Carter Arts University

By tvwriteher

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Carter Arts University is a sitcom following the life of a sheltered Yarnise Jones as she attends the fiction... More

The One Where We're Worried about Maley.
S2 EPISODE 2: The one where Tevin sings....Kinda.


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By tvwriteher


Everyone except Chanel whose eating a salad watches Dave and Brionna make out in disgust. Maley laptop is in front of her as well.

MALEY- how do you guys breathe?

DAVE- (still kissing) don't need to.

They stop kissing Brionna laughs. They pull away from each other. Dave wipes the lipstick off his face.

DAVE- sorry guys were you talking about something?

MALEY- not really.

DAVE- oh so then-

Dave starts to go back to kiss Brionna until-

YARNI- (quickly) wait actually-

Dave looks at her.

YARNI- I had a question.

DAVE- okay what's up?

YARNI- oh was about the thing (snaps her fingers) trying to remember...guys help me out.

MALEY- the thing?

TEVIN- girl I have no idea-

Yarni shoots him a look.

TEVIN- Oh (nervous laugh) The thingggg Yarni wanted to know who won the Knicks game last night?

Yarni looks confused at Tevin and he shrugs. Dave looks at her.

DAVE- since when do you like the knicks?

CHANEL- (looking at her plate) since when does anyone? Because they suck.

DAVE- we are rebuilding!

CHANEL- been doing that for a while.

TEVIN- you watch basketball?!

CHANEL- No but my Dad is a season ticket holder for the Knicks so I've been to a few games.

DAVE&TEVIN- (shocked) WHAT?!

CHANEL- is that like important?


TEVIN- you want to get married tonight?

Chanel picks up her phone.

CHANEL-(looking at her phone) sure.

Everyone at the table looks shocked at her.

TEVIN- seriously?

CHANEL-yeah. You got a ring?


CHANEL- damn too bad.

TEVIN- evil.

Chanel laughs.

DAVE- so Yarni why are you into the knicks all of a sudden?

CHANEL- (smirking) Well this is gonna be fun.

YARNI- (nervous) Why am I into the knicks?

DAVE- Yeah you don't watch basketball.

YARNI- (hesitate) Yeahhhh but I wanna start now so.

BRIONNA-wanna walk me out?

Brionna and Dave begin to get up from the table.

DAVE-Yarni I got you we can watch some games together and I'll teach you.

Yarni smiles and Dave and Brionna walk outside.

Yarni pulls Tevin by his shirt.

YARNI- I thought you said Dave loved me? You liar!

TEVIN-I told you I be lying!

Yarni lets him go.

MALEY-Yarni why don't you just tell him how you feel?

YARNI- I was going to but he was swabbing spit with Brionna. I have never seen people kiss that much in my life.

TEVIN- look Im just as confused as you are trust me.


Tevin enters the room carefully. Dave sits on his bed.

DAVE-you good?

TEVIN-(nervous) Im

DAVE-Yeah I need to talk to you.

Tevin swallows.

TEVIN-I knew this was coming.

Dave laughs. And at the same time they both say"

DAVE-how did you know I would get with Brionna?

TEVIN-look it slipped out I didn't mean to-

They both stop and look at each other confused.

DAVE-what are you talking about?

TEVIN- (quickly right back) what are you talking about?

DAVE-I just told you.

TEVIN-I thought you were done with Brionna....I thought you wanted to be with Yarni?

DAVE-you're the one that told me she would only ever see me as a friend.

TEVIN- I said that?


TEVIN- why is everyone listening to me now?

DAVE-and then Brionna came and said we should give us a try and I figured...why not?

TEVIN-(sarcastic) well that sounds romantic.

Dave laughs.

DAVE-but what were you talking about?

TEVIN-Oh nothing I just reminded Yarni you're the reason she didn't have a birthday cake.

DAVE- Tevin.


CHANEL-oh you are such a nasty man.

Tevin smiles.


Maley laughs.

TEVIN-look Im sorry but it's no way I was telling him I told you.

YARNI- it's doesn't matter anyway.

Dave walks back in and sits down.

DAVE-what doesn't matter?

Yarni looks at him stuck. Maley catches it.

MALEY- my grade soon.

YARNI- what's wrong?

MALEY-I need two strong and brave men.

CHANEL-oh they can't help you there.

Yarni laughs.

TEVIN-excuse me?

DAVE-you are sitting with two of the strongest and bravest men on campus right here.

Dave and Tein quickly high five and then look at the girls.

CHANEL-(sarcastic)yeah that will show us.

DAVE-so what do you need Maley?

MALEY-I'm not sure if you guys can handle it.

TEVIN- Please we can handle anything!

MALEY-how about no food or sleep?

TEVIN- girl what?!

MALEY- Im doing a psychology experiment...I need one guy who can go without sleep and another guy to go without food for four days.

DAVE-only four days? please give us a challenge...growing up in brooklyn sometimes I didnt know where my next meal was coming from.

YARNI- isn't your family rich?

DAVE-that's not the point.

Yarni laughs.

MALEY- Look I don't know guys I need men with physical and mental stamina.

Tevin points to himself.


DAVE- I am a fully trained lifeguard.

YARNI- aww.

Chanel clears her throat.

YARNI- I mean that's cool.

MALEY-Okay well.....but guys this is really important. You guys are gonna have to give me 100 percent.

TEVIN-is that all?

DAVE-let's do this.

MALEY- Okay let's go prep.


MALEY- run some laps see what shape you're in all that kinda stuff.

TEVIN-oh basically easy work?

Dave laughs in agreeance and then him Maley and Tevin get up from the table.

MALEY-see yall later.

Dave Maley and Tevin begin to leave.

YARNI- have fun.

CHANEL- I need to go get ready for my date.

YARNI-ouuu with Mr.Keith?

CHANEL- stop it, but yes.

YARNI-how come you never bring him around?

CHANEL-why would I do that?

YARNI- I dont know, don't you want the guy in your life to meet the best friends of your life.

CHANEL-um you and Maley are my only friends and I'm still getting use to that.

Yarni laughs.

YARNI- Well have fun on your date...I'll see you later.

CHANEL-going to the studio?

Yarni smiles.



Yarni is walking towards the door and Jermaine stands in front of it kissing a girl. Yarni clears her throat.

Jermaine looks at her and smiles shocked.

JERMAINE- Oh Hey Yarni.

YARNI- Hey...didn't mean to interrupt....can I just get by you?

JERMAINE- Yeah I'm sorry.

Jermaine watches her go inside.

GIRL- who is that?


Yarni takes a seat and takes out her notebook and a bag of kit kat's. Jermaine sits a few feet away from her.

JERMAINE- What you working on?

YARNI- some homework and some other stuff I can't get out my head. Did you finish the assignment?

JERMAINE- Yeah just this morning.

YARNI-Damn I'm a slouch.

Jermaine laughs.

JERMAINE- what's up with the big ass bag of Kit Kat's?

Yarni laughs.

YARNI- My favorite creative snacks.

Jermaine laughs.

JERMAINE- so why you stuck on the project?

YARNI- Not stuck....just.

JERMAINE- I bet it's because you're overthinking it.

YARNI- but it's only with my school work other than that the music flows effortlessly.

JERMAINE-stop looking at it like you're trying to get a perfect grade and just do what you feel is best.

YARNI- but if I don't get an A-

JERMAINE- you never know unless you try.

Jermaine looks at her and smiles. Yarni can't help but smile back and shake her head.


Chanel and Keith sit across from each other the place is very fancy and candle lit soft plays.

KEITH- it's been so hard to get a hold of you lately.

CHANEL- I know I've been pretty busy, I'm sorry. I've been creating a clothing line for mid terms....trying to make sure everything is perfect finding right fabric you know who the whole nine.

KEITH- where do you normally sketch or make clothes?

CHANEL- my dorm the library or even the cafe.

KEITH- What if you came over my place?

CHANEL- (confused) your place?

Keith reaches the middle of the table and grabs her hand.

KEITH-Yes that way you can get your work done and still spend time with me.

CHANEL- Keith I don't know it could be a distraction or-

He cuts her off.

KEITH- just think about it....

Chanel smiles.



Dave and Tevin both enter exhausted both walk slowly like they're in pain. Dave sits on his chair in front his desk and Tevon sits at the foot of his bed.

DAVE-Bro how long have we been doing this experiment? Two weeks?

TEVIN-TWO DAYS and quit asking me. You know I'm starting to think this whole experiment is nothing but Maley punishing you for Yarni.

DAVE- why would Maley punish me for Yarni?

Tevin is stumped.

TEVIN- because um....they be talking about you.

DAVE- Wait what they be saying?

Tevin shakes his head in shame.

TEVIN- it's bad man.

Maley knocks and enters.

MALEY- hey guys how are y'all holding up?

Dave and Tevin both hop up quickly.

DAVE- Hey!

TEVIN- We're great!

DAVE- amazing.

MALEY- not hungry?

DAVE- Nooo.

MALEY- tired?

TEVIN- girl hell no....what's sleep?

MALEY- good because my grade depends on this experiment. And I'm counting on you two to keep each other honest.

DAVE&TEVIN- No problem!.

MALEY- great guys.

TEVIN- (pointing at Dave's bag) Dave has chips in his bag.

Dave is shocked and grabs Tevin arm.

DAVE- you snitch!

MALEY- Dave!

Maley pulls out the chips.

DAVE- now who put those chips in my bag? This is crazy. I don't even like-

Maley waves one of the chips in his face he follows it with his mouth.

DAVE-(happily) sour cream and onion.


TEVIN- admit it Dave you can't handle the chip.

DAVE- and how about you Tevin?

TEVIN- I'm cool.

DAVE- yeah because after I haven't had any sleep I'm just like (yawns and stretches) yawning.

Tevin begins to yawn and covers his face.

DAVE- (still yawning) and yawning.

Tevin yawns some more Dave points at him.

DAVE- yeah like that!

TEVIN- I ain't yawning I'm singing! I am a artist.

DAVE- you know you was yawning.

MALEY- (taking notes) constant hoarding....lying.

TEVIN- (to Dave) sellout.

DAVE- whatever snitch.

MALEY-(taking notes) name calling.

Maley closes her notebook.

MALEY- okay.

Maley leaves.

TEVIN-(to Dave) hungry.

DAVE- sleepy!

TEVIN-  dopey happy and doc!

DAVE- your forgot sneezy!

They both hit each other with their towels. Dave lays on his bed.


Yarni is walking away from the counter with soda and tray of food in her hand. She walks over the table and Chanel and Maley are already sitting there.

CHANEL- you gonna gain that freshman fifteen in no time.

Maley laughs.

YARNI- if you want some just say that.

CHANEL- (smiling) What you got?

Yarni laughs. Maley begins to text on her phone and smile.

YARNI- what are you smiling at?

MALEY- Me and James are going out on a date tonight.

YARNI- damn another one?

Chanel laughs.

YARNI- that did come across a little haterish.

MALEY- guys I really like him and we have so much fun together it's like he really gets know?

YARNI- Yeah...I'm happy for you.

Maley smiles.

YARNI-(to Chanel) what are you doing tonight?

CHANEL- staying over Keith's I guess.

MALEY-(laughing) why you say it like that?

CHANEL- I've never stayed over a guys house before....and I don't know if I'm really feeling it you know doing my work over there and stuff.

YARNI- maybe you should tell him that?

CHANEL- I'm gonna give it a try I do like him so.

MALEY- Well good luck.

Chanel smiles.

CHANEL-(to Yarni) and what do you plan on doing tonight going to the studio again?

Yarni laughs.


MALEY- With Mr.Jermaine.

YARNI- whoa don't say it like that.

MALEY- Just saying y'all been spending a lot of time together.

YARNI- Yes because we work well together musically we bounce a lot of ideas off each other very well.

CHANEL- Keep spending time with him and I'm sure you'll be bouncing something else.

Yarni gasps and then all of them begin to laugh.

YARNI- I hate y'all so much.


Chanel and Keith sit on the sofa watching a movie as it ends.

CHANEL- what time is it?

She picks up her phone to check.

CHANEL- oh it's ten I should finish up this project.

She gets up from the couch and walks over to a desk where a sewing machine is on top of it along with her sketch book.

Keith yawns.

KEITH- Well I'm about to go to bed.

CHANEL- seriously? You not gonna stay up with me?

KEITH- big work day tomorrow but join me when you finish.

He smiles and then gets off the sofa and walks to the back. Chanel begins to create. She picks up her phone and  takes a boomerang of her sewing machine with the hash tag #allnighter. She then puts her phone done and goes back to sewing.

Her phone then vibrates she picks it up and it's a DM from Tevin: girl go to bed.

Chanel laughs and writes him back: you go to bed first oh that's right you can't my bad.

TEVIN DM: oh you got jokes. I would of stayed up for you anyway.

Chanel blushes a little and then shakes it off.

CHANEL DM: Yeah sure.

TEVIN DM: how long do you think you gonna be up?

CHANEL DM: probably until one nothing too crazy....why?

TEVIN DM: just curious.

CHANEL DM: always curios Tevin.

TEVIN DM: that's a good thing.... Sometimes, but I'll let you get back to doing your thing. Goodnight and try not to dream about me.

Chanel laughs.

CHANEL DM: whatever....actually if you're not doing anything...I'll call you.

Bubbles show Tevin typing and then it goes away. Chanel looks confused. And then her phone begins to ring and it's Tevin.


Maley sits at a table alone she looks around at the other couples on dates and then her phone begins to vibrate a message appears from James: Sorry something came up I can't make it tonight.

Maley looks disappointed and begins to leave.


Yarni walks in and Jermaine is already sitting working on music.

YARNI- look at you beating me here.

Jermaine laughs.

JERMAINE- I always beat you here.

YARNI- oh that's right you're just usually making out with a different girl outside.

Jermaine laughs.

JERMAINE- oh you noticed?

YARNI- how could you not?

Yarni takes a seat and takes out her song book and begins to work. Her back now facing Jermaine.

JERMAINE- Hey um I got you something.

Yarni turns to him and Jermaine hands her a Kit Kat.

YARNI- Aw thank you.....but how did you know I would even be here.

JERMAINE- You're always here.

Yarni smiles.

YARNI-You know I got an B on my song from the other for my song.

Jermaine smiles.

JERMAINE- Aw shit look at you.

Yarni smiles.

YARNI- not an A but better than I expected...thank you for the pointers.

JERMAINE- I got you.

Yarni smiles.


Maley enters still upset and walks over to the line. Calvin stands waiting for his food and drinking his drink.

CALVIN- you out late.

Maley doesn't notice him at first and then looks over at him.

MALEY- Huh what?

Calvin looks at her confused.

CALVIN- I said you're out late.

MALEY- oh yeah unfortunately.

Calvin laughs.

CALVIN- what were you out here stalking James?

Maley isn't amused.

MALEY- how about you just stop talking to me?

CALVIN- Damn? Since when can't you take a joke? It's not like you were really stalking the man.

Maley looks at him. Calvin looks shocked.

CALVIN- you were stalking him?!

MALEY- shh no. What is wrong with you?

Calvin looks relieved.

MALEY- but he did just stand me up.

CALVIN- oh damn that sucks.

MALEY- Yup that's why I'm about to get a burger and fries and go stuff my face and watch reruns of That's So Raven.

CALVIN- when you say reruns you mean just watching it on Disney Plus right?

Maley laughs.

MALEY- Yeah.

CALVIN- what if I have a better way to do that?

Maley looks confused.

MALEY- like what?

Calvin smirks.


Calvin sets up comfortable spot on the lawn with a blanket for the both of them. There's a huge screen for watching movies. Calvin and Maley take a seat with their food.

MALEY- Wait this is so cool.

Calvin smiles.

CALVIN- perks of being a film major.

MALEY- wait did you get stood up too?

CALVIN- Hell no.

Maley laughs.

MALEY- Okay my bad.

Calvin laughs.

CALVIN- I didn't mean it like that my bad I was just saying that I was just up studying and needed some food.

MALEY- gotcha....well I'm happy you did watching tv on the big screen  out here is better than being a loser in my room.

CALVIN- well for what it's worth I don't think you're a loser.

Maley smiles.

MALEY- thanks.

CALVIN- you're definitely annoying though.

Maley laughs and playfully hits him.

MALEY- shut up.

Calvin smiles.


Yarni is entering as Dave is leaving.

YARNI- Dave? What are you doing here this late?

DAVE- I was hungry so I decided to get some ice and y'all have the best ice.

YARNI- look at you thief.

Dave laughs.

YARNI- that Maley project kinda hard huh?

Dave begins to chew ice.

DAVE- (eating the ice) Nah what made you say that?

Yarni laughs.

DAVE- I feel like it's been so long since we hung out.

YARNI- I've just been trying to give you relationship and all.

DAVE-you never have to give me space.

Yarni looks at him beginning to blush but catches herself.

YARNI- Ohh yes I do.

Yarni begins to walk up the steps but Dave grabs her hand.

DAVE-What does that mean?

Yarni looks at him means nothing.

Dave looks at her confused.

DAVE-I missed the memo of when we started lying to each other.

YARNI- your one to talk.

DAVE-excuse me?

A student begins to walk pass them.

STUDENT-RA coming.

YARNI- I should go.

DAVE-yeah but this conversation is far from over.

Yarni walks away.

DAVE-and now I'm walking to myself.


Dave and Maley share a table together. Dave takes a sip of water and begins to chew it.

MALEY-(trying not to laugh) are you chewing water?

DAVE-yeah it digests better that way look it up.

Chanel walks over.

CHANEL- Hey Maley and hungry man.

DAVE-thats hungry boy!

Chanel and Maley look at him.

DAVE-that came out way better in my head.

MALEY-how was the big night with Keith?

CHANEL- I have to ask you something...and be you think Im selfish?

DAVE-(looking around) somebody said shellfish?!

MALEY-not shellfish selfish....and (to Chanel) no why?

CHANEL- I like having a boyfriend blah blah but I'm not ready for sleepovers all the time having someone in my space all the time.

MALEY-but don't you like Keith?

CHANEL- I do he's literally my perfect guy.

DAVE-so then make lunch not war Chanel.

MALEY-you know what that reminds me, I haven't eaten all day. I think I'll get a big ol bacon double cheese burger.

DAVE-Ba Bacon?

MALEY-mhm with fries and a. milk shake.

Maley walks over to the counter.

DAVE-(begging) bring me back some ice!

CHANEL-aw you're really going through it aren't you?

DAVE-(kid voice) a little.

CHANEL-you probably need a friend to comfort you right now huh?

DAVE- (kid voice) just a smidge.

CHANEL-well too bad sucker!

DAVE-you're cruel.

Maley walks back over with food and a cup of ice she slides it over to Dave.

DAVE-(sarcastic) Well aren't you generous.

CHANEL-anway..Maley I need to talk to you once hungry boy leaves.

DAVE-(eating ice) I thought I was hungry man now?


Yarni is on the phone walking inside the room.

YARNI-Yes Dad I got the care packages....yeah I carried it by myself my friend Tevin was supposed to help but I don't know where he is.

Yarni places the boxes down.

YARNI-Yeah Im fine...I love you too. I'll call you later.

Yarni hangs up the phone and Tevin jumps up from up the floor.

TEVIN- I wasn't sleep!

Yarni screams.

YARNI-Tevin what the hell?

TEVIN-(panicking) Yarni I swear I wasn't sleep.

YARNI-Well it looks like you need to be you psycho.

TEVIN- look I came here to meet you and then I took a seat on the floor and Chanel' rug it's so soft (closing his eyes) so comforting.

YARNI-you're delirious.(looks down at the floor)....and is that drool on her rug?

Tevin looks down at it and then back at Yarni.

TEVIN- I'm gonna go get a rag.


Tevin rushes out. Yarni laughs.


Chanel knocks on the door and Keith answer' with a shocked smile.

KEITH-Hey you're early.

He let's Chanel in.

CHANEL- (awkward) Yeah.

KEITH- what's wrong? You Okay?

CHANEL- Yeah I'm fine...I've just been thinking a bit.

KEITH-what's wrong?

CHANEL-I think we should go back to pre spend the night us.

KEITH-you not feeling it?

CHANEL-you're great and everything...I just need my own space.

KEITH-this isn't about me falling asleep early leaving you to talk to your friend all night?



Students are grabbing their belongings and heading out. Maley is wrapping up a conversation with Calvin both of them laughing. James watches from afar.

DIRECTOR-don't forget to go over those added notes night!

Maley begins to grab her things and walks pass James.

JAMES-Maley...can we talk outside?

MALEY-oh you can talk now?


He looks at her with pleading eyes. Maley rolls her eyes but softents a bit.


JAMES- Im sorry I had to cancel. Something important came up.

MALEY- you couldn't tell me that before I was stuck sitting in the restaurant for two hours?

JAMES- I couldn't get to my phone.

MALEY-it is 2023 what reason could you not get to your phone?

JAMES- My mom died.

Maley jaw drops.


The girls are in face masks and pajamas. Bowls of popcorn in the middle of them as they sit on the floor and The Cheetah Girls movies shows on the tv.

YARNI- May the growl power of all the fabulous divas who came before us be with us now. May we use our hearts, our brains and our courage to reach our cheetah-licious potential right here right now.

CHANEL-nah forget that...Maley tell us again how you cursed out a orphan.

Chanel smiles. Yarni laughs. Maleyn sighs guilty.

MALEY-he is nota orphan he's a grown man.

CHANEL-same thing.

MALEY-and I didnt curse at him..and I didnt know his mother was dead.

YARNI- Maley dont trip...James said he understood and you guys are fine now.

Maley nods.


YARNI-unless you want to dump his ass anyway.

Chanel laughs.

MALEY- what?

YARNI-I think Calvin is the better option.

MALEY- Calvin is just a friend...I don't like him the way I like james.

YARNI- he gave you a cute ass movie night.

MALEY- and Jermaine gave you a kit kat but you're not dating him.


YARNI-that is completely different me and Jermaine are just friends.

MALEY-like you and Dave?

Yarni puts her head down a little bit.

YARNI-that's different and you know that.

CHANEL-you need to tell him how you feel Yarni what are you so scared of? You two talk about everything.

YARNI-I(sadly)'ll tell him when...when....(teasing voice) you tell Tevin.


Chanel throws popcorn at them.

CHANEL- You two are loud and wrong.

YARNI-Sure honey.

CHANEL- I will admit...talking to Tevin all night last night did make me see a different side of him....and our conversation it just flowed....I never noticed how sweet and thoughtful he could be.



CHANEL-Yes Tevin Dorsey...look no sleep Tevin isn't that bad Im telling yall.

MALEY-speaking of that I need to go tell him and Dave they can stop now.

YARNI-after cheetah sisters?

Maley picks up the popcorn.

MALEY-absolutely after cheetah sisters.

Yarni laughs

CHANEL-(laughs) yall are terrible.


Dave sits on his bed looking at cooking videos on tik tok. He begins to move closer to his phone screen as if he is going to take a bite.

Tevin sits on floor in front of his bed holding writing in his notebook he stops to open a candy bar.

Dave notices and is shocked at the candy bar.

Tevin's eyes fall close and his head is falling back towards his bed.

Dave notices Tevin is asleep and sets his eyes on the candy bar like he's about to prance.

Tevin falls asleep almost dropping the candy bar. Dave jaw drops.He then begins to sneak over to Tevin.

He smiles as he gets closer to the candy bar opens his mouth to bite it but Tevin with his eyes closed raises it up to his mouth. Dave follows the candy bar still trying to bite it. Tevin wakes up looking at him confused.

Tevin moves away from him.

TEVIN-yo what are doing?!

Dave tries to grab the candy.

DAVE-I need the candy bar!

They begin to tossle over it.

DAVE-give me the candy bar or die!

TEVIN-you are cracking!

DAVE-no Im not!

Maley walks in and shakes her head. The guys continue to argue.

MALEY-okay guess enough!

They both look shocked to see Maley and quickly rush to stand up.

DAVE-he was just too weak to open it so I was trying to help you go bro.

He hands the candy bar back to Tevin.

TEVIN-thanks man.

MALEY-guys you can stop pretending. The experiment is over.

Dave and Tevin begin to celebrate and congratulate each other.

MALEY-BUT...I have a confession to make.

Dave and Tevin both look at her confused.

MALEY- you see this experiment wasnt really about food or sleep deprivation.

TEVIN-wait a minute you set us up?

DAVE- a liar and a cheat!

TEVIN-explain yourself.

MALEY-Sorry...but I got an A.

Maley smirks.

MALEY-you see my thesis was to see that men will endure extreme physical discomfort to prevail in a competitive environment.

Maley laughs proudly. Dave and Tevin look at her in disgust.

DAVE-that's stupid.

Maley laughs him off and walks towards the door.

DAVE-hold on Maley.

Maley looks at him confused.

DAVE-who won?

MALEY-(appalled) Who won?

TEVIN-who won?

Dave looks at him confused.

TEVIN-don't be ridiculous...(sucks his teeth) who won? Man I won.

Tevin tries to grab Maley's notebook. Maley rolls her eyes and leaves.

DAVE-so happy this is over.

Dave begins to walk towards the door to leave.

TEVIN-where you going?

DAVE- to get a bunch of food that's completely bad for me.

Tevin laughs and his phone vibrates. Dave leaves.

TEXT MESSAGE FROM CHANEL:phone again tonight?

Tevin smiles.


Dave is on his phone.

DAVE- Im about to get like alot of junk food and eat like everything in sight....was hoping we could watch some basketball stuff? I could teach you.

YARNI- I'll meet you in ten.

Dave smiles.


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[College AU - Bridgerton Short Story || Anthony Bridgerton x Original Female Character] You're in love with something bigger than love You believe in...
67 8 15
Sent to the quiet countryside to focus on her studies, Luna vowed to forget her first love and graduate single. But then she met Gale, a gaming-obses...