We are the Winx!!!

By gabenath4eves

263 8 0

Season 1 episode 24 will be reacting to the future as well as the next couple of days. The catch is that Bloo... More

The beginning/The Ultimate Challenge
The Witches Downfall
Face to Face with the Enemy
The Phoenix Revealed
Inspiration of Sirenix

Darkar's Prisoner

31 1 0
By gabenath4eves

Narrator: In our last episode, Flora saves Pixie Village by healing the Tree of Life and gains her Charmix. But at Alfea, Avalon is revealed to be Darkar's spy. Before anyone can stop him, he kidnaps Bloom. Bloom is gone.

Stella: WHAT?!?!

Flora: What’s the Charmix???

Tecna: Better question what happened to Bloom?

Stella: That’s what I want to know why did that guy just kidnap my best friend???

Griselda: I want to know who that strange man in the red armor is. And why was he watching that strange man in wings carry Bloom away?

Faragonda: Why was Flora in Pixie Village?

Brandon: What’s Pixie Village?

Saladin: It’s the place where all of the pixies live. They are almost like tiny fairies and they each have special talents just like the fairies of the Magic dimension.

Griselda: They are also known for bonding with fairies.

Scene: Classroom, Alfea

Lockette: I don't care what anyone says. I'm coming to help rescue Bloom and that's final.

Flora: Lockette, I thought you never wanted to see that scary place again.

Layla: Remember all those shadow monsters lurking everywhere ready to eat you?

Lockette: Eek! I don't care. Bloom is my fairy and she needs me.

Layla: She needs you alive and well, just think back the to time when you were there.

Sky: Mm-hmm.

Musa: Lockette, Darkar's kingdom is pure evil.

Tecna: The negative energy found there could reduce pixie effectiveness and vitality by 77%. Isn't that right Digit?

Digit: More like 84%.

Lockette: I don't care if I have to fly there with my own four wings, I'm going!

Timmy: Who is that?


StarLight: Lockette Bloom’s bonded pixie… She is the Pixie of Portals and Direction.


Musa: I’m assuming the rest of them are pixies as well right?


StarLight: Yes, Digit is Tecna’s bonded Pixie and she is also the Pixie of Nanotechnology. Then, we have Amore Stella’s bonded Pixie… She is the Pixie of Love. Piff is the Pixie of Dreams and she is Princess Layla’s bonded Pixie. Tune is the Pixie of Etiquette and Musa’s bonded Pixie. And finally we have Chatta the Pixie of Gossip and Flora’s bonded Pixie.


Griselda: What are the Pixies doing at Alfea?


StarLight: The bonded Pixies of the Winx Club along with Livy the Pixie of Messages started living at Alfea with the rest of the Fairies after a villain named Darkar started looking for their village in search of their piece of the Codex.


Stella: The Codex??? What’s that?


Faragonda: Don’t worry about that right now Stella…


Amore: Your love is so beautiful! I'm coming with you.


Stella: Amore, you can't!


Amore: Sorry Stella, we all love Bloom and Lockette.


Piff: Patoota!


Chatta: Whatever Piff says goes double for me. What did you say again?


Tune: I haven't the faintest idea!


Tecna: Digit, reason with them; if pixies come with us, chances are they'll never return.


Digit: Maybe so, but looking at my numbers neither will the Winx nor the Specialists. So then, what's the big deal?

Griselda: You girls better be careful…


Tecna: I don’t think the odds are exactly in our favor but we have to rescue Bloom at all costs so I just hope our on screen counterparts know what they’re doing.


StarLight: Oh trust me your future counterparts have faced Darkar’s evil Shadow beast many times along with the power that The Trix gained from him after they teamed up.


Musa: Of course the Trix are somehow involved with this creepy guy.


StarLight: Yes The Trix and Lord Darkar teamed up after he increased their magic so that they could escape Light rock.


Griffin: Those three witches are out of control… I can’t believe they actually used to be my students.


Faragonda: Don’t worry Griffin we will put an end to their madness.


Scene: Quad, Alfea

Timmy: We've got the vehicles perfectly tuned up. So if anyone wants to pay Lord Darkar a visit, now's the time to do it.


Scene: Darkar's Fortress, Under Realm

Bloom is tied to a table.*


Avalon (Fake): Are you afraid of me, Bloom? You weren't when I was looking like this, were you?


Darkar: Stop bothering the young lady, you slave! She is much more important to me 

than you could ever imagine! Once I have transformed this custodian of the Dragon Fire into Dark Bloom, the natural consort of the Shadow Phoenix, we shall will release together the power of the Relix, which I alone, will yield.


Bloom: Dream on, Darkar! It will never happen!


Darkar: Forgive me, my dear Winx, but this isn't your dream, it's your nightmare!


Stella: Is that creepy guy Darkar?


StarLight: Yes that is the Shadow Phoenix otherwise known as Lord Darkar and he is the guy responsible for the creation of Dark Bloom who he used to unlock the power of the Codex.


Brandon: Dark Bloom??? Didn’t he mention her earlier… Does she have anything to do with our Bloom or are they different people?


Musa: I think they’re the same person Brandon why else would he have gone through so much trouble to kidnap our friend if he didn’t need her for something…


Faragonda: He probably wants to use her Dragon Flame to activate the Codex and gain ultimate power.


Griffin: And instead of stealing the power like the Trix did I’m guessing Darkar decided to go with a completely different approach and use her to open the doorway instead.


Flora: But Bloom wouldn’t do that… I mean she would never willingly help any sort of evil force.


Timmy: Hence where Dark bloom comes in… My guesses are that this Darkar guy used some sort of evil magic and turned Bloom into a villain so that he could use her powers to carry out whatever evil schemes he has planned.


Tecna: Yeah I agree with Timmy that must be it… I just hope that we can get there before Darkar completes whatever evil spell or plan he has.

Timmy starts up the ship.*

Timmy: Alright, everybody. We're ready to roll!

Scene: Quad, Alfea

The hatch opens and the Winx Club and Specialists start to walk up the ramp.*

Tecna: Hold on a sec. I've been going over the topological surveys of Darkar's cave and none of the entrances are big enough to let in any of the Specialists' vehicles.

Brandon: Major problem. Without our vehicles...

Riven: Our chances drop from slim to none.

Flora: What do we do then?

Sky: Well, it's not so much what we can do, it's what Brandon can.

Brandon: Me? What, you want me to dig a hole with my bare hands?

Sky: No, but your old girlfriend has a gigantic rock worm that could easily munch his way 

through in no time flat!

Brandon: No way! Sky, I know exactly where you're going with this and I don't like it.

Sky: What? You'd rather let the entire universe fall into Darkar's hands than ask your old flame, Princess Amentia, one tiny favor?

StarLight: Yeah I am sure you’re all confused about this so I am just going to quickly explain… Stella, Bloom, Sky, Layla, and Brandon went to Darkar’s underground cavern to rescue the Pixies after Darkar captured them and then long story short Brandon almost ended up marrying the Queen of Downland Princess Amentia but Amore used her talents and that didn’t happen.

Brandon: Amore???

StarLight: Yeah she’s the Pixie of Love after all don’t forget that… Also the underground caverns were the place where Layla originally came from before she ended up at Alfea she had originally gone to rescue the Pixies herself but failed until she returned with Bloom and Stella.

Codatorta: Why did Bloom and Stella in particular go with Brandon and Sky to rescue the Pixies?

Starlight: Because Bloom is the fairy of the Dragon flame and Stella is the fairy of the Shining sun so their magic was going to be the most effective against Darkar’s shadow creatures. And of course Layla came along since she was the only one who knew where to find the entrance to Darkar’s cavern.

Griselda: What kind of fairy is Princess Layla?

StarLight: Layla is princess of Andros and the Fairy of Waves she can also create many things using her Morphix powers.

 Brandon: Well actually…

Faragonda: Actually, I think this is an excellent idea. The two of you should go and see her immediately.

Sky: The two of us?

Faragonda: Of course. After all, it was your idea.

Sky: Me and my big mouth…

Brandon laughs. Sky, Brandon, and Layla get leva-bikes to take them to Amentia*

Sky: All right, we'll expect you guys to be waiting at the rendezvous point. Once loverboy convinces his princess to help out...

Timmy: ...we'll be ready to come charging in.

Brandon: Headmistress, do you think you could ask the Lord of Templars to help us out?

Faragonda: No. The Lord of Templars should never be asked in the battles between 

darkness and light. That must be avoided at any cost, so in our current struggle...

Sky: ...we get to crush Darkar on our own.

Brandon: Come on, let's do this!

Layla: And don't you worry. I'll keep those boys out of trouble.

They ride off.*

Scene: Darkar's Fortress, Under Realm

Darkar: So that's their pathetic plan! Shadows, I have a job for you. And I think the Trix might be useful as well.

Bloom: Be careful, everybody.

Musa: Poor Bloom… I mean look at her that monster has her strapped down to a table.

Codatorta: Is he going to send the Trix and whatever monsters he has after Sky, Brandon, and Layla?

Saladin: It unfortunately seems that way I hope our boys and that young fairy make it there safely. I also hope that the rest of them manage to rescue Bloom before Darkar unlocks the Reliex.

Stella: I hope we don’t have to deal with those crazy Trix I have had enough of them already!!!

Flora: So have I… And don’t forget that Bloom and Sky are still missing I mean sure we watched them help us at Alfea but we don’t know where exactly in the Dark forest they might be either.

Stella: I knew we shouldn’t have left them to deal with the monsters at Cloud Tower all by themselves!!!

Brandon: Don’t worry Stella we already know that they are alright so now we just need to trust that they can hold their own until Bloom gets her powers back.

Scene: Outside, Under Realm

Sky, Brandon, and Layla are riding their hover bikes. They arrive at the entrance.*

Layla: Well guys, that's definitely the way in.

Brandon: Princess Amentia, here we come.

Shadow monsters approach from behind.*

Layla: Guys, look out!

The monsters attack the boys and they start to fight them off.*

Sky: Sorry, pooch, I'm outta here!

Sky uses his hoverboard to get away.*

Brandon: Man, you oughta use better mouthwash.

Sky: Get on!

Sky uses his hoverboard to save Brandon as well.*

Layla: Guys, quick over here!

Sky: Still got your flashlight 'cause that-?

Brandon: Nope, it's gone.

Brandon: Oh isn’t that just great!!!

StarLight: Don’t worry the crystals in Darkar’s cavern near Downland are bright enough that a Flashlight isn’t necessary.

Scene: Cave, Under Realm

Layla, Sky, and Brandon enter a cave.*

Sky: Perfect.

Layla: Take a look. You guys ready?

Brandon: Uh, sure. Whoa!

Sky: Come on.

The three slide down a cliff.*

Brandon: There, you see, piece of cake.

Layla: Is this a typical day for you Specialists?

Sky: Look, it's their crystals.

Layla: Told you I knew my way around.

Brandon: Trog Kingdom can't be far from here.

Gargantua: When you Uplanders gonna show proper respect?! It queendom not kingdom!

Brandon: Hang on a sec, I know you. Your name's Abrupto. Hey, don't you remember me?

Gargantua: Abrupto my brother, runt of family.

Layla: Excuse me, but we have some unfinished Upland business to take care of first.

Stella: That’s right you guys are still being chased by those ugly monsters!!!

Riven: Stella is right the two of you better hurry and defend yourselves before you become their next meal.

Brandon: Such encouraging words Riven!!!

Riven: What I’m just saying those things don’t look or seem friendly at all so i would watch my back if I were you and Sky.

The Shadow monsters have followed them.*

Sky: Ready, Brandon?

Gargantua uses his club to smash the monsters.*

Brandon: Nice shot.

Gargantua: We deal quick with trespassers in Downland. State your business.

Brandon: Uh...

Sky: We're seeking an audience with Princess Amentia.

Gargantua: First you leave princess standing at altar, then you slink back wanting 

audience. Who do you think you are?

Brandon: Uh, actually, the princess left me at the altar, not the other way around, you 


Gargantua: Lucky too. Or we be stuck with you as next king instead of noble Sponsus.

Sky: So, you see, the entire queendom owes my friend a debt of gratitude for not being your king.

Gargantua: True. Okay, then you can see princess. Here's address code. Most items optional. But for men, quetelizardia feathers essential.

Layla: Just for men, right? I think I'll sit this one out.

Brandon: I feel offended by that statement!!!


Riven: Sky definitely used some Reverse Psychology there.


Brandon: What do you mean?


Riven: What I mean is he said that you would be a terrible king and Sky agreed and then said that they should be owing you a favor for not marrying the princess..;


Musa: So in other words they should let you see the princess as a favor for not marrying her.

Scene: Underground River, Under Realm

Sky and Brandon approach the quetelizardia's lair.*

Sky: Well, there's the critter and the feathers.

Brandon: I don't see what the big deal is. Let's just grab a couple of nice ones and get out of here.

Later, the boys have managed to get the feathers but are being chased by the quetelizardia.*

Brandon: Get out your hoverboard!

Sky drops his hoverboard.*

Sky: Uh-oh.

Brandon: "Uh-oh" what?

Sky: Uh-oh, I just dropped my hoverboard!

Brandon: Perfect! Sky, let's head for the river!

They dive into the river. The quetelizardia dives in after them and they ride it along the river, using it to get out of the river.*

Sky: Here's our stop. Thanks!

Brandon: Next time, I'm driving!

The quetelizardia is washed away.*

Stella: Honestly I am enjoying watching the two of you suffer.

Musa: Yeah that was comedy gold!!! Hahaha…

Riven: I would’ve paid to see that live in person.

Brandon: Oh come on!!!

Musa: Honestly it’s just funny to sit back and watch the two of you suffer.

Brandon: The things some guys will do for fashion, huh?

Sky: Never mind fashion. Start thinking about what you're gonna tell the princess. And it better be good, because we're most definitely gonna need her help if we wanna save Bloom. Got it, lover boy?

Scene: Faragonda's Office, Alfea

Griselda: And so they've all left? I'm half surprised you didn't go with them.

Faragonda: They're very strong girls, Griselda. I just know they'll be able to hold out on t

their own long enough.

Griselda: Hold out long enough for what?

Faragonda: Long enough for me to finish preparing a little surprise for Darkar.

Griselda: What?

Faragonda: Mm-hmm. Come, Griselda. We have much to do.

Saladin: What are you planning Faragonda?

Faragonda: I have no idea Saladin I just hope that whatever it is that I am planning is enough to save Bloom.

Griselda: Hopefully the girls and the other specialists can reach them in time.

Codatorta: I have faith in my students they will find a way to rescue Bloom from this evil monster I just know it.

Griffin: I hope so… For the sake of Magix and the rest of the Magic Dimension I truly hope so Faragonda.

Scene: Red Fountain Ship, Under Realm

The ship lands on the surface of the Under Realm.*

Timmy: Wow, it looks like the rock worm is late for lunch.

Helia: Look at the wind riders!

Timmy: I'd say someone tried to chew those up.

Stella: I just know Brandon and Sky will come through okay.

Timmy: Hey, it's not that we don't have faith in Brandon and Sky, they'll get the job done, Stella.

Riven: It's just that we hate to see good wind riders get ruined.

Stella: Where are your values? It's only machinery, it's not something valuable like...a new party dress.

Flora: I hope Sky and the others hurry.

Riven: Right. There's nothing I hate more than doing nothing.

Scene: Outside, Under Realm

The Trix watch the Red Fountain ship fly away.*

Icy: Hmm... Look at that, something to play with.

Stormy: Goody, time for a little bad weather.

Darcy: Ready or not, let's get started!

Stella: It’s the Trix!!!

Flora: What are they up to this time???

Tecna: Better question what are they wearing???

Stella: It’s called Jewelry Tecna.

StarLight: Actually that is more than just your average jewelry Stella… That’s the Gloomix it was a magical gift from Darkar the day the Trix escaped Light rock and teamed up with him… It increases the strength of their magic by tremendous levels but don’t worry they aren’t much of a threat thanks to your Charmix.

Stella: I still don’t understand what that is.

StarLight: You will see it soon enough Stella.

Scene: Throne Room, Amentia's Palace

Sponsus leads Layla, Sky, and Brandon through the palace.*

Sponsus: My dear, look who I found dripping wet on our doorstep.

Amentia: Isn't that the human who was so hopelessly in love with me?

Sky: Don't say it, Brandon. We need her help.

Brandon: It's good to see you're looking so elegant, Your Majesty.

Amentia: Quetelizardia feathers?

Brandon: Yes and when I think of what we went through to get them…

Amentia: I should banish you for parading those flea-infested eyesores in my palace. They look terrible!

Layla: Especially on men.

Amentia: Exactly. Scorpion stinger jewelry is so much more suave, don't you think?

Layla: Absolutely, Your Majesty. I don't know what they were thinking of. Princess Amentia, as you may already know we are all under threat. Lord Darkar has been trying to seize the ultimate power of Magix and now we need your help to stop him.

Musa: You boys better be glad that you have Layla with you otherwise the two of you probably would’ve gotten thrown out the kingdom.

Riven: Is that Princess Amentia?

StarLight: Yes, that is the queen of Downland…  And Brandon’s Ex girlfriend which was funny because he almost drowned and almost got married in the same day. Oh and Stella almost suffered from the lack of Sun light but she didn’t as you can see. 

Amentia: Well, I must admit that ice girl of his really did tick me off.

Brandon: Then will you lend us a rock worm so we can dig ourselves into his castle?

Amentia: Hold on a minute. Darkar is an enemy of my realm. But what concern is it of yours?

Brandon: We're on a mission to stop Darkar. We'll be attacking his stronghold and with your help, we could succeed.

Amentia: If you are a true warrior worthy of having the great Amentia's assistance on the battlefield, you must first defeat me...in a duel!

Brandon: Right. How hard can this be?

Sky: Go for it.

Brandon: Don't you worry, Sponsus. I'll go easy on her.

Sponsus: It's not her I'm worried about, pal.

Layla: Uh, guys, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but didn't Livy say that Princess Amentia was a master of martial arts?

Griffin: How does she know Icy?

StarLight: Livy the Message Pixie and Icy ended up in downland after Icy followed Livy back to Pixie village and tried to steal the codex. And later ended up succeeding she also almost killed the Tree of Life after she tried to freeze the entire village. But then Flora saved the tree since you know she’s the fairy of nature and all.

Griselda: I’m sort of curious as to how this Darkar man got all four pieces of the Codex in the first place.

StarLight: Well The Trix attacked Red Fountain and stole their piece of the Codex on the same day Bloom discovered her healing powers…

Brandon: Bloom has healing powers???

StarLight: Yeah it’s a long story, anyways The trix got the Codex from Cloud Tower after the Winx had to become temporary students there for a few days to make sure they didn’t get it and then lost after a Convergence spell mishap. And Dark Bloom actually was responsible for the piece at Alfea going to Darkar because Bloom got put under a Shadow Virus and then she started rampaging the secret Archives looking for the Codex and gave it to Darkar and she would’ve destroyed the whole place if “Avalon” or should I say the shadow spy created to look like Avalon didn’t come along and free her from her little trance.

Amentia: Ah, how thoughtless of me. I had completely forgotten about your blonde friend. Gargantua, see to it that Brandon's companion isn't left out of the fun.

Gargantua: Yes, Majesty.

Amentia: Well, let's not stand on ceremony, let the duel begin!

Scene: Red Fountain Ship, Under Realm

Riven: There's still no sign of Sky and the others.

Helia: All we're doing now is providing our enemies with excellent targets.

Timmy: Okay guys, we'll wait at a safer altitude. Let 'er rip!

Scene: Outside, Under Realm

Icy: Okay Stormy, let 'er rip!

Stormy uses her magic to zap the ship.*

Scene: Red Fountain Ship, Under Realm

Tecna: Whoa! What's going on?!

Timmy: Oh no! We were hit by multiple lightning strikes!

All: Whoa!

Stella: And I bet I know where they came from!

Stella: The Trix!!!

Griselda: Those three Witches are absolutely out of control!!!

Griffin: I know and I honestly feel like I and half way responsible for that Griselda. They were my students and now they are power crazed monsters… We will beat them and I have no doubt about that.

Timmy: Guys, sorry, but I've gotta reroute some damaged circuits. The main computer's down.

Timmy fixes the circuits.*

Tecna: Tecna Magic Winx!

Tecna transforms.*

Timmy: Tecna, why did you transform?

Green wires sprout on Tecna and attach to the ship.*

Tecna: Meet your new main computer.

Timmy: Excellent!

Tecna: Timmy you seem to forget I’m the fairy of Technology.

Stella: I have no idea what you’re doing Tecna but as long as whatever you’re doing keeps us from crashing I am fine with it.

Musa: Agreed I would much rather not watch myself crash thank you very much.

Scene: Darkar's Fortress, Under Realm

Darkar is using his magic to watch the Trix attack the Red Fountain ship.*

Bloom: It'll take a lot more than that to stop the Winx.

Darkar: That is not my concern. As long as your friends are being kept busy until I've 

transformed you back into Dark Bloom, I've already won.

Bloom: Well that won't happen either, Darkar!

Darkar: But you've already seen what happens when a little darkness is introduced into 

your heart.

Bloom: No, you don't mean…

Darkar: That's right! The shadow clone lent you a bit of his evil when he hypnotized you and now, I'll complete the transformation.

Griselda: No fairy deserves to be treated like this!!! Especially not one as young as Bloom I feel bad for the girl. Right now her and Sky are off somewhere in the forest where those dark creatures can easily get to them and now we are watching her strapped down to a table.

Faragonda: All I know Griselda is that I will do anything to make sure Darkar doesn’t win… And now I know that this Avalon is a shadow spy.

StarLight: Actually the real Avalon is or was a prisoner in Darkar’s cavern at this point in time until he managed to escape and made his way to Alfea where the rest of you discovered the truth and Bloom got kidnapped.

Scene: Outside, Under Realm

Icy: And now to put the icing on the cake.


Icy uses her powers to create a large chunk of ice that is about to fall on the ship.*


Scene: Red Fountain Ship, Under Realm

Chatta: Flora, we're all gonna get squished, just like all those little trees out there!

Flora: Not if I can help it. Magic Winx!


Flora transforms.*

Flora: Charmix!


Flora transforms using her Charmix magic.*


Scene: Ouside, Under Realm

Flora flies outside.*


Flora: No! Grow, plants, grow!


Flora uses a spell to make vines grow. The vines wrap around the ice, keeping it from crushing the ship.*


Icy: Ooh, how dare they interfere! I'll bury them in a blizzard!


Tecna: So that’s the Charmix then…


Musa: Go Flora!!!


Stella: Yeah thanks to you we didn’t get crushed by a boulder of Ice.


Flora: Yeah well it looks like I made Icy angry…


Riven: The Trix are always angry; they like to take their hatred out on other people.


Scene: Red Fountain Ship, Under Realm

Flora comes back inside the ship.*


Others: All right! Well done!


Scene: Outside, Under Realm

Icy: Take that!


Scene: Amentia's Palace, Downland

Brandon: What are you waiting for, Your mAjesty? Bring it on!


Amentia: Very well.


Brandon and Amentia start to fight.*


Brandon: Stop it or I'll have to fight back.


Amentia: Do you even know how?


Sky and Gargantua are battling.*


Layla: I feel bad. I should be fighting alongside the guys, don't you think?


Sponsus: Come now, a brave and beautiful fairy like you doesn't need to prove anything to us. Would you like some hot tea?


Riven: I honestly forgot that the two of you were fighting them.


Brandon: I didn’t…

Amentia: I'll have you stuffed and melted before you can say "Taf quizel touf"!

Brandon: Now why would I possibly want to say that?

Amentia attacks Brandon.*

Layla: Oh my, that does look painful.

Gargantua knocks Sky down with his club.*

Gargantua: You about to make Gargantua hopping mad! I squish you!

Sky: You asked for it, big fella!

Sky gets back up and attacks Gargantua.*

Amentia: "Taf quizel touf" is how you say "I surrender" in Downlandish!

Brandon: Hey, you said it, not me!

Amentia: Bad joke, funny boy! Come on!

Sky knocks Gargantua down and he falls on Amentia, squishing her.*

Sponsus: Amentia, my love! No!

Riven: Hey you both actually won!!!

Brandon: Did you think we would lose?

Stella: Yes, I thought the two of you were going to fail miserably sorry Brandon.

Musa: I kinda agree with Stella on this one the two of you were honestly doing pretty badly.

Brandon: Oh Come on!!!

Later, the fight is over and Amentia is talking with Sky and Brandon.*

Amentia: Formidable strategy, Brandon. You pretended to be incompetent and then won. 

You flattened me so fast I never saw it coming. Want to make it two out of three?

Brandon: No way! A deal's a deal.

Amentia: Of course. Perhaps another time, huh?

Sponsus: Darling, are you all-

Sponsus tries to hug Amentia but she moves out of the way and he falls over.*

Amentia: Stop distracting me, Sponsus darling, I'm trying to concentrate here. I have an idea.

Scene: Amentia's Palace, Downland

Amentia stands on a balcony of her castle, addressing the Trogs.*

Amentia: In addition to assisting the Uplanders, I, Princess Amentia, do hereby declare war on Lord Darkar.

Sponsus: Whatever makes you happy, love of my life.

Brandon: Yeah!

Sky: You know, we just might pull off this rescue thing after all.

Faragonda: I sure hope so… For Bloom’s sake and the sake of the entire magic dimension I really hope you kids are able to pull off this mission.

Griffin: I know they will succeed Faragonda they have to succeed or else.

Brandon: No pressure though!!!

Scene: Outside, Under Realm

Stormy: No way they'll survive that.

Darcy: Yes and good riddance!

Scene: Red Fountain Ship, Under Realm

The ship is getting colder because of it's proximity to the ice.*

Stella: Whoo. Timmy, Tecna, how you guys doing? We could use a little heat in here.

Tecna: Stormy's lightning bolts did serious damage to our electrical systems. We're doing our best to restore power.

Timmy: And then we'll worry about heat.

The pixies shiver.*

Musa: I can't last much longer!

Timmy: Well, we just have to hope that Sky and the others show up before we're completely buried under this snow.

Stella: No way! You can forget about it! It's time to put an end to all this freezing nonsense.

Timmy: Stella, I'm not sure that's such a great idea.

Stella: Listen Timmy, maybe you like freezing your nose off but the pixies and I have had it and we're ready for a red-hot spring thaw! Magic Winx!

Stella transforms.*

Stella: Charmix!

Stella transforms using her Charmix power.

Stella: Super Sun Power now!

The spell melts the ice but also seets fire to the vines holding up the ice.*

Timmy: We now have full power!

Helia: Should we try to get some altitude now?

Tecna: Stella's burned the roots holding up the ice! We're about to be crushed!

Timmy: Tecna I need the engines now.

Tecna: Engines online!

Tecna and Timmy: Full power! Go!

The ship takes off just in time to avoid being crushed by the ice.*

Timmy: All right! Nice work, Tecna!

Tecna: Stella your Sun power was strong enough to melt the ice covering the ship.

Timmy: And it was also strong enough to fix the computer.

Stella: I’m just glad we didn’t turn into popsicles freezing cold conditions are terrible for my silky smooth skin.

Musa: Of course that’s what your thinking about Stella.

Stella: Well I’m sorry if I take pride in my skincare and hate having tio deal with dry skin you can thank my mother for that much she’s the one who always put her appearance before anything else.

Scene: Outside, Under Realm

The Red Fountain ship arrives to see a rock worm making an opening for Sky, Brandon, and Layla. The ship lands and Stella runs to Brandon.*

Stella: Brandon! You're not the new king of Downland are you?

Brandon: No way.

Stella: My hero!

Scene: Red Fountain Ship, Under Realm

Tecna: We did it! Good teamwork!

Timmy: Yes, and excellent Tecna work. Tecna... I'll never be a hero with a sword, but I want to be your hero...

Tecna: Timmy, you are.

Timmy takes his glasses off and he and Tecna kiss.*

Tecna: Now put your glasses on before you bump into something.

Scene: Outside, Under Realm

Riven: Good work, Sky.

Sky: Well, I just hope we get there in time to save Bloom.

Riven: Not to mention Magix, all the planets, creatures and everything else.

Griselda: That’s right!!!! Rescuing Bloom is only a small fraction of the large responsibilities you students have and I hope you take pride in the fact that you were chosen to complete such a critical and challenging mission.

Codatorta: You students have to be ready to face anything once you finally enter that Fortress of his and I hope you recognize the challenges you might have to face as well… This isn’t your regular old mission this is a potential life or death situation regarding the Magic dimension as well as Bloom’s own safety. And you’re the ones who are responsible for what happens now so you can’t be off focus.

Scene: Darkar's Fortress, Under Realm

Darkar: And now I will cast my enchanted darkness over your heart.

Bloom: My friends will never let you get away with this!

Darkar: In a moment you'll be more than willing to destroy them yourself. Here's the key to the Ultimate Power of the Relix - Dark Bloom!

Bloom: No!

Bloom is transformed into Dark Bloom once again.*

Stella: Oh no!!! Look at Bloom her outfit completely changed now her outfit is all dark and gloomy.

Flora: Bloom’s eyes turned yellow… And she has this evil look in her eye!!!

StarLight: This is Dark Bloom aka the “Shadow Fairy” persona that Bloom becomes whenever Darkar releases his dark powers on her. She originally became dark Bloom after being infected by a Shadow Virus that Darkar purposely put on her and now she is Dark Bloom again because of Darkar’s evil magic.

Griffin: This isn’t good Bloom is one of the strongest fairies I have ever seen and her powers are extraordinary and I don’t want to see them go to waste because we don’t know what Darkar might do to her after he gets what he wants out of her.

Faragonda: I completely agree Griffin but I still believe that we need to have absolute faith in these young students I know that they are strong enough to overcome this challenge.

Griselda: You’re absolutely right Headmistress they are all more than capable of handling such an important task I just hope that the people we’re seeing on screen as of now know what they are doing because its their lives as well as the lives of everyone in the Magic dimension which are at stake.


Narrator: In our next episode of "Winx Club", the Specialists, pixies, and fairies storm Darkar's underground castle. A dangerous battle erupts against the shadow monsters while Darkar uses his magic to turn Bloom towards evil.

StarLight: So what did you think?

Stella: I think I want to continue watching because I want to find out what happens to my best friend… I also feel that desperate times call for desperate measures which means we are definitely going to have to step up our game if we are going to stop Darkar.

Griselda: I completely agree Stell you kids are extraordinary but that doesn’t you can just slack off either you must fight for Magix and fight to protect your friend.

StarLight: Ok well based on your reactions I am assuming you would all like to continue.

Saladin: Yes that would be delightful StarLight… I believe this little show is helping to take our minds off the battle at hand and I am grateful for that much.

StarLight: Thank you, now lets continue.

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