Finding Hope Again

By AmariannaRose

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I'm treating this story as a Multiverse/different dimension type of story so the OC of this story is going to... More

Lose Yourself
Learning To Accept Who They Truly Are
I'm Blue Da Ba Dee Da Ba 💀
A Apocalyptic Future Is A Thing Of The Past

😏Aren't You Going To Welcome Me Home Charles!?!😉

53 3 0
By AmariannaRose

Amnati Siveth was born to parents who didn't love her and she accidently kills them because of it because for some odd reason she could hear not only what they were saying about her from the moment they found out they were going to have her her mother tried poisoning her by poisoning herself just to kill her but that never worked and on the day she was born her mother and father seemingly disintegrated to ash which freaked out the doctors and nurses who were in the room with her what was worse was that instead of crying like a normal baby would when they're first born Amnati didn't instead of crying she seemed to giggle after her parents died which one would find freaky as well one of the nurses named Eulimene Siveth who was one of the nurses in the room was the only one open enough to catch the "wave" of the "memories" of the newborn child and not only heard but saw everything her mother said and tried to do to her before she was even born and when she saw that she seemed to calm down and felt not only pity but sorrow for the child who she took home and talked her husband into adopting what she found odd was that everyone else that was in the room seemed to have forgotten what happened to Amnati's parents Amnati befriends the Xavier's only child a boy named Charles who is one year older than she is she also helps him "come to terms" with his ability as well as control it Charles liked the fact that his mind was quiet when she was around the only thoughts he could hear were his own in the year 1942 Charles and Amnati become separated for she along with her adoptive parents were sent to a Concentration Camp during World War II and during her time in the camp Amnati meets another "fellow mutant" named Erik Magnus Lehnsherr who had just come into his powers well first she meets his parents who were in the same camp as her adoptive parents were in they probably never would have been put in one if they didn't go to Germany to visit her adoptive grandparents then again with the way Charles' mother didn't much care for her thanks to the fact that Charles spent more time with Amnati than her she probably would have figured out a way to get rid of her anyway for she was rich and spoiled like that and because Amnati was so young her adoptive parents would have been "punished" in some way just so she could do it.... when Sebastian Hiram Shaw.... who was using a alias Dr. Klaus Schmidt at the time.... had a few soldiers bring Erik's mother to his office Amnati used an ability she hates using and shapeshifted into the woman while somehow creating an illusion that his mother was someone else for the rest of the time that she lived in the Concentration Camp luckily her husband not only knew but saw the child change her so she was able to at least stay by his side throughout the time they were there and quite possibly even died with him by her side Amnati hoped so but it wouldn't surprise her if she (Erik's mother) didn't Erik's mother felt the child gently "reach" into her mind and memories so she could "perfect" her "acting skills".... in other words be her without anyone being the wiser even her own son and even though the last part hurt her heart she was grateful for the child's "sacrifice" Amnati felt horrible for Erik.... who she would later "affectionately" call by his last and/or middle name.... for she knew she couldn't help much less talk to him without giving her "secret" away.... in other words that she was not his mother and that his mother was safe for the time being.... she wouldn't have done so out loud but from within his mind which would have quite possibly confused and frightened him and he was scared enough as it was for she knew he had only just found out about his mutant ability and didn't know how to control it much less use it properly getting shot for the first time was a interesting experience it seemed to send a electrical current through her body as soon as the bullet flew through it and she began to understand that her body was sending a signal to itself to push it out but she had to hold it in for she didn't want to let anyone in that room know what she was especially Shaw and when Erik's anger gave him enough power to move/destroy everything BUT the coin he was asked to move she had to "hold onto" the bullet for it tried to use that as a "excuse" to leave her body it took her body a little while to understand why she kept the bullet inside it and it worked on a way to keep her alive until a new set of soldiers threw her away.... James "Jimmy" Howlett met a "strange" little girl with a "strange" request when he came with the other American soldiers into the Concertation Camps she asked him to find and help her bury four very specific people she showed him which ones she was looking for from within his mind she even showed him the numbers on their arm so he knew precisely who he was looking for he found out that two were her adoptive parents and the other two were "close friends" of theirs there was something about this girl that "made" him want to help her so that is what he did he even paid for their funeral plot(s) for a girl her age wouldn't have the money to do so he even befriended her as the years progressed she became his daughter in a sense for he was constantly checking up on her and for some odd reason it didn't surprise him that she wasn't surprised that he never aged even when she did.... Erik met Amnati when he was 16 and fell in love for the first time in his life he found out a lot about her including many of her abilities and that she had somehow found and buried his parents which he was grateful for it was the first good thing that happened in his life dating her for a short period of time as well as keeping her existence from Shaw was the second happiest moment he broke up with her because he didn't want his darkness to seep into her light and when he told her his reason she "gave away" her "biggest secret" and showed him how she killed her own parents which shocked him she also showed him her reasons for killing them which angered him "I'm not as "full of light" as you believe Magnus!"  she tells him softly he cups her cheek and whispers "yes you are!"  then kisses her lips and that was their last kiss it is also the last time they saw each other for many years....

When Charles used Cerebro for the first time he searched for his one true friend the first friend he ever made in his life Amnati but couldn't find her which made him think she had died which made him sad then he started to focus on all the mutants he did find through it and it excited him he found it to be a fascinating experience and when he went to go get Jimmy to join his crew for a mission to stop Shaw he missed that very same woman well now she's a woman anyway he only knew her as a kid for she walked over to Jimmy just as Charles and Erik left after Jimmy tells them to "go fuck themselves" and says with a chuckle in her tone and a smile on her face "that was rude of you!"  Jimmy chuckles with a smile then shakes his head he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face and says with a matching tone "that was.....!?!"  she nods with a smile then replies "Charles is the son of my adopted father's boss and Erik is the son of my adoptive parents friends that we met in...."  she stops and he nods understandingly then hugs her to his side which makes her smile "I wouldn't be surprised if the first thinks I'm dead"  she says he looks at her "well he hasn't seen me since before my family and I left for Germany to visit my adoptive grandparents so....!"  she tells him he nods with sad eyes "oh don't you worry about li'l ol' me.... besides it'll make our reunion "all the more sweeter" as they say!"  she says he chuckles "now.... how about a refill!?"  she asks "I'd love one!"  he replies with a smile she calls the bartender over and he brings Jimmy another drink "strangest date ever!'"  she whispers with a tone so low only Jimmy heard her he chuckles and his eyes widen when he realizes how where they are and what he was doing with her.... hugging her side since he has yet to let her go.... may look and he kisses her temple which makes her chuckle with a smile.... when Erik tried to raise Shaw's submarine while it was underwater a memory of the woman he still loves flows through his mind and he hears her say with a smile in her tone "I bet you can't do this!"  he hides a smile as memories of when they used to challenge one another when it came to their Metal Manipulation abilities.... mainly for fun.... remembering her helped him become stronger and lift the submarine with more ease than before he thought of her and when he was trying to keep Shaw away from him he feels Amnati help him as Shaw pushes towards him she wraps one of the metal beams that he (Erik) brought down with his abilities around Shaw who couldn't feel her like Erik could and the beam that is wrapped around Shaw pushes him away from Erik and over to the other side of the sub "he thinks it's me!"  Erik whispers "I know!"  he hears Amnati whisper back with a smirk in her tone from within his mind "his helmet that's what's blocking Charles"  she tells him "oh and technically it is you I'm just "helping" after all I know just how strong you truly are I've tested you before!"  she adds with a slightly teasing tone and he smiles he becomes shocked when a memory of her turning into his mother and being shot in front of him when he failed to move the coin when he was just a boy flashes through his head as she breaks their connection "she lived! for how long!?! did he kill her!?!"  he whispers with a shocked tone he becomes sad when he doesn't get a answer he pushes back his sadness and focuses on the "task at hand" "no but think of all the others he did kill or worse yet destroyed people like you who were once innocent and are now.... something else!"  he hears Amnati say though it was a bit jumbled towards the end like their connection was breaking which is very unlike her for she's one of the most powerful, beautiful people he's ever met it was then he realized she was trying to make sure Charles didn't hear and/or feel her and that thought made him smile.... a few minutes later he watches the missiles he sent back for a second time.... the first time he tried he got tackled by Charles.... to the ships that shot them towards him and his friends hit some sort of shield and he whispers "what are you doing!?!"  but doesn't get a answer and he believed it was the helmet that made it so but he finds out that it's something different for Moria who seemed to have missed the fact that the missiles were now exploding in midair starting shooting bullets at him (Erik) and Erik turns his attention to the idiotic agent and deflects the bullets that were heading his way and one of the bullets hits Charles in the lumbar spine as he starts to stand up.... four weeks later Charles gets the shock of his life when Amnati finally comes home while he was speaking with Moria he didn't sense her presence like he could everyone else then again unlike everyone else she always had the capability to "shut him out" "so, how many students do you think you'll have here once you get the Academy up and running?"  Moria asks as she pushes Charles along his home's grounds as he sits in his wheelchair "as many as I can manage possibly more"  Chares replies Moria stops pushing his wheelchair and says as she walks to the front of it so she could look into his eyes and make sure he knew she was serious "you know one day the government is going to realize how lucky they are to have Professor X on their side"  Charles scoffs then asks "well I suppose I am a real Professor now, aren't I? next thing you know I'll be going bald"  Moria chuckles "we're still on the governments side, Moria we're still G-men just without the G"  he says "no you're your own team now it's better you're X-Men"  she replies he chuckles with a smile and says "yes, I like the sound of that Moria? for us, anonymity will be the first line of defense"  she kneels down and replies "I know they can threaten me all they want, Charles I'll never tell them where you are ever"  he says "I know you won't"  he turns when he hears a soft sensual voice ask from behind him "aren't you going to welcome me home Charles!?!"  he stares at the gorgeous woman who now stands before him with a smile on her face in shock and says softly with a matching tone "Hope!?!"  the woman's smile grows and he knows that the girl he's been waiting far too long to see is not dead but alive and he wished he could stand up out of his chair, rush over and hug her but he can't Moria stares at Amnati blankly then disappears Charles turns and chuckles when he sees the woman he was going to kiss is no longer standing in his yard "don't worry she won't remember that you were going to kiss her and you could do SO much better!"  Amnati tells him he laughs then asks "where did you send her!?!"  she replies "home.... I hope!"  he laughs he turns around once more and she kneels before him then hugs him and he sinks into her loving embrace as she whispers "I have missed you my friend!"  he replies with a smile "and I you Hope"  she leans back, looks into his eyes and says "and I happen to think you'd look good bald I know you look good in blue"  he chuckles with a smile then asks "how long have you been standing there!?!"  she replies "she was asking about how many students this ol' house can hold"  he smiles then frowns and asks "are you staying!?!"  she nods then replies "for as long as I'm allowed to"  he grins then says "forever! you're allowed to stay forever!"  she chuckles then they head towards the front door and into the mansion where she meets Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy

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