Azur Lane reacts to Movies, V...

By Ninsor

581K 6.1K 15.8K

The Kansens (shipgirls) from all factions/nations are transported into a theater, where they will watch poss... More

Characters invited
Where are we?
Midway 2019 (Part 1)
Midway 2019 (Part 2)
Midway 2019 (Part 3)
Midway 2019 (Part 4)
Midway 2019 (Final part)
Future plans and next reaction (Please read)
More characters in the future? (Please read)
The next generation of warships (Part 1)
The next generation of warships (Part 2)
The next generation of warships (Final part)
Epilogue surprise/Future reaction plans (Please read)
The ship that would not die
Battle of Tsushima
OUR granny Avrora
Young granny Mikasa
Contain the Bismarck
The Falklands Oversimplified
Devotion (Part 1)
Devotion (Part 2)
Devotion (Part 3)
Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update
Devotion (Final Part)/Future Plans?
Epilogue reflections/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 1)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - First half)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
How to Atago (#BigSisterEnergy)
WW1 Oversimplified
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 1
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 2
Genshin Impact
Greyhound Battles
Tank Fish: Dead Ahead
Bismarck Sabaton (I have announcement)
Success or Failure? Germany's Navy in WW2
Battleship Final Battle
The New Order
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 1)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 2)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 3)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 4)
The Great War of Archimedes (Final Part)/Future Plans
Epilogue of thoughts/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 1)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 2)
Tank Fish: American Blitz
The Chaos Legion of Tank Fish
The Fallen of WW2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Tiberium
Kantai Collection (Part 1)
Kantai Collection (Part 2)/Message
Kantai Collection (Final Part)
How to Hood/The Kaga Experience
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - Second Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
The World of Kaiserreich
Kamen Rider and some trolling
"I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 1-2)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 3-4)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Part 5)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 1)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 2)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 3)
Future/Modern Warships (Final Part)
Therapy Time with Texas (Special)
How Nuclear Power Works
High Free Spirit/Voting
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 1)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 2)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 4)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Final)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 1)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 2)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 3)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 4)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Final)
Epilogue (Update)
Tank Fish: Da Hood
Halo (Part 1 / Update)
Halo (Part 2)
Halo (Final)
The Story of Desmond Doss (Simple History)
OC Gangsta (Part 1)
OC Gangsta (Part 2)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Lunch, Drama, Gaming (Special)
Genshin Impact (My Money is Gone)
Red Baron & Ghost Division (Sabaton)
SCP-3000: Anantashesha
The Pig War - Oversimplified (First Half)
The Pig War - Oversimplified (Second Half)
WEEB POWER | MUSASHI / How to Tirpitz
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Parts 1 and 2)
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Part 3 and Finale)
Tank Fish: Trenches
What sunk the Moskva (First Half)
What sunk the Moskva (Second Half)
HMS Formidable Launched Herself
Naval Legends: USS Texas / Voting
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 1)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 2)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 3)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 4)
The Angry Birds Movie (Final)
Transformers 2007 (Part 1)
Transformers 2007 (Part 2)
Transformers 2007 (Part 3)
Transformers 2007 (Part 4)
Transformers 2007 (Final - First Half)
Transformers 2007 (Final - Second Half)
Epilogue: Review, short Beach Episode, etc.
Tank Fish: Space Wars (First Half)
Tank Fish: Space Wars (Second Half)
Life Update and my own Middle-Earth
February the 14th of 2024
Glory 1989 (Part 1)
Azur Lane Cheers
Update w/ Nevada
Tank Fish: Roblox REQUIEM (GONE WRONG)

Alter-Versions and QnA (Special)

2.1K 24 134
By Ninsor

Reactions before/after Epilogue: Requests list

(I will be doing alternate history/versions for some of these)

- PORK KNUCKLES | H-CLASS BB, BONGO BONGO KONGO, How to Scharnhorst, How to Warspite, How to Dunkerque, SPACEBEAT, NUMBER 9 LARGE | MINNESOTA

- Tank Fish (Trench Warfare, Beach Episode, Napoleonic Wars The Fall of Fort Tillbury, Anime Fighting Simulator or Apeirophobia, SharkBite, Combat Warriors, Build a Boat, Criminality, Space Wars)


- More Sabaton (Christmas Truce, Coat of Arms, Unkillable Soldier, No Bullets Fly

- Russian Revolution, American Civil War (Oversimplified)

- Star Azur Wars (A New Hope)

- Transformers 2007 (I'll just do this one for the Bayverse)

- The Angry Birds Movie

- Pacific Rim 2013 (I'm considering)

- Shin Godzilla (I'm considering)

- Taranto, Guadalcanal, Tarawa

- HMS Dreadnought

- Britain's Triumph: The Surrender of the German High Seas Fleet

- Naval Legends: USS Texas

- The Fighting Lady

- Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

- Best US Military Unit in WW2 and 'White Feather' Marine Sniper by Simple History

- What if USA joined Axis instead of the Allies

- Naval Legends: Yamato, Yamato (2005) scenes

- nerf BISMARCK pls (both parts), nerf KREMLIN pls

- Attack on Pearl Harbor (Crimson Axis history)

- Venator Class Star Destroyer

- Naval Legends: Iowa and/or Naval Legends: Missouri

- Sinking of Blucher (Drobak Sound)

- Space Battleship Yamato 2202 with ship breakdown

- Drachinifel (Tillman, The Great White Fleet, Typhoon Cobra)

- Operation Crossroads

- World of Warthunder

- Pokemon (maybe to be accepted)

- Battle of Midway by Montemayor (maybe), Battle of Coral Sea by Montemayor

- The Sinking of Repulse and Prince of Wales by Historigraph

- Channel Dash; Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Run the British Blockade

- Spartan761 Aircraft Carrier Stuff series and Operation Crossroads

- Hoi4: The New Order Lore and/or What if Germany WW2? New Order, Last Days of Europe lore

- Binkov's Battlegrounds USS Iowa vs IJN Yamato

- HMS Formidable Launched Herself by History in the Dark

- Squire (War Thunder vs World of Warships, Hunt for the Red Oktoberfest, A Steaming Pile of Ship)

- Midway's Forgotten Heroes

- Operation Squabble, Uncommon Chivalry, BF-109 spared B-17, Lawrence of Arabia (all by Yarnhub)

- The REAL story: Kamchatka

- Why History Overlooks How Much the Japanese Actually Feared the Americans in WW2 (maybe to be accepted)

- AlternateHistoryHub (Election that Ruined Everything, History of Fallout)

- Climbing the ranks (War Thunder planes)

- Azur Lane: Royal Navy bombards Berlin as Celebration for New HMS Event

- The Greatest Naval Speedrun in History

- Azur Lane: America

- Joshdub: Storming Area 51

- Denarmo World of Warships (FDR, Shikishima, Audacious)

- USS Florida: World of Warships

- Main Battle Tanks (Maybe to be accepted)

- Systems Alliance Navy (Mass Effect; from Templin Institute)

New characters (you can request):

U-556 to be maybe added in Bismarck animarchy

Chapter starts:

Another break was given to the shipgirls thanks to Texas leaving to the bar

Little did they know, a few shipgirls were in for a surprise

Helena was in her room, talking with Northampton

When Northampton left to talk with Hornet, Helena then heard laughing in the background

"Is somebody there?" Helena asks

"Somebody?" ??? asks back

"Who's there?" Helena asks again

"Don't play innocent with me... you know who I am.." ??? replies

"Where are you..?" Helena asks, a little scared

"You hear my voice... so follow it..." ??? replies

Helena then goes to the mirror and she sees her 'reflection'...

"I don't understand" Helena says

She sees this

"Hello there~ This is not a coincidence, and you know it" Helena META says

"What do you want?" Helena asks once more

"To see me of course... why? Is that so wrong?" Helena META asks back

"No... you're not me.." Helena says

"Oh I'm you and you're me alright... the difference being.. I'm more... mature... and the fact that I have more power.. beyond you're wildest dreams.." Helena META says

In Enterprise's room

"Now I'm just confused" Enterprise says

"Alright... let's do this one last time. My name is Enterprise. I was not bitten by a radioactive spider, and for more than 10 years, I've been the one and only 'Grey Ghost'. I'm pretty sure you know the rest" Enterprise META says

"No I don't" Enterprise says back

"I defeated a bunch of sirens, fell in love with Belfast. Then I defeated the sirens again, then defeated even more sirens. And again and again... and again. Then I went through a phase that we don't talk about. But even after all the pain I went through... I was still the Grey Ghost. I mean, what Enterprise wouldn't become the Grey Ghost? No matter how many hits I take, I always find a way to get back up. There can only be one Grey Ghost. Yet for some reason some shipgirls receive the same nickname... which is f*cking stupid" Enterprise META says

Enterprise is just nodding her head

"And with the power of siren technology within our grasp, we possess the ability to... putitinourass" Enterprise META says

"Bruh" Enterprise says

"But... whatever life has in store for me... I will never forget Yorktown's words... 'With great power, comes great responsibility'... my life is my gift.. my curse... who am I? I'm the Grey Ghost" Enterprise META says

"And with great fall, comes great neck break" Enterprise says

The Enterprise's are silent

"But for real, what you said sounds like a great ending to a movie" Enterprise says

Sheffield's room

"Alright people, let's start at the beginning one last time. My name is Sheffield" Sheffield META says

"No sh*t. You're me" Sheffield says back

"Quiet down... the adult is talking. Anyway. I was not bitten by a radioactive spider. And I thought I was the one and only 'Shiny Sheff'. I'm sure you know the rest. I was part of a band... I.. couldn't protect my sisters.. and as much as I don't like saying it... I don't do friends anymore.. makes me more concentrated and focused.. then I was teleported here" Sheffield META says

"Sounds sad..." Sheffield says, deadpan

"And you don't want to experience it. Except the band... that's one of the good parts... are you now wearing pantus?" Sheffield META asks

"Why use a stun grenade if you can use your body. That's why I wear no pantsu... but I'm wearing pantsu right now" Sheffield replies

Sheffield shows Sheffield META

"Not bad" Sheffield META says

Arizona's room

"Why do... you look different?" Arizona asks, curious

"We're not... the same. Like... we're we're the same, but.. more mature... I think... more experienced.. we've fought and existed for a very long time. We've lost too much to stop..." Arizona META replies

She then starts coughing

"Are you alright?" Arizona asks again, patting her META's back

"I've been handling a lot of things from China lately..." Arizona META says

She then drops to the ground and keeps coughing

"Look what you've done China! The poor f*ck! It's gonna be okay! Look me okay?" Arizona says

Arizona META then dies, even though she is breathing

"That's a cool coat, me. Where'd you get it?" Arizona asks

Arizona META doesn't respond and is still dead. Even though she's clearly breathing

She then sits up

"You see, living is supposed to be like a rich wine..." Arizona META says as she holds up a glass of whiskey

"..Life is supposed to get better with age..." Arizona META says as she drinks the whiskey

She then spits it out since she never liked whiskey

"..So you're telling me that life can be awful..?" Arizona asks

"maybe...?" Arizona META replies

Hiryu's and Soryu's room

"Who are you supposed to be?" Hiryu asks

"You fool! You absolute brainlet anthropoid!" Hiryu META yells

"Wat" Hiryu says

"How could you not recognize me... I'm you" Hiryu META says

"Huh. And why are we speaking English?" Hiryu asks

"We have no time for our f*cking rice language" Hiryu META replies

"With all your paler and whitened skin, I'd think you were a ____" Soryu says

"Onions have layers... like my feelings.." Soryu META says

"F*ck your feelings. And why are we speaking English?" Soryu asks

"No idea... Arigato. Ohayo Gozaimasu. Itadakimasu. Onee-Chan. Ochinch-" Soryu META says

"Okay stop" Soryu says

"So why are we speaking English and not Japanese? Well I know most readers here are American... you English speaking f*cks" Soryu META says

"Who are you talking to?" Soryu asks

"No one" Soryu META replies

"Liar!" Soryu yells in an enraged tone

"Calm down... I feel like I'm forgetting something.. oh yeah. You looked better when you were younger sister" Hiryuu META says

"You turned her against me!" Soryu META yells

"You have done that yourself!" Soryu yells back

"You turned her against me!" Soryu META yells again

"You have done that your-"  Soryu tries to yell back



"Bruh" Soryu says

Soryu and her META then yell back and forth

"Did I say something..?" Hiryu META asks

"You should've said that her ankles were superior when she was younger" Hiryu says

"Oh yeah you're right. Like that would've made the quarreling worse" Hiryu META says

Ark Royal's room

"What am I hearing..." Ark Royal META says

"I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever waaaaaaaaaaaaaas" Ark Royal sings


"To collect them is my real test. To love them is my cause. I have sailed across the waves. Searching far and wide. Be a lolicon to understand, the love that's inside. LOLICON!!! GOTTA COLLECT 'EM ALL!! (It's you and me). I know it's my destiny! LOLICON!!! OHHHHHHH, you're my best friend! In a world that might end! LOLICON!!! GOTTA COLLECT 'EM ALL!! (A love so true)." Ark Royal sings


"I sure hope we do not get copyrighted..." Ark Royal META says

"Every challenge along the way, with lolis I will face! With the starters, we will win! Summon your riggings! Come with me, the time is right! There's no better fleet! Arm in arm, we'll win the war! It's always been our dream!! L O L I C O N!!! GOTTA COLLECT 'EM ALL!! (It's you and me)!" Ark Royal sings

"What am I singing right now? Is it gonna get me cancelled?" Ark Royal asks

"L O L I C O N!!! OHHHHHHH, lolis are my friends, in a world we must defend!!! LoLiCoN!!! GOTTA COLLECT 'EM ALL!! (A heart so true)" Ark Royal sings

"Oh my lolis, I love you" Ark Royal sings


Silence in the room

"Was that and my personality over the top? I can honestly never tell. Would you like me to sing the song again?" Ark Royal asks

"YES!" ??? yells

"NOO!!!" Ark Royal META yells

"Just... no... you and me are going to talk. You need more therapy. Unless you want to go to Texas for that extra therapy" Ark Royal META adds

"Nah nah nah. Anything but that devil woman" Ark Royal says, slowly walking back

Bismarck's room

Bismarck was standing in the light, while another version of herself was standing in the dark

"A drink..?" Bismarck asks as she offers some beer

"Don't bother... unfortunately I'm not the biggest fan of those drinks anymore... I only drink from time to time, especially if I'm in a bad mood... let's just say dying has left me this way.. it's... liberating.. yet it's hell... think of it as a more... messed up way of therapy.. Bismarck... it's still my name... but the past of me is dead.."

The alternate version starts walking into the light

"You may call me..."

She appears

"..Zwei... and as you can see, I'm a lot happier. Heh" Bismarck Zwei says

"Is this the part where you shoot me six times with a revolver?" Bismarck asks

"Vat?" Bismarck Zwei asks

"Nope. Nothing" Bismarck replies

"I do have a question... you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" Bismarck Zwei asks

"Vat?" Bismarck asks back

"I guess it means... if you ever tested your fate.. if you tested how cruel fate can be.. if you ever tested how much grief you can handle... to maybe do something immoral with no regrets... anyone can fall over the edge.. all it takes is a push... or.. One. Bad. Day" Bismarck Zwei replies

Bismarck is silent

"That's... very deep" Bismarck says

"I know... but to be honest.. I just like the sound of it" Bismarck Zwei comments

In the bar

Wisconsin sits beside Texas

Texas glares at her

"You can't possibly still be mad at me for making Arizona cry..." Wisconsin says

"It's Arizona. Who wouldn't be mad?" Texas asks

"Fair point" Wisconsin replies, goosebumps slowly appearing

Texas pours Wisconsin a glass of whiskey

"Good to know that you're afraid of me, what else are you afraid of?" Texas asks

Wisconsin immediately thinks of one thing

"I feel fantastic" Tara the Android sings

Wisconsin stops remembering

"No comment, for my own sanity. I can describe my other sister's though" Wisconsin says

"Do tell" Texas says

"Iowa... she acts serious... but she is a literal child. She likes things done by the books and will do anything to protect the interests of our nation, unless its something bad of course. She's was anti-social, until she met USS Princeton of the Essex-class, then she became flirtatious. She's kinda reckless, she hates losing" Wisconsin says

"Of course her personality changed when she met someone..." Texas comments

"Love can do things, good and bad. Now for New Jersey... all I have to say is that her *ss could literally represent Eagle Union itself. It's ri-thicc-ulous" Wisconsin says

Texas is simply staring at her

"Let me guess, she's bad at cooking, she can be smug, she's American, she has blue hair and has a bunny suit, she's confident and very cheerful and funny and energetic, she also has blue eyes and bunny ears, she wears a very large coat, and she could say 'Honey' every second" Texas says

Wisconsin is shooketh

"Nevermind what I said, continue please" Texas says

"No... we won't just... ignore what you just said" Wisconsin says

"I have a... ability... for these kinds of things... now continue, or else I'll end your life" Texas says back

"I know, now Missouri... she's the smartest. She's cool, and likes poetry, and cooking, and she's nearly unfazed to a lot of things. She's very protective of me and shipgirls like Arizona. She can be as right as an angel... or left as a demon. She also can be a very gothic person" Wisconsin says

Texas simply nods

"Did she fight aliens in 2012?" Texas asks

"No she didn't. And we don't talk about that year" Wisconsin replies

"Now for good old me... I'm basically the Red-headed stepchild" Wisconsin adds

Texas looks at Wisconsin's red hair

"I can tell" Texas comments

"No not litera-" Wisconsin tries to say

"I know. It's just... kind of ironic, considering you can be bad-tempered" Texas says

"I'm not that bad..." Wisconsin says

"Whatever you believe, mein f*hrer" Texas replies

Wisconsin is sillent

"Can you even say that?" Wisconsin asks

"I'm not a v*rgin. What's your excuse?" Texas asks back

"And again, you have a point... and here I am. Still alive and wasting my genes. BUT! If you're gonna be h*rny... do it right" Wisconsin replies

"Okay seriously speaking, do you have any regrets? Aside from making me angry?" Texas asks

Music is heard in the background

(Oh you've got to be f*cked) Texas thought

"And now, the end is near~ And so I face... the final curtain. My friend, I'll say it clear. I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full... I've traveled each and every ocean... and more... much more than this... I did it my way~ Regrets? I've had a few.. But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do. I saw it through... with no exemption... I planned each charted course. Each careful step along the byway~ And more, much more than this... I did it my way~" Wisconsin sings

"Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew... when I bit off more than I could chew! But through it all, when there was doubt... I ate it up and spat it out! I faced it all and I stood tall And did it my way! I've loved... I've laughed and cried... I've had my fill.. my share of losing... And now, as tears subside.. I find it all so amusing~ To think I did all... that.. And may I say; not in a shy way~ Oh no, oh no, not me~ I did it my way. For what is a kansen! What has she got! If not herself, then she has naught to say the things she truly feels! And not the word of one who kneels! The record shows I took the blows... And did it my waaaaayyyyy~!" Wisconsin sang

"Yes, it was my way" Wisconsin sings

Wisconsin then looks at Texas who was drinking whiskey

"I better not hear another song" Texas says

"Don't count on it granny" Wisconsin says

Texas sighs and she looks at her hands

"The years are... slipping through my fingers... the flow of time simply doesn't stop... am I... just going to lose value? Is scrap really what I'm going to become...? Have I... ah f*ck. Why am I monologuing to myself again" Texas says

Victorious' room

"Sometimes I question if you know emotions" Victorious says

"I... do.. yet I don't" Tirpitz says

Victorious tilts her head

"Like... I don't understand.. how warships can have emotions... I get that we have human forms and all that... but still" Tirpitz says

"Well feelings are emotions you feel deep down" Victorious says

"So you mean the depression I was hiding until I got therapy?" Tirpitz asks

Victorious is silent

"That's..." Victorious tries to say

"Critically damaging to my self-esteem?" Tirpitz asks

Victorious sighs and holds Tirpitz's hand

"Tirpitz, just stick with the script and everything will be fine" Victorious says

Tirpitz tilts her head

"Don't mind what I just said since I have no idea what that means either" Victorious says

"Sorry... I have bad people skills.." Tirpitz says

"From all those missions up in the north, I can tell. But it's fine, you can talk to me. We're buddies" Victorious says

"I thought we were just acquaintances. Friends are for-" Tirpitz tries to say

"If you're going to say friends are for the weak, I will slap you" Victorious says

Tirpitz is silent

"I was going to say friends are for friendship, which is why I barely have any. I'm not really the 'friend' material" Tirpitz says

"Oh Tirpitz, of course you are!" Victorious says back

"No I'm not..." Tirpitz says

"Well... we're friends... we can be more than that" Victorious says

Tirpitz blinks a few times

"I..." Tirpitz says

She suddenly leaves

"Oh great, I said something wrong didn't I" Victorious says as she facepalms herself

In Tirpitz's room

Tirpitz sits down

She hears voices in her head

(You're weak... you're pathetic...) Mental Tirpitz whispers

"Shut up..." Tirpitz says

(Be careful what you wish for... you can never run away from yourself..) Mental Tirpitz whispers

"Shut up.." Tirpitz yells

(No matter how much you run, no matter how much of the past you forget... nobody cares.. And you will not be remembered after everything you have done... you will never deserve the people who care for you... especially someone like Victorious... hehehehe..)  Mental Tirpitz says

"I said shut up!" Tirpitz yells

Tirpitz then holds her head

She looks at herself in a mirror nearby

"If I die in this world, who will know something of me? I am lost... no one knows... there's no trace.. of my yearning. If I die..." Tirpitz sings

(But I must!) Mental Tirpitz sings

"...In this world.." Tirpitz sings

(Carry on!) Mental Tirpitz sings

"..who will know something of me?" Tirpitz sings

(Nothing worse, can befall!) Mental Tirpitz sings

"I am lost..." Tirpitz sings

(All my fears!) Mental Tirpitz sings

"No one knows..." Tirpitz sings

(All my tears!) Mental Tirpitz sings

"There's no trace.. of my yearning" Tirpitz sings

(Tell my heart, there's a hole) Mental Tirpitz sings

"I wear a void... not even hope... a downward slope... is all I see... I wear a void.." Tirpitz sings

(As long as breath comes from my mouth) Mental Tirpitz sings

"Not even hope"

"(I may yet stand the slightest chance) Mental Tirpitz sings

"A downward slope..." Tirpitz sings

(A shaft of light... IS ALL I NEED!!) Mental Tirpitz sings

" all I see..." Tirpitz sings

(To cease the darkness killing me...) Mental Tirpitz sings

Tirpitz then faints on her bed

Some shipgirls were invited to the QnA room

"Welcome girls"

"This room looks like a room for an interview" Zara says

"Well I'm just gonna ask you girls a few questions. Five to be exact"

Question 1 - Would it be possible to put battleship weaponry into an Aircraft Carrier, or the other way around?

"I THINK it is possible.. they would only probably be escorts. Imagine if the Japanese actually did that with a battleship-class in World War 2" Prinz Eugen says

"For the battleship weaponry... you have to be closer to your enemy since carriers are not the close-fighters, and not being a close-fighter would be... troubling. And the space the guns would take and the gun blast they would erupt... it's a flawed concept, but it's not a completely bad idea" Wisconsin says

Question 2 - For Wisconsin. Is Texas your grandmother in your reality?

"Not to confuse the Texas with this reality, but the Texas from my reality is indeed my grandmother. Somehow that old woman is still alive, and I'm not complaining. Gran mama Texa had this recipe, Salmon. Yes, in my universe, she can actually cook. She rarely shares it with anybody since Nevada died. I honestly can't blame her and it's very understandable. For those of you who are saying who are saying that it's just Salmon, I'm telling you people, it was a bomb, like it was great. There was this one time when Big sis Missouri tried to steal the recipe, and I was there to help her because why not, I like causing trouble" Wisconsin says

(Now she's just sharing her life story) The shipgirls thought

Wisconsin continues to share the story

Flashback time

"Big sis... we're crossing boundaries... but I'm here for it" A young Wisconsin says

"I'm on a mission here whiskey, not an actual mission but you get what I mean" Missouri says

"Are you looking for the salmon recipe?" Wisconsin asks

"When did you get smart?" Missouri asks back

Moments later when they got scolded by Iowa and are now in a conversation with Texas from their universe

"How worth is that recipe to ya?" Texas asks

"It's literally the Holy Grail itself" Missouri replies

"What about you?" Texas asks

"Nothing. I just like trouble" Wisconsin replies

"Thought so. Why not steal my other recipes? Like my Brisket or Mac and Cheese?" Texas asks

"You didn't write them down either" Missouri replies

"And that's a good thing" Texas says

Flashback ends

"Gran mama Texa also didn't approve of Princeton when Iowa introduced him" Wisconsin says

"Why?" Bismarck asks

"It's the principle of a relationship. Years of watching movies led me to that conclusion" Wisconsin replies

The shipgirls are silent

"Did I also mention that Missouri used me to get my grandma give up the recipe?" Wisconsin asks

"What..." The shigirls in the room say

"Yeah. Missouri knows I'm my grandma's favorite so the moment I started crying and begging, the moment grandma gave Missouri her recipe. Her other ones as well. But then she immediately scolded my sister for using me to give up her recipes. It's evil, I know" Wisconsin says

"Quite a story" Roma says

Wisconsin bows

Question 3 - Bismarck and Prinz Eugen, did Prince of Wales and Hood ever get you mixed up?

Bismarck and Prinz Eugen look at each other

"To be honest, I have no idea how people confuse us" Prinz Eugen says

"I think it's the look of our ships and not how we look as people" Bismarck comments

"Oh that makes sense" Prinz Eugen says

"Well... Wales and Hood never confused us... now that I think about it, we're couples now.. eh, not relevant. But people do confuse us sometimes for some reason, Eugen doesn't look like a leader, no offense... and I don't look like... Eugen" Bismarck says

"The only thing that makes you two similar are the thighs and the brea-" Littorio tries to say as Vittorio Veneto headbonks

"" Bismarck says

"Really~" Prinz Eugen says

Question 4 - For Kansens from the Sardegna Empire, what is your opinion on cruise ships and do you agree how they are a waste of money on their luxuries? If you do agree, I hope you don't find out about the Costa Concordia

"Well... cruise ships... we don't really have the time to build them since we have a war going on and such. If they are a waste of money for luxuries... well, I don't know since none of us have been on a cruise ship, so I'm going to say yes" Vittorio Veneto says

"And we don't need them anymore, if we were to continue building them... waste of resources in my opinion" Roma says

"And who knows... one of them might get sunk like Titanic. Hopefully Costa Concordia isn't one of them" Zara says

"It depends on the cruise ship I THINK, but like every other kansen, I haven't been on one. It would be nice though. I think. No idea. Depends." Littorio says

Last Question - Enterprise. Does Belfast know where you hide your top secret stash of ration bars? Or has she already found them?

Belfast glares at Enterprise

(Oh I'm f*cked. I'm not even eating them anymore) Enterprise thought

"Care. To... Explain?" Belfast asks while smiling

"Bel... wait... PLEASE WAI-" Enterprise yells

The break lasted for 30 minutes. The alternate versions were all teleported back to their worlds, I was originally planning to add Hornet II but I decided that it would be better if I were to invite her in a chapter someday. If you think the chapter was bad, I can't blame you. I was struggling when I wrote this chapter

Chapter is done, have a meme: Yorktown is ded

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