The Savior (Arifureta OC)

By keishirogane08

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Summoned into a world of the unknown. A whole clsss of students along with a teacher disappeared without a t... More

Chapter 1: The Fall
Additional Info: Pre-Fall and Post-Fall
Chapter 2: The Abyss


659 31 7
By keishirogane08

Asahi's POV. Tsugikuni Dojo, 10 years ago.

"Heighten your senses to the finest. Be aware of your own movements down to the very last blood vessel."

"Then.....observe your own movements. Take out any unnecessary movements. Once you reach that point, you will be detached from the mortal realm."

"From that very moment, you shall enter the highest realm of existence."

"Now, clear your mind. Let it become invisible. To the point that you'll become like a plant."

These are the reminders that I was given when I began training my swordsmanship.

Our family has been practicing swordsmanship for hundreds of years, in order to reach this highest realm of existence.

One of my few ancestors were able to step inside this realm.

One of them was my grandfather.

This is what we call as "Muga no Kyochi" or known as the Selfless State.

One winter night......

The sky is gray, the ground is blanketed in snow, yet all the world is silent.

I was in the courtyard, practicing my sword swings.

It's cold, but not too cold as there is no snow falling.

I can hear the wind whooshing with every swing of my wooden sword.

Asahi: 987........988.........989........990......

Asahi: 991......992......993......

This is what I've been doing to train. One thousand swings.

It can help me enhance my focus and develop my endurance by practicing in a cold environment.

Asahi: Just a few more, Asahi!

Asahi: 997......998.....999.......

With one final downward slash, I concluded my training.

Asahi: 1000!

Asahi: Haaah.......haaah......

It feels like my arms are about to get torn.....

But I immediately knew what is the next thing to do....

Breath and focus.

Asahi: Total Concentration.

By following the right breathing patterns, speed, and depth of each breath......

It felt like my body is recovering from fatigue.

Grandpa always advised me to breath properly if I am ever going to master the Selfless State.

Asahi: But what exactly is what we call as Selfless State?

Asahi: Grandpa never mentioned this to me......

Asahi: Not even Dad knows what it is as he also struggled mastering the Selfless State.

Asahi: Though I knew that the requirement is to clear your mind from superfluous thoughts.

Asahi: I still don't get what gramps meant.....

Asahi: Ah, whatever. It's about to get cold, and that will be enough training for today.

As soon as I was about to step inside of the house, I had the feeling that someone just jumped over our fence, and has been hiding behind a tree that is only at least around 8 feet away from me.

Asahi: What is she doing out there?

Asahi: Shizu-chan, why are you hiding behind that tree?

There was silence, but I knew she was already discovered. I already sensed her presence when I was still in the middle of my practice swings.

Asahi: *sigh*

I walked towards the tree and found a girl with black hair and red eyes.

???: Asahi-kun!? Wait, how did you even know I was here!?

The girl named Shizu looks up to me.

Asahi: Shizu-chan, you're the only one who jumps over our fence and sneaks inside our house.

Asahi: Did you know how many times you got in trouble with gramps because of that?

Asahi: So, better get out of here before gramps sees you.

Shizuku: Eh!? But gramps isn't here.

Asahi: Yes, I know. But he knows you went here, he also knows where to find you even if you try to hide.

Asahi: So, get out of here—

???: Asahi, Shizuku, get inside now before you two catch a cold!

She and I flinched when we heard the voice of an old man.

We turned around to see a man wearing the standard Japanese kimono over a haori, and black hakama pants. He possess long white hair that is tied to a ponytail, and he has maroon colored eyes.

Gramps: Come on, you two!

Shizu-chan and I hurried back inside the house and we immediately went inside the room where the heater is on.

Gramps followed after as he placed a tray with two cups of hot chocolate.

Asahi: Thank you, gramps.

Gramps: No problem, Asahi. It seems like you're improving your technique.

Asahi: Y-Yeah, also, I'm sorry if I disobeyed you for training when it is cold outside.

He gently rustles my hair.

Gramps: I would've eventually let you train out in a cold in order for me to see how far you've improved your technique.

Gramps: Surprisingly, you actually surpassed my expectations. What's more, you actually noticed Shizuku hiding behind a tree while you were at the middle of your training.

Asahi: Yeah.

Shizuku: I'm really sorry, Gramps.

Gramps: *sigh*

Gramps: So, Shizuku, what's your reason for once again jumping over the fence?

Shizuku: Uh.....I wanted to play with Asahi, since it's snowing.....

Shizu-chan said while looking down with an apologetic frown.

Gramps: I see. Well, you cannot even play outside since it's about to get even colder now.

Shizuku: Aw...

Gramps: By the way, Shizuku, how's your Mom and Dad?

Shizuku: They're doing great! They're actually hoping to visit you.

Gramps: I see.

Gramps: Hmmm, seems like you've also been training your swordsmanship.

Shizuku: Eh? You can tell?

Gramps: Shizuku, climbing a fence that is almost three times your height is something that not even a seven-year old can do.

Shizuku: Just from that!?

Asahi: I told you, Gramps can see through you, there's no way you can lie to him.

Shizuku: ...

Gramps: So, would you like to train with Asahi?

Shizuku: Eh!? Can I!?

Gramps: Yes, you can. Although, it's going to be difficult for you.

Shizuku: Why?

Gramps: You've been trained under the Yaegashi-ryu swordsmanship.

Shizuku: Oh. Then, is it different from your style, Gramps?

Gramps: Hmmm....

He sits down beside me.

Gramps: Where should I begin......?

Gramps: Right.

Gramps: Our swordsmanship follows the concept of "Muga no Kyochi" or known as the Selfless State.

Shizuku: Selfless State?

Gramps: Yes. So, in order for you to understand it a little better, Asahi, base from your training earlier.....

Gramps: Have you felt something different during your training or after your training?

Asahi: Hmmmm.......

Gramps: I guess I'll make it easier for you.

Gramps: When did you sense Shizuku's presence?

Asahi: Hmmm......

Asahi: When I was in the middle of my practice swings....

Asahi: I felt that she's about to climb the fence when I counted 783 swings.

Shizuku: Eh?

Gramps: I see, so you were able to sense Shizuku's presence at the very moment you reached your 783rd swing.

Shizuku: Eh!?

Gramps: And Shizuku was on the other side of the fence during that time.

Gramps: I see......

Gramps: You're really improving your style.

Gramps: Maybe you can even create your own swordmanship style, Asahi.

Asahi: Create my own? Like the Yaegashi Style?

Gramps: Yes. After all.....

Gramps: When you finally perfected the Selfless State, one slash is enough, two is more than enough, but if you create a sword technique out of it.....

Gramps: Then you'll be like Musashi, a sword saint.

Asahi: Hmm....creating my own technique.

Gramps: That is why I tasked you to have 1000 swings per day. I know it's boring but there is a saying.

Gramps: He who cannot master a single slash will never master the sword.

Asahi: Will never master the sword itself?

Gramps: Most people think that swords are mere tools.

Gramps: But to the Tsugikuni Family, our swords is an extension of ourselves.

Gramps: A part of us like our hands and feet. That is why, you'll never know your sword if you cannot master a single swing a thousand times.

Asahi: I still don't get as to how will that even allow me to reach the Selfless State.

Gramps: There is no need to rush, Asahi.

Gramps: You're still growing up.

Gramps: The same goes for you, Shizuku. I know you have the talent and it will improve as you grow.

Gramps: And better not slack off, Shizuku or Asahi may even best you if he is able to create his own sword technique.

Shizuku: Wha!?

Asahi: Can I really do that, Gramps?

Gramps: Of course, you can. You're doing great.

Gramps: Work hard, but do not forget to rest either.

Gramps: There is always a fine line to working hard and taking a rest.

Gramps: Remember that Asahi, Shizuku.

Years passed.....

I continued to master the Selfless State and before I even knew it, I already mastered it.

It feels different, I felt different when I finally understood the Selfless State.

It is a state where you completely sharpen all your five senses to the finest limit.

It felt as if I just released myself from the physical world. As if I am from a different world.

I didn't feel any emotion, hatred, determination, sadness, as these emotions are all attached to the superfluous thoughts that Gramps once talked about.

But it doesn't mean I'll just erase all of my emotions. It feels like I'm just a plant. That is what I felt....

So.....when I finally entered that state.....

I also began to own swordsmanship.

It was summer, and I was thinking of how should I create my own swordsmanship.

I just looked at the Sun, so bright, and unreachable. Yet warm.

That is what I decided it to be.

A swordsmanship just like the Sun.

Strong yet warm at the same time.


"Hi no Kokyu" (Breath of the Sun) was born.

I managed to create 13 forms of my swordsmanship.

I continued to hone my techniques, thinking of my movements, on how it should flow....

I managed to finally perfect my 12 forms of my swordsmanship.

It was on that day.....back when I was still in 2nd year middle school......

Shizuku came to drop by our house and she wanted to test her skills against mine.

It's fair, because I haven't even showed my sword techniques either.

We went to our family dojo, and with Gramps standing as the referee, Shizuku and I dueled with our wooden swords.

Shizuku's technique was even stronger and she improved her skills over the years.

I knew that.....but it doesn't mean I haven't improved either!

Shizuku: Yaegashi-ryu.......

And for some reason, I can tell where she'll attack....

And for earlier phase of the match......I purely blocked and evaded Shizuku's attacks.

We are currently on a stalemate, as we are standing just a few feet apart from each other.

Shizuku's already catching for her breath.

Shizuku: You did nothing but block and evade all of my attacks.....

Shizuku: And even my fastest can easily evade them....

For some reason, it feels like time was slowing down.

I mean....I don't really have the fighting spirit that Shizuku is showing.

Asahi: !?

Asahi: I see, so.....this is what it feels like when you're fighting your opponent without fighting spirit.

Asahi: It is just like Gramps said.....

Asahi: Twelve Forms of my swordsmanship. All of them are already good in their own right but....

Asahi: I knew I still have to perfect my swordsmanship itself.

Asahi: It feels like, those twelve forms aren't really complete.....I knew I wanted to create 12 forms but when I think back now.....

Asahi: I feel like there is one missing piece of my swordsmanship.

Asahi: Hmmmm.......

Asahi: Ah! Wait! That's it!

Asahi: The final and perfect form.....!

Asahi: I see, I knew I never intended this but.....

Asahi: Since like all of my twelve forms......can be combined into one.....!

Asahi: Then.....

I ready my wooden katana and I took a silent deep breath, closed my eyes, and focus.

Asahi: I know this sounds crazy but.....

Asahi: These 12 forms that I created are all connected. Then.....

I opened my eyes and I finally get on my stance. The moment I did, I felt Shizuku trembling, while Gramps enitrely shifted his focus on me, as if he is expecting me to bring out something.


For the first time during that match.....

I finally went on the offensive.....

And I made end it with this single strike.

Asahi: Hi no Kokyu.......

In that very moment, I dashed towards Shizuku, and struck 12 points from her, in one single move.

And the final strike is to disarm her to which I did.

Shizuku: Ow......

Shizuku falls on to her knees, with her wooden katana a few feet away from her......

Shizuku: Just....what happened.....I......

Gramps: That's enough. The match is over. The winner of this match is Asahi.

Of course, Shizuku went to ask me about that move I did earlier.

I decided not to because it will be too hard to explain on her part.

We were also both exhausted at the same time, too. So I didn't really have the strength to tell all about my swordsmanship.

Shizuku: I see......

Shizuku: But I never expected you to have that technique.

Shizuku: It felt like I was fighting a spirit rather than human.

Asahi: Really?

Shizuku: Yes, that's true. I mean, your expression the whole time, it tells me that you don't even have the motivation to fight me.

Shizuku: But that is what I can tell.....

Shizuku: And yeah, that move....I felt 12 hits even though it looks like a slash.

Shizuku: I felt it from my foot, shoulders, arms, torso, knees, and then you struck my hands to disarm me.

Shizuku: It's also too fast, it just happened too fast!

Asahi: Ah......

Asahi: Well.....

Asahi: I actually developed my own sword style now.

Shizuku: Really!?

Gramps: It seems that is the case. But....even I can't see what you did there, Asahi. Mind explaining it to me.

Asahi: All right.

Asahi: When Shizu-chan is about to strike, I felt like I detached myself from reality.

Asahi: I can definitely see where she'll strike......and then.....

Asahi: I thought that her stance is unbreakable......or so I thought.

Asahi: I saw that maybe.....maybe I should finally complete my sword forms.

Gramps: Complete your sword forms?

Shizuku: What do you mean?

Asahi: Hi no Kokyu (Breath of the Sun).....that is the name of my swordsmanship.

Asahi: I named it after observing the Sun and its movements.

Asahi: I then decided to create twelve forms of my swordsmanship.

Asahi: It was inspired by how much we see the Sun, from sunrise to sunset.

Shizuku: Then......could you show us your Sun Breathing forms?

Asahi: Sure......

Asahi: Keep your eyes peeled, especially the thirteenth form.

And thus, I began performing the first twelve forms.

From the first until the twelfth.

Enbu (Dance), Hekira no Ten (Clear Blue Sky), Retsujitsu Kokyo (Raging Sun), Shakkotsu En'yo (Burning Bones, Summer Sun).

Shayo Tenshin (Setting Sun), Hirin Kagero (Solar Heat Haze), Kiki Onko (Beneficent Radiance), Yokatotsu (Sunflower Thrust).

Nichiun no Ryu Kaburimai (Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance), Kasha (Fire Wheel), Gen'nichi Ko (Fake Rainbow), Enbu (Flame Dance).

These are the twelve forms......

Shizuku: So these are the twelve forms of the Breath of the Sun.

Gramps: I see, so that's how you perfected your swordsmanship earlier.

Shizuku: Eh? How?

Gramps: These twelve forms are all connected. Connect all the twelve forms in succession with perfect precision.

Gramps: That is how you felt twelve strikes in a seemingly one strike slash.

Gramps: Look, Asahi is about to perform the 13th Form of his swordsmanship.

I performed the 13th form of my swords technique.

I finally perfected it.

Shizuku: That's the thirteenth form......

Gramps: I see......

Gramps: It really represents the Sun, the cycle of the sunset to sunrise, and vice versa. 

Gramps: The forms of Asahi's swordsmanship is something akin to a dance of a spirit.

Gramps: Don't you think so, Shizuku?

Shizuku: Yes.....when he performed that.....I felt like I was never fighting a human but a spirit.

Shizuku: The forms....they're just so beautiful.

Asahi: Thanks, Shizu-chan. That means a lot coming from you.

Shizuku: Oh, no, no. I mean it!

Shizuku: How I wish I can perform that but....

Gramps: Only someone who achieved the Selfless State can perform the Breath of the Sun.

Gramps: I would want to try to see if I can also do it but I'm afraid my old body is not really capable of doing so.

Asahi: Gramps.....

Gramps: It's alright, Asahi. Also, congratulations, Asahi.

Gramps: You've finally reached the end of your training. Though it doesn't mean there's no more room for you to grow.

Gramps: You're still young, you still have a long way ahead of you.

Asahi: Thank you, gramps. I'll continue to hone this technique....and maybe someday.....

Asahi: Pass this on to the next generation.

Gramps: I think what you should do next is to train to become a teacher.

Asahi: Uh.....

Shizuku: Well, well, well. I'm looking forward to your lessons, Asahi-sensei.

Asahi: S-Stop it, Shizu-chan.

Shizuku: Ah! Gramps! Asahi just blushed! Did you see that, Gramps!?

Asahi: No! Gramps! You didn't see anything!

Gramps: I may be old but my eyesight is still as clear as the clearest river.

Asahi: *sigh*

Two years after that, when I stepped into high school, Gramps passed away.

He passed away peacefully, smiling on his deathbed, knowing that he didn't have any regrets. year later.....

I'm already a second year in high school, and since it is also Gramps' first year death anniversary, I decided to visit his grave while on the way to school.

I slowly approached the grave and I read the inscription written on it.

"Here lies Tsugikuni Yoriichi."

I fold my hands into prayer position to offer a small prayer.

Asahi: Gramps, it's been a year.

Asahi: I hope that wherever you are, you are proud of me. Thank you for watching over me, Mom, and Dad.

After that short visit, I finally went on my way to school.

Unfortunately for me, the bus was kind of late, and I barely made it to school as well.

Asahi: I really had to run all the way from the bus stop! Since the bus got a flat tire when I was just a few blocks away from the school!

I wasn't really exhausted when I ran from that distance but I'm mentally tired due to what happened.

Asahi: Still, I just really had that going for the very beginning of the day.

???: Good morning, Asahi.

I look up to see a girl with long black hair that is tied to a ponytail.

Asahi: Shizuku, good morning.

Shizuku: It's not usual for you to be this late. Did something happen?

Asahi: Ah, right.

I noticed that Hajime and Kaori are talking to each other.

Asahi: Let me get to my seat first.

I went to my desk which is just behind Hajime's.

Hajime: Good morning, Asahi.

Kaori: Good morning, Asahi-kun.

Asahi: Good morning, you two.

I settled down to my seat and I grabbed something from my bag. It was a manga that I borrowed from Hajime.

Asahi: Here you go, Hajime.

Hajime: Oh, thanks.

Shizuku: Asahi, don't tell me, you're slacking off—

Asahi: No. First of all, yesterday was my rest day.

Asahi: Can't afford to always train and risk myself of injury.

Shizuku: Ah, I see. But why are you almost still late?

Asahi: Right. While on my way here, I stopped by to visit Gramps.

Shizuku: Gramps......wait.....

Shizuku: Today is....

I silently nod at her.

Shizuku: It's been a year, isn't it?

Asahi: Yeah.

Kaori: What are you two talking about?

Shizuku: Ah, do you remember what I told you about Asahi's grandfather, Yoriichi-san?

Kaori: Yeah.

Shizuku: Today is his death anniversary. If I'd knew sooner enough, I could've gone and went to school with Asahi.

Asahi: It's fine. But maybe you can do that after classes. Gramps will sure appreciate it.

Shizuku: Did you already offer incense or flowers?

Asahi: Not really. If I did that, I'm really going to be late.

Shizuku: Right, I get it.

???: You're too kind to them, Kaori.

I turn around to see a guy with brown hair and blue eyes.

This guy is Amanogawa Kouki. I would say he's the popular one in this class.

Sure, he's got the looks, grades, athletic, and all but.....

I for one, who was taught to observe people, can say that this guy has a disgusting attitude. One that annoys me to the very core.

Kouki: You should conduct yourself, Nagumo!

Then, another one taps him on the shoulder, a guy that stands around 190 cm. He's Sakagami Ryutarou. A musclehead.

However, I actually bested that guy in a kenjutsu match.

When he learned about my family name, he immediately challenged me to a duel.

Of course, Shizuku was against it.

Why? Shizuku knew that I didn't want to use violence to show off my skills.

But Ryutarou insisted and even called me a coward and a disgrace to my dojo and family.

He even went as far as to insult my grandfather who really didn't have any students in our dojo.

Yes, I know. I was the only student, the one who remained, all because the others never really tried to understand our way of the sword.

Rage boiled inside of me, but I quickly banished the thought. Yet, I accepted Sakagami's challenge......and I pummelled him straight only with an iajutsu strike.

I don't want to use my signature swords style as he's not even worth to even see it.

From that day onwards, he never approached me again, he was just shocked that I defeated him by pure skill, born from years of physical, mental, and spiritual training.

"He who relies too much on his strength will never reach the Selfless State."

Gramps said that to me when I asked him what will I do if I face someone who is too strong for me.

Now, going back to the present.

Kouki: When are you going to stop taking advantage of Kaori's kindness, Nagumo.

Kouki: Also, you, Tsugikuni! When are you going to apologize to Ryutaro—

Shizuku: Kouki, enough. Besides, Sakagami was the one who challenged Asahi.

Shizuku: As much as Asahi didn't want to, Sakagami went as far as to insult Gramps!

Ryutaro: Come on now......I think—

Shizuku: You think!? Did you know, I was also angry when you insulted Yoriichi-san! I treated him also like my grandfather, so it's only natural if Asahi was insulted when you went that far!

Asahi: Shizuku, that's enough. Don't waste your breath nor your words to someone who doesn't understand what it means to have true strength.

Asahi: And as for you, Kouki.

Kouki: Huh?

I stared at Kouki, as if staring deep within the very depths of his soul.

Asahi: Would you just go away and don't bother us.

Asahi: You also don't have the right to lecture Kaori about her kindness, and to lecture Hajime about his conduct.

Asahi: Maybe you're the one who needs to fix your conduct.

The classroom went silent, and I looked into Shizuku's face filled with shock.

I know it's rare for me to speak like that. But early in the morning and this is what you get?

Kaori: Asahi-kun is right. I want to talk to Nagumo-kun and Asahi-kun because I want to.

Kouki: Ah......

Kouki: Seriously, Kaori is too kind—

Asahi: Shut it, Kouki.

Kouki: Wha—

Asahi: I said shut it.

Kouki: ....!?

He slowly backs away and I definitely could tell that there are some glares directed towards me.

Asahi: And would everyone stop glaring at me like that.

Asahi: Or do you guys have nothing better to do than just glare?

Asahi: Why don't you go back to your own damn business?

I stared at them just like what I did to Kouki, and they too went to what they are doing.

Asahi: *sigh*

Shizuku: Asahi, it's rare for you to get angry like that.

Asahi: Trust me, even my patience has its own limits.

Hajime: Sorry, Asahi, if you also got dragged into trouble—

Asahi: Hajime, you don't have to apologize. You're my friend, and it's natural for me to stand up for my friends if they are going through like that.

Asahi: Kaori, what that bastard Amanogawa said about your kindness, it's not being wasted on me and Hajime.

Asahi: We're grateful that you understand us.

Kaori: Asahi-kun.

Shizuku: Asahi, why did I feel like you're not angry when you ranted earlier?

Asahi: I would prefer not to get my emotions to get out of control.

Asahi: Besides, I don't want to stoke any more conflict. I don't like quarrelling, I don't like fighting.

Asahi: But it seems like I have to abandon those ideals if I have to survive. Especially if there are people like this in the world.

Shizuku: Asahi.....


The floor began to lit up and it looks like a magical symbol of some sort.

Asahi: What the!?

At the corner of my eye, I saw a petite woman with green eyes and short brown hair, she's wearing a pink blazer with gray skirt.

She's our Social Studies Teacher, Aiko-sensei.

Aiko: Everyone, get out of the classroom, now!

But before we could even react.....

The light engulfed us.

I don't know what happened but......

From that very moment......

Things are about to go downhill from here.

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