hogwarts preferences

By mywildimaginationn

22.1K 248 55

Preferences of all my favourite Hogwarts boys. This list includes: - Harry Potter - Ron Weasley - Draco Malfo... More

1. How You Meet
2. Sneaking Around
3. Studying
4. Yule Ball
5. First Date
6. Weekends
7. Love Triangles
8. PDA
9. When You're Broken Up
10. Sharing a Bed (Not Dating)
11. You Sit In His Lap
12. Everyone Knows But You
13. Bedroom Headcanons
14. When You're Crying
15. How He Talks About You
16. The Muggle-World
17. Your Taylor Swift Album
18. He Forgets Something
19. You're Dating Someone Else
20. You Fall Asleep On Him
21. Party Games
22. Love Languages
23. Your 'Emails I Can't Send' Song
24. Ditching Class
25. Friendly Touch (Crushing)
26. He's Drunk
27. You're Drunk
29. House Parties
30. Classes Together
31. Your 'SOUR' Song
32. You're a Griffyndor
33. You're a Hufflepuff
34. You're a Ravenclaw
35. You're a Slytherin
36. He's Jealous
37. You Wear His Clothes
38. Their Compatible Type (MBTI)
39. How You Hug
40. Your Debut Taylor Swift Song
41. You're On Your Period
42. Height Difference
43. He Gives You a Hickey
44. You Give Him a Hickey
45. Your 'Fearless' Song
46. When You're Anxious
47. He Distracts You
48. He Realises He Loves You
49. Enemies To Lovers
50. Your 'Speak Now' Song
51. He Tries To Hide His Feelings
52. His Favourite Hook Up Spot
53. He Takes Your Virginity
54. You Take His Virginity
55. Your 'Red' Song
56. You Catch Him Staring
57. He Catches You Staring
58. Trauma
59. Rumours
60. Your '1989' Song
61. He Meets Your Family
62. You Meet His Family
63. When You're Jealous
64. You're In The Hospital Wing
65. Your 'Reputation' Song
66. You're Injured
67. First Fight
68. Your Friend Group
69. You Distract Him
70. Your 'Lover' Song
71. After Graduation
72. Your 'You Signed Up For This' Song
73. Romance Trope
74. Christmas Traditions
75. Your 'Folklore' Song

28. Making Things Official

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By mywildimaginationn

Harry Potter:

While everyone in your year knew that you and Harry were practically dating at this point, it seemed that the boy was still unsure of whether or not you had true feelings for him. Ron had been telling him to make things official with you for the longest time, though Harry was only slowly building up the courage to do so. One night in the common room, Harry asked you question after question, trying to figure out if you wanted a long-term relationship or if you were just flirting with him for fun. Eventually, you grew tired of his questioning and said, 'Are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend or not?' to which he went red in the face and replied, 'I was getting there.' It was quite a funny way to kick off your relationship, especially when you recounted the story to Ron since he expected things to work out that way.

Ron Weasley:

It wasn't until one night by the common room fire that you and Ron stayed up late chatting. You rested your head in his lap as he held your hand, the two of you laughing and discussing the most random things that came to mind. It wasn't until there was a lull in the conversation that Ron cleared his throat and asked you, 'What are we?' That's when the two of you had a serious conversation about your relationship. Until that moment, it was something that the two of you often danced around. At least he was the brave one to bring it up, leading to the two of you finally starting the beginning of your relationship.

Draco Malfoy:

You and Draco were the 'will they, won't they' pairing of your year. Draco vowed to his friends that he would never be with someone like you, yet he would appear heartbroken whenever he saw you laughing with someone else. Eventually, he reached a breaking point and couldn't bear the torment any longer, so he asked you to be his girlfriend. While you were surprised by his request, you felt a slight disappointment when you learned that his motivation was mostly based on the fact he didn't want to see you with other people. However, as you entered the relationship, Draco showed you that he wanted you in every way, proudly showing you off and caring for you in ways you never knew you needed.

Fred Weasley:

You and Fred weren't officially together, but when you overheard him referring to you as his girlfriend in front of his friends, you felt it was time to have a serious conversation about your relationship. When you confronted him about it later, he backtracked and claimed it was accidental, and he barely even remembered saying it. After a lengthy discussion, you both came to realize that you wanted to be in a relationship with each other. It just took one slip of the tongue to bring your feelings to the surface.

George Weasley:

George would try to ask you to be his girlfriend in a way that didn't make him sound needy or desperate. He was worried about getting rejected, so he tried to ask you casually whether or not you wanted to date him. While he held his breath for your response, it was the first time in your life that you had ever seen George Weasley nervous. Of course, you toyed with him a bit, pretending as if you needed a moment to properly decide. Though the longer you took, the more he realised that you were messing with him and proceeded to beg you for your answer. You just gave him a sly smile, saying 'I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if we were together'. His expression softened as he began to smile

Neville Longbottom:

It took a long time for you and Neville to officially become a couple, mostly because he was afraid of being rejected. It wasn't until you practically shouted that you liked him that he finally believed you wanted to be in a relationship with him. When other people told him about your feelings, he didn't believe it - he never imagined it in his wildest dreams. After getting tired of dropping hints and subtle flirting, you realized that the only way to get his attention was to be straightforward and tell him the truth. At least your direct approach made it clear that you liked him romantically, otherwise you might never have gotten together.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric was incredibly sweet and romantic when he asked you to be his girlfriend. He bought you flowers and arranged to meet you in your special spot - it was almost as if he was inviting you to a ball. While it might have been a bit cheesy, you understood that it was just Cedric's way and you appreciated the gesture wholeheartedly. It was at that moment that the two of you embarked on one of the most beautiful and enchanting relationships you could ever have imagined... his romantic side seemed to always find its way to woo you.

Newt Scamander:

You and Newt dated each other for a considerable amount of time before he finally asked you to be official. The two of you would spend quality time alone together, going on dates or simply enjoying each other's company while working together. Your friends would often ask when the two of you would finally become a couple, and your usual response was that you weren't entirely sure. Eventually, Newt gathered the courage to ask you to be in a relationship, and your answer was a resounding yes, accompanied by a sigh of relief. Everyone in your lives was relieved to see you together officially, as they had been eagerly awaiting this development and were glad they wouldn't have to wonder anymore.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian had been begging you to be his girlfriend for a long time before you finally gave in and said yes. The two of you were well aware of your feelings towards each other (judging by the secret hook-ups and affection towards each other behind closed doors) though it was you who wasn't sure if Sebastian would take a proper relationship seriously. You thought he was asking you to be his girlfriend as one of his silly jokes for the longest time. Though eventually, you started to see his sincerity and gave in to his desperate pleas. Besides, you thought it would be fun to tell people that he begged for your attention for weeks before you finally said yes. While Sebastian wasn't a fan of how you told the story, he was just glad that all his hard work finally paid off and earned him that yes.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis makes it clear from the beginning that he's not the casual dating kind of guy. You could tell from the moment you started liking him that he was going to be boyfriend material rather than just a fleeting high school crush. After your first date, he began to worry that if he didn't make things official with you, he'd spend his entire time at Hogwarts pining for you and having to watch you from a distance. He recognized right away that you were the one, and he didn't want to let you slip away.

Garreth Weasley:

You had been worrying about mixed signals from Garreth over the past few weeks now, unsure of whether his affection and compliments were due to him being your friend or because he liked you romantically. While it hurt sometimes to think that his feelings were strictly platonic, Garreth was secretly planning something big to ask you to be his girlfriend. One random and unsuspecting day in study hall, sent fireworks into the sky of the Great Hall, the sparks arranging them into a phrase that made your heart skip a million miles an hour. Your eyes fell on Garreth who stood with a cheesy grin and a bouquet of flowers in front of you. While the grand gesture may have lost him house points, he was just glad that the entire school was now fully aware that you were taken.

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