Desperate (MxM)

By TheAwkwardLeaf

12.7K 704 56

Ash was desperate. With no job and no home, he was about to face the coming winter with nothing but barely th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

652 36 3
By TheAwkwardLeaf

"I want to kill him," Ash whined as he was cradled in Basil's arms.

Basil couldn't help but chuckle as the words came out of Ash's lips. He was cradled like a child yet such threatening words passes his lips. 

"You can't kill him, Ash. We need him to find out the truth," Basil explained. 

Ash frowned.

"What did he mean when he said he was your beloved? Was he like your husband or something," Ash muttered. 

He didn't want to hear about Basil's past but he was curious. 

Basil took a deep breath. "It was like your one true love in fairytales. Someone you will stay with the rest of your life," Basil paused. "He was a human but after the centuries passed, he got tired and turned into a vampire, ultimately ending our relationship."

"Centuries? How? I thought you said he was human?" 

"As long as I live, he does, and so does my familiars," Basil replied.

"Familiars?" he asked. "You mean Sir Edford and the others?"

"Yes," Basil chuckled. "If you could believe it Edford is older than me by thirty years."

"How old are you then?" Ash asked.

Basil sighed before answering his question. "One thousand four hundred twenty-seven," he quickly muttered under his breath. 

"Wow, an ancient pedophile," Ash teased. 

"Hey, I'm not a pedophile," Basil quickly defended himself. 

"Given that you're more than a thousand years older than me, it makes you one."

"You don't seem to be bothered by it," Basil said as he caressed Ash's hair.

"Well, you're a vampire, that's enough of a shock as it is," he chuckled.

The doorbell rang and Ash reluctantly pulled away. Basil opened the door with Ash behind him. The door revealed Sir Edford and Joanne. Ash hid behind Basil, not ready to face Joanne yet. 

"I'm not mad, Ash," Joanne said in a gentle tone as she approached Ash. "I heal faster than most humans. Not as fast as you guys but I'll heal."

"I'm really sorry about your hand," Ash ap[ologized. 

"It's fine. I've had worse," Joanne said with a smile. "Now, seeing how things ended last time. We all need to have a talk."

Joanne led them to the living without leaving room for arguments. Basil held Ash's hand as they went into the living room. They sat across Edford and Joanne. 

"You're not guilty are you?" Joanne asked. 

Ash shook his head since he found it useless to lie. Joanne sighed and shook her head. Joanne was about to speak again when Amos suddenly entered the room. He gave everyone a bright smile which was returned with scowls. 

"Sheesh, so unwelcoming," Amos said before wedging himself in between Joanne and Edford.

"Why is he here?" Joanne asked with distaste evident in her voice. 

"I am here because that little boy's blood attracted me and I wanted to mess with Basil," Amos said nonchalantly. "And now I'm human!"

"What?!" Joanne and Edford exclaimed at the same time. 

"Yeah, I am! Look!" Amos held up his wounded finger and took off the bandage. "See, I'm not healing super fast so I am a human now."

Joanne looked over at Basil, but he too had no answers as to how it happened. 

"Amos knows something about it but wouldn't tell us," Basil grumbled. 

"What? Y'all don't like the suspense?" Amos asked as if it was something that everybody should agree upon.

Amos groaned in annoyance and crossed his arms across his chest. "Fine," he huffed. "Basically, there's this talk in the society about how one of the ancient vampires mated with an angel and they had a kid. Don't ask me how that happened I have no fucking idea. And the thing is, they said that the offspring of the offspring of the off-"

"Get straight to the point," Joanne snapped. 

"Sheesh, calm down woman. I'm getting there," Amos rolled his eyes. "They said that at one point in time, the blood coming from that generation would be the end or beginning of vampires depending on who will end up mating with him. That's it that's all I know." Amos shrugged.

Basil sighed. It wasn't enough information for them to go by. The only thing useful from what Amos had shared is that Ash has the blood of an angel and an ancient vampire. Basil didn't even know that Angels existed in the human or supernatural realm. Another question was revealed with the information Amos had shared, what is so special with Basil that he awakened whatever was inside of Ash? 

"That's it?" Joanne asked. 

"Unfortunately, yes," Amos replied. 

"Now, can you leave us alone?" Joanne asked in annoyance. 

"Whether you like it or not, I'm already involved in this and I'm human again so I really can't go back into the society can I?" Amos asked.

Joanne sighed. "Fine, whatever, but you're not staying in this house."

"Oh, I already know that. That little boy over there won't stop sending me death glares. I want to be able to morality once again, thank you," Amos said before turning over to look at Basil.

"Give me the key to your penthouse," he said as he held out his hand to Basil.

"No, my staff will be staying there and none of them likes you," Basil said. 

"Give me a key to one of your other condos then," Amos demanded. 

Basil sighed and took out his wallet. He reluctantly handed the keycard to Amos but he knew that it would be better if they knew where he was. Amos took the card and stood up, waving everyone goodbye before walking to the door. 

"Oh, I'm taking one of your cars too," Amos smiled and took a key from the rack. 

Basil didn't protest. It was pointless. Amos placed his hand over the doorknob and turned one last time.

"Oh, by the way, your father knows where you are," he said with a wink before walking out of the door. 

Basil stood up with his mouth agape. His father never took an interest in where he was after he left. He had a feeling that his father knew about Ash. 

"We need to leave," Basil said, grabbing Ash's hand and pulling him upstairs. "Grab what you can and we're leaving immediately."

Ash was confused but Joanne and the rest didn't hesitate packing their things.

"What, why? Why do we have to leave?" Ash asked.

"My father can't know where we ar," Basil replied. 


"Because we'd be in danger."

"Why would be in danger?"

"Would you just shut the fuck up and pack your shit?!" Basil snapped. 

Ash clamped his mouth shut and quickly went into his room. Basil sighed and packed his own things. Once he was done, Ash already downstairs holding a single backpack. Edford took the keys to the van and escorted everyone else to the car. Basil took another set of keys and motioned for Ash to follow him.

"Are they not going with us?" Ash asked.

"No, they're not," Basil said before placing his suitcase in the trunk. 

Ash wanted to ask more questions but he didn't want Basil to snap at him again. They went inside the car and immediately drove off. Ash watched as the van went in the opposite direction that they were going. Ash felt so lost. So many things just happened in such as short time. He wanted to question everything. Of all the people, why is this happening to him?

"Ash," Basil called out.


"I'm sorry for snapping at you," Basil apologized. "There's just a lot going on."

Ash just smiled and nodded before returning his attention back to the view outside the window. The sky was getting dark and there was no one else on the road that they were taking. The car halted all of a sudden, almost throwing Ash forward. It didn't help that he forgot to put on his seatbelt.

"What the hell, Basil?!" Ash exclaimed in annoyance. 

He looked over to Basil and saw him staring straight ahead with a look of horror on his face. Ash looked forward and saw a silhouette looming from afar. As soon as the figure stepped forward, Basil shifted the gear in reverse and floored the accelerator. Basil turned the wheel, spinning the car so hastily that Ash had to hold onto the seat to stay in place. 

Basil shifted to drive and floored the accelerator again but the car didn't move. Smoke was coming out of the wheels as Basil tried to drive the car forward but his attempts were futile until the engine finally blew and smoke come out of the hood. Suddenly, the door on Ash's side was ripped open and Ash was snatched from his seat. Basil went after him but he too was dragged out of the car by his neck, choking him. 

"Oh, my dear son, how I've missed you."

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