Toddler - [Taebin FF]

By btch_for_yeosang

22.2K 1.3K 1.1K

Six years ago, the unthinkable happened, as Taehyun sat next to his girlfriend's deathbed, coming face to fac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note
Extras Book Out Now


393 20 29
By btch_for_yeosang

🎶: 'Keep An Eye On Dan' by ABBA

August 2020

It was a warm yet rainy day.

Clouds hung low in the sky, the sun nowhere in sight. Typical for a day in late August, the time where the summer bids farewell to the world.

A silver car pulled up to the street, parking next to the medium sized building. From the outside, it looked lovely.

It was built out of tan bricks, topped with a dark tiled roof, and colorful banners hung from the window sills.

Right beside it was a playground, containing swings, slides, a sand pit, monkey bars, and a little pond in the back.

A large golden plaque that had Sunflower Gold Kindergarten engraved on it hung on the wall, welcoming all the incoming parents and children.

Taehyun stepped out of his car, and opened the back door to unbuckle his son from his booster seat.

"Excited?" he asked with a smile.

Juhyeok shook his head.

"Not really... I'm kinda nervous."

"I'm sure it'll be great Juju, there's plenty of kids your age whom you can play with; you'll make friends."


"Yes, friends."


A small smile formed on Juhyeok's chubby cheeks.


He hopped out of the car, and Taehyun grabbed his backpack before shutting the door. He took his son by his hand, and together they walked towards the kindergarten.

Upon seeing the crowds of people, Taehyun felt himself grow... unsettled.

Many eyes were on them.

His sight fell on the families gathered around, and it didn't take him long to realize what was going on.

Those looks were familiar; he was given them at the supermarket very often.

"Dad, why are so many people staring at us?" Juhyeok asked.

Taehyun didn't have the heart to tell him.

So he came up with a white lie.

"Probably because you're so handsome for a 4-year-old."

Juhyeok giggled, completely innocent to the truth.

Taehyun only smiled, and kept his head high as much as he could. He entered the building with his son, and made their way towards the headmistress' office.

"... and this is his group, Petals," Mrs Lee explained.

Juhyeok peeked inside the room. It looked... cozy. There was a couch, a play corner, a few tables with chairs, shelves full of games or toys, and dozens of books to choose from.

Taehyun smiled at his son.

"You can do this Juju."

Juhyeok clung onto his father's leg.

"Can you stay here longer?"

"I have work, I'm sorry."

Taehyun knelt down and pinched his cheek lovingly.

"But I'll be here to pick you up at 4pm, okay? We'll go get ice cream, how does that sound?"

"That sounds great Dad."

Juhyeok waddled closer and wrapped his arms around his father, snuggling into his neck. Taehyun hugged him back, nuzzling his son closely, closing his eyes as he caught a whiff of his baby powder scent.

"Just remember, be yourself, and not someone else, okay?"

"I will Dad."

Juhyeok kissed his cheek and released himself from the hug. He looked a little more relaxed than earlier, and there was a smile on his face.

"See you."

"Bye Juju."

Taehyun tousled his hair, bowed to the headmistress, and turned around to walk out of the building.

Mrs Lee took Juhyeok by the hand and entered the room with him.

"Petals, may I have your attention please?"

The kids in the room all averted their eyes onto Juhyeok, who gulped when he realized he was in the spotlight.

"This is your new comrade, Kang Juhyeok. What do we say?"

"Hello Juhyeok."


February 2021

Good evening Mr Kang,
I've been meaning to talk to you about this for a while, but due to planning and organizing upcoming events, it slipped my mind.

As the kindergarten teacher, it's my job to watch and observe what and how my pupils are doing.
It has come to my attention that Juhyeok barely talks or interacts with his peers. He's often in the corner reading a book, doesn't tune into conversations during snack, and I always find him sitting on the bench doing nothing during recess.
Many of us have attempted to get through with why he's acting like this, but we never get a word out of him.

Could you please talk with your son and ask him what's wrong? I am quite concerned for the child.

Best regards,
Jeon Naerin

Juhyeok faced the ground as Taehyun finished reading the email. He felt ashamed and embarrassed, and kept playing with his fingers.

"Dad I'm sorry—"

"There's nothing to be sorry for."

Taehyun crouched down to be on eye level with his son.

"Is everything alright in kindergarten?"


"Are you telling me the truth?"

Juhyeok nodded honestly.

"I am."

He was not lying.

"Then, what is it?"

"Nothing's wrong but... no one talks to me."

"Have you tried talking to them?"

"No... was I supposed to?"

Taehyun realized what the problem was: Juhyeok was completely clueless about how to make friends, and that sometimes, unfortunately often, you yourself have to make the first move.

But how could he have known, he never was in daycare, and the only people he's ever really been around are me, Kai and Hyung.

"Well... yes. I should've mentioned that to you, my bad."

"Oh... it's okay Dad."

"You sure? I'm really sorry."

"No no Dad, don't fret. I guess I'm just shy..."

Taehyun looked at him with shimmering eyes, and he hugged his son reassuringly.

"And even if you are, that's okay. Come on, let's try to make a friend on Monday."



Taehyun waved at his son from the front gate.


The little boy skipped down the stairs and ran towards his father, leaping into his outstretched arms.

"I made a friend!"

"You did?!"

"Yes, his name is Serim!"

"That's fantastic!"

Taehyun held Juhyeok closely, to the point where Juhyeok's senses were muffled due to him being buried in his embrace.

It was a good thing he did.

Because soon enough, Taehyun heard whispers.

"Isn't that the Kangs?"

"How come I've never seen the wife pick him up?"

"It's suspicious."

"Perhaps he's gay; I better tell my child to not get close to that kid."

"My son told me he's quite shy, could that be because he's being groomed at home?"

Taehyun shot them a nasty glare that could be seen a mile away.

Get lost, he mouthed.

"Everything okay Dad?" Juhyeok's voice chirped.

"Yes, let's go buy some McDonald's now."

He took him by the hand and walked back the car, strapping him into the booster seat, before turning the engine on and driving off.

The whole drive, thoughts invaded Taehyun's mind.

Can those parents not mind their own business? Shouldn't they just focus on their own child? I know I'm single, it's not—

His heart throbbed painfully, and he grabbed onto the steering wheel tightly, to the point his knuckles turned a fleshy white.

— I can't do anything about it.


November 2021

The door to the headmistress office opened.

"Mrs Lee, you wanted to see me?" Taehyun asked.

"Yes, please take a seat."

Taehyun sat down in the cushioned chair across from her, and gave her his full attention for their little meeting.

"Mr Kang, I'm not the type to be nosy..."


"But I've noticed something in the past year."

"That is?"

"You are the only one picking Juhyeok up."

Taehyun's blood ran cold, the feeling of confrontation spreading through his body in hot shivers.

"Is that a problem?"

"Not exactly... but it's odd that you're the only one. I have seen everyone else's parents, both parents, but not your son's."

He was flabbergasted.

Taehyun never really thought much about it, but how in the world was solely picking up Juhyeok concerning?

"Mrs Lee, I hate to be rude, but this is not your business—"

"Is there something you're perhaps hiding from us?" Mrs Lee questioned, raising her voice.

A gulp slid down his throat.


"Then there shouldn't be a problem for me to know why you're the only one picking Juhyeok up. A few parents have raised concern as well, especially as Juhyeok never seems to talk about his mother."

She was eyeing Taehyun up and down like a hawk on the hunt. It made him feel incredibly intimidated. His palms were sweaty, his heart was beating heavily in his chest, and those hot shivers wouldn't stop overcoming his body. Mrs Lee had no mercy on him, seeing how she wouldn't stop giving him that stare.


Taehyun gripped the arms of the chair.

"I... don't have a wife. Juhyeok doesn't have a mother."

And little did he know that the door was slightly open.


January 2022

Oh Jongmin stood up with a grave look on his face.

"Fellow members of the SMP, I have terrible news. Just last night we received a message from within the bureau. It may seem unreliable at first, as it comes from a spy, but we should not ignore such a threat."

"What is it?" Min Sejeong, head of the detective department, asked.

"Is it really that serious that all departments have been called?" Kwon Eunsae, leader of the law department, questioned.

Mr Oh nodded.

"Yes. The treasury of the government is doing illegal trade business with China, exporting economical products beneficial to us."

Gasps were heard around the room.

"With China?"


"Yes. Even worse, there is a chance the Chinese business is tied to the North Korean missile fleet."

Upon hearing that, panic broke.

"How could the treasury do this?!"

"What does this mean for us?!"

"Are we bearing witness of a brewing war?!"

"ORDER IN THE ROOM!" Taehyun shouted.

Everyone fell silent.

"It is distressing, there is no denying it," Mr Oh continued. "But we have to be careful with our investigation. If we're lucky, this spy was lying and there's no need to fret. If we're unlucky, we will have to do everything we can to catch the treasury red handed and prevent another major conflict within the continent. Kang Taehyun."

The brunette lifted his chin.

"Yes sir?"

"From now on, your task is to orchestrate every executive mission for the officers. I trust that you won't fail us."

Taehyun slid a gulp down his throat.



["Taehyun, you need to sleep."]

"I can't."

["You have to!"]

"Not right now, I need to finish these plans for tomorrow!"


"Beomgyu, we're making progress after three weeks of simply suspecting! I have to complete them, and that's final!"

["Fine! But sleep the moment you're done!"]

"I will. Bye."

["Bye. Good night."]

Taehyun hung up and sighed in frustration, facepalming himself as he looked at the pieces of paper sprawled over the table.

God I fucking hate this. That slimy bastard better go to lifetime jail once we're done with him.


"What is it?!"

Juhyeok nearly cowered back when he heard Taehyun snap. The brunette's eyes widened in realization, and a regretful look crossed his face.

"S-Sorry Juju, come here."

"Is everything okay Dad?"

"Yes baby, I'm just a little tired."


"Did you have fun with Uncle Kai?"

"Mhm... I miss you picking me up though."

Ever since the political case took off, Taehyun could barely spend time with Juhyeok. Nowadays, Kai was picking him up and staying with him at home, as Taehyun worked longer hours.

"I know... but work is really stressful these days."

"What's wrong?"

Taehyun tousled his hair.

"It's very complicated, but we're looking for a solution."


I should probably not tell him then.

Even though the adults kept silent about the tension at work, Juhyeok noticed anyway that something was wrong.

He could sense it.

"What did you want to say?"


Juhyeok stood on his tippy toes to kiss Taehyun on the cheek.

"Good night Dad."

"Nighty night Juju."

With that, the child left the living room, having never said a word.


March 2022

Ahn Kyujin, head of the training department, growled in frustration as she tossed the detective department's clues back on the table.


A slam on the table followed from her.

"I still can't believe they think we're frolicking with them; why would we, THE POLICE, accuse the treasury of illegal business?!" Sejeong yelled.

Everyone in the room nodded or yelled in agreement.

"It's ludicrous. By now, we have enough evidence! The spy gave us the starting hint, shortly later, many exports went missing mysteriously, our tracking department found out they were being shipped off to China, and someone found out that the address linked to it was from the treasury!" Choi Yunho, head of the tracking department, bellowed.


"CALM DOWN EVERYONE!" Mr Oh hollered.

Son Heejin shook her head.

"No sir, I don't care if he's a supposed trusted official, what he's doing is morally and ethically wrong! It's putting our future in danger, and at the risk of the economy too, WHAT?!"

Taehyun's work phone vibrated, and he could feel it in his trouser pocket.

Thank God though, with all the yelling between the main boss and heads of the department, nothing else could be heard.

Seeing how they were not paying attention to him, Taehyun snuck out of the room, and answered the unknown number.

"Seoul Metropolitan Police, Secretary Kang Taehyun," he professionally responded.

["Mr Kang, are you Kang Juhyeok's father?"] a female voice replied.

The hairs on his skin stood up.

His grip on his phone tightened.

"How do you know me, or him?"

["My name is Kim Haewon, I'm currently doing an internship at Sunflower Gold Kindergarten, and I was assigned to your son's group."]


Taehyun simply nodded.

"Is there a problem?"

["Well... yes... I'm calling you because your son just got into a fight with two kids that seem to be bullying him, and he has a purplish black eye—"]

The phone fell out of Taehyun's hold, and landed on the carpeted ground.


🎶: 'I Need Somebody' by DAY6


Not even daring to spare a single glance looking back, Taehyun sprinted down the hallway.

He knew it was wrong, leaving in the middle of such a vitally important meeting, but that was now the least of his worries.

Part of him couldn't even bother to care about that.

Not when his heart was hammering against his chest and his mind became a complete frenzy. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins, blocking any form of exhaustion from running so fast.


He screeched to a halt when he heard Beomgyu shout for him. The older one, who spotted his best friend bursting out of the room and chased him down the hallway, caught up to him soon enough.

"What's gotten into you?! What happened?!"

"Beomgyu... J-Juju..."

At the mention of his self-proclaimed nephew, Beomgyu tensed.

"Is everything okay?"

"He... he..."

Taehyun's breath paced up and became labored quickly, with tears threatening to form. Beomgyu instantly placed his hands on either arm, slightly gripping them.

"Breathe Taehyun, breathe."

The younger shakily nodded and began taking deep inhales and exhales, slowly controlling his breathing, despite the words triggering something within him that made the guilt churning in his stomach... all the worse.

"What's wrong?" Beomgyu asked again.

"Juhyeok... he g-got into a fight. A-And apparently... he's being bullied by the other kids."

His eyes widened in utter shock.


"I n-never knew Hyung... I n-never noticed, my poor sweet baby."

Tears were pooling in his eyes.

Beomgyu instantly brought the younger into a tight hug, wanting to soothe and comfort him.

But Taehyun found no consolation.

Not when he felt like the worst father in the world, tortured with the reality that his son was being bullied, and chances are... he turned a blind eye on him.

All because he was so caught up with his job.

Another emotion began brewing in him, this time in his chest, right in his heart: regret.

The regret of abandoning his son during a hard time.

"Come on."

Beomgyu let go of him, except for his hand, which he held as he began leading him towards the nearest staircase.

"Let's get to his kindergarten; I'll call Kai."


Juhyeok found himself in the nurse's office, right after the teachers pulled him away from the violent fight.

He was wiping his bloody nose with a tissue, and pressing an ice pack to his bruised eye. Luckily, it wasn't throbbing as badly as it did earlier, and his nosebleed calmed down as well.

The child thankfully stopped crying a while ago, but nonetheless, the fight from earlier and the words spoken to him coursed through his mind.

"Motherless freak."

"No wonder you're so weird."

"I bet your mom wouldn't love you if you were alive."

"His dad must be a freak like him."

That last sentence was all it took for Juhyeok to snap. Up until then, he could tolerate their insults, but the moment someone brought up his father so negatively, he threw the first punch.

That it escalated so quickly to the point the kids teamed up and jumped on him, beating him into a pulp in the face... was not exactly expected. Juhyeok thought they'd leave him alone afterwards, or that outrunning them would be possible.

Guess not.

What made it all the worse was... Serim was siding with them.

His own friend.

Someone Juhyeok thought he could trust.

The little boy couldn't even tell anymore what emotion was feeling the most. Anger? Betrayal? Upset? Hurt?

Probably a bit of all, but certainly... numb.

Haewon was beside him, cautiously stroking his hair to soothe him. She stayed with him while the other kids were being interrogated by Mrs Lee.

They tried to get themselves out of it, saying they did nothing and were just playing around, but Haewon had been nearby at the time of the fight and thankfully eavesdropped on them, so she had Juhyeok's back.

"Don't worry little one, your dad will show up soon."

The little boy shook his head.

"He won't."

Haewon frowned.

"Why not?"

I called him, and he sounded... devastatingly worried.

Juhyeok sniffled.

"Because he's too occupied with work... I've been wanting to tell him about the kids excluding me the past few weeks but... every time I went to his office, he looked frustrated and troubled, constantly pacing around on the phone... I didn't want to add more on his plate."

He let his hand with the icepack sink down to his lap.

"So... I don't think—

The door to the nurse's office slammed wide open at that exact moment.

Juhyeok's baby doll eyes became saucers when he saw three figures standing in the doorframe, one belonging to...


Upon seeing his son with a wounded eye and dry streaks on his cheeks, looking so helpless and vulnerable, and an ice pack in his small stubby hand, the final string of sanity broke for Taehyun.


His knees buckled and he collapsed to the cold linoleum floor.



Kai and Beomgyu instantly rushed over to their friend, while Juhyeok jumped off the bed with Haewon's help.

He approached his dad with toddling steps, his face twisted with worry.

"Dad, what's—"

Before he knew it, Taehyun pulled his son closer and into a tight embrace. The moment he felt his little warm body pressed to his chest, where he was safe, Taehyun broke into tears.

He sobbed into his son's shoulder, tears of regret and guilt flowing down his cheeks, his anguish bouncing off his voice.

"Dad, why are you crying?" Juhyeok asked, his own voice breaking.

Taehyun choked on a sob.

"Juju... I... I'm so sorry! Why didn't you tell me that the kids were targeting and making fun of you?!"

"I'm sorry Dad... I-I didn't wanna add more to your plate, y-you've been so stressed because of work lately... I didn't want to make it worse by burdening you."

Taehyun's muscles tensed up.

Kai and Beomgyu's lips parted in shock, and also Haewon couldn't believe the child's words.

"Juhyeok... listen to me... p-please don't say that..."

Taehyun embraced his son even tighter.

"You will never... make anything worse in my life."

Guilt washed all over him.

It's all my fault. Again. This is gonna affect him terribly... I... I failed him. So badly. 

The thoughts intruding on his mind made Taehyun's break all over again, and he buried his head in his son's shoulder, letting out a broken sob mixed with another tearful I'm sorry.

"Breathe Taehyun... p-please breathe," Beomgyu begged, holding onto Kai as he himself couldn't stand it any longer.

"Don't cry Dad..."

Taehyun nodded as he pressed his lips together, weeping greatly as the child tried to comfort his father.

"Don't cry..."


It was dark by the time Beomgyu drove the four of them home. The wind had picked up, and a sullen atmosphere hung lowly in the sky.

Taehyun was in the backseat with Juhyeok, holding his hand tightly in his. He stayed in that same position, fearing that if he let go, his son would be plunged into the hell hole of emotional turmoil.

Kai sat in the shotgun seat, giving him the perfect view to observe his best friend and the child.

While both of them were shaken up, Juhyeok was more composed. He was licking his lip a lot as he watched the cars pass by on the highway, a habit Kai recognized... from her.

But then his gaze fell on Taehyun. His face was still incredibly distraught, and even though his free hand was clenched in a fist, Kai could see he was trembling all over his body.

A painful reminder of the past, the last time he saw him like this.

Finally, after endless driving, Beomgyu turned the corner, and the quartet pulled into the neighborhood.

"Juju, I'll run you a bath, hmm?" he said.

The child nodded.


As soon as he parked, the four exited the car, and Beomgyu securely took Juhyeok by the hand. He gave a glance to Kai, who nodded his head in agreement.

Taehyun rummaged through his pockets to find his key, but he had trouble inserting it into the keyhole, fumbling with the metal.

"Let me."

Before he could respond, Kai grabbed the key from Taehyun's hand and stuck it into the hole, twisting it around before clicking the door open.


"No problem."

Kai opened the main entrance wide enough so that the three of them could pass before he entered the house and shut the door behind them.

Just as he said, Beomgyu headed upstairs with Juhyeok, and closed the bathroom door so that no sound could come from downstairs.

"Uncle Gyu?"


"Is Dad okay?"

Beomgyu sighed. 

"He will be. Don't worry your pretty little head about it."

Leave the worrying to us. (A/N: Play the song from 2:32)

Taehyun tossed his jacket and briefcase into the corner, creating a loud noise. It even startled Kai, who was about to prepare some tea for them.


"How could those kids do that to my son?!"

The brunette's eyes were spouting fire, craziness, as he looked for the next object he could throw. To his anger's relief, a harmless roll of newspapers was nearby, so Taehyun picked them up and hurled it all against the wall.

"What did he do to deserve this; NOTHING!"

"Taehyun, stop!"

He was about to grab a picture frame, but Kai thankfully ran over to him on time and restrained him from throwing something else.

"Taehyun, snap out of it!"

"I can't!"

"Please, you have to! Juhyeok is upstairs!"

Taehyun's irises, which had been palpitating for the past minute, widened at the realization and truth of Kai's words.

His son was in the house... he couldn't see him like this.

Otherwise, he'll feel twice as guilty about not telling his dad anything. And if there was one thing Taehyun swore he'll never let his son feel, is guilt.

Finally, he hung his head low in defeat, and a sob escaped his lips.


The ravenette's gaze softened, and immediately pulled his best friend into a hug. The smaller wrapped his arms around his middle, burying his face into his shoulder.

Yet the comfort he hoped he could seek... never came.

"It's okay, I'm not mad."

"No... I can't do this any longer."

Kai frowned, his heart dropping from fear.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't stay this way. Juhyeok can't continue being motherless, not if it puts him at risk of being bullied."

"Are you saying—"

"I will find a mother for Juhyeok. No matter what it takes, he will never be bullied for this, ever again!"


"Take a seat please."

Mrs Lee gestured to the chairs in front of her. She was able to schedule a meeting for them the next day, after everyone had slightly calmed down.

Taehyun sat down in the left one, Beomgyu in the middle one, while Kai took the chair towards the right, arms folded over his chest as he scanned the headmistress up and down.

"I've interrogated the kids who targeted your son during recess yesterday. They all received appropriate punishments of a week-long suspension, and your son will have one day of recess detention, as violence is never an answer in our community. Is that good enough for you?" she asked.

"It sounds—"


"Beg your pardon?" Mrs Lee asked.

Taehyun faced her with an angry glare.

"This is not enough, Mrs Lee."

"What else do you want me to do? I cannot expel these children—"

"Yes. You. Can."

"Taehyun—" Beomgyu began.

The brunette abruptly pushed back his chair and slammed his palms on the desk, frightening the woman across from him.

"My son does NOT deserve a punishment for sticking up for himself!!"

"Mr Kang—"

"Do I make myself clear?!"

Beomgyu was about to say something to stop Taehyun from exploding for his own good, but Kai grabbed his arm.

Let him, he mouthed.

Mrs Lee wasn't done yet.

"Mr Kang, your son physically attacked one of his kindergarten comrades. This goes against the rules, regardless of what his cause was—"

"It was self defense! He was their TARGET!! Juhyeok told me that these kids have been picking on him for MONTHS. And you're letting this slide?!?!"

"Mr Kang—"


Tears pricked at his eyes, and his heart squeezed together from pain.

"How in the right mind can those kids molest my son for something like this?! It's not their problem to worry about!!!!"

"If Juhyeok was being bullied, why did he not tell anyone?"

Taehyun froze in his words.

Why did Juhyeok not tell anyone?

As if the guilt from yesterday afternoon wasn't enough, it came back crashing on him even heavier this time.

"Why should he?"

All eyes turned to the back of the room.

"Miss Kim?"

Haewon stepped forward with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Mrs Lee, isn't it the responsibility of the kindergarten teachers to make sure everyone is being treated fairly? Where were you when Juhyeok was being excluded by his peers at the snack table, during games, during PE class? Where was his teacher, why did no one say anything?"


"You claim to be understanding of everyone's family situation, but you cannot understand Juhyeok and his father's and be merciful to them. This entire kindergarten is a disappointment."

Haewon nodded her head towards the three adults, before turning on her heel and walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?!" Mrs Lee protested.

"Finding a better kindergarten to complete my internship at!"

The door slammed, and Mrs Lee sat there dumbfounded.

"But— what—"

"Mrs Lee, I think I've come to a conclusion."


Taehyun whipped out a pen, and stabbed it directly on her desk.

"I'm pulling Juhyeok out of this kindergarten."

I should've never inscribed you here.


A/N: umm... yeah... I was sobbing my eyeballs out at the end of writing this 😭 I was struggling to find the right song for the second half of this chapter and I randomly listened to I Need Somebody again after ages, and like... bro, that song makes me cry no matter what 💔
Now that their backstory has been revealed, do you guys kinda understand why Taehyun is the way is at the beginning of the book? And why Juhyeok is quite mature for his age? If yes, then my job as an author was correctly done *sighs in relief*
Alrighty, imma eat breakfast in peace now. Till next time lovelies 💞🤍

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