Bangtan Sarang || KTH - Book 2

By Writeria29

699 258 221

Author Note: This book is a sequel to Bangtan Sarang ||JJK If you haven't already read that, I suggest you re... More

~ Chapter One ~
~ Chapter Two ~
~ Chapter Three ~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Six ~
~ Chapter Seven ~
~ Chapter Eight ~
~ Chapter Nine ~
~ Chapter Ten ~
~ Chapter Twelve ~
~ Chapter Thirteen ~
~ Chapter Fourteen~
~ Chapter Fifteen ~
~ Chapter Sixteen ~
~ Chapter Seventeen ~
~ Chapter Eighteen ~
~ Chapter Nineteen ~
~ Chapter Twenty ~
~ Chapter Twenty One ~
~ Chapter Twenty Two ~
~ Chapter Twenty Three ~

~ Chapter Eleven ~

24 11 9
By Writeria29

Tae sat at his desk working early one Monday morning. He had been at it for hours. This new deal was draining the life out of him.

His cellphone started vibrating indicating an incoming call.

Jin hyung, he read before answering.

"Hyung?" Tae asked.

"Anneyeong Taehyungie. Have you been through the amendments in the contract?" Jin asked.

"I'm almost through hyung. Except for clause 102a rest is good." Tae replied.

"Okay. We will discuss it on the call with our legal team in sometime and then join the Ajou Group on call." Jin said.

"Sure hyung"

"Another thing Taehyungie" Jin said quietly.

"What is it?" Tae asked with trepidation. He was worried someone had noticed that Jia was spending every night in the penthouse with him instead of going home and had informed Jin hyung about it.

"Our resort project at Jeju Island?" Jin started.

"Yeah, what about it?" Tae asked, relieved.

"They are breaking ground on Friday. I need you to attend the ceremony." Jin said.

"Hyung! You were supposed to go there, not me." Tae exclaimed, annoyed.

"I know but I'm needed at home, Taehyungie. You know this. Namjoonie and Yoongi are still healing." Jin pleaded.


"You can take Gemma with you. I'll manage from here."

"I have Jia, I don't need anyone else."

"Jia? Your new secretary? She's good?"

"Yes. She's very competent."

"I've been telling you to hire someone for ages. It's okay to trust someone else to ease your life" Jin sympathised.

Tae didn't answer. Jia sure was competent and she had definitely eased his life but no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, that niggling sensation at the back of his mind, wouldn't let up. She was indeed hiding something. He would find out. But in the meantime he would be careful, guard his heart and enjoy her body.

Tae made a non committal sound.

"I'm glad you finally found someone who you can trust." Jin commented.

"Hmmm" Tae murmured again and felt a twinge in his heart at Jin's words. He wished he could trust her, he wanted to.

"So I'll ask Gemma to release the statement about you attending the event." Jin said. "And come home. You've been working too hard. Sua is worried about you. She misses you. When did you speak to her last?"

Tae swallowed guiltily. "I'll call her tonight hyung and come home this weekend."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later then" Jin said ending the call.

Tae read through the rest of amendments in the contract his lawyers had sent him. He needed to cross check a few things so he needed to re-read the original tender. He absentmindedly dialled the intercom.

"Jia I need..." his voice trailed off as he got distracted by something he read.

"What do you need Tae?" Her sultry voice filled the room. He immediately had flashes of her naked on his bed.

He groaned.

"What is it? What do you need?" She asked again.

"A blowjob" he blurted without thinking.

He heard a loud clanking sound and laughed. She had probably dropped the phone. He heard rustling before her voice came on again.

"Coming right up" she said breathlessly.

The line went blank as did his mind.

Seriously? His mouth hung open. Would she actually do that? Here in the office?

A moment later the door creaked open and Jia stepped in, quickly closing the door behind her.

She approached him with a look of hunger on her face that made him twitch painfully in his pants. He helplessly stared up at her as she stood in front of him.

She bent down and kissed him deeply. He was lost. She tasted as sinful like chocolate and cherries. It was a heady combination. He always felt drunk on her. His desire was bordering on obsession. It took over his rational mind. He couldn't get enough of her.

His hands reached for her involuntarily. She moved down his neck raining kisses as she went, pulling at his tie. She went down on her knees and locked gazes with him while expertly unbuckling his belt. She unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, springing out his throbbing, hard dick. She looked down as she took him in her hands softly squeezing and stroking his desire.

He felt a shudder pass through him as she moved her fingers over his throbbing head. He was dripping for her.

When ran her tongue along the length of him, he saw stars. He threw his head back and groaned unable to hold it in any longer. When she took him in his mouth he felt all of his blood rush to his head. He felt faint. As she started moving his world started to darken at the edges.

"Oh fuck Jia" he moaned, grabbing on to her hair.

When she looked up at him with her lips around his cock he almost came at the sight.

"Aah! Fuck!" He ground out, shifting under her as she hummed appreciatively.

As she increased her speed, her head bobbing up and down, he was panting, his mind rendered completely blank. Nothing else mattered, nothing else even existed than the feel of her mouth around him.

A soft knock sounded on his office door as it creaked open revealing Gemma.

"Taehyung, I was just....." her voice trailed off as she stared at him.

Tae shifted immediately, pushing Jia under the table and hiding her from view. He stared wide eyed at Gemma. He was sure he looked white as a ghost as she frowned at him.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her hand still resting on the door.

"Uhmm.. yes!" He managed.

"Okay." She said suspiciously.

"What is it?" He asked, eager to get her to leave.

"I just wanted to inform you that we have a call scheduled in 10 minutes to discuss the new amendments." She explained.

He nodded unable to say anything more as he felt Jia silently slip him inside her mouth again.

"Also Boss asked me to do a press release for the event on Friday" Gemma said.

"Ok yes" he said and gasped as Jia pressed her tongue to the underside, pressing him up against the roof of her mouth.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Gemma asked.

Tae bit both of his lips together to keep himself from moaning as Jia picked up speed. He thanked the heavens that his desk was tall enough to completely cover her from view.

Gemma took a few steps towards him. "I didn't see Jia outside. Do you need anything? Maybe some coffee? You look pale."

Tae quickly bent forward, laying his elbows on his desk in an attempt to hide what was going on underneath. The movement caused his dick to go deeper down in her mouth, hitting the back of her throat.

He closed his eyes. He was going to die of pleasure, he worried.

"I-I am fine Ji-Gemma." He stammered.

Her gaze narrowed at him.

"I'll join the call." He tried again.

"Fine" she finally turned around and headed back to the door. "Ping me if you need anything"

With that she was gone.

Tae slumped into his chair. Jia chuckled around him making him arch his back again.

"You little tease" he whispered. "You could have gotten us both into so much trouble"

She hummed, the vibrations driving him over the edge.

"Jaagi... I'm about to...." He whined as she fisted her fingers around him and swirled her tongue around his tip. He grew bigger under her assault of sensations.

"Please Jia" he begged.

She took him as he gripped her hair and shot strings of hot cum down her throat. She swallowed and slowed her movements. He convulsed painfully and moaned as his release drained out of him.

Once he was completely spent, she let go of him with a little pop of her mouth and stared at him as she elegantly rose from under his desk.

She wiped the side of her mouth with her fingers. He managed to grip her blouse and pull her to himself for a kiss. He could taste himself on her tongue and it was hot enough to make him want to go at it all over again.

But his phone had already started to buzz.

"Get me the project file. I need to take this."

"Ok Tae Bear. You can pay me back later. " She winked.

"With interest" he smirked as he answered the call.

"Yeoboseyo" he answered lazily, while he zipped the and buckled up his pants again.

Jia was walking to the door and his eyes followed her every move. He was going to spontaneously combust because of her someday.

He was sure of it.


Jia walked directly to the washroom. She rinsed her mouth and splashed some water on her face to calm herself. She had pretended to be unaffected but if she was honest she was very affected by him.

She couldn't help but notice that something had changed between them. Tae no longer asked her out. Not that she wanted to date him but it was nice to be asked anyway. He was no longer sweet and caring in his lovemaking, it was hard and fast, which bordered on aggressive, it was very very good but she couldn't help but feel like he was holding back a part of himself.

She couldn't figure out what had caused him to distance himself. She had started to worry about him catching feelings and now she worried that he wasn't even the least bit affected by her. It was purely sexual between them now. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss the old Tae who flirted and acted silly trying to get her to go out with him.

He smiled, he laughed but he always held a part of himself back. He was careful about what he said.

What concerned her the most was that he had suddenly started using condoms when they had sex. After their first time in the small cabin in the middle of nowhere, he had confessed to her that he had never had raw sex before and he actually really liked it. He had asked her if she was okay to continue having unprotected sex with him. He had assured her that he had no one else in his life. She had agreed. She couldn't deny feeling him without any barriers between them was the best thing ever.

But now it had suddenly all changed. Almost like he didn't trust her anymore.


She had no answer. Her mind kept turning up blank.

She went back to her desk after fixing her clothes and her hair. There was a note from Gemma explaining the press release for the event on Friday. She read through it and then checked her phone. She had a text from her sister.

Free to talk?

She hadn't spoken to her in months. She missed her sister but she shouldn't really be contacting her. She never did.

Jia panicked.

Do Jia:
You okay?

Unni! I've missed you.
I didn't think you would text me back.

Do Jia:
Answer me.

Of course I'm okay.
Better than okay actually.

Do Jia:
You know you are not
supposed to contact me
on this number unless
its an emergency.

Yes! I know the rules.
But I miss you Unni.
We haven't spoken in months.

Do Jia:
I know. I'm sorry.

You are always working. 😔

Do Jia:
I'll try to call you soon, okay?

I'll tell you all about this
amazing guy I met.

Do Jia:
Be careful.

Always am, Unni.
You taught me well.

Do Jia:
No I didn't.
If I had, you wouldn't
be talking about boys
being amazing at all.

😄😄 Call me.

Do Jia:
I will.
Take care of yourself
and be safe.


Do Jia:
You are everything to me.
Never forget that.


Jia turned the phone off and got back to her work. She had to prepare a press release for the resort project and a speech for Tae for the event.


Taehyung finished his call and sat back against his chair. He rested his head back and closed his eyes. He was tired, the call and negotiations had lasted almost four hours, taking up his entire morning.

His phone buzzed again.

He really wanted to ignore it but he peeked from the corner of his eyes.


He swiftly answered the call.

"Yeonjun-ah. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes. I settled in. The university is beautiful. Everything is great here. Thank you Taehyungie hyung." Yeonjun said reverently.

"That's good to hear. Did you find the student I texted you about?" Tae asked.

"Yes hyung. On my very first day." Yeonjun answered with pride. "Actually we are friends now. She is on the welcoming committee. She showed me around campus."

"Okay. Don't get too attached Yeonjun-ah." Tae warned.

"I know hyung" he said but something in his voice seemed off.

"I need you to find out more about her. Her family, where she's from, anything you can get."
Tae instructed.

"Sure hyung. I know she's from Ilsan but grew up in Seoul." Yeonjun informed him, eager to please his hyung.

"Will you be able to get to her student file?" Tae asked "I need you to get all the information you possibly could."

"Yeah I can. But hyung......" he hesitated.

"What is it?" Tae asked.

"Couldn't you have just hacked into the university server?" Yeonjun asked softly.

"I could have but my computer is fried and I haven't gotten round to replacing any of the equipment as yet." Tae explained.

"Ah... okay."

"Yeonjun-ah." Tae started "You need to be careful. I don't know who that girl is or what she's involved in but it can't be anything good." Tae warned him again.

"Hyung......" Yeonjun hesitated again "She is a good person hyung. A very sweet girl. I really like her. She wouldn't hurt a fly. I don't know what it is you are looking for but trust me hyung nothing about Eun-ji is bad, She's an angel." Yeonjun tried.

"Yeonjun-ah you already seem too attached." Tae admonished.

"Would it be too bad if I was? I have never met anyone so..... good, hyung. She's amazing"

"Stick to the mission kid. Don't get involved. Don't screw this up."

"I won't hyung!" Yeonjun was offended.

"I trusted you to do this. Was I wrong?"


"Then stick to the mission. Keep your feelings out of it"

"Okay hyung" he sounded sullen.

Tae sighed. He was just a kid.

"Have fun there. Ask her out if you want to. Just be very careful. Don't forget why you are there."

"Thank you hyung. Thank you for trusting me"

"Call Han if you need anything. Be safe"

"I'll call you when I know more"

"Okay" Tae said hanging up.

He just had to be a little more patient, he would know more soon enough. Whatever it was, a part of him hoped it wasn't related to Jia in any way.

He hoped it was all a misunderstanding.

He liked Jia and no matter how much he tried to deny it he was falling for her.

She really had made his life so much better. The sex was everything he could dream of and more. She matched him in every way. He knew he was being aggressive recently but he was only trying to break her out of anger. But she was headstrong and matched his aggression with her own desire. Never once backing down.

His thoughts wandered to the mind blowing head she had given him in the morning. She could have him eating out of her hand with just one sultry look in his direction. She acted like she didn't care but he knew she did. He noticed the little things she did for him. How she went out of her way to ease his workload, to how she massaged his shoulders after a particularly stressful day, how she gently kissed him awake in the morning, to how she held him close and stroked his hair or his back during one of his night terrors.

He noticed and he fell a little bit more each time.

He was trying hard to guard his heart with all his might but she had still slipped past unnoticed.

Tae sighed. He hoped and prayed she wasn't involved in anything she shouldn't be.

He was starting to think he would be willing to overlook everything if she came clean. He would let it go if it meant that he could keep her by his side.

The alternative didn't bear thinking about.


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