CHANGED - Classroom of the El...

By blondiewritesthings

158K 7.3K 2.1K

There's not enough canon info about what happens when you die. Everyone's curious to know yet most are too sc... More

Horikita Suzune - Reincarnation
.-- .. .-.. .-.. --- .--
Ending Notes


2K 107 42
By blondiewritesthings

It was 8 at night when Suzune was knocked on the door. She cracked her back with a light groan before making her way over to the entrance.

"Coming, coming." When she opened it, she blinked, and then raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "You couldn't text me with the device called a phone?"

"Well, considering we're friends, I thought it'd be friendlier if I talked to you in person." She swears, Ayanokoji's remarks are getting saltier by the minute.

Suzune blinked another few times before she huffed out air and headed back to the kitchen. "Whatever. Make yourself at home, I guess."

Ayanokoji slipped off his shoes and closed the door behind him. He looked around her room on the spot, noticing her shelves that were packed to the brim with library books. "Your room is quite... cozy."

"Thanks." Suzune deadpanned, scrubbing away at her dinner plate over the bubbly sink. "Can't say the same about yours, though."

"I go for quality over quantity."

"And I go for getting straight to the point." She slid the plate back into its place and closed the upper-cabinet door. "What's the drama now?"

"Are members of class A still following you around?" He asks.

Suzune stared at him for a moment. He stared back. "If I'm going to guess, Sakayanagi's planning to corner me."

"How does she plan to do that? You're quite good at bailing yourself out of situations you don't like."

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me." She dried off another dish and placed it in the top-cabinet of her kitchen.

"When it comes to Sakayanagi's style, she likes to get into her opponent's head: we saw a lovely demonstration of that last exam. So, she's probably going to try to corner me with stress, wait for me to reach my breaking point, slowly wait for me to build up Stockholm syndrome with her, then get me to join class A."


"... what?"

"I didn't expect you to think that morbidly."

"Yeah? Bad play on your end, then."

"I see that now."

"Why are you even asking me this, anyway?" Suzune leaned on the marble countertop, peering over at the other teen, who stared back. "I have no clue what's drawn her to me, either."

"Actually, I might know why- " Suzune perked up. "-but I don't know if it's certain."

"Better than nothing. Hit me with it." Starting somewhere is her key to figuring out whatever loli-grandma is thinking about with that IQ of hers.

"Going by what you stated about Sakayanagi's character," Ayanokoji began. "And based off of my interactions with her, she seems to be drawn to people she finds worthy."

"I mean, sure, in your case. But what about me? Just because I know about 'that place' doesn't mean I'm 'worthy' of being stalked."

"So, her classmates are still following you." Ayanokoji put together. "Why don't you consult your brother about it?"

"Because as soon as he leaves the school, they'll ignore his threats and go right back to doing what they do now." Suzune found herself sounding almost... dreadful, when she said that.

Getting followed everywhere is annoying, okay? Makes you feel judged and criticized beyond belief. "Plus, if he truly wanted to give me advice, he wouldn't wait for me to initiate the conversation first."

"Or maybe he doesn't know how to approach the person he's mistreated in the past."

"Get him to ask me for advice then." She went over to her desk, which was in utter disarray from printing and writing out work problems for the class. "We both know he'd listen to you any day of the week."

"Are you saying you'd give him advice?" Ayanokoji inquired.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"Well, no... I just didn't think you'd be willing to." He said honestly. 

"As much as I berate brother dearest, I don't hate him. I understand his point of view." Suzune said.

And it's true; being constantly coddled (especially by not outstanding adult figures) can affect you even if you don't necessarily feel a 'change' or 'switch'.

"Even though he thought the fact that his own sister was in a class that wasn't class A was shameful? That if the word spread his reputation would be tarnished?" Why the hell's he so hellbent on this situation?

If anything, he could care less.

"Reputation is regarded as everything in public society. It can either cause you to grow leaps and bounds, or drag you far, far down into the depths of unhealthy mental conditions."

Ayanokoji's sly mutter of "you'd know a lot about that" didn't go unheard, so she fired back with,

"Don't act like you can talk, Daddy Issues. God knows what kind of perfectionist ideals were shoved down your throat at the age of eight."

"Bold of you to assume I learned about ideals that late in my life, Horikita. When it comes to perfectionism, you're one of the last people who can criticize me for my behaviour."

Suzune felt her left eye lightly twitch.


March 9th rolled around, and Hirata was acting as emo as ever. Mei-yu tried going after him, but Suzune put her arm out in front of her. "It's not worth it. He'll come around eventually. You know he will, so have some faith, okay?"

It was class C's free period of the day, and they decided to use it as a discussion time for the upcoming special exam.

Koenji decided to stay for their peptalk, for some reason.

"Koenji's still here? Why?" Sudo shared similar thoughts.

The narcissist flipped his hair. "I'm a part of this class, am I not? As much as I treasure my position here, I'd be appreciative if we could wrap this discussion up quickly. I'm a busy person myself."

"Alright, now with that out of the way," Suzune placed the ten cards (eight white, two gold) that Chabashira provided her with on the board with magnets. "Do any of you have ideas for the events we should choose?"

The discussion flowed along pretty well. Writing down people's suggestions, asking the class to vote on what should be competitive and not competitive.

Even Koenji raised his hand a couple times. Which was bizarre, but okay--It's better than him being entirely un-cooperative, she guesses.

"Alright, we can finish the discussion there." How many times can you say discussion until it doesn't sound like a word anymore?

The class began packing up their things or moving to chat with their clicks. Kushida in particular seemed to be in quite the foul mood. Suzune will drown out her shouting in her ears later.

You're probably asking:
Why is Suzune being so lenient with Kushida? Why is she letting Kushida basically do whatever she wants? Well, that answer is pretty simple.

When it comes down to it, her and Kushida really aren't that different.

(Also, the plan to expel Kushida isn't going to manifest itself now, will it?)


It was late at night when Kushida rang her, willingly.

Now that's character growth.


"You're such a bitch, you know that?"

"Afternoon to you too."

"Don't act all innocent! You know exactly what you were doing during that discussion period shit!"

"You're welcome to enlighten me."

"You were trying to egg me on in front of the class!" Kushida's voice sounded raspy and crackly, nearing to losing it. She was probably yelling not long ago.

That poor metal railing, honestly.

"Well, to be fair, you're trying to get me expelled, so..."

"UGHHH!! Why can't you just DIE?!"

"Because I can't talk to you if I die."

She heard a muffled *BAM* from Kushida's line.

"Do you need to roast me in person or something?"

"No. I don't need to see your ugly face more than I do."


Suzune could just feel the sheer and utter rage the other girl was producing.

"Also, if you need advice on acting, you can just ask. I don't bite."

"Why would I ever ask advice from a stupid bitch like you?!" Kushida yelled, near hysterical.

"Because I know how to put on an innocent and likeable act, believe it or not."

"Of course, you do!!"

That outburst made Suzune give a noise of curiosity. "You know the answer to just EVERY little thing, don't you. You just have to be a fucking, useless, know-it-all, huh?!"

"I don't know the answer to everything, actually. But I do know the answer to getting noticed."


"You can help me lead the next discussion period, if you want."


"Of course, you don't have to, but like- "

"FINE!... I'll do it."


"But don't expect me to act all buddy-buddy with you just because we're in public."


"I'll make you trip and fall in front of everybody."

"Wouldn't that ruin your mask?"

"Not If I make it look like an accident."

"Hm. True."

"... that didn't sound very confident of you. What, you're scared your own reputation will crumble? Funny, considering that you're hailed as the 'ideal girl' around here."

"It's not that I lack confidence, it's just... have you ever considered that someone else knows something they shouldn't?"


There was surprised silence on Kushida's end.

Suzune waited for her to make the almighty realization by idly practicing with the new calligraphy pen she bought the other day. It makes her one-liners look so much more elegant.



"DON'T PLAY DUMB!!" Kushida shouted in her ear (ow, this girl's pitch is high). "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!!"


"Wha- I- but, who??"


"... you and Ayanokoji are really getting all close, huh? You know, it'd be such a shame if someone were to spread a little rumour that you two were speculating together."

"Heh, go ahead." Suzune flicked her wrist to write a fancy H. "That's if you want the next two weeks to be your last."

Kushida scoffed. "As if you have the power to expel me."

"I very much do, actually. Plus, I never said the person was Ayanokoji."

"... huh?"

"It'd could've been anyone. What if I were to hang out with him in front of you on purpose so that you would think that?"

"But what would be the point in hanging around that creep?"



"Then stop asking me obvious questions then! You have a brain in there, use it."

"Wait, are you saying that you wanted others to notice you two hanging around each other more often in the first place??"


"Then does this mean that you manipulated the situation way back at the start of the year? When I asked Ayanokoji to get you to meet us up at the café??"



Finally, some silence. Calligraphy increases in difficulty when you have a Karen loudly cursing you out.

"You are a horrible person."

"You can't talk at all, Kushida."



Karma must've been her calling, because next morning at 7:30am, Kushida was waiting for her outside Suzune's dorm, a smile on her face.

"Wanna' walk to school together, Horikita-san??"

"Please don't start stalking me."

She pressed the elevator button and the door opened. The two of them walked inside, watched the door close, and waited in silence. It didn't help that they were the only two people in there.

"I really, really, do despise you, you know?" Kushida suddenly brought up the obvious, the gentle smile remaining on her face.

"I'd be worried if I didn't."

"As much as I really do hate you, I can't help but hate you more for the fact that we are similar."

"Similar? What makes you say that?" Suzune asked, making sure to watch the other girl out the corner of her eye in case she tries to pull something.

"Well, for one, we both lie to be people on a daily basis. We both spend our days deceiving people with ease and are always prepared for the worst."

She'll give Kushida some credit; in order to emotionally manipulate someone, you need to know how they react, and the best way to find that out is by watching them.

Discreetly, of course. Suzune's stalkers really need to get the memo.

"And two, when we were back in middle school."

Her and Kushida were out of the elevator now. They were walking side by side on the path to the buildings, Kushida making sure to smile and wave when her 'friends' walked by.

She's taking more risks as of lately. Even now, the girl's running her mouth in a public area. Kushida from the start of the year wouldn't dare make such a ballsy move.

Was it a sign of declining mental health? Or maybe it was Suzune's influence? The latter option is pretty slim, with how much the brunette wants to just strangle her throat, but it's still an option.

"You remember that? Normally people both try and want to forget their emotional trauma." She pointed out.

"True, but I'm not like most people." Kushida being as arrogant as always. "One day, I saw you walking around."

"So, you have been stalking me, too?"

"Don't make it weird. And also, 'too?' I-No, actually, I don't want to know." That's a first. "It was like you suddenly... changed."

"I mean, I did chop off half my hair and get piercings."

"Sure, but I mean mentally." Kushida turned to face her, her eyes having lost their shine, looking like a blank sheet. "It felt like... something suddenly clicked in you. Like you had a realization and were never the same."

"They say that people with similar thinking patterns get along better." Suzune replied innocently.

"Are you implying that we don't get along, Horikita-san?" Kushida caught her drift, and put her act back on, noticing that they were getting close to their classroom now.

"I would never."

"How long are you planning to just stay there?!" Hirata's voice abruptly rang out.

"G-gomen, Hirata-kun..." Mei-yu cowered under his harsh words.

Hirata 'tched' and marched over to his desk. His gaze was cold, and his voice sounded colder.

He'll get over his tantrum eventually.

(She probably shouldn't be shrugging off trauma so casually, but whatever.

That's a great sign of her own mental health, actually.)

Koenji gave an airy sigh with a flick of his hair. "Why must there be so many problem children in my class?"

"You can't talk much." Suzune muttered to herself.

Koenji raised a brow at her English, his face looking somewhat serious.

Suzune blinked. "... Is there an issue, Koenji?" She decided to ask when he didn't stop staring at her, openly might she add.

Koenji waved a hand and mererly chuckled. "Ah, no, not at all. Apologies if I worried you for a moment there, Cat Girl."

Great. Now, everyone was looking at her and Koenji with raised eyebrows.

"So, you're the mysterious Cat Girl??" Matsushita said, her pronunciation slightly off. Suzune could see the ghosting smirk threatening to appear on the teen's face, which-


Like, just no

"As I was saying, I didn't mean to scare you there, I was just curious about you." Koenji smoothly answered.

That didn't make the situation she was in any better. If anything, it made it worse.

Because now all the girls were looking at her with wry smiles and Sato had the balls to raise her eyebrows up and down with a wink.



"That is all for today." Chabashira ended the lesson as usual, stalking out the room without room for opposition.

"Mii-chan." Kushida asked, leaning over said girl's table with a friendly smile. "Wanna walk home together after this discussion period? I have a new Disney movie for us to watch!"

"... yeah. That- that'd be great. Thanks, Kikyou-chan."

Suzune doesn't think Kushida realizes the lasting damage her dramatic reveal will have on the girls. They trust her, extremely close to the line of trusting her too much.

Or maybe she does notice but just doesn't care. That's probably more aligned with the truth.

'Eh, I'll figure out a way to keep things under wraps.'


"Alright! That'd good enough for today, don't you think, Horikita-san?" Kushida asked.

Suzune had gotten the girl to move the discussion period along faster, as per their agreement from the night before.

Kushida did actually try to trip her over, but Suzune moved out the way, meaning Kushida fell over her own feet. When Suzune caught her effortlessly, and asked if she was alright, Kushida looked two seconds away from fucking losing it, before tightening her smile and saying,

"Of course! You caught me, after all. You're super strong, Horikita-san!"

Oh, Suzune nearly lost her shit right then and there. Pissing off Kushida was really funny, especially when the girl couldn't do anything about it without ruining her own reputation.

Ah, the joys of being a shithead never cease to amuse her.

"Oh, hey, Horikita-chan!" Speaking of shitheads.

Suzune turned around to see Hashimoto running towards her, a strange look of relief sitting on his face. Sakayanagi must be feeling feeling confident in herself, then.

Suzune makes a mental note to have the chess match be good.

"It's been a while."

Hashimoto rubbed the back of his neck. "Hehe, yeah. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable on Valentines Day, by the way."

... That's what he was avoiding her for?

"Dude, chill out." Suzune said, staring Hashimoto in the eyes. "You didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all. What made you think you did?"

"Well, you seemed pretty hesitant to take them when I told you they were yours." He was referring to the chocolate he gave her. Then, with a shit-eating smirk, he added, "What, don't tell me you were concerned it was actually poisoned?"



"... okay, listen-"


"Shut it!" Suzune whisper shouted. "You're causing a scene. Besides, it wasn't even that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal-" Hashimoto practically hissed. "You have nearly been poisoned! Explain to me how that is not 'that big of a deal'??"

"Because I managed to remove the poison before anyone got hurt." Suzune placed a hand on the guy's shoulder. "Chill. Out."

Hashimoto blinked a few times, looking like he was debating whether or not he should shake her shoulders vigorously. He then took a huge deep breath, breathed it out through his mouth, opened his eyes again that were now thinly lined with worry.

"When did you nearly get poisoned, anyway?"

"Eh, not too long ago, actually. Probably a few weeks by now."


"Stop. Let me explain before you lose your tits." Suzune noticed his posture being a lot less lazy looking now. "One of the vending machine drinks had food poisoning in it. Non-lethal, but enough to knock you out if you downed the drink in one go."

"... Oh-kaaay." Hashimoto gave a slow nod, still worried. "Why did it have it?"

"Because someone wants me expelled."

"... Okay, that part doesn't surprise me. Still, doesn't make poisoning someone's food any less concerning on multiple levels." Hashimoto huffed out air before pinning her with a worried/confused look. "Who even wants you expelled, anyway?"

"No idea." Suzune answered. But Hashimoto still didn't look convinced. "What's the problem now?"

"Just..." Hashimoto cut himself off with another deep breath. "You're not involved in anything sketchy, right? This is all just for shits and giggles, yeah?"

"Sure." Suzune said. "The person who wants me expelled must have a dark sense of humour, is what I think of it."

"... right." Hashimoto dropped the subject with a forced smile. "Well, Horikita-chan, it was nice chatting to you, but I've got uh- soccer practice to run to."

"Alright. See you."

Hashimoto waved before turning away and jogging down the hall.

He was probably going to tattle on her to Sakayanagi. Which was thoughtful and all, but she really didn't need the smug loli grandma to be interrogating her any more than she already does.

Please and thank you.

"Getting all nice and comfortable around class A, huh?" A gruff voice called out from behind her.

Suzune looked over her shoulders to see a disheveled Ryuuen looking pissed. "Hospitality is my middle name."

"Yeah, I bet it is." Ryuuen stomped over and hovered over her menacingly. "What the hell was that?!"

"What was what?"

"Don't play dumb. You convinced Ishizaki and Ibuki to save me, didn't you?"

Suzune raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"What, not competent enough to admit it?" Ryuuen sneered.

Suzune hardened her face. "No actually. Because I didn't do anything."

"Then who did?!"

"That guy."

"What- " Ryuuen then blinked back in realization, dumbfounded.


"But... why?"

"Beats me. The guy doesn't tell me anything half the time either."

Ryuuen backed up a little bit, huffing out hot air. "Fine, whatever. Sorry for winding up in your space like that."

An... apology? That was unexpected.

That's not up to me to decide
I think that maybe Ryuuen might've voted for you

For criticism?

No, for praise.)


Ryuuen looked at her with a frown. "What?"

"Didn't take you for the 'respectful gentleman' type, especially after what happened at the sports festival."

"I didn't take you for an ex-delinquent either, Suzune."

"You heard that? Eavesdropping is very mean, Ryuuen."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Ahuh, sure, let's go with that."

Suzune began walking to the stairs, Ryuuen followed behind her.

"Also, you were nearly poisoned?"

"You're proving my point."


"Rule number two," Suzune began. "It's all about your speech. You've gotta be able to work your words into the hearts of your prey."

"You make it sound like you're training me to be an assassin or something." Matsushita muttered under her breath, but Suzune heard it all the same.

"Eh. Assassin, dreamy badass wife, what's the difference?"

"Well, for starters- "

"That was rhetorical question. Now, back on topic, in order to have Sato tripping over her own feet when talking to you, not like she doesn't do that already but anyway, you need to have snark. Guys kill for girls that are hard to get."

"But Sato isn't a guy." Matsushita stressed. "She's my friend who I fangirl too much over."

"And so, we've gotta make sure that Sato's fangirling back, right?" Suzune tossed Matsushita a lollipop. The girl fumbled with it in her hands. "So, get off your ass, and throw a comeback at me."

"What kind?"

Suzune felt her face twist into a smile. "The sharper the blade, the more it stings."

Word count: 3722

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