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(If you don't feel comfortable with the work dick/cock or any obscene word, I suggest you leave cuz it will be mentioned a lot. Pls, don't report :) Thanks)

"Do you really wanna fuck that bad, love?"

Zenitsu got flustered and tried to push Uzui away. "No, I was just kidding!" Zenitsu said struggling

"Oh no no, you have to take responsibility for what you have done" Uzui smirked

"I have done nothing!" Zenitsu said

Uzui leaned in and started kissing Zenitsu. Zenitsu returned the kiss and they started making out. Uzui was able to get his tongue inside Zenitsu's mouth and started deepening the kiss.

When Uzui pulled away Zenitsu was breathing heavily. He had small tears in his eyes and his face was all red.

Uzui whispered under his breath and looked away, "God he's so sexy"

Zenitsu had his eyes semi close, he looked at Uzui who seemed distracted and tried to escape. It didn't work, Uzui quickly grabbed him by the waist and pulled him close.

"Where are you going? We're just getting started" He whispered

Zenitsu was on top of Uzui's dick, he was already hard. Zenitsu knew that there was no backing up now. Uzui looked at Zenitsu and his hand started to wander to Zenitsu's pants. Zenitsu stopped struggling and decided to kiss Uzui.

Uzui got up from the bed with Zenitsu in his arms to get some lube from the drawer. Since he was carrying Zenitsu he couldn't take Zenitsu's pants fully off but it was enough for Uzui to loosen Zenitsu up. After he got it he laid down holding Zenitsu on top of him. He squeezed it over Zenitsu and started spreading it. He wanted a payback so he was teasing Zenitsu and wasn't putting his finger inside.

"Stop doing that" Zenitsu said, "Just put them in"

"For someone who said they were kidding you sure want it bad" Uzui teased

"Shut up!" Zenitsu hid his face

"That's no way to talk" Uzui said moving his fingers away from Zenitsu's entrance

"No no, please!" Zenitsu begged

Uzui smirked and put one in. Then, after some teasing and playing around, he put two more at once. Zenitsu was shocked, so a moan escaped him. Uzui smirked because he got what he wanted.

"You- bas-" Zenitsu moaned, not able to finish his sentence

"Sto- You're doing it- on purpose!" Zenitsu said between moans

"Well you asked me to put them in, I'm doing what you said. Aren't you happy?" Uzui said in a sassy tone

Uzui kept pressing and scissoring Zenitsu's entrance. "You're gonna break my fingers if you squeeze like that on purpose" Uzui said

"You deserve- iiit" Zenitsu covered his mouth and hid his face in Uzui's shoulder

Zenitsu was tired of Uzui teasing him like that. Zenitsu started moving downwards and stopped when his face was close to Uzui's dick.

"What are you doing Zen?" Uzui asked, it was kind of obvious but Zenitsu was never the one to start it so he was kind of shocked

"Nothing" Zenitsu smirked as he grabbed Uzui's dick and planted a kiss on the tip. Zenitsu started to lick around it and then took it in which made Uzui breathe heavily. Zenitsu started bobbing his head back and forth. He was making sure not to take it in all the way so he wouldn't gag. That was pissing Uzui off so he put his hand behind Zenitsu's head and made him gag on it. The tears that had left Zenitsu's face came back.

Secret Love UzuzenWhere stories live. Discover now