Classroom of the Elite: New P...

By TheDom26

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ANHS is onto its new year of high school as a new student, Yagami Takuya walks into the gates he will stay in... More

Important notes
Chapter 2: The Classmates of Class D
Chapter 3: Changes
Chapter 4: The Clubs
Chapter 5: The moment before the Pool
Chapter 6: The Pool
Chapter 7: Randomery
Chapter 8: Plan Set in Motion
Chapter 9: The Reveal
Chapter 10: Reality Check
Chapter 11: Gaining Answers
Chapter 12: The edge
Chapter 13: A surprise
Chapter 14: Pool Episode
Chapter 15: Cruising
Chapter 16: A New Exam
Chapter 17: Meetings

Chapter 1: A New Environment

668 18 27
By TheDom26

Where do I even start?

When I was done completing my exam during I think Monday I was suddenly called to meet with the professor.

Why you may ask? That's what I was wondering too.

It's not like I did anything in-fact I was probably doing everything right.

I was the top of my class and I had even completed the curriculum to which they upped it for my generation when I was about 10 years old.

Many people stared at me with hatred but they wouldn't have failed in the first place.

Maybe if they tried better then they could have at least been at my level.

But I would still be better in the end.

But back to the story, when I walked into the office, the professor was sitting in chair looking oddly bored.

His stare could probably make any one shiver, I too felt some discomfort.

I had on the last acted a bit cocky in front of him which ended up with punishment for me.

That never happen again.

But that time, I felt like it's something different.

He had some papers and files on his desk like usual but one was separated from the other.

I had taken a seat when he  had briefed me on a school called Advanced Nurturing Highschool.

I didn't get why he was telling me this at the time until he took the disarranged paper and put them right in-front of me.

He then talked about how I was going to attend this school to test how his "students" would operate compared to regular high school students.

I had to fight the urged to listen to him and not make up a scenario in my head.

He didn't give me many details about the school but he told me to fill out the exam papers carefully.

Why did he say carefully? Maybe to predict my future of something but I filled them nonetheless.

I wasn't stupid enough to get all 50's on the paper since that would look suspicious. But what exactly is a student's normal?

I had decided to fill out the papers in a unpredictable order making sure that I filled out the easy questions correctly and the varied on the hard questions.

I would get an 80, a 95, a 76, etc.

But next comes my interview which I had to wait a couple of weeks for.

Did I try my best in the interview? No.

What was the point? I know nothing while they may know everything.

I wanted to see what would happen.

This takes us to today. I was driven by two of the professors bodyguards until they reached a spot and told me to walk to the school.

The uniform feels a bit weird and different on me. Also quite tight but hey, you win some you lose some. I just don't know what I won.

I see a couple of students ahead of me chatted with each other.

What should I do in this situation? I've been taught to socialize but do I need to? They'll probably just hold me back.

Arriving at the gates, I look up to see the massive school.

It supposedly has a 100% employment rate but students cannot interact with the outside world.

I won't go into details since it bores me.

Just then a bus pulls up as students hop out one by one.

I spot a girl with long black hair getting out. But from that face she also looks like a pain.

I've already decided that I'm gonna go with a calm and composed personality and try to be friendly with everyone.

I wish I had information on the student but the professor never gave me any even at my request.

This is gonna be a pain.

I continue walking until until I get to the gymnasium where the entrance ceremony will take place.

I then waited until the ceremony started.

I silently watched my fellow students mingle to each other care free.

I could hear their laughs as each group had a different amount of members.

I saw one student with shoulder length brown hair interacting with other females while some boys looked at her lustfully.

What is so special about her? She'll probably slap them away for being creepy. That would be entertaining though.

Another student with hip length pink hair was also talking to a large group of people. She looks like someone who would help anyone no matter what.

One student stood out for me. She was short, otherwise known as a Loli from what I have heard from students.

She had silver hair and a cane to support herself.

I could probably kick that cane to humiliate her.

But that wouldn't be good for my reputation would it?

The entrance ceremony then took place which silence everyone there.

Nobody liked the entrance ceremony.

It bored me so much that I imagined the principal as one of the professors from the Whiteroom and me as the student smarter than him.

Thank god Ichika isn't here or else I would have been driven crazy.

She has such a complex with me, it annoys me more that anything.

As the entrance ceremony ended, we all left for our respective classes.

Mine is Class D.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Walking into class, I can already see some of my fellow peers present.

A group of girls are chatting with each other before noticing me.

Should I talk to them? Should I ignore them? What do I do in this situation?

My socialization skills are useless if I don't know how to act properly.

They look at me and giggle for some reason.

"Look at him, he looks quite cute doesn't he?"

"Eh? I know right. Much better than those idiots in the corner."

Maybe I'm getting complimented? Well, that's no surprise since I'm better than all of the other students here.

From what I can tell, they are what people fall gyaru's.

How should I describe them?

The what looks like to be leader of the group has long blonde hair tied in a pony tail.

Another one has a little bit longer than shoulder length purple hair.

The others? I mean, I've seen better.

They all have cosmetics I think on.

A bunch of make-up too.

I spot my nameplate that bares me bame and head towards it.

Yagami Takuya it says.

No, it doesn't say that.

A piece of paper was stuck onto my first name and was written Light.

I roll my eyes before ripping it off.

I set my bag down before taking a seat. I the observe my class as more people flood in.

The girl I saw from the bus earlier is also here.

She takes a seat next to mine and starts reading a book called Crime and Punishment.

I look away to avoid staring at her.

I did see on her nameplate that her name is Horikita Suzune.

She looks like a loner.

The boy right in front of me is just screaming Hey, someone be my friend, anyone?.

I silently chuckle to myself. Maybe I am a bad person.

The noise died down as a tall figure walked into the classroom.

She settles on the podium before making her long speech.

"Ahem. Good morning to you, students. I'm the instructor for Class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Japanese history. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know you all. It's a pleasure to meet you. Since the entrance ceremony has already taken place I will distribute written materials with information about the schools special rules. I will also hand out the admission guides."

The students in the front seats passed back familiar documents I'd revived after being accepted.

I looked through it before going back into my mind.

The S-System.

"I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your card, you can access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store and so on, it acts like a credit card. However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points you spend. At this school, you can use points to buy anything. Anything located on the school premise is available for purchase."

Anything? So you're saying I can buy something like points for an exam? This is interesting. But why was she so vague about it? Is she not confident?

Maybe I can buy something to protect me if I do anything wrong and get caught.

Joke, I wouldn't do that. Only if I have to.

"Your student cards can be used simply by swiping them through the machine scanner. The method is simple, so you shouldn't get confused. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. You should all have received 100,000 points already. Keep in mind that one points is worth 1 yen. No further explanation should be necessary."

The classroom erupted.

While everyone was shock at the about of 'money' we'd received, I was thinking about Chabashira-Sensei's words.

She didn't say we'd get 100'000 yen per month but points will be given at the start of each month.

It would be simpler to just say "100'000 yen will be given each month" but it seems like she crafted that sentence exactly how it's intended to sound if you listen carefully.

This school judges everyone by merit so maybe this is a piece of the puzzle about the S-System.

I unintentionally cracked a smile.

This is gonna be fun.

But I still need more information about it, like how it is judged and how we get a certain amount of points. I need to do more investigation.

"Shocked by the amount of points given you've been given? This school judges evaluates it's student's talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your values and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth."

Chabashira-Sensei continued explaining while I zoned out.

When I refocused into the situation, bewilderment spread among the students. Chabashira-Sensei looked over the room.

Speaking of which, why are there so many security cameras in the room? This is normal for something like the Whiteroom but during the VR training, I've seen the inside of schools and I know the normal inside of a classroom.

This only makes it more suspicious.

"Well, it appears no one has any questions. I hope that you enjoy your time here as students."

Many of my classmates could not hide their surprise at the the large sum of points.

Jeez, we're they not trained at anything?

My neighbor packed away her thing a fire leaving the classroom.

These students act like toddlers. They have no discipline.

There has to be a catch in this school.

It's too lenient to be normal. How can kids like these get jobs when all they think about is shopping and girls?

"Hey, hey! Do you want to check out a store with me on our way back? Les do some shopping!" One girl cried.

"Sure, with this much, we can buy anything, ok. So glad I got into this school!" Another said.

Shopping? Oh, it's when you go into malls and stores to buy necessities and in some cases, just to buy stuff. I guess I also do need to do some shopping.

Once the teacher was gone, the newly rich student began to grow restless.

Don't they have any self constraint?

This school is a good way for me to find out more on how people interact and such.

"Everyone, can you please listen to me for a moment?"

A student with an air of an upstanding young man quickly raised his hand. His hair isn't dyed. He looked like an honor student to be honest. Based on his appearance, he probably isn't a bad person.

We'll see about that.

"Starting today, we're all going to be classmates. Therefore, I think it'd be good for us to introduce ourselves and become friends as soon as possible. What do you say?"

Many students agreed with him. This is good for me to understand the personalities of each student.

"Agreed! After all, we still don't know a thing about each other, not even our names," someone shouted.

"My name's Hirata Yousuke, back in Junior high, lots of people called me Yousuke. Feel free to use my first name! I guess my hobby is sports in general, but I especially like soccer. I'm planning on playing soccer here, too. Nice to meet you!"

All the girls had hearts in their eyes for him just because he seems 'special.'

Maybe I can become "friends" with him for my purposes in the future.

"Well then, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves, starting form the front. Is that okay?"

The girl in front looked pressured.

"M-my name is... Inogashira ko-ko..."

The girl started to introduce herself so slowly. Couldn't she have thought about what she was gonna say beforehand? She is terrible at talking that I feel myself irk in the inside.

She then took minutes to finish her introduction. Something like that could get you to drop out in the Whiteroom.

The next person the started his sloppy introduction.

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki. I competed in table tennis during elementary school, and in junior high I was the ace player in our baseball team. I was number four. I got hurt during the inter-high school championships, though, and I'm undergoing rehab now. Nice to meet you."

Idiot, inter-high school championships is for high schoolers.

He just wants to impress the girls and thinks that bragging would help and adding that he is undergoing rehab, he thought that maybe the girls would feel sympathy for him.

Also, who needs to know your team number?

Nobody asked.

The cheerful girl who stood up was the same one who'd told Inogashira to go slowly and calm down.

"My name is Kushida Kikyou. None of my friends from junior high made it to this school, so I'm alone here. I'd like to get to know all of your names and faces right away and become friends as soon as possible!"

Unlike other students, Kushida kept on talking.

"My first goal is to become friends with everyone. So, after we're finished with introductions, I'd love for you to share your contact information with me!"

That's not happening, her introduction seems awfully forced. From my guess, she is trying to gather everyone's friendship so that if anything happens, nobody will believe the opposite side. It maybe it's something deeper than that, could it be something part of her personality?

Well, I guess thinking about it now won't help anything.

"So, after school or during vacations, I want to make all sorts of memories with lots of people. Please feel free to invite to lots of events! Anyways, I've talked for a long time, so I'll end my introduction here."

I rest my cheek on my right hand with bored expression on.

This is so much different than the Whiteroom that it feels boring but refreshing at the same time.

It's like being taught a new lesson. You can learn all sorts of information from it.

"Well then, next up is..."

Hirata looked at the red haired student in the back basically signaling that it's his turn.

"What, are we a bunch of little kids or something? I don't need to introduce myself. People who want to do that can go ahead. Just leave me me out of it."

He seems like a hot head, but I feel the same.

What's the point? I guess for me it's to test out how Whiteroom students handle in this environment but it's not like I'm being forced.

"I can't force you to introduce yourself, of course. However, I don't think that getting along with your classmates is a bad thing. If I've made you uncomfortable , I apologize."

When Hirata bowed his head, some of the girls glared at the red-head.

"Isn't it fine to introduce yourself!" One of them snapped.

"Yeah, yeah!"

Some of the male student looked at Hirata with jealousy probably wishing to be in his situation.

I want to have the girls be loyal to me, they are probably thinking.

"Shut it. I don't care. I didn't come here to make friends."

The guy and some other students got up from their seats and left the class. Like like they don't want to get along with anyone.

"They're not a bad bunch. It's my fault. I was being selfish and made people do this."

"No way. You didn't do anything wrong, Hirata-kun. Let's just leave those guys be, okay?"

Many people are happy to continue so the introduction stage went on.

"I'm Ike Kanji. I love girls, and I hate pretty boys. I'm currently in the market for a new girlfriend. It's nice to meet you all. All the better if you're a cutie or a beauty."

Really? What a pathetic introduction.

Now everyone is just gonna mock him. I would too, but there's no need.

"Wow. You are so cool, Ike-kun," one girl said, in a completely emotionless voice.

"Seriously? Seriously? Oh, man. I mean, I thought that I wasn't bad or anything, but... heh heh."

Sigh, he seriously can't tell that they are just teasing him.

He then started blushing.

"Oh, wow. He's cute? Huh, everyone? He's looking for a girlfriend!"

Next is some dues blonde hair weirdo. He is combing his hair while looking into the mirror.

"Excuse me, can you introduce yourself?"
Hirata asked.

"Hmph. Fine."

He smirked like a aristocrat, displaying his impudent attitude. As he shifted in his seat, he placed his legs on the desk and introduced himself.

"My name is Koenji Rokusuke. As the sole male
Heir to the Koenji conglomerate group, I will soon be tasked with carrying Japan into the future. I sincerely look forward to making your acquaintances, ladies."

Rolusuke? I know what name. Their group is one of many that funds the Whiteroom.

I picked up on the detail then I overheard the instructors talking.

Some girls looked at him with sparkling eyes while others regarded him as a weirdo.

"Staring today, I will mercilessly punish anyone who makes me uncomfortable. Please exercise proper precaution so that you may avoid that."


"Um, Koenji-Kun. What exactly do you mean when you say , 'anyone who makes me uncomfortable'?" Hirata asks. He doesn't seem to like the word 'punish.' Interesting, maybe that brings back PTSD.

"I meant exactly what I said. If asked to give an example, well... I would say I hate ugly things, for instance. So, if I saw something ugly, I would do just as I said."

He flips his hair back. THAT makes ME uncomfortable.

"Ah, thank you. I will be careful then."

I'm gonna try to avoid Koenji as much as possible. He is probably nothing but trouble.

"Well then, time for the next person. Can you please introduce yourself?"

My term, I quickly formed a introduction in my head. As I was about to stand up from my seat, I was mocked by some male students. Mainly Ike and Yamauchi.

"Did you forget what you are gonna say? Don't worry, as the popular man I can give you advice."

"Ha! Even a pretty boy like him can't talk."

Hirata then calms them.

"Guys, it's not nice to mock your classmate."

I stand up as all eyes turned their attention towards me

"Hello everyone! My name is Yagami Takuya. I hope I can get along with you all. If you need help with something, I'm willing to help. Nice to meet you all."

A/N: phew, that's done. It's hard to write when you can't copy and paste. I'm trying something new since I'm a Yagami fan and I want to give him a chance and there aren't many Yagami fanfics. And pretty much none with his as the MC.

Now you may ask, who is the female interest? Well, I'll give you a hint. I will put some names and you will in the future.

Kushida, Ichinose, Matsushita, Horikita, and Shiina.

Should you read my other books? I mean my Whiterooms approval and reaction fic probably.

This will go along with the light novel but things will change for obvious reasons. Manly character interactions.

It falls hard to write about Yagami because of the changes in the verse. But hey, it's fine.

Will Yagami get character development? YES! Think of it was Yagami's redemption arc.

When will I upload? I'll try to upload once very 3 days but no guarantees.

Also, request. Can anyone give me the description of words needed and app (free) to make AI generated image of Yagami? I would appreciate it.

That's all from me. If you have any questions, post them here. I might respond to them. But I'm busy so who knows.

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