "We shall see, Young Ones."

Selena's head whipped around. "Wait a minute. Can you understand Thor?"

"Of course, I can. As one of the Divines, I can understand all creatures and mortals. I commune with all living and non-living things." He arched his neck and stared directly into Thor's eyes. "You have grown, Divine One." Gleaming in delight, Thor adjusted his shoulders and straightened out his neck more as he puffed out his chest.

Selena smiled. "How big do dragons get? Thor is still young, but he's larger than any dragon I've seen."

"We never stop growing, Young One. You should have met the Ancient Ones. The mighty dragons from the Mythic Flight attained that status before entering Niflheim, growing as big as mountains and able to hold their breaths for hours. When it was time, the ancient souls joined the Aether streams that help sustain life. We eventually lost the need to hunt for sustenance and soon evolved to where the Aether energies preserved us. We are all part of this great cycle, and one day, you will reach enlightenment, Divine One."

I would have loved to meet the Ancient Dragons.

As would I.

"The Ancient Ones have never left us. We are all part of each other." Ulrich bowed his head. "Liongod, once you gain control of your powers, you will be as much of a dragon as Thor and I, and we are the most powerful creatures known to exist. No magic or artificial ward can stop us or our breath abilities as we are the ultimate form of magic—magic comes from us dragons, and mortals learned how to harness the elements upon watching us. Our energy runs through your veins, and you are a dragon through mind, body, and soul. Please, allow me to examine you two." Ulrich's eyes locked on Thor's, the two dragons locked in an unblinking battle. All communication with Thor was severed for a few seconds, but before Selena could argue, Ulrich broke away and swiveled his head to challenge her unbroken will.

Her shoulders trembled as the Emerald Dragon sniffed her hair and face, but what terrified her more was the sudden absence of sound proceeding his judgment. Over the agonizing growing seconds, she heard her heartbeat pounding against her chest as if it wanted to escape, and the ringing within her ears grew deafening. She listened to her bones grinding against each other with any slight movement she made. Then, after Ulrich pulled away from his unyielding stare, Selena's senses finally returned, and she could breathe in sweet relief.

Without warning, Ulrich swung his massive body and marched directly over to Silver before Selena or Thor could ask what happened. "I've warned you, demigod, that I feared it was too late." Silver, however, only shrugged and ignored the bombardment of questions the group fired at him. Unsatisfied, the Divine hissed through his clamped fangs and swished his tail, crashing against the crystals growing from the ground; even Thor took a step back to avoid Ulrich's strikes.

"What do you mean by too late?" Selena asked.

The Divine entity unfolded his wings and let out a long groan in despair before shooting another smoldering glare at Silver for lying to him about the severity of Selena's and Thor's situation. After Silver did his best to explain his actions to save the pair, no matter the cost, Ulrich's chest swelled, and he dug his nails into the dirt. "Your wounds are too far gone, Young One, and Thor, your mind has become tainted. I can no longer help you two."

A meteor could have struck Selena, and she would still have felt the same; Ulrich's devastating blow almost knocked her down as she panicked and immediately looked over to Thor, who snarled and unfurled his wings to retaliate against Ulrich's lies.

When Selena couldn't bring herself to ask, Thor challenged the Divine on her behalf: You're a god, aren't you? You should have the power, for I will not lose her again.

"I would if it were not for the Day of Eternal Darkness." Ulrich sounded offended, his voice reaching a roar, but his shoulders and wings relaxed with every deep breath he took. When Thor still didn't back down, the Emerald Dragon continued explaining, "Every day that passes, I grow weaker. Even if I was at my full strength, purifying dark energy is not easy, and cleansing a Divine entity is nearly impossible." Ulrich arched his neck over Thor and barely nudged his snout against the crimson hide. "You must take care if you don't want to repeat your mistakes from Snowhaven, Divine One."

Selena's glistening eyes laid upon Thor, her expression nearly begging for an explanation of what Ulrich meant. Was he too far gone to be saved? What happened to you in Snowhaven? What did you do?

Thor hung his head in shame and swung his body away. I....

"Snowhaven is now nothing but a rubble of ice and stone." Ulrich snarled as he flickered his tail.

Thor roared through his clamped fangs and swiped at a nearby crystal growing from the ground after Rahim dashed away from the rampaging dragon, shattering the gem with his sharpened claws. Selena recalled his threats of destroying a city if harm were to befall her, but she never imagined he would do it; her heart sank to her feet as she reached out to touch him, but Thor recoiled further.

You never told me that you destroyed the capital. Selena turned to Silver and Rahim, who were both twiddling their thumbs. "Neither of you thought to mention what happened to the city?" Rahim bit his tongue, but he didn't have a proper response.

Silver turned pale, and his lips shuddered. "You've been dealt with handling such a heavy burden. You shouldn't have to worry about whether you would lose Thor, too."

Thor's low growls turned to deep rumbles as he snaked his head around to meet her teary gaze. I was angry with myself. I'm so sorry.

While Thor and Selena attempted to reconcile with what had happened, Silver cleared his throat and approached the snarling Ulrich with extreme caution. The Divine's eyes turned to slits and lifted his lips to reveal his serrated fangs, but Silver clapped his hands once and said with a cracked voice, "I understand that I wasn't entirely truthful," but the green dragon interrupted him with a sharp growl. Silver clicked his tongue against his teeth but continued, "But please, is there anything you can do to help them? If anyone can, it's you."

Seemingly appeased by his slight groveling, Ulrich straightened his neck and shoulders but said, "Selena and Thor may be too far from being saved."

"We won't know unless we try."

The Emerald Dragon dipped his head and twirled around; Selena and Thor paused in the middle of making their amends and watched the Divine with pleading expressions.

The Divine snorted as he raised his wings over his head, the tips brushing and bending against the ceiling of his lair. "I cannot guarantee your success, but if you are to withstand my training, Divine Ones, you will need to face your anger and let it go. As I see it, the only possible way to cleanse the dark Aether that now corrupts you both is for you two to unleash your powers. I may not purify you two, but I can at least show you how and the rest will be up to you." Ulrich stepped forward and lowered his head to make eye contact with Selena, addressing her directly. "I know that Silver passed on Revelation's secrets to you, but you're still far from ready to face the Dark Master." Ulrich reclined his neck back and inched his snout close to Thor's. "I'm still unsure about your success, Divine One, but...." The dragon's voice trailed off as he sighed. "I believe Silver is correct, and right now, it's the only chance we have if we are to face the Dark Master."

They were interrupted when Rahim mumbled under his breath. When he looked up and saw that Ulrich was snaking his head towards him, he screamed and tripped over his feet, but the Divine remained undeterred by his fear; Ulrich stopped and sniffed the top of Rahim's head with no regard to his apprehension. "I know that you're burning with questions, Little One. What were you trying to ask?"

Rahim relaxed his shoulders and straightened up, eyes darting over to Selena. "Before you start training Selena and Thor, I wondered if you knew what happened to my father." He hung his head. "I thought we saw and fought him before, but I didn't believe it was him."

Ulrich backed away and turned around to face a stone basin filled with crystal clear water on the other end of his cave; many colored gemstones jutted from the edges, the calm and undisturbed pool serving as Ulrich's looking glass. "I'm sorry, young Rahim, but I'm afraid your worst fears have been realized. His is a dark tale."

"I still don't believe that. Please, tell me that my father didn't become one of those things. I want to know what happened to him and what will become of him." Selena bit her lip when Rahim wouldn't accept that his father was now one of the Dreygur. She wasn't sure if Ulrich confirming it would make breaking the news any better.

The Emerald Dragon sighed and hung his head in defeat when Rahim wouldn't back down. "Very well, but I can't tell the future—just mere glimpses. The future is hard to predict. As you all know, the outcome can change based on your choices." He made his way to the bowl and gestured with his claws for the others to follow him. Silver was the last to join, but he had a few scrolls stuffed away in his jacket. "Will you please put those away? You know that they belong to me." Silver muttered inappropriate comments under his breath, but he did as Ulrich asked.

Thor approached and sniffed the azure water, his snout barely dipping its surface. What is this?

"This allows me to see visions and the thoughts and memories of others, Divine One. It can also help me see what's happening in different parts of the world. It takes time and patience, reflection and focus."

Rahim squinted his eyes at the dragon god and held his hands to his head. "Okay then. What am I thinking now? What about now?"

Selena elbowed him. "Rahim, stop it."

Ulrich's nostrils flared, but he ignored them and stood in front of the pool. The azure waters swirled towards the center, and a figure of a strange man began to appear on the surface. "Wait, something is coming into focus." The four leaned forward to see the Divine's vision. "I can't see where your father has gone, young Rahim, but all I see is the darkness surrounding him." The image faded, and the silhouette of the Lich appeared riding a dragon in front of his massive Dreygur army.

"What does that mean?" Selena swallowed hard, but she didn't want to state the obvious if Rahim were to lash out. She did her best to pretend like their previous meeting with the Nidhoggr rider didn't happen.

"If it is what I believe it is, it seems as though Rahim's father swore himself to the Lich and is now part of the Obsidian Order as a Dreygur with powers over necromancy."

Rahim's eyes shimmered when he realized that what he feared was, in fact, reality. "No...."

Ulrich inched his head closer to the water. "You must understand, Young One. After leaving you and your mother, he was taken by the Lich and his followers. He was poisoned and corrupted and has spent the most recent years in darkness. He now knows no other way and was made to do the Dark Master's bidding."

Rahim backed away from the vision pool and held his hands to his mouth to keep from making a sound. "No, I don't believe in that. Why would he join them? THEM!"

Ulrich's voice filled with deep sorrow. "Your father didn't have a choice. No one can resist the dark magic."

Rahim couldn't hold back his tears. "Just like they did to Niamh. Is there no hope for her, either?"

"I fear the worst for her."

Rahim's jaw trembled, and he stumbled backwards as if Ulrich had swiped at him. His breathing became harsh and quick, and his eyes flooded over. Selena rushed over to hold him and let him weep over her shoulder, but instead, he pushed her away and wiped his tears with his sleeve. "No, I don't believe in any of that."

Selena sucked in her cheeks. "There must be hope for both, right?" Rahim sniffed but nodded. "Then we can still try, no matter what." She turned to face Ulrich. "What about Azrael?"

"I'm afraid for my brother."

Selena and Thor exchanged surprised glances while Rahim lifted his head halfway; Silver, meanwhile, remained unfazed, and she assumed he probably knew. "Your brother? Then you, Xyaxon, Azrael, and Artio are siblings."

"Indeed, we are."

Rahim pointed at Ulrich. "Who is Artio? I thought there were only three gods."

"Our sister watches over those in the Hinterlands. That is her domain."

"I met her once," Selena began and twirled her wolf necklace in her fingers, "when the Aynu accepted us into their pack."

Rahim raised a brow when he looked down at his fox pendant. "How did you meet her?"

When she realized that Rahim shot her an angry and questioning glance and Thor was tapping his claws against the stone in irritation for keeping a secret from him, Selena stumbled through her story: "It was after the ceremony. Time froze for a moment, and I heard her voice. I asked Azrael about it, and he told me she was his sister, but I had no idea that Xyaxon and Ulrich were his brothers."

"It sounds like all of you went on loads of adventures during your trip to Snowhaven." Silver smirked.

After Rahim was satisfied with the answer, he, Selena, and Silver shared a few hearty laughs, but Thor was not amused. Instead, he snarled. You've been keeping secrets from me, too.

Selena kept her response cold. It's not as bad as you not telling me about Snowhaven.

Eyes turning to slits, Thor growled, and his head spun away. Selena, still feeling betrayed, ignored him. She reached into her pocket and twirled the watch that hid Revelation's true nature in her fingers. "Is there anything that we can do to save Azrael and Niamh? You say that you fear the worst, but we have to do something."

Ulrich's tail swished over to his other side. "I can't stop you from doing anything. However, if there is a chance against the Lich and his army, you will need to learn much more. Now, come with me. I have something for you two."

Before following the Divine dragon, Selena took one last peek into Ulrich's pool of visions, as the previous image still rippled across the water. The dragon seemed oddly familiar; a stone dropped in her stomach when looking at Thor.


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