18. He Forgets Something

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Harry Potter:

You had spent the entire day with Harry—meals, classes, study time... he even walked you to every class and waited for you at the door when class was over. Though considering this was a day-to-day occurrence, you had just assumed that doing the same thing on the day of your anniversary just meant that he didn't feel like doing anything special.

With every passing hour, you had hoped he would surprise you when you saw him at the door of the classroom, but alas, it was the same smiling and clueless Harry every time. He had noticed over the course of the day that you seemed to be growing sadder and sadder, though he couldn't exactly pinpoint the reason why. He tried to cheer you up with lighthearted jokes and distracting conversation... but nothing could distract you from the fact that he had forgotten your special day.

It wasn't until you skipped dinner that Harry was truly concerned about your well-being. He winced as Hermione's book flew into the back of his head, scolding him for his forgetfulness.

"Harry James Potter, how could you forget such an important day?" Hermione huffed, her arms crossed over her chest.

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at Hermione, clearly confused. "What are you talking about?"

Hermione let out an exasperated sigh. "Today is your anniversary."

Realization dawned on Harry's face, and he turned to you, looking apologetic. "Wait, seriously? I can't believe I forgot."

The next time you heard from Harry was when someone in your dorm mentioned that he was waiting in the common room for you. You were pleased to see that he stood with a bouquet of flowers and your favorite sweets from Honeydukes.

"I know it doesn't make up for forgetting, but I hope these make you smile."

You hurried back to your room, grabbing the gifts you had stashed away for him under your bed. The two of you spent the last few hours of curfew together, giggling and joking in the common room. As you shared the moment, you realized that even though Harry had forgotten the anniversary, his genuine remorse and the effort he put into making it right spoke volumes about how much he cared. Sometimes, it's the little mishaps that reveal the true strength of a relationship.

Ron Weasley:

The excitement of your upcoming birthday was tinged with growing disappointment as the hours of the day passed. You had hoped that Ron, your boyfriend, would remember and acknowledge your special day, but as the morning turned to afternoon, it became clear that he had forgotten.

The final straw came during lunchtime when Ron chatted away about Quidditch and classes, completely oblivious to the date. You couldn't bear it any longer. Pushing your plate away, you stood abruptly from the Gryffindor table. Your heart was heavy with hurt and frustration, and without a word, you stormed out of the Great Hall.

Ron watched you go, his brow furrowing in confusion. He turned to Hermione, who had been observing the situation with a knowing look on her face.

"What's her problem?" Ron muttered, his appetite suddenly gone.

Hermione sighed, looking at him pointedly. "I think you know, Ron."

The rest of the day was a blur for Ron. Everywhere he turned, he seemed to be met with disapproving looks and shaking heads. It was as if the entire castle knew what he had done... everyone except for him. He continued to rack his brain, attempting to figure out what he could have possibly done to have made so many enemies.

Eventually, he confronted you in the common room, asking you exactly what he had done wrong. You sighed, finally turning to face him. Your eyes were a mix of anger and hurt, and Ron felt a pang in his chest at the sight.

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