The Girl Who Lived Beyond the...

By SansevieraKana213

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In a world where magic intertwines with the unknown, a tale unfolds that diverges from the well-known legend... More

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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓥𝓘𝓘

663 48 3
By SansevieraKana213

The next day, the sun rose over the horizon, painting the field in warm hues as we gathered to discuss the impending expedition. The Captain stood a little away from the group, deep in thought, his horse nearby. 

Oluo, looking a bit fatigued, let out a yawn while the rest of us huddled around a large map spread out on the ground, marking the formation for the mission ahead. Gunther, as always, took charge and began explaining the plan to everyone.

" We, the special-ops squad, will be positioned here in the center of the rear, on standby". Gunther announced with a firm tone.

" That's quite far back". Eren chimed in, his curiosity piqued.

" It's the safest position in this formation, even safer than where the supply wagons are located. But keep in mind, we don't have a specific objective this time. This expedition is more of a test run before we head to Shiganshina District". Gunther explained, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

Eren's uneasiness was evident as he confessed," Um, I have no idea what to do with this power yet".

I smiled warmly, trying to ease his worries," It's okay, Eren. Mastering your abilities takes time and practice. Many of us had to go through the same uncertainty when we started with our magic. You'll find your way".

Eren's grateful gaze met mine, but Gunther quickly interjected, wanting to stay focused on the task at hand.

" Did any of you truly understand the meaning behind the Commander's question earlier ?". Gunther asked, seeking insight from the team.

" I'm not entirely sure". I replied, my brows furrowing.

I think I grasped the gist of it, but there might be some details I'm missing.

Eren, looking genuinely curious, turned to the others, asking," Did any of you understand ?".

" No". Eld responded promptly, and Petra silently shook her head in agreement.

" I'd be lying if I said I knew for sure". Oluo's voice trailed off, indicating his uncertainty.

Gunther then stepped in to address our concerns," This operation might have another hidden objective that the Commander chose not to disclose. Our focus should be on executing the mission without a hitch. We must trust in the Commander's judgment".

Eren nodded, a determined expression crossing his face," Yes, sir".

" Of course". I added in agreement.

" Alright, this concludes today's training. Prepare to head back". Gunther declared, concluding our discussion for the day.

As Gunther's orders were obeyed, we made our way back to our horses, ready to rest and prepare for the expedition that loomed on the horizon. 

When I rode back, the weariness from last night's arduous tasks for Snape weighed heavily on me. The memory of the long list of spells to master and potions to brew made me sigh involuntarily. It was evident that Snape was furious when he had assigned me the daunting workload.

With the limited time I had, I had no choice but to labor through the night, sacrificing precious sleep. Just as I was succumbing to drowsiness, a hand gently rested on my head, causing me to startle. I turned my head to find Eren standing there, his face adorned with a mischievous grin.

" You look exactly how I feel after listening to Squad Leader Hange the night before". He quipped, his voice laced with amusement.

I chuckled in response, appreciating the lighthearted moment," Believe me, I'd much rather listen to their tales of Titans than endure all the work Snape assigned me".

Eren's eyes widened with surprise," Did he really give you all that ?".

I nodded, my fatigue apparent," Oh, yes. Fifteen spells to master completely, along with ten potions to brew, well to write.... And then I had to figure out a way to send everything to him so he could examine them. The Patronus spells are brimming with a power I never knew existed". I explained, heaving a tired sigh.

Curiosity flickered in Eld's eyes as he joined the conversation," And have you managed to master them ?".

" I believe so. However, I still need to dedicate more time to training to be absolutely sure". I replied, my determination shining through.

" Don't overexert yourself, Stella". Petra chimed in, her voice filled with concern.

Oluo smirked, adding his trademark sarcasm," That's right, kid. You don't want to be useless to us".

Petra shot him a stern look, but I merely shook my head. Over time, I had learned to decipher the hidden meaning behind Oluo's words, realizing that his jabs were often a guise for genuine concern.

" Thanks, guys. Next time, I'll make sure to avoid anything that will anger Snape. I can't handle two punishments like that". I declared with a touch of wryness.

Laughter erupted from those gathered around me, and I couldn't help but pout, feeling somewhat defeated. It seemed they were thoroughly enjoying my misfortune.

Before long, we arrived back at the former Survey Corps HQ. As Eren tended to the horses, I made my way toward Commander Erwin's office. Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to knock on the door.

" State your business". The Commander's voice resonated from within the room.

" Estella Potter, sir. I would like to speak with you". I responded, projecting my voice with confidence.

After a few moments, I heard him grant me permission to enter. I pushed open the door and entered, promptly saluting the Commander.

" At ease. What can I do for you, Cadet Potter ?". Commander Erwin inquired, his piercing gaze fixed on me.

" Well, sir, I apologize for this somewhat selfish request, but I was wondering if it would be possible for me to visit someone in the Military Police". I stated, trying to convey the importance of my plea.

The Commander's eyes widened slightly, intrigued by my request," The Military Police ? Whom do you wish to see ?".

" It's a friend from the 104th, Annie Leonhart. I didn't have the opportunity to see her during my time in custody, and she has since joined the Military Police". I explained.

Commander Erwin contemplated for a moment, his brow furrowing. Eventually, he nodded, his decision made. 

" Very well. You may visit her. However, I expect you to take someone with you, and you have a maximum of two hours for the visit. This is non-negotiable".

A surge of gratitude washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile in relief," Of course, sir ! Thank you for granting my request".

I swiftly saluted, expressing my appreciation, before hastening out of his office. 

But on the way out, I almost bumped into the Captain. His figure loomed over me, and I quickly came to attention.

" Why are you running like that, brat ?". The Captain's voice was gruff but not unkind.

I saluted, trying to compose myself," Sorry, sir. I was going to ask Petra if she could come with me to Wall Sina".

" Wall Sina ? Who agreed that you could go ?". Captain Levi inquired, his grey eyes narrowing with curiosity and suspicion.

" Commander Erwin, sir. I'm sorry, I should have asked you too. But I couldn't find you". I explained, hoping he would understand.

" Tch, that fool..." Captain Levi muttered under his breath, seemingly more annoyed with Commander Erwin's decision than with me. He let out a sigh, as if weighing his options before relenting," Alright. But don't stay too long there, brat".

A sense of relief washed over me, knowing that I had his begrudging approval. Captain Levi wasn't one to give praise easily, and I was grateful for the chance to go to the Capital.

" Thank you, sir !". I told him, my gratitude evident in my voice as I realized the significance of his consent.

Before I could say anything more, the Captain turned and continued on his way, his cloak billowing behind him. He was a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes. 

I quickened my pace, my boots echoing against the stone pavement, walking out of the building determined to find Petra, the last thing I've heard about the recruits who joined the Military Police is that they are based in Stohess.

" Hey, Stella ! Look who's there !". I heard Eren's voice calling me.

I turned around to see Mikasa and the others. But before I could speak, Mikasa ran towards me and hugged me tightly, with Armin squeezing my hand.

" H-hey...C-can't breathe". I muttered.

Mikasa quickly released me, saying," Sorry ! I was so worried about you and Eren. Are you okay ? They didn't dissect you or torture you, right ?".

I blinked with confusion before shaking my head," No, we're fine. Don't worry too much".

" That's good to know". Mikasa murmured with a sigh of relief.

" I'm glad to see you, Stella". Armin stated.

I grinned," Me too".

" And he's not the only one". Connie said.

" It's been a while, Food sis' ! My meals weren't that good without you". Sasha told me.

I pouted," Aw, mine weren't too, Sasha".

" So, that means you all enlisted ?". Eren asked.

" Why else would we be here ?". Connie retorted.

" Then the only ones who picked the Military Police are Jean, Annie, and Marco ?". Eren wondered.

That's true... Where is Marco ? I haven't seen him in a while. But my searching was interrupted when Jean walked toward us.

" Oh, hi, Duckie !". I exclaimed.

" You're kidding me... You, too ?!". Eren grumbled.

Jean didn't smile and just put his hand on my head, without saying a thing. But it wasn't long until he opened his mouth to deliver to us some horrible news.

" Marco's dead".

My eyes widened when I heard that. Jean's words echoed over and over in my head, and my eyes rested on the ground. Perhaps because of the shock, no tears came out.

" Huh ? What... did you just say ? Did you say Marco's dead ?". Eren repeated in disbelief.

" It seems like not everyone dies a dramatic death. We don't even know how he went down. He died alone without anyone seeing or knowing". Jean stated sternly.

I clenched my jaw firmly when I heard this. Marco was a sweet soul, and he didn't deserve that... I decided to walk away, but Armin interrupted my walk.

" Where are you going, Stella ?". Armin asked worriedly.

" To find Petra. I need to go talk to someone". I replied before walking again.

As I made my way through the HQ, the weight of the news bore down on me. Memories of Marco's cheerful smile and kind words flooded my mind. I shook my head to compose myself, before searching for Petra.

My search didn't last long when I found her not far from the courtyard. 

" Hey, Petra ! I'm sorry to disturb you, but are you free right now ?". I wondered.

Her eyes widened," Huh ? Y-yeah... Do you need something ?".

" I asked the Commander and the Captain if I could go see someone at the Military Police. They agreed, but they wanted someone to come with me. If that's okay with you ?". I asked.

Petra nodded with a smile," Of course. We can go now if you want ?".

" Perfect !". I replied.

We then rode toward Wall Sina. I didn't really talk too much on the way because all that I could think of was Marco. I couldn't believe he was gone. He always talked to me with a lot of passion about the Military Police and the duty to protect the King. 

He was a reassuring presence to me, always ready to lend a hand or offer advice. Yeah, he reminded me a little of Hagrid's kindness, making sure everyone was taken care of. And losing him is really heartbreaking. I can't even imagine how Jean must feel right now. Marco was perhaps the first friend he had before the others and me.

Before I knew it, we arrived in front of the Military Police base. Petra made all the arrangements necessary for me to speak to Annie. It wasn't long until she walked out of the building, looking at me with wide eyes.

" I'm leaving you for thirty minutes. I need to buy some things. Don't do anything reckless, alright ?". Petra told me, her concern evident in her voice.

I smiled softly and nodded," Okay, thank you for everything Petra".

As Petra left, I walked toward Annie with a grin, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

" Hey, you. How is the Military Police treating you ?". I asked playfully, trying to break the ice.

" Fine, I guess. But what are you doing here ? It could be dangerous to walk around like that". Annie inquired, scanning our surroundings with caution.

" Well, I wasn't alone. And it's not like I can't defend myself. Besides, I wanted to see you. We couldn't talk before I was arrested, and since I have an expedition tomorrow, you never know what can happen". I explained, hoping she would understand my intentions.

Annie's expression softened slightly, revealing a glimpse of vulnerability beneath her tough exterior," I'm sure that nothing will happen. Since you're here, what do you want to do ?".

It was true that Annie had never been the warmest person, but I knew that beneath her stoic demeanor, she hid her true emotions, likely as a defense mechanism.

" Sasha told me once that they have some good pastries here, she was dreaming to taste some one day. So, do you want to test some ?". I suggested, hoping to spend some light-hearted time with her.

Annie shrugged nonchalantly," If that's what you want".

We strolled through the streets of Stohess, exploring the bustling city together. I couldn't help but admire how well Annie navigated through the labyrinthine streets, all of which looked almost identical.

I talked about everything and anything, while most of the time Annie just listened to me. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city streets as we strolled along. Annie had a way of making me feel comfortable, as if I could share my deepest thoughts and fears with her without judgment.

When we arrived at a small shop, Annie suggested we stop to get something to eat. She went inside while I leaned against the wall outside, enjoying the gentle breeze. Moments later, she emerged, holding a small box in her hands, before handing it to me.

" You shouldn't have paid for me, you know. But thank you". I told her, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt.

" It's my treat". Annie simply replied.

Curiosity piqued, I opened the box to see three muffins, each topped with a generous swirl of chocolate. However, I looked confused when I realized that Annie hadn't taken anything for herself.

" You didn't take anything ?". I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Annie shrugged slightly, her expression unreadable," I'm not really hungry".

I frowned, concerned," Are you sure ? You should eat something too".

She met my gaze and gave a curt reply," I'm fine, really".

Determined not to let her go hungry, I took one muffin and handed it to her," Here, take it. It'll be too much for me, and I won't accept a no for an answer".

Annie blinked in surprise and a hint of embarrassment before finally accepting the muffin. A grateful smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she held it in her hands. I smiled back, feeling a warmth spread within me.

With the muffins in hand, we continued our leisurely walk through the city. It wasn't long until I finished my delicious muffin, leaving the last one for Sasha. As I turned to face Annie, I noticed a small smudge of chocolate on her cheek, reminiscent of a mischievous child who had indulged in a treat.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my handkerchief. 

" You have some chocolate on your cheek". I said, chuckling softly.

Annie's eyes widened as she realized her oversight. She attempted to wipe it away, but I intervened, placing my handkerchief on her cheek and gently removing the chocolate. 

" There, it's done". I told her, unable to suppress a grin.

She let out a soft sigh, her hand finding its way to rest atop mine, which was still lingering on her cheek. The touch of our hands meeting sent a subtle shiver down my spine, a mix of embarrassment and warmth.

" Why would you do if someone did something really horrible ?". Annie suddenly asked, her voice slightly distant.

I furrowed my brow, pondering her question," Well, that depends on the situation. But I think I would mostly try to understand their reasons. Why are you asking ?".

Annie's gaze turned inward, as if lost in thought," Just wondering, I suppose... But could you find the courage to forgive ?".

Her sudden shift in conversation caught me off guard. I searched her eyes for any hint of what she might be referring to but found none. 

" I guess it would depend on the situation and the person involved". I replied, trying to gauge her intentions.

" I hope you will". She muttered, her voice barely audible.

Confusion knitted my brows together, but I decided not to dwell on her words for now. 

" Are you sure you're okay ? You seem a little off". I inquired.

Annie cleared her throat, regaining her composure," Yeah, it's just this girl I have to share a room with. She had an argument with someone, and she's been pestering me for advice".

A smile played at the corners of my lips," Annie making friends, huh ? That's cute".

She shot me a stern look," She's not my friend".

I chuckled, refusing to be deterred," Come on, give her a chance. She can't be that bad".

Annie shrugged, her expression guarded," I'll see".

" That's the spirit," I encouraged, flashing her a grin." We should head back now; Petra will start to worry".

Annie nodded in agreement, and together we made our way back to the Military Police's base. When we arrived back at the base, I exchanged a knowing smile with Petra before turning towards Annie. 

" It was fun. I hope we will be able to do that again". I said.

Annie, who rarely showed her emotions, responded with a slight smile. 

" Yeah. Be careful tomorrow". She told me, concern evident in her voice.

" Will do. In the meantime, take care of yourself, Ann". I replied, appreciating her concern.

After bidding Annie farewell, I walked towards Petra, and together we left Stohess, heading back towards Wall Sina. As we rode, Petra turned to me, her voice gentle and caring.

" You had fun ?". She asked.

I nodded," Yes, thank you for accompanying me".

" Of course. I'm reassured; you seem a little better now". Petra said, her eyes full of compassion.

" What do you mean ?". I wondered, curious about her observation.

" When we went there, you were very silent. I was starting to worry". She explained.

I looked down at my hands, gripping the reins of my horse tighter. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I opened up to her about what had been bothering me.

" Before we left... I've heard that one of my friends died in Trost... I never imagined that the last time I would have seen him were when I told him to be careful... But at the same time, I should be prepared, right ? 

When people are up against Titans, it's rare for everyone to come out unscathed... And yet...". I trailed off, the weight of loss and grief hanging heavy on my heart.

" You can't get used to it... I know. It's been a few expeditions outside for me, but I can't get used to it either. But remember, even if they're gone, they'll always be with you, all right ?". Petra comforted me with a gentle smile.

I quickly wiped away a tear from my cheek, grateful for her understanding and support. With newfound determination, I looked ahead.

" Thank you, Petra". I said, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her as well.

Before I could say more, Petra reached into her pocket and took something out, handing it to me. I looked at her with confusion as she placed two brooches in the shape of four-leaf clovers into my hand.

" What... You shouldn't have, it must have cost a lot". I muttered, touched by her gesture.

" No, don't worry. I've got one that looks just like it. Two years ago, on my first expedition, I found a similar one and bought it, hoping it would bring me luck. Two years later, the same dealer had made two again, so I thought for you and Eren's first expedition, it might help you two". Petra explained, her eyes warm with sincerity.

I smiled, touched by her thoughtfulness." Thank you, I will cherish mine forever". I said, feeling grateful for the gift.

Petra laughed, slightly embarrassed, before nodding, happy that I appreciated the gesture. I had never received many presents, and these little tokens of affection meant a lot to me.

When we got back, I put my horse in the stables before hugging Petra and heading off to meet up with the others. As I entered the storage building, I saw that my comrades were already gathered, chatting among themselves about the upcoming expedition.

" I'm back, guys". I stated with a smile.

" Oh, hi, Stella ! You alright ?". Reiner asked, concern etched on his face.

I nodded," Yeah. Sasha, I have something for you".

I handed her a small, wrapped box, and she quickly opened it, revealing the handmade muffin. Sasha's eyes lit up with tears of joy, and she looked up to me with a heartfelt expression.

" Stella ! This is the most wonderful gift someone has ever given me ! I love you, Food sis' !". Sasha exclaimed, her voice filled with gratitude.

" Hey, stop shouting like that, potato girl". Ymir teased playfully.

I chuckled," It's alright. I knew you would like it".

Sasha then sat on the ground, cherishing the muffin and savoring the moment with a mouthful of her favorite snack.

" Hmm, why didn't you bring something for me... Um, us too ?". Connie asked with a hint of playful jealousy.

" Sorry... It would have been complicated for me to bring a lot, you know". I said, my voice tinged with regret.

" It's okay, Stella. You weren't obligated to do anything". Mikasa reassured me, sending a glare toward Connie.

Connie cleared his throat," Right".

" So, what were you all talking about ?". I wondered, curious about the conversation I had walked into.

" The expedition that is coming near". Armin replied, his expression filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

My eyes widened at the revelation," You are really...".

Mikasa nodded firmly," Yes. We'll be participating in the next expedition as well".

There was a moment of silence as we all absorbed the weight of those words, but the quiet was quickly interrupted by Jean, who had been noticeably distant throughout the conversation.

" Hey, Eren. I heard that as a Titan, you tried to kill Mikasa if Stella hadn't protected her. Mind explaining yourself ?". Jean demanded, his voice laced with tension and concern.

Eren gulped, looking nervously around at everyone scrutinizing gazes.

" That's wrong. Eren was trying to kill a fly...". Mikasa attempted to interject, trying to defend Eren.

" I didn't ask you". Jean retorted sternly, cutting her off before she could finish.

Eren and Mikasa fell silent, caught off guard by Jean's harsh tone. I could understand why he might be stressed and angry, given the dangerous situations we constantly found ourselves in, but it still felt a little too harsh.

" Say, Mikasa. That wound on your cheek seems pretty deep, and I suppose that your shoulder must be painful, Rox". Jean stated, looking at us with concern etched on his face.

Mikasa quickly placed her hair in front of her cheek to hide the wound, while I put my hand on my shoulder, trying to downplay the discomfort. 

" My shoulder is fine now...". I muttered, trying not to show any weakness.

After all, it wasn't entirely a lie. The doctor had assured me that my shoulder was healing well, and there were no serious issues.

" I think it's true. In my Titan form, I tried to kill Mikasa, and I've hurt Stella in the process". Eren admitted, his voice tinged with guilt.

Jean huffed," So you don't really remember it, huh ? In other words, you weren't aware you had that power until now, and you lack the means to control it".

Eren nodded, looking both honest and ashamed," Yeah, that's right".

" Hear that, guys ? That's the situation we're in. Our lives and mankind are in his hands. We'll probably die without Eren ever knowing, just like Marco did". Jean stated, his frustration evident.

I could understand Jean's point, but Eren didn't deserve to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders.

" Jean, why are you driving Eren into a corner like this ?". Mikasa asked him, her voice steady but with a hint of concern.

" You know, Mikasa... Not everyone can blindly die for Eren like you without anything in return". Jean retorted, a touch of bitterness in his tone.

" Jean". I frowned disapprovingly.

" No, Estella. We have the right to know... what exactly we're risking our lives for. Otherwise, we'll waver at the moment of truth. We expect something out of Eren. Let us know what to expect and whether it's worth our lives". Jean said, his eyes determined.

" Then, you should expect something from me too ?". I inquired, crossing my arms.

Jean paused for a moment, clenching his jaw before he spoke," That's right. We're seriously counting on you two, okay ?".

His words put immense pressure on us.

" Yeah...". Eren replied quietly, his voice almost a whisper.

" I would do all I could not to disappoint anyone, but I'm not God. I won't always be able to do everything, and neither will Eren. So I hope you won't make us carry the weight of the world". I stated firmly, wanting Jean to understand the gravity of his expectations.

Jean's eyes widened in surprise, perhaps realizing the burden he was putting on us. Without saying anything more, I took Eren's hand and walked outside of the building with him.

" What is it ?". Eren asked curiously, his eyes filled with intrigue.

I turned around, a smile playing on my lips as I presented the delicate trinket to him. It was one of the brooches Petra had given me, meant to bring good luck for our upcoming expedition.

" Petra brought it for us," I explained." She told me that it was meant to protect us and bring us good fortune on our first expedition".

Eren studied the brooch for a moment before nodding appreciatively. He carefully placed it inside his jacket pocket, a gesture of gratitude for the thoughtful gift.

" I will go thank her later. Thank you for giving it to me". Eren said sincerely.

I nodded, feeling a sense of warmth between us," Of course. Hey, I hope what Jean said didn't put you under too much stress".

He looked down, his expression somber as he let out a sigh," Well... In a way, he's right. The mission ahead is daunting, and the weight of our responsibilities can be overwhelming at times".

Instinctively, I reached out and gently took his hand, urging him to look at me," It's okay, Eren. I have faith in you, and I know you can do it. And remember, you're not alone in this. You can count on everyone, on me, to help and support you every step of the way".

His eyes met mine, gratitude shining in them," Thank you, Stella. You can count on me too, whenever you need me".

As we stood there, hand in hand, a serene calm settled over us. 

With a soft smile, I breathed in the cool evening air, cherishing this moment of peace before the storm. Eren's grip on my hand tightened, as if silently vowing to stand together through whatever challenges lay ahead. And in that unspoken promise, I found solace.

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