Classroom of the Elite: New P...

Por TheDom26

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ANHS is onto its new year of high school as a new student, Yagami Takuya walks into the gates he will stay in... Más

Important notes
Chapter 1: A New Environment
Chapter 3: Changes
Chapter 4: The Clubs
Chapter 5: The moment before the Pool
Chapter 6: The Pool
Chapter 7: Randomery
Chapter 8: Plan Set in Motion
Chapter 9: The Reveal
Chapter 10: Reality Check
Chapter 11: Gaining Answers
Chapter 12: The edge
Chapter 13: A surprise
Chapter 14: Pool Episode
Chapter 15: Cruising
Chapter 16: A New Exam
Chapter 17: Meetings

Chapter 2: The Classmates of Class D

425 14 18
Por TheDom26

"Hello everyone! My name is Yagami Takuya. I hope I can get along with you all. If you need help with something, I'm willing to help. Nice to meet you all."

As I introduce myself, some of the boys start glaring at me. They thought I was a loner but here I proved them wrong. I can be popular if I want.

Some of the girls blush and look away.

Just how I wanted it to turn out.

"Ah, it's nice to meet you Yagami-kun."

"Likewise Hirata."

I shake his hand carefully. He has a good physique from what I can tell. I guess that's part of soccer.

Soon, school ended for the day and we were free to do what ever we wanted.

"Hirata-kun, Yagami-kun. Can you join us? We plan on going shopping and we want to get to know you guys better!"

The blonde girls invites us to accompany them. There is nothing wrong with this and I need to do some shopping anyways so might as well.

"Sure thing! I need to buy some groceries as well."

We start walking towards Keyaki Mall while the group of girls chatter in their group in front of me and Hirata.

"This is gonna be a long day" Hirata exclaims quietly seemingly tired.

"Why do you say that? We're just here to buy groceries right?"

Hirata shakes his head before pulling me in close.

"When girls invite you to do shopping, you stay there for hours end and the boys have to carry the bags."

"... I see why you look tired now."

"We're also going to clothing stores and they will try on clothes one after another and ask for our opinions."

This is troublesome. I can't back out now.

"Well, this should be interesting."

We walk in alone for a while before Hirata speaks up.

"Say Yagami-kun, do you do any sports?"

"Actually no, I would like to try them though!"

I give Hirata a sincere smile before looking ahead.

Our footsteps align while up ahead they were mixed.

"Strange because you seem to have a good physique."

He must know grip strength pretty well to notice.

"Ah, maybe it's because I do martial arts and like to keep my body fit."

"Really? What do you practice."

I know many martial arts. Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Karate, and much more. I can't tell him this because it may seem suspicious since it's unbelievable to think that a high school student knows so many.

I decide to half lie, half honest.

"I know Jeet Kune Do and Karate."

"I know of Jeet Kune Do. It was made by Bruce Lee correct?"

"Yep! I would say it's my favorite one."

That's a lie. I don't have a favorite and I combine martial arts for my own fighting style.

"Hirata-Kun, Yagami-kun! Come on! You're lacking behind!"

We'd slowed down while talking unintentionally and we were being nagged at for it.

"Sorry sorry! We're right behind!"

We run up to them before we reach the mall.

The mall is quite large and many shops are run by regular civilians.

"Come on! Let's go to the first store guys!"

"Yeah, yeah! We're coming Kei-san!"

We and Hirata don't move our feet. After all, this is a...

"What are you guys doing standing there?"

"Shinohara-San... this is a-"

"Lingerie store..."

I feel a little embarrass and I want to avoid going in there as much as I can.

"Whaaaat? You guys embarrassed? Awww so cute."

"I'd prefer not to get weird stares."

"It's fine! Let's go!"

Suddenly, I think of an idea in my head.

"Are you guys going to get groceries?" I ask.

"Hm? No why?"


"Me and Hirata have to get some groceries. If we don't, then you guys have to go with us."

"Hmph. Fiat point. Alright you guys can go. I'll text you guys when we're done."

"Sound good! See you guys later!" Hirata retorts in accompaniment with my plan.

We wave back before our feet move is away.

We walk towards the grocery store and grab some baskets.

"Thank you Yagami-kun. I would have hated to go in there."

"But we are on the same page no? I didn't want to see woman's lingerie either."

We both agreed and then went to buy our groceries.

Looking at the prices of each item, I then realized I don't know the normal price or 'good price' of each item.

I guess I'll just take what I need and then look online to see normal prices.

I can go on an online shop and see each item price. I figured this out while I was playing on my phone during school hours but didn't have a chance to do much with it.

I would also like to learn how to cook. I don't know why but it just seems important. Plus I won't have to go out all the time.

Now, what to choose? This is all so different from what I'm used to eating. Like what is pizza? And what are noodles? They even have something called ice cream.

I buy the stuff I know I can use like fruits and vegetables. I also buy same ham and steak packages.

Now, onto the new stuff...

I look on the back of the packages just to realize the unhealthiness of them.

I was shocked for a second before putting it away.

No wonder why Japan has so many unhealthy people.

This must be the new 'normal' for Japan.

But for some reason, I feel a different feeling in me, wanting to try something new.

I grab a box of thin mints and then set them in my cart.

I make my way to the cashier register and pay for my items.

Hirata alls finishes up his shopping a minute after me.

We chat a bit until Karuizawa messages Hirata where they are.

We quickly head to the fountain area to meet up with the group again.

Once we met the group, we were immediately given bags that I don't dare to look into.

"This is quite troublesome like you said."

"Yep, I predicted this."

"Hey! Come on, we have clothes shopping to do!"

While walking to the next clothes store, I found it a good opportunity to think since Hirata is busy with the girls.

Now, more information.

In the grocery store there were items labelled "free" but was limited to up to 3.

They are also only available for a couple of months.

I think I get the S-System. I just have to try a few things before I can confirm my suspicion.

Heh, this is almost too easy. I thought this was suppose to be a challenge.

Now, to show my integration into modern society, it'll probably be in my best interest to graduation from Class A or B if my hypothesis is correct.

The way that Classes C and D act aren't very employee like from my observations but classes B and A are more refined people. Maybe if we graduate from a higher class, then that's where the 100% employment rate comes in and anyone below it is expelled.

But how does the school know which class is higher? Maybe that correlates with private points and what Chabashira-Sensei said with months being distributed every month.

But why call them private points? Why not just points? This can only mean that there is another system of points.

Maybe they're called graduation points? But probably not. A simple term would be class points. Now for 1 point and 100'00 yen, my hypothesis is that each private point is worth 1 class point. That makes logical sense and perhaps the amount of points one gets is their class performance individually.

But won't class graduation that can't work since it won't make sense on how class A can graduate but a student slacking off also can.

Perhaps it effects the entire class, and that collaborating with classmates shows an employer that the student is exceptional in working together with other coworkers.

That's easy for me, but that is also against me.

I know how to collaborate but the problem is other students. Will they cooperate?

What if they don't? What will happen to the class and/or them.

This is gonna be troublesome. Not difficult, but annoying.

"Yagami-kuuuuuuuuuun, helllooo?"

I suddenly zoned in to my classmate, Matsushita Chiaki called my name.

"Ah, sorry. I zoned out for a bit didn't I?"

"You sure did! Luckily we didn't have to wait long."

I want to argue with her but that will affect my image.

Why am I doing this again?

"Calm down girls, I'm sure Yagami-Kun was thinking of something important. Let's head in now."

I genuinely feel grateful for Hirata. He saves me at times like these. I'm not use to hanging around girls.

"Say Yagami-Kun, Hirata-Kun says you do martial arts, are you good in academics?"

This can be beneficial for me.

"Yes indeed. Infact, I think that academics are one of my strong sides."

"Ooo, can you tutor me then? I'm not very good in math and history."

If I accept this, then my status will go up but I will have to teach an annoying girl but if I don't, then it will be hard to get close with her.

"Sure thing! Just message me what time you want. Actually, if anyone needs help I'm here so I can help you study."

If I add that I'll help anyone, students who are too afraid to ask for help will feel more at ease.

"Actually, I would like some help too."

Matsushita also joins in. Funny, she doesn't seem like a dumb girl. But being smart doesn't fully require being good at academics so that can be passed off as a coincidence.

In the end, I have Shinohara, Matsushita, Karuiazawa, Sato, and Inogashira.

Mii-Chan has seems to grow a bond towards Hirata. Maybe she likes him? No, she does like him.

They way she acts around Hirata proves it.

She always talks to him, asks him questions. She is also always staring at him.

Now the other girls could also be put into this but I think at this point, it's like a crush they are interested in. Not exactly in love and will go out of their way to confess but one of interest.

The girls then start changing into different clothes.

Me and Hirata sit at a bench while they ask "how it looks" on them.

I could honestly care less.

"Yagami-kun! How does it look?"

Kushida ask for my opinion on her clothes.

I'm terrible at fashion wear.

Is a red dress suppose to look his or not?

I'm slowly understanding by observing but it's not enough.

"It looks perfect on you Kushida!"

"Really? That's great! I'll buy this one."

Folding the dress neatly, she then asks a question towards me.

"Say Yagami-Kun, I notice that you don't use honorifics."

We never used them in the Whiteroom so I'm not use to it. Is it that much of a big deal?

"Sorry, I'm just not used to using honorifics. Does it bother you?"

"Not at all! I was just curious, that's all."

Her lively and nice attitude could seduce many men. If she is holding a facade, the she is doing a good job at it.

"Kushida-San, Yagami-San, let's go!"


After going to 5 other stores, we left the mall at 8:37 pm.

Once we got to the dorm, we went to the reception desk to revive our keycards and a handbook.

My room is 401.

I flipped through the handbook to see the details. The dates for garbage disposal's were listed, and a note saying to avoid excessive noise. Another note said not to waste electricity and water.

I would have thought using electricity and water would cost points but it doesn't.

This could possibly be because of my theory.

If one does not have water and can not afford water, it'll be a safety hazard. The school has to at-least make the students live in a suitable environment.

Me and Hirata forts dropped off the girls bags on their floor before we went to our respective floors.

Once I opened the door, I found the room quiet empty.

For normal students.

This is more than what I had before.

I had a kitchen, restroom, etc.

I took off my shoes and set them nicely before exploring the room.

I quickly inspected the room for audio bugs and cameras to find none.

I then put away my groceries into the fridge.

I guess this is what a normal high school student feels like.

It feels refreshing to not be watched 24/7 and be able to make my own choices.

I got used to being watched but it still feels so much better having no freedom.

I remember when an instructor called Shiba, I never got his first name, was watching our generation when sudd let he started punishing Ichika. Apparently, they are colluding something.

He used to scare me. But when I eventually beat him in a fight, he no longer seemed scary.

I then researched some stuff on the internet.

I used the microwave to warm up the sandwich I bought. I then also prepared some tea thanks to the instructions from the internet.

The sandwich tasted very pleasing in my mouth. A mix of ham and lettuce, tomatoes, and some mayonnaise I believe.

I was then added to a group consisting of just Class D members.

They were chatting about some of the members in our class, mainly Ike and Yamauchi and their painful blunders.

I didn't bother sending any messages.

I did manage to buy some clothes for myself while I was out shopping. Nothing too fancy, just suggestions from my group mates.

Do people where this stuff?

I changed into my pajamas after taking a quick bath. Plugging in my phone to its charger. I also made sure to silence it.

I open the covers to my bed and got in.

It took me about an hour, but eventually, I started feeling drowsy and before I knew it, I was asleep.

A/N: how's you like it? Probably not much but like I said, it's hard to write a story about Yagami that's not about him fighting Ayanokoji.

So that's why I had to make some changes(explained the start of chapter 1 and the important notes).

I'm trying to make him fit in but also have his personality in the Light Novel.

I'm also slowly getting better at writing so that's a plus. If any one of you guys have read my reaction fic, right now I'm having trouble copying and pasting so I'm not doing anything with it right now so it MAY go on hiatus until that's resolved.

If you have any ideas, please let me know. It's not guaranteed to make it in since I'm flowing the novel but if it works it works.

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