The Savior (Arifureta OC)

By keishirogane08

4.2K 167 32

Summoned into a world of the unknown. A whole clsss of students along with a teacher disappeared without a t... More

Additional Info: Pre-Fall and Post-Fall
Chapter 2: The Abyss

Chapter 1: The Fall

701 31 6
By keishirogane08

3rd POV. Tortus.

After almost being blinded by light......

The students were summoned what seems to be inside of a grand building.

Asahi opened his eyes and just like the rest of his classmates, he too was surprised by the sudden turn of events.

Asahi: What the.....? This's different, wait, this unfamiliar feeling.....

Asahi: I can already tell that we're in a different place. That's all my senses have been telling me!

Asahi later recollected himself and found that Shizuku was on top of him.

Asahi: Shizuku....

Shizuku: Huh? Oh, Asahi, are you all right!?

Asahi: Yeah, but mind getting off from me?

Shizuku: Ah!

She does so quickly.

Asahi: *sigh*

Asahi: Sorry about that, Shizuku.

Shizuku: N-No, it's fine. Anyways, where are we?

Asahi: I think that's the question that everyone wants to answer.

Asahi looks at his surroundings and he heaved a sigh of relief.

Asahi: Everyone seems to be fine at the very least.

He looks around the building and saw an image of a sacred being at the very least.

Asahi looked at the painting.

Asahi: Looks like a depiction of angel, the style looks like its from the Renaissance period.....

Asahi: It's your ordinary painting of an angel but for some reason.....

Asahi: Why do I feel uncomfortable with that painting. My senses are screaming at me saying that is just a fluke.

Asahi: To be honest, even I would deem it dangerous when we're in a place that we don't even know about.

Asahi snapped out from his thoughts as he walked towards Hajime.

Asahi: You okay, Hajime?

Hajime: Yeah.

I helped him to stand up.

Asahi: Hmmm......

Asahi looks around as everyone is beginning to panic.

Asahi: Can't blame them.

And Kouki is trying to calm the others.

Asahi: .....

Asahi: Hmmm, what should I do if I were in this situation? To be honest, there is a lot of unknowns here.

Asahi: I don't even know where to begin with.

???: Welcome, Chosen Heroes.


Timeskip. Asahi's POV.

Okay, let me sum things up for a bit.

The old man who is wearing a bishop's clothes, told us we are in the world called as Tortus. His name is Ishtar Lombard.

Asahi: It's weird that he's got the same name as the Mesopotamian goddess of war and fertility.

We are summoned here by a god named "Ehit" upon this world.

Asahi: Is that how this god "Ehit" was depicted?

I thought back about the painting that I saw earlier and how I became unsettled about it.

Asahi: Now then.....let's see.

According to Ishtar, humanity is currently on war with the demons hailing from the south of continent. He said that some strange things happened for unknown reasons and that could lead to humanity's demise.

That was the reason we were brought upon this world.

Of course who would believe such a thing? Not to mention, war.

Well, at the very least, I wasn't the only one who thinks this is ridiculous. Aiko-sensei also objected to this. She even threatened to sue Ishtar for kidnapping.

Asahi: Yep, that sounds about right. We were basically kidnapped. She even demanded to take us all back.

Before we confirmed that we were transported into Tortus.....the old geezer told us about the three races in Tortus.

The Humans who control the north, the demons from the south, and the beastmen who lives in the forests from the east.

It's a lot to take in....

The moment we confirmed that we are in a different world.....

And when Hajime asked if there was a way for us to go back, Ishtar said that there is no way back, as we were summoned by Ehit.

Aiko-sensei falls to her knees as if she had lost all hope.

And things really got out of hand. Kouki and the others decided to fight.

Aiko-sensei objected to this, I mean, I agree with her.

This has completely nothing to do with us.

Fighting a war that is not really ours to begin with.

But Kouki's charisma infected the whole the point that they ignored a teacher's warnings.

Asahi: These guys, that's the most disrespectful thing they've ever done.

I went beside sensei to comfort her, that's the least I could do.

Asahi: Sensei.

Aiko: Tsugikuni-kun....are you going to fight as well?

Asahi: No. I actually agree with you, sensei.

Asahi: What kind of god summons a bunch of high school students to fight in a war, either be against demons or humans.....

Asahi: That doesn't sound right.

I lowered my voice to a whisper as Ishtar is still watching us.

Aiko: So, that means.....

Asahi: I have a very bad feeling about this sensei. Ever since from the very beginning, my senses are screaming that everything and everyone is dangerous.

Aiko: Glad that you're one of the people who can see reason.

Asahi: Sensei, let's just do what we can for now.

Aiko: Yes.

Asahi: Although, I feel bad about what the others did to you. Ignoring you like that and all.....

Aiko: Tsugikuni-kun.....

Asahi: *sigh*

Asahi: Come on, sensei. You're our teacher. Raise your head. I'm sure we can find a way out of this.

After that.....we were sent to the training grounds to well, train for combat.

A knight named Meld, gave us Status Plates. It acts like an ID card but it shows our stats.

Just like in the video games that I saw from Hajime.

Each of us were given a these status plates.

I was about to receive mine when I saw Hiyama and his group harassing Hajime again.

To be honest, I'm getting tired of these guys.

But I don't want to cause any trouble.

When Daisuke asked Meld what is a synergist, he told us that it is a non-combat class that specializes in crafting weapons.

Daisuke and his goons laughed.

Then suddenly, Kouki announced that his class is Hero, his stats are 100, and his skills are many.

Asahi: To be honest, those skills will be useless if the owner is brainless.

I looked at my class and I don't know what to say.

Name: Tsugikuni Asahi

Age: 17

Job: ???

Asahi: What? I don't know my job?

I checked for my stats as well, and.....

Strength: ???

Vitality: ???

Defense: ???

Agility: ???

Magic: ???

Magic Defense: ???

Asahi: Is this thing even broken?

I asked Meld about this.

Meld: Huh, here's a new one. Maybe it will work.

I tried it again and it was the same.

Meld: Strange, I never saw this kind of problem before. Your job is unknown.

Meld: Even your own stats.

Meld: We....don't even know what you can do.

Upon hearing this, I am sure I won't be deployed in the front lines.

This caused rumors as well.

Daisuke: Huh? You're even worse than Nagumo! Haha! You're basically jobless!

Shizuku: Meld-san, even though that is the case, Asahi is a skilled swordsman.

Meld: Really?

Asahi: Uh, no. Really. It's fine, Meld-san.

Ryutaro: You're scared now?

Asahi: No. It's just like.....

Kouki: You're just making up a reason—

Meld: Enough!

Everyone went silent.

Meld: It's alright, Asahi. Since your Job is a mystery, it's better that you took a precaution.

Meld: Maybe you can discover what your Job actually is.

Meld: But if what the young lady claims to be true.....

Asahi: No, please, Meld-san. I just didn't really like fighting. It's exhausting.

Meld: So, you're a pacifist.

Meld: Hmm.....

Shizuku comes to me.

Shizuku: Please, Asahi. I know that more than anyone, your skills will be useful in battle.

Shizuku: Don't tell me, you're going to waste all the years Gramps spent in training you.

Asahi: Of course, not.

Asahi: It's just.....

Asahi: *sigh*

Asahi: Gramps told me not to waste my talent upon something that will eventually harm all of us in the end.

Shizuku: the very least, help us because even if one...

Asahi: Sorry, Shizuku. I just....

Shizuku: Then help me.

Asahi: What?

Shizuku: My Job is a Swordmaster.

Asahi: It does suit you.

Shizuku: You're also a master of the sword, right?

Asahi: ....

Shizuku: You created your own swordsmanship, and I witnessed those forms.

Meld: You mean, he's got the skills of a swordmaster, and he created his own swordsmanship?

Shizuku: Yes! I have to admit, he's more skilled than I am.

Meld: .....

Meld: Then, I guess.....Asahi will be a swordsman instructor, for now.

Asahi: I-I'll do my best.

With that settled, we began our combat training.

Aiko-sensei on the other hand is a Farmer, but her magic is on par with the hero.

With that....a few days after.....

We began to train for combat.

I taught Shizuku on how to improve her technique.

Shizuku: Gramps would always say that I still have room to grow. I wonder where do I need to improve?

Asahi: Didn't Gramps also told you that you're the only one who could find the answer to that.

As of the moment, Shizuku and I were training with practice swords. We separated ourselves from the rest of the class in order for us to properly train.

Shizuku: But still, you and Nagumo are like being ostracized by the class. Him for having a commonplace Job, and you being basically having an unknown job.

Asahi: I guess that puts us in a the same boat.

We continued clashing our swords, form after form, with Shizuku using her Yaegashi Style, while I haven't even used the Breath of the Sun, at least not yet.

Shizuku: How?

Asahi: We're both searching our answers about ourselves. You searching in which area to improve your swordsmanship.

Asahi: While I thought on how to discover what my class is.

Shizuku: Hmmm, but your level went up, right?

Asahi: I don't know.

I decided to finish the sparring match by using one of the forms of the Breath of the Sun.

Asahi: Hi no Kokyu, Gen'nichi Ko (Breath of the Sun, Fake Rainbow).

Shizuku: Wha—

And Shizuku's sword went flying and landed a few feet from her.

Shizuku: Is of the forms of Sun Breathing?

Asahi: Yes.

I noticed that Meld has been watching us for a while.

He approached us.

Meld: That was interesting, Asahi. The young lady is right about you.

Asahi: Thank you, Meld-san.

Meld: Although, I have to admit, I noticed you didn't use magic when you disappeared.....

Asahi: Ah, right. One of my forms is uses fast movements that when other people see it, I vanish from their sight.

Meld: What a technique.

Asahi: It took me years to master all of my forms, and to perfect them.

Meld: But still doesn't explain why you don't want to fight.

Asahi: I really don't want to. Especially, it's war. Not to mention, we hailed from a peaceful country. All of us knew nothing but peace.

Shizuku: But what choice do we have, right?

Asahi: Yeah. But still.....

I looked at Hajime who is struggling with his magic.

Asahi: Nevermind.

Meld: If that's what you think, Asahi. I'll leave you to it.

He left us to observe the others. I turn to Shizuku.

Asahi: All right. I guess that's enough training for today.

Shizuku: Yeah. So, let's see our Status Plates.

Asahi: Right.

We checked our stats.

Name: Asahi Tsugikuni

Age: 17

Job: ???

Level: 10

Strength: ???

Vitality: ???

Defense: ???

Agility: ???

Magic: ???

Magic Defense: ???

Shizuku: No luck?

Asahi: Yep.

Shizuku: Did you try using magic?

Asahi: Yeah, I tried but it seems like I can't use it.

Shizuku: You can't use it?

Asahi: Yeah. Seems like just like my unknown stats, my magic is sealed.

Shizuku: Hmm....

Shizuku and I ended our training session. With that, I approached Hajime.

Asahi: Keep up the good work, Hajime.

Hajime: Oh, Asahi. You're done training with Yaegashi-san?

Asahi: Yeah. How's it going for you?

Hajime: Well.....

He hands me his Status Plate.

Name: Hajime Nagumo

Age: 17

Job: Synergist

Level: 2

Strength: 12

Vitality: 12

Defense: 12

Agility: 12

Magic: 12

Magic Defense: 12

Asahi: At the very least, you still know what to do to improve yourself.

Asahi: Not to mention, you know where you specialize at.

Hajime: Really?

Asahi: Yeah. Actually, I see the Synergist as something of a support.

Asahi: From what we learned about the Jobs given to us, I can see some of them are like common but if you're going to look in a different angle, it will be beneficial in a certain field.

Asahi: Synergist focuses on craftmanship and blacksmithing magic.

Asahi: For me, that would be pretty useful as you can create weapons.

Asahi: Dad used to say that, "A hero is nothing without their sword."

Hajime: So, you mean I should focus on crafting weapons?

Asahi: Not only that, I guess we should go over the fundamentals of what a blacksmith can do.

Asahi: They say that blacksmiths are good in assessing materials, especially ore.

Asahi: So, let's begin with that.

Hajime: Hmm, if that's what you say.

Asahi: Besides, I have experience in forging swords, Dad taught me the principle of creating swords.

Asahi: He taught me that no matter how skilled the wielder is, but if the sword is not good enough, it will be useless.

Asahi: As a swordsmith, you should know the right materials, the right smelting process, the right weight, the right time to heat and cool the blade.

Asahi: And how many times should the sword go through the fire.

Hajime: You really know a lot when it comes to sword forging and sword techniques.

Asahi: Please, one of my ancestors is a Muramasa. I would bring shame to the Muramasa Clan if I didn't have at least a bit knowledge about swords.

So, for the past few weeks I spent most of the time learning anything about this world with Hajime. We read the books at the library to know more about the history of Tortus and the people living here.

Then, the day finally came.

We went to the Great Orcus Labyrinth.

And progressed through the floors.

Hajime also learned how to fight, using his Synergist skills to use Earth magic in creating pit falls, and since it was already weakened, he just finished them with the killing blow.

I coordinated with Hajime on this, and I knew that he is a support type, and hey, never underestimate supports, they are vital to any team.

During the 20th floor, Hajime was attacked by a large monster, he was disarmed.....

And I knew what I have to do.

Asahi: Hi no Kokyu, Retsujitsu Kokyo!

I eliminated the monster by slashing one of its arms and then severed the neck.

Asahi: ....

The monster disintegrated into ashes.

Asahi: Are you all right, Hajime?

Hajime: Yeah, thank you as always, Asahi.

I gave him a hand to help him get on his feet.

Asahi: Don't worry, we can just cover up what we lack. You can use magic, but I can help you with the offense.

Asahi: We make a good team, don't you think?

Hajime: Yeah, thanks for the help as always.

I saw Kaori and Shizuku heading to our way.

Kaori: Nagumo-kun, Asahi-kun, are you guys okay?

Hajime: Yeah.

Shizuku: Asahi, please, don't force yourself too much, okay?

Asahi: I know. Besides, my senses is screaming at me, telling me that everything in this labyrinth is becoming more dangerous the more we floors we descend to.

We saw Kouki finishing one monster on the other side with one blow.

He is now wearing a gold armor with a golden sword.

Asahi: He's really living his dream to become a hero, huh. Let's see how much long will it take for his disgusting ego to get over his head.

And speaking of the devil, he and Hiyama approached us.

Daisuke: Nagumo, why bother with a sword? You're still totally useless. As for you, Tsugikuni, I thought you didn't want to fight?

Asahi: Got no choice. It would be unfair to everyone if I just stay behind.

Asahi: Besides......

I stared Hiyama as if looking upon his soul, and just by looking, I can tell he's about to do something anytime soon.

Daisuke: W-What's with that look, Tsugikuni?

Asahi: Nothing, just thinking that you still need to improve a lot.

Asahi: *sigh*

Asahi: You won't survive that long if you keep doing that.

Asahi: Or else, that will lead you to your unfortunate fate.

Daisuke: .....

Kouki: Come on, Tsugikuni. This is no time—

Asahi: I'm just stating facts "hero" or whatever it is that you are.

Asahi: Mind if you better think rationally.

Asahi: That will also lead to your downfall.

Kouki: ......

Kouki: Nagumo, you have to work harder. If I were you—

Asahi: Don't worry. He's doing great. Besides, he's improving a little by little.

Kouki: ......

I take a look around our current surroundings and it looks like we're in a cave.

Asahi: I can sense some creatures here lurking within the shadows.

Asahi: And not just that, I think I smelled some unknown material.....

Kaori: What is that? It's so shiny?

I glanced to where she was staring. It was a crystal glowing in an aqua colored light.

Asahi: Wait, is that....a glanz crystal?

Meld: That's right. But you don't see big ones like that all too often.

Asahi: But still,, wait. I'm having a bad feeling about that crystal.

Shizuku: Huh? Why?

Meld: Asahi is right. We can never be too sure. There's nothing wrong being so cautious.

Meld: Besides, that crystal is popular for being used as engagement rings.

Asahi: They do say that the most beautiful things sometimes lure us to our deaths.

Meld: That's.....

Kaori: Eh, but it's beautiful.

Shizuku: Didn't you hear what Asahi said just now?

And then we saw Daisuke climbing towards the crystal and attempts to get it, of course to impress Kaori.

Asahi: This idiot.....!

Asahi: Oi! Didn't you hear what I just said!?

Daisuke: Who cares about your crap, Tsugikuni!

Meld: Daisuke! Asahi had a reason and I agree with him on that one! We don't know if that is safe!

Asahi: Just listen for once!

But the moment he touched the crystal, it glowed....

Asahi: Dammit!

I covered my eyes from that flashing light.

When it faded, a magic circle is beneath our feet and we are in a stone bridge of some sort.

Asahi: That damned idiot! I'll get back at him for causing this trouble!

Suddenly, two magic circles appeared on both ends of the bridge. The other side summoned a group of Traum Soldiers, they are just skeletal creatures with swords.

On the other side is a monster with bull horns.

Asahi: Don't tell me that's......

Asahi: A behemoth!?

Meld then chants a barrier to protect us. But it was broken by the monster.

Hajime began to use his Transmute skill to restrict the monster.

I went to Hajime.

Asahi: Hajime!

Hajime: Asahi, go, you can't fight that monster.

Asahi: I know, but at the very least, I can distract it.

Asahi: Captain Meld, get Kaori and yourself to safety, now!

Meld: But what about—

Asahi: We'll be fine! The others in front can clear the path, while we'll secure the rear and our safety.

Asahi: Please!

Meld: All right, we'll save both of you!

Meld takes Kaori away to safety, while Hajime is struggling to restrain the Behemoth with Transmute.

Asahi: Hajime won't hold any longer at this state. At the very least, he needs to recover.

Asahi: Hajime, I'll distract the monster, get back for a while then restrain it again.

Hajime: All right, that's what I've been thinking as well.

Asahi: Now, switch!

I rushed towards the Behemoth and distracted the monster by utilizing my speed.

Hajime steps back to recover his mana.

Upon closer inspection of the monster, it's tough, and I know our blades wouldn't cut it.

Asahi: .....

I dodge it's attacks carefully while strategically placing myself to effectively evade all of the monster's attacks.

Asahi: ......!

Hajime uses his Transmutation skill once more to restrain the monster. I stepped back once more to rest and further assess the situation.

Asahi: We need something of a siege weapon to defeat this thing or a magic that is powerful enough to wound this beast.

Meld: You two, get out of there! We'll cover you!

Asahi: Hajime!

Hajime: Got it!

The two of us ran towards safety as Meld and the others are preparing to cast their spells.

Asahi: Will that even be effective!? I don't think so! It will only serve as another distraction at best!

Asahi: Well, it doesn't matter. As long as it can secure our safety!

Captain Meld and the others fired off their spells towards the monster, and I predicted it correctly!

It didn't have that much effect.

We continued to run towards them as they are about to fire the second volley.

Then, at that moment.....

My I reflexively drew my sword during the second volley as there is a spell heading towards Hajime and I.

It was two spells to be exact. I blocked the other, and it blasted Hajime backwards.

Asahi: Hajime!

I successfully blocked the one aimed at me, but its force was strong to made me stumble a little.

It didn't matter to me, but I think I knew who did that.

But it doesn't matter right now. I saw Hajime is only a few feet between the Behemoth.

I rushed to get him.

But as soon as I was about to reach him, the Behemoth used its horns to destroy the bridge.

And with it.....Hajime, the Behemoth, and I fell to the Abyss.

Asahi: I see......I was careless.......if only I knew who it was.....

Asahi: No, I already had the feeling that will be the case. If I only acted sooner.....

Asahi: But come to think about it.....I told my worries to Shizuku.....

Asahi: It was before all of this happened.


Flashback. Nine days before.

I decided to go out in the middle of the night.

I wanted to breathe some fresh air, and I've been restless ever since coming here.

Yeah, I need to calm my nerves down.

I look at the night sky, the moon shining, with the stars twinkling.

Asahi: I guess it doesn't matter what world it is.....

Asahi: The moon and stars have always been beautiful.

That's right....

It always reminded me of my mom's eyes, as blue as the night sky, and I inherited those eyes as well.

I closed my eyes to meditate.....

But it seems like someone spotted me, and I knew very well who it was.

Asahi: Yaegashi Shizuku, would you please stop stalking behind my back.

Shizuku: As expected, your senses are sharp as ever.

Shizuku: Is that because you've been in the Selfless State this whole time?

She stood beside me.

Asahi: Yeah. I've always been in the Selfless State at all times.

Asahi: As if it became a part of me.

Asahi: Anyways, what are you doing here?

Shizuku: I'm kind of worried about Kaori.

Asahi: So you went outside to clear your head?

Shizuku: Yes.

Asahi: You can tell me what is on Kaori's mind.

Shizuku: All right.

Shizuku: Kaori had a dream that Nagumo-kun disappeared.

Asahi: ......

Asahi: Don't worry, I won't let that happen. I'll protect Hajime.

Shizuku: You really are a true friend to him.

Asahi: Because that is what friends are for, Shizuku.

Shizuku: Then, if you're in trouble, make sure that I'll be the first one to rush in your aid.

Asahi: Haha, thanks. I'm glad that you'll be having my back as well.

Shizuku: Of course. After all.....

Shizuku: Gramps told me, before he died.....

Shizuku: To take care of you.

Asahi: I see. He would definitely say that.

Shizuku: And I will honor that promise.

Asahi: Now you're talking like a samurai.

Shizuku: Why? Aren't you also a samurai?

Asahi: A samurai without any intention to fight? A samurai that doesn't even announce his name to his enemy? A samurai who is sick of fighting?

Shizuku: There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I admire that about you.

Shizuku: You never use your strength to flaunt it. You use it to protect those who can't fight.

Shizuku: You always do that.....

Asahi: Because that is what true strength is.

Asahi: "We must use our gifts to help other people. It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak."

Asahi: Mom once said that to me after I trained with gramps.

Shizuku: Now I see where you get your wise personality. You are surrounded with wise people. Gramps, your mom and dad.

Shizuku: You're strong, Asahi. Stronger not only in physical strength, but also in your personality.

Shizuku: You were never afraid to call out Kouki and put him in place, even if everyone hates you about it.

Shizuku: You're not even afraid to beat up Hiyama and his gang whenever they harass Nagumo.

Asahi: Like I said, Hajime is my friend.

Asahi: Besides, I can't just stand by watching people do something like that.

Asahi: But you know, Shizuku.

Asahi: I am worried. Because everyone joined in this war....

Asahi: Because of Kouki.....

Asahi: My gut is telling me he's just being manipulated.

Shizuku: Manipulated?

Asahi: Yeah. When everyone in the class decided to join Kouki in the war against demons.....

Asahi: I....felt something is wrong, from the very beginning as well.

Asahi: And when I looked at that Ishtar.....

Asahi: I knew that he can't be trusted. The King, the princess, everyone in this world.

Shizuku: I know that you're worried but....

Shizuku: Seeing you worry about this......and your senses.....

Shizuku: I'll take note of what you said.

Asahi: Mm. I knew I could trust you on this.

I knew I'm sweating and when I wiped my face with my towel.....

Shizuku looked at me with surprise.

Shizuku: Oh, it's been a while since I last saw that.

Asahi: Hm? Oh, you mean.....?

She takes out a pocket mirror and gave it to me.

I saw my reflection and with it, a mark with a pattern that depicts flames.

(Yep, Asahi has the Demon Slayer Mark when he was born. Like Yoriichi.)

Shizuku: You got that when you were born, right?

Asahi: Yes. Gramps also had this mark on him when he was born.

Asahi: Guess I inherited this one.

Shizuku: It looks beautiful, the flames.....

Asahi: Mm. That is why I wear make up. Although, I don't know how to hide this one.

Shizuku: Let me help you, I saw something that can help to conceal it.

We went back inside the castle and Shizuku helped me cover my birthmark.

Shizuku: But why did you want to hide that?

Asahi: People will think of me as someone who got burned or something.

Shizuku: Why? But it's beautiful.

Asahi: You got weird taste when it comes to something beautiful.

Shizuku: Really? But because I just really find it suitable with you.

Shizuku: Besides, I think I can see Gramps when you don't hide your mark.

Shizuku: The difference is your eyes are blue and your hair is short.

Asahi: Yeah, I wonder what did he look like when he was young?

Shizuku: Only one can wonder.


Asahi's POV.

Sorry, Shizuku......

It looks like this might be the end of me.

Asahi: It seems like this is going to be a long fall.

It really is a long fall.

Asahi: Doesn't matter.....

Asahi: At the very least, I'll be reunited with Gramps on the other side.

Or so I thought......because when I woke up.....

I found myself......

In the bottom of the Abyss.

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