World of Monsters (Remake)

By NamelessDesigner

234 7 5

Hi! This is a remake of an Origins MCRP fanfic I made around two years ago; for who doesn't know, the Origins... More

Cat Boys
New Addition
Bonus Chapter

¡ ⚠️ !Warning! ⚠️ ¡

64 1 0
By NamelessDesigner

I know, it's very long, but it is important

For everybody:

There will be multiple POVs, one for each character (unless they are not a POV character) to resemble the Origins Fandom a bit better... so every POV will have it's own story, they will exist in the same universe, but they might not all meet in canon.

• Characters that didn't exist in the same universe will meet [ex. Kaiba meets Abraham (no it's not a spoiler because I don't think I'll make them meet, but I don't know, it could happen)].

I might mess up skin colors... if I do, please tell me (unless they are a monster and in that case it is very much intentional for them to have blue skin or something like that).

• I don't have an editor, so there might be inconsistencies between chapter and chapter or between paragraph or paragraph.

• Each chapter is going to be from a different character's perspective, unless they are in the same scene the entire time, in that case I might not write a chapter for them.

• I still suck at drawing so I still make characters with Gacha, but this time I make them with a mod :).

• English is like my third language so please forgive me for the potential grammatical horrors you'll have to read (please tell me so I can fix them).

I might change the order of the chapters when I feel like the order they are currently written doesn't work for me so ye- I will put like a little edit that says which chapter has been changed place (I think I phrased this horribly but ok).

• I'm using the Wiki's spelling for the characters so don't kill me, k? :,) thanks<3.

• I was originally going to finish writing this but I changed my mind so enjoy the few things I have ready. Also I have edited this stupid chapter so many times I forgot what I already warned you guys about so, oh well-

• This book will certainly have a sequel if it goes well.

-I have one small request, comments, please I need to know if you actually like this or not 🥹-

For the new readers:

• I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing half of the time and sometimes it shows, but I'm getting better! But expect this chapter to be the most edited chapter of the entire book.

• There is 100% going to be LGBTQIA+ representation as most of the ships are gay ships.

• There is definitely going to be swearing at some point.

• There is definitely going to be violence at some point in the book, I'll put warnings at the beginning of each chapter, don't worry.

• I love drama, so there is going to be LOTS of that.

• The designs are made with Gacha Nox because I suck at drawing and I don't want to pay anybody for a book I don't know I'll ever finish.

• Probably VERY slow updates, I'm very busy irl.

• Most of the characters have not come out of the closet yet so if a characters changed gender, that's why.

• If in any chapter there is the mention of something triggering I didn't put warning at the beginning of said chapter or in here, please do let me know! I'll fix it as soon as possible. But I won't take it off of the chapter, I'll just put a TW.

For the old readers:

• The story is not going to be 100% the same because this is no longer a Brypu centered book, but I hope you'll still enjoy.

• The characters will look differently from before because I changed my style and I don't remember how they look like.

For the same reason, characters will have different names.

• I changed the way the names work a few times while writing the first character so I'm sorry if a character is called two different things in the same POV...

• The personalities of the characters might not be the exact same as the originals (both as in original series and old book) but I'll do my best.

• I don't remember half of the original story, and I don't really have the time to read it again so yeah.

Now that you've read all of this, I hope you still wish to read this!

This is already the sixth time I edit this shit and I haven't even posted the first chapter yet...

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