Secret Love Uzuzen

By InLoveWithGayShips

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If you don't like the ship don't read. Enjoy the story! More



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By InLoveWithGayShips

We're back to UzuZen.

Zenitsu fluttered his eyes open, and the bright morning light hit his eyes. He blinked a few times and got used to the light. He looked behind him. Uzui had his arm around his waist, spooning Zenitsu. Zenitsu shifted slowly and was now facing Uzui. He placed a small kiss on Uzui's forehead and smiled. Uzui slowly opened his eyes, and his lips curled up to a smile.

"Good morning, Sunshine." Zenitsu was caught off guard, and his face flushed at the nickname. It was the first time Uzui called him that, and Uzui's morning voice was so hot.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up!" Uzui laughed while Zenitsu kept apologizing.

"Hmm, it's fine, you didn't wake me up" Zenitsu pouted but didn't say anything else about it

"Good morning then." Uzui gave Zenitsu a kiss when he finished the sentence.

"I love you so much. You're the best thing that happened to me." Zenitsu laughed at the random shower of kisses he received after those two sentences.

"I love you too, Tengen." Uzui kept kissing Zenitsu everywhere. His lips, cheeks, neck, collarbone, etc. Uzui stood up, and Zenitsu stood up right after him. But before they could leave the room, Uzui turned around, grabbed Zenitsu by the waist, and threw him over his shoulder.

"What the heck?! Put me down! Tengen!" Uzui kept his grip on Zenitsu's waist tight so he wouldn't fall over as he struggled. "Tengen!"

Uzui put Zenitsu down for a second and picked him up again, but this time by his thighs. They were making eye contact, and Zenitsu was pouting. His face flustered, but he was also confused as to how Uzui could walk so well without being able to see. Uzui put Zenitsu down on the table and made his way to the kitchen.

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Sex." Zenitsu's eyes went, and he covered his mouth with his hand. Uzui looked at him, surprised that it came out of Zenitsu's mouth. "I didn't mean that!"

"Of course you didn't," Uzui smirked, "I meant for breakfast" Uzui teased, and Zenitsu's face grew red.

"Anything is fine" Uzui chuckled while Zenitsu mumbled.

Uzui gave Zenitsu a kiss and decided to make something simple. Uzui made some steamed rice, miso soup, and some steamed vegetables. He added some things to complement the rice and set everything on the table. Uzui sat next to Zenitsu, and they began to eat. When they were about done with the food, Uzui stood up, and Zenitsu gave him a confused look.

"What are you looking for?" Uzui was looking for something, but he didn't want to tell Zenitsu what it was.

"Just a little surprise." Zenitsu was now intrigued and tried to look, but Uzui was hiding it. Zenitsu gave up and continued eating. Uzui put a plate in front of Zenitsu, and he looked at it. Zenitsu's eyes lit up, and he looked up at Uzui.

"Can I?" Uzui laughed at the question

"Of course." Zenitsu grabbed one of the onigiris from the plate and took a bite. He squealed in excitement. He loved them. "How are they?"

"Delicious!" Zenitsu took another bite. He finished two, and Uzui was happy Zenitsu liked them so much.

"Come over here." Uzui was confused but went over to where Zenitsu was. Zenitsu wrapped his hands around Uzui's waist and pulled him into a hug. "Thanks." Uzui wrapped his hands around Zenitsu and smiled, leaving a kiss on Zenitsu's head.

"Anything for you dear." Zenitsu blushed, and Uzui's heartbeat was fast. He was flustered, and Zenitsu could tell. Zenitsu smiled against Uzui's bare chest, and Uzui felt happy. He never wanted to be with anyone else in his life. Zenitsu changed him so much, but he could never tell him that. And then there it was, a memory.

"Kyojuro, what am I supposed to do?" Rengoku looked at Uzui, confused.

"About what, Tengen?" Uzui sighed and hid his face on his hands

"About Zenitsu" Rengoku hummed, and Uzui looked up

"Well, I wouldn't say you should tell him, but don't be weird about it. You could get in trouble if anyone found out you're trying to date him. " Uzui groaned at the response

"I hate this. I shouldn't feel like this, at least not for a kid." Rengoku laughed a little

"We don't decide who we love. But please be careful and don't do the same thing again. " Uzui looked away as Rengoku sent him a glare. He knew exactly what he meant but didn't say anything.

Uzui stiffened up in the hug, and Zenitsu felt it. He pushed Uzui slowly but was still close to him.

"Something wrong? Your heartbeat sped up, and you got kinda stiff. " Kind of was an understatement, but Zenitsu didn't know what was going on.

"No, nothing's wrong, sorry." Zenitsu frowned unconsciously

"You're lying." Uzui looked away. Zenitsu knew him too well. "What's on your mind?"

"It's nothing. I promise, " Zenitsu sighed but didn't push the topic any further. Uzui gave Zenitsu a kiss of reassurance. But Zenitsu knew something was wrong. He could tell by Uzui's heartbeat. They stayed like that a while longer until Uzui went to do the dishes. Zenitsu went upstairs since he had to study for something.

"I'm going to the store and meeting up with Kyojuro! I'll be back later, " Zenitsu groaned but took a deep breath

"Ok! Be safe. I love you. " Uzui smiled and went for the door

"I love you too." Zenitsu smiled and got his things for studying.

2 hours later

"Ughhh. Why can't I think of anything? " Zenitsu struggled to get something in his mind to write. He has been stuck in two assignments: the writing for his writing and literature class and his painting for art. He shouldn't have this much trouble painting something, but he's been worried about Uzui. Even though he has nothing to worry about since he's with Rengoku, he still is.

~Rengoku and Uzui 2 hours ago~

Uzui left the house and got in his car. He went to meet up with Rengoku for a little bit, and then he was going to run to the store. Uzui went to Rengoku's place and parked. He got out and made his way to the door. Before he even knocked, the door was already open.

"Hey!!" Uzui laughed at Rengoku's enthusiasm

"Hey Kyo" Rengoku smiled at the nickname and let Uzui come in.

"So… Tengen, something wrong?" Uzui sighed. He knew Rengoku was going to ask. He asked to come so suddenly it was going to be suspicious.

"Kyo, I don't know what to do." Rengoku was confused but sat down next to Uzui and let him talk. "I'm scared I'll mess things up again." Rengoku saw the face Uzui was making. He was scared but also worried it wouldn't turn out the way he wanted.

"My friend, I can see that you truly care for this boy. And he truly cares about you. If you don't want to repeat the same mistake, be more open, and there's nothing wrong with being vulnerable around your partner." Uzui smiled, and Rengoku pat his shoulder, "Tengen, you won't feel real happiness with him if you keep thinking about what you did wrong in your past relationship. You lost that happiness there, so don't keep looking for it in the same place again. "

Uzui sighed, he waited, letting the words sink in. Don't look for happiness in the same place he lost it? What is that supposed to mean?

They talked about a few more things that seemed to be bothering Uzui. Before they knew it, two hours had passed.


Zenitsu stopped trying to work on his assignments and went downstairs. Halfway through the stairs, the front door opened, and Uzui stepped inside. He wasn't carrying any bags, which meant he didn't go to the store.

"Hey," Zenitsu ran downstairs and gave Uzui a hug

"I was so worried!" Uzui returned the hug, lifting him up and holding him by his thighs. "I missed you, and I was worried,"

"I missed you too, my love." Zenitsu didn't want to let go. He wrapped his legs around Uzui's waist and his arms around his neck. Uzui chuckled at the action but walked to the couch and sat down. Uzui pushed Zenitsu back a little so he could look at him. Zenitsu's cheeks were a light red, and his eyes were all shiny. Uzui cupped his cheek with a smile, and Zenitsu leaned in at the touch. Uzui didn't deserve him, Zenitsu was too good for him. He slowly pulled his hand away, and Zenitsu looked up at him. There was the same heartbeat as before. Zenitsu smiled at Uzui and made Uzui look at him.

"Tengen, what's wrong?" Zenitsu tried his best for his voice not to break. What if Uzui didn't love him anymore? He shook the thought away and focused on Uzui. Uzui's mouth would open and close, but no words would come out. Zenitsu was starting to get worried about what he might say. Uzui pushed Zenitsu off him and put him on the couch.

"I can't. I'm sorry. " Zenitsu was confused, but tears started to blur his vision.

"Wha-What do you mean? A-are you br-breaking up with me?" He stuttered, and his voice broke so many times in such small sentences. Uzui looked at him, and his eyes went wide. He crouched down to be in Zenitsu eye level since he was sitting on the couch.

"What are you saying? Of course not. I'm not breaking up with you. " Zenitsu's tears wouldn't stop, and Uzui was trying to stop him from crying. He was wiping off Zenitsu's tears, but he would keep crying.

"Then why did you say you can't? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did, I didn't mean to" Uzui's heart shattered. How could Zenitsu think he did anything wrong? He hasn't been anything but perfect.

"No, no. You haven't done anything wrong, I promise. I'll explain everything to you once you've calmed down. I promise you didn't do anything wrong, love. "

Zenitsu started to breathe slowly. He started calming down and relaxing more. Once he was calm, he looked at Uzui. Worry, doubt, and confusion filling his eyes. Uzui sighed. He couldn't help but feel guilty for making Zenitsu worry.

"What is going on?" Uzui felt something stab at his heart. Zenitsu’s voice was a whisper, carried slowly by the wind. He couldn't look at him, but Zenitsu didn't let him look away. "Tengen." There was authority in his voice. He's never heard Zenitsu talk like this.

"I don't want to hurt you." Zenitsu raised his eyebrow, confused about how Uzui would hurt him.

"And you won't. What makes you think that you will?"

Uzui was breaking, slowly, piece by piece. He wasn't used to crying, but he felt the tears coming up. And he didn't notice he was crying until Zenitsu wiped his cheek. He smiled, a comforting smile.

"I'm scared, Zen," Uzui whispered, his voice breaking when he spoke. Zenitsu's smile faltered for a moment, confusion projecting in his eyes.

"There's no need to be scared. Talk to me. " Uzui took Zenitsu's hands and rubbed his thumb around it.

"I'm scared I'll hurt you and mess up everything we have. I've done it before, it was horrible and I'm so in love with you but I'm afraid I'll make the same mistake again" Zenitsu held onto Uzui's hands and gave them a little squeeze

"I don't have to ask because it's not my business. But I'm sure if there is anything that happens, we will be able to fix it. I already told you I'm not going anywhere. We'll grow together, and we'll fix our mistakes together." Uzui smiled, a big bright smile, the one Zenitsu loved to see. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks, so Zenitsu went to wipe them off. Uzui closed his eyes, leaning against the soft touch of his lover. His soft hands rubbed against his face. His eyes shot open when a pair of soft lips touched his. He closed his eyes and kissed Zenitsu back. All his stress and pain disappearing with a single kiss. Zenitsu broke the kiss, but Uzui pulled him into a hug, holding him tight.Zenitsu chuckled at the sudden embrace but wrapped his arms around Uzui's neck.

"I'm sorry I made you think you did something wrong," Uzui confessed quietly.

"I just want you to tell me if something’s wrong, ok? I don't need to know what happened in your past relationships. But I want you to be honest if something is wrong. " Zenitsu tightened the embrace, wanting Uzui to be as close to him as possible.

"I will be, I want us to work."

"And we are." Uzui smiled, feeling so relieved. He should've listened to Rengoku and talked about it sooner. Zenitsu smiled to himself, too, realizing he wanted to be there for Uzui like he had been there for him. They stayed on the couch cuddling, not wanting to move or let go. They were in that moment and wanted to stay in it. They knew it would come to an end, but for right now, they wanted to be with each other.


When the afternoon came, they had to get up from the couch. Uzui didn't want to let go, but they had to eat something for lunch, so he ended up letting go in the end. Zenitsu went upstairs when they finished eating since he still had to work on his homework. Uzui was downstairs reading a little bit. Zenitsu got a bit of inspiration for his writing assignment and wrote the ideas down. He wrote a bit of a draft to work from there but got bored after a while.

"Hmm," Zenitsu hummed to himself, quite bored of the assignments he was working on. He tried to keep working on it, but his mind kept going to indecent thoughts about him and Uzui. "Get it together!" He whacked himself and tried to keep himself composed, but it didn't happen. He got up and slowly made his way downstairs. He looked and saw Uzui sitting on the couch reading. He walked towards Uzui and sat on his lap. Zenitsu shuffled on purpose against Uzui's legs to get comfortable.

"Zen," Uzui rasped, shutting his book and looking at Zenitsu.

"Yes?" Zenitsu asked innocently.

"What do you think you're doing? You have work to finish. " Uzui stared at him, a small smirk on his face.

"I'm just getting comfortable." Zenitsu said as he continued moving his hips.

"Ha.." Uzui grunted. He leaned on Zenitsu's shoulder. He wasn't hard but was on the edge. "You love teasing me, huh Sunshine?"

Zenitsu didn't say anything since he got flustered by Uzui whispering in his ear.

"We'll see who gets more flustered at the end of the day, ok?" Uzui grabbed onto Zenitsu's waist and kissed his neck.

You though. Be patient ;) Anyways, I had so much motivation for this, so here is a new update. Have a good day

Bye Bye

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