We Take The Risk No-one else...

By Dredagoat03

3.6K 154 125

Living their ordinary highschool lives as students. Six students suddenly have to survive in a world where an... More

The Undead Rises
Finding Each Other & Making A Plan
The Big Escape
Seperation Leads to Desolation
Survival of The Fittest
The Safe House
The Choices We Make With The Dead
Armed to The Teeth
Love Blossoms Over Blood
Working Against The Dead
The Takagi Estate
Another Hard Earned Days Work
Revelations of The Dead
Trouble in Paradise
Side Short: Zompedia 101
Updated Info
Updated Group Info
The Mall

The Night Before The Storm: The Apocalyspe

87 6 4
By Dredagoat03

(A/N: This chapter contains strong language, blood and gore depictions, and violent actions. I hope you enjoy the story with interest and a great idea of the chapter. Feel free to comment what you think and what you like about the story. If you feel that there are somethings wrong with it, please let me know. Don't forget to vote the story and recommend if you can. I hope you all enjoy it.)

In space, two astronauts that were aboard a space station above the planet received a signal from down below. Sitting in the front seat the male astronaut looked forward with a look of distress.

Male Astronaut: I can't believe it. They actually did it. And it's not just America, Russia also is firing.

He states, as behind him the female astronaut is causally floating in the air due to the zero-gravity affect over them. Twirling around she pushed away her blonde hair to look towards the man with her blue eyes.

Female Astronaut: Russia? I didn't think they'd have the balls.

Male Astronaut: Yeah, they're just blindly keeping pace with the American military. Even going as far as using multi-warhead missiles.

He told her looking down at the screen before him that showed each missile being fired into the stratosphere.

Male Astronaut: And they aren't just firing a few either, China and North Korea's military bases are going to be completely wiped out!

Female Astronaut: First the living dead, and now nuclear attacks. If this was a Hollywood script, it would've been shot down.

Male Astronaut: But it's not over yet...

He said looking at the screen as only one showed that it was still active. A red dot blinking in and out as it was still responsive.

Male Astronaut: China's...still alive. They've fired several nuclear missiles.

He said as the woman looked out of the window of the space station to see the missiles being launched from China flying into the air. A trail of smoke following behind the rockets as they were launched into the air.

While this was happening more nuclear rockets were shot into sky after the first one was shot. In the ocean another warship was passing through the vast waters of the Kongou, Sea of Japan. Inside they men inside of the warship were tracking the missiles that had been fired into the atmosphere.

Captain: We've received our targets. Positions have been confirmed for the four delta foxtroit 21 M.R.B.M's that were fired before the trident missile's direct hit at the military base of Tong Fa in the province of Kichirin. Even when the world is full of these monster's...switching to automatic mode!

He commands as he looks towards the pilot's steering the warship.

Captain: Begin long-range missile defense!

He ordered.

Soldier: Commence fire.

Captain: Fire!

With that two rockets were fired to catch up after the missiles that had been fired.

Soldier: Ten seconds until intercepts.

He reported as he looked on the scanner to see that there were other rockets launched from other warships across the world to hit the nuclear rockets that were fired into the sky.

Soldier: 9..8..7..6..5..4..stand by.

He counted down. On the radar it showed that one of the missiles had taken out one of the rockets. The other rockets soon began to be taken out as well.

Soldier: Our S.M.-3 has shot down the target Alpha! Kirishima and the U.S. Shiloh have also shot down Bravo and Charlie as well.

He said as the captain walked over to the station to look at the scanners. Seeing that what his junior enlistee was true, he saw that there was still one more left.

Captain: There's still one more left.

Soldier: That's dedicated for the target Curtis Wilbur.

Captain: What?! What in the world is going on over there?

He questioned.

Within the warship known as 'Curtis Wilbur', it was a scene of horror unimaginable. All of the soldiers and even the captain were dead. Blood splattered across the walls and floor as the sounds of flesh being chewed and rip off echoed in the narrow halls of the ship. Aboard one of them had been exposed to the virus in which led to them turning and infecting the rest of the ship, ensuing chaos amongst them.

But because of this there was no-one alive to shoot down the designated nuclear missile heading above the clouds.

Back in space, the astronauts watched from their scanner as most of the nuclear missiles had been taken out.

Male Astronaut: One missile left.

He said.

Female Astronaut: Where is it headed?

She asked as she floated back over to the man and checked the scanners.

Female Astronaut: Wait a minute could it be the states?

Male Astronaut: Wait, hold on.

A look of shock and pure horror overtook his face as they both looked out to the world. A large explosion happening above the clouds that pushed them away. Signaling a fate that was worse to happen, to come.

Moments Before


Suddenly the sound of glass breaking caught their attention as they looked up to see two people fallout from the house. Crashing down to the ground, everyone looked to see Izuku standing on top of Dr. Hiroshima as they were both drenched by the rain.

Souichiro: What is going on?

He questioned as all of the men stood around Izuku as his hair overshadowed his eyes.

Izuku: Tell them.

He said as the clouds roared above them as Izuku glared at the doctor. With all eyes on him, Dr. Hiroshima could only laugh as blood leaked from his mouth and nose.

Dr. Hiroshima: Haha-HAHAHAHA!

He laughed.

Takashi: Midoriya?

Takagi: Izuku?

The two called out to him as Izuku glared at the mad doctor as he continued laughing. His fist clenched in anger as he slowly turned to look over his shoulders towards the group.

His expression one mix with anger and shock spoke volumes yet no sound could be heard from beside the wet droplets of rain pouring down from above.

Izuku: The virus. He did it. He created the virus.

He said.


{Takagi Estate}
Z-Day 6, 16:34 p.m.

In the basement below the house, Dr. Hiroshima Sato was tied to a steel chair with his hand tied and cuffed behind the chair with his legs roped around the legs.

In the room with him were four other men who took turns punching the mad doctor.


Hiroshima: HNGH!

He groaned after being punched across the face.


Hiroshima: Ha!

He groaned after being punched in the gut.


Hiroshima: OOF!

He coughed out, as blood flew from his mouth and to the floor.


Hiroshima: AGH!

He grunted coughing out air and blood as his hair hung down in front of his eyes.

Souichiro: Enough.

He spoke.

The men stopped with the beating as they turned to the entrance of the room to see Souichiro and Izuku walking into the room. Sensing their presence Dr. Hiroshima looked up towards the two with a crooked weak smile.

Hiroshima: Mr. Midoriya, Don Souichiro. You both made it just in time.

Souichiro: Silence, fiend.


With a strong backhand slap, Souichiro coughed out a tooth as blood splattered on the floor. Slowly Hiroshima looked back up to him as he stared at him with his weak green eyes.

Souichiro: Speak, did you create the virus that has taken the lives of many and caused them to rise back from the dead?

Hiroshima: If I was to answer and give you the remedy to your question, would it do any good. The lives of the many are all gone. But it was all for a good cost.

He says raspily.

Hiroshima: The 'Omega' virus is a wonderous gift for humanity. To wreak it of its poison and better the world into something more. One in which our species would never understand, but I have the power to prove that. The virus will serve as a gift for all of humanity. To improve ourselves and transform us into something more, something better. *Spit*

He said as he spit some blood to the floor mere inches away from Souichiro's feet as he stared in disgust at the mad scientist.

Souichiro: Foolish men like you are who I despise the most. Tell me Midoriya, what do you think we should do with him?

He asked him.

As Izuku looked at the man, he held nothing but a look of disgust and harbored nothing but anger for what he had done. The many lives that were taken because of his mass genocide attempt of a fix to cure the world. The chaos he created. The destruction that was caused by it.

Balling his fist, Izuku stepped forward before swinging with his left hand punching him across the face. The sound of bone cracking left an uneasy sound in the room as the doctor fell to the floor with the chair, stunned by the blow as Izuku held his fist back and stared at him.

Izuku: That was for Eri. You better hope and pray that my mother hasn't suffered the same fate as the rest or otherwise I'll finish what I started. Whether you are a human or not, for all its worth...you're a monster as far as I can see it. But your still worth being kept alive. You're the only one who knows of a cure to stop this disaster.

He said as Hiroshima slowly looked up to Izuku.

Souichiro: Then it is as you've decided. I should still have a contact with the military, I'm sure there is someone who would be able to answer the call for help.

He told him as Izuku nodded and left the room leaving behind Souichiro who stood infront of the beaten Hiroshima as he was sat back up by two men.

Hiroshima: Now that the kid is away...what is that the grown-up wishes to speak to me about? You don't stick around unless its something dire.

Souichiro: You speak of much knowledge for a man who created such a dangerous bioweapon that has not only left our country in shambles, but others as well to suffer. If what Midoriya has spoken is true then you are the only one possible of creating a cure, but before I let you out to work you will do for me two things.

He says as he raised his fist to his hand and popped his knuckles.

Souichiro: One you will tell me how you will create such a cure and share with me your findings before you do so.

Hiroshima: And if I refuse?

Souichiro: You won't refuse for this is not a request. You will do as I tell you as your life merely hang in the palms of my hands for the moment being. And two, you will know the pain I felt for the life of my friend that you have taken from me.

He said.

Seeing this Hiroshima smiled as Souichiro raised his fist and begins to punch him.

After leaving out of the room, Izuku headed back to where the others were as they stood in a room. Opening the door, he saw Dr. Lee was checking on Eri who was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia.

Dr. Lee: She should be fine now. She's still a bit tired but I recommend that she rest for the rest of the day.

Shizuka: We will make sure she does. Thank-you for checking on her.

Dr. Lee: No problem.

He says as he then closes his med-kit and stands up from the floor. Turning around his sights land on Izuku as he smiled.

Dr. Lee: Midoriya, how are things?

Izuku: Fine, just a tad bit confusing. But if you don't mind, I think I want to talk to the group for a minute.

Dr. Lee: Oh sure. I was just checking on your sister for you all.

He said as he left towards the door but stopped.

Dr. Lee: Oh, I've been meaning to ask how has your arm been feeling?

Izuku: I'm getting adjusted to it. Slowly.

He told him as Dr. Lee nodded and left out of the room, closing the door behind him.

With that the group was left in the room altogether as Izuku was the center of attention. The room sat with a long sense of empty quietness ass just the wind blowing against the windows were the only sound that could be heard in the room.

Takashi: So, Midoriya, what's going on?

He asked, breaking the silence in the room.

Izuku: Well like I said earlier Dr. Hiroshima is the one behind the virus.

Takashi: Yeah, I'm still trying to get that wrapped around my head. If he's the one behind the virus, why did he create it? What did he intend on doing with it?

Izuku: I don't know what that bastard intended on doing with it. The only thing I can remember him saying him creating it for was so that it could 'better' the human race.

Rei: What?! That's insane.

She voiced out quickly against the idea of a virus being intended on bettering the human race after all the chaos it had caused.

Kohta: Yeah, I'd have to agree with Miyamoto on that one.

Takagi: Of course, fatty. Any sensible person with a mind would understand that a bioweapon with the possible use of bettering a species would cause cataclysmic damage. 

She says pushing her glasses up before they could fall off her face.

Alice: Bioweapon? Ms. Shizuka what's a bioweapon?

Shizuka: It's nothing you need to worry about right now.

She told her as she rubbed her hair, reassuring the little girl. Other while Eri sat on the bed as she rubbed her hands together nervous about the horn on her head and the sight of seeing the tormentor of her nightmares being here once again. Finally growing to the thought that she was finally rid of him, but now he's back stirring up the bad feelings and thoughts she tried to bury deep inside of her own subconscious.

Looking over to his sister, Izuku saw how Eri was rubbing her hands together nervously as he walked over to her. Kneeling down he faced his sister who hadn't even noticed he was infront of her.

Izuku: Hey, Eri.

Bringing his hands up he tried to grab her hands only for her to flinch and jump back.

Eri: Get away!

She shouted.

Eri: Get back! Don't touch me!

Her shouting caught the others off-guard as they didn't expect her to act like this. All but Izuku understood what was going on.

Shizuka: Eri, what's wrong?

Alice: Eri?

The two tried to reach for her only for Eri to back away to the corner of the bed by the wall. Holding herself with her arms to protect herself from them.

Takashi: Dude what's wrong with her?

Izuku: She's scared.

He said as he got up.

Kohta: Scared of what?

He asked as Saeko looked towards Izuku wondering what else would she had been scared of, but slowly she begin to conclude what it was. She remembered how Eri was mere moments laughing and smiling around them, that was all until she had awoken from the clutches of Dr. Hiroshima. Then she remembered how every time they spoke his name Eri would flinch just at the mere mention.

Saeko: It's the doctor isn't it?

She says as Eri seemingly froze in shock as her breathe hitched. Izuku looked back at Saeko as he sighed.

Izuku: Dr. Hiroshima is actually, Dr. Hiroshima Sato. Eri Sato's father.

He said.

Takashi: Sato? You mean your sisters last name is actually Sato instead of Midoriya?

Kohta: Then that means..

Izuku: Yeah, she's Hiroshima daughter. Eri Sato is the daughter of Hiroshima Sato, the man who created the outbreak virus.

He revealed to the group as they now looked back at the scared and frightened Eri in shock who slowly started crying. Crawling onto the bed, Izuku went over to his sister approaching her slowly as Eri jumped a bit.

Izuku: It's me, Eri. It's me.

He said in a comfortable tone as he reached his hand for her shoulder as she slowly looked over to her brother before jumping in his arms. Izuku looked down at Eri for a moment before he hugged her wrapping his arms around him as Eri started to cry.

Eri: Please, please don't let him take me again. Don't let him hurt me again. *Sniff* I don't want to be a subject anymore. I don't want to be tested again.

She said as the group was now even more confused by what was going on, and what really happened between them.

Rei: Midoriya, what does she mean being tested on again?

She asked, a look of horror in her eyes as her mind could only imagine what she meant.

Izuku: Her father, h-he didn't just create a bioweapon to release out into the world first.

He said, trying to stomach what he was about to say to them as he held his sister in his arms. Painfully remembering the exact words he heard moments before from the mad doctor.

Izuku: When he finished the virus, he needed something to test it on to see if it would work. So, he tested it on several other people, living people. And one of them was Eri.

Takashi: What?!

Rei: No, no, are you saying?

Izuku: Yeah. He tested the virus on her. He experimented with her.

He revealed the shocking news to the group as they could only collect the horrible information that was just given to them. A little girl, no more than the age of seven had been experimented on by her own father, her own flesh and blood.

Saeko: Her own father did this to her. Is that also the cause for why she had grew the horn?

She asked.

Izuku: Likely probable because of a mutation. She had the virus in her since she was first born. Her body probably just bonded with it in some kind of way. I don't know.

Takagi: Then if he knew she had the virus inside of her then what has he been doing this entire time? Why has he been acting as if he was treating her?

Izuku: He's been experimenting with her blood. Trying to find something like a cure.

Takagi: Then maybe he probably did. If he's been in that room all this time experimenting with her blood he might've likely created a cure for the virus.

Kohta: You think he made one?

He questioned.

Takagi: He's the creator of said bioweapon so I don't see how he shouldn't have. Every scientist who works in a field with bacteria phage always have to work on an antidote first to the virus in worse case scenario's like this, they can use a chemical agent that is capable of fighting off the infection. That's standard first procedure.

She explains as Izuku looks up to her.

Izuku: You might be right. We have to go back to his room and check for anything that might be in there.

Yuriko: Maybe I can help.

She says standing in the doorway getting their attention.

Takagi: Momma?

Yuriko: I'll have someone go and check in his lab for anything that might be of help. If we find anything I'll report back to you what we find, but for the meantime why don't you all go outside. The rain has stopped pouring down, and the air is quite blissful. Being inside like a time like this is nerve wrecking.

She tells them before walking away leaving the group to sit in the room for a moment, thinking over what she had said.

Later, the group had found themselves standing outside. Looking out towards the back view of behind the house they saw the sun setting behind the clouds in the sky. Casting a golden dance of light and rays of solar energy through the sky. The water below reflected that light like little stars dancing atop of the water.

Standing there, Izuku took in a deep breath as he exhaled that breath. Feeling the wind blow against his skin as his hair waved in the opposite direction it blew from.

Izuku: You feel that Eri? Even though we maybe in a tough situation right now we still have the one thing that makes us happy and alive.

He says as Eri looks up to him.

Eri: And what's that?

She asked. Izuku looked down at his sister with a smile.

Izuku: Each other.

He said as Eri looked at him for a moment before looking back out to the view.

Shizuka: Haha! Ahh, yes I did it. Now I remember.

She shouts jumping for joy out of the blue. Turning their attention towards her the group faces Shizuka questioning why she was so excited all of a sudden.

Alice: What's the matter with her?

She questions only to be grabbed and pulled into a hug by the excited woman.

Shizuka: I just remembered. I just remembered my friend's phone number.

Rei: You mean the one with all of the guns and the Humvee?

Shizuka: Uh-huh. She's in the SAT, the Special Assault Team. She must be still alive. Ooh! More importantly give me the phone.

Izuku: Phone?

Shizuka: Yes, it doesn't matter just give me.

She said as Takashi reached for his phone and gave it to her.

Takashi: Here mine just reached a hundred percent.

Shizuka: Great. Now let's see. There's the 1, there's the 2, and the 3 and the 4.

She said as she started pressing the number keys on the phone as if it was her first time using a phone, which didn't go unnoticed by the group.

Izuku: Uh, Shizuka you think you'll need some help?

Shizuka: You're going to mess me up, so don't interrupt me. Kay.

She says as he sighs.

After a while of just pressing the numbers, she dialed the caller as the phone rung for a few seconds. As she held the phone up to her ear she waited for her friend on the other line to answer the call as the others looked on.


Rika: *Hello?*

Shizuka: Rika! Oh, thank goodness your alive.

She expressed happily as Rika on the other hand sat in the airport. Her gun at her side and a cigarette in hand as she sat on the phone with Shizuka.

Shizuka: *Oh alot of awful things have happened to me to.*

Rika: Okay, cut to the chase. Where are you right now? Are you still at my place?

She questioned her.

At the airport a few people who were hiding inside with her had walked past her. Some looking at the blood on her shoes and the few drops on her gun that she would have to clean up when she got the chance. One especially was a dog tag she had on her lap that was stained with blood on the bottom right of it, one in which she held very close to her.

Shizuka: *That place isn't good anymore. Also, we borrowed some of your guns and other stuff.*

Rika: That's okay. I just need you to tell me where you are right now-!


Suddenly, a spark zapped from her phone causing Rika to instantly pull away from her cellular device. Behind her a bright light flashed as she looked out the window to see a large explosion in the air. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked down towards the airport to see all of the airplanes suddenly lose power as well as all of the other machinery downstairs and upstairs.

Izuku: What the?!

He says as he and the rest of the group look up to the sky to see the large flash of light.

Shizuka: Hello? Rika? Can you hear me?!

Takashi: Goodness gracious. What happened?

He says as behind them, Takagi stared at the light wondering what the cause of such a phenomenon was.

Takagi: "That light...no that can't be."

She thought as the light slowly began to fade from the dying explosion in the sky.

Takagi: Miyamoto, check the gun sight.

Rei: What? But why?

Takagi: Just check it. Yours should be using the IC.

She told her as Rei holds up her guns and aimed it as Takagi stepped back.

Takagi: Well, what is it? Can you see the dot?

She asked her as Rei looked through the scope only to see nothing but the wall she was pointing at.

Rei: I can't see.

She said as Izuku looked to Takagi curiously.

Izuku: Saya, do you know what that explosion was just now?

He asked her, as Takagi was left deep in thought as she held her hand underneath her chin.

Takagi: "I knew it."

Meanwhile, at the gates the men who were on post of building up the fence to the estate blocking them off from the city and 'Them'. But while they were working, one of the men who were occupying the forklift suddenly lost power to the machine to move it.

Guard: Hey! Why'd you stop?!

Guard: Something's wrong with the engine.

He told him.

In the basement, the light flickered off in the room as Souichiro held a candle in hand.

Souichiro: I'll be right back, you guard him and make sure that he doesn't move.

He told the other men that were armed in the room as in the center sat Hiroshima who was brutally beaten with half of his face swollen and a huge, busted lip. As Souichiro left out of the room he closed the door behind him as a small smile grew on Hiroshima's face hidden by the darkness of the room.

Walking back to his office where all of his workers inside were stationed. He saw them all sitting behind the computers just pressing the keyboards only for none of the screens to come on as they were all pitch black.

Souichiro: What happened?

He asked entering the room.

Yoshika: The screens they all just stopped working when we lost power just a few minutes ago.

He told him.

Woman: Someone please help me! I think my husband is having a heart attack!

One of the refugees from the camp screamed out as all of the other refugees stepped out of their tents after seeing the bright flash of light in the sky. Looking over towards the woman they saw how she held her husband in her arms laid on the ground as his body was unresponsive.

Going down the road, Shido drove the bus out of the property as it had stopped raining. But after the explosion in the sky he suddenly felt the control of the bus cutoff including the engine.

Shido: Agh, what's wrong with these brakes. Where is the emergency brake!

He angrily said as he kept trying to slow down the bus but to no avail.

Miku: Mr. Shido look out!

She shouted.

Looking forward he saw they were heading towards the two men who were working on the gate. Hearing the approaching vehicle heading towards them the men could only watch in fear as the bus came smashing right into them. The man who was outside the forklift was crushed by the impact of the bus and the cement blocks they were using to build the gate. The man in the forklift was flipped over as his head smashed against the street, blood splattering along the street.

The front of the bus was crushed by the impact as the front glass had shattered. In the bus, Shido slowly grunted as he lifted his head with bits of glass falling from his hair.

Shido: I-I'm alive.

Tsunoda: M-Mr. Shido..?

His students called out to him, a few still alive due to surviving the crash while others didn't survive as much.


Hearing the sounds of the deathly groans of death. Shido quickly looked back to the front and watched as the zombies has passed through the opening that was created thanks to their crash. Looking at the undead coming Shido could only stare in horror as the unimaginable was happening.

The deaths that were about to come because of what just happened.

On the otherside two guards who were watching the other two men build the gate saw what had happened.

Guard: Crap, we're in trouble.

Guard: Get back.

One of the guards carried a gun as he aimed forward at the approaching horde and took fire as the shot echoed in the air. In the shot he was able to take down two of them as he held a neutral expression.

Guard: Cellphones are down. Let's get ready to do this.

He told the other guard as he was prepared to fight off the incoming horde. But the other guard wasn't like him. Seeing the approaching undead coming, and their groans of pain and agony filling the air. The man shook within his boots as he stepped back. Quickly he then started running away leaving the other guard behind as he realized what he had done.

Guard: Hey, where are you going?! Get back here!

Guard: No way man I'm leaving!

He shouted.

Guard: Rah, scaredy cat. We don't have time for something like this to happen.


Suddenly, the ground shook catching his attention.

Guard: What the-?


Before he had the chance to react his head was gloved by a large hand the size of a tire before it crushed his head like a tomato.

Guard: AGH-!


As the sounds of bone crushing to bits and blood falling down like rain to the ground the body was then pulled away as the horde of zombies begin to head towards the house. The fleeing man only panicked as he continued to run to safety with the wails of the undead following behind him.

Takashi: HANE?

Takagi: High Altitude Nuclear Explosion, duh do I have to explain everything to you people?

She says as the group now stood in the front part of the house outside.

Izuku: Wait, are you saying that the explosion right now was a nuclear explosion?

Takagi: Right. The explosion of a nuclear warhead in the upper atmosphere creates compton electrons. Gamma rays then sputter those electrons from the atmospheric molecules. The sputter electrons then accelerate and spiral the earth's magnetic field generating a electro magnetic pulse. In such an effect is lethal to electronic devices. That pulse can travel through anything that works as an antenna, and fries its intergrated circuits.

She explains to the group as they took in what she had just said.

Eri: Scary.

She says frightened holding on tightly to Izuku's hand.

Izuku: So what you're saying is that because of that explosion earlier. Possibly all of the electricity in the world has been shut off?

Rei: Wait, so that means we can't use cellphones or stuff like that anymore?

She says startling Shizuka.

Takagi: Not only cellphones, we won't be able to use computers which are now all completely useless. Automobiles that use electronics won't move, either. And the power plants are most likely dead as well. If actions had been taken earlier to combat against something like this it would be different. But I think only a small part of the Self-Defense Force and Government Agencies are made for that.

She said, as the men who were inside the house began to plant candles around the inside of the house and outside to make up for the lack of light. Coming out of the house Souichiro and his wife walked out along with Yoshika and Jeong along with a few other armed guards.

Souichiro: Is there a way to fix it?

He asked making his presence known.

Takagi: Papa, *Ahem* Some cars could work if we repair the fried parts. And we might be able to find undamaged cars which have sustained less of an effect to the electro-magnetic waves. They should work if they don't have the computer chips in them.

She hypothesis.

Souichiro: Go check right away.

He ordered one of his men who went to do as he told him to before he looked back to his daughter.

Souichiro: Saya.

Takagi: Yessir?

She responded as she watched as her father walked up to her meeting his daughter's eyes much to their height difference as he looked down to her.

Souichiro: I must say I'm impressed how well you stayed calm in all of this commotion. You deserve my praise.

He complimented his daughter for the first time she had ever heard in her life. Hearing this Izuku smiled at Saya as he held Eri close to him.

Yuriko: Midoriya.

She called to him as he looked over towards her.

Izuku: Mrs. Takagi? Were you able to find anything?

Yuriko: Only notebooks and a few sheets of paper with strange drawings on them. But we also found some strange vials and other unusual things inside of that room. I have my men bringing it down to the floor as we speak-


Guard: Watch out! Look at the barricade!

One of the guards shouted, alerting everyone on the premises as they looked back to see the guard who had ran away had made it to the gates before stopping and turning around as he fired a couple rounds.


Man: Get back! Get back!

He shouted in fear as he turned to run past the gates only to be grabbed from behind as he was tackled to the ground.


Man: No! No! I was so close! Please! Please help me-AAAH!

He screamed in pain as he was then bitten and eaten alive by the undead.

As everyone saw this they looked out to the road to see that a horde of undead was coming. Quickly, Souichiro stepped forward throwing his hand forward.

Souichiro: Close the gate! Quickly! Defense Unit, assemble and do not let them in!

He ordered.

Yoshika: Don! Are we just going to abandon the people who are still out there?

Souichiro: We'll lose everything if we don't close the gates now. Do it!

He told Yoshika as he clenched his fist in frustration. Knowing the direness of this situation, he knew that they couldn't afford to risk any of the lives behind the gates.

Yoshika: Close the gates!

He yelled out.

As the men rushed towards the gates they all begin to push them close. Though as they did one of the zombies managed to slip through once they closed them.

Guard: One got in!

He yelled out.

Quickly getting to work, Kohta armed the gun he had in his hand as he positioned it. Switching the gun safety off to fire, he looked through the scope to see he had a perfect shot.

Kohta: Inside the pocket...


With the bullet flying through the chamber it soared through the air before shooting right through the zombies skull causing it to fly back flat on its back. Seeing his kill Kohta simply smiled as the light glinted against his glasses as he held up a thumbs up.

Kohta: That's one for the home team.

Guard: Sorry kid, it seems like I was wrong about ya.

The guard who had opposed to Kohta keeping the guns to himself at first, sweatdropped at his skill to one-shot the undead after he watched it fall to the ground dead.

Guard: Commander, Madam. I have brought this as you requested.

One of the guards said to the Don and Yuriko carrying a case in hand. As he unlocked the case he revealed that inside was a weapon for Yuriko. Seeing this she threw away her silk scarf and ripped apart the bottom of her dress to her thighs.

The sight of this caused the boys to blush as Saya was quick to cover Izuku's eyes.

Takagi: Don't stare at my mother you idiots.

Izuku/Takashi/Kohta: Sorry!

They quickly apologized much to Yuriko's amusement. Once she was done she revealed the holsters carrying two pistols and a knife she had strapped around her left thigh. Turning back towards the case she grabbed a gun and something else before turning to Takagi and holding her hand out towards her.

Yuriko: Use it Saya.

Kohta: Ah! Tha-That's a Luger P08 with a stock and a drum magazine!

He says happily ecstatic to see such a weapon.

Takagi: Wait a minute. I don't even know how to use this thing, and what are you even doing with a gun?

She questioned her mother who simply smiled at her daughter's curiosity.

Yuriko: When I was working on Wallstreet. I was taking a self-defense course for executive. Actually, I might be a better shooter than your father.

She explains leaving the others to think about what she had told them as Izuku only had a look of awe in his eyes.

Izuku: "That's so amazing! Her mother is so cool!"

He thought to himself.

Yuriko: You will show her how to use it, Hirano?

She asked him.

Kohta: Yes Momma! No I meant mommy!



Hearing the sounds of them bashing against the gates the group looked back to see that more and more were starting to pile up against the gate. Their hands sticking through as they tried to scratch and grab the guards who were holding gate closed, but the sheer weight of so many was starting to pile on them.

Guard: Nngh! Agh, we can't hold them!

Guard: What the heck is that?!

He pointed out.

As everyone looked forward they saw a horror that caused the group to look with wide eyes.

Izuku: Everyone get back!

Kohta: What?!

Before he could say anything they started hearing a scream of pain as running towards the gate was a Bloater. The fat bloated zombie with a large mound of contorted flesh and blood around its gut screamed in agonizing pain. The guards who were holding back the gate could only look in shock at the zombie as its stomach started to contort and grow.

Guard: What the fuc-?!



Like that the zombie exploded like a balloon releasing a powerful force of blood, bones, and everything that killed some of the zombies and the men holding the gate knocking their only line of defense from holding 'Them' back, down.

As everyone stopped what they were doing they looked on in horror at the gate being down. But soon their fears clicked once again as the sounds of the deathly gasps and groans echoed in the air as more were coming.


She screamed in pain, holding her head as Izuku bent down to his sister.

Izuku: Eri, what's wrong?

Eri: My head. It hurts.

Izuku: It's okay just calm down I'm right here.

Eri: Nooo! My head hurts. I hear them.

She said as Izuku and Kohta looked at her confused.

Izuku: Eri what do you mean you hear them? Hear who?

He asked as Eri slowly opened her eyes revealing the tears falling down from her eyes as she pointed forward. Following her finger Izuku's eyes widened in fear as he looked at the horde of undead walking over the remains of those that had died holding up the gate as they gasped and roared.

Eri: Them. I can hear them.

She said.

Down below in the basement the guards who were in charge of looking after Dr. Hiroshima had looked up to the ceiling after hearing the sound of the gate falling.

Guard: What the heck was that?

Guard: I don't know, but the radio isn't working neither. I can't get in touch with no-one from above.

They said, not seeing how Hiroshima's face was slowly starting to heal as if he didn't receive any bruises from the violent beating.

Guard: This is starting to freak me out. 1. We're down here guarding some freak for creating this virus that started this outbreak. And 2. We ain't got no way of finding out what the heck is going on up top. And 3.-

Hiroshima: And 3. You should probably stop talking and prepare yourselves.

He said getting their attention as they looked towards him.

Guard: What did you say?

He asked him only for Hiroshima to stay silent. Angering the guard as he walked over to him and pushed the side of his head.

Guard: I asked you what did you say?

He questioned Hiroshima as he let out a low sigh.

Hiroshima: That sound earlier was the gates falling. The only thing capable of making a sound that could echo down here would only be the gates because of the iron they are made out of. And the only thing that could tear down the gates right now in this situation, are the monsters who would want to eat you.

He said in a humorous tone as he looked up to face the guard.

Hiroshima: The party is starting. And I must be there to host it.

He said.

Guard: You bastard if that happened then you aren't going anywhere. The Don and the others can handle it.

Hiroshima: You really have that much faith in Don Souichiro. Yes he may be Don, but he is only man. And man cannot face against the horrors that are to come. The same fate goes for the three of you. And since your not fitted like the rest of the world, you will not be able to survive.

Guard: What the heck are you saying you bastard?

He questioned him as he pointed his sword against the back of Hiroshima's nape as he looked at the Guard with a slow gaze.

Hiroshima: What I am saying is that in the next three seconds, you three men will be mush puppies beneath my feet.

He threatened as the guards could only stare at him before laughing at his threat.

Guard: Haha, you really think you can kill us-!


Looking down the guard watched as Hiroshima broke his hands free from the rope restraining him. Kicking up his legs he broke his legs free as he stood up. His shoulders rose as he flexed his muscles with only the light from a candle illuminating his figure in the darkness.

Hiroshima: 1...

In an instant, Hiroshima appeared before the man shoving his fist through his throat as he ripped out his spine from his back. The man's scream was gargled by his blood as Hiroshima used his spine to stab into the other guard behind him.

Guard: A-Argck! Ugh!

Hiroshima: 2...

Grabbing his sword he chucked it at the other guard stabbing him through his skull as he was pinned to the wall. A trail of blood leaking down from his wound as his body went limped against the wall.

Hiroshima: 3...

With that he stood in the room with three dead bodies as he pulled his fist out from the guards stomach. Causing the guard to slump to the ground with his body making a slosh sound.

Hiroshima: I told you. In the next three seconds, you would all be dead men by my feet. Now there is a party I must attend to, and a daughter I must reclaim.

He said as he walked over to the door and with one hand he pushed the door off of its hinges as it slammed against the wall. Stepping out into the staircase he began to walk up towards the top floor of the house to rejoin with the others.


As the scream of the last guard who had held up the gate was killed by the incoming horde. One of the candles were knocked down along the lawn causing the land to be filled with fire. Seeing the approaching horde coming, Takashi looked back to the others who were down with him.

Takashi: Everyone get back! Now!

He yelled out to them as they safely ran back towards the house.

As they did, those who were within the refugee camp panicked as their tents were set ablaze. The incoming horde managed to make their way to them first as their screams filled the air with bloody agony.

Female Refugee: Help me! Help me! Somebody help me!

The woman who was leading the revolution earlier with the other refugees panickly ran away as she was being followed by 'Them'. As she turned around she was suddenly confronted by one of the zombies as they attempted to bite her only for her to freak out and trip on her knees.

Female Refugee: Aah! Okay, stop it. Just calm down. Get ahold of yourself I'm sure we can talk this through. If you get treated at a hospital I'm sure the disease will go away-!

She scampered backwards as she tried talking to the zombie as if it was a person. But as she got closer to the tent behind her she touched the handle to a cleaver as her eyes darted towards it in a heartbeat. Quickly her hand gripped the handle as she brought it up and slashed at the zombies neck causing blood to shoot out as it fell.

Female Refugee: Ha! Ha! Hahaha!

She laughed as she got atop of the zombie and started to stab it in the face multiple times. Blood spewing from its wounds as it got all over the woman's shirt and skin as she simply laughed while killing it.

Female Refugee: Haha! You thought you could kill me?! You're just a nuisance! It's your fault, I was trying to help you and you didn't listen to me!

She laughed as behind her one of the refugees body that laid on the ground slowly began to rise. The infection started to take over as they now turned into a zombie, and with the noise the woman was causing its attention was already focused on her.

Female Refugee: Hehehehahaha! Die! Die! DIE!

She shouted as the zombie reached for her grabbing her by her body as it pulled her. But the woman's instinct acted as she quickly stabbed the zombie in the face. Turning around the woman stabbed the zombie multiple times as her shirt was starting to be ripped off.

Female Refugee: You can't kill me! You can't kill Lady Scarlet!

She laughed, revealing the tattoo of a red raven on her upper shoulder.

As she was handling the zombies coming towards her, another one of the refugees who were scared was about to be attacked.

Izuku: HA!


Slamming his metal fist against the side of one of the zombies faces. Izuku sent it flying into another group as they were all sent smashing right into the wall. Standing up Izuku dusted off his shoulder as he looked to the man.

Izuku: Go and meet up with the others.

Refugee: Right! Thank-you!

The refugee thanked Izuku as he ran off.

Izuku: No problem.


Behind him three zombies were about to attack him.


Only for a bullet fired by Kohta to shoot right through the three in an instant killing them off. Holding the handle to his axe in his hand, Izuku looked to Kohta before holding up a thumbs up to the proficient shooter as thanks.

On the other side, Takashi got right to work as he held the shotgun in his arms up as he practiced.

Takashi: Shoulder the gun, lean into it, aim around the chest and FIRE!

Pulling the trigger he released a round right through the zombie infront of him as the bullets tore through its chest. Taking out two behind it as the force of the bullets sent them flying.

Running forward, Saeko held her sword firm as she slashed and stabbed at the horde before her. Her eyes carefully watching where she moved as she turns and avoids being grabbed by them. Landing precise hits at the perfect moment as she knocked them down. After carefully killing a group, one of them managed to hide underneath a body and tried to attack her from behind only to receive the sharp end of a sword stabbing through its heart.

Looking over her shoulder, Saeko smiled as she saw that Rei was responsible for killing the zombie before it could touch her.


Takashi: Frenzies, incoming!

He shouted.

As everyone turned towards the gates they saw the frenzied zombies with hunched shoulers growl and roar as they stood at the entrance. Quickly they took off as they ran along the front lawn. Blood dripping from their mouths as they growled with each step they took.

Rei: Here they come!

Saeko: Get ready.

She said.

Just as one of them leapt high into the air, they were shot in the head falling down straight to the ground. Before the other two zombies had time to react an axe was swung into the back of its neck before being pulled and then thrown like a doll through the air. As the zombie snarled it then looked towards the attacker to see it was Izuku.

Kicking off the zombie attempted to swipe at his face only for Izuku to shield himself with his right arm. We the zombies nail scratched his arm it did little to nothing against him as he kicked it back.

Izuku: My turn.

Stepping forward he brought his right arm up delivering a menacing uppercut that left the zombie incapacitated as its jaw was completely destroyed. Flying almost ten feet in the air before coming back down where its skull completely shattered splattering along the ground.

Behind him the group was left in awe after seeing the zombie casually being thrown a hundred feet off the ground.

Takashi: Dude?! H-How did you do that?

Izuku: What are you talking about. Stay focus.

He told him dodging the question as the others simply just went back to taking care of the horde, leaving none but Saya to stare at him as she knew what that was.

Taking a shot Kohta shot at the incoming zombies taking them down one by one. Once his magazine was empty he unclipped it from his gun as from behind Alice ran up holding another to give to him to reload.

Alice: Kohta here!

Kohta: Heh.

Quickly taking the magazine from her he loaded it into his gun and turned around aiming at the zombie that had approached the staircase. With a pull of the trigger he shot at the zombie sending it flying back as it landed on its neck dying.

Takashi: Hah, this shit never ends!

He said killing another zombie as he looked back to see that there were more approaching them from all sides. Fire loomed over the grounds creating a nightmarish field as the dead roamed around them.

Rei: It only gets worse as time goes on.

Kohta: And we'll be running out of ammo soon!

He told them taking another shot. As Izuku slammed his axe into the skull of another zombie he threw it over towards another as they fell.

Izuku: We're not going to be able to stay here for much longer. If things continue like this we won't be able to leave, none of us will be able to.

He said as the groans and moans of death from the dead echoed in the air.

Meanwhile inside of the house, men and women ran amok as they headed for safety. Running down the hall Dr. Lee held his essentials in a bag as he ran.

Dr. Lee: I must find Don, Souichiro. It is utmost importance that I do as the safety of our departure depends on it.

Hiroshima: Departure from where researcher.

He spoke.

Hearing his voice Dr. Lee stops as he looked infront of him to see Hiroshima stood before him with a look of interest.

Dr. Lee: You!

Quickly he pulled out his gun and aimed it at him.

Hiroshima: Please, that won't be necessary.

Dr. Lee: At a time like this it wouldn't matter anyway. You're a monster.

Hiroshima: And you're a narcissist. You all are but you don't see me complaining.

He said as Dr. Lee gritted his teeth before he pulled the trigger and fired a couple rounds at Hiroshima as he stood there. After firing his gun started to click as Dr. Lee looked in shock at Hiroshima as the bullets fell to the floor dented.

Dr. Lee: Wh-What? What are you?

He stammered as he stepped back as Hiroshima smiled as he stepped forward.

Hiroshima: I am the next stage of evolution. And you will come to know what that means.

He said as within an instant he appeared before him as he stabbed his hand into the side of his face causing Lee to drop his things.

Dr. Lee: Ah! Ahh! AHHH!

He screamed as suddenly his face started to contort and spazzle as Hiroshima only smiled continuing what he was doing. As Lee's cries of pain grew louder they slowly turned into one of rage and anger.


Outside the group and everyone turned to the house hearing that noise.

Saeko: What was that?

She asked.

In that moment a large figure flew out from the house as it crashed on the front lawn instantly killing a few of the zombies that were on the way to the stairs. As everyone looked forward at the figure they saw that it was indeed a large, hulking monster. A mutated zombie with broad shoulders and large fist. Blood dripping from its mouth as its skin was pale as grey. Its eyes a bright orange as it glared at the people on the stairs as they stared back at it.

As the large zombie growled, it stood up from the ground huffing and puffing.

Takashi: Uh, guys? We have a large problem.

Takagi: Don't you think we know that!

Souichiro: Shoot it down!

He spoke.

Souichiro: Shoot it down now!

Hearing his order, Kohta aimed at the monster as he started firing at the zombie. As the bullets hit the monster they seemed to do a bit of damage to it, but not enough as it only made it madder.

Izuku: Uh, I don't think those bullets are doing anything to it.

He said grabbing his axes as he stared at the zombie. As the now mutated-turned Dr. Lee set his sights on Izuku. He roared before charging at him swinging its heavy right arm. Feeling the pulse twitch in the back of his neck Izuku instinctively rolled over to his left as the others had to jump away from the attack.

Rolling to the ground Izuku looked back up at the Brute of a zombie as it slammed its fist into the ground infront of him. Causing the ground to shatter as pieces of debris were sent flying at him. Using his axes he slashed at each debri with remarkable reflexes and speed. Though because he was destroying the debri heading at him, his focused was switched from the brute as it surprised attacked with a powerful right hook.

Slamming its fist into his side, Izuku coughed out hardly as he was sent flying across the ground. His body skipping across the lawn-like a rock skipping across water.

From the balcony Saya watched on with fear as Izuku was fighting the mutated Dr. Lee.

Takagi: Izuku!

Takashi: Takagi, wait. You can't go out there.

Takagi: What are you crazy! Izuku is getting beat up by that thing. If he continues to fight it alone he'll die.

Souichiro: Listen to him, daughter.

He spoke watching the fight.

Souichiro: And look closely.

He said as they turned to look back at the fight.

As the zombies brute swung its fist at Izuku who narrowly dodged underneath the attack with his slim figure. Quickly rising back up he delivered an axe kick to its jaw as he then slammed both of his axes into the back of its neck. Blood shooting out from the attack as the zombie went to grab Izuku only for him to jump back.

Izuku: Ha! You almost had me.

He said as he looked at his axes that were now lodged into the back of its neck. As the zombie charged at Izuku he ran away as the brute ended up tripping on other zombies trying to catch him. Seeing this Izuku slid to a stop before running back. Getting up the zombie reached for Izuku only for him to jump onto its arm and run to grab his axes.

Pulling them out from the base of its neck Izuku rolled free from it as he slid to a stop once again. As the brute slowly recovered it stared at Izuku as it released a murderous gut grinding roar from its mouth. Izuku stood there as he stared at the zombie gripping his axes.

Izuku: Let's go!

He charged at the brute as it swung once again only for Izuku to dodge as he swung at its arms slashing and hacking it with his powerful swings. The brute roared before attempting to grab him only for Izuku to dodge another its hand before striking its forearm with a powerful blow. With the increased strength of his bionic arm, and his newfound strength from both the virus and the serum. Izuku sliced its arm completely off as blood shot out from the missing limb.

Souichiro: You see that. Even with the odds stacked against him both terms of height and overwhelming power, he uses his own advantage to combat against it. Brute force and strength, vs the Speed and Agility of an self-trained warrior. The true ways of a warrior is to never bow in face of defeat when there is still a chance for victory.

He said complementing Izuku's actions. Coming up from behind them Yoshika approached Souichiro.

Yoshika: Don, I've received word that the house next door hasn't been attacked. And I believe we can reinforce all the doors and gates.

He told him.

As Souichiro looked back down at the field as Izuku was taking care of the zombie, he took a look back at the only refugee survivors that were able to make it safely back to the porch.

Souichiro: Our targets are those who have broken through our gates! Men who can fight prepare for battle! Women and children who want to survive, get back!

He said taking out his sword from its sheath.

Yuriko: Saya.

Takagi: Dad, why don't we just barricade ourselves in the-

Souichiro: They broke through the iron gates. What's the point of trying to protect the house when even one of them was able to break right through.

He said pointing back out to the one-armed brute battling Izuku after he delivered a jaw breaking blow to its face. As the zombie looked back at Izuku it roared with its unhinged jaw, hanging in place from where it once was.

Souichiro: Even if we barricade ourselves in the mansion. They're still just going to break in.

Hiroshima: He's right you know.

He said as Eri trembled hearing the sound of his voice. As everyone turned to where they heard him they saw he stood where the brute broke out of the house where the giant hole in the building was.

Hiroshima: If you're all planning to make your grand escape, I suggest you do it now. Or, you could stay and witness a grand spectacle.

Souichiro: How did you get free out of the basement!

Hiroshima: Please. Did you really think a small contraption like that would hold me. I'm a scientist that bio-engineered a completely unstable virus that changed the entire world, and even a small part that could change what's already been 'changed'.

He said his voice sending shivers down Eri spine out of fear as she screamed in pain.


As she screamed the zombies below started to get agitated as they grew even more angry and feistier. Their deathly galls filled the air with a cold, dreadful sense. The air so thick made those who trembled fall to their knees as the men who were about to stand to help could only sweat in fear of what's to come.

Izuku: Eri! Agh!

He groaned as he was smacked to the ground by the brute. Roaring in his face the zombie held Izuku down as he pushed against its fingers to let him go. But this was all a pleasant sight for the mad scientist as he laughed.

Hiroshima: Hahaha! I must say, you all are weak-willed. She is only making them stronger than they are the more she is here. But if you truly wish to escape this dreadful nightmare all you have to do is take my han-!

Souichiro: Not another word!

He shouted pointing his sword at him.

Souichiro: You monster. You will not use your power to corrupt those afraid, yet still clinging to hope to give what little they hold left. Those that do still have a fighting spirit who will not relinquish what they have for the petty sake of your false freedom.

He spoke.

Souichiro: Those who still have the spirit to fight on raise to your feet! And show this mad men what drives you to sake of your freedom!

He said as the men who had once were about to give up suddenly felt the strength to stand back up. Holding their weapons the men all released a battle cry as their voices rose to the air. As Hiroshima stared at them his smile slowly turned into a smirk.

Souichiro: Aren't you supposed to go help your parents. Are you not?

He asked looking to Takashi who looked at him.

Souichiro: Then you should be on your way.

Takashi: Yes sir.

Takagi: PAPA! What do you mean by that I-!

Before she could stop her father she was grabbed by her by her mother and pulled back before receiving a slap to the face.

Takagi paused before she looked at her mother shockingly.

Takagi: Mama?

Yuriko: Stop acting like a child. Your father and I have work to do. Having you in the care of Komuro, Hirano, Midoriya, and the others is the one thing we as your parents want for you. Don't think for a second that this is something we want, rather this is something we must do.

She told her.

Looking away from her daughter she approached both Alice and Eri who were hugged up together as Eri was crying. Kneeling down she placed her hand on Eri's face as she comforted.

Yuriko: Eri, sweetheart, it will be okay. Your brother and your new family will protect you. The danger that you have suffered from the monster that was once supposed to be your father will no longer hurt you.

She said in a soothing tone, as Eri sniffed as she looked up to her with teary eyes.

Yuriko: Alice, be a good girl. But more importantly be a strong girl for you and your sister. You both listen to your big brothers and sisters as they are too your new family now, who will take care and protect you both.

She told them as she pulled them into a hug as Eri slowly stopped crying. Staring from behind Shizuka watched as Yuriko cared for the two calming them down. Seeing the sight encouraged her to do the same for them. Stepping away from the children, Yuriko walked down the stairs as she joined up with her husband.

Yuriko: Now. Get out of here. Go all of you.

She told the group. As Takagi stated at her parents she started to cry before she held back her tears and ran away.

Takagi: Daddy, Mommy, I love you so much.

She said as she ran away with the group.

Hiroshima: Aww, what a touching scene. Sadly, they won't be getting away far.


Holding her gun up Yuriko fired her gun off twice at Hiroshima head tearing off half of his skull only leaving the right side there just barely before his body fell onto a steel spike stabbing through his torso.

Souichiro: Throw the dynamite!

He told his men as they lit the bombs before throwing them forward. As Izuku saw this he quickly mustered the strength to kick back the brute's hand as he jumped away just in time as the dynamite exploded killing off most of the zombies and dealing immense damage to the brute. As the flames surrounded them Izuku stared at the brute as it stomped through the flames swinging its massive arm.

Izuku: So you're still up even after that. Then I guess I have no choice. Nngh!

He groaned as his body hunched over as he grunted in pain. Suddenly beneath his skin the black veins appeared as they traveled up to his eyes. As Izuku started to huff and puff his sounds suddenly turned into a blood hungry growl as he glared at the brute.

Izuku: Rah! RAAAAH!

He roared. As the brute roared at Izuku it slammed its arm on-top of Izuku only for him to grab it. With his insane bloody hungry strength he was able to pull the brute in as he stomped his foot into its face. In that movement he was able to rip its arm clean out of the socket as Izuku smacked it with its own arm.


Izuku: RAAAAH!!!

He roared. Jumping up he slammed his arm against its face again and again repeatedly destroying its face as it was being caved in.

Souichiro: Midoriya!

He shouted his name.

Hearing his name being called, Izuku suddenly regained his senses in time as he rose his head as the veins returned back into his body. Turning around his eyes darted to Souichiro.

Izuku: Mr. Takagi.

Souichiro: Well done on defeating the monster. But we must take it from here. You need to go and regroup with my daughter and the others as they prepare their escape.

He told him as his men went around them and started firing at the incoming hordes. As Izuku dropped the arm to the ground he jumped off of the brute's body as he ended up kicking the hand only for it to open. Inside rested a folded map. Curious Izuku picked the map up as he unfolded and read what was on the map as his eyes widened.

Souichiro: What is it?

He asked him as Izuku folded the map.

Izuku: Our first chance.

He told him as Souichiro looked at Izuku understanding what he spoke.

Souichiro: Then go, Midoriya.

He told him as he ran only to stop when Souichiro grabbed his arm.

Souichiro: Before you go take this.

He said giving him an envelope with a red stamp on the center. Looking at it Izuku looked back to Souichiro.

Souichiro: I wasn't trusting of you at first, but after hearing the inspiring words of your comrades and my own daughter. And seeing your noble actions with my own eyes. I trust that you will care and protect my daughter. Yes?

He asked as he spoke in a tone rather caring and soft spoken, other than his authoritative tone. Hearing what he was asking Izuku looked at Souichiro with a determined look as he nodded his head. Seeing that Souichiro let go of Izuku as he turned around back to the horde.

Souichiro: Then go!

He told him as he slashed at the approaching zombies dismembering five in one slash. Seeing that Izuku turned and left to rejoin with the others.

Over with the others they ran to the garage as Takagi was the first to arrive.

Takagi: Mr. Mask!

She called out for the engineered only to see no-one inside. Walking into the garage she looked for him only for him to slide out from underneath the Humvee.

Matsudo: Oh, Ms. Takagi.

He spoke as Saya was spooked by the way he showed himself as his head was directly below underneath her skirt, though minding her purity he didn't look at her but more at her face as she reacted.

Takagi: What are you doing down there?

Matsudo: Your lucky lady Says. This here is an Anti-Electro Magnetic Pulse. It's triple copper plated, and with a bit of help from those electric doohickeys that were sitting on my desk that battery inside the jeep will run for a good long while. Probably the only running source of electricity in this desperate time of day. The owner of this must be hardcore.

He complimented as the others arrived to see him done with the jeep.

Shizuka: Ah! So you're saying that this car still drives?

Mado: Yes, but it needs some repairs because it's been damaged. It'll take a while.

Izuku: Then we'll hold off as long as we can.

He said appearing behind the group as they looked back to see him standing there.

Takagi: Izuku!

Eri: Big Brother!

The two called out to him as the ran over and gave him a tight hug as Izuku hugged back, though a bit in pain.

Izuku: Nngh, missed you to, but we got more important problems.

He said looking back at the zombies that were starting to approach them.

Izuku: How much time?

Mado: Probably 5!

Takashi: Then we'll give you 5 minutes.

He said as he held up his shotgun and positioned it. Aiming at the approaching zombie as he pulled the trigger shooting the zombie in the skull as it flew back against another. Seeing this Saeko smiled.

Saeko: Guess this is where we make our final stand.

She says as she swings her sword horizontally slicing through two zombies at once. Quickly Izuku used both of his axes as he swung them forward into the side of a zombie before jumping up and landing on the zombie before pulling back as he ripped it in half and landed back on his feet.

Izuku: Then let's do this!

He shouted.

Quickly Kohta got down on one knee as he started firing at the approaching horde. Taking down one after another with his shots.

In the center of the field, Souichiro stood with his wife and men. Holding his sword out he walked forward towards the undead.

Yuriko: Souichiro, at this rate we're just going to be pushed back.

She expressed her concern to him with a neutral look.

Souichiro: Yuriko, you are a fine and good woman. COME WITH ME!!

He shouted as he was the first to move as he decapitated four in a row. Behind him Yuriko shot with her guns at the oncoming horde. With another powerful slash from his sword. The two danced together in the flames surrounding them. Fighting off the monsters that dared to claim their lives.

While they were, back with the group they continued to fend off the approaching mob. Frightened Shizuka stepped back as she ended up bumping into something.

Shizuka: Huh?


Shizuka: Ah!

She shouted in fear.

Quickly Alice and Eri rolled a tire at the approaching zombie about to attack her as it pushed back against Matsudo's shelf with a screwdriver stabbing through its skull.

Takagi: What are you doing just standing there. Take the two and get in the car.

She told her as Shizuka looked to her.

Shizuka: O-Okay. Come on girls.

She ushered both Alice and Eri to the Humvee where they would be safe.

As they were Zero and Zeus got to work as they pounced on any zombies coming near them. Tackling them to the ground and ripping out their throats. Izuku swung his axe with the cable for a wide-sweep attack decapitating a group. Behind him Takashi and Kohta were taking out the zombies from a range with their guns as they slowly backed to the garage.

Behind as Rei stabbed one of the zombies with her bayonet, she stepped back away from them, only for something to stick out from behind and grab her gun before pulling her back.

Rei: AHH!

She screamed as she heard the sounds of deathly groaning from behind her. Looking back, she saw it was a zombie as it pulled her back. Hearing her cry, Takashi looked back to see the zombie was pulling on her.

Takashi: Rei!

He shouts as he runs over towards her and slammed his gun onto the zombies' hand causing them to fall off. As the zombie hit its head on the wall, Takashi aimed the gun at the monster before pulling the trigger killing it.

Takashi: Are you okay?

He asked her holding her hand. Looking at him with a sudden expression of amazement and surprise, she softly smiled at Takashi.

Rei: Y-Yeah.

Takashi: Good. Let's go.

Rei: Okay.

She responded as she followed behind him as he hadn't let go of her hand. As the group started to head back to the Humvee as Matsudo was done with it.

Matsudo: I wish I had a bit more time with her, but you're good to go!

He told Shizuka as she put the key into the ignition and started up the Hunvee. As the Hunvee roared to life Shizuka smiled seeing that it was running.

Alice: The car is running!

She said excitedly. Turning around she looked back to Eri.

Alice: Eri, you see! The car is running!

She said smiling only for her smile to fall as she saw that Eri's eyes were closed and she was laid across the floor of the Humvee.

Alice: Eri! Miss Shizuka something's wrong with Eri!

She told her as Shizuka looked back.

Shizuka: Eri! Oh my goodness.

Sticking her head back out the window she looked towards the group.

Shizuka: Everyone, quick! Something's wrong with Eri!

She shouted as Izuku jerked his head back towards the Humvee.

Izuku: Eri!

Quickly he and the others raced back to the vehicle as they jumped inside. Looking towards his sister Izuku crawls over to her as he holds her in his lap sitting against the walls of the Humvee with his back.

Izuku: Eri, what's wrong?

He asked brushing his hand over her head pushing her hair back. As he looked at his sister he saw that her face was read as she was sweating and breathing hard.

Izuku: She's heating up! I think she has a fever or something.

He tells Shizuka who had her hands on the wheel. Sticking his head out through the top, Takashi stood out on the hood of the Humvee as Saeko stood atop of him.

Takashi: Mr. Matsudo get in the car!

Matsudo: Nope. I'm afraid I can't go with you. My true love is here and I'm not going anywhere.

He said with a smile as everyone looked his way as he bowed respectfully.

Matsudo: Lady Saya, it has been an honor and please take care. Now all of you get out of here!

He said as Saya looked to Matsudo. Seeing the horde infront of them Shizuka pushed on the gas.

Shizuka: Here we go!

She said before the driving off with the Humvee. Driving forward she ran over any that were in their way as they made their way towards the gate.

Hearing the sounds of the tires screeching along the ground. Souichiro turned around after slicing in half a zombie horizontally. Looking at the Humvee approaching them. The group flew past the Takagi's as they were mid-fighting. Looking through the window, Saya stared at her father as he stared at his blade. In the reflection of his blade he saw his daughter looking to him as he gripped his handle.

Souichiro: "Be safe, My Daughter. And Midoriya, protect her with your heart and soul." RAAAH!

Swinging his sword, he sliced through four zombies as they flew against each other knocking more down.

Flying through the air the group drove over the gate as they made it down the road. As they were driving Takagi noticed something up ahead.

Takagi: Komuro! Bloater!

She shouted.

As he looked forward he saw the Bloater standing amongst a group of zombies. Positioning his gun he fired at the Bloater causing it to explode taking out multiple zombies as they drove right past them.

Rei: Which way do we go now?

She asked.

Saeko: Your looking at it!

She said as up ahead they saw the crashed bus that Shido and the group of his students were in. But the bus was blocking off half of the road where the Humvee would take up.

Rei: What, but it's too narrow!

Shizuka: Hang on!

She said as she drove the Humvee onto the wall leaning it up right. As Takashi jumped into the Humvee, Saeko leaned out long as she looked forward at the road.

Saeko: Keep going!

She said as the Humvee was coming right to fit in through the path, but up ahead was a cinder block that was in the path of her head. Just before the jeep got close Takashi grabbed her hand.

Takashi: Saeko!

Quickly he pulled her inside of the Humvee as the jeep cut straight through the path. Once they were in the vehicle rocked as it was back on four wheels as Saeko bumped into Takashi who hit his back, and Izuku who held on to his sister tightly as Shizuka drove down the road.

Souichiro: Their gone?

Yuriko: Yes, our daughter is the hands of her friends who care about her. And a young man whose heart belongs entirely to her.

She said shooting a zombie in the head.

Yuriko: Did you give him the letter?

Souichiro: I did. Now, there is nothing to hold me back.

He said holding his sword with two hands as he stared fiercely at the zombie infront of him as he thrusted his sword forward with all of his strength. The strength behind the attack was enough to send the zombie back as its limb were sent flying out of its sockets as it flew all the way over to a pole where Hiroshima was, only for the flames by the house to show that his body was no longer there.

After the chaos the sun began to rise into the sky, pushing away the darkness that once blocked the clear blue sky. In the Humvee, the ride was quiet. Everyone didn't know what to say, or what they could say to break the silence that spoke more volumes then the sound of the engine running from the Humvee.

Eri: Mmm..

Izuku: It's okay. You're safe now.

He told Eri soothingly as she opened her eyes to stare at her brother as she laid her head on his shoulder. Izuku had his jacket around her as he smiled at Eri who slowly closed her eyes before falling back to sleep.

As Rei looked out the window she saw they were far away from the estate as the flames that once burned in her peripheral were nothing more than smoke clearing in the sky.

Rei: It's okay for now, I guess.

Takagi: Don't say that. Please don't say anything. Just don't.

She said as she was coming to term with her parents sacrifice for her safety.

Izuku: Hey, Takagi.

Takagi: Izuku. What?

Izuku: Keep an eye out on the road.

He told her as she looked to him as the Humvee ran over a speed bump as they jumped in the car. But she never looked away from him as he stared at her. Suddenly, the Humvee started making a noise getting their attention.

Takagi: Why's the car making a strange noise?

Shizuka: Yeah, I'm kinda thinking there's something wrong with the car. Can I stop driving?

Izuku: No, we need to keep going.

Takashi: Izuku's right. Rei, Izuku, and I can't stop until we can find our parents. After that we'll look for your friend to.

He told her as Shizuka nodded her head.

Saeko: There's a highway up ahead, take it.

Shizuka: Okay!

She said as she took the turn to take the highway.

Back at the Takagi Estate, the fires that scorched the land had been whisked out. Though the dead still roamed the land.

Shido: Nngh! Let go of me. Unhand me and my students.

And even some arrogant ones that remained. Being carried by Brutes, Shido and his students that managed to survive the crash were carried to the estate or what remained. Thrown down to their knees along with him were Tsunoda, Miku, Taniuchi, Kawamoto, Kurokami-the boy that was sent to spy on the Takagi's, and Miura-a male student who traveled with the group.

Miku: Why are they doing this? Aren't they supposed to eat us alive or something?

She questioned as they looked around to see all the zombies were just standing around them. Slowly gasping and groaning in pain and agony as blood dripped from their mouthes.

Tsunoda: What the heck is wrong with them? Are they broken or something?

Hiroshima: No, they're just following orders.

He said walking out from the house as he now wore something else besides his suit. He wore a a black Italian dress suit, with the collars folded out, and a white dress tie around his neck. On his feet he wore a pair of black closed toe shoes.

Looking up to him Shido and the others could only wonder who he was as he stood before them as some kind of Lord of the land.

As he walked down the steps to the front porch he placed his hands on the rail before him.

Hiroshima: I must say it is a pleasure to meet you all.

Shido: And who are you?

Hiroshima: Getting straight to questions are we. I am Dr. Hiroshima, and the reason you all are here is for a grand finale.

He said as footsteps followed behind him getting his attention. As the group looked forward their faces now held looks of shock and confusion.

Tsunoda: No way.

Miura: It can't be.

Kawamoto: H-How?

They said as standing on the steps beside Hiroshima was none other than Yamada.

Yamada: Heh, glad to see me?

Miku: I saw you killed by 'Them'. You died.

Tsunoda: I threw you off the bus myself. How can you still be alive you bastard!

He questioned as it was now revealed that Yamada was the student who was thrown outside the bus. As he stared at his former classmates with his new appearance he held up his fist.

Yamada: I have Dr. Hiroshima to thank for that. And also, the Takagi's have evacuated with the others just as you said they would.

Hiroshima: Good. Now, we can get right to business.

He said before crouching as he then leapt high into the air before landing down a foot away from the group. As he slowly stood back up he stared at them as they held looks of confusion.

Tsunoda: H-How did you do that?

Hiroshima: Through careful engineering. And with the help of a special bio-engineered virus that completely swims throughout my body.

Shido: You have the virus inside of you? Are you mad!

Hiroshima: Not mad, but ingenious. Afterall, I am the man who created this virus.

He said as they stared at the mad scientist madly.

Shido: Y-You created this virus! Why?!

Hiroshima: All for the sake of a better world of course. With the virus I hoped to achieve to create an entirely new species, a species of creatures who are immune to disease and death. Becoming practically immortal. And, I, am the first being on this planet to achieve that. Second behind me is your dear friend, Yamada.

He said holding his hand back to Yamada as he jumped from the porch and landed beside Hiroshima just as he did so.

Tsunoda: H-How did you do that?

Yamada: There's a lot that I can do. But Mr. Hiroshima isn't done speaking yet.

He said as he looked to Hiroshima.

Hiroshima: Thank-you, Yamada. Now, like I was saying the virus was intended to create a new race. A race of beings that could rule over this world deprived of sickness and death. If you all wish to continue your normal lives, then you can die where you sit.

He said as the brute behind them grunted behind them. Scaring the female students as the males on jumped, Shido could only swear at the mere mention of his own death as he swallowed the drought in his mouth. Seeing this, Hiroshima smiled as he stood before them.

Hiroshima: Or, you could all willingly join my cause. Help me to spread my cure to the world, and together we could become something more stronger. A dominant species that will rule the world with a mighty fist.

He said to them as they looked a bit hesitant at first but to first to make a move was Shido.

Shido: If you say what you speak is true. That the virus is indeed not a disease but a cure for the world. That your intention is to not destroy, yet to create a new world where the strong governs over the weak...

He says as he stood to his feet. His students looked at him curiously as to what he would do next. Shido smiled as he looked at Hiroshima.

Shido: Then count me in.

Tsunoda: Mr. Shido?

Shido: Children, as I have told you this is the start of a new world. A world where only the 'Strongest of the Fittest' may survive. If you are with the strong then how do you suppose that you will survive. I say we should join Mr. Hiroshima as he has a plan to create a better future for you all. You young and brilliant minded children of the future.

He said facing his students as he then turned to Hiroshima sticking his hand out.

Shido: Let me join you, and together we shall create a world that would be fit for a better future.

He said as Hiroshima smirked as he stared at Shido. Sticking out his hand he took Shido's as they shook hands together.

Hiroshima: I couldn't agree more. Now allow me to share the gift that the rest of the world will soon come to bear.

He said as suddenly he stabbed his fingers into Shido's hand causing blood to splatter to the ground.

Shido: Ah! Wh-What is this?

He questioned as he suddenly saw his veins sticking up against his wrist traveling to his arms as they turned back. Looking at Hiroshima, Shido watched as his eyes turned red and his veins stuck out beside his eyes.

Shido: My gift to you.

He said as suddenly Shido started to feel immense pain as he buckled down to his knees.

Shido: Ah! AHH! AHHHHH!!!

He screamed. From the eyes of his students they had to watch as their teacher was becoming something else. Something monstrous.

But did they fear it?

No, they liked it.

A smile etched across their faces as they watched their teacher grow with power. A power they soon hoped to receive as they continued to watch their teacher as the sun slowly rose behind the house of the Takagi's.

As a woman walked along the street, a survivor from the zombie attack. She carried a blood-stained bat as she continued to walk down the street. Up ahead she noticed someone was walking out of a building.

Cautiously she gripped the bat, prepared to kill if it was a zombie. But as she got closer she was wrong.


Out from the alleyways, trucks that seemed to run with electricity in their engines pulled out and blocked her paths. As the girl stood there with the bag she could only stare in shock as she was surrounded.

???: You! Are you a strong fighter!

An individual asked from behind the blinding lights. As the woman covered her eyes with her hand she spoke to the person.

Woman: Yeah! What if I am?!

She questioned as from behind the lights footsteps approached the woman as she moved her hand down to see a red coattail. Moving towards her the woman looked to see that it was another woman, but she was the woman who led the refugees against the Takagi's rule.

The fierce woman who was known as, Lady Scarlet.

Lady Scarlet: Come with me if you would like to fight with honorable women who stick up for their own.

She said sticking out her hand.

Lady Scarlet: Join the Crimson Ravens.

She said.

After driving for a while the group stopped on the bridge. In their eyes were pure shock as they saw that on the bridge were nothing but zombies that completely littered the highway.

Alice: There's so many.

She said fearfully. As Takagi looked at Alice she looked to the back to see that Eri was still quietly sleeping in Izuku's arm. But knowing the road wasn't going to clear itself she knew they had to get moving.

Takagi: *Ahem*!

She coughed getting their attention. As the boys looked up Saya jerked her head to the road ahead as Takashi and Izuku shared a look.

Takashi: Well, time to get to it then.

He said as he stood up towards the roof of the Humvee. Already up there Kohta loaded his rifle as he prepared to fire as Saeko placed her hand carefully on her sword before unsheathing it. Smiling the two looked back to Takashi who took his shotgun and loaded it himself.

Inside Rei smiled as in the front, Shizuka, Alice, and Saya stared out to the road as the sun shined brightly in the sky. Sitting in the back Izuku held on to his sister before sitting her down on a cover as Zeus sat beside her.

Izuku: Alright, let's get to it.

He said as he crawled to the front where the girls were and stared out to the road. Says looked at Izuku with a small smile as she looked back to the road.

Takagi: You heard him. Rev her up.

She said to Shizuka as she pressed on the gas. Standing aboard the top Takashi aimed at the first zombie in his sight as he switched his gun safety off to fire. With a smirk he pulled the trigger.

Takashi: Let's end this shit. With a fucking bang!


As the gunshot ranged through the air, it was only the start of a rough journey that will determine the fate of the entire world. Trial and Error, Death and Destruction, A Plague that will determine how humanity survives in the end.

Izuku: "I always wondered how a zombie movie would end up starting, or how it would end. Would the main protagonist finally find a way to cure the world at the end and finally return to the life they once had? Or would they sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world for a possibility that someone in the future would find a way to end this nightmare. I guess in this scenario I'm the main protagonist, and this is a world that would shape itself because of the choices I make. But you know what, every single movie that said the main protagonist would just end himself for the sake of the world for a better future, they were dead wrong."

As his eyes turned yellow, Izuku smiled to himself.

Izuku: "I'll be the one to save this world, and restore it to the beauty that it once was. Whatever it takes."


Dre: Ight, so most of y'all know this is where the anime basically ends off. Then after that is the OVA episode. But stay tune this story is not over yet. If you enjoyed the chapter, I hope you all voted, commented on what you like, and yeah. Until next time.

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