The Black Samurai of the Anac...

By Rosa-BlackMoon

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~~Under a much needed Tune-Up~~ I do not own Ninjago or (Y/N)! Just a few oc's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

Ch 39


59 1 0
By Rosa-BlackMoon

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and stay safe when out traveling and shopping LoveDoves!

Wrong Place, Wrong Time (Pt. 1)

Upon Destiny’s Bounty, the Ninja trains Lloyd to be the greatest fighter, in hopes of having the upper hand when the battle comes for the Green Ninja to fight the Dark Lord. With a weapon of choice in hand, the four surround the Green Ninja ready to attack.

Sensei Wu stands off to the backside of the room to avoid getting hit by the fight about to begin, “Your new body is a fighting instrument. Listen to it.”

Cole is the first to try to hit Lloyd with his scythe but Lloyd kicks backward and hits it, and Cole is away. Jay is the next to attempt to make a move with his nunchucks but Lloyd grabs them and throws Jay over his shoulder. As Jay was sent flying he lightly gets flustered as he saw Nya walk into the room with a watermelon watching the fight with a small smile. Zane, coming in third, throws his throwing stars only for Lloyd to jump and dodge them and lodge themselves into the watermelon that Nya was holding. Nya looks at the melon in shock and fright then quickly glairs at Zane who stands there in shock as well. Quickly Zane hides his hands behind his back and looks around, avoiding Nya’s pointed glare.

Nya smiles lightly then looks at Sensei Wu who is standing beside her, “Since he’s grown, he’s learning faster, Sensei.”

Wu looks over at Nya but keeps his gaze on the pierced watermelon, “But will it be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon? Only time will tell.”

Kia pulls out his katana and strikes it at Lloyd only for him to catch it with his hands. Lloyd, still standing his ground and holding onto the blade, tries to use his power only for it to give out on him. Kai pulls the katana back toward himself which causes Lloyd to fall face first onto the ground.

Kai chuckles and puts his katana away while looking down at Lloyd, “You’re getting pretty good,” Kai helps Lloyd stand while both just smile at each other, “but that move you fell for was basic 101.”

Lloyd now standing on his legs, “Yeah, if I had focused more when I was little, I would’ve seen that coming. Exspatily (Y/n) would have seen that a day ahead.”

Everyone chuckles lightly but then sighs and frowns, remembering that their dear friend is still in the hospital and as far as they know. She hasn't woken up.

Jay chuckles sadly and looks at the ground, "Can you believe that both (Y/n) and Lloyd are now grown up?"

Kai chuckles and shakes his head slowly, "That's some weird timing."

Lloyd frowns and nods along, "Now we both will miss out on our childhood."

Wu gives a small smile that is barely noticeable and steps forward, “We can not change the past, but we can improve for the future. Again. And this time do not hold back.”

Once after their training, Lloyd asked if they can go to the hospital to check in on (Y/n). All the Ninjas agreed and Wu told Nya to set the course for Ninjago City. Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane went up to the deck to get a breath of fresh air as Lloyd went to his room and sat on his bed. Lloyd flopped back onto his bed and stares up at the ceiling while thinking of his dear kunoichi friend and wondering if she was awake.

Zane catches the Falcon, which flew onto his arm with a panicked cry, “The Falcon has returned with troubling news.”

They rush into the control room, while Zane swiftly and carefully pulls out the memory chip and places it into the computer and everyone stands back to watch the video play.

“What did you see, my mechanical-feathered friend?” Zane said while standing back with his brothers with his Falcon on his arm.

Upon the large screen before them, the Serpentine are training with each other with swords and pointed staffs in the heart of the City of Ouroboros.

Nya gasps at the screen, “The Lost City of Ouroboros!”

Kai looks at the screen confused while rubbing his chin in thought, “Garmadon has returned to the Serpentine home base, but why?”

Cole glares at the screen, “It looks like they’re preparing for a final battle.”

Wu looks at Nya and points to the steering wheel, “Nya, change course. We’ll head straight for them.”

Zane sighs and looks out the window as Nya changes course from going to Ninjago City to the City of Ouroboros, “Lloyd isn’t going to like this.”

Jay sighs as well and walks over to the door and looks back at the others, “He’s going to have to get over it, this is more important… So who wants to tell him?”

The Ninja was readying up for their fight with Garmadon and the Serpentine, when Lloyd found out, from Jay who picked the short straw, he was upset but nonetheless got ready as well.

~~Small time skip to the City of Ouroboros, the Lovely home of my reptilian friends!~~

The Serpentine was upgrading their vehicles when Garmadon came over to them shouting out commands, “More firepower! When we attack the Ninja, they won’t see it coming. Our forces will be so strong, Ninjago will be mine!”

A Fangpyre with a blowtorch standing beside Lord Garmadon started to use the torch on the Ultimate Golden Weapon with the random thought that if he did that, the staff will stop failing Lord Garmadons wishes. Garmadon frowns at this and pulls it away quickly and looks at the golden staff in his hand, checking for any damage while the Fangpyer rubs the back of his head and flinches thinking that he was going to get hit but nothing happens so he shrugs it off. The Ninja leaps from building to building reaching the middle of the city swiftly and quietly. Wu makes himself noticeable first while the five Ninjas and samurai stay hidden.

Wu does his Spinjitzu bringing his brother’s attention to himself, “Ninja Go!”

Garmadon smirks at his younger brother and stands ready to fight, “Oh, brother!” Garmadon says with wicked and false glee.

Wu nods to the Ninja without giving away their places, singling them to come out from the shadows, “It’s time we finished this.”

All the Ninjas, not including Lloyd, and Samari made themselves noticeable by jumping down and landing behind their Sensei.

Garmadon points the Ultimate Golden Weapon at them and smirks, “Bring it on, fools!”

Lloyds jumps out of his hiding place, landing in front of Sensei Wu, and blasted his ice power at the Ultimate Golden Weapon. Garmadon stares in shock at the top of the Golden Weapon that is now covered in Ice.

He then glairs at the young man dressed in the Green Ninja gi but gasps in shock, “Lloyd? Is that you?”

Lloyd, still in a fighting stance, glares at his father, “Yeah. I’ve grown a little since the last time you saw me, Dad. Because of that Grundel fiasco, not only have I grown, but you almost got, (Y/n), the Ninja Skater killed.”

Garmadon back up in fear and yells at the Serpentine, “Stop him!”

The Serpentine starts to walk toward the Ninja as Garmadon retreats to an old building.

Garmadon hits the Ultra Weapon on the wall to break the Ice, “Blast these Ninja! If only they weren’t around. If only they never existed! I would have the world! And Star… It’s all those Ninja faults! Yes. Yes, that’s it! I wish I could go back in time, and make it so the Ninja were never formed in the first place!”

As soon as he said his wish, the Ultament Golden Weapon began to grant it. A beam of white light was blasted from the staff and hit the wall before him, creating a portal to the past.

Garmadon grinning evilly and steps closer to the fully formed portal, “Now, to finish the Ninja once and for all, so that my son never becomes the Green Ninja! And to keep Star safe, so she won’t be harmed and maybe…”

Garmadon jumps into the portal without a second thought. As soon as he is through, the Ninja runs into the building and stares at the portal in shock, missing him by a few seconds.

Cole stares at the portal and sighs, “He used the Mega Weapon again!”

Jay groans, “Oh swell! Every time he uses that thing something really bad happens. Like with (Y/n), now what!”

The ground starts to shake badly making the Ninja concerned and look around for the cause of the commotion.

Cole shouts out in alarm covering his slight fear, “What’s going on!”

Sand starts to cover the ground causing the Ninja to look down as it slowly covers their feet.

Jay gasps staring at his feet as they get covered by sand, “Is the city sinking?”

Zane looks over at Jay then down at his own feet, “Worse. The city’s returning back into the desert as if it had never been found in the first place.”

Kai stares at Zane hoping that what he is thinking is something different than what Zane is saying, “Uh. What? What does that mean?”

The sand starts to come up to their waists and they get more concerned and fearful. While Lloyd looks at his hands in terror and clenches them and opens them slowly trying to put feeling back into his fingertips.

Nya looks around panicking, “What’s happening?”

Zane looks up at the portal and glares at it, “Garmadon’s gone back in time to make it so Lloyd never turns into the Green Ninja.”

Lloyd still looking at his hands in fear while clenching them again, “I can’t… I can’t feel my hands.”

Kai looks over at Lloyd in shock then back at the portal while sighing, “Uh. Uh. We have to go in!”

Wu shouts at the four Ninjas and points at the portal, “If he changes anything, He changes everything! Protect the future, Ninja!”

The Ninja jumps into the portal without a second glance as the sand slowly creeps up higher as the Green Ninja gets weaker.

~~Meanwhile in the Hospital ~~

(Y/n) was sitting up in the bed while cradling her right arm and staring out the window with both of her eyes open and thinking of her life before she came to live in the city. They were beginning to fade and become almost dreamlike. Just wandering around the lands looking for something but also trying to survive. Now because of the recent memories, (Y/n) now knows that she was looking for her father. But somehow ended up going to the city. (Y/n) never really thought much of the past, always thinking that she was abandoned but it is a reality. She was hidden from the world to protect her. But try as she might she couldn’t remember her father’s face or how she got to the city.

So as (Y/n) was trying to think, she looked around her room and she saw the glass of water to her right. Thinking that she was strong enough to get out of bed to reach it with her good hand. Yet she was still weak from the Grudel attack, she fell off the bed. With a groan of pain, (Y/n) landed on her right side and swiftly rolls over onto her back to get off of her ever slowly healing arm and leg. To also add to the ever growing pain, the weight alarm on the hospital bed goes off. {And trust me those things are anointing as hell!} (Y/n) whimpers and lays on the ground in pain as the nurses come in to help her.

“Miss. (Y/n)!? Are you alright?”

“Just dandy, you know. The blissful feeling of shooting needles going into your entire arm and leg is just wonderful.”

The nurses look at her in shock but quickly shut up once she glares at them, “Of course, I’m not alright! I just fell out of the damned bed and now it's basically laughing at me! Get me off the floor!”

~~Back to the Ninja~~

**Cole’s POV**

We soon fall out of the portal to land in a muddy rice field, waist-deep, and look around. It looked like a beautiful day but also very warm. As I look down I see that I’m almost completely coved in mud, Great!

Motor Mouth from right behind me began to spit out nonsense as usual, “Remind me to pack a helmet next time we time travel.”

“What makes you think there will be a next time Jay? Where are we?” I say while looking around the mud field we’re standing in again, only to stare at a familiar-looking little girl with (h/l) (h/c) and two different colored eyes.

Staring straight at us, not saying a word, she’s just standing there and observing our every move and I can’t look away from those familiar eyes.

“You mean when are we?” Zane says from somewhere to my right.

Kai looks at a building from in the distance with a look of remembrance, “Four Weapons. Ha! My parents’ shop! Nya and I used to work there. Hey, wait a minute. This is the day Garmadon ordered the Skeletons to take my sister! We need to warn them-”

I look over at Kai breaking my stare off with past (Y/n) and stop him from moving forward toward his old shop, “Whoa, whoa. You heard what Sensei said: We change anything, we change everything.”

“Yeah, I was confused about that too,” Motormouth replied, I swear. Does he have to be so Dence all of the time?

Zane was about to speak until a familiar soft voice speaks out, “If you take out the spokes of a wheel, you will surely fall flat on your face. So make sure you don’t remove a single spoke or you will pay the price.”

We all look at the soft voice and everyone but I gasp at past (Y/n) standing there in a raggedy old dress. Covered in a few scuffs and clutched onto a bag that was almost half of her size. This is not the little bakery ninja (Y/n) that we know. This is a poorer and sadder version of her, Where is her father at? Why is she dressed and looking like this and so far from the City?

Kai looks at the past (Y/n) in shock, “Uh… (Y/n)? Is that really you?”

The past (Y/n) just looks at Kai in confusion and tilts her head to the side and softly mutters, “How do you know my name?”

Jay looks at (Y/n) confused still turns his attention to Zane hoping the Nindariod will clear things up, “I’m still confused.”

Zane keeps staring at the past (Y/n) with an unreadable expression, “What the saying means is, our world is the result of past events that have already happened. If for whatever reason, events in our past fail to happen, then the future could radically change.”

Jay looks over at Zane almost completely forgetting about the fact that past (Y/n) is here and not in Ninjago City with her dad, “So what you’re saying is, we gotta stop Garmadon from changing anything. What about meeting (Y/n) here? Arnt, you supposed to be in Ninjago City with your dad? And of all the times, why did we land here?”

(Y/n) Looks at Jay in shock then over to where he pointed at, where the city is at. (Y/n) smiles and then walks off before I could ask her how she ended up out here Kai changed my thoughts of her to focus on him.

Kai looks at Jay, “Cause this is where it all started. Today I met Sensei Wu for the first time, and I began my training as a Ninja. Somehow, Garmadon is going to try to prevent that, but how?”

I sigh and look around seeing that past (Y/a) was gone, “If only sensei were here to guide us.”

Jay points at past Sensei Wu talking to past (Y/n) and pointing in a direction, and waves goodbye to the little girl, “Oh look, There he is with (Y/n)! Maybe he can!”

I watch as past (Y/n) skips on the path to wherever she was going and then back at Sensei, “We gotta tell him what Garmadon had done.”

“But we can’t let the old Kai and Nya see that we talked to him, or else it will affect the future. It’s bad enough that we just ran into the old (Y/n), we just got to be more careful of what we do.” Zane said.

Kai looks at Wu as he walks up to his parent’s old shop, “Hmm. I know exactly what to do.”

~~Small Time skip to where Kai NinjaNaped past Sensei Wu.~~

Look at this Flam Brain! He could have just screwed us all over for just grabbing the old Sensei Wu! Wu just looks at all of us confused as can be.

Jay cuts Kai off before he could explain to Sensei what is going on, Wu looks at his red ninjanaper and then at Jay who is talking, “If we’re trying to stop Garmadon from changing anything, wouldn’t talking to Sensei kind of be like altering the past, thus changing our future?”

“That would be correct. I believe an even bigger ‘Uh-oh’ is in order.” Zane side as Wu then looks over at him.

I look at Kai with a glare as Wu looks at me now, “Way to go Kai! First (Y/n), now this!”

Kai glares back at me, “Don’t go blaming me for (Y/n) talking to us, anyway we can’t undo what we’ve already done. Sensei, we really need your help.”

Wu looks at the four of us in confusion and is barely able to speak, “All four of you… You… You…”

I cut off Sensei who was stumbling over his words still shocked to see all of us, “Traveled back in time to warn you of impending doom?”

“Yeah, but we don’t have time to explain. Can you help us?” Kai says and looks at Sensei Wu with pleading eyes.

“I don’t understand, but I can try.” Wu mutters to himself, “The little girl said to be wary of today.”

Kai ignored the muttering of Sensei Wu, “Any moment now, the Skeletons are going to attack and we think Garmadon may try to hurt me. I-I mean, the past me.”


“We have to do everything in our power to protect my past self!” Kai said as he looks at his past self.

**Arthurs POV**

The skeletons drive up the hill and look at the Four Weapons shop and look for the girl they were sent after. Wu was about to intervene but Kai stops him to let what to come to happen.

Nuckal pesters Samukai to go down and cause a fight, “Let me go first! Please, oh please, I’m dying to go down there!”

Kruncha looks at Nuckal in confusion, “Arnt you already dead?”

Samukai smacks them both on the back of their heads stopping them from fighting each other, “You nitwit!”

Lord Garmadon shakes his head in disappointment and puts his skull facemask on, “Why did I ever trust these numbskulls?”

Samukai points at the shop while shouting over the roar of the engine, “Attack!”

Skeletons drive down the hill ready to fight and unknowingly fail horribly. The gardeners that were working in a nearby ricefield were in the way of the skeletons, Samukai yells at them and they run away screaming in fright.

Past Nya looks to her brother who already had a chest plate on and a sword in one hand and a helmet in the other, “What are they?”

Past Kai places a helmet on his head and glairs at the skeletons as they get closer, “I don’t know. Stay here.”

Past Kai walks out of the shop, ready to fight as the small skeleton army surrounds him. The skeletons and past Kai fight as the present Ninja stand back with past Wu and watch.

Kai looks at past Wu with urgency written in his eyes, “Well, can we help or not?”

Wu looks back at the Ninja who is now staring down at him, “Don’t look at me, I’m wise but not that wise.”

“Technically, since the past has already been altered, I don’t see why we can’t fight a few skeletons, just as long as your former self never sees you,” Zane said with a small smile and happy tone.

Cole smiles and chuckles lightly, “You made my day, Zane.”

Right behind them, a few skeletons jump down from their hiding spot and slowly approach the Ninja.

Jay sees them from the corner of his eye and pulls out his nunchucks while facing them, “I missed beating these guys up.”

Jay does a few tricks with his nunchucks and the skeletons pull off their arms mimicking him. Jay jumps into the middle of them after kicking a few of them out of his way and does Spinjitzu and laughs.

“Ninja go!

Kai looks at past Wu just about to help Jay, “Watch for when Samukai throws his daggers. And don’t forget to save me!”

Wu looks at Kai confused, “Hu?”

“It’ll all make sense when it happens,” Kai said as he runs off with his brothers to fight the Skeletons that were coming their way.

Past Nya runs out to help out her brother. With a Bo staff in hand, she knocks down two Skeletons and grins at her brother who looks at her in shock.

“I thought I told you to stay back?” Past Kai said as he backs up toward his sister while hitting a few Skeletons away.

Past Nay shout at her brother and hits another skeleton away while smiling, “And what? Let you have all the fun?”

The past brother and sister duo split up to fight the skeletons and Kai is left alone to fight a big four armed skeleton named Samukai. Past Kai smirks but it swiftly vanishes when Samukai flashes Kai his four daggers. Samukai chuckles and Past Kai gulps in fear. Samukai disarms Past Kai and kicks him down to the ground with ease.

Kai looks at his former Sensei and points to his former self, “Sensei!”

“I’m on it.”

As Samukai was about to attack Past Kai, Past Wu uses his Spinjitzu to push Samukai away and smacks him around a few times for the fun of it.

Samukai looks a bit dizzy but then glairs at the older man, “Sensei Wu, your Spinjitzu looks rusty.”

“Nothing like bone to sharpen its edge, Samukai.”

Kai looks at his former self as he lays on the ground, still dazed from the blow from before, as Samukai throws his daggers at Sensei Wu. Wu jumps to the side, dodging the attack but caused the daggers to hit the water tower. Braking the leg on the water tower, it begins to sink toward Kai. Past Wu sees his mistake, and realizes what Kai from the future had meant, and does his Spinjizu and saves Past Kai from being crushed by the large water tower.

Samukai, who is now back on the skeleton monster truck, barks out a command to the two knuckleheads behind him, “Lord Garmadon says, take the girl.”

Garmadon quietly walks up behind Kruncha and bashes the backside of his skull with a long bone staff. With Kruncha out of the way, Garmadon quickly makes the bone claw miss Nya completely.

Samukai grumbles and shouts in anger, “You fools, you missed! Retreat!”

As the truck turns around, Nuckal two Kai’s glaring at them. Kruncha looks at his buddy confused, “What is it?”

Nuckal looks back and forth between to two, confused as can be, “Uh… Nothing.”

~~Back at the time where the four Ninjas is from~~

Upon Destinys Bounty, Wu looks over the edge of the ship and onto the Ninjago City's horizon. A tearable swarm of black clouds fills the sky slowly creeping over the city's skyscrapers.

Wu frowns and stares at the oncoming clouds, “Oh my goodness.”

Nay walks up to a photo that was taken back when Lloyd was still young. It was Jay, Kai, Zane, Cole, and Lloyd who were all smiling and had their arms wrapped around each other. Nya sighs and gasps loudly in shock and fright. Within the photo, Lloyd is fading away.

Nya quickly runs to Sensei Wu while yelling in fear, “Sensei! The photo, Lloyd’s no longer in it!”

Wu frowns and he and Nya both steer the ship to the roof of the hospital and run into the hospital that Lloyd was in. Lloyd was in the hospital checking in on (Y/n) and hoping she was awake. Wu and Nya wanted him to stay on the Bounty but he had pestered them to no end on wanting to get some answers before everything was altered completely.

(Y/n) smiles and sighs while staring at her dear friend that was sitting on the edge of the bed by her side. She was happy to hear that the Ninja know what happened to her and was shocked to see that Lloyd was all grown up. As they were talking Lloyd began to feel weaker and stronger but happier and sadder. Not only was his best friend beside him once more but she got hurt because she wanted to help him. They both hugged each other and talked about what happened to both of them and what might be. But they both got weaker and Lloyd could no longer feel his legs and arms. As he lay down beside his best friend unaware that (Y/n) had also lost her feeling in her legs as well. They both looked at each other in fear and (Y/n) weakly hugged Lloyd. The two child-turn-adults then fell into a deep sleep and held each other and slowly started to fade.

~~Back to the past with the four Ninja and past Sensei Wu.~~

**Arthurs POV**

Kai looks at his past self hugging his past sister and shakes his head, “Oh, this isn’t good.”

“Why? We saved you and our sister,” Past Wu said with slight confusion in his words.

“No, the Skeletons were supposed to get away with Nya,” Kai sighs and slumps forward, “The only reason you convinced me to become a Ninja in the first place was to get her back.”

“Oh, I see,” Wu said while looking down and lost in thought.

“Sensei, no matter what, you need to convince Kai to go with you,” Zane said while looking at past Kai.

“Why?” The always confused Blue Ninja asked the intelligent White Ninja.

“Because if Kai doesn’t become a Ninja, the world as we know it wouldn’t exist,” Zane says with a frown.

Kai looks over at them and frowns knowing what Zane is saying is sadly the truth, “The four of us will never unite. We’ll never train Lloyd to become the Green Ninja. We’ll never have met (Y/n), and they wouldn’t have become the best of friends. And Nya will never fall head over heels for Jay.”

Jay gasps and grabs Past Sensei Wu’s arm tightly and shakes him violently with urgency in his voice, “No matter what, you need to convince him to go with you!”

Cole nods eagerly and grabs past Sensei Wu’s other arm with pleading eyes, “What he said! I can’t live without (Y/n)’s cakes!”

Past Kai hears people shouting and comes around the water tower where the ninja and past Sensei Wu was standing at.

The Ninja quickly jumps and hides over the water tower as Past Kai walks up to Past Sensei Wu and smiles when seeing him, “Thank you for your help. If it wasn’t for your ‘twist-itzu’ or your ‘tornad-zu’, my sister would have been taken."

“Spinjitzu,” Sensei Wu said with an unamused look on his face.

Jay, Zane, and Cole look at Kai unamused while Kai rubs the back of his head nervously with a sheepish grin on his face.

Wu gently grabs Past Kai's arm and tries to walk with him, “Come, we must train. You must become a Ninja.”

Past Kai laughs at hearing this and shakes his head, “Sorry, but I got a blacksmith shop to help get back on its feet, so--”

Past Nya walks over to them and smiles at the old man that helped them fight the Skeletons.

Past Wu cuts Kai off, “No. You must come! It is very important that you become a Ninja. Because uh… We must harness the fire within you!”

Nay looks at her brother and smiles, “Hold on, Kai, maybe there’s a reason this old man came into our lives. Father always said the world works in mysterious ways. I think it sounds kind of exciting.”

Pasts Kai looks at his happy sister and smiles as well, “Okay, if you wanna become a Ninja, fine by me, but I’m only going ‘cause you want to.”

Jay releases a sigh and smiles, “Ah great, he’s going! We saved the future.”

Zane gives a hard stare at the three figures walking away, “Not so fast. We still have to make sure he becomes a Ninja In order for everything to get back on track.”

~~With everybody’s favorite Skeletons; Kruncha and Nuckal~~

**Garmadons POV**

I was standing on the top of the vehicle while Nuckal was looking at two dead trees that looked sommelier and pointed at them while talking to his friend Kruncha, “Do you see two trees, or one?”

“Two, you imbecile!”

I swear these two are giving me a headache!

Samukai glares at Nuckal for the silly question and yells at him, again, “Stop fooling around! We failed our mission and now Lord Garmadon is really going to let us have it!”

I had to bite my tongue to hold in a laugh at Samukai’s fear of me, my former self.

Nuckal, looking completely unfazed by the yelling, looks over at Samukai, “Well, I just wanted to know if I was seeing Duble. I thought I saw the same Ninja twice back there!”

I stiffen in shock and look at Nuckal then mumble lowly so no one would hear me, “Double? So the Ninja followed me here, and they think they can stop me? They are as annoying as they are troublesome!”

I look out over the barren land and grin darkly, “Well, two can play at this game.”

~~The next day at the Monastery~~

**Arthurs POV**

The four ninjas watch as Past Kai lazily punches the punching bag as Past Nya runs on a spinning wheel. Past Wu walks over to past Kai with a frown on his face. Seeing the new pupil that has the fate of the world relying on him becoming a Ninja, his pupil doesn’t see the true fire from within.

“You must harness the fire deep within you, Kai,” Wu said as he stands beside his student.

Past Kai looks over at Sensei Wu as the bag swings back and hits him in the face causing him to fall back on his rear,  “Aw! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.”

Past Kai groans and walks away without caring about the ‘Fire’ the old man kept pestering him about.

Kai Looks at his former self and groans while looking away in disappointment, “Oh, I’m worthless.”

Jay looks over at Kai then back to the past Kai and frowns, “It’s like you don’t even want to be a Ninja.”

Kai looks over at Jay and sighs, “Look, I told you: The only reason I became a Ninja was to rescue my sister.”

Kai looks at his sister from the past as he runs on the spinning wheel and punches and hits the practice dummies out of her way with great ease and speed.

“If Kai doesn’t learn to be a Ninja, our future will be destroyed.” The know-it-all Ninja said, making the other three feel even more apprehensive about what’s to come.

Cole sighs and whisper shouts, “Even when Garmadon does something good, it’s always evil!”

Cole looks at their Past Sensei Wu who was still trying to teach Kai who is now leaning up against the sparing polls, “Sensei ain’t cutting the cake. Guess it’s up to us to get things back on track.”

Jay looks over at Cole confused as always, “I thought you said not to get involved. ‘Change anything, change everything.’ Sound familiar?”

“That was before Garmadon altered the past and changed the future. Now we gotta clean up the mess,” Cole shot back at Jay while looking away from his past Sensei.

“He’s right. The only way to save our future is for Kai to find his fire.”

“But-- What’re ya tryin’ to say, Zane?” The confused blueberry asked the smarty snowflake.

“I’m saying, we have to give Kai his motivation back. We have to kidnap Nya and deliver her into the hands of the Skeletons.”

Kai sighs and shakes his head knowing Zane is right, even if he doesn’t want to do it, “If that’s what it takes. Okay, but if it’s all right with you guys, I’ve got an idea on how I could talk some sense into myself.”

~~Until We Meet Again LoveDoves!~~

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(Tw- Language) •♡"I'm glad I met you." "I'm glad too... And remember... I will always love you. No matter what happens."♡• ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡...
215K 7.6K 42
[IMPORTANT: Undergoing a rewrite/continuation. Look on my profile for further details.] Lloyd and (Y/N) Garmadon. The two were (and are) inseparable...