Hard Edges || Mandalorian X R...

By miss_arkhee

37.1K 919 179

"Razor Crest, hey? Didn't know any of these still flew" you joke, trying to ease the mounting tension in the... More

|1| The Incident
|2| All Fun and Games
|3| Tell me.
|4| Hard Edges
|5| Chocolate
|6| Another Gift
|7| A good idea
|8| The Best Secret
|9| Mine.
| 10 | Look at Me.
| 11 | Din
|12| Red
|13| Help
|14| Feel Better
| 16 | Bait
| 17 | Ruined
| 18 | Seeing
| 19 | Knowing
|20| Creed.
| 21 | Tell Me Again.
| 22 | Possession

| 15 | A Dress and a Sitter

924 26 2
By miss_arkhee

"Din, aren't we already behind? We don't have time for my inadequacy." You slump down on a crate.

"First, Karga doesn't dictate my schedule. Secondly, I'm teaching you - which means you are NOT inadequate." Din walks over placing himself between your legs. He reaches up and tucks a stray hair behind your ear. "Mandalorians are the best fighters in the galaxy."

"But I'm not a Mandalorian." You stare at him and scrunch up your mouth.

He just stares at you for a moment, and then he sounds so far away, "No. You're not." He gives you a nudge under the chin and walks back to the middle of the hull, "Come. Again."

You are extra theatrical with how you get up and drag yourself back to over to him, you swear you can see him rolling his eyes. Atleast you get to look at him without the armour for the day - he looks so casual in pants and a tunic. It hadn't occurred to you he had any normal clothes. You giggle a little at the idea of mando lounge wear.

"You are small, but you are still strong - and fast." He fixes your ready position. "Play to your strengths. Look at him -" he nods to the baby, who is watching intently, "-he is an overgrown frog and he helped defeat a mudhorn."

You move in, swinging a right hook which Din of course easily deflects. "Ya, except -" left jab, deflected. "- he is a fricking Jedi." Left jab, din steps sideways completely and you fall forward. "He's magic." You manage to spin around and actually land a front kick, though Din catches your leg and holds it there. "Im just me."

"Just you just landed a hit." His voice has a hint of pride. "On a Mandalorian." He leans forward and gives your thigh a smack before letting your leg fall to the ground. "Again."

You are more careful this time, testing your approach. "How do you have a Jedi foundling anyways?"

Din stops moving. "He was a bounty."

You slow your circle, dropping your hands a bit. "A bounty?"

Din "I was contracted to find him. By an Imp." He shakes his head, raising his hands back to fighting stance. "But I - I couldn't leave him with them... he's... just a kid."

You stop for a moment and smile, "You're a big softy, you know that?"

Din scoffs. He lunges forward trying to grab you, but you manage to dodge him.

"How do you know he is a Jedi?" You kick at his leg and the deflects.

"My Armourer told me." He bobs in and taps you with his finger on your nose. "Hands up!" You stick our your tongue and raise your hands to protect your face. "She quested me to find a Jedi to return him to."

"Return him?" You glance over at the baby, your heart wrenches. Din flashes like lightning and sweeps your legs from under you, catching you before you hit the ground.

"He wouldn't go."

"I don't blame him." You blink up at Din. The two of you stay there for a moment. "Again?" You ask, smiling at him.

"Again." He pulls you up.


You spend the rest of the day training. Your everything is sore - you spend extra time in the fresher rubbing your muscles under the hot water. "Landing, 2 minutes." Din calls from the cockpit. You slowly pull yourself up the ladder and find your seat. The eager little bug jumps up on your lap. As the ship drops below the clouds the planet comes into view. It is beautiful, it's a desert like home, but there's so much life, so much wealth - and there are so many lights. You and the baby just stare bright eyed. "There's a bounty here?" You ask incredulously.

"Canto Bight? It's full of rich people, not good people." Din docks and starts powering down the ship, "at least they never want to make a scene, they usually come easy."

"So...you won't be gone long?" You suddenly feel uneasy, and begin to fidget with the baby's clothes.

Din turns his chair towards you, he stares at you while you try your best to avoid his eyes in the silence. "Come with me."

"What?" Your head snaps up at him.

"It's safe here, the port is well guarded. A pretty girl might actually make finding this guy easier." Din stands up, and offers his hand. "But first, you'll need something to wear." You beam up at him, taking his hand and letting him pull you to your feet.

You are bouncing along as you walk down the ramp, the baby gawking around in his pod at all the lights and movement. Din walks over to speak to a port attendant, and hands them some credits before returning to you.

The city is huge and everything is beautiful. A few blocks and you arrive in the shopping district, neat storefronts with huge windows of merchandise displays, you see one with feminine clothing in the window and go in. Immediately you feel very out of place. Everything is brilliant white, trimmed with gold. The walls and a few standing racks hold exquisite furs, dresses, gowns, and shoes. There is strange art hung between the sections of clothing and a low volume instrumental music playing. Everything is pristine. You look down at the bits of dirt your boots have left on the floor, "I can't afford clothes here."

He silently gestures you forward.

The sales lady comes walking over. "Can I help you find something?" She asks, looking nervously between you and your escort.

"Uhh, ya. Yes. A dress?" You say, unsure.

"Alright," she begins to lead you to the back of the store, "for what kind of event?"

You look back at Din again.

"Dancing." He replies for you. "At the club."

She throws a shocked look over her shoulder at the bounty hunter. "Well," she says as she stops and gestures to standing racks, "these are what we have that would suit, let me know if you'd like to try any." And with that she scurries back to the front desk.

You casually stroll along the racks, looking at the options. You pull a few out to look at them, only to put them back. You can feel Din stalking you from behind, and give a smirk at him over your shoulder. Then one dress catches your eye; short, spaghetti straps, a deep sweetheart neckline and a plunging back. It's dark silver, like Beskar - but iridescent, when you feel the silky fabric the colours shift as it moves in your fingers. Din leans into your ear, his voice is low, "That one." You blush and pull it off the rack.

"Is that everything?" The sales lady asks as you set the dress on the counter.

"And those." Din nods to a pair of black leather heels behind the counter. She smiles and him and then packages them up. "That will be 560 credits." she beams at him. Your eyes bulge out of your head and you turn to protest but Din just nods and hands her a chip card.

As you walk out of the store stop and turn to him, "Di - Mando...surely we could have found another dress. This is too much, when am I ever gonna wear this again?"

He leans down and whispers so low the modulator doesn't even pick it up. "After I rip it off you tonight, no where."

You fein a shocked look, "You rip my pretty dress, I'll fight you." You pretend to throw a rib shot on him.

"I might like that." He turns and starts walking. Leaving you blushing head to toe.

"Still," you jog a couple steps to catch up, "I will pay you back for all this. You really shouldn't ha—" He puts his arm out to stop you, and then turns to stand in front of you. He towers over you, looking down into your eyes. He doesn't say anything. You swallow dryly and drop your eyes to the ground. Shit. He places a knuckle under your chin and tips your face back to him. "Who's are you?" His voice is stern.

"Yours." You reply with a thick swallow.

"Mine." He runs his finger along your jaw. "And if I want to put My Girl in a pretty dress, I will. Understood?"


"Yes, what?" You can hear a smirk in his voice.

"Yes, Sir." You purr back at him.

He turns back, and with an arm on your lower back you find your way back to the ship. There is a small older woman waiting for you and you give Din a confused look. "Hello," she smiles sweetly as you walk up, her energy is so warm and inviting. "I am Tawnii, I was told you needed childcare?." Din nods, opens the ramp on and gestures for Tawnii to enter and then the rest of you follow her in.

Din is his typical stern business self, "You will watch the child?" She nods. "You are not under any circumstances to leave this ship with him. Or tell anyone you are here, understood?"

"Understood. I assure you I am very capable, and quite versed in... discretion." She says confidently.

Din steps to the side and Grogu's pops his head out to coo at her, Tawnii waves and smiles. Don continues, "He will likely sleep the whole time, there is food and water in here for him." He pulls his pack off and set its next to the pod. "Fresher is there. His bunk is there. Do not touch anything else."

"We really appreciate your help." You interject with a friendly smile, trying to ease up the intimidation factor. "I will link my comms if you need anything." You pick up the baby and hand him to her, he smiles and coos at her. "And you," you poke playfully at the little gremlin, "no funny business okay? You know what I mean." He gives a nod and a little noise.

"We will be just fine." Tawnii says as she carries Grogu to his bunk and sits down. She pulls out a book from her pack and he squeals in delight. You smile at them and then at Din who is watching them intently. "Well... I guess I'll go change!" You announce, grabbing your things from Din.

You take a little time to indulge in doing your makeup, and to loosely pin your hair up. The shoes look incredible, but you are probably going to regret them come morning. You pull the dress on and it fits like a glove, you could very easily get the zipper but you can't help yourself. Opening the door to peek out, you giggle at Din; he is still watching them, arms crossed leaning against the wall. "Can I get a zip?"

You move to let Din through the door, and then twist to show off the open side zipper - making sure to arch your back so your butt sticks out. He slowly zips it up, and attaches the hook. Then he grazes a finger down your exposed back, making you shiver. He traces over the curve of your ass and then up under the hem and slips his hand between your thighs. You look up at him over your shoulder. "We have company - and I am ready to go." He makes deep grumble from his chest and moves his hand. You flash him your best innocent smile shimmying past him to the door, being sure to rub against him. He just shakes his head at you.

"Alright, this job shouldn't be more than a few hours." You say as you walk back towards Tawnii and the baby.
She looks up from her book and raises her eyes and says with a wink "Bounty hunting attire is much more glamorous than I imagined."
You chuckle and wink back at her, He cleans up ok - but the boots are a little risqué I think." The two of you share a laugh. You can feel Din rolling his eyes under his helmet. His hand finds it's place on your back and you wave over your shoulder to the little bug as the two of you walk back out into the night.

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