
By 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One
Chapter 16: Noctis
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 24: Into the Inferno
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 27: The Golden Crown
Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New
Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose

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By 129cdmuller

At first, Selena feared Revelation would be another treasure hunt like it was for Ragnarok but was grateful to see the answer lay before her. Her eyes coveted the weapon, and without thinking, she touched it. When Silver offered to let her hold it, she felt its heartbeat thump within her palm. The handle, icy to the touch, vibrated as if alive. To think that Revelation was hiding as a pocket watch the entire time.

Silver first pulled out the timepiece while traveling to Alfheim, and Selena now understood why he never opened it to check the time; she went as far as to assume he wanted to show her without telling. "Are you able to talk about this now?"

Silver held up his hand, and his mouth twisted around for a moment while he issued his test. As Selena figured the curse was still upon him, his mouth opened wide, and he pulled out a handkerchief to catch his series of coughs. Recovering and breathing deep, his words tumbled out, "Yes—after his banishment and losing the ability to wield his weapon, Azrael asked me to protect this for him." He stretched out his arms and popped his back. "It feels so good to say it now."

She propped Revelation up against its diamond pommel, and a small streak of lightning struck against the glass floor but caused no damage. "Would Azrael have any issues with me using it?"

Silver only shrugged as his eyes wandered skyward. "I dunno. Only a god can use Revelation, so Azrael never feared it falling into mortal hands." He drew his hands to his hips. "However, he still wanted its location kept secret, but he never did say why. But you are of Divine birth—I believe you don't count as a mortal, but I wouldn't use Revelation for anything else."

Selena couldn't argue with Silver's logic; using Revelation was their first real plan at fighting back. As for if she could use it, she held on to her doubts and remained unsure if a Divinity Dragon counted as a god, let alone use a god's weapon. Yet, Selena remembered Ragnarok and how she was able to wield it. Perhaps Silver was correct in his assumption. "If you believe Revelation is the best way, I do too. I couldn't even fathom using it for anything else."

"I'm so glad that blasted curse is gone. I still don't appreciate how my old apprentice kept mocking you for never being able to find it. Why I ought to—"

Selena almost dropped Revelation out of shock but tightened her grip when she felt the metal beginning to slip from her fingers. "The Lich was your apprentice?"

Silver bit his cheeks, realizing another slip of the tongue, as was his habit. "I suppose now is a good time for you to learn how it all began to end his reign of terror. But first," he nodded to the scythe. After taking a few extra moments to admire the magnificent weapon, Silver took it back and whispered the exact phrase again; blue Aether imbued the reaper scythe, and Revelation regained its hidden nature as a pocket watch before handing it back. "I can't emphasize the importance of keeping this safe until the time comes when you need it. To summon Revelation, all you have to do is say, 'Vor'noctes.' It means, 'remember you will die,' in the Elven Language."

The phrase rang through her ears like the Pyre's chimes as she wrapped her fingers around the timepiece, the golden glow gleaming in her eyes before slipping into her pocket. "It will be safe with me until Venexus meets his end."

"We will all look forward to that moment, though I wished a better fate for my old apprentice. Now, where did I put that book?" Humming, he rushed to the nearest bookcase, and Selena was intrigued, but she raised a brow when Silver pulled tomes from the shelves and tossed them on the floor behind him. "Where is it? Where is it? Ah, there you are." He dusted off a journal bound in leather and spun around to hand it to her.

Selena reached up and took it with care. "What is this?"

"You'll get a chance to read it soon, but we're going to visit the past for now. Stand close to me." Silver pulled out a second timepiece from another pocket, a beautiful onyx trinket attached to a delicate jeweled chain. He popped open its cover and began winding down the dials, and much to Selena's surprise, the arrows on the watch's face slowly spun counter-clockwise.

She whipped around as time's tapestry began unweaving itself; the events she experienced just then replayed backwards. The arrows on the timepiece spun faster, and their entire existence followed suit until the scenery became a blur. A bright light absorbed the pair when reality faded into Oblivion until the watch stopped counting down, and the world resumed turning once more: the two stood before a young man and woman in the castle courtyard Rune Citadel, its ivory towers stretching high above Alfheim's gilt-painted glory. "What just happened? What did you do?"

Silver smiled and closed the watch. "We've gone back in time to witness a memory."

Selena's breaths quickened, and she looked over at the couple in fear that she and Silver were seen. However, the man and woman ignored their presence. "They can't see us, can they?"

"We can only see history, not alter it."

The man and woman looked close to Selena's age, maybe slightly older. The young maiden shared her resemblance and skin color, but her platinum blonde hair burned like a white flame. "That's my mother. And that man is—?" Selena noted him as an exceptionally handsome young gentleman, tall with soft brown hair.

The two stood side-by-side with each other, training in different stances. In sync, the man and woman summoned blasts of fire through various punches and kicks. Over and over again, the pair exercised together for a while before they stopped and bowed before one another. "You're amazing," the woman said, "I think you've already surpassed me."

"That's impossible. You were always better than me." The two friends laughed but stopped when the man stared at the woman and blushed. He raised his hand to talk to her again, but the woman darted past without offering another word; the man's dark eyes filled with gloom, and he was left defeated and undone.

Silver answered, "Aydin Jormungand." He was the original leader of the Council, but he vanished without a trace around the time Vidar took over; otherwise, Selena hadn't heard his name mentioned since the Lich, disguised as Myrrdin, told the brief tale at Norrington Hall. "But why is Aydin important?"

"You'll see."

A moment after the woman vanished, she saw another version of Silver round the corner and approached the young man. He looked almost the same; the only difference was his short-cropped blinding white hair tickling below his ears, magnifying the hue of his icy blue eyes. "For a shapeshifter, you don't change much."

Silver ran his fingers through his now waist-length snowy hair. "Why mess with a perfect look?"

"Aydin," his younger self began, "you missed your lessons again today."

Aydin bowed his head. "I'm sorry, master. I was training."

"You're supposed to be training with me."

"It won't happen again."

"Good." Aydin ignored his master's snarl as Silver swiveled his head to see the young woman hastening her steps. "I've told you before to leave the Crown Princess alone." Silver's tone softened when he added: "It's not wise to seek out the Emperor's daughter."

Aydin's voice exploded, shattering the soft air. "But I wasn't."

"Enough. Come with me. We have much to catch up on that you missed this morning." Young Silver and the undone Aydin left the courtyard.

Present Silver continued his tale: "Aydin and your mother have known each other since they were children, but Aydin came from nothing; he grew up with no family, but your mother was the first to show him any kindness and help. They were close, and your mother considered him her best friend."

"It seemed like Aydin wanted more than that."

Silver sighed and traced his fingers across the timepiece. "He began developing feelings for your mother, but she never returned them. Unfortunately, that's where his troubles began."

Their vision into the memory transitioned to Aydin working in a blacksmith shop set within a stone atrium with another young man around his age. The two worked together by the clang of their hammers against newly forged swords. The unknown young man's stoic expression on his pale and slender face reminded her of her father. The similar raven black hair swept behind his pointed ears, and his sapphire eyes gave away his identity. "That's my father, isn't it?"

Silver nodded. "Vulduin and Aydin became friends over time, and the two helped in the blacksmith's shop after settling down in Alfheim. At this time, the Emperor arranged the marriage of your mother and father."

Selena wasn't surprised by her father's talents as he helped her forge Dragonheart, a perfect sword of dragon bone and steel that no other artist could replicate. He was a master blacksmith whose work shined from his perfectly honed skills. She relished the new information regarding her parents and muttered her father's name; Vulduin rolled off the tongue much better than Phantom Dust, or D as Silver and Kain called him.

"Did my father come from a wealthy family outside of Alfheim?" Selena was surprised to see Silver shake his head. "How was it arranged for him to marry into the imperial family with no connections?"

Silver chose his following words carefully. "I've known your parents since Alfheim was built. Your father had connections, but I will allow your parents to explain themselves the next time we're all together. I may have a big mouth, but it's not my place to discuss their history." She was still not satisfied, and she continued pestering him for more information, but when Silver was unwilling to budge, she gave up and watched the memory play.

The young Vulduin dipped a new cherry-red sword into a water trough, steam sizzling and wafting into clouds pluming skyward. "I hope your teacher didn't punish you too badly."

Aydin scoffed. "He's talking about wanting to send me elsewhere."


"To move me away from distractions."

Vulduin wiped the sweat off his brow with his sleeve. "Is this so that you can learn how to shapeshift too?"

Aydin sighed and turned away from his partner, focusing on bringing his partially-shaped ingot to the proper heat. "I'm supposed to follow everything he says if I want that kind of power." He scoffed. "I don't want to continue training with him anymore."

Current-day Silver clicked his tongue against his teeth and disappointingly crossed his arms. "I took Aydin on as an apprentice; he was a very gifted student, just like you."

"Why did you need an apprentice?"

"I was looking for someone to continue my work if I'm ever unable to, or maybe I was looking for friendship. I agreed to show Aydin how to become a shapeshifter as long as he did what I said. He needed to work for it, but I was sad to hear that he no longer wished to continue with his studies."

The memory continued. "Why not?" Vulduin asked.

"You know why."

"I hope you realize our families have already arranged our marriage." Vulduin's answer was harsh; Aydin's face burned like fire as he flared his nostrils and slammed down his tongs before strutting off in response to Vulduin's cold reply. He fumbled, taking his apron off before disappearing into the crowd.

The memory shifted through a wash of white light, and Selena and Silver stood in the throne room of white marble within Rune Citadel. Now an older man, Aydin knelt before the two thrones seating the new Emperor and Empress, and her heart swelled when she saw her parents together. They looked so young and full of hope, but she cringed when Aydin's voice rang throughout the keep, addressing the Empress directly. "Your Imperial Majesty, it gives me great pleasure to serve you as head of your new Council."

Her mother's expression remained calm and unchanging, but the furrow in her brow gave away her distressed disposition. "Pray do not disappoint us in establishing this change. Armageddon never needed a Council before, but I trust your judgment above all else, Aydin."

"It's my gift to you, Your Imperial Majesty, and we're here to serve and maintain order. We wish to keep the power balanced for the sake of your people." Aydin tilted his head upward and straightened up as a sinister gleam flashed across his eyes. "Your Majesty, may I speak with you in private?" He glared at Selena's father.

Her Imperial Majesty looked to her husband with a pleading gaze to not leave her side; he nodded for her to continue, watching Aydin's every move. "What you have to say to me can also be said to your Emperor."

"Not this, Your Imperial Majesty."

Before Aryl could object, Vulduin stepped forward and addressed Aydin sharply, "I shall grant you a private audience but make your meeting quick." The Shadow Emperor met Aydin's heated gaze before leaving the keep.

When Vulduin was out of earshot, Aydin slowly approached the Empress. There was a sway to every step he took, and his dark brown eyes filled with smoldering darkness that Selena noticed wasn't there before. "I was overjoyed from the moment you took the throne. You are the ruler of a great Empire. Ever since I first met you—"

"If this is regarding what you've already asked of me, my answer is no. As I've said thousands of times before, my hand was sworn to someone else. I'm now bound to my husband, in both heart and spirit."

Aydin laughed, but he backed up from Her Imperial Majesty's harsh tone. Yet, he continued persisting. "Since I first met you as a little boy, I've always known that you were the woman I wanted to marry. So, here I am."

Her voice roared like thunder as she shot up from her throne. "I won't hear any more of this. I've declined your proposal before, and I am doing it again."

"Think of all the great things we can do together. Armageddon is flourishing and happy, and your Empire is enjoying its golden age. We can share and spread Armageddon's prosperity with the other regions, and with you and me ruling side by side, we can expand our territory."

"I said no. I don't want to hear any more of this."

When Aydin attempted to approach her again, Vulduin emerged from the shadows, chains shooting forth from the crimson sleeves of his imperial attire. They sought after Aydin like angry snakes, but he made no effort to dodge; instead, he laughed as the shackles bound him in place. "I've warned you Vulduin was a threat."

The Empress sat back down with glistening tears stinging her eyes. "This isn't you. What happened to you?" Aydin only laughed. Even as the imperial guards came over to escort him from the castle, Aydin's laughter echoed throughout the keep.

Not offering another explanation to Aydin's sudden madness, silent and pale-faced, Silver twirled the dials from his timepiece; the arrows spun clockwise, returning the pair to the present day. Selena sighed when the memory faded to darkness. "Aydin became the Lich, didn't he?"

Silver wasn't quick to respond, and Selena took that as a yes. "He began seeking power elsewhere after ending his apprenticeship with me. Unfortunately, after escaping Oblivion and wandering our realm for thousands of years as a spirit until finding the right host, Venexus continued planning for the next eclipse until discovering Aydin, using him as his perfect vessel while feeding off his greed, lust, and wrath."

"I saw the darkness in his eyes, and he wasn't even himself anymore."

The void melted like spilt oil, and the two returned to the laboratory. Selena focused on the journal and exercised great caution in opening its secrets, as the pages were old and delicate, dated around 1261 ED, before the One Hundred Years' War. "Is... was this journal his?"


Selena set the book down on the desk with her prosthetic display and flipped it open, hunting through the pages as much as she could do with one hand. The earlier entries spoke of lessons with Silver, but she noticed that each passage grew darker than the last. She only stopped after stumbling upon the first note leading to Aydin's madness and began reading:

"Twenty-first of Varinth, 1261 ED: Such a lovely creature. Pure and sublime. I saw her again today. After all this time, I still haven't found the courage to tell her how I feel. She rushed past me like she knew and would reject what I wanted to say. My master found me in the courtyard after I missed my lessons again.

"Twenty-third of Varinth: Damn having to slave behind a blacksmith's hammer and working with him! Vulduin, the man sworn to my beloved. I thought he was my friend once. But if the word were to get out that I've fallen in love with the Emperor's daughter, I could be ruined. Castaway and exiled, and I would never get to see her again.

"Nineteenth of Azniine, 1263 ED: I finally told my master I no longer wished to learn magic. He threatened to send me far away from Alfheim, and I couldn't leave. I want to be with her. I finally found the courage to tell her how I felt, but she didn't tell me she loved me back. I proposed, but she rejected me. I will find a way to woo her.

"Seventh of Arelion, 1267 ED: Today, I confessed my love to her again. It was a horrible mistake. I don't know what prompted me to do it, but I wasn't entirely in my right mind. All I wanted was her. Despite their arranged marriage, she was already in love with Vulduin. I proposed, and she still refused. I came to her with ideas on expanding the Empire, but she didn't want to hear them. Instead, she and her new husband had me dragged out of Rune Citadel in chains. In chains!

"Thirteenth of Goldfire, 1269 ED: I need to focus my duties to the Council. I feel as though everyone here wishes for me to be gone and that they may rise against me. I have locked myself in my studies for weeks in depression. For some unexplained reason, I found myself wanting to grow stronger. I know he is better than I. That was why she chose him over me. She doesn't love me because I am not strong enough. She's always had to look out after me since we were little. Why can I not show her that I am powerful?

"First of Mortas, 1270 ED: At the turn of the new year, Vidar Helios stepped up and talked to the Council about getting rid of me. They cannot exile me, for I created the Council! I gave them power, and now they want to take it away from me—no. I will show them all. I will show her and the rest of the Empire that I will not back down.

"Eleventh of Turnadas, 1270 ED: I approached her again. I wanted to apologize. Lately, I've had visions and dreams. They come and go, and I can't make them go away. All I wanted to do was apologize to Her Imperial Majesty for how I've acted out towards her. The things that I've said—I don't remember any of them, but I will never forget the look on her face. She even dared to call me a demon. I'm not the demon! He's been giving me visions and nightmares—he calls to me, tempting me with promises of power. What have I done to my poor princess? I didn't see her again after that.

"Tenth of Korvas, 1271 ED: I don't know when this will end. I've already lost my position in the Council: Vidar successfully had me exiled. All I see are these weird visions, and I hear a voice in the back of my head mocking me and telling me to give up. What have I done?

"Twenty-second of Astar, 1272 ED: I'm already too far gone to know what to do. My mind is changing. Please, help me regain my sanity—i-it's not me doing this. If I do terrible things, it's not me. Forgive me, Your Majesty. I will always love you.

"(date scribbled out) Red... death... blood... die, die, die... all of them must die."

The word 'die' only filled out the pages following the last entry until the end of the book, and Selena shut the journal with her trembling hand. Perfectly aware of the chilling entries, Silver took it away and hid it from her view within his bookshelf. "Your mother found his journal after his decline and entrusted me to hold onto it. I can't tell you how painful it was to watch him succumb to madness."

She didn't dare to remove her gaze from the shelf that hid the journal, now believing it wouldn't be so simple a task in defeating the Lich. If she used Revelation against Venexus, she assumed Aydin would be destroyed in the process—a prospect that made her hesitant against completing the quest she was so sure would be the right decision. However, Selena was no longer confident after sharing her new thoughts with Silver. "Aydin didn't deserve any of this, and he wasn't given a choice."

"I'm afraid there is nothing left of the man who used to be Aydin Jormungand, my dear. His mind has been gone for so long."

"I don't believe that. He's still there somewhere."

Silver gazed upon her in wonder. "My dear, I love that you always see the good in others." He crossed his arms and tapped his foot while deep in thought. "If Aydin is still there, we will try to help him." Selena wasn't sure if he only gave her that answer in humor or if he was giving her his word to try, even if there was no hope of bringing Aydin back. However, he typically did his best to help whenever aid was needed and never intended to keep the truth from her, as the real culprit, her father, always prevented him from doing so; Selena trusted Silver as much as Thor.

He checked the time on his shiny onyx timepiece before slipping it back into his pocket. "Oh my, it's getting late. I'll be checking on your new hand again in the morning, but you should rest for now. The sooner you get your strength back, the better you'll be." Agreeing, she yawned between goodnights while strutting off to join Thor at his pavilion, but Silver stopped her. "Where are you going?"

"I'm returning outside." Genuinely confused, she squinted at him for the rhetorical question—or so she thought—when Silver looked like a tea kettle about to whistle.

"What kind of a host do you think I am? Do you believe I would let you sleep outside? The only reason why you were even out there, to begin with, was because Thor wouldn't allow me to move you inside."

"But from your design, the pavilion is supposed to keep me warm because of the steam vents." She put her hand on her hip, studying the oddity that he was while he attempted to find a better answer to persuade her to his secret hope; her face burned crimson the more she analyzed his hidden motives.

As if she were expecting the gesture, he reached for her hand and held it. "My dear, please, stay with me instead as it's too cold to camp outside. If you stay with me, at least you'll be warm." He withdrew when realizing his request sounded desperate. "That is, of course, if you wish."

All the blood rushed to her cheeks as she decided to give in to his request. "Well, it would beat sleeping outside."

"Yes, definitely better."

"I wouldn't be imposing on you, would I?"

"No, no, no—you're not imposing at all, especially since I was the one who offered. Now you must accept." He smiled and winked before beckoning her to follow him back down the stairs. Endeavoring to convince herself the assumed hidden meaning behind his invitation wasn't what she thought, her embarrassment radiated upon her face when realizing he intended for her to share his bed.

Together, they trekked back through the august apartment and to the end of the corridor where Silver opened the third and final room door. Not able to brace herself from the sudden rush of steam brushing against her face from a waterfall pouring into a pool on the room's right, she was careful to walk over the fur rugs draped over the polished, stone floors. The wide-open, rectangular window led to a small balcony, bringing in the northern lights burning across the heavens—pillows and thick comforters piled within a much smaller gilt-painted pavilion built similarly to Thor's replaced a traditional style bed. The frigid air didn't bother her; she felt wholly toasty from her dragonscale dress and the waterfall's stream.

"I bet not even Rune Citadel had a view like this." Selena rushed over to the balcony to better look at the sky—a stunning tableau of purple and blue lights dancing together in perfect harmony among the diamond-adorned cosmic nether—a scene she could only capture when she and Thor flew together.

Silver came up behind her and put a hand on her back. "It's quite amazing, isn't it?"

"It's breathtaking. You're so lucky to have all this room to yourself, to enjoy a beautiful view like this."

Silver's grin stretched across his face. "May I get you anything? Perhaps something to drink or eat? You haven't had much since I made you tea."

"I am a little hungry, but not to worry. I can get it myself."

Before she could so much as turn around, Silver stopped her. "Nonsense—allow me."

"But you've already done enough for me. I don't want to become a burden."

"Please, don't fret; it's my pleasure. I implore you to make yourself at home. I'll be back momentarily." Silver dashed out before she could argue and closed the door for her privacy.

Feeling a little odd at first being alone in his apartment, eventually, she overcame her awkwardness. Not knowing how long ago Silver assisted with her hygiene care, she decided to wash before he returned: it would take him some time to cook up a meal. She removed her charcoal grey scarf of unicorn hair and enchanted spider silk and folded it over the stacked stone ledge leading to the bath—a bowl of different scented soaps on top of folded towels waited for the next bather.

She began to undress while still keeping an eye on the door, as, unfortunately, there was no lock, so she would have to stay on alert to cover herself if he happened to walk in on her. Thinking it strange that he would have no locks, Selena realized there was no need; Silver's tower remained perfectly safe in seclusion on top of Heaven's Tear. Along with a giant dragon living above, the location and added security would be more than enough to deter murderers and bandits.

Once she folded her dress, gloves, and necklace near her scarf, when it was time to remove her bandages, Selena was reluctant, fearing what awaited her underneath the tourniquet. Her right hand shook as she unwrapped her arm in anticipation of the unexpected. It didn't hurt anymore, but she suffered from a phantom limb—she could still feel her hand and fingers and instinctively try to flex or move, only to be reminded of the nightmare.

Her eyes froze as the bandages fell to reveal a rounded point where her wrist used to be. The wound healed, but the area was scarred to Oblivion and back. The fight with Medusa continued replaying in the back of her mind; her back throbbed and ached just from memory alone, and she convulsed as the sudden pain surged up her spine and down her chest. Snatching and using a towel to muffle her screams, she leaned against the edge of the bath to keep herself steady as her body jerked and twitched, muscles contracting and trembling; it was as if someone placed a heated sword flat against her skin and melted through flesh.

The pain faded as quickly as it came, and her body went limp against the stone cistern. Selena licked her lips when she felt relief and tucked her arm to her side, steadying herself while gaining the feeling back in her rubber legs. After reaffirming her ability to stand, she stuck her foot in the pool, ensuring it wasn't too hot. When satisfied after treading through knee-deep water, she submerged herself underneath the warm and refreshing falls pouring from the trickling source hidden within the mountainside—while a drain at the pool's end recycled the waste. She poured a soap bottle through her hair and lathered on her skin, relaxed by the intoxicating and enticing scent.

Before she could thoroughly rinse off, her heart stopped when she heard footsteps, and the door swung open. Silver came in with a platter of different foods, but he hadn't looked up yet; she snatched her towel. "I made roasted rabbit. I hope you like it with bread and cheese—" He finally looked up to see her completely unclothed, frozen, and both of their faces burned in embarrassment. "Oh my. Is this a bad time?" As he whistled to himself, he turned around to face the door while she rushed to gather her clothes and began dressing with wet skin as fast as she could. "I am terribly sorry. I should have knocked first to make sure you were decent." However, through his shame and gleaming red face, she noticed how he couldn't stop smiling.

After confirming she was now garbed, Silver—with one hand—brought the platter topped with cooked rabbit served over roasted potatoes and mushrooms with bread and cheese and a bottle of red wine with clear crystal cups to a low bedside table near his pavilion bed.

The air settled, and, after he assisted in re-bandaging her severed arm, the two lightheartedly ate and indulged in conversation. Silver spent hours telling her stories of his adventures across the world and accomplishments throughout the years; she laughed at his bragging about being the first to introduce magic to Armageddon after learning from the dragons but knew his words embellished the truth. He listed the names of his more famous works that cataloged the different dragon species he discovered and recipes for common concoctions to treat and cure most known diseases.

When Selena thought about Marceline, Gundisalvus' daughter, she inquired about her illness, to which Silver confirmed she died from consumption, or as he recently named it, tuberculosis: an infectious disease affecting the lungs. Unfortunately, his remedy developed too late to save her, as it usually was for his occupation, but often the sacrifices contributed to the betterment of all. "Out of all the forms of magic currently in existence, I fancy the art of alchemy."

She smiled at his infectious enthusiasm, and after setting down her wineglass, she leaned against his arms, and the two fell back into the pillows, looking at the colorful ceiling in silence. "You're much more accomplished than I could ever imagine."

"Then imagine instead what we could achieve together." Silver sat up and held her close to his chest with his right arm, taking her only hand to kiss her knuckle. She smiled through her burning cheeks, but her skin shivered when her fingertips and palm brushed against his lips. "I believe you've bewitched me, in both body and soul, my dear, as my love for you grows so strong that I can't stand it any longer. These last few months have been nothing but torment since our engagement." He paused and met her single-teared gaze as it rolled off her cheek and plucked a single white rose from a plume of smoke to give her. She took his offer, its lovely fragrance captivating. A smile creased her lips as she recalled her past birthday: he gave her the same gift. "I burn for you, brighter than the sun blazing in the sky. I love you, and I never wish to be parted from you again."

She looked at him but couldn't say a word; Silver anxiously waited for her reply, and he flinched when she set the rose down and leaned in to kiss him, her hand gracing his cheek. "Then we'll go up in flames together. I love you, too, and I will never part from you again. I'm bound to you in both body and soul; I am yours, and you are mine, now and forever."

Silver's gentle hand brushed against her face, and the two leaned in for another kiss as she closed her eyes and deepened it; she guided his hand to her chest and melted within his touch as he wrapped both arms around her. Her hand found its way behind his neck and pulled him on top as the two collapsed into the sea of pillows.

Her heart was about to burst as he kissed her repeatedly, each deep and passionate before his hands dropped to her waist and slipped off her dress; she shivered as his fingertips brushed against her bare skin and explored her body. She had never experienced such enchanting and riveting passion as the two were caught in the mass of pillows and blankets, their bodies pressed close, the touch of his skin and warm breath upon her neck making her quiver. Whispering how much he loved her, the two wrapped themselves in a passionate and intimate embrace. 

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SIXTH BOOK OF THE CHRONICLES OF FANTASILIA SERIES 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵. 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥. 𝘕𝘰𝘸, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘴�...
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When the young Selena Liongod unexpectedly became the companion of the noble and gifted dragon named Thor, the new and powerful recruits within Her I...